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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jul 1934, p. 4

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LGE WFUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JTJLY 12th, 1934 THE SOLG THIRD SECTION 0F LAKESHORE LEAGUEp SCHEDULE IS DRAWNa Executive Meeting of Lakesiiore 9 League Representatives Hed At Newcastle on Monday h At a meeting o! representatives b fnom the teama in the LakeshareE Inteninediate League v.hich was held, at Newcastle on Manday night, the lî t.hrd section o! the season's chedule was drawn up. Bawmanville'S home gaines are July l8th. July 2lst anda July 25th. The president, Tommyg Rosa o! Bawmnanville, presided. t Considerable tune was taken Upa with the discussion o! the protesti lodged by Newcastle rcgarding Portv Hope's 1-0 victony in their last meet-C ing an the village diamofld. Fln-t ally it was decided ta neplay tihet engagement at the end o! tihe scasond If the achedule s affected. 'me Port Hope at Cobourg game on May 24th will also be replayed. Dates for postponed games weret arraniged as follows: Aug. 4th, 3.30- Bowmnafville at Cobourg; Aug. 8th,t fl,45-Poirt Hope at Bowmaflville; Aug. 8th, 6.45-Newcastle at Co- bourg.r Thie third part o! thse seasans ( schedtile is as f ollaws:V July 11-Bownianville at Newcastle. 6.4 14-Pont Hope at Newcastle, 6.45 i4-Bawrnanville at Cobourg, 3.30 18.-Cobourg at Port Hope, 6.45 18-Newcastle at Bowmanville, 6.45 21-Newcastle at Pont Hope, 3.30 21--CoboUrg at Bowmaflville, 3.30 25-~Cobourg at Newcastle. 6.45 25-Port Hope at Bowmanvillc 28-Newcastle at Coboung, 6.45 28--BowmaIWille at Port Hope. 3.30 August 1-Port Hope at Cobourg, 6.45. LOCALS LOSE WHEN COBOURG STAGES DRAMATIC RALLY Bowrnanville LosesTough Gaine In Extra Innings After Leading Most et Way BowinOnville Lakeshone team swal- lowed ts hardeat pili on Saturday when it su!! cred a 7-6 defeat at the hands o! Toey Ibey'a boys, in a ten innings game a! ter ieacing most of the way. A amant batting rally tn Cobourg'a ninth. combiried with Bow- man's tring arm brougît in thre ruila ta tie the score, and despite Conden's home run in the final f rame the locals failed ta avercori-e the two run lead secured in Coboui'g'a tentis inninigs. Three hits un the f irst inninga bnought Cobourg in two runs, their only countens until the 9th inninga. Bowmanville was siower on thse get- awsy and t was not until the 4th lnnlngs that Osborne camne home after reacig first on a enron. They took the lead in thse ti. witis two runs, Bowman reaching home an a catcisen's ennai, and Cameroti who reached fimt on a f ielder's chaice and reachiig home on Oaborne's single ta le! t f ield. Large waiked in tIe 6th, and a hefty thrce bagger by Bob - Bate brought hlm uin. Osborne reacîed lst on a hit ta le! t f ield in the 7t1 and Corden's tîn-ee bagger braught hlm home. As the teama fimished the 8tis, Bowmanville leading 5-2 aeemed certain o! a desenviflg win. But fate played otherwisc, and Go- bourg batters wîo lad knocked out a llstleas game. started ta lit Bow- -M ANNOUNCEMENT MrG.W. Burdge Forrnerly of Oshawa has Ieased the Super Test Service Station Hospital Coere SUPERTEST GAS AND OILS - TIRES - AUTO ACCESSOIUES Greasing and Washing Cars. ereshnent Booth PA Sufficiently Sufficed I ~ l.L&J 1-ip AeE MXmà rldU£b i Specials To FIy Mollison Route on Atlantic Flight SH O EO T T ONSPOR __More July IlONSP R BRADLEY'S White Pique Skirt, sizes 14 to 20, t, _________________June examinaticnis of S. S. No. 14, White Washable Purses, nrnerous man ail over the lot. It seemed a Darlington: Shorts and Shirts, plain and plaid, worse crime because Bowman had Jr. IV to Sr. IV-C*race Yellowlees. Mesh and Fine Chamnoisette Gleves pitchied an outstand.ing game ag- Sr. III to Jr. IV-Donald Yellow- orga.ndy trinimed, per pair tint rel ardtem.lees. Russell Hepburn. Bill Ashton, Angel Skin Slips, reg. S1.00, pink au Josta eaGod ared t he fn a Jr. III-Doreen Hardy. Silk Brassiere and Pantie Combinat Big Jr. e taSr.Iy-Mrgaet Pesctthe reuunr$12 first man up with a sweet two bag- Jr lt r IMargaret Hebrn l reneAshtn. Ia 1.5........ ger to right f ield, Brooks got out at, Beach Pylamas, strFlorenaedApolka fis.and Roll'ngs walked. Elliott Sr. Pr. to Jr. I-Ross Cryderman.BecPya strp ndolai camet .pt ms uhsscn Bertha M. J. Cain, teacher. combnation of colors, eacl, it of the game. a three bagger in-___ _____ Silk Pique Skirts, Crepe Nighfties. 2 centre f ield, and a hit by Ibey Cotton Crepe Pyjamas, Elastie Girq brought him home ta tie the score., HAYDON Ail On SaleayOteSpcasT and etied n sarp rde intheFinal standing of S. S. 21, Dar- and rfte tdi harp Coourern telnt names in order of menit: T 'n the tnth ta core anoher twoSr. IV (a)-Donald Mountjoy. h vïy runs. Mitchell opened the play and Wilmna Wotten. Gordon His, RoyuLV yI atoned for his error eariier in the Crwn uhMNil a rwn P game by swatting a three bagger ta Srowi.VbýLodSe nElnPhe59Kigtr the south fence. Campbell hit ta f irst Sr. li-Qro imnDrty ________ _________ and reached home on Pipers error. Sr.____________n, orth In the final eftort to retrieve manl.AviseyVio, re Aii.Nor what had looked a certain vîctorY mJr.Avis-BricerA dDas. Osborne came up to bat, but failed Avi. IDonaldcehompson, DWmnie ta reach f îrst. Bill Corden, charac-Avs DoadT mpnWni teristic of a f amous Bailieboro inci-SrI-iod Trewin m . dent two years ago, drove Hoot Gib- Jr. II-RCifoss Ashton.JimeG- Spris evve, h lcas en otNeil, Jean Crossxan, Mabel Avis And who wants to be tiedt Sp, ii ts eith o as awentlout(conditional> weather? Let Corbett's doy a littie more revived for he struck M. J. Hobbs, teacher. is cheaper, and you save tl both Colweli and Large out. thoe strain of baking yOurseL Hoot Gbson. Cobourg's unruffled 'rry ci and stellar hurler had a remarkable SOLINA WEINER. ROLLS and record of no less than 16 strike- PooinRslso .SN 0 f or yourp outl ihe ten nntige. Bowane Darington; Names in order 0f mer- HOT - - WELL E whikle he did fotpie-u a rhe- it: F>-Failure: Ice Creamn is one of the mosl mabrable nu bit0fstinkeout,. he Jr. IV-Sr. IV-Bud Westlake, Bruce humanity. Nt only is ite Cougs, aptohits in even afl Potter, Jean Johns, Margaret Per- food value. Your doctorv igme andpicedareaka kins (F). Silverwood's Ice Cream at C game aoxso.r Sr. 11-Jr. IV-Elinor Vivian. Mar- best that's made. Corne in2 Co herg Box ScO S Ion Johns, John Baker F). ie cream creations.. oborg ABRH4 POAESB 1 Jr. III-Sr. III- Muriel Langmaid. Rllng, 3b. 54212i0i2401 1Boyd Ayre. Leonard Vivian, Lloyd IEylltb. 6 1 2 9 2 1 0 Ayre (F). Kenneth McEwen CF). C o rb ett s Ibey. l. 6 1 i90 i OCarrne Parker (F).PHN 3 McFadcn, .65 0 12 0 2 0 1 Sr. Il- Jr. III--Charlie Langmaid, E. Book, r. 40 0 0 0 _ 2Bobbie Vivian. Frayn Johns. E.iBrook, c. 54000000 11 1Promoted in March _________ Gody c. 5 120 0J.R ALIGL. G. REID I - Jr. II-Annie Patter. A.ooks, cf. 52 ii0 2 0 O 1J.0. AYI0GSr. Pr.-I.-Mary Parrinder. Helen Campbell, If. 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 Though the Mollisons failed ini their attempt ta take off f rom Wasaga Langmnaid, Evel>n Parrinder. ------- Beach. Ont., on a f light ta Bagdad, two more Engltsh f liers, J. R. Ayling Jr. Pr.-Sr. Pr.-Billie Vivian, Ruth- Totals 44 7 10 30 10 5 and L. G. Reid have announced their intentions of a flight over the Reynolds. Bowmanville ~saine route. They are showfl here as they arrived in Toronto ta prepare Jr. Pr.-Isabel Vivian, Jiminie H r ie D Camneron, cf. 4 1. 0 2 0 0 for the proposed fight. otr A. Osborne, ss. 5 2 2 2 5 0 i Corden. lb. 5 1 2 13 O0O0o0iBowInanville to EntIer PRVD CEIklS E. Bagneli. 2b. 5 00 14 2 0 PROVIDENCE W. Bagneil, if. 4 0 0 2 O0O0O 0 SPO RT NEW ~S PIrototed ta Sr. IV-Ewart Bragg FRIDAY Bates, c. 4 0 i 7 0 O O Junior P5ayoff eries (To J VCthr ihtHnJLY 2t a Bowman, p. 4 i O O 2 1 2 - Helen. Lu-therine),igracHallFa - ---1A junior basebalclub for Bow- Gia il Holn>. Peari SHmitGrHneHGlnnat p.ni. OneMil Totals 39 6 6 30 13 4 41 manville. which wili enter the Lake- Goya is(o) er hml HnGenO eMl Colwell batted for E. Bagneli in sh'ore Junior Basebali League at the Goodyear p.led up 12 runs ýt Jim Broks. II-Ethr 7reU(Hn> Bm.a the lth. cose f theregulr scedule hasBowmafl'5 High Schooi teamns 5 in Violet Crago, Viola Ruiter.________ Sunmary been made porsible through the ef- ia.st Thursdays town league f ixture T r i-aeieCao(o) mEasesou, byGibson 16, by BaHaw- Ormehet campus. Opening viîh two J Helen Ruiter Hon), Helen Wight A G e tE u man7; ase onbalîs, off! ,o Orono. Orme. h seemns ta have runs in the f irst innings, Goodyear (Han Mary Wight. Ross Bragg.A Gra d c off Bovaman 2; Lef t on bases. Co- plenty of pull with the O. B. A. A. maintained their lead throughout To Sr. II-Murray Cain, Elean- bourg 10, Bowmanville 6; Hits, off moguls. secured pernission for a the gaine. Alan Os-borne pitched for ore Wight, Irene Wight. 0f Special Interest to Gibson 6, off Bowman 10; Earned Bowmaniie îeam to play off with the rubbei- men, and Bob Kent for To Jr. I-Calvifl Crago (Hon>, runs, Cobourg 7, Bowmanville 5. the winners of the present Lakeshore the scholars. * Brian Barnett (Hon>, William Bragg in Daii Umpires--Gordon of Cobourg, IH. Loopcomposed o! Cobourg. Oshawa .n' we Boks .o>,Bet Osborne of Bowmanvilie. adPr oe hsBwaiil Cobourg Leading rice Quinney. Different types of Holstein _________ _______ will have every opportufllty of gorng KnehWry ece. Hr ie tvrosae f ar in the Ontario playof fs. With Saturdays games now hist e-_________he. Hed ieso vrin ae Bo mnil isOrme ha.s persuaded Jim Bowmnan ar)', it auldseen frinur way of wifl be on exhibit for corn- Bw anieWnsta handle the new team. which f iguring the matteIr that with Baw- ENNISKIILLEN aioadthwrkfte Froni Newcastle In should prove fairly easy picking formavle ndPrHoe rpifgdm star. Jim as is s composed mamnly of i games Cobourg is back in the lead. Folaowing is the standing of the Dr. George Hilton. Ottawarie Close Fixture Here regular High School players. Frank with Bowmaflile second. Port Hope pupils arranged in order of merit: Canada, bas kindly consented jMcIlveen, wha by the way is learn- third. and Newcastle traihin gthe Honours-60 ta 100 per cent; Pasa- give an addresa. His subjeci In a f ast and smart Lakeshore ing baiking under the expert tut- league. Bowmanville is the only 50 ta 60 per cent: Failure-Below 50 Elimination ot Infectious Ab« League fixture on Wednesday night, anial wing o! his father at the Mont- team that Newcastle has failed ta per cent. Cate." July 4th, Bo%-nanviile took a 3-1 real Bank, is ta be the secretary- tie or beat. sa it looks like the locals Jr.c IV - Sr. IV-Myrtle Page 64: victary fromn Newcastle on the lat- treasurer of the outf t. Orme Gamns- have every reason ta expect a league Alice Stevenson 59. EVERYBODY WELCOME ter's diamond. Th aewsfa- by for lack of anothe ii wl eth8.flpinship5 * * * Sr. m- Jr 1V-Alvin Page, 63; Ed-ETNSO ured by smart hurling by both Dave Fairy Godmather ta the infant. Cubs Ba Fon Street na Bradley, 61; Wilma Ashton, 58; IA Osborne who pitched for Bawman- Those who signed Up and have enAstn5;BacePsoH lti-F einAi ville and Bill Brunt, mound heaver secured certif ictes f rom the O. B. With the seventh innings ta spare 53; Harold Ashton, 51; Roy Virtue, B.NFR for Newcastle. Bowrnanville knock- A. A. are Bob. Kent, Harry Jackman, 1-latelys Cubs handed Front Street a 50: R.oss Page. 43.BRNF D ed six hits off Brunt, and Newcastle Hub Hoaper, Ted Bagnell, Bill Bag- 5-3 beating in Monday night's game. Sr. II-Jr. III-Dora Shantz, 82; three off Osborne. Only two errors. nel, Dave Osborne, Jack Allin. Don 'The game was quite even until the Olga Sanderson, 67. bath by Newcastle. were regstered Williams. Alex Colville, Frank Mc- sixth frame when Cubs drove in Jr. II-Sr. II-Alan Ferguson. 69: in the gamre. The great improve- Ilveen. Bayd Slemon aIl o! Bow- three i-uns ta cinch the lead. 'Pwo Ralph Vrtue, 45. ment shown by Newcastle in the manvilie and Bill Hars of Orano. strike-outs preventcd Front Street I-fl-Donald Ferguson, Lloyd Pres- SPECIAL 1 past few games, in which they have When aur own felaows f ailed ta or- -taging any comeback in their final ton (ediual> 84; Allan Preston 58; tied bath Part Hope and Cobourg, ganize a team for this junior league. bat. Dave Osborne pitched a good Douglas Shackelton 57. might see Newcastle in the playoffS Orme Gamsby is ta be comniended game for the Cubs, while George Sr. Pr-I.-Merle Oke (Han). Eve- T A N R E ate th ed of tceythgidace helfor his energy in getting the young- Piper he!d the mound for Front lyn Virtue (HnRraySnesn WEDNESDAY- Undr Dc"Staey' gidace ters un der way. After ail the Inter- Street. Han-y Osborne and Calwell, Hon). team hbas made rapid stnides and mediate Lakeshare teamn of the fu- handled the gamne. i.P.-S.P.Jn stn os i nai a thcy are well warth turning out ta ture is the Lakeshore Juniors of the *s* Sharp, Jean Werry, Olive Strong. 1- watch. Teams were: sent idgets Win ini Port Hope Jr. Pr-Lorraine Page, Stuart> Cobourg stO NI Newcastle - Brunt. p; Rickard, prpretan. c: Lane, lb: Moise. 2b; Lycett. 3b; Sid Little's Bowmanville Midgets M. H. Dalton, teacher. Savery, ss: A. Graham. If; G. Gra- A flarist stood at the phone wîth defeated the Port Hope Midgcts 4-0 1. ham. cf: Walton, rf. the receiver ta his ear. He would in an exhibition game in Part Hope pinletsonvalcrc Bawmanville - D. Osborne, P; nod bis head occasionally and there on Friday night. The local lads NEWCASTLE HIGH SCHOOL Otoa xeso i lcn Bates, c: Corcien. lb: Colwell, 2b; was a f ar away look in Uis eyca. were much too good far the Hill Bih- J U r Fal Piper. 3b; A. Osbonne, as; Large. If; A customer tapped his foat im- lues 0f the East, displaying a fine Report of pr-omotions for 1934 of!i g ra Fa l Cameron. cf: Bagneli, r!. patiently an the floar. Finally lie brand o! bail for the size and age of Newcastle High School. The stud- Steamer Schedule - Standard1 Umpires - Hanry Osborne, Bow- spoke, "Excuse me si-but I've been the players. The Bowmanville line- ent must take again the subjectsafa- y.eave Cebeurg - - 8.00 a. m. manville: Kenefick, Newcastle. waiting for at least twenty rnunutes up was: Witheridge. P. D. Nichols, ter his name. First Ciass Honours is Arr.PL alhus - 2.00 p.mn. ,Score by Inninga: R Hl E and I have-" c: C. Spencer. lb:; R. Aines, 2b; H: 75l ta 100%: Second Glass, 66 ta, Lve. Pt. Daiheusie- 5.30 P. m. Bowmanville 000 102 0-3 6 0 "Sh-sh," said the flarist, "I'm talk- Hoaper, 3b; Millen. ss: W. McFeet- 74; Third. 60 ta 65; and Credit, 50 Ar. obur - - 11.30 P. nu. Newcastle 000 001 O - 1 3 2 in~g toa my wfe." ers, f: H. Taylor, cf; R. Hlooper. ir. ta 59. Namnes are in order of menit: Purcliase tîicets trem local ______ ____E. W. Crawford and Sid Little mot- Lewer Scheol or~ at 3 An aid negro woman came into a ared the lads ta Port Hope. Passed freni Forni I to Feni Il HOMI1NG PIGEON CLUB 1 flawer shop to corder saime flowers. ....CasI(oor)RyWih 1"Did you wish ta enclose a card?' Newcastie Wins 8 l1 sI.Hn3r.-oy Wigto ntarlo C Bowmanville Homing Pigeon Club1 the flarist asked. Gmsh"s fe alngbhn tteedo lass II-Lloyd Hancock 71.3, Ar- 1 , lwtertenth aid bird race f romn "You mean my namsh"se Atetaîngbhdatheed! chie Wallace 71.3, Tom Breretan 70,1 PeuInd. U.S.A., 414 miles air lune. asked. the league ail summer. but severai Archie Martin 69.5, Ronald Burlcy Th'is proved the handest race o! the -Ysirteilnth adan cî times threatening the league leaders694 1saosafan. The birds were ship-i enclose it with the flowers," le said in tic games, Newcastlefre Class III-Aldeni Pollard 65.2 (Bn. season 50 ~~~~~~~~~~~aead ta their firat, victany an Sat Hsi da iîo 4.,Jrc FFCLU' ped 'mursday nlght and on iacco)Unt:The old lady looked perplexed udywente ceae ot Hop imbaî,lEd62.8 (Eng. 48,JaGramOLU !0f bad wcather were not liberated 1'Well, ah don't do much writin' mis- Onra wun a fasi. game.DesrtHpie K Crectit.8Rea Poellam.).B it HW IS YU IE unil7.5a.m.Sndyad ut9!tr-uta k dcat i.ntc ad ga;ined byst Port Hoepie ain Mi-PLatinel 5. Br H' t. HWeup yoUer LUe R1 to clear styles eacis md peacli, eacis ations. An3Arce dots, . 2pîcce stleIU4 hroaagheut the Store LADIES' si :eTCIBe tevens ville, Ont. FRIDAY rm JULY 2Oth Wes of at 7 p. mi. lut It's Hot te a hot kitchen lu tis yeur sumnmer baking- It the nervous systein frorn eIf. our 1HAMBURG BUJNS picnics. EAT ICE CREAM )s perfect foods known to cooling, but it Ls ricih in Corbett's and you get the and try one of our niany Daktery BOWMANVILLE ýemonstratioli zational Event Ail Fariners Engaged îrying IAnother f eature of the ,ro- gramme will be lantern .lides iilustrating Hostein breeding developmeiit in Canada. lterinary Director General fer 1to attend this, gathering and ýwill be "T'he Control and ortion, or Bang's Disease in, E- EVERYBODY COME E)EPARTMENT sociation of Canada D, ONTARSO BARGAIN EXCURSION -ULY l8th S Ferrysteamer >rt Dalhousie FARE RETURN 2,00 ltrain trom Port Dalhousie to lf Return tare 2.50 (rom Cobourg> Tione - Electric Train Sehedule Lve. Pt. Dalhousie - 2.10 p. m. Arr. Niagara Fails - 3.00 p. m. Lve. Niagara Falls - 4.30 p. mn. Arr. Pt. Dalhousie - 5.20 p. m. ai Canadian National Agent steamer. Car Ferry What School? DeciSions are always inord.r. Our request. We train for Business Pos. Itians and help ta Place our Gradu. ates. Enter any time. No forced vacatons. Wr te ta Shaw Business Schools DePt K-3- Bay & Charles Sts. Toronto. Optoanetrists 2143 DANFORTH- AVENUE Phone Grover 7078 G. m.« BOSNELL. PORT HOPE W ednesday- 9 a. m* to 9 P. M. Oppos8ite John Stre et Phone 248 or 525J G. E. GARNETT, COBOURG Saturday - 9 a. m. t 9 p.m over A. & P. Store arc promptly end £horoulghly relievod by the use of - -- y Article 'hop >wmanville ,reet Bol

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