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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1934, p. 1

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66~ 7* Trnl TT«RKV OA BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY l2th, 1934 UBR2 VOLUME 80 5A 'p vant Delivereci t Rotary Meeting eStrong Plea for Under- SNo Racial Prejudice ini ýix Different Races In- Club Membership ýatesi prosperiiy of any country in Sworld. There was no taxes, other tn export taxes and a tax on to- co and liquor. The States has se ich revenue that in 1914 tbey t and equipped the H. M. S. Ma- 'a at a cost of 5,000,000 pounds 1 presented it t te British 00v- iment, and lu 1927 they donsted funiher 5,000,000O pounds towsrds Singapore base. There is no Pub- debt. ,ecently however with the f al of ber prices the island has had is ýubles, but with rubber again ai lb conditions are good. It used be $1.00 per lb. Ehe wealth of the country attraci- lalf île races of Asia su that the cal problems is one of the main es ai the present tine. Rotary is ýrking Wo overcome ihese problems may be seen f rom île fact that lu gapore Rotary Club ihere are 26 -es and lu the Club ai Kuala Lum- ,r where the speaker was Presi- nt, there were 15 races lu the club. Lue =nca oc wab piiy ae - Malay States Civil Seri Brilliant Address ai Rotarian L. D. Gammans Makes standing of Other Races - Malay States - Twenty-Si cluded in Singapore Rotary Bownianville Rotary Club inen- grea bers were afforded the opportunity the of hearing one of the mnost delight- thar fui, yet edlucational addiresses in bace many months, on Friday when Ro- muc tarian L. D.* Gammans of Kuala bul Lumpur, a city of 110,000 population laya in the Federated Malayan States, anc addressed the club. Mr. Gammans erni recently attended the Rotary In- a fi ternational Convention at [:etroit the where lie had the honor of being licc the Rotarian f rom the greatest dist- Fý .ance attending the gathering. rutl Mr. Gammans, an Englishman by trou birth, and a resident of Malaya for 13c 14 years, proved a most entertaining tob speaker. His unaffected Oxford ac- 'T cent was a delghtful change, and ed1 his clever but unassumed humor left acl nothing to be desired in the way of c n * an address of outstanding menit. w0r He was introduced by Past Dis- asr trict Governor Grant L. Bitr ofnteh- r awa, who represented Rotapunt r a national, under whose auspices Mr. de Gammans spoke. The speaker se-_e lected for his subject the "Malay Tl States." edu Mr. Garnlans who spent some two doi years in the MilitarY College at prir Kingston expresesd his pleasure at returning Wo Ontario on his way back keeî to England. cati Rotary International has rather A an arrogant naine, lie said, but tliat lem namne will be worthy of the organ-th ization, if it can make some contri- pe: bution towards the economic difi- iles, culties throughout the world. VerY Iap little may be accomplshed in this 1 \regard unless we supplement our layý syxnpathy for the problems of others Eui wth a desirable knowledge of these Tc préblems. to So lttle is known of the Malay 1 States that the speaker decided to rec' give bis entire time Wto hs sub- Ont jeet. Spo Malaya is situated almosi on the ter equator in the Orient. Its climate ont is practically a permanent summer. cili with the temperature varyring onlY tue about 5 degrees between July and 1 January. The average temperature is ed 95 degrees in the day to 75 degrees Eir at night, and yet it does not prove Mo unhealthy. At night One slept On c and not in a bed, seldom having W ec use bed clothes. e While it is not necessarilY un- Ro healthy it is enervatiflg, and white t man must go home every three or mn four years. Disease was once rampant I but Most of this lias ,been starnped we out by use Of modern methods. RO The States is as large as England Mif wltIiout Wales and las a population bir 0f 4'/2 millions. The country is part- El ly a British Colony and partly a de British protectorate. The difference Pr is that a colony is governed f rom tle th Old Land and a Protectorate by its sp: owný government under supervision. There are four states knowlI as the M: Straits Settiemient whicl are col- B. onies and 9 states as protectorates W which are governed by throned Sul- Ci tans. RI The object is not to make first class Europe8ans oui of the nativef wl but rather' W make f irsi class Ma- Fi layans instead of third rate Europ- iln eans. i There is practically no historical dE background to the country, aud 100 ac years ago it was noihitig but a dense jungle. Even the mighty clty of Sing- C spore was not even commnenced a t that time. Singapore is one of tle world'ls largesi cities, a natural se- quence as it is on all the principal shippillg routes Of the east.C There is nothing to the country until the dlscovel'y of tin of which EIr haîf the world's supplY now comes f romn Malaya. hIt s charactenistic of the Malayan people that they hate bard work and consequently wlen h they would have nothiIig to do witl v the tinmines thousands of Chinese t] were lmported Wo do that work. The tI Malayan iphilmSPbY on life is thata as long as he las a wife, a housea sud iUs freedom, what's îhe use of workiflg? The resultisl that he works about one monil each yesr and this0 enabies hliM to live comfortablY for t the next eleven montbs. With the plantiug of rubber treest Dnirl rm South India were li-1 poried Wo do the work and tle result is that there are more of other or- r lential races lu the country todayi than there are Malayans. I The country enJoYed perhaps the1 Canaclian Corps tc ucation deened it unnecessary t rmnn itsa SceRfo erPnton our way tW tle county town of employmeflt on Hi-ghway noad work, any manual labor. However in îleAdm elrHutJa sBw nvl Stsa; Norfolk the publishers with their sud this information was thon used imary education île men are 100 TUis picture was taken on île oc- mis Advance Adaus-Sefar, Huni-James, BtwiSnVille tate&nsfl literato, wUile île men prefer te casion 4f a recent visit o! leading ingdlon (Que.> Gleaner. Second row, Lorne Eedy, (chainflan), St. Mary's wives were guesta at lunch o!fR menfo. AlY upose o ep ulempnoe ep île women away froin edu- weekly newspaper publishers te the Oeo. Mitchell, Hanover Post; E. W. Journal Argus; A. D. Mcxltrldk, selI Keiley, President of île Russelmn ulct oywsmd ien. Reformer office, ai Simncoe. Lefi te Johnson, Fort Erie Times-Revlew; Oraugeville Banner; John Marsh, T. Keiley Advertisiug Agency o! for île Goodyear Co., from which Amnong île couniry's major prob- right: Front row, C. V. Charters, Lindley B. Caluan, Picton Times; J. Amherstbu'g Eclo. Top now, C .Hamuion, at île beautiful club ihoy have f ouud severai men Who .n are breaking dewnof home ;ie rmtn osrse H. F. John- T. Dutrizac, Toronto representative Pearce, Sixncoe Reformer; W.C. P'hOue 0f1tireHamilton Golf and may uow lave stoady empleomei. egrowlng belle! in religion, île son, Tillsonburg News; W. A. Fry, Class "A" Weeklies; Frnk W. Lapp, Walls, Barrie Examiner; Roy Beau Countiry Club ai Ancaster. This ls The Delt. of Hlghways took 50 rnicious effeci of Ameican mov- Durnuville Chronicle; B. M. Pearce, Cobourg World; T. E. Bsrnecott, Jr Waterloo Chronicle; J. A. Mac- coiisidered one of île fimeat golf men on witl île f lrst draft, whlcl su ad lasily comniunism, whlch is Simcoe Reformer; Harry Reid, Can- A3lmer Express; Roy S. Beau. Wat- Laren, (secretary-treasurer) Banrieclursappin Amenîs sud thatracmetsief sau allentowdo ibiswonasRe- problem in slcounties. adian Linotype Co.; Geo. Lake, Tixu- embu Chronidle. Third row, Oeo. W. Examiner. wcluînmes apoan romenzvous a d som e tedo Thworkwas gien yanshavete e taghtthatthefor îe tied business man lu searol where the need seemed greaest. iran ha W betaugrt ioai le 0f rest or recrestion. As work o! a more permanent nature 3dotis huxRoanrt o!ub faelin-BOOT (HARM GEORGE WADE AND Prom RHamilion .the panîy coutin- camne along for seute of these men Sio . tU l osyClbcm n ouncil la sto H S E S ued by auto to Sirncoe. Here theyai work. ihey were taken from îhe MrBOOTH CHaouedt cr A E APIME la sTHE CORNHU KE S were guesta o! Messrs Bruce sud eC higlway and ileir places Ieb Mn.tw amms neaoured Waay cor-O ARYFAI AT LEGION DANCEP. Pearce, publishers o! The simcee othens. Later île HighwSy Depi. iet two miscncpons 0f alsy. ORRO ARhF IR DAmPIo> IJImINReformer, which weekly stands wîn- tWok anoiler 30 mien. e, a ete Inapoeswasa t-g ner of île Mason Troply for île A t presetit on Higlway ..... 90 mes ýoft adctteeaku oe. s a m at-PlansWel Under WaTy For Bi g Famous Od Tue Band to be Fea- best weekly papr lu Canada. (lcludlg trucks) e of île besi policed sud quietesi Carnival qxx August 8th - Par-0 f c,îesekrsi, twst N w L c to ure o! Letion Street Dance en slmooelatuy n oui tanding Witl Goodyear Tire& ties lu île world, Victorlan in vir- ade te Be a Big Feature - tN w L c to hrdyNx n progressive towt n sd Nor!folkDee o.........2 e tes sud suburban lu desines. may well be termed "The Couuîy of other emiployxnent ..... 22 men Incnlso h pae xrs-I lAd of Crippled N wStr ge Wade sud His Cornhusk- Opportunity." oui of town (not considered) 6 mes 1 uh cousion î l spartseofPres- <kren NwSieWill Be North of erstogether with île Red River The Sinicoe Reformer is loused Refused Hlghway work... 3 men ire ilogiatai prts o!nîle Valley Cowboy, icnownîiiroughout lu eue of the most modemn o! wek- Too young for Highway work 6 mon upire ha acod take p andelawhct Witl île Rotary Cari2ival unly Present Jackman's Dwnp Canada bol on sud off île air- ly newspsper plants lu Canada. Not Moved awsy.............. 2 men amlyshig la cmlse u sa orwesss ln r ailg on Old Electric Light waves, are coming tW Bowiminviile t h ono.fu ek wypasaefs en onlY l lste modemn building a credit UfSble te find 2, Dled 2 ... 4mon ipas Pishng. eitepes-fruûe o hesaia fteon Thursday, J'uly l9th, fot île a-t îe.ow !Smçoe ýut a credit The Goodyear Co. have through thîe club's sincore appreciation ofbggtcavl e.eerlm tig Plant Property Owned by nua.l Canadiali Leglon Street Dance. te île ludustry and efficiency o! île Mr. A. M. Hardy been very helpful otanismi H. Gammamis addmess, and have been held sud on Monday Ir eriion lias beemi granted by Pearce organization. ln reducing île unemployed liât, by le earty applause o! h club de- night île chairman o! tle vanlous T own - Othier Routine the Towni Counicil for île f encing Simncoe isel! la s very beautiful consulting oui liai firat whou lu need Losrtti e le fc. boh eeapit off of King Street frn Temperance towu, wtl s population o! about o! more help. Reeve R. O. Joules othir fat ibs of h metaf ing botse w ilelap ein h geare Business te Division Streots, and ih lahore 5000. In las a large and prosperous lu whose charge the Higlway work Oeethe rfesats o îlerseet asg Toselows .will be i ndcarge ae __that carnivial wlll bld sway f nom rural territony on four aides. An air was placed by virtue o! lis position, oas Sinike, Wes. Jewcll sud Chanlie Harny Allin; Hans-T. H-. Kulght; The suggested removal o! île early evening until île wee amal of well belug sud pnosperlty seema las been slways willing te assist ai [ason, on the occasion o! ileix' Bingu--Fred Hoar; Sof i Drinks-W, municipal duxup nean Jackman'ls heurs o! île monuing. Lasi yesr's tu pervade île whole twn, which ta suy houn te get mon ai work. .thdays sud tlb preentation o! an P. Corbett; Blankets--C E.. Rolder; Nurseries te a new location was a- vast crowd la expected te be repeaîedi modern lu every respect havirng Applicatious are sîlil belng made Iectric Clock te Pasi District Presi- Sweater-Rosa Siruti; Horse Race, mong the more important items dis- for île Carnival. splendid paved streets, attractive for work by somte younger men or eut Governon Grant L. Bird by Nol-Frank Williams, Horse Race, cssaed ai Monday's meeting o! île Certain arrangements made last stores, fine buildings sud modemn lu- beys whicl to soute oxteut we have resideut Tommy Rosa ou behlf o! No. 2-Everet Smith; Bacon-Vies Town Council, wheu île agenda year provod uupa.ncticable sud these titutions. hi las au exceptionallybeon able to tako cane o! wlîl odd me lu an l rcogiiormo!UsCswker; Free Money-TliGno; h omrs. cslyo otn ave been mmodified this year. hnsiead fine residenial section wlth scoresJobs sud worlc o! a temporary nai- pleudid services lu île pasi year. Frui-Frank Morris; Chairs-Bort business. At the request sud witî o! clarglug admission te île enclos- o! fine homnes standing aamid mag- ure. Among île guesis present wene Virgin; Dant tickets-Dave Morisen; île co-operation o! île Board of ure sud aiso admission te dance, ni! boni borticultural sunroundings. A île presexit time would say lu [r. T. E. Riggiribihamio! Nelsen, New Mouey Game-I. G. Ho! key; Heall île dump will be nemoved teos e admission will include bol The extent to whlcl Bowmanville so far as we know, unemploymentinl 3C., Mr. J. H. Cryderman, Dr. P. Fisl Pond sud Lingerie Bouils- s point nonil o! île present site, dancing sud the show. Anothor lim- procrastinaies lu turning île Rota.ry B avours vey trmliuin. V. Cydemanof etritMic., r. otay Ana;Treeurer's both- on îe old Electric Light plant pro- provemefli will be îe placing o! Park inte s chliren'as playground 'or eytuy Crn Brdrma shaoaDe andi ommcy. r arky A[ n;perty, sd ai s distance w îcl îe orchestra in îe centre o! îe came forcibly to m nd w en we saw F._________ret r Zo ran , L w. Pasi Presideut 000. E. Chase la 51ouloi, ensure a cessation o! thé dance f on, whicl will obvîie the île fine playground Slmcoo las pro- This wasaîle f irsi meeting ai once again Manager o! île Carnival rai sud ameil nuLi4auoe of whicl complaints tîsi île amplifiers dld vided for is young people. Mucl o! Morris Co. Demonstrates hich île uewly elected President whcl alould enaure is succesa freon complaiuts bave been made recent- not carry île music tW tle far ess île work ou ibis undentakl.ng was 7red Cryderulan was in charge sud île outset. ly. The Public Property Com.mniîee end of île f leor last year. doue, we understandi by relief labor. Why It Pays To Buy In may be said le conducted the Peetpascîlfrahg a- togoiher wiih île Board o! Heall Iu addition te île dancing île Flower bedaarbels, plain neeiing wiil d.lgnity, neainessansd ado to pL'cede île opoinlg o! île will select a 110W site sud removal o! Red River Valley Cowboy will enter- f ields. a swlmmlug pool, sud pîenty Bowmanville This Week .espaich, sud mosi important o! ail Carnival lu Charge o! 000. James, île dump will commence as accu as tain wlth lis Hill Biflysongs, sud o! brighi green turf provides ample ,djourned abarply ai 1.30 p.m. Wes. Cawker and Frauk Williams. labor la available. square dancing. space for bith young sud old to ou- P. F. Morris who can boasi limai ------------- _____ Pull details of ibis wiill be publishod Application of île Durhami c. c. A big featureofo!tîe affair wilU joy themselves. t1ley lave furnished most o! the fine shonily, together with île lust o! F. Council for a reduction in île be île draw for lucky tickets. Eael Slmncoe's Vian Memorlal la perhaPs homes o! Bowmaflvlll lu île pasi DOM1WENCE UNION SERVICES prizes o!fered. rate for use o! the Town Hall ai ticket purclased for île slow or unique amoug ail memonlals lu Ca11 550 years, are glvlug a fine demon- AT ST. PAUL'S CHURCH The usual evening o! fun ai île election i ure was not entetained. dance gives île buyer au opportun- ada. i takea île f orm o! Carnilon stration ibis week o! île tact thai beoils will be carnled oui, and île h.Ubeals and Coniservat.Iveà have iiY to wln oue o! île landsomne cash (Continued on page 7) you cari buy quality f urnlturinl Union services o! île United carulval will be climaxed wil îlhe pald $1200 for île hall, sud the C. prises. Draw will be made by a pro- omnil tth aeo oe Chrhswere leld lu Si. Paul's drawing o! île lucky ticket which C. P. will le required te do likewise. minent citizen. The prizes are $25;Pae3 hr ~luclon unaywib Rv.A. . lllpemitih wlne W w $10po . a $.00ilsu eae br.Oa ge 3, cul tr Chrho udy ihRv .S ilpri h inrt urcliase a Finance Commitee ws i $1 sd 50 .BAN CNCRTONavifoausew brgausî On fo Kerr lu charge. bHis mornng Ser- Brand New 1934 Chevrolet Car for er te act or te caîl a special meet- The Leglon brgaization! repmye- BN OCITO non on île sbect "Are Thore only $1.00. Even if you laven'i île ing on île request o! the Fine Bri- mnts and la composed o! those mon SATURDAY NIGH[T le dupllcated ai a second Iand f uni- ronsfor Hope?" based on île dollar, someone wil lelnd you ht for gade for s grant o! $75 te help de- who give thoir Country thib services iueslaeaalbei e un worlsWhyare tlou casi diown, ihai occasion. Tommy Ross, Arthur f ray costs o! aiteuding île Flromen's in île Great Viar, sud île public lu The second o! île senies o! tr tterstr l h ie hope thou lu God, Psa. 43*5, was Hardy and Lon Elloit are île live Convention at, Igrol odal nvtdt o.i iig SumrPoeaeCnet Thero may be an odd case wbene .ery practical lu these days when wire saelamen lu charge o! île big Roads and Sineets Comniitîeo wîîî île Legion lu lis wonk. by the C5fladiau Legion Baud ab ut easiiol wi l provea te ilat n1fl the word depression seema ou every draw. deal with île recluesi o! Mrs Muriel O ~_____________will le preseuîOd tW cisons builmes utten i oofe tlng we * on Ssiturday evo.nrg next, pices oar en ffe fring nI!olo er- tongue. Miss Helen Yellowlees sang Of course île parade, île booths, L. Dunn. repnesenting Mn. Coleman EB N ZRJl 4io l tmo' lis ae A feringwanl lerlogyear- a very sweeî solo lu addition tW île the presefliatiomi o! île grand prises, te lave îhe curling cut ai the roar _________________--4 uay 1la , ndst here te u leo ! rhadeputAti as îl e os e .an- auibem by thechoir. The evening sud oîlen features are important de- o! hien realdeuce on LoewoSrtto sHeen Gill, rimb- lavi- bouleard opsid tedi.nAthrow'a no a! fond as lavetMatrispCtatao- sermon was coue preacled by Rev. talla, but ih la perlaps besi We bean lu permit otrance te lion garage.MislenGrlGimbavs- ouvrdpoitS. dew ntfodteheta euatn Mn. Kern's brother lu Piitsburg, Pa., mmnd jusi wlai al ibis la for. In Mayor Strike reported that an en- iiing hon cousin, Miss Margaret Gay. Presbyterian Clurdl, ai île sialied by aelling merchandisO thai on île occasion o! île ordination o!fVWest Durhami are niany chilîdren, gîneer from île Railway Commission Mn. Evansa, Toronto, la wlîl lis cornen o! Temperalice sud îîey cannot warrant. île latter's sou, sud contaiued semne landîcapped inlu le ilmougl bodily of Canada lad ou Monday inspecied daughien, Mrs. Smith, sud Bey. Cliurdh Streets. Baudmaster Vie suggest We eveny neader thai wholesome advice to a yeung Miils- effecia, who look te île Rotary Club the new C. P. R. wig-wag signala Smiih ai île Parsonage. R. Flounitain las seloctod asu îlocok over île liai o! bargaima ion. A maIe quartet. Mosans. C -S. to give ibem île chance that their on Scugog Sire'ot sud tîsi îîey Miss Hall, Toronto, was a week- exceptenoally fine program ibis store off ena ihis week, aud if Hallman, 000. E. Chase, H. J. own parents cannot afford. There la would le operated almosti inmediate- end visiter wtl Mn. sud Mra. Sid. for ibis occasion sud members île Item e! furiui'e you need la Kuighi sud Sam Glaiiville, sang iwO no ueed We cite any individual case. ly. The gatea would be taken down Brooks sud aiiended tle S. S. plcle. o! tle Baud, who lave doue not încîudod lu île liai, you can le numbers sud ide choir an sutheni Vie aIl know sevenal. The question la, le!ore operation was comxnced to Masters Bllly and Harold Hawk- se well this year and who are aasured ilsi you eau get il ai île lu wblch Mn. Alex McGnegor teok are we golng to help lu provlding avomd any conlilng clncumisiancos, alaw, Oshawa, are holidaying wtîl W nepresoni île tewmm ai île store ai île saute neasonalle prie as the leading sole, al beinmg bighly 5p- lelp for these crlppled klddies onr oiewsrclo o onlsieruidesdanM.sdMa aainNtoa Exhibition thoseîl5i are lisîed. A companioii predlated by île cougregation. not? Wlai's île difference if soie- Clerk ilai île Assesameut for Herb. Nidbols. Baud Contesta, would apprec- o! these prices wtl sny atone, any- one else wluis île car, wheu you Counties purposes will cos Bow- Mn. sud Mrs. A. B. Vierri' snd itas large audience ai ilis whene lu ibis district wîll prove ibai kuow thai every quarter yoU spend manville $24.150,82 ibis yeur as com- Miss Vers attended île Werry pic- concert.îîîa!orsdwerWlifu- m l u *on a ticket, every duoe you spend ai pareil wtb $24,079.18 last year. nie ai île Croani e! Banloy Caimp ihuraeru ndowmaviser e. y u ) Hold Re-Union a~ booîl, sud every nickel you ex- Lettos wee eceved f om Belle- on1 Saturday.lehd erpin tu nBwnavl. i noua u~e-u nion change for an ice cream cone la go- ville sud Cartwrght Townships Missou Circe bdierpat ing te lelP some chlld who la really thanklng tle Mayor for île iowu' ataitîe Cresm o! Barley Camp on lu neod o! your help? gnçptngs ou île occasion o! îule Tuesday; Mission Band ai île home attendance if loiel accommodation __________ centeuary celebrations o! îlese of Mrs. Rosm Pearce on Wednesday; C u clC m ite p n ig W rl lad Wis lepad e for. ater ENGAGE31ENTS Bowmanville as "Ourn Besutiful Sis- Band on île cdurci lawmi on Thurs- wl ethe rai eatu reîlaeniuge 1ten Town," whidh Irougît amibes te day afternoon. wil e le on uuls panaen iîle The eugagement la snnouuced o! 1 île lardened counitentancos o! île Congratulaionsa toMisses Flersa Despite numerous requests by cit. las Muet most o! its major obligations afemooten o! Ausi ai 2,0w0enItla Milda Francqs Moore, daughien o!f'Town Fathers. sud June Marsall who lave pass- izens fer work te le doue, sud île and only minor expendhiurO5 will be execedneba ba 2,00 el-Mrs. C. P. Leanden sud île laie Dr. A esluilon e! île City e! Kit- ed ti Elenienisry Piano success- requosîs for grants. île Standing requlnod !nom now on. Clairmefi of lor wllmacb Te eeungwil eP. W. Moore, We Mn. Keuneil N. clouer asng for an amendinen te f ully; Miss Hasel Rundie, teachon. Cormmltteos of Town Council are the various commuttees are makln. devoted to individual unit reunlouns. Morris, son o! Mns. F. H. Morris sud île relie! regulatious pnovldhug for Miss Louise Pearce passed with hion- niaklug everi' effort te koep within every effort tW comxlete ibis year on Sunday ibere will le Maniii" île laie Mn. Morris, tle maniage te a six months' reaideuce rule lnsiead ors lier Primari' exam. l usc b loe bdesfrîeya.wiil aurpluses, whihl o! neoeaiiy pressive drumhead service lu, île take place lu August. o! ilnee montha was neceived sud Miss Ida Anoti, teaclern msi, Viîl all îe ydesgore ea !îemail ml. il e'daubtful grei ivndae ar nturl rn -fylod. Vie welcome tW ourn durcI and comm.iea have expended about unden presoni conditions whether phiîleaine, where a recent service Mr. sud Mrs. Thos. E. Sargenit, A siaiemerai o! île McC3J.l esisieecmumultY Rjev. sud Mns. W. C. hli!o! ibelr allowances. The Road ani' commttee will nequire supple- o! ibis nature attracied ihousas.f 488 Sherbrooke St., Peterborough., ai Washington, D. C., showed a Smith o! Janeiville. Our new pester sud Street DepartmOiii la almosi sieniary estimates. The figures show- o! people. Ontanio, aunounce île engagement balance lu île bank but rio checkn iook île service on Sunday menu- exacily ai île half way mark wih, lug île estimatea, for lthe year, the Sports wlll le hbld on Sai'irday o! thib daughier, Bertha Madeline accompauied île staiement. i was ing. As tle Sunday School la lav- niosi o! île important wonk accom- expeudiiiiies te date and île bal- s! tennoon sud Mondai' morulng wî (Betty). tePe c R. Cowling, FiniE. statedi that île building la now oc- ing service lu île mornhingduring plished. The Fine Deparîmemi whidl suce te le expended if necemsry', fluais ou Mouday altenoarm, Augusi o! Bowmanville, sou o! Mn. sud Mna. cupied ly île «U. S. goverument of!- île suminer monîls île paston teck lan expendod mosi o!fis money f ollow:- 6t1. The tîree gresi days wlll le John Cowllng, Hamipton, Ontario, fIces aud revenue was ikeli' te le charge e! île leason. The classes Bia~n Estimates Expepitures Balance ccacludod ou île Monday wtb a tle marniage te take place lu Aug- fortlcomlng soon. s ssembld lu the clurdl exceptilg Dprmn mouaten military îattoo, île greateat usi. A leiter front the Hunger Man- île pnimani classes. This vil give Bloadansd Sireets ... $4,500.00 $2.463.43 $2,036.57 ,ever beld lu Canada. Thia eveut will 4b- clora o! Ontario askiug for îhlocalîle many teacbena a litile change Police........... .... 3,300.00 11650.90 11649.10 1aiso e b taged lun Rivendale Park, billets sud a grant wleu ibey passed wlmo are so !aiiblul île year round. Fine ..... 6,70000 5,922.64 '777.36 whldl caui accomiodate 200,000 Iu île prize vinuera of Bowmau-tn ugli Bowmauvllle was coualgued Mn. James Hancock toek île solo Ceimery 1938000 759.54 540,6. ;people wib0esse. ville Public Scheel annouuced l 0sth0îe musty municpal fyles. part lu île anihemt provlded by île Public Prapenty.... 6,000.00 3,584.77 2.415.23 Fuller particulara of tle meet week, Misa Jewell'a raom, île rnanes A letton f rosi Mn. Roche, Toronto, clair. Thiere was s good attend- Relie! ........ 5,M0.00 2:996.44 2,804.56 LwtUl le avallable !ram Heaiuarters abould have read: Bernice Kimubbe, 1 ance ai botl S. S. sud chunch aer- Ilealh ..-* ... 1,700.00 822.10 877.90 lu Toronto a little lates'. Buh' Edger. (Continuied on page 7) vice. Pninting ...... 600.00 221.42 378.58 6?) t 1 oýk With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News CLASS "«A" WEEKLIES 0F CANADA VISIT SIMCOE n m ly eti Bo a vleis t Minimum WelFare Board Report Says SIMCOE REFORMER Goodyear Factory, Highway AND R. T. KELLEY and Seasonable Employ- HOSTS TO EDITORS ment Is Taking Care of MemersofClas "" eekiesof Practically Entire Num- Canada -Are Eoyaily Entertalned brW oW r nRle at Hamilton and Simce - For the f irst lime ini some years S«e Beautiful Norfol1k îhe unemployment problem. in Bow- C"Btymanville is practicaily nil, accord- s ing to a splendid report presented Ediiors of weekly uewspapers have Wo the Town Council by Fred Pat- been accused, or credited with tinson, Secretary of the Welf are working) harder and. longer hours Board, on Monday nighi. With the seven days a week, yet get more general improvement lu business, dowun ight unadulturated pleasure the wonk provided by île Ontarlo and satisfaction oui o! '11!e ilan any Goverument on the highways, and other class or group of business or île seasonal gain in regular empley- professional men to be listed iu a ment, most of Bowxnsnville's unem- lelepbone dlrectory-city or rural. ployed are being caned for. Be thai as it is, or may be. we are Special tnibute was pald by Mayr not argulug île point ere fer ln any Bs Strike te Reeve R. O. Joues decision arrived at we would be ac- wholhad' onked tlrelessly ilirough- cused o! being preJud.iced. ouithesu ermaefotose However we do kuow this that on that ai could get gainful work. The a recent trip made Wo Hamilton and Reeve lad given many hours W bhis Simcoe tle ediior of The States- task, sud île Mayor voiced the ap- man and his wif e iu company with 'preciation of boib tle Welf are other weekly editons and their wives Bo ansd the Council for bis in- f rom every part o! îhe province lad tenesi a mosi enjoyable outing. i was thl ef ull report presented by Mr. ~~~ ~occasion of the. annual summer con-_Ptt Let olos 6~~~ ~feence ef île members of Class A ut r l riwe !My Weeklies of Canada whicl îeok abou 56mn eiseediein inames, ges, height , weight, etc., for

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