PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 19t.h, 1934 1THE SPOTLIGHT ON SPORT__ LOCALS FORCED TO Wt oot BOW TO COBOURG I NWi Toot TEN INNINGS GAME Maple Leafs Bowmaflville Leadls 3-0 in Ninth,___ Cobourg Ties Score and Wins AMl Ontario is watching the pro- ln Tenth. Bowman Pitches gress of the Toronto Maple Leaf s master Bil.u who are right in the thick of the Overcorn'Ing a three run lead in pennant race with the season soine the ninth innings, Cobourg repeat- egtwesytt o aae k ed their ainazing wjfl of the pre- Boone one of the most popular lead- vious week defeating Bowmanville ers in the history of the Toronto 4-3 n a ten inniintgs game at Co- Basebali Club has done much to re- bourg on Saturday. It was just an- vive interest in the diamond pastime other of those gaines where the I1--1flot oniy in the Queen City, but cal fans tore at the roots of theirj throughout the province. "Genial hair as they saw a hard earned lead Ieiswlngt ass t a disappear in the clcsing mninutes ofl charitable cause and has visited sev-ý a hectic battle. eral Torono and Out-of-town or- The game was f ast -and eve i ganization since taking over charge throughout. For ten straight innings 1 of the Maple Leafs. there was no score at ail, but in the President George Oakley has pre- sixth Bowinanville took a lead with sentd aIl Onatria with a "new deal" a single run which came in through1 in basebaîl. The 1934 edition of the faulty Cobourg fielding. I~n the th Maple Leafs are a battling crew, they added another through smart giving their very best until the last base running by "'Buck" Large and Out is made-win, lose or draw. This in the ninth victory seeined assured fact was brought home when the when three consecutive hits brought Leafs. although four nins down, Harry Osborne hoine. out-battled the famous Chicago Cobourg came up in the ni.nt.h Cubs in a recent exhibition gaine. battle against a th.ree run lead. If iMr. Oakley is keenly interested in there is anything that impresses on e the developing of home talent and about 'Toey-' Ibey's outfit it is thatirthe brilliant work of Stabley they neyer say die. Bowman who1 "Steamer" Lucas, who, has staged a had pitched the finest gaine 0f the remarkable coine-back after threeI season faltered a little in the terrifie years absence, is the first step in heat Three straight hits put Man- this inovemnent. Eari Cook, another ager Bill Corden . cri the spot to Ontario boy, born in Lemonville, is make a quick decision whether to now in Beckley, West Virginia, with pull Bowinan or let him finish the the Leafs vitally interested in his gaine. He pulled him, with one inan progress. Cook wasn't given a.n op- g out and two on bases. Allan os- Porttinity to develop himseif under bçQrne took the rest. of the gaine, f orin.e Tck'onto managers, but J but his fast straight bail failed to Manager Boone saw to it that the J hold the Cobourg batsmen and hie "Stouffville Fariner" as he is called, te finished the gaine as losing pitcher.1 got. his chance to gain the ex-te Cobourg tied the score i.n the nint.h perience of a lower league so neces- and despite a three bagger by Bill sary towards obtaining success in da Corden. Bowmanville failed to stage such a circuit as the Znnternatianal a comeback in the tenth. Two hits League. g brought Cobourg in their necessary The new fiood-light systein at the run in the tenth without any inen Maple Leaf Stadiumn has been judg- out to win the gaine, and fncidental- ed as the best in organized basebail Ai ly to aimost break the hearts of the by night baIl experts. BowmTanville boys who lost the sec- The twiight-night basebaîl idea, ond straight gaine to Cobourg in ex- introduced byý President Oakley, vas actly the saine manner. The week a decided success and ail Toronto Ri previous BDwimanville was leading night gaines start at 8.30 day- 5-2, only to have thé score tied in r ight time, teains playing about 5ti the ninth and lose the gaine in the three innings in the twiiight ahd tenth. continuing o.b.n under the lights. Bowman pitched magnificent bail This arrangeinent makes it possible r with nine strike outs to bis credit. for the gaine to finish before ilI In addition he inade three assists o'clock.I and two hits. Gibson pitched goocl With Johnny Heving and Jack bil for the hoine teain, but was re- Crouch back again after sufiering a placed by Cainpbell in the ninth. broken linger, the Maple Leafs have I. The Box Score the brainiest catching staff in the Cobourg AB R H PO A E SB International League. Eiliott, ss. 4 0 1 0 4 2 0 AI Hoilingsworth won E. Brooks, rf. 5 0 1 0 O 0 0 straigbt gaines before running into to Ibey. lb. 4 1 2 16 0 O 0 îhree losses. but the leading south- a McFadden, 2b. 5 1 2 1 4 0 2 paw is coming aîong and pitching cal Gibson. p. 5 1 3 0 3 0 0 winning bail again. Bert Cole, vet- re( Mitchell, c. 3 1 O 10 0 0 O erani southpaw f rom the Coast 4-( Goody 4 0 02()000 League takes tmieout froinhîs thi A. Brooks. f. 3 0 0 O O 0 0 basebail duties as relief hurler to ec Camn'bell, If., P. 1 0 1 0 1 0 2 teach several Toronto lads wbo have tbi Edwards, 3b. 2 0 O 1 2 0 O taken advantage of Manager Boon~s Hutton, 3b. 1 0 0 0 0 0 O invitation to iinprove their gaine. - - - -- - George McQuinn at first base Totals 37 4 10 30 14 2 4 will soine day be found at the initial i Bowanvilesack for the New York Yankees. tu, Carneron, cf. 5 0 O 3 0 O O He is owned by that club having f2 Large.lIf. 5 11 01 01 m Osores.p5 ~2 oibeen seit out to tbeLeafs on loinen Osorwe, s2b, . 5 1O 2 2 0 1 for the current season. George 012 Corden, lb. 5 0 2 10 0 1 hitting around the .330 mark right g Osborne, 3b.512i30O now and playing a star gaine for the c Bagnell, rf. 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 Maple Leafs.W Bats, . 0 9 1 Joe Morrissey, Toronto's ta noi Bowates.pc 4 0 29 0 31 0 second baseman, is called "'Gentie- Ziî maxi Joe', because hie neyer losesth Totals 42 3 il 27 10 1 3 bis bead and tells an uimpire off in a 3 base hits. Corden; 2 base bits, baIl gaine. Morrissey has formed Gibson; Errors., Bates 1: Elliott 2: one of the best second base double- 1 First base ffl baîls off. Bowman 0, tional League with Nolen "Captain"' Br( off Osborne 3; off Gibson O, off play combinations in the Interna- hui Cainpbell 0: Struck out, by Bowman Richardson at shortstop as teain- on 9, by Gibson 4. by Campbell 4. Left mate. cas on bases, Bowinaniille 8; Cobourg The naine "captain' was handed sco il. Hit by pitcher, Ibey. Winnina r.o Nolen Ricbarcts-on by accident Ha pitcher. Campbell, losing pitcher, during the spring tramning wben a wil Osborne. Ufnpires. Gordon, Co- sinaîl boy came up to Manager pIs bourg, E. Large, Bowmanville. Boone asking for a bat, and the flvE ________________________Toronto Manager replied, "You'll Nei ______________________ have to see 'Captai.,i Richardsone for about that, Sonny'". C. . uc O t. Richardso>n 15 one of the ods C. H.TuckOpt. layers, in -service, with the To- ronto Club a.nd a great fellow on bas Eyesight Specialist and off the field. t Author of: lerry Rice has proved his value Col Optometry Feature Service time and time again to the Toronto C The Child and Its club this season Comning from Cin- g- Development cinnati as a centre-fielder, Rice gini Spciliin eclsîel I If illed in at third wben Joe BonIc Specalizng xcluivel in first ran into arn trouble and when stai muscle anomalies, eyeslght it was found necessary to give pac and glasses. 'Poison ,Joe' a complete rest, Han-lT call Phone Rice continued at the rediight corler to-: for appolntment 1516 and ia starring in a role that is otHat Disney Bldg. Opp. P. O. his regular position. Moi Oshawa, Ont. For the outfield the Maple 'Leafs will SIhave three noted sluggers and a f ast ________________________ Icentre-field who, while not a power hitter, rings out the base hits whe!n- Soothe needed. Ike Boonne is known al END PI S oh over the basebail map for hitting S ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ - O RE KAN S ha benrihtUpWhhelegu i Montreal - Wednesday night, uly 18, Tbhursday night. July 19, riday night, July 20, Saturday af- rnoon, July 21. Aibany-August 6 (Civic Holi- [y) Aug. 7, Aug. 8. Aug. 9. Newark-Aug. 10, Aug. il <two Lmes), Aug. 13. Baltimore-Aug. 14, 15, 16, 17. Syracuse-Aug. 18 (two games). Lg. 20, 21. Rochester-Aug. 3 1. Sept. i. Buffalo-Sept 3 %Labor Day). New York Yankees with Babe tuth, September 4th. Bufialo-Aiso on Sept. 4th and th. Montreal-Sept. 6. 7. 8. SPORT NEWS Juvenile Game Friday Port Hope Juveniles are coming ctown on Friday evening to play return gaine with Sid Liittle's 10- al juveniles. The local boys cd.n a cent Io Port Hope secured a -0 victory. They're out to repeat is on Friday and would lîke a rowd of fans on hand to see SocerTem in Solina and Bowmanville mixed up in a fast Soccer Football fix- ire on Saturday night with Bow- tnville emerging victors by the ily goal scored in the game. A Dod crowd was on hand on the 200o1 campus to witness the gamne. ïe understand that Bowmakville (w leacis the group. Courtice and in meets on Saturday st Zion in le only league fixture of the day. Newcastle Lesm E'annmng thîrteen batters Bill rockenshire. Port Hope Lakeshore rier pitched his teamn to victory iSaturdayy in a gaine with New- stle in the latter village. The ore was 7-1. The win for Port ope put thein on ail even footing ih Bowmanville and Cobourg for ayoff honora. Port Hope piled Up ve runs in the first innings, the ewcastle boys holding themn back ýthe rest of the gaine. This Week's* Baeba1l T'he biggest feature of this week's teball prill be the Cobourg visit Bowmanville on Saturday. Twice )ourg have won by narrow mar- ns in 10 innings gaines after lag- g ail through the gaine, and the ,as are out for revenge. The inds and bleachers should be Cked on Saturday afternoon. gaine led at 3.30. In the Town League, -nght (Thursday) Goodyear and tley's Cubs will mix it up, and on onday Front Street and Goodyear Il battle for honors. W1hat School ? )cisions are always An order. Our talog may help you. We send At on equefit. We train for Business Pos. ons and help ta place our Gradu- es. Enter any timne. No forced acations. Write to Shaw Business Schoola Dept. K-3 - Bay & Charles St. To ro nto. FRONT STREET WINS IN EXCITING TILT WITH HIGH SCHOOL Three Double Plays Are Featured In Fast Town League Fixture On Monday Night. Phil Cancillas Froint Street boys surprised even themselves on Mon- day night when tbey annexed a 2-11 victory in a scheduled gaine witb Jin Bow,,ýman's Students. The gaine was featured by three double plays, two by Front Streeti and crie by High Sehool. TwoJ Front Street recruits, bath former High School boys played a part in Front Street's victory. Newt Hack- ney, made a hit, scored and had threu put outa, wbile Micky Roachi swatted a two bagger and caught two flies in right f ield George Piper and Bob Kent vied for pitching honora. Piper gettingi four strike outs and Kent three. The score by lnnings was. R H E1 fligh School 000 100 O-i 6 i Front Street 011 0N0 x-2 6 i High School-Kent, p; MeIlIveex.n1 c; Williams, lb; H. Jackman, 2b. Hooper. 3b; E. Bagnell, s; Allin If; W. Bagnell, cf: Colville, rf. Front Street-G. Piper, p; Hoop- er, c; Culley, lb; C. Osborne, 2b; I.1 Piper, 3b; Bates. as; Hackney, If;t Brougb, cf; Roach, il.e Uxnpires: N. Jaclunan and Werry.E For a clear complexion take Kipps Unequalled Herb Tablets. Sold byc McGregor's Drug Store. Phone 92.f MF. 01 A $20,00 Contraband Haul After Thrilling Chase Doctors are not supposed to, be concerned with the designing, or witb the manufacture, 0f the ma- chine wbieh we caîl "human so- ciety." That. within the limitations set by Providence, is looked upon as the work of parent and school- masters and politicians. Doctors are but the mechanies calied in when the machine breaks down. They are thus peculiarly well placed for the discovery of mistakes ,not onIV in construction but aiso in usage. Every day and ail day, tbey find themselves expected to rectif y things that have reached a stage of decad- ence where true remedy is impossible -th~e decadence being consequent on causes that need neyer have come inta operation. Old prejudices die bard, and there is still a certain social disgrace attacbed to mental ilîness. The in- sane were, until lately. confused with the weak-minded; and most people are still rather ashamed of the existence of insanity in their family. whilst they are nat ashamed of tbe existence of tuberculosis or baexno- philia in their ancestry. lIn fact, there is nothing in common between feeble-mindedness and mania: and many people with the most highly developed minds have spent an ap- preciabie part of their lives within asyluin walls. So-ealled nei-vous breakdowns and such states as neurasthenia, by- steria, and anxiety-neurosis, are far more eîosely related to insanity than to diseasea of the physical nervous system such as neuitris, hemiplegia, and locornotor ataxy. The sooner we recognize this fact the better; for only wben both patients and their friends realize these are physie dis- orders, usually brought about by fauîty points of view, errors of education, f aulty fauly standards of leas confliet with and fundamental conventions, and ahaîl we be ' in a position intelligent- life-ali in hope- ly to deal with thein, and-far more human instincts important-prevent their occur- humnan nature, rence. CARTIF[R4>J aICANADA The fearless, courageous, dauntless spirit that brought Cartier across the high seas 400 years ago, is adians out of the dark days of an effective stimulant to the trade and commerce of out Dominion. Canada's Car-tier Celebrations, in conjunction with Toronto's Cen- t.innial Celebrations, climax on September 4th and 5th at the Canadian National Exhibition in impressive ceremonies in which representatives of Great Britain. France, the United States and Canada, unite in celebration of that gallantexplorer's discovery of Cani- ada. The Spirit of Cartier looks on Canada at the Canadian National Exhibition, where the progress of nations i.s on review. colo,.d P. uD»ooe. =2d . HIgoe P,.aéL à-16 pad vSiH kilifMes a&H dey an<O every day for dire. week. 3 ndea«Ch packet. e0 PRPCE MU GGS McGTNNIS Turnabout A. FAULTY STANDARDS 0F LIFE J CAUSE NERVOUS BREAK- DOWNS (Edinburgs Weekly Scotainan) No doubt disappointinent and bu- inilation occur in the lives of alI animais that possess consciousness; but the sort of nervous breakdown which is Eo common a feature of modern human society 15 usually a direct produet of artificial codes and social conventions. Tlrue real*its arel practically immune f rom these dis- orders of mind. They take thein- selves for what they are, and the world for what it is. They do not unduly worry because tbey are not' other [han wbat they are; nor areî they inclined to complain of the in- different hand that Fate lias dealt thein. If they are philosophically in- clined, they shrug their shoulders, determine to, make a good show even with a poor band of cardjs, and prove that, in any case. they know how ta play a losing gaine with dignity. A violent confliet between our strongest instincts on the one hand, and either cirumstances imposed by econoinic necessity, or soine con- ventional inoral code taken for granted, on the other, is. niine times out of ten, the cause of twentieth century nervous breakdowns. A more equitable economic eystem, such as that which Christianity woud dictate, wouid certainly make this coinion cause of mental trouble into a relatively rare one. But there is a big minority of cases where the trouble lies quite outside the econ- amie field; cases in which false con- ventions, vanity and artificial stand- ards of respectability are the re- sponsible factors. Doctors Only Mechanics The Helping Hand of SOUND INSURANCE For any modern and thrifty family the services of a good insurance agent provides the one reliable as- sistance in the managlng of ordinary and extra- ordinary financial affairs. Learn fiiore about the mnany ways insurance can be of help and how sound insurance means sounder living for you. We'U be mcre than giad to explain the many features of al branches of dependable insurnce. J. J. M4ASON (& SON Phone 50 Insurance Agents Bowmanville Th ere's A Wealth OF MILK This sunimer make your fanuly a "milk" family. Make it a habit to serve both aduits and children with fresh Glen Rae pasteurized germ-proof milk - the quick, easy, appetizing way te see that they get ail the proper vitamins in one, necessary to f ore- staîl summer complaints and hot -veather sickness. Milk, say scientists, is t.he only item containing a» the vitamins necessary to humait 111e - but to get good, proper nourishing milk see that you get the right dairy. Glen Rae Dalry PHONE 408J R. R. STEVENS & SON, Proprietor. EXHBITONLRONTO E ATI1BONAL0 MUG24-TO-SEPT. 8 PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIA-N STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, JULY 19th, 1934