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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jul 1934, p. 7

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I SPE-CIAL Friday-Saturday SWEET PEAS Wonderful QuaUty - Genereus Blanches 25c - 2 for 45c Other seasonable flowers at 10w puices. Distinctive Floral Desiging W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP Phone 72 Day or Night Get Your Lawn Mower In Shape We have just received a new IDEAL LAWN MOWER GRINDER with ail the latest iniprove- ments which leaves no gaiess work flow. It grands eutding blade and upper knives t. fit. $1 .00 per niower Repairs are extra. Our 20 years' experience assures you ofsatlsfactory Job. ACETYLENE WELDING of ail klnds done. D. R. Alldread King St. E. Bowmanville ( Druüdger y Let Us Do Your Laundry THRIFT SERVICE 9 lbs. for 75c (Over 9 lbý. er lb.) DRY WASH 12 Ibs. for 75c (Over 12 lbs. 6c per lb.) ->4--- A trial ouder will ConvinCe you this is an economical and satlsfaetouy way of do- lng your laundry. WE CALL ANDI DELIVER W. Marjorafl Phone 478 Rin S. . 1-1Bwmavl _ 1LOCAL & PERSONAL11 Mr. Jack Emnierson speut the weekend with relatives lu Lindsay. Col. R. J. Gui, Brockville, was in town Tuesday r'eviewiug acqusin- tances. Miss E. E. Hayciaf t spent the weekend with her niece, Mis.-,W. F. Biiggs, Myrtle. Miss Mary Tamblyn, Toronto, speut the weelcgMd with Mi. sud Mis. M. W. Tamblyn. Miss Rets T. Bennett speut the weekeud with ber sister, Mis. S. H- French, Toronto. Miss Mariorie Robins, Wellington, was guest o! Miss Marion Picksrd sud other fiends here. Dr. and Mis. Fred W. Cryderman. Detroit, Mich.. are visitiug bis bro- ther, Mr. J. H. Cryderman. Mis. R. M. Jamieson, Mis. H. H. Jamieson, Misses Gladys sud Doris visited relatives at Tais last week. Rev. H. Wilkinson, Haliburton, preacbed bis !arewell sermon on Sunday. His new charge is at Duns- ford. Rev. sud Mis. E. F. Armstrong, sud Miss Margaret Armnstrong aie holidaying with f rieuds lu Western Ontario.1 Mrs. D. S. McGregoî, Miss Helen McGiegoi, B. A., sud Mr. Alex Me- I Giegor visited !rieuds in Wingharn last week. Mr. and Mis. T. E. HigginbotbaM, Nelson, B. C., are visting ber sister, Mis. F. M. Crydeiman, aud other fiiends liere. Mi. sud Mis. Ben Tyeiman, Miss Addie Tyeiman, Miss Nina Melville, Seafoith, speut the weekeud witb their cousin, Mis. Clara Byarn. Mi. sud Mis. Roland Bate, Miss Rose, Robert, Wilred sud Donald Bate were weekeud guests o! Mi. Bate's sister, Mis. Harold Moore, et Ottawa. Mr. sud Mis. C. P. Isiael, Miss Gladys Isîsel and Miss Jennie Hoop- er, Rocliester, N. Y., speut the week- end witi Mi. J B.. Martyn, Mu. J. T. Hooper sud other relatives here. Mi. sud Mis. J. Earl Lawson, Mi. Arthur Tiebilcock, and Mis. H. F. Hutciisou, Toronto, Mi. sud Mis. N. Hamley and Jean, Peterboro, were holiday guests of Mis. P. C. Trebil- rock. John Jury, Fred Neal, 'William James, Boyd Slemon sud Alden Wheeler are oui oying camp life at Camp Kilcoo on GulI Lake near Min- den. The camp Is lu charge o! Chas. Plewman sud Bd. Devltt. Mayor Ross Strike, Cornmissionei T. H. Kuiglit and Manager Geo. E. Chasse o! the Public Utiities Com- mission weîe lu Ottawa last week- end attendiug the convention of the Ontario Municipal Electric Assoc- iation. Mr. sud Mis. Hugli McDonald, Welland, spent tbe weekend witli beri parents, Mi. sud Mis. W. J. Cully, Miss Daisy Cully o! tbe Post Office staff, returued witb themn foi a two weeks' vacation at Welland sud Woodstock. one o! the ploassut event.s of July 2ud was that paiticipated in by Mis. E. Rickard, Centre St. witli ber chlld.ien sud giandchildîeu wben tiey met at Hlgh Park, Toronto, for a .iolly plculc. The familly gatbered f rom Shaw's School. Oshawa, Oak- wood, Belleville, Port Coibourue, Stîatford, Mimico, Bolton Camp and St. Catharines. Mi. Ken Mitchell, sou o! Mi. sud Mis. F. J. Mitchell le! t ou Tuesday for Aylmor wiere ho will take over tie management o! tbe Arcade Chain Stores. For some weeks Ken bas been eruployed in the local Ar- cade store sud his rapid promotion to a position of manager o! the Ayl- mer Store is recognition cf the f im's f aith in hb ability. Word bas been ieceived by Mu. A. H-. Scobell sud Mis. W. J. Hoar o! the death o! their brother, Talbot Cour- tuey Scobell of Chicago, 111., on June 28th. A son o! the late Mr. and Mis. R. W. Scobeil o! Bowmauville. His ashes are beiug brought here for burlal in the famlly Plot in Bowmau- ville Cemteiy. He is survived by bis wile sud eue son. Mi. sud Mis. C. H. Staples sud daughtei. Miss Gertrude Staples, Angusville, Man., sud son, Mi. Ho- ward A. Staples, Saskatoon, Sask., arc visiting Dr. sud Mis. C. W. Sle- mou and the formei's brotier, Mi. W. S. Staples ,Tyrone, sud other friends ln Dailiugton. Mi. Staples is Postmaster at Angusville sud carne East to attend the Postanasters' Con- vention îeceutly held lu Windsor. INSTALLED PRESIDENT t ~\J. Fred Cryderanan Presideut-elect o! Bowmsnville Rotary Club who was instslled into office at the meeting o! the Club on Friday. Mi. Crydernan is aIse chairman o! the Public Scbool Board. Mi. Geo. Wood, Detroit, spent the weekend witb bis sister, Mis. S. G. Cliartran. Mis. Chas. BaIl, Oshawa, was a visiter witli ber parents Mi. sud Mrs. D. Bennett. Mr. sud Mis. "Scotty" Williamis, Detroit, called on frilends bore on Dominion Day. Mis. H. W. Foster is bolidaying with Mi. sud Mis. C. H. Haddy sud otier relatives ln Torouto. Mi. Brenton Hellysi, teaclier of Public School, Massey, wss guest of ils uncle, Mi. John Hellysu. Mis. A. Hubbell sud Deunis, Oh- awa, spent a week with ber parents, Mi. sud Mis. Frank Thomas. Mi. sud Mis. George Waune and 1 daugbteî, Mary, Detroit, are visiting witi Mi. sud Mis. Richard Clark. Mr. snd Mus. 1. G. Hefkey sud son Bruce spent the weekeud witli re- latives in Burilgten sud Niagara. Mis. J. N. Lawrie spent thc week- end with ber brother, Mi. D. M. Mc- Pherson and otier relatives lu Tor-i onto. Mr. aud Mis. Art.hur Lee and famn- ily, Toronto, are visitlng tbeiu cou- sins. Mi. sud Mus. P. E. Green- f ield. Dr. sud Mis. G. E. Reaman sud daughtei. Elaine, Toronto. spent the weekend witb Mi. sud Mis. E. P. Bradt. Mr. sud Mis. Peter Cowliug, Toi- outo, were weekeud visitors with ber brother, Mi. and Mus. Geo. Prit- chard. Mis. E. C. Evans sud daugbters, Derotby sud Riions, speut tic week- end with Mr. sud Mis. R. Tudor, Toronto. Mis. A. M. Lambeitus sud Mis. Maud Stevenson, Calgary, Alta, are vistiug thelu aunt, Mis. J. T. Bragg, iCarlisle Ave. Mis. C. S. Mason, wbo is with her daughteî. Mus. Phillp Niud at Thor- old is convslesclng frorniber receut serlous illness. Mi. sud Mis. J. W. Hyuds sud family. Toronto, were boliday visit- ors with ber parents. Mr. sud Mis. John Sanders. Rev. sud Mrs. W. A. Bunner sud Miss Vivian Bomnei are visiting tbe formei's son, Mr. Kelvin Bunnei, B. A. at Tlierold. Mi. aud Mis. J. T. Fee speut Do- minion Day witli relatives lu Port Hope and attended the centenulal celebrations there. Mr. sud Mis. C. J. Mountjoy, Is- lingteu. Miss Annie Mouutjoy, Toi-1 onto, spent the weekend witb Mu. sud Mis. J. E. Elliott. Mu. sud Mis. C. H. Haddy aud Jsck, Misses Cors M. Scotand Ag- nes Haddy, Toronto speut the week- end with Mi. sud Mus. P. A. Haddy. Mi. and Mis. A. Hold and famlly, Toronto, sud Mi. sud Mis. John McClntock, Port Perry. spent the weekeud with Mi. sud Mis. Geo. A McTaggart. Mi. sud Mrs. Arthur Casselnian Mr. Graham Cass-,elman aud Mr. Henry Rohrlg. Morisburg, weie weekeud visitois of Mayor sud Mis. W. R. Strike. Mi. sud Mis. AI Mathews and Wynne speut the weekend with Mus. Msthew's parents lu London. Miss Hazel McAdoo returned wlth tbem for s visit. Mis. Egbert Bumrn o! Yellowgrass, Sask., bas retuîned borne a! toi vis- iting ber sunt. Mrs. Alex Taylor sud other friends in Bowmsnville, Toi- onto sud Barrie. Mis. M. J. Hutchinson. son Bil, sud daugliter Ruth, Toronto, have iecently become citizons of Bow- mauville hsviug ieuted Mi. Wm. Quick's bouse on Elgin St. Miss M. Mldied Lawrie lu com- pany with s party o! Toronto teacli- ers le! t the city Frlday niglit for Mentucal wbcre they will sail by the "Duchess o! Richmond" for e six weeks tour o! the British Isles sud Europe. Dr. and Mis. J. Clark Bell sud Ian sailed on the Duciess of Richmond on Saturday fou a six weeks' holi- day in Scotlaud sud England. EarUier lu the week Dr. Bell f lew t. the Michipicoten Gold Mines, of whlch ho la Piesideut on a tour o! Inspect- ion. On Wednesday evening, June 27, Misses Florence Weriy sud Gieta Wlckett were bostesses ta about 50 guests at e mlscllaneous showor in bonor o! Miss Betty Sergent, a bride- elect who is retiring froan the Public S(ghool toacbiug staf. Mftei the guests had assembled, tbe honored guest care ne lu wihe Ucwoddlng mardi was played by Mia. J. Albert Colo. The living rooni was prettily decoreted i wtl flowers, streamers sud belis. The glfts were mhany sud Included some very lovely articles. Dainty refresliments, conteat, etc., conclulded a veiy happy evening. Durlnu the evenlng Mi. Weuiy cx- hibited as cane wlth silver band suit- ably engraved presented to hlm by Bowmanville Public Sciool pupils. For some yeais Mr. Werry has re- pal.red their base balla witlicut We muneration aud theY tock tlla iorm af oxpresalng tianks. Mis. J. Westaway visited ber daugbteî, Mis. A. S. Wbattarn, Osb- awa, over the weekeud. Mi. Harry Kerton, F'eveisham. and Miss Dempsey. Stratford. visit- ed Miss Marion G. B. Warder on Sunday. Mrs. H. A. Farrow wbo spent the winter in St. Caharines bas return- ed to ber borne here, accompanied by ber sister, Mis. Bell. Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington Joyce and Anna, Toronto, were guests o! Mis. W. C. Washington during the weekend. Rev. Thos. McKim of Coîbourne, conducted the services in St. Jolin's Anglican Cburch on Sunday in the absence of the rector. Mrs. A .L. Fleming, wl! e o! the Bishop of the Arctic. is spending the summer at ber cottage on the east side, Bowmanville Beach. Mis. Geo. Wiseman and Mis. Tbos. Wright lef t f rom Montreal on Satur- day on the Ducbess o! Richmond for a holiday in the Old Land. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbui Oke and IGloria aud Mi. Walter Hilîs. Mou- treal, are visiting the forner's par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Fra.nk Oke. Mi. and Mys. Wreford F. Souci, Halifax, N. S.. spent the weekend witb bis mother, Mis. F. M. Soucb, and ber father, Mr. F. F. Morins. Mr. T. Spencer and little Peggy Ol- iver, Toronto. spent some days witb the lattei's grandparents. Rev. and Mis. C. R. Spencer at the Rectory. Mr. aud Mis. C. Coulter. Willie and Junior, Walkerville, and Mr. & Mis. J. Russell, Toronto, were guests of Mi. and Mis. J. H. Weiry on Sun- day. Dr. Floyd Cuttell o! Orono basi chiarge of Dr. G. C. Bonnycastle's dental practice while the latter was attending Regiment Camp at Port Hope. Miss Doiotby Bonnycastle, B. A., of Bowmanville Hlgh Scicol teacblng staff, leaves tomorrow on a trip te Europe. She will be accompanled by Miss Joyce Muiîliead, daugliter of Rev. and Mis. C. P. Mulrbead, of Port Perry, formerly of St. John's Cburcb, Bowmanvllle. Town Clerk A. J. Lyle joined witi Mayors aud Town Clerks of many Ontario municipalities on Monday as luncheon guests of tbe City of Toronto at the King Edwaid Hotel, as a part of the Centennlal celebiations. His Honor the Lieut. Qovernor was the principal speaker' COMING EVENTS Lucky Tea and Musical will be beld at tbe borne of Mis. H. D. Wigbtmau, Elgin Btreet, under the auspices of Group 9, Trinity W. A., on Fîîday, July l3tli, from 3 to 6 p. mn. Admission 13 cents. Mis. F. Jackman, Couvener. i CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Father McGuire, Pastor Sunday, July 8tb: Mass at 91 a. m. D.S.T. Salvation Army: il a.m.-Holiness Meeting; 2.30p i.--suuday School; 7 p. m.--SaWatiolt meeting. Adjt. F. Boweî. Ail are welcome. ST. ANDREW'S ]FRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Sunday Services at il a. mi. and 7 p. m.; Sunday Scbool 2.30 p. mi. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHUERCH Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mis. J. A. Gunn, Oîganist Sunday, July 8th, Sixtb Sunday after Tinity: Holy Communion at 8 a. m.; Suuday Scbool 10.30 a. mn.; Mornlng Prayer il a. m.; Evening Prayer 7 p. m. UNION SERVICES During the montli of July union services of Trinity and St. Paul's United Churcbes will be beld in St. Paul's Cburcb. Sunday, July 8th Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A. Minister Mis. C. H. Dud.ley, Organist il a. m-Are There Giounds for Hope? 7 p. m.-The First Christian Ser- mon. Cordial welcome to ail. June Tea Brings To Close Activities of Newcastle Mission Band Golden Rule Mission Baud Has Enjoyable Program at Season's Closing Meeting it was cheeîing te Mis. Waîd and* Mr .Rodger aud the niembers cf the Golden Rule Mission Baud to see se many ladies of the churcli at thei June tea and program in the U. C. S. S. hall on Saturday, June 23rd wlilch marked the cessation of meetings and activities until the ENFIELD Mi. and Mis. W. J. Ormiston vis- l ted at Bowma.nville. Mascter Howard Ormiston wrote on the Entrance exams. lu Solina. Mis. E. 1ascoe, Brooklin, vLsited at G. Ormlston's and L. C. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mis. J. J. Ormiston, Osh- awa, vlsited at Mr. Harold Orumis- ton's. Mi. J. S. Asbton, Detroit, is visit- ing wltb Messrs. Geo. and Harold Ormiston. Mu. Calvin Nlddery and Arthur Hlndman, Toronto, bave been spend- ing a few days bere. Mr. and Mis. Al Piescott and farnlly recently vlslted at Mi. Rus- sell Auugers, Haydon. Mr. and Mis. John, Miss Maggle Stinson, aud Mrs. H. Stinson and f arnily vlslted at Janetvllle. Mri. andi Mis. T. Henry and f amily attended the Powell piculo at Mi. Wes. Bradburn~s on July lst. Mi. aud Mis. Gee. Miss Nancy, aud Fiank Ormniston, Mr. and Mis. Harold Ormiston aud f anilly, vited ai Brooklu. Mi. and Mis. 0. Bowman, Mr. snd Mis. T. and Mr W.llfred Bowman, Mr. and Mis. L. C. Pascoo aud Ian- lly. vislted et Port Boîster. Mu. and Mis. Edwin Ormiston and family, Mis. A. Ormiston, Mi. and Mrs. B. Ormiston, and Miss EIla Tamblyn, attonded the Hepburn- Rateliffe f amilY' plcnlce t Guelph. Mis. Dick Meteaif, Toronto, lias beon vlsltlng lier paents, Mr. and Mis. J. W. Ecniglit. PAGE SEVEN j OBITUARY Harry Toms, Collingwood George Harry Tom, eldest son of ex-Waîclen W. A. Tom and Mrs. Tom. died quite suddeniy in the fam- ily home in Collhngwood, Ont., a- bout bal! -past fine oni Saturday evening. The deceased had flot been in good health for two years. But until Thursday evening had been able to be around almost every day. On Thursday evening lie went to bed and on Friday and Saturday appeaîed to be making favorable progress toward recoveîy. On Satur- day evening, wblle talking to bis parents andi brother he suddenly passed away. Heart trouble was as- signed as the cause of bis sudden end. The deceased was born in So- lina in Durham County on May 23, 1880, and spent his boybood there. Witli bis parents lie came to Col- lingwood upwards of thlrty-five Years ago and bas since made bis home. For some years lie was a ste- wardl on lake ships, but owlng to indifferent healtb lias been obliged to remain at home in the last two or three years. He was a very quiet retiring pers-on, yet had rnany fr1- ends. Besides bis aged parents, be is survived by one brotber, Garfield, wbo is at borne. The funeral service was held on TuesdaY afternoon at the beîeaved borne, Rev. Robeit Brydon of Trin- lty United Churchi officlating. in- terment was made in Trlnlty Cern- etery. James H. Mack, Bowmanville We record this week tbe sudden passmng of James H. Mack, aged 42 years, on Saturday, June 30th. De- ceased thougli ailing ini bealtb for about two years bad been aîound and on duty, and was at work the day pîevlous to bis death. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Mack, and was boru at Tren- ton. The funeral took place Mon- day afternoon from bis late resi- dence, Cburch Street, service being conducted by Rev. A. S. Kerr of St. Paul's Unilted Churcli. The panl- bearers- were Messrs. Thos. Harris, Thos. Cartwright, Harvey Cooper and Fred Lewis. Lovely flowers ex- pressed tbe sympatliy of the many fîlends and relatives. The inter- ment took place in Eveugreen Cern- etery T,renton. Besides bis w!! e, who was Ada Bedford of Prince Bd- ward County, he leaves tbree child- ren, Reginald, Morgan and June, to mourn his sudden passing. Among the relatives present were lias two sisters, Mrs. J. Cronkwright and Mrs. C. Forsbay, niece, Mrs. A. Parisb, and nephew, Mr. Reginald Wanna- maker, al of Trenton; Mrs. W. Bed- ford, Wellington; Mrs. A. Sprung and Mrs. R. Harvey, Trenton; Mis. C. Law, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. James Gibson, and Mi. and Mis. Artbur Qibson. Maple Grove. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Jas. H. Mack desires to thank the neigbbors and friends for their kindness and sympatby extended to ber in ber bereavement by the death of ber husband, and for the beau- tiful floral tributes. Mms. Elza McIndoo, Bowmanville Tbere passed away after two days' illness from beart trouble, at tbe residence of ber son, Mr. F. E. Mc- Indoo, King Street, on Tbursday, June 21st, Eliza Gordon, widow of the late Josephi Mclndoo, in hler 76tb year. Decea.sed was a daugliter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gordon and was born in Manvers Township, Durham County, where she lived until after ther marriage to Josephi Mclndoo, Bailyduf f. Later tbey rnoved te Maidstone in Essex Coun- ty wbere tbey llved until Mr. Mc- Indoo's death about six years ago. Since tlien alie bas îesided wltb lier son Frank in Bowmanville. The f uneral service was beld bere on Satuîday evening and was conduct- ed by Rev. E. F. Armnstrong, pastor of Trinity United Cbuîcb. The re- mains weîe taken by motor on Sun- day to Cottarn, near Windsor, and were interred in Olinda burying ground, seryrice being conducted by Rev. F. Irwan of Cottam. The paîl- bearers in Bowmanville were six nepbews and at Cottam six grand- 1sons. She leaves to mourn ber pass- ing, three sons, Frank of Bowman- ville, Newton of Duluth, Mlcb., and Harry of Detroit, Mlcb.; and two daugbters, Mrs. Lewis Bruner, Lon- don, and Mrs. Florence Perry, De- troit; and one sister, Mrs. Geo. Mc- Mann, Cottam; and one brotber, James Gordon, Saskatchewan. CAIW 0F TRANKS Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mclndoo and famlly wlsb to tbank their many frlends aud neiglibors for the klnd- ness and sympathy sbown dting their sudden bereavement. [~""'peca1 Prices Eacli week we list a number of speclal puces, each r§one is mucli below tbe regulai puice of tie article. it pays to îead oui Statesman adis and sbop at your I.D. A. Store. FOR THIS WEEK B iSo Dol 40c Castoria ....23c, 2 for45 Steednian's Teethlng for GCas Pains Powers ........ Indgesion Woodwaids Gipe Wateri.47c Indtesion Robinsouns Barley .....o4 U,,Si"59e 5ft Zam Buk .......29c ~ ~,* ~Infant's Delight Soep 4 for 19o 12 oz Talcuni Powder, 2 for 29o CaIlig Syrnp.......53o Baby's Own Soap ... for 22e C. C. B. TABLETS Vinolia Castile ... 10 for 24o ]Uc Re Blod s wat eu Speclal Batling Cap ....9c need. (.C.B. Tablots wlf sup- D'y It for you. A Splendid tonie. THIS COUPON Two sizes 5()c anc $1 - Worth 50c - wlth 50c in cash wlll boy J.W'IRLL pih Armanifs Symphonie MnATORSTORE P .Powder.J e.8ýe,0day, m*,tc.h.BATIMG CAPS SPECIAL CAP - - 85o Asbolutely watertlght lt's Satisfaction M ers~ at 19e, 25, 39, 49o Vou Want Whon Vour Liver la __________________ Naot Funetionlng Praperly PARà LIVERà ~,rle guaranteed to Caliome. aa.growla Tb. Nals, Warts * v atlefa tan gUhly ucomamiod.Gt a Mr tealob [ uanspit:r -»08oSU isblit. ma a th.rn par. lorm &, aturalUy. Doveloplng - PrintMng Idth om dazima r.ttEaITD aita the g a:arn.« .1t lW4 - ach. PROMPT SERVICE r- Per :FILMS MttieF1 Trial Size 50 et@. complote fkrest ock at au Umm& ALE'»X MOGREGOR, Drugs PEONE 98 PIRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY Wz DELWVE A ___ .........................................................- -'4-. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 5th, 1934 were rewarded Witli a good catch. Emma Jean Harris, Dolly Purdy and Pauflne Delino lied charge of the candy booth and by their wlnsome waysa ttracted many buyers for thei sweets. They were Young but nol lnexperlenced ln serving the public. Total proceeds were aver $20.00. Phone 1S6 or 121 for tiiese specials at Harry Allin's Shrimps, Lobàter and Tiger Brand Salmon, tin 21c Red Rock Cherries ................. 2 tins 25c Red Rock Pumpkin, tin................. 16c Sliced Pineapple, tin ...... .............li1c Lily White and McLaren's Invincible Baking Powder, lb. tins ............... 20c Robin Hood Flour ................. 7 lbs. 25c Ayhner Whole Kernel Corn.......... 2 tins 25c Fry Cocoa, 1/ lb. tin ..................... 21c Wonderful Laundry Soap........ 100 bars $2.75 Certo Fruit Pectin, jar................... 30e Fray Bentos Corned Beef .............. 21k lb. Block Salt, 50 lbs ....... White 55c, Iodized 65c Junket Powders and Tablets........ 2 pkgs. 25e Maple Leaf Sausage and Bacon Spratt's Dog Biscuits of ail varieties. Fresh Fish on Ithursday. Harry Allun, Grocer t Ex traordinary Shoe Values White Pumps in caif and kid, with cuban or louis heels, in widths, priced at ........... $2045 te $4045 Brown Strap, eut out pattern, covexied louis heel, in widths at............. $4045 Misses' White Caif One-Strap; rubber heel, made by Huribut - Special..... $2050 Bathing Shoes, in white, red or green, priced from........ 50e te 65o KNOXoe KNOXPhone 120 An Invitation We Inite you t. meo our stock of Thermos and Vacuum Botties, MOtor Jugs and Lunch Kits Vacuumn Bottles-39c, 43c, 49c Thermos Botties - - 89e - $1.89 Lunch Boxes - - - - - 690 Outlng Jugs, 51.39, $1.49, $1.89 Plcnlc Boxes - - 5 1.50 Picnic CuPs - - - lcdez. A. B. B. &C. 200 for 25e $1 Beef Iron & Wlne 89e Seiditz Powd. 2 box 25o Fly Tox 33e - 57c 60c Russian 011 49c Fly Fume 33e - 57e 51.00 Nyagaar. 89c Dew 25o - 47e Engllsh Health sait 39eclb. Odorono 35e - 59C Pond'. Creains 39e 50e Armand Crearn 29C Try Our Expert Prlntlng and Developini - 10lo .. Kerslalke's Drug Store Phono 49 P. R. COWLING, Phm.B. We Deniver July Specials Ladies' Suamier Knit SuIts, reg. $10.00 - On Sale, -- -$6J AUl Elastie Girdies.. plnk and white, reg. 51.00 - On Sale for 890 Real B11k Cuepe Slips adjustable fstraps, oach . .- -.. 5$1.50 Balance of our sunhmer Bat1, white and colori'-To OCar $1.95 BM.hing Suit Special, &a wool, oaci........... ... ....5$1.95 A score cf othor SPeelal through0ut the Store ts week-end. Drop la and look theim ovor. Th Ely LADIES' Shop The Eyly SPECIALTY p1bone 594 King stroot Bc ROaul ., I.

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