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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1934, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIA.N STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 1 week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. prayer was taken by Mmi. (Rev.) H. IMm. mand Mns. W. E±. ArmsLtrong, Garettin hare.J. Bell mmd Mmi. . Archer gave a, Mr. and Mmi. Edwamd Armstrong, Garettin hare. eading Lunch was served by Mmi. I Mmi. Wesley Campbell, Mm. John C orb ett'ý NOTE-Where at ail possible kindly niake appointesents Jas. Strong's group ta twenty-flve 1Armistrong and Mm. Edward Wil- Aniong those present froni a dis- Jernnie McGibbon, in Toronto on tance for 1h Carley-Swain nuptials Wednesday. ed W'Ads friends. on a wedding trip te Till-, sonburg and other Western Ontario1 BIRTHS L I J ILpoints and Cleveland, Ohio. On their i Thne Newcastle Indepenuent return they will resideinNwate The bride was the reciptient of many ALLDREAD - At Maple Orove, to 1 e'cceedingly beautiful and costiy as Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Alldread, on Mrs.W. . Rse, allcebrg, is-fro Newonvlleand pred o th well as useful wedding presents. She Tuesday, October 2nd, 1934, twin 1 Mrs. W S. Rse, Waiacebrg, vi- f rm Newtn~il1 and spedoneianher husband are both descended boys. ited Mrs. W. H. Pearce over the table corners. A committee of girls I irom old U. E. L. families. The FENNELL-On Wednesday, Septern- weekend. heacled by Marjorie Lycett and Eve- groom, the groomsman, and his bro- ber 26th, 1934, at Mimico Beach Mr. Walter Haney, Toronto, spent lyn Alun assisted by Mesdames E .M. ther, Mr Stanley Graham, one of Private Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. last week with his cousins, Mr. and ' H. Ward and H. Brereton, served a the ushers are leading members and Elwood C. Fenneli (nee Rena Mae Mrs. J. H. Jase. sumptuous meal of sandwiches, cak-, star players of the Newcastle Base Caverly), a son. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs,. cookies, tea and candy with apples Bahl Club. The bride also is a bail SNOWDEN - At Oshawa General Lost Allan Spencer (nee Bernice Rundle) and pears for after dessert. player. being one of the leading and Hospital, on Thursday, September on the arrivai of a fine baby girl. Jack Hare. in his central position original members of the Newcastle 27th. ta Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. LOST- LADY'S WRIST WATCH. J11 Miss Evelyn Riekard, who is at- at head table, acting as master of Girls' Softball team. Mr. Jack Hare, Snowden (nee Inez Cook, RegN, at Orona Faim. Reward for retumn tending Queen's Univemsity, was ceremonies then called on Rev. S. also an usher at the wedding, is the the gift of a daughtem, Meelyn ta Mrs. Jas. Kimble. Silver Street, home for the Waltan-Dlidley wed- MacLean for an addmess. Mm. Mac- pitcher and one of the most ardent Yeoman, Bofice. r heSats nI ding on Saturday. Lean spoke very helpfully and en- and active members of the New- omaiceeorTheSttesna Mrs. Lewis Parnell and son Char- couragingly. pointing out that theme castIle Softball Club, al of which eC401 les, who motomed from Trenton, are obstacles and handicaps teo be patiy accounts for widespread in-MA R GE LOST - BETWEEN BLACKTC Wednesday week, attended Orano overcame ail through lîfe and those trs in heprt0fte ougpe- AadOmnaSiaNec STleanas ter, en he p rt ofthe oungpeoan fromn ew stovNewcaine in d-h Faim and visited friends here. only min and achieve success who pie of the community in the wvedd- CHpa-ACE-A h ei yn fofy T.S ouenyR. R. 6, The Newcastle Players will pre- overcome them. He assured the ing.CAMNP CO-thers lnoiyTS.outyRR.6 sent "The Rters' in the Commun- staff and pupils of the school that- --- dence of the bride, Hampton, on Bowmanville. Phone 320r23. ity Hall, Newcastle, on Friday ev- hie wauld continue ta provide an- CARD 0F THANKS Saturday, September 29th, by Rev. 40-1 ening, Oct. 12. Tickets 25e and 15c. nually for a suitable trophy ta be Walter Rackham, Miss Margaret -- Mmi. Win. Jamnieson returned last awarded ta the High School Champ- Mjrad rsH.Wdeye- Elizabeth Pascoe, daughtem of the Wanted week f rom tva months' visit with ion boy athiete as his predecessor inf Masire anxprestH.W.ateuleappde- late Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pascoe. relatives at Deseronto, and with hem the United Church. Rev. W. P. Rog- siaeteenpreftheirrvcsaite Npew- and Joseph Chapman, sonl of the WNE -RSPNSIBLE GIRL brother, Mm. Jacob Woodcock, Hem- i ers, had during his pastorate here castle ladies, who se beautifully de- late Mr. and Mrs. John Chapman or woman for general housework. kimer, N. Y. and his membership on the BoardofCmrde nldbtofaOfi. St. George's Church - S uday, of' E u ain O hrsekes w aa- corated the United Church for their 0 a big, E ga d ah o Appy C. M. co Statesm a Ofce Oct. 7th, l9th Sunday after rinity. so spake of the value of physical dautebr 2 edadingonrt day Haifpton il a. r.-Morning Prayer and Ho1y training and athieties and congrat- senttetber 29hm and for the flr p WE ARE PREPARED TO DO Communian; 7 p. r.-Evening Pray- ulated the teachers and pupils onl of the ladies in decorating it for the _______ threshing and silo f illing. David er and Sermon. the sticcess of the day were. Mm. W --. Mutton, Bowmanviile. Phone 317. Miss Ena Brooks, Oshawa, was a E. Purdy, Chief scorer for the boys reception. 1___IPTESNA areae ak 39-2' weekend guest of Miss Mariarie Ly- events, Geo. Meadows, representing LAKE SHORE PUBLIC SCHOSak.OL cett, and attendedo the High Sceol the Board. H. R. Pearce and Rev. T. LAESOEPULCIHO on TuesClay, Sept. lth, 1934, Wil- MAID WANTED - FOR GENERAL field day concluding function in the Wallace, Newtonville. who was pre- FIELD DAY liam John Pattersan, age 59 yeams. housework in family of four.1 Canununity Hall. sent with Mrs Wallace and Mrs. MARsIiALL-At Janetville on Mon- Write 'J.D." Drawer B, Bowman- United Church - Rev. S. Mac- Thampson and expressedi his keen The 2nd Animal Field Day of day, October 151, 1934, Margaret. ville. 40-1 Lean, B. A., Pastor. Suiday. Oct. nomn naleet fte af 1er- Sports for Lake Shore Public Schooi May M. Weatherilt, wife 0f Jas- '11h, Thanksgiving Sunday: il a. m. noon and the proceedings of the ev- was held on Fiday aflemnoan et eph Marshall. WoaNTr, ieD mO ENTLEMENy o -Morning Warship and Sacrament ening. 281h. The 151 prize winners in the KNIGHT - In Toronto, on FridaY, wboarders aGsorme A. b idayor af the Lords Supper; 2.30 p. m.- Marjonie Lycett moved and Eve- various events are as follows- September 28, 1934, Gardon Rus- K rS. eoDre A. Gibsco Sunday Schaol; 7 p. m.-Harvest lyn Alun seconded a vote of thanks Under 8 yrs.-Jack Brown; under seli, son of Mm. and Mrs. Frank J. Kn toe ac' oac Thanksgiving Service. Y. P. L. on ta Mrs Wamd and Mrs. Brereton for i er-ide rw;udr1 Knig.ht, 174 Indian Roadt, Tom- Soe omnil.3- Monday evenings at 8 a'c10ck; Mid- their assistance in setting the tables yrs.-Stanley Brown; 12 or over- onto, aged 21 years. REPAIRING - O R GANS COM- week devotional services on Wednes- and helping with the lunch: ta Jack Evelyn Brown; 3 legged-Donald days at 8 p. m.: C.G.I.T. on TuesdayHaefrhsucefuefot in Powell and Stanley Brown; wheel- HODSON - Suddenly on Sunday, pletely overhauled, any make, ex- evenings at 7.30: and Trail Rangers saein doos for prizccssulefo barraw-Doflald Powell and Stanley Sept. 301h. 1934, at the esidence perienced workmanship; aiso fur- and Tuxis Square on Friday at 7.30 emers fdontionsBor 0f EduCation Brown; 4 legged-Julia Clement,î of hiem daughter, Mmi. F. E. D.' Mc- niture repaired. Rural or local.« and 8 o'clock respectively. W.M.S. and others. also ta the gentlemen Mildred Brown and Audrey Adams; DwlTrno lzbt n rcsraoal.H .Cepr wil metths husdYOct. 4th. wohle ntefeddrn h relay of 3--Staniey Brown, Donald Calder, beioved wif e of F. W. Hod- Box 306, Bawmanville. 38-tf at 3 p. m. when the ladies in charge aftemnoon. Powell, Jack Brown; Broad Ju.mp- son. Brooklin.I UPHOLSTERING-CHESTERFIELD1 will present a short play of special Donald Powell; Long distance baIl WRIGHT-On Sunday, Sept. 3th, Suites and all other furniture e- intemest. Rev. E. B. Cooke, Can- - throw-Donald Powell; 1 legged- 1934. at his late residence, 9141i covered and repaired like new. ningt.on, will preach anniversamy WEDDING Stanley Brown; Catch and throw Queen St. E., Toronto, Clarence E. Expert wokmanship. Samples. sermons on Sunday, Nov. l8th. *- bal-Laura Clement and Audrey Wright, beloved husband of Mary Estimates free. J. A. Fry, Scugog« Newcastle Y. P. League was held ïAdarmos; Sack race. boys-Donald E. Wright. Son ai the late Ste- 1 St. Phone 536. 40-1' on Monday evening in the S. S. Walton-Dudley Powell; girls-Mildred Brown- Ac- phen Wright, Bowmanville. ______________ room. Ater apening exercises, with Gresa ecsî oîiue curate bail throw-Donald Powell;- -HUEODRS TETO President Miss W. Rickard in theîaishî ftewclal ealîh anutd Somnesaulting, boys--Staniey Brown HU______'ATENIO chair, the rail caîl was answered lais0 h hrhadte and girls-Evelyn Brawn: High on Saturday wre Mm. and Mrs. B. F. with the namne af an autumrn ±lowe. adis otieclurandcith ue New- Jump, boys-Donald Powell; girls- Carley and Miss Mary Carley, Bol- Mm. J. H. Vance, Peterboro, is in Rev. S. MacLean gave a very inter- ateril nudrativecrt in de lEvely n Brown; Pitching Hanrs e - ton; Rev. and Mrs. M. R. Sanderson town and is prepared to attend ta estng al onth seen shps"inther sil an dcortiv at i d-, hos boys-Donald Powell: girls- and son Roy, Toronto; Miss Effa youm doors and windows with Cham- Sonship, discipieship, stewardship. oaigteNecsl n d Laura Clement; Skippng-1. Laura Wright, St. Cathrines; Miss Reta berlain's famous weather stripping. woship, fellowship. heirship. and Church and pnoducing a setting of Clement. 2. Stanley Brown, 3. Mil- Swain and Mm. Allan Manston, Tom- Ail orders promptly attended ta and Lorshi o Chis. Dvotonl prtimpressive loveliness for the Walton- drel Brown; Race on hands an e tat; Mn. Weir Swain and Mm. Al- work guaranteed. Leave orders at af the service was then very ably Dudley wedding on Saturday even- -Stanley Brown, Donald Powell, bent Gribben. Thnmins. Statesinan Office. 40-1 taken by the following: Miss N. Ai- îng, Sptember 29th. Asters, Gladioli, Mildred Brown. Young People's League met on _____ lin, Mrs. A. W. Glenny. Miss L. Bat- Dahlias, Micheal-Mlas Daisies, He1- Af 1er the program of sports, into'Wednesclay night in the United ty, Miss H. Rowland. Mrs. (Dr.) ium and other autunin flowems in which ail the pupils joined wth Church. Miss Olive Van Camp took Rutherford and Mmi. E. C. Fisher. quantity and quality gave the in- Imuch enthusiasm and much im- the Bible study and prayer; and Miss AUCTION SALES, The pogram in charge af Wiibur tenion of the church ahl the appear- pravement in form and style fmom Mable Van Camp was in charge aiof ________________ Baskerville, the 151 vice president, ance of a glawing indoor gardeni that displayed lait year. a lunch aof the pmogam. Mm. Eldon Eckle read cansisted of a piano duel by Mmi 0of flowers midst this scene of ov juicy apples was enjoyed. his paper "The Young People's Saturday, October 6th-Mr. W. H. C. A. Cowan and Miss A. Hend.ry lni isCaic urahDd The Champion Girl athlete is* Ne-wýs'; and Miss Jessie Knox play- Carr, Concession Street,ha i- followed by a mouth organ solo by -ey only daughter af Major and Mrs. Mildred Brown with 19 points and ed "In a Monastemy Garden"; Miss structed the undersigned ta seil by Miss Gertrude Bonathan. Following H. W. Dudley was united in marri- 2nd Evelyni Brown with 16 points. Eva Brown gave a talk on ecreation Public Auction on the premises, ahl a period ai recreation the meeting age te Mr. George Anson Walton, Champion Boy athiete is Donald[ and was in charge ai several gamnes. his household fumniture and effects, wasbrugt e aclse ynE Wallon oy r. amuelMacLens Powel ih3 points; and 2nd On Monday night f ifty members including dining room and living E.B lonb e. aulMaLaStanly Brown with 33 points. were present in the Orange Hall for roomn furnitume, beds, wardjrobe, kit- HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY .Ap1o itecuca 1 ______ a Past Master's Night; the fourth chen tables, chairs, and utensils, Th rntfv ow fpeswr annual successful event. Many form- kitchen range, and many ather ar- Douglas Wallace, Son of the Par- Tefotiv oso eswr BLACKSTOCft er masters were present annd gave ticles 100 numerous te mention. sonage. High Man - Jessie reserved for the guesti, eighty in spehs.M.Jme ym ocpe Sale at 1.30 p. m. sharp. Ternis ____of the auditorium as well as the gal- Mm. Ralph Sadler is workin with 1h e chair; and Mm. Robt. Haxnilton calsh uC . sn, Cler 4W.-J Douglas Wallace, son ai the lery was filled with intereîted spec- Mm. D. Alldread, Bowmanville th e deputy-chair. The office aiCaosfucine.4- Rev Thmas Walace Neton taorsindcatve i te wde op- Mm. and Mrs. W. Wyld, fiamil- chaplain was taken by Mm. Stanfard Rvle, oasfied lt iay iwtnuamsit datie yun ouplhe. on wmeguit m.Ja.ptrngsSwain; and ail other offices weme Monday, October l5th-,S. B. For vihe, HihcalFied ld tFrDay v ntsfo ar i Tego h omsuppople yti o n. andMmi. Gsat rona.Stong's- occupied by past masters. Messrs. sythe, Lot 25, Con. 1, Darlingtoni the Hih Schol Fild Da evens for sinMr. Afred rahamstoodbe- ieS.MrSanin.s.James CuByems S.dwaJohnamH. yers ndmilesH.west2 iaisBeswmanviile>,ll the boys' championship trophy. tae iM.Aîe rhm to e îdM.adMi ap orie Devitt were the oldeit members pre- will seli by public auction al ai his S. MoaLea na the Boaurd aiReu presently the bridai party entered Mmi. Wm. Chapman, Port Ferry, sent. It is an interesting fact that farm stock, implements, grain, corn,! c. atin.LloydHo ckhe ioerd aihe tecuc ndpoeddUp teî iitn e te.Msoc Mn. John H. Devltt has been a mcm- roots, and some household furnitume, championship trophy lasI year, do- central aisie ta the strains of the Graham.be fLO.L13fo64easet.Trsch.Slatipn. naedan reenedb Rv.W.pBridai Chorus f rom Lohengrin, play- Mm. and Mrs. Fred Willan; Mr. Splendid addresses were given by See bills. J. D. Hogarth, Clerk; Rogers, was again high man this ed by Mmi. E. C.Fisher. The bride and Mmi. Thas. Smith weme in Tor- EV WH. Jk. Bellond Rev.D.C.EerWbuAcine. 42 year, but the ules laid dlown, no presented a maît charrning picture, onto, Monday. E.nchitt erdaned Mr.llo ing Logr- _______________ competitor is te eceive it two yearsi gowned in white silk net over tai- Mm. Eldon Eckel and Miss Eva lunchfwas semed nd oMm. Nil Parn- Cmui nteIihFe In succession, although lhe may wîn feta and weaing lhem mothers or- Brown were Sunday gueits ai Miss iter of O rono l ee uty sing- Commu ornize in te arish Fee przsfrsprt vns h nebosos irwd a n irOieVnap Janetville, Tyrone, Pumple Hillad1 with the avawed purpose of a work- champîonship pnîze therefore reverti shaes were alsa in white ta match. Miss Eva Brown addressed the Ornes ebi o i rin h ta Douglas WaU1ace. dinye runner IShe carried a bouquet ai butterfly Young People's League ai Ebenezer Orno es'rpul fra Iend Th up. Jack are was tird and ert 1 rossand______ofthe________heon____ Cangress& o wills have aae militamyryarmmii up.Jak arws hid nd Ber roesmad, li0 h aly h nM.nWalte night. dIda ýthe new Citizen Army which has not Quantrili iourth. ibdemdMss Helen Lycett, wore Mn atrHnyaddughter NESTLETO.N' 1 ee ogaIz since James Connoly, Miss Jessie VanDusen proved hier- Nule green mausselin desoie and Velma, Mrs. J. Henry, Cobourg vis~! - * ai e Exchiequra nlnsa self the bet girl athiete, winning carried talisman roses and ferns. ited Mm. Jas. Henry's. 'oMmstWe. teel 5 uner ofe oc-ilsleaer as xected 96 three firîts for a total ai 15 points. Preceding thern was littie Miss Bar- Mm. and Mms. Oscar Graham and MsWi.Sels nrthdo-itslae a xctdi 96 The championship pizes wiîî be bara Bonathan. cousin ai the bride, daughter, Aima, visited Mr. and Mmi. tors came.I______ .-- pesented ta the ivinners at the as ilawer girl, carrying a basket ai Russell Coates, Shirley. Mmi. Sam Bruce visited at Mm.i High Schaol Commencement Exer- sweet peai. The bride was escorted Mms. Marwood Heard, and son Herman Samelis'. I cises on Friday evening, Oct. 26th. ta the altar and given away by hier Elgin, Woodvilie, visited hem parents, Mmi. Robt. Jackson msýecoverîngi Notice to Creditors Winners in the variaus events- f ather. Major Hl. W. Dudley. Mm. and Mmi. W. Hoskin. freim a ecent illness. 1 __ Boys 10y.ds-LodHn'M. Stanley Graham, cousin ai the. Rev. Dm. C. E Whittaker was un- Mm. Lawrence Malcolm, Lindsay I h saeo cock, Douglas Wallace; Shot-Put- groom, and Mm. Jack Hare acted as able 10 take the services in St.JonsCleitw hmSudy Herbert Anderson, Harold Deline uhr and during the signing ai the Chumch on Sunday due ta Joihn's Collegiate. was homlef na - NRM RSEL A and Jack Hare tied; Target throw- egster, Mrs. Reta Cale Dudley, A.T. Craword, m. Huh enis ii Al perons hvîng aims gmEn- ing-Dauglas Wallace, David Law; C. M., Bowmanville, sang "Still As Miss Grade CafrM.Hg ikle i l esn aigcam gis Hop, Skip ani Jump-Hubert An-1 The Night". As the bridal paty e- Hlenderson, Toronto, and Mm. Fred Mm. mand Mmi. John Dickey and the Estate of NORMA TRUSWELL derson, Bert Quantriil; Bread Junip ientered the church the organ played Crawford, Lindsay, spent Thursday Mms. Jas. ThampsaIi visited iendis MASON, late of the TowNn ai Thor- -Bill Barhcard, Douglas Wallace 1 by Mmi. Fisher burit forth with the with Miss Clama Crawford. in Oshawa. j ad, in the County ai Welland, de- and Lloyd Hancock; High Jump- I oyous strains ai Mendelssohn's jMm. and Mrs. Howard Franklin, Mm. and Mrs. Fraser and miss ceased, wha died on or about the Lloyd Hancack. Douglas Wallace; Wedding March. and famuly. Manchester: and Mm. Mofiat, Toronto, were guests at Mm. Eighth day of August, 1934, are Bicycle Race-Bert Quantrill, Har- Aller the ceremommy a eception Frank Franklin, Part Ferry, were Sam Bruces. hemeby notified ta send in te the old Hookin; Relay Race- Bert was held at the home af the bride's Sunday guests of Mm. Leith Byris. On Tuesday, Sept. 25th, a daugh- undersigiied on or before the lSth Quantrili, Captain: Harold Hockin. paents. Toronto St., where a num- Mrs. Garnet Sanderson and ter was born 10 Mm. and Mmi. Wm. day ai October, 1934, full particu- Alden Pollard and Harold Delîne I ber of the bride>s girl friemds, Ruby dughter Jean, Orangeville, were Fitze. Congratulations. asothiclm. Consolations- Roy Wright, Tom Shaw, Tucker Couch, Hilda Row- guests at Mm. George Hooey's, Mm. Mmi. Arthur Hulbert spent the Iminediately aiter the said lait Bremetan, Jared imbaîl, John A- 1limd. Newcastle; Minnie Pearce,j and Mmi Hfoaey returned with them. weekend with lhem daughter, Mr.mi. si etdatewith e dlsstr ofthdem lin. Toronto; Dorothy Quantril, Cobourg Rev. Dr. R. P. Bowles addressed Bruce Freelove, Millbroak. adetewi bdsrbudam Girls: Target Throwing-Je-ssie and Evelyn Rickamd, Kingston: as- the Sunday School of the United Misses Snowie and Wlnniredlongît the parties entîtled thereto, VanDusen. Margaret Pearce; 50 yd. siîted in serving a delightiul wedd- Chumch in the mamninz. His inter- Malow, and iriend. Oshawa, spent1 having regard only te0 daims ai da.h-EthelSpneRb Wallace; lgmn.Tetatt h rýPtn ujc en TeCuc Sunday aI Mm. Ted Marlow's. w"hich the undemsigned shahl then H4ammer and nail race-Marguerite and groom was propaîed by Rev. . Yeslemday and Today". Ms no alri ihhrlhv oie eteecuino l Hamms. ilee Clrk:Thraingfor acLan nd hppiy r-pan1d Mm.andMmi.Rob. Bll, and Miss niece. Mmi. Fred Toms, who is e- others, and the undersigned wll not house on Liberty St. North. Ap- ply to Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Bow- mnanville. Phone 94. 40-1 FOR RENT - GOOD BRICK house, hot water heating, n Church Street, garage, possession Oct. lst. Apply John Mclntyre. 39-1* FOR RENT-100 ACRES, LOT 24, Con. 10, Cartwright, 65 acres till- able remainder in wood and past- ure. Apply to Mrs. David Heaslip, Janetvllle Station, Ont. 39-3 HOUSE TO RENT-7 ROOMS, ALL modemn conveniences, central lo- cation on Wellington St., vacant Oct. lst. Apply J. H. Mutton, R. R. 5, Bowmanvlle. Phone 3743. 37-t FRANIS SUTTON, Mus. Bac. F.C.C.O. and A.T.C1M. diplomas Private lessons or lessons in class. Pupils prepared for all exammations. Phone 42, Bowmanville 40-tf BULB BO WLS Planted With Narcissus Bulbs 35c - 50c - 65c - 75c Thankgiving Day Fiowers for the Home or Thanksgivlng Greetings W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP King St. - Net Royal Theatre BOWDMANVILLE P. . BOX 163 Phone 72 C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyesight Specialist Author of: Optometry Feature Service The Chiid a.nd ita Deveiopment Speclalizing excluslvely i muscle anomalies, eyeslght and slasses. Phone for appointment 15161 Disney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. Osha wa, Ont. VE EAT FOR SGIVING siess whether you have turkey. in't do wlthout Mincemeat or spending your holiday bakdng? gbakin. Order your Mnce- Corbett's. Have our driver de- THE WAY at due to the holiday there wil O>ur wagons are on your street %on Saturday te take care of >ay. 's Dakery BOWDMILLE I Business Directory1 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., L.B. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanvllle W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91 Bowmanville, Ontario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in aillits branches. Office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones* Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. CJ. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m to 6 p. mn. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. LADERSFor Sale-APYT H.DER Wiicx, aptAn. 40-2 HOR SlE-.UHatn.T40F-O2 FRStw.ALEx-ume, ManeOs Rd. Borw Ailex um, 40-1r R. BOmnile SAE2REITRE O-* Fsn ow mm2 GTrad cas W L. Barton, Bowmanville. 40-1* FOR SALE-ONE 2000 LB. SCALE, good condition, $20.00 cash. See M. R. Virtue, Tymone, Ont. 38-t FOR SALE - BEATTY ELECTRIC Washem, new guarantee for bal- ance of payment. Apply Mason & Dale, Bowmanville. 40-3 FOR SALE-ýYOUNG WORK horse, Grade Durham cow, pure- bred Suffolk ramn lamb by import- cd sire. J. L. Parions, R. R. 2. Bowmanville. Phone 176r6. 1' 39-2 FOR SALE - A TABLE SAW frame, a new 2-horse motar at- tached and 3 new circular saws anmd îaw set; cost $175.00; $110.00 cash. J. C. Aidmead. Phone 200. 38-t FOR SALE - CORONA KITCHEN Range, coal or wood, reservoir, warming aven, tule back. good as new. Also quantlty Leviathan mangels. A. E. BilletI, Hampton. Phone 376m1. 40-1' To Let HOUSE TO RENT-EIGHT ROOM house on Scugog Street. Apply S. J. Jackman. Phone 80. 40-1 TO LET - 3 ROOMS AND BATH- moom, Shed, private entrance, gonînd floor. Phone 685. 40-1' THE SHAW Business Schools have added much to our National Assets by training thousands of men and women during the past f orty years to become leaders in Commercial Enterprises of aur Dominion. The work Is being continued under best conditions for progress and esults, and parents who have any problem on hand regarding Educational plans for their young people are invited to write for our curriculum. Please address W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Dept. 1-2. Bay and Charles Streets, Toronto. Thanksgiving Day SPECIAL SATURDAY, OCT. 6th TO WINDSOR - DETROIT From: BOWMANVILLE Going - October 6 Returning - AU trains ieaving Detroit up to 2.30 a. m. Tues- day, October 9. Full details f rom nearest agent, or C. B. KENT - Phone 56 Canadian Pacific ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY COMING "POP" PRITCHARD AND HIS HILL BILLIES OId Time and Modern DANCING FEATURING PETE The Mountain Boy Of CrazY Water Crystalu program. AT THE OSHAWA ARMORIES Friday Oct. 5 DANCING STARTS 9 P. M. Under auspicesof Oshawa Branch, No. 43, Canadian Legion. ADMISSION 25cj . 11 - 1 . - 9 1 FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour, any da> F. F. MORRIS CO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance mmmd Invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funerai Service Modern Equipment -Ambulance A.. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Da.ys 58 Nlghts. Sundays or Holidays Phone 523 or 276 Repairs R. PAWSON B001 AND SHOE REPAIRING Soleq sew~n on by Goodyear Stitching Machine. Prices reasonabie. King Street East - Bowmanvllle Opposite Oarton's lius Station 9-tf For job printiflg ta suit particti- lar people came ta The Statesman Office. 1 1

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