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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Oct 1934, p. 7

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4tb, 1934 PAGE SEVEN Lxcal earid er SPHONE 53 Mss. W. S. Rose, Walaceburg, is visiting Mrs. F. A. Haddy. Mis. Aice Bitton, Liberty St., bas gone te join ber family at Eston, C Sask. Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Martin, North Bay, arc visitlng Mr. andi Mrs. John Chailis. Mn. Qarnet Goheen attendeti the -funeral o! the late Chas. Goheen,l Port Hope. Miss Lena Haddy bas retunneti fnom a very picasant visit with Mis. Roy Penfounti, Lindsay. Mn. anti Mrs. Joe Babcock and chiltinen, Oshawa, wcne Sunday vis- itors with Mn. anti Mns. B. H. Mort- bock. Mn. Wm. Woods anti bride, Ham- ilton, called on his cousin. Mis. Oeo. W. Jamnes, Monday while returning !rom Montreal. Mn. Leonard Wilson, a billiant student andi graduate o! Bowman- ville High Scbool, is attending Uni- versity College, Toronto. Mrs. (Dr.) J. Adiam, Great Bar- ington. Mass.. le!t on Saturday for home aften spending a month with ber mother, Mns. P. C. Tnebilcock. Mn. and Mrs. John W. Higgn- botham, Virtien, Man., are renewing olti acquaintances ln ber native town whiic guests o! ber sister, Mis. A. Mitchell. Miss M. G. Cliniie, Pete cently visiteti ber nephew F. Quick. Mn. anti Mns. A. B. Hyr umbus. West Vinginia, h visiting Miss Mary Hume, t Bimacombe, anti other fi( Miss N. S. Holgate o! thi Toronto Genenal Hospital jweekend guest of Mns. M. Mn. andi Mrs. WilliamC Bllly, Crystal Beach, wbo 1 visiting Mn. and Mrs. T. Tyrone, Mn. anti Mrs. W.' Hampton, Mn. anti Mns. B. lock, Bowmanvilie, have home. Mn. anti Mrs. J. W. Br May anti Billie, Mn. C. M. anti Bonca, Lindsay, spcni with Mn. anti Mrs. Frank Mrs. Murdo!! neturneti w a!ten spending two wceks father, Mn. J. T. Allen, who iii. Trinity Sunday Scbool Rally Day on Sundayi with a splendid tunnout o! in ail classes. Tue printecl was useti. Musical numb given by Misses Jean an Wight in vocal duet, anti1 W. R. Stnike in solo. Rg Armstrong, pastor, gave a tiness on "Sunday Schools terday anti Today" ebo- 7tWe& dwt n ~womaL THE FINEST ORTHOPEDIC FOOTWEAR THAT MAS YET BEEN MADE People who for years, ha, suffered with foot ailmen and who have tried vainly m o i get comfort and relief fro ~ other types of corecti, shoes, are enthusiastic in th( praise of the M. W. LOCF t Q h Sho. IooIOo M #*LOCKE Shoes FACTORY TO FEET SAVE YOU MONEY NABORHOOI N SHOE STORE 1 COWAN BLOCK KING STREET THANKSGIVI? Heralds Lýew Fail 2' -CLOTH3E%' Dresses you'Il bce delighted with the qw the range and thc pice of ou new i es. They are here for very occasion, a dainty afternoon frock to the formai transparent velvet. And you bc tastefully dressed for as little T Cothe big shipment has rie it includes Fashion's latest decree Faîl. Smart beaver, seal, fox, and fuis, handsome and durable lnings,1 tfrom warm nwmateras, p Millinery So many women buy their Mllin- ery here each year that we need a very little about Our qualty and( pruce. We do, however, want You to's know that every new style for fall is inluded ln Oui extensive display. 7L Better Clothes For Boys The Young chap thlnks as m about snmart clothes as is o: brother. You, too, will want3 boy smartly atttred in the la styles. Knowlng our reputation style and quality you'Il not he prlsed to sec these Important del in oui new stock, but you wlI surprlsedl how lttie money It ti to out! It your boy In really sa and yet good wearing clothes. S front $11 Couch, Johnston & Cryderiî Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmau ICOMING EVENTS ec> riet le vv esAnnouncements of Meetings, ' SConcerts or Other Events, under this heading, are charged, 10 T cents per line, wth a minimum Dror, e- Miss E. M. Pemberton, ot, charge for any announcement vMr. W. spent the weekend with Tos Mrnto 50C lper insertion. These rates MceGregor's] rbrr-aret Wightman. MisMr- wil be strictly observed. Per- man, Col- Messrs. Gordon and Russel Mc- scif towixom account iS to beA E31 5 ave been Avoy, Tara, were recent guests o! charged. S V 1 5 the Misses their aunt, Mrs. D. H. Jamieson. Reserve Dec. 7th for the Bazaar on a $1.00 [ends here.j Mr. and Mrs. H. Tottenham, Jack ait St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. na e staff of and Lois. Oshawa, were Sunday Bowmanville vs. Oshawa Football Viceroy Lwas a guests of their aunt, Mrs. John Mc- J . Hutcli- n Wr.J.WoHaltnad gamne at High Schoo grounds on G v r o Paln Mrs. W .Wos aitn n Saturday at 3 p. m. G v r o Gibbs and !Mr. Chester Woods, Winnipeg, Man Trinity Young People's play "Civil o have been are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Service' wiîî lie given in Trnity WATER BOTTLE Mo Hl. Gibbs, James. school room, Monay, Oct. l5th. Guaanted- qc Kotc Chapman, Miss Margaret Hutchinson, R. N., The Women's Auxiliary o! St. OeYa-69 H. Mort-whha been visiting her mother, Andrew's Church are serving a Bean OeYa Big. retumned Mrs. m. J. Hutchinson, has returned Supper, Friday, Oct. i9th, at 6 p. m. to Toronto. Price 25c.1 50c< PERFUME GIFT 30c1 rown, Ida Mr. and Mrs. Fred Orchard, Mi- Reserve October 25th for the reg- 1 [Murdof! ami, Man., who have been visîting ular Thanksgiving Supper o! St. 5Oc Cr>'stal Bottie of Exquisite Cuti it Sunday old friends here, gave The States- John's Church to be held in the EVELYN HOWARD Williams. man a friendly cal on ody Parish Hall.I PERFUME FREE 501c1 vith them Mrad rs The annual meeting o! the Wom- wt n ucaeEey with her son. Monitreal, announce the mar- en's Hospital Auxiliary will be held Howard Lavc has been riage of their daughter, Alexandra in the Nurses' Residence on Friday, Cold Cream .....60e Ella, to Mr. LaVerne Hoff, on Oct. 5th, at 3.30. Astringent .....75e $12 observed Thursday. Sept. 6th, 1934, ait Mon- 1Ail members o! Bowmanviile In- Face Powder.. ... 60e 50C afternoon treal. stitute please be at Garton's bus Skin Food ..... 75e members Alex McGregor is making Thanks- station at 2 p. m. on Thursday, Oc- Vanishing Cream ...60e m 1program giving weekencl shopping particular- tober llth, to go to Solina. Theatrical Cream ...75e bers wei'e ly appealing wit.h some very attrac- The Home and School Club will Hand Lotion 60e UNIT. id Eileen tive values in every departmnent o! hold its regular meeting Wednesday, by Mayor his drug store. October lth, at 8 pi. m. ait Central Chase's ,ev. E. F. Public School. Speaker: Mr. Bert short ad- Mn. Ed. Carmichael, London, Mrs. Shane. 60e Nerve Food so! Yes Innis Grant, Myrtle, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hoard Ralph Connor, noted writer and and !amily, and Miss Marie Cam- lecturer, at St. Paul's United Church 4 9 c- eron, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. on Friday, Oct. 5th, at 8.15 p. m. ________ Milîs. Gaît, were recent guests o! Subject: "The Opportunity for Can- Mn. and Mrs. Geo. McTaggart. adian Youth." Collection 25eclat door. ByesAprn The 2lst Birthday Party o! the Rev. J. S. Harrington, District j] Children's Aid Society o! Du.rham Secretary o! the Bible Societ yin j 12s - 24's- 0' and Northumberland wili be held ait Toronto, wili address a meeting in' the Children's Home, Port Hope, St. John's Parish Hall, Bowman- 22c-39c-98c commencing at 4 p. m. Friday, Oct, ville, on Wednesday, Oct. lth, lit 12th. Rev. W. B. Jennings o! Port 8 p. m. on "China," illustrated by ______________ Hope will be the guest speaker. slides.S K£ There wili be a short musical pro- Trinity Women's Association willi gram and refreshinents will be serv- hold its regular monthly meeting in K NY ed A most cordial invitation is ex- the school room on Tuesdayý Oct. There is no need for people ta ll * tended to ail. 9th, at 3 p. m. There will be a spec- call yo0u skinny or flat-chested. Among the visitors from a dis- ial Thanksgiving program with Mrs. jl tane nticd ateningSt.Pau'sPercy Brown o! Newcastle, and Mrs. ýGive Thoraxium a trial arnd prove United Church Centenary were: Mr. A. M. Wootton o! Tyrone, as guest this yurself and Mrs. J. D. Keachie, Toronto; artists. Ail ladies are welcome. nehoralum sa Mrs. W. Rankin, Woodstock; Miss Harvest Home services ait Zion on ,e aytet Marion Tod, Toronto; Mrs. Geo. Sunday, Oct. 7th, at 2.30 and 7 p. m. ment wh ic h Wright, Mrs. Arthur Wright and Hot Roast Chicken Supper on Tues- you re sîwhie Masters Oco. and Tom Wright, day, Oct. 9th. Mr. Lang! .ord, elocu- ugeThralep ve -Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. D. M. Tod, tionist, Toronto, Mr. James McMas- inîîg. vyoru Oshawa; Dr. Geo. McGill. Mrs. Mc- ter, tenor soloist, Zion, Mr. and Mrs. those c u r v e a its GiUl, and the Misses McGili, Ton- A. H-alewood. vocal duets, Oshawa,which ar to onto; Mr. McMaster, daughter ad will assist with program. Admission Wah i c h ayre . son, Zion; Mrs. TruUl, Mr. and Nrs Aduits 50c. chiidren 25c. whoated toa 0111 Stainton, Zion; Mr. and Mrs. A. i be u_____________ T oran an ie Yellowlees, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, OBIbeuseart o ayou M Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Beman, Mr. body. For hol. N iir Hancock, Newcastle; Mn. and Mrs. Gordon R. Knight, Toronto. low c h e eks, ÇE ~Cooper and friends. Pontypool; Mr. odnRse ngt 1 h can ek and Mrs. Mo!att, Mr. and Mis Gro uslKih, 1 h can ek Cooper and friend. Onono; Mr. anad died on Friday, Sept. 28th, was an ch e st, a r ms Mns. L. Johns and friends, Oshawa; active member o! the Y. M. C. A., and legs. Re- Mis M G Clmi, eteboo;MrHoward Public School, Parkdale C. nuits guaran. and Mrs. C. M. Murdof! and daugh-I. and Pickering College where hie teed or money ter, Lindsay. Major Edwy White, onethPlincubadEs back. P Miami, Florida, sent gneetings. kine United Church, whene he taught Sunday School. He died ait the close One o! the largest crowds to at- o! his 2lst birthday. He is survived tend a church supper in Bowmian- by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. ville in recent years turned out on Knight, and his brothers, Howard, -- Friday night for the Centenary Sup- 'Aian andDnl.Tefnrlto per United C hurh e liesoert.350 l place at his home. 174 Indian Rd, been. We ask you te accept this Altair Un iteesred uc.with a ost d50eoi- Toronto, Monday afternoon te Park littie gif t, not for its intrinsic value, Norve pllUr chien ue with a s eil Lawn Cemetery. but as a slight token o! our love and1 ious roast hke uprwtal Amorig the relatives attending and esteem !or you. On behal.! o! and1 ure noom as aily decorThec~t- was Mrs .Geo. R. Colacott, Bowman your !riends and neighbours-Mr. Lea !re rs and autumn ioersad the ville, who is an aunt o! deceased. and Mrs. Hermon, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ingv tabls attractveiy lid and ea- 1 ~ hger. Hoopi td.abeatre !thvely suppad e wathe .Le.J outcEbnz Mrs. F. B. Hermon, on behal! o! _____ distributiof the lOOth r tha A resident o! Courtice district her those present. presented Mr. and cake, every visitor being served. The entire lufe. Mrs. Leo J. Courtice died Mrs. Janùeson with a silver basket ____ cnow.d wa.s handied in three distinct at her residence in Darlington town- filied with roses, a silver bread traY groups. and as the second andi third ship on Tuesday, September 25th. and a bon bon dish. Again the re- Sgnoups awaited the cali te the tab- Mrs. Courtice had been seriousîy iii cipients made brie! replies thanking les Mrs. C. H. Dudley, organist o! for the past two weeks and although aIl for their gi!ts and gooti wishes. the church, provideti a splendid pro- lier death was flot unexpected, it was Refreshments were then serveti and ÏG gram of organ music in the church with hcartfelt sornow that the news the gathering separateti, aIl joîning auditorium. The ladies o! the was heard by her many !riends and in singing "Auid Lang Syne". church are to be commendeti on the neighbors. Mrs. Courtice's main in -________________ !ine supper they served and the able terest was her home and !amlly. TYRONE Imaniner in which they handled a She was a loving and devoted wi!e___________ very heavy attendance and mother and her hospitality wus - -.-------- well-known in the district. Second toi Mrs. R. Pooley is visiting f riends her home. Mns. Courtice was inter- in Bu!!falo, N. Y. ICARLISLE AVENUE esteil in churcii work and was an en- A large number !rom here attend- COU LE ONO ED thusiastic and active member Of ed Orono Fair and report a good also a member o! the Women's Mis- Mr. and Mrs. J. Penny and f am- ialit3', hap (Continueti !rom page 1) sionary Society o! the church and ily, Markham, visited their aunt, dres hap couple went for a motor ride, was a most energetic worker for Mrs. H. His. from going te Port Bowmanville where a that cause.thM Oshawa Minstrels. at Haydon on more cottage had been beautifully pre- Ethel Louise Gay, daughter o!fte onday, Oct. 8th. Lunch. Admis- au can pared and on entering they were late Mn. and Mrs. Henry Gay, was sion 25c and 15c. greeted by about 45 neighbors and born in Courtice, f ifty-!our years Miss Ivy Sherwood. Hadleigh, Es- e3.95 !riends who had gathered to do ago. She married Mr. Leo Courtice sex, England, is visltlng her cousin, honor to the occasion. They were about twenty-five years àgo. O! this Mr. Ernest DeBarr. ushered in te the strains o! Lohen- marriage there wene two children. âev. and Mrs. F. M. Wootton, - d and gin's wedding march played by Louise and Donald, who remain with Peterboro, spent Monday with their ýe for their son Oscar, anti escorteti to the fathen to mourn the loss o! a son, Rev. A. M. Wootten. 1 ol seats of honon banked on either loving mother. Surviving relatives l Mr. and Mrs. Kelly and Mns. Jac- '. bea- sdeby lowrsanti over which hung aiso include f ive brothers.. ques, Whitby, spent Sunday with prlced a wedding bell in purest white, while Frank Gay o! Winnipeg, Mn. Arthur Mn. and Mrs. James Dudley. P.95 mauve and yeilow streamers added Milton. andi Russell Gay, aIl o! Mns. Edigar Rosevear and Miss 3.5 to the setting. Thie party entened Countice. Helen Rosevear, Port Hope, spent heartiiy into, the celebration wben Rev. W. C. Smtth o! Ebenezen Monday with Mn. Gussie Rosevear.I singing, games and dancing proviti- Church o!ficiated at the !uneral, IMn. John Colwell is on a businessj ed a full evenmng's entertainent. which was beid !rom thie famiiy i p to the West, and Is visitlng Mn. Laten the company was called to residence on Friday. Interment wasj and Mrs. Lorne Phair, Glidden, orden and the !ollowing addres-s was made in Ebenezen Cemnetery. Sask. read by Mns. W. A. Edgen: IMns. Edigar Scott, Nakina, visited Dean Mn. and Mrs. Jamieson: Mr. J. Benedict. repreenting the Mr. anti Mns. Thomas Scott who ne- I I l Jon.sHamton, anti Miss Woods, an I I Electro - Therapeuties, Hydropatby, Electro - Magnetie I nnwn eetvstn !Ms I Iand Minerai Baths for Reduclng. IlViola Smith. Rt i Iý Treats ail Dîseass - Stomach Alimenta a.Specalty. Mn. and Ms. L. Barrabaîl, Wal- IvloBR OVLE lbryS.Nrh oiaville lace, Evyn and Bobble. Newcastle, - I______________________________________ pie Grove, Mise Candace Simpson, LNKSGIVING DRUG SALE M 7!!rers Cuticura Soap - 19c 25c BLADE GIFT A 25e Package of Lueky Stroke ant's Delight Soap, Blades and a 50c tube 2 for 9c THOMPSON nmolive Soap - 3 for 14c1 SHAVING CREAM 75e value dess, 15 to box - - 25c Both for 31 tex, 12 to box - - 17c 5 Toilet Tissue 4 for 19e Minard's Liniment - 19c tieura Ointment 19c, 39e Dodd's Kidney Pille 29c 'oris - - 17c, 33c, 67c 20 Scott's Emulsion - 79c I.D.A. MiIk of lagnesia - - - - 33c L'ED CIGAR STORES AGENCY W. WORRALL, Optician at oui store N'A M EL 50c Tooth Paste PROFESSIONAL 50c Tooth Brush Keep your teeth sparkling with these two cleaners - N'AMEL Tooth Paste and PROF'ES- SIONAL Tooth Brush. This fine toothpaste removes al stains on the teeth and keeps the gums healthy. Because o! its shape the Professional Tooth Brush enables you to dlean your teeth thoroughly. Regular $1.00 'Value4c BOTH FOR 49 Listerine Antiseptie 25c-49c-89c Carter's Liver PuIs 22c - 69c CRYSTOL MINERAL WATER CRYSTALS lmported from Mineral Wells, Texas. FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURITIS =INEY & STOMACH DISORDERS 59c - 89c - $1.25 Rheumiatism iIRHEUMATISM, S C 1A.T 1CA LUMBAGO equickly irelieved b this new tratnen t- TE - Store closes at 8.30 A I p. m. exe»t Saturday. RU MA CAP ALEXtMoGIREGOIR, Drugs PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SIPECIALTY WB DELIVER mont, Man., Mrs. E. Greensworti, awa, gave a splendid addness, anti 'ai Station, Mrs. Viola Smith Mns. Floyd Dudley and Mss. Theo Helen, spent Sunday with Mr. Down sang a duet. Readings wene Mrs. Herbert Bungess. given by Mn. Lorne Annis, Mr. Gor- eague program Thursday even- dyn Brent and Mr. Clinton Blgelow. was in change o! Miss Lorna Miss Loin Richards played a piano ýer. Mn. Stephen Saywell, Osh- solo. SALE 0F WINTER COATS TWO DAYS ONLY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY Due to unfavorable weather conditions Winter Coats have been slow to seli. To encourage early huying we are plac- ing a large group of coats on sale this week-end for two days only, and at saving prices. Be dressed up for Thanksgiving. Materials, of course, are of excellent de- pendable quality - the smart tree hark and velvety fln- ished diagonals of latest vogue. Picture them In the new slim silhouettes, collared or caped wlth French Beaver, Ried Fox, Seal, or Wolf. Full size range. Buy your wlnter coat this week-end and save dollars. SPECIALI-FRmDAY and SATURDAY. The Evlyn LADIES' Shop SPECIALTY Phone 594 King Street Bcwmnvlle Thanksgivaing Values at the Corner Grocery Store Quality Mincemeat ................. 2 lbs. 25c Pumpkin, large cans, only ................. 10c Picnic Bar Cheese, package............. 10c Old Cheese, fine English f lavoir......... 20c lb. Vip, the Health Drink.......... 59c and 99c tin Campbell's Spaghetti & Tomato Sauce, 2 tins 19e Aylmer Soupas..................... 2 tins 25c Habitant Pea Soup............. 2 large tins 19c Choice India Tea..................... 45c lb. Maxwell House Coffee ................. 43c lb. Baker's Cocoa, 1/2 lb. tin .................. 14c Corn Syrup, Beehive or Edwardsburg, 5 lb. tin 40c Skipper Brand Kippered Herrings .......l1Oc tin Strawberry or Raspberry Jam, 40 oz. jar .... 35c Smith's Chili Sauce, 14 oz. jar............ 15c Fresh Fiah for Thursday and Friday Egg Prices Are Advancini. Ensure Botter Produetion by using Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash. Barry Allia, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville Special Offer! Elcaya Cream and !v Foundation, cold, tissue, flquefying, etc. Elcaya Face Powder Eggsheii, natural, Rachel, peach, etc. BoTH 5oi SIZEs - THE 2 FOR 5QOC 4 - PAGE SEVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1934 . ýIjkww

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