'ITZ~' t' A i..Tar~3A M ~TATW.RMAM ItOVJ MANVILLE. THURSDAY. JULY l9th, 1934 COURT 0F REVISION TOWN- PAGE TEN IS NOW HANDLING THEIR TEAS I FLOWER SHOP AND COFFEES. Phone 72 Day or Night q Box 163 - Bowmanvllle jed. On the 4th of July the bride IIwas tendered a miscelianleolis I I shower at the home of her sister Th Ne c sltne e d n n Toronto. Mr. and Mrs Couch (formerly Miss Eva Hawke) were The N wcasle Idep~dentmmarrie<i in Newcastle by Bey. W. M.Jacob Cobbledick, Orono, is Valley. They started off on foot Vo P. Rogers on June l4th. vLsting with her niece, Mrs. J. A. Golden Valley, having been picked Mr. and Mrs. George Wright who Awde. up by 15 di! ferent motorists. recentlyy miqved f rom Newcastle Vo Miss Norma French, Toronto, is Misses Marion and Helen Rickard London had the misfortune Vo have visiting her cousin, Miss Margaret were recently guests of Dr. H. G. their cottage struck by lightni;ng Toms. and Mrs. Martyn at their summer They just had time to escape f rom Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Haugh, Toronto, cottage at Mimnico. the flame with their three child.reni j visited her mother, Mrs. Wm. Bon- Rev. F. H. Mason and a troop of and were able to save only a few athan. Boy Scouts f rom St. George's and St. articles of wearing apparel. Sheriff Burns of Saginaw, Mich., Savious's went clown to Presqu'iie on Mrs. Gowdy and son, Douglas, was guest of Mr. Hudson Stowe at Monday for a ten days' camp. Toronto, spent laut week with her BI the Lake. Mr. H. BrereVon with Bowmanville aunt, Mrs. John Douglas and mother, Mrs. W. H. Walton-Ball and Miss and Oronio friends attended the Mrs. Ed. Brittain, and assisted with Eleanor, Toronto, are sunimeriflg at funeral at Peterboro Sunday of much pleasure in entertaining and Harris Lodge. Robert CarI, one time employed serving the guests at the delightful Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, is with Mrs. A. A. Colwill. Mr. W. F. trawberry social under the auspices visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rickard, who happened Vo be in of Mrs. F. B. Lovekin's group i Mrs. < Parrraby Martin. Peterboro at the tine, also attended Douglas' gardens on Wednesday ev- T Mr. and Mrs. Emersoni Fisher, Ot- the service. entng. tawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. J. R. St. George's Church, Rev. F. H. The local girls' softbali team was Fisher, "Sunnyside." Mason, recthr. Sunday, July 22nd, decideiy out of f orm on July 6thR Mrs. Dunham, Toronto, is visiting 8th Sunday after Trmnity: 8 a.m.- when they iost heavily Vo the Port her cousin, Mrs. N. L. Rickard and Hoi.y Conunion; 9.4.5-Sunda.y Hopers, but on the Friday f ollow- relatives near Port Hope. Schooi; il a.m.-Mornitig Prayer; ing, the day a! ter th.e l2th, they Mrs. Hargraves and chlldren, To- 7 p.m.-Evensong and Sermon. ReV. easily trimined Cobourg young lad- ronto, are holidayiflg at Miss J. Scott Howard, M A, will preach ies by 14-6 with Ruby Shaw pitch- Baker's cottage on the Harris Lodge in the absence of the Rector. ing, Annabeile Hendry catching and Li Estate.Men's Club of the Deanery are Evelyn Rickard on flrst base as Mrs. Alun and daughter, Mrs. R. holding their f irst annual picnic at generally. T. Rutherford and Miss Vera Ruth- Wiilow Beach, west o! Port Hope, erford are on a motor trip o New on Saturday afternoon. A feature of York City. the afternoon will be a softbalii eut W. A. of the United Church meets tournament and St. George's with Entrance R s ls F on Thursday afternoon at Mrs. W. Jack Hare engaged as pitcher and H. Cook's when Mrs. R. T. Ruther- Cha.rlie Breretor as catcher, have ford's group wiii be in charge. madle up a team and training it in (Contmnued f rom page 1) Mrs. W. D. Bargg and mother, Mrs. anticipation of the event. Veale Lois (Hons.) George P. Rickard, Mrs. E. H. Joli Newcastle basebali teami su!!ered Watson Irene (Hons.) and son William, visited Mr. and a rather hevere defeat mostly in the Whitfield Beatrice Mrs. A. H. Fisher at Belleville. very first innfings on Saturday even- Wilson Mary (Hons.) The second part o! the fresh air ing, Juiy l4th, when the Port Hope campers from Toronto arrived an visitors scored 5 runs off Bill Brunt SOLINA CENTRE Mondlay at camp Copper Beech to be Bill's day for pitchmng. Geirge BaeKthen(o. conducted by Evangel Hall, Toronto. the f irst time up. It didn't appear FBser Vae (Hn. Misses Marjorie Lycett and Jean Walton was then put on the mound FihrVa Rickard are attendiflg C. G. I. T. and during the rest of the gaine Port Gilbert Veinia (Hons.) Camp near P-eterborc. Mr. W. F. Hope scored twice and Newcastle Hepbyusaeld Rickard motored them out on Sun- once. Mbrtn HFrldi Clay On Thursday, July i 2th, the New- Martsin Eerd Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and Mr. castie and Browf's i;oftball teams Oke JohnH a.nd Mrs. A. O. Parker were guests staged an evening game on the local BritinHwr of Bey. W. P. and Mrs Rogers at diamoid when the boys from the Scoitt Bi obbide 'Restholii1r", CrGwes Lan<ding, east won by a sinaîl margin which Scott ordon Stoney Lake. increased however as the game went SctylordnB Rey. John Cobourn was guest o! on a few more innings just for the . Wotten Francis (Hons.)B Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glepnny for diii- sport o! it. Ray Brown, Pitcher. andT ner and over night and of Mr. Thos. John Tkatch, Catcher, composed the BOYS' TRAINING SUHOOL Moffat for tea. Mr. Glenny also battery for Brown's and Jack Hare d drove Mr. Coburn Vo Clarke in the and Charlie Brereton for Newcastle. Adams Walter aftrnon.Mr. Johnston, formerly C. N. R. Christoff Harold The beautiful Madonna Lilies section boss at Newtonviiie, has re- Graham Steart composi,flg the floral memorial in ceived the appointment as foreman Grahamitew oast the library this week were donated cf the Newcastle sectio,n to suceed Hay oacs Aertt by Mrs. J. Scott Howard Vo whom the late Patrick O'Nell. Mr. and Huho icn Hn. Mrs. M. Brown, who looks af ter the Mrs. Johnston and babe moved int ogtnVnet(os) J placing o! a vase "In Remembrance" their new home at the Station Fr1- Moffatt Thomasc weekly, is deepiy grateful. day. Mrs. ONeil and grandson, Reuby Charles (Hons.) Mr. and Mrs. Crosby, on a motor Jimmy Keech, with the assistance Boss DonaldS tour from Florida visited their c!f het' son, Mr. Frank O'Neil o! Richardson Gordoin cousi,ns, Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Car- Philadelphia and her grands9n, Stevens Norman 9 veth, and were so enamoured with Kennelh Keech, Belleville, having Wilkie Harry Newcastle Beach tilat they are moved into the Bonathan house onc seriously thinking o! taking a sum- Miil Street North. NEWCASTLE CENTRE mer cottage here. United Church, Rev. S. Maclean, Gordon Barrabali Miss Marion Alun, whoma we re- pastor. Sunday, Juiy 22nd: 10.45 a. Evelyn Belamny ported ast week as taking a suxn- m.-Sunday School; 11.30 a.m.- Frances Breretonv mer course in domestic science at Morning Worship; 8 p.m.-Evenrng Audrey Brown the University o! Toronto, f ound service Both church services in Sam Cowan that she could take this course only charge o! Young Peoples' League. Harold Hockin (Hon.) at Hamilto.n this summer,, so is tak- Mr. Raymond Chapman, Orono, will Jean Holmes9 ing music instead. be the speaker in the morning, Spec- Audrey Jaynes Edwn Hanoock and Walter Black- ial music will be provided. In the Marguerite McKayb burn spent last week on a holiday eve.nng a stit o! slides depicting Margaret Pearce (Hon.)n through Muskoka and Parry Sound Young Peoples' work and camp hf e Patricia Pearce (Hon.) and visited Edwin's au.nt at Golden will be shown and Mr. Jas. Hancock, Maurice Powell (Hon.)a ______________________Courtice, Tenor Gold Medalist at the Helen RobinsonS Music Festival, wll sing. Ethel Spencer Bey. ,ohn Coburn, representing i the Ontario Temperance Federation, ORONO CENTRES preached two rousing temperance John K. Allen (Hon.) sermons in the United Church Sun- Clarence W. Aluna They alIwaysget day and presented mucli interestmng Bena A. Balr &7 iforatio inregad t thepreent William G. Barchard 0 qsituation in Canada generally and HeeaBy h riOntario particularly. Mr. E. C. Helen Case(Hon. Hoar, tenor, sang an appropriate Jane E. Chater solo in the morning and a Trinity Jaeh.Ciii United Church Quartette, Bowman- Jaudey . Coopler (on ville, gold medalista at the spring ArionE Cooper (Hon Festival o! Music, Messrs. Orville Sarihe Corysal . Osborne and Howard Wight a.nd Marjie L Ftarrowi % Mrs. M. H. Wight andl Mrs. Ross Pauhoie L. Fro Grant, assisted the choir in the ev- GaleoreL. Froseen ning and rendered two soul stirrtng Mee . Halowell 3elections.Gen EB. Hanock (on. Friends were pleased Vo meet at Fred . Hnders (on.L P the strawberry social in Mrs. John Ard B. Hlliesortil Douglas' extensive and beautiful William H. HoskiXna gardens on July 11, Mrs. J. G. Rick-i Mervyn W. Keanea ard and Miss Florence, o! Bowman- Bernice E. Langstaff ville, and Mrs. H. G. Martyn of Gordon Leaman (Hon.)t JUST watch childreîi listen Stratforcl, aiso Mrs. E. H. Joil ancl Gordon Major to Kellogge Rice Krispies son Billie o! Glidden, Sask. The Edwin T. Manning ladies o! Mrs. Lovekins group as Helen Mayde.nik crackle in milk or cream. well as ail others were also pleased B Adele Morton (Hon.) Then watch thcm eat. You to see so many of the Clarke inez M. Mortonc neyer need to coax thcm. friends in attendance. They drove Muriel I. Morton (Hon.) out in their cars wit.h their f amies S. Rose Pearlstei Rice Krispies are a fine, and, neighbours and feastecl on James L. Powers norihigfood. Easy to di. Mrs'. Lovekin's luscious strawberries Roy H. Scott noesExngo o h and the sugar and cream, etc. pro- Keith T. Tennant gest Exra oodforthe vlded by the ather ladies helped ma- Lawrence Thomas children's evening meal, AI. terially o sweii the proceeds o! the Doris WannanÈ ways oven-fresh in the WAX- event. James Wannan1 TITE wrapper. Made by Mr. and Mrs. Fred Couch were the Lois E. Wood Keogin London, Ontarjo surpriseci guests o! honor at a gath- H. Patricia Yeo Kelloggering at the home o! the brlde's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hawke, JANETVILLE CENTRE Leskarci, on Friday evening, Juiy 6, when the friends o! the whoie com- Omer CapstickÉ [fjisQte n! -En ang1 e fl - munity were assembled and present- EdnaFaning SHIP 0F CARTWRIGHT ~7~IÏNGEVENTS 1 BIRTHSI BROWN-ON JULY lSth, 1934, AT Bowmanvilhe, to Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Brown, a son. DEATHSI 'OURJEE-AT ORONO ON SUN- day, July lSth, 1934, Albert S. TourJee, in bis seventy-sixth year. REYNOLDS - IN CARTWRIGHT Township, o~n Friday. July 1Sth, 1934, Thomas Reynolds, in bis 77th year. Interment in St. John's Cemetery, Blackstock. .,OCKHART - AT PORT HOPE Hospital on Sunday, Juiy lSth, 1934, Annie Eliza Stark, beloved wif e o! the late Wellington Lock- hart, aged 73 years. Interment in Newtonvilhe Cemetery. FORDER - AT pRIVATE PAVIL- lion, Gieneral Hospital, Toronto, on Saturday, July 14th, 1934, Mary P. Gaspeil, beloived wife o! Joseph Forder, Nestieton, in heri 66th year. Interment at Union Cemetery, Cadmus. IN MEMORIAM ..ANE - IN LOVINO MEMOBY 0F our Dear Mother and wif e o! Fred Lane, who passecl awaY JulY l9th, 1923. Gone, dear Mother, gone forever, HIow we miss your smiling face, But you le!t us Vo rememnber, N~o one on earth can take your place A happy.homne we once enjoyed, How sweet the reniory stili 3ut death has le! t a loneliness. [The world can neyer f111. -Lovingly renlembered by her daughter Laura and famnilY. BLACKSTOCK 1 Misýs Annie Wright is visiting Mrs. John Larmer. miss Elsie Vennirig has gone to Eleorgian Bay. We are sorry Vo report that Mrs. F. Stinson is not s0 well. Miss Mae Stevensoni, IHolloway, is guest o! Miss Susie VanCarmp. MisQs Mildred Hooper will be at Ejeorgiali Bay for a fewv weeks. Mrs C.reighton Devitt has been ii, but is recoveiig graduall3'. Miss Dje$i1is easlip, Toionto, is visiting miss Gwenyth. Marlow. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Philp sPent r-uesday at Mr. John Larmer'5. Mrs. Germyni, Hastings, has been guest o! Bey. and Mrs. H. J. Bell. Miss Lois Larmer entertained a- bout 15 girl f riends on Friday after- nooti Bey. and Mis. C. E. Whittaker and Miss Agnes, vîsited a.t Lake Simcoe. Mr. and Mrs. C. Lamb and f am- ily. Lindsay, visited at Mr. f05s. Smitlh's. Boss Bailey and Harold Crawford are at the Si! csh Boy Scouts' Camp near Oshawa. Miss Mable Argue is visitiiig Mr. and Mms. Sandy Dawson o! Windsor ai Wasaga Beach. Mrs. Nasmith Henry and family have been guests o! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey. Congratulations Vo Miss Beatrice Whitfield and Boy Carter, who Pass- ed their entrance exams. Mr. ancl Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Windsor, are visiting her pare.nts, Mir. ancl Mrs. F. A. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. John Jobb, Mis. J. Larmer and Miss Annie Wright vis- itecl friends in Bowmanville. Sunday Schooh o! United Church are planning a picnic !or Wednesday, at Glepnny's Landing, Scugog Lake. Several f rom the village attended the funeral o! the late Mrs. Robert English at Cavanvihhe on Thursday. Cartwright Lodges marched ai Port Hope on July l2th and a f ev attencled the Orange Parade in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wright, Miss Jean Wright, Mr. and Mrs. John Wright spent Sunday at Fenelor Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunin and Miss lone IDunn, Oshawa spent Sun- day at Mr. O . Wright's and Mr. Gz Forder's. League o! Blackstock United Church will be held at Mr. W. A. SVan Camp's on Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Dickie and daughter Joan, Moncton, N. B., Mrs. KAWARTHA BOYS' CAMP $500 per week 21 miles north of Peterborough at Stoney Lake. Under supervision of D. A. Loomnis, Physical Director, Y.M.C.A. For folder, C. P. Borland, Bank of Toronto, Peterborough, Ontaro. Vivian Sadier accoompanied Mrs. A. R.eligio;n", and Mrs. Johnston read Sadier who sang a solo "Old Time the second chapter of "Lady Fourth Daughter of China." Rev. and Mrs. H. J. Bell spoke a few words. A tasty lunch was served by the hostess a.nd her assistants. SEh~)TIERS aiiesi to the unilarsigneil, ani andrsed Tndr for wharf Iýxtnsoîî, Port 1101w, ont.". wili ha raeeiv-il until 12 o'clock noon (day. 1iîght savinq>, Tuesday, July 24, 1934, for the Qu 'ans Wharf ex t <isiorn ut 1'ort iiope. l>urham County, Ont. Iaiis anîd forni of contract can he sien andi s1cfict ion a nd farins of tn - il r obtai mâl at tiis I p rt e t t th e offic.-F;or tboI>îtrlct Enýinler, Equty Btuiliniig , T' rot t , O nt. ; T or on to itu lld - rs Exc han.ig e & t'on tru tioii li ustries. t104 Blay Streiat, Toronto0 5, Onut.; also at t ha iPst Office ut Iort lipptopa nt. Tnîlîjrs wl H noît 1w' conîîiileraîiuuless nmade on pjri ntafifo rnis su ppliad by tic 1),;!:; rtin ,lt ni in aecordan ce wtt h cuo 1l it ion s .4.t forth tiierein. Lach tendîer must ha, accomvanied tîy a c,'rtifl'd Iciléque on a chartered b atik In Canajin, piyable 10 tie oriler of the i loiourale ,- th e M inister of Publie Warîrk.< ciîual to 10 1wr ce-nt of flic Sm- ouît of tii" tîniier, or fleurer Bonds of t he D omiion of tCanaidaor tof tii'Cîîn - adia n National Rtai lwa v Coin i)ii i and liq contituant comlpanles9, uîîconditlan- aily guaran t cia4 ta îprlici pal and Iin - terest îy tUic Domninion of l'anatla, or tiîî :for,»întioýiîîeiiIioiiiinit a iertifilcd ciierui' if reîjiireil to rnîke up an odd aniunft. Note-fllue prints can ha <btalncd at ti.4i )î'liii rIniet iî y dtiosi titi g an ac- cî'îted chiîue for tha îum of $2000, îîny- al»Ile tiith eor(iir of tiw i,'nister of publhiec XVork4, whlciî iill ha returnedi f the Iîtenîing blidaer subîmit a r-agular h id. By order, N. DESJARDINS, DepartO.Cuit or Public Works, 6reay ottawa, July 7, 1934. 28-1. W.anted LAND WANTED - FOR BUILD- Ing rural dwellîng, Newcastle to Bovznanville district. John Fisher, Éox 151, Whitby. 29-1w'. MAN WANTED - FOR BOWMAN- ville Vo handle high grade Uine o! Teas, Coffees. Cccoa. Spices, Ex- tracta, Toilet Preparations direct Vo established users. Opening ini Durham County elso for man with car. Write T. H. Ward Company, John South, Hamilton. 28-2' Live Stock For Saie FOR SALE-BOSTON BULL, MALE pup, Reasonable. Apply Ed Dill- ing, Bowmanvilie. FOR SALE-YOUNG PIGS, SIX weeks ohd. A. E. Billett, Hampton, Phone 376-rul. 29-1w. COWS FOR SALE-2 BEGISTERED Jersey Cows, ju.st renewed. Wes. Cawkei, Bowmanville. 29-1. COW FOR SALE-ONE COW A- bout Vo renew. Appîy Vo Hosken Smith. Enniskillen. Pho1ne 197-14. 29-1w*. PIGS FOR SALE-13 YORKSHIRE pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Ray- momdc Davey, Tyrone. Phone 194- 24. 29-1'. Real Estate For Sale F'ARM FOR SALE-49 ACRES, LOT 12 Con. 6, Darhington, crop in; exceptionai bargai.n for immiediate sale. Apply to owner, A. H. Hardy, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone 237- r13. 29-1. FOR SALE-FARM 0F 157 ACRES. 1 Y4 miles north o! Columbus, 1/2 mile west. Good buildings. Run- ning stream. Full possession, April 1, 1935. G. D. Conant, K. C., Osh- awa. 29-7w.' FOR SALE-FARM WITH CROP, comprising 25 acres, noV f ar from Oshawa or Whitby, near school, frame house and smrahl barn, pos- session at once. Apply L. C. Pas- coe, Burketon. 28-t! FOR SALE-10 ACRES, 7 ROOM house, double garage and lhen house. or will exchange for house in towmn without mhortgage. Apply J. W. Abernethy, R. B. 2, Bow- manville or J. H. Abernethy, Concession Street, Bowmanville. 29-1', To Let F ARMS TO RENT OR WORK ON shares. Apply - Messrs. S. & E. Webb, Pontypool, R. R. 3, Ont. liOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- iences, central location. unmediate possession. Sheppard and Gill Ltd., Bowma,niile. 29-t. FOR LENT-C0TTAGE AT LAKE east side) for remainder of seas- on. Phone 159, Mis. A. Bing- harm, BDwmanville. 28-tf TO RENT-QUEEN STREET, FOR- merly occupied by Mr. L. W. Dip- pell, all conveniences. Apply J. J. Mason & Son, Bowmanville. 21-il .FOR RENT - SUMMER COT- tage at Williams Point. Lake Scu- gog, f or month of July. A. W. PicRaid, Bowmaxiville, Phone 185. 26-tf For Sale or Barter -FOR SALE OR BARTER-ONE 26 Star Touring Car. Cattie or homse taken in exchange. "B. J." Staies- man, Bowmanville. 29-1w'. Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE COOLEST PLACE IN TOWN Friday and Saturday, JuIy ZOth a.nd Ziat JOHNNY WEISSMULLER in Tarzan and his Mate Serial. Cartooni. Matinee Saturday 2.30 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, July 23rd and 24th EARL CARROI.L'S Murder at the Vanities With Carl Brisson, Victor MeLagen, Jack 0akie. Fox News, Comnedy, Cora en the <ob. MaUinee Monday 2.30 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, July 25th and 26th JAMES DUNN and CLAIPR TREVOR in .Hold That Girl MiUckey Mouse Cartonhiand Coemedy. Matinee Wedbsesday 2.30 p.ni. Flannel Suits Reduced Grey and Sand Flannel Suite for men and young men. Reg. $25.00 suite, some with two pairs of pants On Sale ........................$795 Reg. $16.50 suite, On Sale .. . . . . . . . 1 005 Other suits greatly reduced. Straw Hat Sale Men'& sailor and soft straw hats at 33 1-3% DISCOUNT Ladies' Straw Hats In black, brown and navy. Special values up to $1.50 each. On Sale............... 79e Ail Suniner Dresses at Greatly Reduced Prices Sumimer Voiles by the Yard Regular 35c yd. On Sale ...20o Yard Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville Mable Argue and Mr. Percy Ham- ilton. Monthly meeting o! the W. M. S. of Blackstock United Church was hehd at Mrs. N. Mountjoy's on JulY llth. Mrs. Cecil Hill led ln prayer; a readlng was glven by Miss Perga Johnston; Miss Norma H-ooey gave ýa paper on 'lover- Waitlng For Ood", THUP.SDAY, JULY 19th, 1934 Tmr rANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, County Judge. Take notice that a court o! Be- vision will sit at the Town Hall in Blackstock on Tuesclay the 31st. day o! July, at the hour of 10 o'- dock a. m. Sta,ndard Time, in the matter o! appeals f rom the Ass- essment o! the Court o! Revision o! the Municipaity o! the Town- ship o! Cartwright. Dated at Nestleton, July l4th, 1934. Wm. Beacock Clark Of *the Munlcipality of Cartwright 29-1 CLERK'S NOTICE 0F FIRST poSTTNG OF VOTERS' LIST. Voters' Lista, 1934 Municipality o! Cartwright CountY o! Durham. Notice is hereby given that I have complieci with section 7 o! The Voters' its Act and that 1 have posted up at my office at Nestie- ton on the lith day o! July, 1934, the list o! ail personTs entitled to vote in the said Mun.icipality at municipal eections and that such ist remains there for inspection. And i hereby caîl upon ail vot- ers Vo take immediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according Vo law, the last day for appeal being the lst. day o! August, 1934. Dated at Nestletoli this 1 lth day o! July 1934. Wm. Beacock, Clerk of Cartwright. 29-1. OFFICE CLOSE» Dr. Bell's Office will be closed f rom June 28th until August l3th. CAR» 0F THANKS Mr. and Mrs. T. Sellars wlsh Vo thanlc the neighbors, friendis and the Superntté,ndent and nurses o! Blowmanville Hospital for their klnd- ness and lovely floral tribi.ites re- ceived durtng the ilîness ançI death o! their Uittie son, Herbert Les-lie. Tiiere wifl be a special meeting of the Bowxnanville Ratepayers' Assoc- iation, Wednesday, JulY 25th, in the council room at 8.30 pin. Al members please attend. Bgimanville Women's Institute will hold July meeting in the form of a pienic on Friday, July 27th at the Cream of Barley Camp. Garton's bus will leave bus staton at 2.55 pin. Ail inembers try to be present. I CHURCHES I Salvation Army: il a.m.-Holiness Meeting; 2.30pan.--Sufday School; 7 p. m.-Salvatiofl meeting. Adjt. F . Bower. Ail are welcome. ST. JOSEPH'S B. C. CHURCH Rev. Father McGulre, Pastor Mass at 9 a. m. D. S. T. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CFUBR R ey. C. R. Spencer, M. A.. Rector Mrs. J. A. Gunn, Organist Sunday, July 22nd, th Sunday a! ter Trinlty: Holy Communion, 8 a. me.; Sunday School, 10.30 a.m.; Morning Prayer, il p.m.; Preacher, Rt Rev. A. L. Flemig D. D., Lord Bishop of the Arctlc; Evening pray- er, 7 p.m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. W. G. Biake, Minister Sunday Services at il a. m. and 7 p. m.; Sunday School 12.15 p. m. UNION SERVICES During the month of July union services of Trinity an~ St. Paul's United Churches will be"held in St. PauI's Church.1. Sunday, JuJy 22nd Rey. A. S. Kerr, M. A. Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist il a.m.-"Wonder and Worship;" 7 p*m.-"The Picture of a God-Bulit Maxi."; A cordial 'welcome to ail. Music FRANCIS SUTTON, mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. A.T.C.M. etc. Pupils prepared for aIl exatninatioiil. Private and class lessons at moderate rates' BowmanviliO. Ont. 40-17?