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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1934, p. 10

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i'sriw 'T'WM TF~ CAMA Dl AN STATPSMA&. ROWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, SE~~EMBER 27, 1934 I TheNewcastle ne nd t 1 Miss B.Mcntosh has returned Meeting closed ai ter games conduct- from Virginia. ed by Charles Glenney and a lunch Mis s tella Blackburn returned of pumpkin pie wbich was relisbed from a visa t a Omemee. by al Mr. Ingram, Mitchell, bas been Mrs. P. O'Neil is visiting her son visiting bis cousin. Postmaster Geo. Percy in Belleville. Jamieson. Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Parker visited Mr. Carmen Claytofl. Woodbridge, hem parents. Mm. and Mrs. Walter visîted Mr. T. W. Jackson and dau- Seldon, Toronto. gbtem, Mrs. Percy Brown. Mm. Weyburn and son Vernon, Higb School Field Day is being Rochester, N. Y.. called on their beld on Friday afternocn in the cousins. Major and Mrs. H. W. Dud- community Park. Public cordially ley. invited. Mr. David Coupethwaite. teller, M. J. E. Atkinson. Toonto, visit- Bank of Commerce, has resigned his ed his sister-in-law, Mrs. Win. At- position to take up farming at Agin- km -on. and bis nieces. Mrs. R . W. court. Mm. Watson from Stouffville Gibson and Mms. W. H. Pearce. lut succeeds him. SaturdaY. Mm. and Mms. J. E. W. Philp mot- The man3y beautiful flowems which oed to London Satumday to visit adorned the United Churcb on Sun- D. and Mms. Fallis. Tbey also ex- day weme contributed by Mrs. J. A. pected ta caîl on Rev. and Mrs. W.j Butler, Mrs. J. H. Jose and Mrs.I P. Rogers at Tara. E. M. H. Ward. Dr. and Mrs. H. C. R.undle, Bigh- Rev. S MacLean, B. A.. preached ton, visited Mm. and Mms. Pemcy in St. Paul's Cbumch, Bowmanville, Hame, Dr. Rundle attending the Sunday evening in connection with meeting off Durham Lodge A. F. & the chuchs Centenamy Celebration. A. M. in the evening. Rev. A. S. Kemr, M. A., St. Paul's, The Newcastle Bowling Clubs' occupied the pulpit here. dance and card paty passed off Mm. Harold Dean and bride, for- vemîy successfully Friday evening meriy Miss Ells Harris, eldest dau- with a snappy Toront.o orchestra ghtem of M. and Mrs. A. B. C. Har- playîng for the dancing. Theme were ris, who weme mamried in Newton- about 140 in attendance. The Girls' ville, Sept. l9th. motomed ta Ver- Softbalî Team sevedi refeshments mont on their boneymoon. at 15c plate and netted abouit $13. St. Georges Chumch - Reîv. F. H-. ___ __ Masan, M. A.. Rector. Sunday. Sept. 30th. l8th Sunday after Tinty: 8 TAX RATE FOR 1934 LOWER a. m.-Holy Communion; 9.45 a. m. -Sunday School: il a. in.-Morn- Necsewilaînhvalom ing Prayer and Sermon; 7 p. ni.- taewraetheîs yeag the ma strc Evensong- and Sermon. araeti a.thrtesuc Girl friends off Mrs. Wm. Lake Jr., aonil the Septmb4 meeting of thei fommerly Miss Doreen Pollard. tend-Cucilbng4mlsesthnn eed ber a shouer at the home off 1933. The total rate will be 43 milîs ber parents~, Mm. and Mms. Albert as cornpared with 47 last yeam. The1 Pollard, Thusday evening. She e- r'ate îs made Up as followvs: ceived many loveiy and useful gfts County rate 12 milîs and the gins ail enjoyed a pleasant Village ate 1412 mîlîs evening. School rate 1612 nmilîs Newcastle friends weme sommy ta Total-43t leamn of the loss Mms. Olive Meredith This eduction bas been achîeved sustained last week hem cottage by reducing the village ate baîf a "Lantern Inn- at Maple Grave, was milI. and the scbool rate two and destroyed by fime. with practicaliy aIl a half milîs. The county ate is al-c its contents, the occupants bamelY so one milI lower. The biggest e- r having lime in the ealy boums off duction in recent Years bas been in i the monng to make theim escape the school ate, it having dopped thmougb a window. fomi 23 to 1612 milîs in the past1 Récent visitors at the Parsonageifîve years. with Rev. and Mms. S. MacLean have ---- 4----- been: Mrs. J. Warnem off Port Dal- housie; M. CamI Warnem, Stratfomd;i ARCHBISHOP BALFOURa Mm. Lucien Wamnem, Newamk, N. J., AT'ST. GEORGE'S F and Miss Jessie Warner, R. N. New 1 York, also Mm. Ellwood Tbompson, Off very special intemest was the B. A.. and family, Kingston; Miss service in St. Georges Anglican i McFaul. Owen Sound: Mms. PamkelIChumch on Sunday momning wben 1 and Miss Parke off Tara. Rev. Archdeacon Balfour off Pro-c Mr. Robt. Brown and daughtem, Cathedmal, Sault Ste Marie, gave thea Mi. s Mabel. and Mm. Howard Cea- congregation a graphic ac-ýounL offt lock, Toronto, were weekend guests the meetings off the general synod in at Mms. J. Douglas' and with Rev. Montreal, and of the election off Rt. and Mrs. S. MacLean. Mm. and Mms. Rev. Derwyn T. Owen, Bishop off J. R. VanDusen off Tara, who bad Toonto, to the bigh office off Pri- becn attending the General Councîl I mate off ail Canada. Achdeacon sess:ons off the United Chumch at 1 Balfour z.nd Mms. Balfour wemee Kingston. were also visitors at the spending the weekend with bis bro- parsonage on Saturday. the-in-law and sister, Mm. and Mms. September meeting off the W.M.S. Philip LeGmesrey. The congregation off the United Church was beld ini weme esPecially pleased ta heart the S. S. room. Sept. 6tb, wth ist 1Achdeacon Balfour speak off the el- vice president Mrs. Norman Rickard 1 evation off Bishop Owen for several in the chair. Prayers weme offered easons. As Bisbop off Toronto hiep by Miss Warren and Mms. W. Glen- bas twice visited Newcastle and ney. Scmîptume lesson was ead by conffirmed Classes off young people at Mrs. Norman Rickamd. Miss Annie ISt. Georges. fils vemy firat officiai Dummond vemy ably presented the isit to any place in the diocese af- last chapter off the study book whicb ter bis election as Bishop off Tom- was vemy interesting. Mms. Ruther- onto was ta St. Georges ta conduct ford favored with a vocal solo. and a confirmation. Newcastle had an Mms. Wamd gave a eading. Mrs. N. interest in Rt. Rev. D. T. Owen prior Rickamd ponounced tbe benlediction. tb Ibis for as Bishop off Niagara hea Newcastle Horticultural Society bad odained ta the piestbood a l executive voted $35.00 for the pur- young clergyman off wbom Newcas- chase off byacîntb and daffodil bulbs tle bas always been proud, Rev. Har- ta be distributed Ibis faîl among vey J. Gibson. son off Reeve J H the one hundmed members. Those Gîbson and now with bis wife and joining during the summer and faîl family serving bis churcb as mis- af er the spring options were given sionamy aI Sangor, India. Among out will eceive a double supply. Mrs. those present to bear Archdeacon Pemcy Hame congatulated the sev- Balfour weme Mm. and Mrs. Allan emal committees esponsible for the Howard off Mexico City, Mexico, recent show and ils splendid suc- visiting bis parents, Rev. and Mms. cess. The 500 Darwin tulip bulbs, J. Scott Howard.p won by the society ai the District Flowem Show in Oono, will be Ev Planted in the community beds GOLDEN RULE NUSSION BAN» v maintained by the society. --n United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Golden Rule Mission Band met ci Lean. B. A.. Pas-tor. Sunctay. Sept.' Sept. 151h. under the superintend- ei 301h: il a. m.-Sundcay School Rally ency of Mrs. E. M. H. Wamd. and ci Day Service in the churcb auditor- with the president, Patricia Pearce, c ium; special music and pogramn. S. in the chair. Rets Powell gave tbe al S. pupils are asked to meet in the secetamy's report, and Reita Cooke, ISE schcol oom at 10.45 a. m. 7 p. m.- the treasurem's. Those present e- te Evenîng Service. sermon by the pas- gretttd the absence off the AtSt. 'CI tom; music by the egular choir. Superîntendent, Mms. T. A. Rodger, Week-night devotional service on who was nursing a seveme cold con- 1 Wednesday evenings at 8 p. M. tacted while away on a vacation These services inaugumated by the trip. Under Mms. Wads direction pastor are conducted eacb week by the Band Pactised a new' song two of the laity, two mnen one week -God's Childmen Live in Many and two women the next. alternate- Lands." Mrs. Walrd also told the ly. There wa.s a splendid attend- intereSting stomy off Wen Bao's w ance the first wveek when the meet- Bithday Party." Offemlng was Col- 2, ing was c3nducted by the Pastor lected by Neil Britton and Bobby Ms with about ten persons taking part. Pundy. Progmam by tbe childa-en R Interest in the meetings is gowing.I inrluded a mouth organ duel by dÈ Newaste Y P.Legueopeing1 Jane a nd Annie Tkatcb, ecitation ba meeting for the faîl termm was eld by Emma Jean Hammis, piansolo B in the S. S. oomn on Monday even- yEm enHripaosl yil ing. In the absence off the for-merj Margaret Pearce, and mouth organ el secnetamy, Dorothy Quantmill. Jean1 solo by Dora Martin. 'Me Band1 ICOBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each Cil Jweek from 9 a. m. to 9 1). m. Gordon E. IGai'nett in charge.a I NOTE-Where at al Possible klndly make appointments er J.for examinations.a Impressive Military Memmorial Service at St. Paul's Church (Contînued f rom page 1) lives, the women worked and strug- gled at home. Everytbing was a stupendous effort tu win the figbt for right. Yet today a greater baIlle is being waged, a battie for la.sting peace, but few are willing tu of fer their lives in ils cause. The speaker eloquently appealed tu bis beamers tu bend evemy effort 1u bring about the cause off ight, off justice and off f meeclom. fie asked Ibis as a tribute tu the thousanda wbo lie dead under fforeign soil, and tu the thousands more wbo are still fighting the bat- lles off war in the bospitals, and wbo day afler day die, victimis off the great wam whicb. ended 15 years ago. The singing off the National An- tbem and the Benediction broughi a most impressive service 10 a close. The veterans again fformed up outside the church and led by the bands paradcd tbrough several off the streets finishing ai the Ccnotaph where Col. L. T. McLaugblin, placed a wreath in memory off the battal- ion's dead. Mayor R.oss Strike on behaîf off the town extended a wel- come and the freedom off the town and several senior officems off tbe battalion spoke brieffly. Two min- utes silence was obsemved while Bardmaster R. Fountain played the Last Post and Reveille. This cere- mony was also a part off the service in St. Paul's Cbumcb. Following dis- missal about sixty off the veterans were provided with a light lunch in the town baIl. the luncb being pro- vided by Mms. L. T. McLaugblin. Mrs. C. W. E. Meath, Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastle and Mrs Geo. W. James. wives off the men comprising the local Battalion Committee.. A num- ber off the visiîing offîcers and their wives were also entertained duming thc day ai the hospitable homes off Col. and Mms. McLaughlin and CapI. and Mms. Meatb. Aironj those attending f nom a distance were Maj. Reynolds and Party Carleton Place: Col. R. Van- derivatem and party, Belleville; CapI. A. Smith and party, Monîreal: Col. Winterbottom, M. C., O. C., Peter- boro' Rangers and party; Lb.-Col. P. NJ. Alexander. M. C., and large num- ber ffrom Toronto: LI.-Col. P. Job and a number f rom Oshawa: Col. Rogers. Toronto, fformerly off Graf- ton. In connection with ibis Battalion .1 is wortby off noie 1ha1 the Peter- bra' Rangers and the Govemnor- Genemal's Body Guard off Ottawa, ire the pempetuating regiments and the Battle Colons were î-ecentlv in- BIRTHS FOSTER-In Bowýmanville Hospital, on Wednesday, September 19th. 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth O.1 Foster, a daughter. HOBBS-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Friday, September 2lst,, 1934, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn J. Hobbs, Haydon. a daughter. 1 BU'ITERY - In Bowmanville, on SunCiay. September 23rd, 1934. to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. W. Buttery, a son (William Edward). DEATHS BINGHAM - At Toronto General Hospital, Thursday, September 20, 1934, Margaret Emma Wilson, widow of Dr. Geo. A. Bingham. GOHEEN-At Port Hope Hospital, Monday, september 24th. 1934, Charles B. Goheen, in his 87th year. Interment at Oshawa Un- ion Cemetery. MARTINELL-At Port Hope, Satur- day, September 22nd. 1934, Perey Martineil, beloved husband of Christina C. Hamilton. aged 36 years. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Martineil, Kendall. HOLMES-At his home, 100 Glebe- holme Boulevard. Toronto, Mon- day, September 24th, 1934, James, dearly beloved husband of Maria Holmes. in his 83rd year. Inter- ment Cadmus Cemetery. COURTICE - Entered into rest in Darlington township. on Tuesday, September 25. 1934, Ethel Louise Gay, beloved wife off Leo J. Cour- tice, aged 54 years. Funeral f rom the famýily residence. Lot 32, Con. 1, Darlington, on Friday. Sept. 28. Service at 2 p. m. standard time. Interment Ebenezer Cemetery. AUCTION SALES i Friday, September 28th - Bruce Allen will seli by public auction his stock. implements, etc. on the prem- ises. Lot 34, Concession 7, Darling- ton. Sale at 1 p. m. sharp. Terms cash. For particulars see bills. .D Hogarth. Clerk; Elmer Wllbur, A-c- tioneer 38-21j Saturday, October 6th-The un- dersigned bas eceived instructions from Mr. W. H. Carr, to sell by pub- lic auction at bis esidence, Conces- sion Street, ail his furniture and household effects. Sale at 1.30 p. m. sharp. Terms cash. C. H. Mason. Clerk: W. J. Challis. Auctioneer. SALEMI scribed on their flags hy these regi- "Facing in the Rigbt Direction"' iments. w-as the subject off the splendid ser- mon delivered here lasI Sunday aff- Evening Service temnoon by Rev. A. S. Kerr. Tbe evening service was conduct-I A goodly number off our People ed by Rev. Gea. Mson, and Rev. attended the splendid services iii Samuel MacLean off Newcsstle gave St. Faul's last Sundsy. the morning a forceful sermon on -Overcoming service being an especislly impres- Obstacles," dealing primarily with sive one. thc difficulties encountered by the Congratulations 10 Mm. and Mms. Isaelîtes in Iheir wanderings and F. Cator w-ho celebmated their 301h hGo* they cvercarne them lhmough wedding annivemsamy on Sunday last, effort, persistence and faitb. fie when a family me-union was held aI %vent on ta show that Ibese same the parental home. Salem friends attnîbutes were necessary la suc- j oin ini wishing Mm. and Mrs. Cator cessffuîly accomplisb the wok ofîthe many more happy years off marricd chumch in the w-orld today. life. Special music by the choir wss off Congratulations to Mm. George its usual higb quslity, their render- Richards wbo bas dccided thai mar- ngs off Shelly's 'Hank, fisrk My ried if e is much abcad off being Soul" in which Mrs. C. A. Cawker single, and was maî-ried 10, Miss and Mrs. Alex Colville sang the ob- Elsie Yeo on ,Monday aflemnoon. igata, w-as particularly effective,' and are now on'an exiendcd motor white evemyone enjoyed A'_keny's trip. We wisb bbc young couple a 'Wben the World Forgets" expres- very long and happy wedded life. ively sung in s fine baritone voice ___________________ by Mm. G. L. Davidge. Notice to Creditors NOTICE Ta Cilizens off Bowmanville and In the ]Estate of Vicinity. I wisb _ta correct i aise im- NORMA TRUSWELL MASON pressions. I inîend, nol 10 go away bis faîl. but 10 continue the Cottage Ail persons baving dlaims agaînst Prayer, Praise andi Preacbing Ser- the Estate off NORMA TRUSWELLI vices. Our f irst service is Fniday MASON. laIe of the Town off Thor- îight ai 8 p. m. at Mrs. Thos. Ri- old, in the County off Welland, de- bhards "Queen". No offerings bave' ceased, wbo died on or about the ver been laken ai our services, I me- Eighîh day off August, 1934, are eive no salamy, neither do I me- hereby natified to send in to the eive any maney for geîîing sign- undersigned on or before the 151h tures protesting againsi tbe pre- day off Oclober, 1934, full particu-j tnt liquor regulations, noî even pos lars off Iheir dlaims. be. V.Pnaa Bats ra Immediately after the saîd lasI cger)V. Pnaa Bpit mcnbioncd date, the assets off the ____________said estate w-ill be distribubed amn- WEDDiNGongsi tbe parties entitled Iberclo, VVEDDING aving regard only 10 dlaims off -- w-bicb the undersîgned shaîl then Gardnr-Batonbave notice, ta the exclusion off ahI Garder-Brtonoîhers, and bbc underslgncd will not A '.ery pretty autumnn wedding be hable 10 any person off wbose -as solemnizcd on Tuesday, Sept. dlaim the undemsigncd shaîl not then Stb. aI one o'clock, at the home Off have notice for the assets s0 dis- Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Barton, Waverly tribuîed or any part thereof Road, BowmanviUle, wben Iheir Dated ai Toronto, Ibis 131h day augbter, Doiotby Helen, became 'off September 1934. ride of Russel H. Gardner, Pbm. Boff Norwood, son off Mrs. and the THE TORONTO GENERAL ate Mm. Robert W. Gardner off Pet- TRUSTS CORPORATION erbcro. By their Solicitor, The bride, lovely in a dreas off J. W. McMANAMY, .ory satin and turban, and carry- 21 Front Street, mg a bouquet off ophelia roses and Thomold, Ontario. fi-n. eîîtered the roomn on tbe arm 38-3 f hem father ta the sîrains off Lob- ýngrin's Weddîng March. played by ________________ Xiss Olive Barton sister off the bride. nd tock ber place beneaib an arcb af eveigmeens and autumn flowcrs. [iem only ornament was a d.laaondS ho I The ceremony w'as performcd by Pev. A. S. Kcrr off St. Paul's United Decisions are aiwaya In arder. Our bhumcb, BowvImanville, mînister off cataîog May help you. s end it on t.hc bride. Little Lamne Sexsmith off requesi. We train for Business Po. rmenton, cous:n, acted as ring-bear- itions and heip ta place our Gradu» r. During signing off tbe regisier. ates Enîter any tirne. No forc.d 'Love Dreams-' was played by Miss vacations. Write ta Olive Barton. Af ber bbc wedd.ing ceremony a 1 xedding dinner was served te the' Shaw Business Schools nanediale relatives off the bride andI Dept. K-3 - Bay & Charles St. groom. Toronto. The groom's giftI b lb" bride was_________________ asilver tea service, la the pianisî, àcompact and 10 the ring-bearcr, H signeb ring. OÇt Tbe bride and groom wcre mecip- C .T c mis off iany beautifful presenîs. Eyesight Specialist reviaus to ber marriage the bride as presented with sherbet glasses Author off: ind plates by the Bawmanville Optometry Feature Service ublic School leschlng staff, off The Chld and Its hich sbe %was a member, also witb Development serving tray by the Young Peoplc's Spclalizîng exclusively in uild. muscle anomalies, eyesigbb The happy couple left amid show- and elasses. ýr off confetti and good wishes for Phone Smotor trip la Monîreal and eutî- for appoiniment 1516 rn Canada. The bride travelling in Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. navy swagger suit with black lac- Oshawa, Ont. essorîes. On their rcturn the young - ouplc wlll meside in Norwood. Lost LOST-ON KING STREET, TUES- day morning, a door key. Finder please leave at Statesman office. Reward. 39-1 Wanted WE ARE PREPARED TO DO threshing and silo f illing. David Mutton, Bowmanville. Phone 317. 39-2* MAID WANTED - FOR A SMALL family. State experience and sal- ary expected. Apply to «F0O." Drawer B, Bowmanville. 38-2* WANTED - 2 OR 3 GENTLEMEN boarders, also meals by day or, week. Mrs. George A. Gibson,'ý King St., over Darch's Tobacco., Store, Bowmnanville. 38-3 REPAIRING - 0ORG A NS COM- pletely overhauled. any make, ex- perienced workmanship: also fur- niture repaired. Rural or local. Prices easonable. H. B. Creeper, Box 306, Bowmanville. 38-tf For Sale FOR SALE-ONE 2000 LB3. SCALE, good condition. $20.00 cash. See M. R. Virtue, Tyrone, ont. 38-t FOR SALE-BARGAIN ATWATER Kent 7-tube Radio. good condi- tion, $40. Apply J. W. Dunn, Ho-« tel C. N. R. Station. 39-1 FOR SALE -YOUNG WORK horse. Grade Durham cow, pure- bred Suffolk ram lamb by import- ed sire. J. L. Parsons, R. R. 2.1 Bowmanville. Phone 176r6. * 9-2 FOR SALE - A TABLE SAW frame. a new 2-horse motor at-l tached and 3 new circular saws and saw set; cost $17500; $110.001 cash. J. C. Alldread. Phone 200. 38-t FOR SALE - CORONA KICHEN Range, coal or wood. reservoir, warming oven. tule back, good as new. Cheap for cash or trade for coiw. A. E. Billett, Hampton. Phone 376r11. 39-1 F'OR SALE-TWO-STOREY BARN, 43 feet long, 24 feet wide. side wall 15 feet. large sliding doors and suitable windows, built on cement foundation, in extra good shape. Apply Tom Percy, Bow.ýmanville. 39-1 music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. Fellow of the Canadian College of Organists, A. T. C. M.in, singlng, pianoforte, organ and v olin. Commences teaching on Septemnber lst. Private fessons or fessons in ciss. Pupils prepared for ail examinations, aiso Ti-EORY as required for the A.T.C.M. diplomna and for the higher examina. tions of the c.c. o. and University. Hoicis certificate in piano dlass teaching from the canadian Bureau. PIANO CLA SS LESSONS at very moderate rates. VIOLIN GLASS LESSONS at $1.50 per month. Long Iist of succeseful pupile in compett. tions and many first class honore and honors In conservatory examinations. Phone 42 - Bowmanville, Ont. Representing the Dominion Gov- erniment, Rt. Hon. Arthur Meigben, K. C., leader of the Senate, will attend the Melbourne (Australia) Centennial next month. DUTCH ]BULBS Our shîpmuent of Buibs of all varleties has arrived from Hol- land. We are prepareil to filU your orders in high quallty stock and most reasonable pie.Phone To-day. J. Larmour BOWMnANV[LLE NURSERIES Phone 711 - Bowinanville TAKE NOTICE Revert to Standard Time Citizens wlll take notice that on Saturday, Sept. 29 AT MIDNIGHT Bo'w'îanville will revert to Standard Time, and ail concemned are request- ed to govern themselveg ac- cordingly. By Order, W. Ross Strike, Mayor. To Let HOUSE TO RENT-EIGHT ROOM house on Scugog Street. Apply S. J. Jackman. Phone 80. 38-2 HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- iences, central location, immediate possession. Sheppard and Gll Ltd., Bowma.nville. 29-t. FOR RENT - GOOD BRICK house, hot water heating, on Church Street, garage. possession Oct. lst. Apply John Mclntyre. 39-1* HOUSE TO RENT - SIX ROOMS on Wellington Street, availabie Oct. l6th. Apply on premnises to Mrs. H. A. Farrow, Bowmanville. 39-1 * FOR RENT-6 ROOM FURNISHED Apatment, hot water heating, al modemn conveniences, f rom now until May. Rent easonable. Ap- ply Box 159. 38-2 FOR RENT-100 ACRES, LOT 24, Con. 10, Cartwright, 65 acres tili- able remainder in wood and past- ure. Apply to Mrs. David Heaslip,1 Janetville Station, Ont. 39-3 FOR RENT - 100 ACRE FAR M, ploughing Possession immediately, full possession in the spring. For particulars apply on the premises to A. B. Cryderman, Hampton. 39-1 HOUSE TO RENT-7 ROOMS, ALL modemn conveniences, central lo- cationi on Wellington St., vacant Oct. lst. Apply J. H. Mutton, R. R. 5, Bowmanville. Phone 374r31. 37-t FARM FOR RENT - MARLOW property, one mile east of Black- stock, 90 acres, hyciro, good water, wood available; Possession March 1. 1935: earlier Partial Possession of house and barn might be ar- ranged. Small cash rental but bouse must be shared with Mms. Marlow. Excellent opportunity for the right party. Apply only to Mrs. James G. Marlow. Black- stock 39-1 ~s*fie AdsT ~ ~ Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE THE HOME 0F FINER ENTERTAINMENT Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sept. 27 - 28 - 29 EDDIE CANTOR in Roman Scandais Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Monday - Tuesday - October lst and 2nd BING CROSBY and MIRIAM HOPKINS in She Loves Me Not News - - - Comiedy Matlnee Monday at 4 p. m. Wednesday - Thursday - October 3rd and 4th SYLVIA SIDNEY and CARY CIRANT in Thirty Day Princes s Comedy - - - Cartoon Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. m. COMING ATTRACTIONS - George Arliss in "THE HOUSE 0F ROTHSCHILD" Ronald Coleman in "BULLDOG DRUMMOND STRIKES BACK"I Wallace Beery and Jackie Cooper in "1TREASURE ISLAND" Mae West in 'BELLE 0F THE NINETIES" Shirley Temple in "INOW AND, FOREVERI" and "CLEOPATRA." When Buying Coal Lot the Color b. Your Guide You cannet tell the difference between one black coal and another. . you cannot say which is good or bad... but you can be positive about 'blue coal' f or the color guarantees the quality. 'Blue coal,' the only traclemarked fuel, is the fineat of al Scranton Anthracite. It is guaranteed heat . . . your protection againat inferior grades. Buy it with absolute confidence. A GLANCE WILL IDENTIFY IT!1 "lbluieoasl" Welsh .and Scotch Coal also for Sale Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 15 BOWMANVULLE IBusiness Directory LEGAL rd. G. -V. GCOULD. B.A., LL.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notai'y Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanvllle, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in ail its branches. office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Slason Graduate off Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanvllle. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. mn. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. flouse phone 283. X-Ray Ecjulpment in Office, FUNERAL DIRECTOR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Service, any hour, any day F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Caîl Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete FuneraI Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nlghts, Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 Repairs R. PAWSON B001 AND SHOE REPAIRING Soies sewn on by Goodyear Stitching 11achine. Prices reasonabie. King Street East - BowmanvIllê Opposite Garton's Bus Station 9-tf THE CANADJAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVrLLE, THUP-SDAY, SEPrEMBER 27, 1934 PAGE TEN 1

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