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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Sep 1934, p. 5

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 PAGE FIVE Walker Stores NEW Fali1 Apparel OPPORTUNE SAVINGS ON FUR TRIM COATS Beautifully tailor(LI garinents of fine quality woollen mater- ils in new fashionable weaves, weIi lined for added warmnth and comfort. Trim fitted lines, so smart for this season, and trimmed in the Most approved manner with quality furs, such as Platinum Wolf, Oppossum, Seal, Fox and Muskrat. We have the largest assortment ever shown in Bowmanville and would be pleased to show you through the range. A snxall deposit now wil hold any garment and assure you of a wide choice. A f ull range of women's ar4à misses' sizes. Fies from $13.75 TO $39.50 SKILFULLY STYLED MILLINERY MODESTLY PRICED $1.95$1225 $2m95 Brand new arrivais ln the smartest Berets, Tricornes, Creased Brown, and Brlmmed styles. Fashloned of wool feits, velvets, and fabries. Styles to permit a wlde cholce for women, mations and miss- es, and a good range cf head sizes ln the wanted coloringa, effectlvely trlmmed. No two cf same style. Walker Stores LIMITED Phone 164 Family Gathering la Feature of Fortieth WeddingAnniversary Mr. and Mis. Wilfr(ig Sherman of Orono Are Honored in Ru-hy Wedding Date A very pleasant evening was spenti at the home o! Mn. and Mrs. Wil- fred W. Sherwin on Wcdnesday, Sept. l2tli. when flic immediate1 jmembers o! the family o! Mn. and Mrs. Water Slierwin gathered in honor of thein fortief h wedding an- niversary. Mr. and Mrs. Slierwin were taken entirely by surprise, as tliey had been invited f0 a nciglibon's for tlie even- ing, and on thein way callcd at thein çon's home wliere they werc invited into tlie house. onîy to be grected by tlie famiîy singing "For fliey are Jolly good Fellows,." The streamers witli which the liouse was festooned, the many large bouquets o! snapdragons, asters and gladioli, etc.. aIl combincd in pîcas- ing liarmony to produce an air o! festivitY in kecping with the hiappy occasion. Dinner was served at 7 o'clock, flie dining table bcing centred by a huge wcdding cake. with taîl tapers on eiflier side. Mn. and Mns. Sherwin wene mar- ied at the home of the bride's par- ents. Mn. and Mrs. John McCullough, at Centerton, by Rev. Wmn. Tomblin. They settleti on a farmi at Fenella, until thirteen years ago when tliey moved f0 ftle farm just west o! Orono, wliere tliey have resideti un- fil early in tlie spring when they movedti f thein house in Orono. Bofli enjoy fairly gocd lieabtli, witli the exception o! Mn. Shenwin wlio can get around only sliglitly by the use o! canes. Populai, Newcastle Bride la Given A Pantry Shower Miss Minnie Selby, wliose wedding took place in fthe United Churcli on Satunday afternoon. Sept. lStli, was thfli recipient o! a pantny sliower by Newcastle friends and neiglibons o! thie farnily at the home o!flien bro- ther andi sister-in-law, Mn. and Mns. Carl Selby, on tlie Thursday even- ing previous. Loveby bouquets o! asters, sent by the groom-to-be, Mr. Erie Wicks, gladioli and othfl f1w- ers adonned ftle house and provideti a colorful setting for ftle crepe pa- Pei' decorations in the parlon wliene the ladies were assembledti t greef ftle bride-expectant on lier entrance and view the contents o! tlie big sliowcr basket as fhcy were brought to iglit f nom ifs capacicus depths. Miss Selby had been visiting at Oshi- awa duing the day and liad had tea at Mrs. W. H. Peances wifh Mns. W. J. S. Rickard and Mns. J. H. Jose. As she entenedth le decoraf cd parlor at lier sçister-in-law's later in tlie evening, the ladies present gneted lier with 'Here Cornes tlie Bride" and escorfed hler to a seat o! loionr Miss Olga Deviney, Toronto, wlio9 had lielped with flic house decora- fions in the affennoon. and Miss Marion Rickard flien brouglit inJ flic leavy. prcttily decorated basket and presented t tof Miss Selby, wlio1 all smiles and cheenfubncss, af oncei pnoceeded, witli tlie lelp o! Miss( A Canadian liostess saidti t ler olives wif h mayonnaise; grounti Amneican guests, "Shaîl we go f0 the cheese and tiied bec! moisfencd bank for tea?" To their deliglit, flic wif h fomato purce. "bank' furned oufta be, flot an lm- The cookie jan plays ifs part in flic pressive atone building, but a grassy wel-dresseti tea. Thc recipe for Date terrace overloaking a river wliere tea Crumb Cookies is sorncfhing tiffe- was serveti in a deiglifful surnmen rent and tieicious house. DATE CRUMB COOKIES Tea fime is observcd abl oven the 1, cup -butter world and is probabby flic part o!flihe 1/2 cul) sugar day mosf enjoyeti by friends wlio get i .ýgg (beaten) togeflien for a social houn Dif!ferent i ul fou customns prevail in diffenent coun- 1' te), soda tries, but flic spirit o! iospifabity 1si1,). haking Powdler anti good ccen is flic samne wliefhen tsp. sait flic scrvice be simple or elaborate. ¼ sup..Peour rnilk Tic fea ifself is made according f0i CRUMBS ftle liostess' faste andi lot wafer pro- l'2 pkg. Pasteurized dates vitied for guesfs who wish if wcaker. on,- third cup orange jule There is usuaîly a choice o! emon 1 eu,, ,rn flakes, crus hed anti cream; sametimes clo,4es arc added for spice; flicre may be orange. Cream butter anti sugan and beat slices and wcdges o! candied pine- in cgg. Sift dry ingredients and atit appbc for fliose wlio ike atiteti alfennafely wifh milk fo finaf mix- flavors. turc. Spread very thin in a buttered The ea ccomanientssholdfin (8"x12" is suitabbe size). inclutie boti pbain anti swccf. There ,Co ae ihoag uc ni is nofhing beffen flian ti breati Oftenet. Spnead lover flic dougli. Cover with crusheti corn flakes anti anti butter, saIt wafers or cnlsp bake in liot over. <400'F.) about toast for those wlio are avoiding 2 iue.Yed 4salsurs sweets. For oflier. a supply o! lit fle 2 iue.Yed 4salsurs cakes, cookies on fruit breati wiII be CORN FLAKE KISSES desirable. 1ý -ni)sugar Tuis recipe for Banana Bran 1 "99 Breadi is good because flic loaf willb Oi,,-ttiîr(l cup shortening kcep moist for days and can be slceti (itefl) anti but tenctias neetieti. t1(cul)flour BANANA BRAN NUT BREAD 1 tip. haking iPower 14cur nof,'hortening 12tsj>. sait ut)c sugar one-thirI cup nutmneats, 1 egg (Wil ea tenm) ciloppte( 1 cul) bran l/2 tjkg. dates, cut finefie IIý cupsflour 1cup corn fae - teps. haking powtler Combine sugar, egg anti alorten- 1'ý, tsp. sait ing. Sift dry ingredients, anti atit, 1/2 tsi" so("' togeflien wifli flicremalning Ingre- ]'Cu)cîîopped nutmnt die nt.Do rma round-~bowbed Il ',ý cps asbe baana.teapoonandflatten flie tops. Bake 1 t.ep. vanilla extrtct minutes. Yleld: 6 dozen, one Incli Cream sliortening anti sugar weîb. tIlameter. Add cgg anti bran. Sift flour wltli BRAN GINGER SNAPS baking powtier, saIt, andi soda. Mlx 1/4 cup shortening nuf s witli flour anti add aternately i ths. brown sugar wtli masheti bananas f0 whicli the ,/2 clp mtolasses watcr lias been atideti Sf1 in vaniîba. ~' cul) bran Pour into greaseti loaf ftin. Let stand 114 usfor 30 minutes andi bake In a motierafe 1/4 tbsp. soa oven (375'F.) one liour. Let cool 14ts.sd befor cutflng. 1 ',ý, ispm. cinnamon Yicl: 1iclaf (8',ý x 41/2 Inclies). i1tep giner Simple sandwiches are aîways wel- /4 tsP. ioe corne. Cream buffer wltli ioney anti Cream sliortenlng anti sugar. Atd spread thin slces of white breati. A molasses wh.lcli las been licatedti t tieicate filblng la matie by creamlng boillng. Stir in bran. Slff dry lI- butter wltli aniovy paste, mustarti, gretilents, att, ant i mx well. Cilîl iorsera4lsh, or choppeti parsley. tlioroughby In refrigerator. Rol 0f len savory flîings are choppeti tiugh very t lin, cut Into rounds, celery moistened i wti mayonnaise; and balte In a lot oven (400F.) a- creameti - butter, mint leaves and bout 7 minutes. Ylelti: 5 tesen, 2 chepped pimento; chopped pickles or Inclies In dismeter. THE FAITHFUL FEW Wlicn flic meting's cabîdte f0ortien And you look arounti the room, You'ne sure f0 see some faces That frorn ouftflicsliadows loom. Tliey are always af flic meeting, And tliey'bl stay until ifs flinougli. Thc ones fliat I would mention Arceftle "always faifliful few," Tliey fibb ftle many offices Andi are abways on the spot, No matten wiat flic weatlier, Thougli it may be awfublihot. It may be dark anti nainy, But tliey are fnied and truc. Thc ones fliat we reby on Are flic "always faifliful few." There are bots of wortliy membens Who wibl corne wlien in the mooti, Wlien everyfhing is convenient, Tliey can do a bit o! gocti. They are fact ors in flic meeting Anti are necessary f00; But the ones wlio neyer fail us Are flic "always fàitflbfew." If it wcre net for these !aith.ful, Wliose shoulders afflic wlieeb Keep our Division moving Wit haut a haIt on reel, Wliat would be flic fate o! meetings Wlien we have so mucli te do? They sure wouîti be bad failures Wlfliouttfl i aîways falflifub few.,, Deviney and Miss Rickard, to bure from their concealsnent flie numer- ous wrapped articles. A nicely word- cd sentiment or a sliort original poem accompanied eacli gift and Miss Selby read tliese and then rpassed tlie articles anound for ev- erybodys inspection. Tlie ladies al- so acccpted witli pleasure the invi- tation of tlie bride-to-be to view lier trousseau and flic many and beau- tiful wedding presents that liad been sent in by relatives and fiends Tlie evening closed pleasanfby witli the scrving and partaking of refresh- Iments. Miss Scbby. now Mrs. Eric IWicks, gratef ubly thanked ahl pres- ent as well as tliose wlioliad sent gifts for tlicir kindness and tliouglit- fulness and invited aIl ta corne and visit lier in lier new liome, 246 Duf- ferin St., Toronto. WISH COURAGE FOR YOUR CHILD - NOT HAPPINESS (By Gladys H. Bevans in Chicago Tribune) Iwisli;' said tlie quite younig mother wlioliasliad some liard knocks. 'tliat I could be sure tliat Jane will liave a liappy, comfortable life." She looked fcndly at her sub- deb dauglifer, pretty and joyous with that dewy look of tlie middle teens. -~Well, she won't," said the fatlier. "No one does. She's du.e f.or the usual lot - unhappiness, worrics, anxieties, disappointments, disillus- ionrnenf and ahl the other things that the flcsli is lieir ta. Wliat I do wisli for lier is courage and char- acter ta meet tliem-and slielias those. Tliat is aIl I can liope for, for lier." Here is tlie fond, yearning motli- er wisliing for liappiness and fui- filment for lier dauglifer wlio stands on tlie tliresliold of! maturity. Slie sees lier young, pretty, populan. Slie looks forward f0 a liappy marniage for lier-a worthy liusband, chibd- ren. licaîli and financial secunity. It is flic age aId cry for liappiness for our lovcd ones. But liow few achieve aIl tliese things! Here also is the more rca istic fa- tlier, knowing tliat few people adi- ieve tliis goal, tliat life perliaps at its besf is more a pepper-and-salt, a liglit and dark o!fliappiness and unhappiness, o! frustration and fuI-j filment, of financial secunif y and financial wonry, o! anxiety and1 safefy. o! sorrow and ,loy.1 We can't load the dice, but we cani lielp oui children f0 meet and face wliatever life o! fers. Toc slicltened an existence is flot a good prepara- tion. Perliaps tlie best we can do to prepare our cliild.ren is to face life galbantly oursebves, and then gnad- ually hlp tlicm so tliat eventually tliey can stand alone, strong and self-reliant. It's a liard thing to do-perliaps fthe liardest one we liave as parents. But as my friend wliom I quoted before said, "One must earn to meet triumph and disasten." Tliey are rare words.c Swede "0ot for Seed ? Swcde roots for seed may be storedI eitlier in outside pits or in a dark,E webl ventilated cellar free from frostc yef su!ficiently cool f0, keep tliem( !rorn sprouting toc earby in fliej spring. Wlicn tlie roots are pulled the tops sliould be cut off about an incli to an incli and a hall from fliet crown. ORONO <From The News, Sept. 20) Mrs. Weir of Carleton Place visit- ed Mrs. Osterhout. Mrs. Sisson spent the past week witb friends in Toronto. Miss N. N. King of Lindsay Col- legiate staff visited Miss M. Adams. Preparations are being made for a busy season at Orono Evaporator. Dr. Henry won titird prize in driv- er and saddle class at Lindsay Fair. Mrs. Henry lias returned f romn Toronto where slie visited hier par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Jamieson o! Timmins visited lier mother, Mrs. 1C. G. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Lyall MacDonald o! Welling-ton were visitons wxth Mr. H. G. MacDonald. Miss Dorotliy Henry, Toronto, and Miss Ruthi Gneenly visited lier fath- en, Mr. John Henry. .Woman*s Association of Park St. United Churcli are holding their anniversary on Sunday, October 21. Tlie dsiet by Mrs. A. A. Drummond. and sister. Miss Jean Buclianan, at Park St. Church. Sunday evening was much enjoyed. Mr. Ken. Tamblyn, wlio spent the summen at Montreal. lias returned home for a few days before resum- ing orchestral work at Pertli Mrs. Dorotliy Rowe Lynchi willi give a piano recital assisted by lier pupîs in Park St. Clurcli on Friday, Sept. 28tli. Guest soloist, Mrs. A. A. Drummond. Mr. Piert Armstrong lias returned f rom. Tononto General Hospital where lie was taken following a sev- ere liemornliage of tlie tliroat. His condition is mucli improved. Miss Chiristine Waddell lias re- turned from. a visit with lier sisters in Saskatoon and* Calgary: also making a sliort visit* with lier uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rowe at Okotoks, Alta. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stewart of Weyburn. Sask., are visiting lier sis- ters. the Misses Colville and Mrs. T. Cowan. Mr. Stewart left Orono for the West in 1916, and still retains his optimism of tlie Prairie Pro- vinces. Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fowler and son Earl Fowler of Osia*a vis- ited Mrs. R. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. J. Barnett of Clierrywood, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Key-es of Toronto, former- lY o! Fermanagli, Ireland, were also recent visitons. Mr. David Harris, employed at tlie Provincial Forest Station liere, lef t on Tliursday for Cadoxton Barry, Soutli Wales. On Tliursday mor- ing, friends at the plant presented him with a leather club bag and a sum ofmoney, the presentation be- ing made by Mr. Jack Coupar and an address was read by Mr. Harry Lewis, Regular meeting of tlie Y. P. Lea- gue was held Sept. l7tli, in charge of Miss Eileen Rlddell. Programn con- sisted of sing-song, piano solo by Miss Margaret Milison; toPic by Miss Riddell: recitation by Missi Doris Wannan. Miss Riddell was appointed Red Group leader in place of Miss M. Archer. l'le topic ànd discussion was on "Corruption of Alcoliol." Local anglers received a real tlinill tlie other day wlien Mr. J. E. Rincli arrived in town witli a consignment of some 6000 real live fingerlings, Nipigon brook trout. consigned ta Mr. 0. A. Gamsby from tlie Carding- ton Rearing Station, to be deposited in our local streams. This is the second consignmnent, witliin a few weeks for the purpose of re-stock- ing tlie streams in whicl tlie trout had been killed off by tlie etreme Icold of last winter. Former deliv- ,eries were received by Messrs. E. J. Hamm and E. J. Hawke, and placed in streams adjacent to their proper- ties. REA* ATLANTI & ACIFr Ne TOURE CHOIt% f P ime Rib I;:. b.o 5 SShoulder orch CIn b. 8 ËPORTEH mEl. i 9 RUMPSquare lb. 14 STEAKS SIRLOIN lb. 19ec1J]ROUND Mi. 17o OUR OWN' A & P COVNTRy STYLE SLICED BREAKFAST SÇAUSAGIE lb. 10,c 1JBACON b. L18 FRESIE ROASTING CUTS POIRK SI!OULDER l.13,c JBUTTS lb. 18' FRESH FRESH LAKE FILLETS lb.][5e JTROU? lb. 150 JEJJEL BRAND SHOIRTENINO 3 Ibo-29)e CILT EDGE-BREAD 98 lM. $ 2 b K'L'FLFI Baig Bax 5 OUR OW~N SILVERROOK 2 4 f 4b 5 BUTTER 2 îs.43e SUNNYRIEL» lb. c RICH QVICK SUDS OUIR OJVN ENCORE CII IPO 2 S.33c Daklng Pewderi' 730 HABITANT BEEBIV PEA SOUP 3 TINS 25C COIRN SYUF'215 BULK KIRK'S No. 5 Tin 35e ]ROILLED OATS lb. 4o CastileSaP3'ýý-î3. DOZ. 250 maa mrs. Pratt recLn.ly vïso if ed Mrs. Bickie, Prince Albert Persian Balm appeals instanf:y f0 tlie dainty woman. Stimulating the skin. making if velvefy soft in text- ure, if. creates and preserves com- plexions o! exquisite charrn. . Deli- cately fragrant. Cool and deliglitful to use. Especially recomrnended to sootlie and dispel roughness or c.iaf- ing. Stimulating and invigorating. Imparts a youfhful loveliness and protects and enhances tlie most dl- icately-textured skin. Persian Balm is tlie unrivalled foulet requisite. A QUICK SURE WAY TO BETTER HEALTH Thousands o! men and women have discovered that C. C. & B. Tonic Tablef s bring back loat strengtli and vifalify wlien nothing else will. BY supplying an abund, ance of ricli, red. bbood, tliey build up tlie sYsf cm, steady the nerves, bani- ish the blues, bring back strengtli and vitality. If you are Rundown, suffering witli Anaemia. Stomacli Trouble, Indigestion. Coated Tongue, Headaclies, Poor Appefite. Nerves, Can't Sleep, Thinness. Pimples, Weakness, Melanclioly - you surely need C. C. & B. Tonic Tablets riglit away. Sold at aIl drug stores. Get C. C. & B. Tonlc Tablets at ALEX MeGREGOR, DRUGGIST FALL WORK tliey are allowed ta stay in fie grounti until flie stems are wl W. E. Groves, Bowmanvîlle decayeti. This means fliaftihef ood Whibe winter is nof just anounti matenial in flic stem wibl have been fie corner, if is nean enougli f0 transferredte f0fli bubbs. Tic oflier make us tliink o! cleaning up flic ext reme liowcver, must net ba fol1- gartien and covcring up at least lowed by leaving flie bubbs in the some o!flice plants andti aking ofliens grounti until flic !rost reaclies thcm. indoors. Cleaning up is o! !irsf un- In digging if Is wisc f0 use a f ork port ance. Shrubs, roses anti oCher anti wlen flic bulbs are ifted, tlicy plants have been subjecf f0 pests miglif be bft on flic grounti for a anti discases o! one kind anti an-I day on t wo. ilflice weathen is safe. oflienal fie summen. Mibdcwed If this is possible, store f hemn in a leaves, as wcll as foliage, covereti dry place for a few days unfil the wath oflier fungoiti pcsts, are dropp- stems wiflien. The stemns shoubti be ing off roses and ti fer plants, anti cuf off about f mcc inclies above fan toc !rcquently these are left te thfli bulb, anti when fie final dlean- tiecay. The saf e thing fa do is f0e ing is donc, flie stem wilb come away rake rubbisi o! cvery kinti off betis enfircly. Gladiobus are not se part- anti burn if. Perennial sfalks shoulti icubar about stonage as dahlias; the be cut tiown anti taken away. Thils bubb is !inm enougli in texture te cîeaning up is just a prepanafion for take a gooti deal o! cane o! itself. flic work o! winfcr protection. A-1 Any dry anti froat proof position mong flic plants fiat must be faken Jwlieeflic tempenafure tocs nef go up anti stoneti are begonias, dahlias, below 40 degrees, is safe. They cannas anti gladiolus. Whcn flic shoulti be placeti In Vnays. or~ on sftems o! tuberous begonias begin shelves wliere tic air can pusa te decay. on wien frost cuts thcm firougli flicu. Whlle on tic subiect tiown, fie bulbs shoulti be iffet. o! glatiiolus, we migif mention fie Tiere is no necdtef shake o!! allihePest fliat for flic basf year or two soil: if wibb gradually dry up, anti in lias worried gladiobus growcrs -Wo meanfime willihelp f0 kecp fie bulbs badly. Thrnips 18 ifs short name, and firmi. Pack flic roots In a shllow if can be evercome only by tirastic box, anti put tliem in sorne place freatmcnf. Wlcn flic bubbs anc lifted, free !rem danger o! frost. Whcn flic evcry bit of rubblsi on fie grouncl moil tries ouf anti stemns arc abl de- shoulti be burneti ouf o! existence. cayeti, abb flic soil can be f aken away Tic grounti shoulti be thorouglily andtihli bulbs spreati out for a tiay tiug se fiat winten wcaficr can get or two ftedry. Tic best way f0 kcep int o if. At flic final cleaning time. them fnom fiat tirne on, is in sant every scrap o! oItd bubb on foliage or peat. Just bury flic bulbs com- that is removedti roM fhe bubbs Plcfcly in flic matenial in a box shoubti be bunnt. Tic tnays useti for andi pack away for flic rest o!flice storage shoulcl be welI cîcaneti and winter. If is juat as well f0 kcep Jiust before pbanting time allich begonias wicre tic femperafure is bubbs shoubti be treateti with one of nef lowcr than 45 degrees or higlien tic remedies known f0 be effective. tian 60 degrees Tiese anc bcngfliy f0 give here, but Gladiolus thfli instructions arc fully set ouftli Gladiolus wlll soon have f0 be la Pamphlet isçsucti by flic Entomolog- carcd for. Tic bulbs (on te be cor-1 ical Deparfmcnt af Ottawa. rect. fli cocrms) will wlnfer bcsf if' Confinuetixx week Douglas' Egyptian Liniment makes chiaI passages tenaciousiy. Dr. J. tflifnesf blister known. Invalu- D. Kcbbogg's Astinia Rcmetiy is tialby able for stock. Leaves flic lair roofs benefitting cases o! astima o! long in nafural and hleablihy condition, standing. Years o! suf!ering, iow- Hair cornes back. No sear remains. even, miglit have been prevenfeti lati Hebp for Astinia. Negîecet ives fhe remnedy been useti when flic astima a greaf ativantage. Tic trouble was In ifs firet stages. Do trouble, once if lias secureti a foot- net negleet a.thsna, but use fis liolti, fastens ifs grlp on flic bron- vreparaflon af once. ýN"WdMlAGIC LESS THAN 10 WORTH for a big tduee.3 layer cake! That's al It couts when yeu use Magie M8, sRwm M Baklng Powder. And yen get a fine quality that neyer varies-absolute purlty and dependability. No wonder Canada's moat prominent cookery ex- perte say It doeen't pay te take chances wth deubt- fui baking powder. Bake with Magie and b. sure! MAnuC *"ONTAINS NO ALUN." Thi. atatement on .ey I I tin la your Buat..that PdaeJc Bakng Powd« e CANIADA fi.. from elum or any harmfu ltqit.ax s C 4LIFOR NIA VALENCIA ORANGES NATIVE LBLUJE Mr- n.nd Mrc; Prnft. rrfpntli- iz- 1 m TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1934 PAGE PIVE 6 Qt* Bskte 2 go

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