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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1934, p. 6

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PAGE S~X THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVmI.,E, THURSDAY, JULY Sih, 1934 t ~ Mr. Neil Wood, Orono, and Miss day afternoon a good program 0of HAMPTONj Frankie Wood. Oshawa, were Sun-1 BLACKSTOCK sports was given, and in the evening COURTICE e day visitors at Mr. J. L. Johns a splendid supper was given by the0 Mr. A. Bruce, Midiand, was a Sun- ladies of the congregation; and at MsV.WlhTontoidy Mrs. Braund, Oshawa visited re- day visitor at the Misses Horn's, Miss Miss Dorothy Stephens is visiting night, a Most delightful and amus- MssV esTrothldy lative., hère. Alice Creeper and Miss Margaret friends in Blackstock. ing play, "The Adventures 0f Grand- ed with Mrs. S. Welsh over the week- Mr. and Mrs. H. Avery, IngersoUl, Lane. Toronto macle a short visit Mr. and Mrs. George Nesbitt were pa" a visted relatives. * th en loonMnay eeedgwasofMs.Fak r-presented by the Young end.is a atr oot il Mr.h eWaoJo.MIncyh, ekendogests siMrs Fran Cr0-People of Port Perry United Church.CMies Han Wthe eTrnwt Bbe Mr.W.J.Inc, eson iste ~ Misses Meta and Molly and Mr zier wt The Successful 84th Anniversary of olgsetteweedwt e home on Sunday. . Harry Brown, Mr. Jack Thompson: Miss Jessie Knox is holida3iflg w St. John's Anglican Church was one parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eve. Walter. Mrs.MaryMaso, Oshaw, isVI, Toronto. Miss Marion Trevail. Osh- parents, Mr, and Mrs. Knox at Ham- of several well-directed celebrations M.adMs .Jhsnadsn iting relatives here. awa, spent the weekend with Misses ptori. in Cartwright's Centennial year. Bobbie, and Barrie were with Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. John Williams, Osh- Marjorie and Edith Pascoe. Miss Eva Parr, Toronto spent the Mrs. Creighton Devitt's home was Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mra. anrdA etr'MrRrayo,.saaa a Mr.a rs. wtnEa. lOsh-le esrT. hber mother, Mrs. Robt the meeting place for the A. Y. P. A. Gearing for the holiday. awa. adMr. . PTlr,'.waawMr. and Mrs. e .tonEgar. Os- Parrd. ithof St. John's Church on Thursday Masters Billy and Freddie Sibbitt were at Mr. A. Trull's. Solina, Mrs. Mary Rundie and son, Miss Mabel Argue and Miss Bes- evening, June 28th. Following the spent the weekend with t.heir cousin Mr. Win. Joliffe, Lindsay, called onl Roy, Maple Grove, were Sunday sie Fee are visiting Mr, and Mrs. N. hymn Rev. Dr. C. E. Whittaker read Glenn Reynolds, and Master John f riends here on Sunday. visitors al Mr. E. E. Horn's. Darcy. a portion of the scripture and Mr Sibbitt holdy wtMaerFd Mr. Frank Hastings, Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. W. McMillan, Peter- Mr. and Mrs. W. Swain, Manitoba Laverene Devltt, President of the Adams. spent a few days at home. [boro, Mr. & Mrs. A. McGlashamn and are visiting Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Van- Association offered prayer. Following On Sunday, July lst. Adjutant Bo- Mr. Ed. Haggith, Bow,.manville, f amily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan i Camp. the discussion of business, was the wen was to have been introduced to visited at Mrs. Levi Robbins. Law and daughter. Whitby, were Mr. and Mrs. S. Swaif and f amily program which was in charge of Miss the Courtice Corp o! the Salvation Miss A. Rowe, Toronto, visited guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. Trull on motored to Lindsay and Peterboro Eveln Devitt and Miss Marion Army, but car trouble intervened and her brother. Mr. Thos. Rowe. Sunday. on Sunday. Argue. Those taking part were: Mrs. the Adjutant arrived in time to meet Mrs. Lena Hoidge, Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Langmaid and Miss Demnpsey. Stratford. visited T. Smith who read the poemn "Cart- onily the ladies who were discussing visited at Mr. A. B. Fergusons. daughter, Oshawa, Dr. and Mrs. R. her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) McArthur,i wriglit Centennhal" written by Mr. the time o! the annual picnic at pre- Miss Laura Virtue, Torouto, was a Davis and famnily, Oshawa, Mr. and cver the weekend. R. L. Werry, Montreal; Miss Evelyn sent set for July, l8th. The previous holiday visitor al Mr. A. E. Billett's. Mrs. George Edger and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George Wright Dev- Devitt who gave a paper on "Cart- week saw the beginning o! the Cour- Miss B. Sargent, Bowmanville, was Courtice, were guests at Mr. H. W. itt, Arnaud. Manituba. are visiting wright" and a readding on "Fifty tice Corp as a separate unit, and it is with f riends on Sunday and Mon- Wiîcox's. Mrs. S. A. Devitt. Years Ago,, was delivered by Mrs. hoped that the debit and credit sides day. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hodgson, Ty- Miss Vera Forder, and Miss Eva Arthur Bailey. These items were es- o! the books will be made to balance Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jenn.ings, Osh- rone,~ Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Mortlock Brown spent the weekend with Mrs. pecially arranged to stress the re- more creditably in the future. Mrs. awa. visiteci Mr. and Mrs. S. Will- 1 and children. Mr. Geo. Pritchard 1 J. Dobson. Uxbridge. cently celebrated Cartwright Cen- John Aldworth, Sergt. Major, will be iams. an iss Helen and Lillian, Bow- Mr. and Mrs. W. Reynolds, Mr. tennial. Dr. C. E. Whittaker asked in charge o! the Sumday School as Mr. and Mrs. Farn, Toronto, spent manville, an Mrs. T. HI. Gibbs and Roy Reynolds were with friends ntqetos in acnet n h previously, with the diference that the weekend and holiday at Mr. F. May o! Tyrone, visited with Mr. and Port Hope on Sunday. winners of "An Old Saying" contest she, and not the Adjutant of Bow- Flory's. Mrs. Wm. Chapman. Miss Florence McLaughlifl, Tor- supervisçci by Miss Evelyn Devitt, manville Corp, will be responsible to Rev. and Mrs. Semnple, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Heys, Misses onto is spending a f ew days with her were Mrs. T. Smith and Mr. Cecil Headquarters. were entertained at the parsonage onl Jessie and Eleanor Heys, Miss Con parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc- Hamilton. Lunch was served to the The Sunbeam Mission Band held Mmda.J.CepradsnBet McKay, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- Laughlin. thirty-five present, and the meeting its last meeting of this terni on Wed- Mrs J. acquantan es on et ence Tink and !amiiy, Maple Grove, Blackstock girls played Prince Ai- was closed by the customary singing nesday, June 27th, with President Toronto renewed aqanacso Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe. Mr. and be.,t in a basebail gaine on June 29. o! "Auld Lang Syne." Marie Salt in the chair. The open- Monday., Mrs. H. E. rink, Mm., R. J. and Miss The local girls defeated Prince AI- ,in1ym ndte-od' 1ae Mr LviRettie adth swigRuth McKessock, Solina, Miss Elva bert 33-11.ISA E were led by Miss Sadie Muir. Scrip- machine, cutting a supply of wood, Pascoe, Zion, were Sunday guests o! Miss E. Brown o! the Continuation SA E ture reading was taken by Marie on Saturday. Ms agrtPso.Sho tf a etfrOe on Salt. Watch Tower Heralds were tak- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cryderman, MisoMararetPasoe.icnos saffMassestAor wenttun Bowmanville, visited with relatives Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Northcutt and where she wll spend a few days of Cnrtltost isA utr en by Catherine Lowe and Lorraine bere on Sunday. f amily. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Stocker hier vacation, on attainmng ber R. N. degree. Antil. Sec'y Ethel Wilkins read the Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Barron and and Berniece, Miss Ada Allin, Bow- Due to the Anniversary services o! Church service will be resumed minutes and Miss Muir conducted daughter, Greta, Toronto, visited at manville, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence St.. John's Anglican Church; there bere next Sunday at the usual bour. the business. If was decîded f0 con- Mr Go.Brrn~.Tink and family, Maple Grove, Miss was no evening service in the United Mrs. Stitch of Toronto is enjoying tinue the present method o! raising Mr e.Bro'.holidays with her cousin, Mms. G.fus.twaasodcedntf Mrs. Bant, Oshawa is staying with Reva McGill, Enniskillen, Misses El- Church last Sunday. hold a pIcnic ths year. edngs MiS lIaiwoI oehtva and Irene and Mr. Luther Pas- The W. M. S. o! Blackstock United Corniisb. odapeithsyr.Rdng MnroveS. illiast h ssmw coe, Zion, Dr. Albert AlUin and Miss Church will hold their monthiY Mr. Walter Branch and son. Osh-~ by Frances Reynolds and Hilda De- iMr. ad n Mm . olradbb Dorothy Kirkton, Toronto, Misses meeting at Mrs. N. Mountjoy's on awa, were holiday visitors with Mr. venish cased much laughter. Miss Tor.n, vs. L.d ber pants, Mr Helen Baker, Evelyn Tink, Ruth Mc- Wednesday, July llth. and Mms. J. Branch. Mi aea coda oo n Torn oMrs W. H. r ay eM. Kessock, Messrs. Bruce Tink and Ar- A hearty welcome is given Rev. and Salem so!tbail team were victors later told an interesting story. Miz- adMs NaomIl.ru teGary.vnt thur Blanchard, Solina, spent Sun- Mrs. Hl. J . Bell and their two chUl- over Maple Grove team al a game at pah beniediction closed the meeting. ed the Misses Horn and bther re- day with Misses Marjorie and Edith deM.arter esl. n u mSstHxn hnon tesn hld. Sut latives over the weekend.I Pascoe. be one o! great interest and delighf Marlia.S re and cild r paout Cogatltin f r.ad r»to them.CaoiaU.Sarvstigbrp- CADMUS HilongPterations te brt.oandMsn Miss Mabel Argue, teacher o! De-~ ents. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Stephens. ait owmate nvi heositl. sn COLLACUTT PICNIC vitt's School, entertalned Miss Olive Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel and Miss C owngratltiositastr i VanCamp and the pupils of Arher~s J. Hooper, Rochester, N. Y., Mis. F. Miss Verna White is visiting at Toru uaonsg bisItrducwis A re-union o! the annual Colacutt School teo a Picmic recently. The Couch, town, Mr. and Mrs. Newsome Mr J. Carr's, Lotus. Ecams in piano, with honors. Picnic will be held at the Elliott afternoon's sports included races and and son and daughter, Oshawa, were Mrs. Levi McGill bas been visit- Mr. and Mms. Richards, Mms. F'an- Mmra ak apoWde-gms holiday guests with Mr. and Mrs. G. ing friends in Toronto. ny Clarke. Mrs. Hattie JolI, Toronto, day, July l8th. Mr. Eldon Eckel and the pupils Cornish. Misr, h bs s rl for berpaent's homl eae -o! Blackstock Public School enjoyed Master Douglas Plad h a hrl o e aet oea visited at Mr. L. Cryderman's. I a picnic and sports to bringt been with bis grandparents. Mr. and Orono. Mr. and Mrs. N. MeNally and SCHOOL REPORTS successfuî close the school yr.Mr. Mrs. C. Pollard and attending school Mr. and Mrs. H. Galbraith, and daughter Verna, and !riend, were 1______a__________helontipis________alraih____edre guesfs at Mr. W. W. Horn's. e Eckel bas gone te Clifford, where he ere, Bsngain ktaken the o tnpaMiss iMar oorieGalbaif istde will spend bis vacation,.eBso re esedtehoi aie nOooo udy Mr. and Mrs. John Willis, Mr. ENFIELD The Young People o! Blackstock days wth bis parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Mountaoy Lloyd Willis and Miss Cowper, Tor- --Untd huc gveteir A goodly number of our citizens and Mr. Arthur Stapleton attended ont, iste a Mr J ClWfls. Promotion Examinations: play "Mary Made Some Marmialad, were in attendance at Hampton an- the Anniversary Services at Haydon. Mr. and Mis. Ernest Alsister, Fen-' r I oI--elM Culoc H), a aldf nJn 7b lc-niversary services on Sunday and Miss Helen Fowler and ber pupils elon Falls, and three daughtems were Elaine Ormiston (H, Bill Gilroy stock girls played against Bethany enjoyed two very excellent addresses will enjoy a picnic as guests o! Mis Sunday visitors at Mr. E. Billett's. I Mr ad rs A J Rynld, -toSr Ii(P). ilo girls in basebaîl and were defeated by Dr. Semple of Belleville, and also Gladys Cobbledick and bier pupils at Mr ndMs A .RenldTr- J.I IIloS.IIFreGlo 13-1(). the fine singing by the S. S., and on Mahood's School on July 6tb. onto, visted Miss Edna Reynold H, G race Stark (P). Mrs. S. A. Devitt gave a dinner Monday a fine lineup of sports, Mrs. E. Smith Ferguson and Miss and Miss M. Pascoe on Tuesday. Sr. II to Jr. III-Mary McCulloch party for a few o! bier f riends on band music and a well rendered play Colette Ferguson spent the weekend' Mms. McMaster and daughter, An- (H). Walter Ormisten (P). Thursday, June 28th. Among those to top it off. with Mr. and Mrs. A. McGill. Mr nie and son James, Zion, were also Sr. I to Jr. II-Aileen Rahm (H), present were: Mr. J. H. Devitt, Mrs. î~--------- McGill continues in poor health. visitors al their home on Sunday. Donald Samis (P), Carl Henry (P). G. Fallis, Mrs. A. Taylor, and Mr. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. G. Devitt, Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Robbins and Jr. I to Sr. I-Fay Gilroy (H). and Mrs. George Wright Devitt o!f Rundie and !amily, Toronto, Mr. and Pau.ine Lekar, wre rimr-HlenRah. Anau, Mn. rs.J. ello! orotois isiingMrs Harvey Ginn and f!amily were daugbterPalnLsad ee Pie-ee amAradMa.MsJ.BlofTrno svitg Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Sunday visitors al Mr. F.J. Groat's. i1(H) means Honours; (P) Pass. Amnong those attending Military Miss- K. Deacon. James Ginn. Mr. and Mvrs. Wilbur Burnett, i Ella M. Tamblyn, teacher.i Camp in Port Hope this month are: Mr. Orial Edgerf on bas gone to Mr. and Mrs. D. Davldson, Miss! Stou!!ville, Mr. and Mrs. Tamblyn,I Captain Foster Ferguson, Lieut. Military Camp at Port Hope.N.MLuhian MrS.Fg- Orono, visiied relatives on Sunday. ICharles Venning; Stan Williams, Miss Glaclys Pbilp is rapidly re- sn Mchaaghis a n Mr S.ergu- Mrs. Hilda Gunn, and son, Ray- CROOKED CREEK SCHOOL Percy Hamilton, Hector Gould, Orr covering after a severe il]riess. ton. Peferboro, Mr. and Mrs. C. Fer- mond, Rochester, are visiting ber i xjsnpng, Orial Edgerfon, William Mr. and Mms. Wilford Jackson vis- guson and Sydney Ferguson spent parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Clarke. i Midsummer Examinations; naines Barnes and several others. ited f riends in Uxbnidge on Sunday. Sunday with Mr. D. C. Ferguson. Mms. Ida Tennant and son, Bruce, in order o! menit; Honours 75% or Rev. and Mrs. M. Sanderson, and Miss Gladys McKee is visiting bier Wa ih aebe aa Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Theophilus ovei, Pass 6O<IC or over. Master Roy Sanderson, Toronto, are parents Mr. and Mis. Robt. McKee. aet mthed eou luckiayforaa Salter, Mimico, visited with relaf-acieturdot cklfra an Ms.HaryBid nd From Beginners f0 Jr. Pr.-,Clar- visiting ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Doak and Miss Marjorie Nes- pariy of four young men late last ivs ence Farrow, Sybil Hoskin. S. Swain. Mr. Sanderson will leave butt visited their mother, Mrs. . week.Th car belonging to the young Magr. Margaret, Ham io ndee1Pimer to Jr. I-Joyce MacArth- shortly for Presquile, where he will. Nesbitt. People f rom Lotus crashed over the hday visitoars ! r. S.amit.ont-er ur, hon; Helen Dutchak, pass; Don- conduct a Summer School. He will Mrs. T. Rahin, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- edge o! the pond bridge and destroy- joly's C. r r S T out ald Burley, absent. Oce.hn later conduct a second Suifiner thur Hulbert motored te Niagara for e h o !teatmbl.h toJr I--AlenSchool on Manitoba Island. the weekend. occupants escaped with very io Mr .H. Burrows and sister, Mrs. Eileen Farrow, hon; Lois Turner, Very hearty congratulations are Miss Ruby Veale. Toronto spent ijre.adwr bet otne M. ooinn nddagber Luiehon: FrancLs Hale, pass. . extended to Miss Agnes Whittaker. 1thie weekend with ber f ather, Mr. their journey. viste Mr ad rs.Alan arer Jr I teSr I-Jen ale hn;nurse-in-tralning al Oshawa Hos- A. H. Veale. The teen-age girls o! the young Montreal. Pso !Trno r n Jean White, hon; Lloyd Burley, pas.5 pital, and daughter o! Rev. and Mrs. Mrs. Stan Gray, Ochre Lake, Man- pol' egeo amu ntd Mrs. C. aceoTootM.nd Sr. II to Jr. III-Raymond Gil-C.E htae.Ansotie sitbsvstngM.nd r W -1pol' Lguof ad sUied Mrs. oy Mtcalfe an famiy, hn. C E. Wittaer. Anes btaind 15 itoa, isvisiinguM. an Mrs.Wes-Chura arnngeda picictfr eth Mr. oyMecafean fmiymer, bn and 2nd prizes in a group o! f ive ley Campbell. tenaeby nIaudy ue3 Maple Grove, were visitons ai Mr. A. Sr. III f0 Jr. IV-Lillian Hale, given prizes. She received a came o!f Young People's League o! Nestleton tena1by nStraJn 0 Tneoub'.bon; Lewis Stone, hon; Laurence instruments for bighest standing in' United Church will be closed for thema tile. C eo aenley Ca p Bow Mr. Wmn. Short, Mr. and Mrs. F Gilmer, bon: John Thompson. pa.ss. the class; and for general proficiencY summer montiis. inmane. The aenoognsw as pnt R. Kerslake, Miss Greta Wickett, Entrance-Billie Hoskin. hon. in practical work, a razor in a silver Mrs. J. Forder wbo has been ser- i thelaing baeaîl and gines. Mnyh Bomnil.vstdMrs. Bessie V-Dorothy Ogden, bon. case. i ously i11 in a Toronto Hospital, was werethreiensopizsntU Robbins on Sunday. Note-Entrance and* V Classes will Mrs. Oscar Grahamn gave ber home; reported somewhat worse.rae.Lnhwsevd yteoug Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wheeler, try departmenfal examinafions at'orameig!thWmnsAu-IM.CciWisn nd agte ladies and a theatre party was held Scaboo.MisesHeenBakrEv- Orono. I iliary o! Blackstock United Church Una and Gwen spent the weekendatigt lyn Tink, and Ada Allin, were guests Eleaxior N. Anderson, teacher. onTidyeeig ue2t.Tewt isMeLmEnsiln The final meeting o! the Young o! Miss Edna Reynolds._____ ____ *. People's League was held on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. E. Laird, Oshawa, v.,-~oional exercises by the president, Mr. and Mrs. J. McDowell and day night, June 28th. Miss Gladys 'meeting was opened with the de- daughters Dorothy and Violet, Tor- obeikPrsdnw nchg.l _____________________TYRONE Mrs. W. Archer. Plans were macle tf0 onto have been visiting Mr. and ThCobbleik, Prsidnt, was ncarge. --v elcome Rev. H. Bell, !ormerly o! Mrs. Arthur Hulbert.I ducted by Mr. H. Galbraith featured1 Rueportoa .inafiN .1: Trn.Hatngs who is taking over Rev. F. Miss Marlon Taylor spent a few a prayer circle. Those taking part in Jr. V t Sr IVBily Svag 839. ewel'scharge. A falk on the; days in Oshawa. on Friday shefr trie rganwih adnagdb Radio Hit.sV-ill Svag 8.911'Making of Scrap-books" was gven brIntermediate Piano Examinat- ~r R8.5 oberis 74.7, Lloyd ow.9arryc-and Cecil Gibson favored wit.h a voc- i rn and Mrns. ank Mlcol Mr. e lrithilpwho s gave ed Cambes 7., Lod Mo 72.9, 67.8,al duet 'When If's Lamp Lighting; visited the latters sister, Miss C. a neaMringeranMn. and Mrs H.gave-i Caaopiels 7f0teAirssaves Ea Yorke66.86.Time in The Valley." Miss Lela Curie on Sunday. Miss Currie is bradi whoangaM.easingdueH . al Favorite of the ir Wave Eva Yore 61.6.Mounfjoy gave a reading "Values." holidaying at a cottage near Janet- Lau ilr-pntefis eki No nSokicuig Sr. III f0 Jr. IV-Murray Tabb' Lunch was served to the f ifty pre- iviU.Lau ille.Spebre-pntefis eki NwnStc nudg: 888, Gladys Bradley 72, Howard sent by Mrs. Harvey Ginn's group. The anfîcs o! a sn«apmg tunfle ThSetember. R-Uio hl "Little Man You've Had a Bradley 71.2, Verna McRoberts 68.3, On Tuesday af ternoon, June 26th captured f nom the pond have been o!. in Hampton Memorial Park was ai- Busy Day" Marion Prescoti 66.8, Lillian McRob- Mrs. Arthur Bailey and Mrs. F. A. great interest and amusement totede by 110. Dunîng the course o! "Stand Up and Cheer" erts 64, Amtie Thompson 64.6, Iva Bailey were hostesses ai a Silver some o! the villagers o! Southi Nest- thie a! ternoon a basebaîl gaine was "Meldy I sprng"Campibell 45.5. Tea in theie nterests o! thie Wo- leton. . lyc:temnidlde sti "Mld nSrn"Sr. II to Jr. lîl-Lorne Yeo 83.1, men'sAuxilthe o! t. , metingi!etrieLadie me' uiir fS.John's An- Monthly meigo h ais single ladies. The boys pre.sent f rom "Waiting at thie Gate forT Joyce Jordcn 82, Aileen Bradley 79, glican Church. Mms. F. A. Bailey op,- [Aid o! Nestlefon Presbyterian Churcb Toronto !ormed a feain and playeci Katy"1 Winnie Brooks 69, Roy Prescotf 65.5. ened ber home for the occasion. Thie1 will be.held ai the home of Mrs. M. againsit te othen boys present. In "Moonlight Parade" Sr. I1 t Jr. II-Lawrence Tabb 83, opening hymn 'There's A Green Mountjoy on Thumdcay evening,thraete olin weepz- "Bte igr"Yvonne Byam 75.2. Helen Smith 74. Hill Fan Away" was !oliowed by an July Sfh.thraete olwn wr pi- Primer te Sn. I-Marie Thompson, interesting solo by Miss Susie Van The Sunday, July 8fh service o! ins n esmislydgirl acinnwongot "My Little Grass Shack" Charlie Campbell, Breta Collacuft -x-t o-am.,ns(e.i C. E. Whitfaker trie Orangemen i Blackstock will Gn iihn rii h ne *14 DNFRTHAVNU Cecile Petit.jyc itDsmn. froin distant points who !lrst as- e.H .Na n ie eter hooGrover 7078SrPrteJ.-KirPeraH) Ti84hAnesryoS. John's sembled at trie home of Mr. and Mrs. psoaea CampbelMford. After and John Host 1H) equal, G'wen Anglican Chuncri was eentdo .Smlscm o xtr a-trie supper an addre&s was read and' M.M. *OSNELL. PORT HOPE Caverly (Hi, Gordon Chant (H), Sunday, Juli' 151, and on Monday, lton Toronto; p~eterboro, Fenelon Mrs. Neal was presented wlfh a rose WsdniedoY - 9 a. mn. ta 9 P. m. Lloyd Kensey (H), Irvine Petit, Bob- July, 2nd. In trie mornlng trie Boy Falls, Woodvillle, Pont Perry, Allan- bowl and neflector. The Young oppo@I John Street by Stainton, Hanry Mantyn. Scouts manched to trie church and dale anid Michigan. A deligrifful PeopIe's Society presented Mn. Neal pogjE *M8 or 525J Jr. Pr. te Sr. Pr.-Florence AlUin trie service was in charge o!f te lunch was served at noon and in wlth an address and a beaulful O.~ AtE"COIBOURO 1H), Joyce Cowlng (H), Roy Spry. rector, Rev. Dr. C. E. Whlttaker. trie evenlng on Mn. Frayer's lawn; Parker pen and pendi set. guud. a. m. ta9i.m A te Jr. Pr.-David Craig HRe.F H. Mason, M. A., Newrastle, and a motor launcri hlred for trie Chronlc acld stomacri causes many AAP. Store Jimmie Grant (Rec), June Cowllng Conducted trie evenlng service and affennoon played an Important part Stomacli Troubles. Kink's Stomalka (absent). ~ L ak ece. music for botri occasions was pro- In trie enjoyznenf o! the afternoon. gives qulck relief. McGregor'a Dnug Grce I.awer eahe.vlded by trie church chffir. OnMon- the guests numbered flfty- elght. Store. Mrs. Muriel Symons, Paul and Mn. H. Latbrop spent trie week- Kelvin visited relatives at Welcofle. end at Lighihouse Point, Muskoka. Mr. and Mns. Geo. Fonsyfh Ton- Rev. Capt. S. C. Jarneti, rector of onte, were Sunday visitons wiih Mr. Holy Trinity Chuncri, Oshawa, and and Mrs. Frank Thomas. Jucige o! trie Juvenile Court has a- gain taken a cottage at Bowmanville Mrs. Geo. Perfect and children are Beach for trie sumimer. He WilI con- spending two weeks with Mn. and duci services in Si. John's Churcb Mns. H. Perfect, Cobourg, during part o! trie recfoi"s bolidays, ONE WEEK ONLY - JULY 9tb, 1934 LADIES' DRESSES DRY CLEANED - PRESSED - REFINISHED - 75e each Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent.- Phone 152 The Daly Tea Co, Ltd. Napanee, Ontario WISH TO ANNOUNCE THAT Jury C& Loveli Bowmanville, Ont. ARE NOW HANDLING THEIR TEAS AND COFFEES. JuIy Specials Presenting Rare Savings in Men's, Boys' and Wonien's Depa.rtments MEN'S WORK SHIRTS...........<A«UI p MEN'S FLANNEL PANTS...... $2e50 Up BOYS' SHORTS, in navy blue serge, linen, kahki, blue denim, andi grey flannel. BOYS' SHIRT WAISTS... Ladies' Rats A choice selection of dark and light summer hats - On Sale this week-end at drastically reduced prices, each .69e U1 i ~ 'f c ICo uch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville 1! ATTACK the CAUSE 0F RHEUMATISM RUMACAI S ARE MORE TIuAN A REL.IEF Fîto ' AIN. This scienti- tic formula <»hlchlîis iiot a atIlnt ic) really rTaches the source of ltheumatls n. tlc a' d" depolî> e elmaeifonte joi»ts and muscles and the kldneNs Hand blOod ar leansed of In- purities. One box wlll conince y0u ihat Permanent relief la possible. ARdurlng Ille fSat PAINS DISAPPEAR daY of tetet -~~ Rumacap.. rellpve the pain. white removing the cause, yet they contain no harmiful drugs or nar- toilcs. llundreds of people have testlfied ta the qulck rel ief gl',cn by tiIs effleient remedy. litait the trealment tod<îtv and end Rheumnatlc pain. 13AC KACH ES lnto ired bdane a Ri boon to hOUSeWl>eFs-anml more ta just a temporary -relief. ,euralgi1a ,*eurrtiis, Arthritis, Aching .umbagbuo and ail allled Rheumnatic S CIATICA toubles re<,pond q ulckly to Ruin:,aape Swelings (rom Rhelimatold Artbritîs (JIsappear In most cases wt tt.in-day treatment or less. and ladder cleanseli of Impuritles. H:na-lqglve you new héaItl. and VI O K ID N EY S i roueh thelr e eanslng and crm klli ng action. Many serlous disease., may, be avoidp.j by keeping the kldneya In coud o<rer. A box Of 50 Capsules, more.t hzin two weks' treatment, 1le$1.00. 'itart " ur rfuilnvit todaY-Ask for RUMACAPS REEUMATIC CAPSULES Alex McGregor, Drugs Plhone 92 Prescriptionsa ~SpeeWlaty We Delive K PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIME, THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934

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