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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 30 Aug 1934, p. 9

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_________________________________________ TAU-.JYlJAN, BVVMINVLLE., rnU±<.bJAY, AUGUST 3tfl, 1934 PAGE NINE ,TU 'PT S ,rTATam.. . ......- --. SPORPtT Bowmanville Beats Cobourg Wins Lakeshore League Titie Before a capaciti' crowd and in a came Up to bat aud faihed to comne brilitant game o! basebaîl, Bowman- across wîth the ueedcd home i-un, ville intcrmediatc basebaîl teaas an- Bomwman striking hlm out to end nexed the Lakeshore Group Titlc one o! the most excltiug games of wheu they dcfcated Cobourg Poules the season. 5-2 in the third and concluding Campbell pitched until earhy ln game o! the series on Thui-sday the sevcnth when he was withdrawn uight at the High Schooi Campus for Gibson who pitched till the close here. Suffcring a teling defeat lu o! the game. Cobourg the previous Saturdai', theThBoScr locals staged a great coaseback to Cobo eg BRHScOre eliminate one o! the smnartest Cbug ABRHP AE ucver-say-dic teams lu Eastern On- Rolinga, as. 2 0 0 2 1 o tario. ceitfrElliott, 3b. 5 0 O O 3 O Major ceitfrthe great vîctory Mlb e, b. 3 0 i 10 4 which closed the Lakeshore League Mchaye, . 4 1 1 7 4 1 1934 season gocs to the youthful BilMitche, c. 40 1 2 0 0 Bagnell who kuockcd out two home EGoo, f. 4 O 1 2 0 0 i-uns, to bring lu four i-uns, and Jim E.Brook, rp. 3 iOOO Bowmau who pitchcd a magnificent CamnbelIf. 411200 nlué innings. Gibson, p. 2 O i 0 -1 0 As lualil games in which the5e A. Brooks, If. 2 0 0 0 0 0 two teams have met, Cobourg neyer------ gave up until the ast man was Out. Totals 33 2 6 24 9 1 lu fact they came dangerousli' near Bowmauvilc tyiug the game lu the fluai innings, Cameron, if. 3 0 1 2 0 1 a trick thcy have pulled twicc dur- E. Bagnell, 3h. 4 0 0 0 3 2 Ing the season, but Bowman won his Osborne, ms. 4 0 0 2 0 1 own game when he struck out Man- Clel b ager Toey Ibey whcn two men were Corelw, h. 14 1 8 3130 onbases and ahome ru would Largef. 3 1 1 10 0 have tied everything up. W. Bagnehl, cf. 4 2 2 2 0 0 Bowmauvîlc once again proved Bates, c. 4 0 1 9 2 0 themscives a great playof! teami. In Bowman, p. 3 1 i O 2 O thc regular eague schedule they------ came third to Cobourg and Port Totals 32 5 7 27 il 4 Hope, but liminated Port Hope by umr two straight wius, and then took umy Cobourg into camp lu two out o! Two base huas, Campbell, Bow- the thi-ce f inah games. And with man; 3 base hits, Gibson, Home the group title goca the beat wishes i-uns, Bill Bagneil 2; Struck out, hi' o! Newcastle, Port Hope and Co- Bowman 8, bi' Campbell 5, bi' Glb- bourg for succcss lu the ensuiug son 1; Base on halls, off Bowmau 4, struggle for the Ontario Intermed- off Campbell 3, Hit bi' pitched hall, late title. 1 by Bowmau 1; Double plays, E. Bag- Cobourg opened. the scoring lu thej neli to Corden to Osborne; Le!t on second frame when an cri-or o! bases, Bowîuauville 5, Cobourg 9; Camcron's lu right field alded Mit- Sacrifice hits, E. Bagneil; Stolen chellinl maklng bases to comne lu on bases, Rollinga, Elliott, E. Brooks. Ted Brooks, hit. Bowmauvilhe cv- Bates; En-ors. Mitchell, Cameron, E. ened Up iu the next, wheu with two Bagnelb 2, Osborne. meix out Bihl Bagnell drove a beauty Umpires - McCaruci', Peterboro;l te the right field fence where It McDougall, Oshawa. bounced over for a home i-un. Then Time o! game-2 hours, 14 miras. for thi-ce inuings there was no scor- --- ing. It lookcd ike auybody's game 1 until the sixth, when once again Intermealates Lose with two men down, the locals came fi-oas behind to score. Corden was j. and a single hi' Large put men oun *fl first and second. Bill BagnelIinl his B.A P anuwn third tlm<c at bdt drove another aujs uWl magnificent hit over the le! t field fence to bring lu thi-ei-uns, and Bowmauville bast the fi-at game o! made victori' moi-c certain. the O.B.A.A. Playdowns on Saturday Jim Bowmau. who pitched epic when Peterboro Cognawagaa hauded bail throughout the game, shared theas a 3-1 defeat a!ter one o! the also lu the hatting honors when he choscst fought battles o! the season. hit out a two-baggcr lu the seventh, Runniug ueck and ueck without a to came home on Caaseron's single score for six inniugs there was littlc to rlght field. to choose between the two teama. Cobourg madle a hast desperate Both Piper and Masterson, opposing stand lu the ulnth, when with two huriers, were pitching f ast and saf e men out, Ted Bagueil fumbled the bah and neither team seemned able bahl to let Campbell ou f irst. Hurl- to break away. Iu the seventh how- ci- 'Hoot' Gibson came up to hit a ever, Cadd, fi-st Peterboro man Up,1 three bagger and binig, Camo3behl batted out a thrce base hit, and a1 home and Rolings walkcd. With a single by Vanneat hrought hlm' key position te tic the score, IbcY home. Bowmanville came hag.lrin,1 kWsZoryour Sparator mfor a lUmied Time YOLR OPINION la wanted! In exhange fo it we oit e Two Rubbes- BowI Rings for yu eaao:any size or make... free and potpaid. WewiII aiso tl o about the Cheapet Sepaaîoein the World to uy~. Use»* the oly separamor made in Ansenca wsîh a gmaao aacd el-BaaacngBowl. .a separatol seth IweIe aluabtefaue a fouad on any other separator in the .ortdý Just send posicard to address beina îettiag 3 our address. ane and age of yor separator and naine of this paper Fufl deais wtt1 be sent pernptly. ri imlPORT HURON. MICH I 78 th ast a t core on a tricky play'. Bill Bagnell hit a two baggcr, and a single hi' Cameron sent hlm ',) third. BLI's attemptcd steal, hile Camei-on was off f i-at base roved success!ul, and he beat the il1ay to cross the plate ahead o! the atuai play' that got Cameron out. Peterboro won the game lu the e1ghth. Mcmn reachcd fi-at on Geo. 'Pioex's cri-or, and went to second ou Wilson's single. Both batters ad- vp.uced on a f ielder's choice. and a single by Cadd brought lu the two i-uns. Bowmanvillc made unsuccess- fui attcmpts ln the eighth and ninth to even the score. Iu the eighth two men reached bases, and lu the bThe Answer to a Knotty Problem in Merchandising THERE neyer was a tume oftering greater opportunity to the resourceful advertiscr. This làs a day et great ncws intercat - a period when lntelllgently utillzed advertlamng space wlll still pay dlvldends. Yet, how few nierchants ai-e using the space they should or saylng what they ought te say. Instead, prilcs are heing needlessly cut beyond the reasonable point, and there hs a niad sci-amble te get volume at the cost of profit. Merchants know there la ofeon a great ditterence in pullng power between advertisements et the sanie Eîze. There mai' he twe single page advertlsenients for the samc type store in the saine newspaper. One wlll get the attention et 10% et the readers and the other will be read hi' 95 % of the readers. Both adi cost fthe sanie amount of money, yet one delvered 9% times the readershlp and, theretore, ln tenus et pos- sible results, had 9'ý, ties giester opportuniti'. Now, what niust the advertLsei- do? He must ive more thought te his a4lvertlsing. He mnust put over a message every time he advertlses. Every word should he tbought ever carefulli'. The adyt. should say what you would say when the customer cornes in- te the store. P..-.Clrculars do net help the reader I permianent ways. And, do you know they weaken the treatest public benefactors we have - the newspapers But, If you need theni The Statesmian li always glad te asaistitn preparlng your circulai- or bill - and prlntlng It, toe. SWIM FOR WORLJ) S CHAMPIONSHIP AND BIG CASH PRIZE Six of the outstanding entrants among the next five to finish. , horse this year; No: 3, Mai-vin Nel- for the 15-mile swimming Marathon! No. 1 is Bill Goll of New York, son, Fort Dodge, Iowa, whose naine stagd ystedayin akeOntario who has been in the money, already appears twice on the trophy staed eserdy n Lkeevery year; No. 2, George Young of' as wininer; No. 5. Gianni Gambi, in front or the Canadian National Tonto, who won the original Cat- Ravenna, Italy, Who fmîished second Exhibition Grounds, Toronto. The alima swimn and won once at Toi- last Year and is in fine shape now; title of Champion of the World and1 onto; No. 3, Ken Taylor of Toi-, No. 6, George Blagden, Memphis,) a cash prize of $5,000 went to the> onto, a powerful swimmer, who is Tenn., who has won the long grlnd winner, and $3.000 was divided regarded as somewhat of a dark cnce. ninth one man registered a hit, but i*llkewise just a big iaugh to the Masterson, who had pitched f air 1 ~ iif crowd when one enterprlsing wres- ball ahi afternoon began to bear W restl g itler took his opponent's toe in his down, and three out of his four mouth, whihe sitting on him, bitmng strikeouts were registered in these - until the man underneath was re- two innmngs. Thrilla Gaore at i.aesarea îeased by Referee Fred Frayer. One George Piper pitched a good game Bouts on Thuraday feiher had the nasty habit of pok- throughout ,registering four strike- ing his opposition in the eyes with outs and aliowing eight hits. It wast two fingers lu an effort to tempor- the fi-st game he has lost in eight' At Fred Frayer's Tourist Camp at arily blind him, while it was no- games phayed this season. iCaesarea Thui-sday night, we wit- thing at ail, just a regulai- occur- Members of the Peterboro te a nessed for the f i-st time that Wild- ence when the bouts got under way, wore crepe armbands as a tribute t est and wooliest of ail sports, a wi-65- for one to pick the other Up by the Edgar (Curly) LeBari-, weîî now tling bout. The program of three hair and the seat of his abbi-ev- Peterboro sportsman and Central bouts lef t us in such frame of mi, iated pauts and f ing him out of the League umpire, who died hast hu-s- that at this time (the foibowing ring. day and was buried On Saturday mornîng) we are juat wondering how Iu this first bout, Jennlngs grabb- af ternoon.1 much we did like it, and how much. ed hold of Langevin, flung hlm out it shocked us. or the ring on his neck and so dizz- Box Score To one who hasn't witnessed the ied him that it was only a zuatter Peterboro AB R H PO A E sport bef ore, the first bout seemed of a moment that he had hirn flat Wilson, i-f. 4 1 1i1i(o 0 savage, brutal and barbaric, but as on the mat and out of commnission Padgett, 2b. 4 0 0 2 3 0 the evening wore on oui- system entirehy. Rooke, lb. 4 0 0 7 o 2 seemed to settie down to the game, We couldn't hehp but think as we Cadd, f. 4 1 3 2 0 1 and in the feature bout, when Er- watched it of the song "fHe fiew Masterson, p,. 4 0 2 5 3 0 nie Zelier wouid slam Buck Weaver's through the air, with the greatest of Moore, cf-. 4 O o 2 0 () head on the floor of the ring, twist ease"~, but it wasn't the man on the Vannest, ss. 4 0 2 2 2 1 his legs, or fling him dean out of fhylng trapeze. We recail some words Rogers, c. 3 0O(O 4 1 o0 the ring, we were gettlng a i-cal kick that pretty nearhy describe this Mcmn, 3b. 4 1 0 2 2 0 out of It. Iu fact when the entire sport, somethlng about tearing. a - --- evening was over we figured we had -man limb from 11mb. In wrcstUing Totals 35 3 8 27 il 4 more thrills packed into an hour and they do everytfting but that. Bowmanville a haîf, for less money than we had Anyhow at the end of 19 minutes Eameron, if. 5O 2 2 1 ever had before. and il seconds, Jennings shamed I. Piper, 3b * 4 0 0 i 2 o For the benef it of those who have Langevin to the mat and held hin Osborne, ss. 4 0 2 1 5 () neyer witnessed a wrestling match, flat cn his back to win the bout. Cobwell, 2b. 3 0O0o1i5 we arc going to describe the man- The next bout. betwecn Madison Corden, lb. 4 0 i 12 0 0 ner in whlch the contenders go about O! Montreal ancd John Gurfie of Large, If. 4 0 o 2 0 0 the game. Wc haven't the heast idea Hungary, was a real thriller. It was WV. Bagneil, cf. 4 1 2 -4 0O0ofo the correct terms applied to wres- the fastest o! the three bouts, and 3ates. c. 3 0 0 4 0 o tling, or the names of the various was featui-ed by much cleaner sport- G. Piper, p. 3 0 0 0 1 1 holds, but we are going to give oui- manship. At 20 minutes and 10 sec-' x Moore 1 0 1 o o o Impressions of the flrst bout be- onds Madison was given the ver- - - -- - - tween Legs Langevin, the Cherockee dlct. rotais 35 1 8 27 14 1 Indian, and Blue Sun Jennlngs. The The feature bout between Ernie x-Moore batted for Piper in the former weighed 225 and the latter Zeller of Colorado and Buck Wea- ninth. 235 hbs. ver of Indiana. Zeller was by far For some unknown reason the the better man, and onhy on one Summary crowd startcd to pull for Jcnnings occasion, after a partlcularly dii-ty Two base hits, Bagneil, Osborne, right off the bat, and when we be- pie ce o! work hi' his opponient did -ad Thi-ce base hîts, Cadd, Sac- gan to take note of the Indlan's tac- he resort to any questîonable trick. ifice hits, Colwell Mein; Strikeouts, tics we did a littie shouting too. Ap- but he gave Weaver ail that was by Piper 4, bi' Masterson 4; Walks, parentiy ariythlng goes lu this sport. coming to hlm and little more. Wea- off Piper 1, off Masterson 1; Er- You can practicalhy kill a man, but ver took everi' opportuniti' of using ors, Piper, Vannest. Rooke 2, Cadd; you musn't twist his nose. You can questionahle tricks, such as biting, Double piays, Piper to Osborne to eibow hlm lu the face, in the solar twisting the nose. d.lgglng the eyes, Corden, Mein to Padgett to Rooke; plexus or ani' part of the anatomi' giving the knee to the solar plexus, rime of game, 1 hours, 55 minTutes, but you musn't pull his eyes out. To nndc the crowd howled hlm down. Umpires-McCarney, Peterboro, at be very candid the f i-st bout ncarly Zeller scorcd the first fal lu 26 and late; McDougall, Oshawa, on bases.~ put us o ut of commission. The ring a half minutes and the second fal -began to swim before oui- eyes, we in. anothei 26 minutes. turned sick at the stomach. and It. was a great cvenlng for the Nice Vlork Orme Nw ake who was with us an- five or six hundred fans worae ______e ooedwht around the thernselves hoarse. Every uow and gihîs. aizain some bloodthirsty youngster There seems to be penti' o! un- And the reason for this temporary of about 7 would yelh "Murder the Karanted abuse f ahing on the indisposition was oui- amazement at Sucker" and betwcen the bouts half uroad shoulders o! Orme Qamsby tactics adopted by soiue o! the wres- the kids in the district wouid get ýhese days, and ahi because he had tiers. For instance, it was onhi' fun to into miniature bouts o! thei- owu ýhe initiative, foresight or what turn a man upside down and bounce after havlng secured the autographs tave you, to wabk into Bowmanville, his head on the floDr as hard as of the coutenders. )rganize a Junior Baîl team, and possible. It seemcd nothing to twist Summing the whohe thing up we'- ive some of oui- town youngstei-s a a man's lcg or hîs ai-m uu) his back Il say this, that in the fl-st bout we .hance to have some reai experience until every appearauce of ife in had firmly made up oui- mlnds that n the Intermediate serles. It seems the 11mb had disappeared. It was this was far to savage and bai-banic hat because of this fact some o! the Ïuniors were not eigible to play in- for oui- tender feelings, and It wouhd be the hast wrestling affair we at- ,e intermediate playoffs. which wc o! the High School, no rent may be teuded. But bi' the end o! the thi-d Ldit la unfortunate, but it doe charged for the grounds. We may be bout. we hadu completely reversed net alrin rterniti' f this towndi wrong, but right or wrong, when the oui- judgement and the next time he poringfraernty f tis ownScho;ol Board phayed the game with Fred Frayer throws a wrestling party Li-cal service, rather than ani' haras. the basebaîl fans as a whole there out ou the Lalveshore o! Scugog we Wc sometimes wonder iust where was no reason why onîe management arp, going to be right on deck. te- >asebaîl would have been ln this should demand grçund rentai from gethet' wlth niany moi-e Bowmanville own o! recent ycars without Orme the other. reople out to wituess the bouts ou amsby. Two years ago he organlzed hrdy he Orono team, composed abmost Aud going a ittle deeper into the Tusa~ holli' of Bowmanvllhe players, won subject we might ask why it was Fred Frayer made a good referee he group championship and con- Orme Gamsby came to Bowmanvllle and although the conteuders were inued several rounds in the O. B. A. to organize a Junior team? It was mostly 50 hbs heavier than hlmsehf L. playdowns. Then Bowmauvllhe because Bowmanville would not hie had little difficulty lu separating ;oke Up and declded to take hold o! handle one. It is a funny thing that theas when It got too rough, Russ Ls own Intermediate team, which Port Hope. Cobourg, Oshawa and a Coîbourue acted as timekeeper. ias now carried on for two years. score o! other centres couhd organ-. 'heur original sponsor however must ize Junior teams and Bowmanvllle ot be ovcrhooked. It was Orme could not. It was aIl because there The aunual Fail Rinka Tourament amsby who made Bowmanvlhle was uo one available who was wîîîîng Of the Bowmauvlle Bowling Club ýasebal conaclous whethcr or not, to give their time to it, and if there has becu set for Wednesday, Sept- ;e like to admit It.L was they werc over riddeu hi' the ember Sth, whèu a large number o! And whihe on the subject o! the' number who dld not want a Junior rinks from the Central Ontario dis- .înior situation we might ask what tee.ii. trict are expected to particîpate in the three game program. Sixteen Ight the controlllng interests of the Orme Gamsby gave Bowmauville prîzes have Ueen offpred for the ntermediate team had to demand an lutermediate team whlch has now touruament, the final local meet of round i-eut froas Orme Gamnsby's twice won the Group Champlonship, the year. inflors in their playof! games? It and he gave Bowmauville a Junior~- ,ould seasi a litthe bit out o! place teain that gave Oshawa a battle lu ýhen the High Schooh Board makes the t irst o! the Junior piaydowns. Mother o! pupil (to music pro- o charge for use o! the grouud, Perhaps wlth this start Bowmanvilhe fessor): "Do you think My' dàughter Bi :r- the fri-e essees to demand a wlll be able to haudle Its owu af- willbhe able to do anything with her A ntah. We mght add here also, fairs, but the major credit WilU ah- voice?" 8 iat we beleve that where a gov-1 ways go te, Orme for his Intereùts "Webl, it might core ne i uul Ii e riment grant exisita, as ln the case and hard work. the event oft tie.11>c c ri rc D c: T i tr in th ad ba th wl tir A. WC its ha TI no Gi bit ii In jui WC foi i-e thi eri Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE HOME 0F FINER ENTERTAINMENT Friday - Saturday - August 31 - Sept 1 Fog Over Frisco With Bette Davis. «"CLANCY 0F THE MOUNTED" and Comedy Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - September 3rd and 4th William Powell, Myrna Loy i The Thin Man News ---Comiedy Matince Monday at 2.30 P. Im. Wednesday - Thursday - September 5th and 6th Warner Baxter in Such Women are Dan gerous Comedy - - - Cartoon Matinee Wednesday at 2.30 p. m. ICollacutt Coac, ULnes Reduced Rates Including Admission ON ROUND TRIP TICKETS FROM ALL POINTS ON OUR LINES ICanadian National Exhibition Grounds Coaches run direct to and from grounds. Adult Child Fare from Bowmanville $1.40 85C lncluding Admission Fare from Newcastle $1.60 95C Including Admission Coaches leave Exhibition Grounds (Daylight Saving Time) Daily Except Sunday 1.15 P. M. to Bowmanville, Kingston and Gananoque and Intermediate Points. 5.15 P. M. to Bowmanville, Kingston and Gananoque and Interniediate Points. 7.45 P. M. to Bowmanville and Belleville and Intermediate Points. 10.45 P. M. to Bowmanville and Cobourg and lntermediate Points via Toronto Terminal 11.00 P. nm. ROADCRAFTTIRES OUM CUSHIONED Made hy Gutta Percha THE BIGGEST VALUE IN TrIRES The Roadcraft Tire- made by Gutta Percha - has SHOCK AISGRUERl of live gum rubher to proteci the cord plies. No other tire at this price hms Such protectioz. 1: means thousands of extra miles per tire, and greater SAFETY lu every mile. Every tire is guaranteed. OUT'fA PERCHA & ]RUEEER. LUME Head Ofice: TORONTO. Canada. Bramles bfom Coasi to Coorai GUTTA PERCHA TIRES SOLU BY DEAN HODGSON WHITE ROSE CARS WASHED SERVICE STATION AND) POUISHED BOWMANVILLE PHONE 23 KING & IBERTY STS. Distemper rcspouds quickhy to There are two, kinda of disoontent Douglas' Egyptian Liment. Keep lu this, worbd: the discontent tliat a botthe hanc in l the stable. works, and the discontent that Dates of the Canadian National wrlngs its hauds. The first gets Exhibition thîs year are Fridai', what it wants and the second bas August 24th te, Saturdai', Septenaber what It has. There's no cure for 8th. Fourteen days and ulghts of the tii-st but success; and there's no education and recreation. It hs cure at ail for the second.-Oordon, clean, wholesome and captivating. Grahamn. THE CANAnlArJ c;mArr--,&fAm -l .-

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