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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1934, p. 6

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i. v i-s e t: jcarnecon and Mc. Francis Thomp- Mond.aYs 10 a.-rn. - 1 p. m- LE TusaOt4wtPrsodnntR P AiWr0N S1r coss .3 MCGREGOR, Drugs R C & CW.HR WA EM M. S. met ln tic S. S. coom on 1ear NOTE-Str lsia 80 ___ R. Hodgaon ~~~Presld ent was.001 ANDSO EANO p. rm. except Saturday. PHONE 92 PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY W EIE decided to holdthe titank-offerlng Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stitching PHONE 66 BOW MANVILLE srie o h dy c.2t. Ms Machine. Prices reRsnable. - M_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A. W.Anni' grup gae th fl owi pvulte cactouls, Bu. Station B tr dler of service will bie observed next iiig prograrn: Reading by Mrs. L. A. W. Annis, Tyrone, took charge E NS ILNSunday owing to Eldad Harvest SALEM; vca duet by Mrs. Theo of the program, whîch was presented ______________ i__ by that brandi. Miss Brent played Î> Mrs Afred Challener and son, Dr. sionary dialogue by Mrs. R. Hodg- an instrumental and Mrs. A. W. Miss Elva Orchard spent Sunday Rgnl hleeTrno ie Church ancd Sunday School ser- son, Mrs. S. Hoar and Mrs. A. Clemn- Clemens gave a talk on "Saine Sug- aMrG.ei'.a t Mrs. J. Colwill's. n;vclsl yMsA.M otgetosw rb ema ipoe arm . embrthd ow' upe a l Mr. anid Mrs. J. Willis, Misses Do- vices were withdrawn on Sunday. n;vclsl yMs .M ot etosweeyw a mrv Remember reenFand Greta PyttEl-granddaugh-. Miss Gladys Canin, Toronto, hol- ton; devotionai leaflet by Mrs. Ai- our Institute". Mrs. A. M. Woottofl reenand retaPyot, grbert Hulis. Meeting closed wit.h the sang 'Grandfather's Clock" and Mrs. dad, Oct. 17th. ters visited at J. Colwill's. idayed with her parents, Mr. and bncin .J ogo ed"h e Mr. Stanley Turner, Oshawa, vis-j Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Boyd, Tor- Mrs. W. J. Carin. bre " n .J odsnra T.eDow ited at Mr. Wesley Oke's. lonto. spent the weekend wsith the Mr .and Mrs. Ewart Pollard, Tor- - church Organ", and Mrs.T.Dw Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Oke attende latter's mother, Mrs. E. Stevens. onto, spent thie holiday with bis par- i and Mrs. Jas. Dudley sang a duet, Markham Pair on Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Souch, acpnied ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pollard. BLACKSTOCK J adThe a church y hes ie 0f the Mr. A. Wearn, Toronto, spent the her daughter, Mrs. Caverîy and fam- Master Douglas Pollard bias re- î aerwsgve yMs holiday here with his familY. iîy to Toronto, and remained for a turned from Toronto where lie spent Rse Wright and Misses Sosie Miss Eva Souch spent a week with few days. the holidays with bis aunt, Miss L. Mr. S. Crawford was guest of Dr. Thompsoa and Mildred Bradley lier brother, Mr. C. Souch, Hamp- Mrs. W. Cunningham and daugh- Hochen. G. Crawford. sang 'When There's Love at Home". t-on. ters Grace and Hazel, Cameron, vis Mr. and Mrs. L. Pascoe, Toronto, Mr. Austin Larmer is under the At the close of the interestlng pro- Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley spent ited her mother. and sister, Mrs. J. Mrs. Katerson, Miss Katerson, and doctor's care. grain a lovely lunch was served ta Sunday at Mr. E. Bradley's, Hay- Clataworthy, and Ruby, for Tlanks- Mr. Norman Katerson, Hampton, Mr. Edward Darcy is under the the fifty present.. Ad ubrormhe tndedthegng. were holiday callers at "The Map- doctor's care. Thanksgiving and Com im u n i o i A nuberfro hee atendd te Ms Jadin an daghte Joce es" Mrs. J. Marlow visited wth Mrs. services were held in United Church Mrs Jrdnean dugte, oyele".Forbes, oot.in the evening, which was decorated church re-opening at Haydon on Aberta, Mrs. Philps, Miss'Lllian Several fromn here attended the Trno Sunday. 1 Philps, Mr. and Mrs. D. Perrie, Tor- very pretty church wedding at Tyý Mis. M. Brandon vîsited Mrs. A. with products of the harveat. Spec- Miss Reva McGill and Mr. Will onto, were Thanksgiving visitors at rone on Saturday afternoon, when E. Devitt, Bowmanville. il music was prepared by the choir, Pointon, Toronto, visited at Mr. T. W. Craig's. Miss B. Biglow bcame the bride -) Mrs. S. Sanderson is guest of Mrs. and Mrs. Ada Jones-Sadler sang a McGlls.Plnsfo ou anul ow sp-Mr. Nelson Wilkins, Salem. FPriends A. Marsha.ll, Cannington. solo. The church choir sang at Electro - Therapeuties, Hydropathy, Electro - Magnetic MrGl. Plans for our annual Fownd join in congratulations to Mr. Wil- Mrs. David Heaslip, Viewlake, is Nestleton United Church in the af-amMneiBasfoRdung Mor. a n Ms. M a iton aind per are being made. Meeting of the kins and in wishing the Young visiting Mrs. M. Brandon. ternoon.an ielBthfoReung inOrshy p nt S nd y wih fre d congregation regarding samne will be couple a long and very lappy wed- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Graham, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Treats al Diseses - Stomach Ailments a. Specialty. MissntM. E. Vite rs .aunmr, edoshrdyngt.e ie.Trno iie red ee Hampton Women's Institute held jThe Y. P. L. reopened on Wednes- Miss Eva Brown and Miss Vera, NESTLETON ROBERT COL VILLE, Liberty Ms. North, Bowmanvil T. onoweewthiaunt, Mr. their regular meeting in the church day evening, Oct. 3rd. with the Pres- Forder holidayed at Midland.________________ P. aontjoy. 0 ivri n basmn on Thursday, October 4th, ident in the chair. and conducting hlMre nd Mrs. Mervin GrahamMr and Ms ei alsaevs Beth, Zepher, spent Sunday at Dr. wth Miss Marjorie Pascoe ,lst vice the meeting when the following pro- cide visited at Fenelon Falls. M.ad rsLei li rev- H. Fergusons. president. presiding. Meeting open- grain was rendered. Opening pray- Mr. Alvin Bell, Ottawa, was with iting friends in Orillia. Mrs.C. Banto, Mrand rs.ed with the Institute Rally sang, er by the pastor, Rev. A. M. Wactt- his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Bell. Mr. George Hicks, Toronto, visited Mrs. C M. EranoMundle rsw, fllowed by the Lord's Prayer in oBberaigadcmeisb Mr. Henry Mountjoy is recovering at Mr. W. E. Armstrong's. Downey, rsMinutesd erOhawa, Oby th ntBebledread ineanocaoloens by fo lle but is still confined ta Nestleton United Church choir o G v Y u vstdat Mr. S. Page's.thledr fievclsosbbd sang at Yelverton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Slemon and Miss secretary and approved and a leng- Mrs. A. M. Wootton. Readings by Mou t. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy Greta Slemon, Toronto, spent the thy business period followed . North Miss B. Cator and Mr. E. Doidge. r and Mrs. Luther ontjoy udya r D .Balys holiay aong elatves.group had charge of the program. A Topical reading by Mr. Blackburn, atnedMrk. Pi o atr- Mr. and Mrs. A. Spinks, Mr. and B te e v c Mr. da n MreatNobeadml. Miss Edna Reynolds took the chair after which the leader conducted an atday . -Faro au- pn udy tM.D . rde'.Be t r S r i and the following took part: Mrs. impromptu dbt "Resolved ta Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Richmnond Hill, s on alwvsie red Whtb, r . rdly.LaefelC. J. Kerslake and Miss Nora Kers-Mages ramntfJig ws were Sunday guests of Mrs. S. A' in Markliam. 1 artypn'stBowlin ey visited Mrs. G. Bradley. lkMavrdwihapingiitqie'Js Ttifbe f iga h ' vitMrs. Harry Philp, and Bobby have west ofhave pndstBoreinedoo Mrs. W. Brownlee, LDevitt.enthumofu LesiespntjMrs. A. B. Cryderman gave a very oeadcuelsm ermn Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Newton Toron- returneçi from visiting her parents, where 1 arn prepared to Ivl eff- the holiday with her brother. Mr. des andet serviceinainembin, heatlng Lloyd Ashton and other relatives. - ecriptive talk on a visit she had the judges decision was in favor of to. were Sunday guests at Mr. H. at Frankford. Tneadch-IrIintseicing and repairs.t reetyejoe nNw ok 'Oliver's. Mr. and Mrs. H. Tne n hl Mr. and Mrs. McGill, 'Toronto, Ec enîyenIoydinavew anrk;Muisstengaie hemeig lsd th Dr. and Mrs. Fred Marlow, To renaavleee udyget vistedherpattre.Mr.andMrs.aL reading which f ully describeçi the ance ~ ted onto, were with is mother, Mrs J. of Mr. J. Forder. The response to my openin Brnt Telate rmind orabusy 1f e of the f armers wif e; piano Marlow. Miss Marguerite Armstrong. Ros- * anuncement bas been moslt grat we.seau, visited eç arns Mr. and an Mr J SieonSr.,spet Tlank- ' flIMrs Arstrog. fying and it is with this inmd week. duet. Mrs. C. Kerslake and Miss N. Mr.rs. E.Baîl, Mrs Jacksonoadtoebold Miv J.g Day witSr.his brot her, r. Kerslake. The program closed with 1 dayed with his parents, Mr. and1Ms .E.Amtog that rny uptown store bas bee Il Day wih bis br therM.S h National Anthem, after xwhich BASE UNE iMra. W. Bradburn. Ms .BlMs ako n pnd Slemon at Dr. C. W Slemon's. Bow- refreshments were served by the . Mr. John Rutledge and Miss F. Mr. M. Baîl, Lindsay; were Sunday 1 arn capable of handling any job, largelor smaU], at reason manville Fru n oil rleejyd owler, Toronto, were holiday guests guests at Mr. Harry McLaughlin's.al otndwhstifco. Ms J.MujoM.FodNext meeting in charge of the West Base Line Thiree Home and Sehool at Mr. N. S. McNally's. Miss Marie Marlow, Miss Dorothy al otadwt aifcin Pethick, Toronto, Miss Verna Peth- gop Club held its f irst meeting for the Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Whittaker were Porteous. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mal- - ick, Maple Grave, visited at Mr. S. u. year 1934-5 on Tuesday evening. guests at Mr. Jas. Archer's and Mr. colin visited at Mr. Wilbert Mal- 13 L R T F A 1%ft E 1 Pethick's. Sept. 25th. Meeting openeçi with the Ira Argue's on Sunday. om. Mr. Luther Gill, Miss May GUI, UDAI11 ng*of the National Anthem fol- MMsc.arandaylorsMss WallacONe65Marlow andMNVI sr adingWalceingwan ua Mis s tsMarinTaylr. BrtM iEllen POE 5 LMBRBWMNJ Ohio, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Kerslake, iV1IiLE GRO~.VE lowed by prayer by Rev. W. C. children,MrJckHeyviteatSnygusst Mr. BJaccklls ________________________________________ Mr. W. D Short, Bowmanville. re- -ii Smith. Miss Bragg, president, ex- Mr. Heaslip's, Toronto. Emerson and Mr. Fred Veale were cetyvisited their cousin, Mrs. Win Remember the Fowl upraEl tended a welcome to the Belan Mr. and Mrs. H. Wannamnaker and Yelverton. Oke. dad, Oct. 17th. ~~~~ville Club and ta Mr. Richer of Osh- Glen Wannamaker, Seagrave, were M.WlrdWlimMs en Mrs. T. Yellowlees and Mrs. R. awa and lis orchestra. The ordlies- Sunday guests at Mr. Leith Byer's. Williams and Mr. Ralph Sadler were Walton, Oshawa, Mr and Mrs E. Mc. Fahe well Blackbufrn salm tra gave a short musical program Mr. and Mrs. George Gabraith, Sullnay gestt r. Vri c Boyd, Toronto, Mr and Mcs. E. Ste- Mca. Samuel Snowden visited hec followed by Mr. Richer explaining Broadview, Sask., are visiting his Mrle. alxtnd r. M .Eesn vens, Hampton, visited at Mr. H. rmthr rs akln obug cdiof the instruments and the boys parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Galbraith. MrsElandMs.F Emerson; aro Steven's.,I o Vera Bs. ak, r.bSaurg.î gave a demonstration of the sounde! Mr. and Mrs. Russel Lansing aan d nd EmersoheMissnMaion A vei The community extenda sympathy'Solina, visited Mcs. L. C. Snowden o 0 f each. Then the orchestra played Miss Phemie Hooey. Toronto, were Taylorthe MrDoaldofEmrsonMat- fe a c O e ta Mrs. F. W. Smith and family in Sunday. a few more nulubers which conclud- Sunday guests at Mr. George Hoo- shgJaetile th lsa0 aloin usan ad Mrs. Roy Metcalf visited lier cou- edthv.ora APrtt thercs-e.Ate Young People's League in ., , /7 father who died Wednesday mori-n- , Ms. Norman Thickfion, Cor- t ra supplied music while the ladies Mr. T .English, New York Ci t eUntedChurh.M..Jak Hm-. Pon.Prepared and served a tasty lunch Ms T. A. Stinson and family, Lind-teUie hrc r akHm aftecnoon. The friends of Mr. Nelson Wilkins under the leadership of Mrs. Feath- say, were guests of Mrs. F. . FWil- mn aetebberaig n M ~Rev. H. J. Bell gave the bible study. Mr .and Mcs. Ivan Stephens and extend heartiest congratulations on er, Mrs. Ro Van Camp, Mrs. Roy lan. 'Miss Marie Marlow took the Tapie Keith. Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. R. bis recent macciage. Metcalf and Mrs. Grant Bennett. Mrs. Alice MeLaughlin, Mr. and adisrmnaswr lyd) Stephewý, Bowmanville, Mrs. C. Ste- Miss Vera Trimble spent the week- Number present about 115. Mca. George McLaughlin, Toronto adisrmnaswr lydb phens, Hampton, Mc. and Mrs R. end St home and remained over for ______________ were Sunday guests at Mr. F. A:.Miss NEmon. srngadMs Griffin and Miss Jane Cookxnan, her ssters wedding. Bailey's. Ellen Em erson oee hrhm i M is-s Hazel M ountjoy, M iss Lela Mrs....rso..en..h c om Bucketon, visited at Mr. and Mca. Mis-ses Susie Lairdi, Prince Albert, TYRONE for a meeting of the Ladies' Aid of D. Burgmastec. Nellie Snowden, Lake Hurst, spent ______________ Mountjoy, Mr. Bruce Mountjoy and the Presbyterian Church on Thura- -the weekend at home. Mc. Lorne Wannan visited frienda day night. Miss Norma Hooey gave t Miss Bessie Blackburn, Orono, Mir. Jas. Hodgson, Ocono, is at bi at Greenview. n the bible reading. Those assisting on HA POs pent Thanksgiving with lier cousins, home here. Mc. and Mca. W. Barnard anA the pc grad 'ell:ingasstae", E AT A T HAMPTON_____________Misses Iva and Florence Foley. Mc. Brenton McCullough, Toronto, famîly, Toronto, Mc. and Mca. A. Fowler wo ra wee. Min s Heen W. M. S. met on Oct. 3rd in the spent the weekend at home. Barnard, Birchcliffe, were guests at Miss Evelyn Sanderson wio played M. T. Peters, Toonto, vsitd at hall wth several members present, Mc. Wm. Hambly, Guephi, is vis- M. J. Carters, a piano eeto;MsNrmHo OYP ACE Mr. A. Peter's. a splendid program was presented. itinggbis sister, Mrs. Laura Virtue. Mr,, J. Wight lias an unusual e l ecta ion isoorA oo-l Remember the Fowl Supper at El- The syînpathy of the community Mc. and Mrs. Garnet McCay, and potato formation. Tiere are nine lunch was served by tie hostess and dad, Oct. 17th. is extended to those who are bereav- babe Cobourg, visited at Mc. j. H. distinct potatoca and three amalliher assistants. THE SMARTEST PLACE IN TOWN Miss Nancy Joins, Toronto, spent ed in the passing of Mc. Blake Wîl- Mutton's. shoots growing tagetier.Netto Wmns nittmt Thanksgiving at home. kins. R.ev. A. M. Wootton, Mca. Wootton Misses Florence MeLauglilin, Toc- Nat Ma .Nettson Wed nuesça fcusemet ea Cals rn OeigFia Mc. W. Ferguson, Cadmus, visit- This cammunity extencis congrat- andi Master John apent Monday at onto, and Kate McLaughlin, Peter- afternoon. Mrs. S. McLaughlin tookanSaudynhs. feriisvrobewete ed lis brother, Bruce Ferguson. ulations to Miss Etelka Trimble and lis fatliec's. boco, wece with their parents, Mc. the chair in the absence of the Pres-an tudyigs.Aerti orrbtwnth Miss Grace Cawker, spent Thanks- Mc. Alan Clark on their recent mac- Tyrone choir assisted with tie and Mca. J. R. McLaughlin. ident, and tliose who braugit guests dances, corne next door into the Olymnpia Cafe for a giving at lier home in Port Pecry. niage. Thanksgiving services at Haydon Mr. and Mca. Hacry Vincent, Toc- answered the rail caîl by the namne delightful Iight lunch. We'l1 have rnany specials on Mc. and Mca. George Barron, vis- Mr. and Mca. Lou Pascoe, Mr. and Sunday evening. onto, Mc. and Mrs. Chas. Smith, and of their guest. Mca. George Nesbitt foc these two nights, bath in dinners and Soda Foun- ited Toronto relatives on Sunday. Mca. H. Pascoe and son Grant, Toc- Miss Florence Down, Oshawa, sons Oliver and Robert, wece Sun- gave a talk on "If I were 21 Again" ai erie Mr. and Mca. E. Boyd, Toronto, onto, visited the formers niece, Mcs. sPent the weekend at hec broters day guesta of Mrs. Robert Mahood. and Miss Marie Proutt was appoint-tansrie visited lier motier, Mca. E. Stevens. Roy Metcalf. Mc. Theodoce Down. On Monday afternoon the W. A. cd Libracian of the Institute Libcary EAT AT OLYMPIA AND BE SATISFIED Miss Eva Souci, Enniskillen, is Misa Evelyn MeKinnon, University Mc. and Mca. Wm. Ciapman and cjuilt waa finished at Mca. John, owihsvrlnwboshv visiting hec brother, Mc. C. W. of Toronto, spent the weekend with Misa Gladys, Hampton, Sundayed at Wight's when a number of tJbeaddih ed. Mca. Stankey avel EELMROPoreo Souci. hec mother, Mca. MeKinnon at Mr. Mc. Robert Hodgson's. ladies gatheced for a social time.thegae adreading; ClaranPleMolm anRSPopie Mc. J. B. Horn and daugliter S. A. Burgess'. Mc. John D. Colwell lias cetucned Bible Study at League on Wednes- instrumnental: Mca. R -W. Phiîp gave Next to Challis' Garage- Bowmnanville Naomi, Dutton, viited relatives on Mc. and Mca. Fred Foley, Mc. D. home aftec spendting a few weeks day nigit was taken by Miss H-azel la reading. At the close of the meet- Sunday. Foley, St. Cathennes, Mc. and Mca. wth friencls in the west. Mountjoy, and Rev. H. J. Bell gave, ing lunch was served by the ladies of Rev. W. Rackham, conducted sec- Charlie White and two daugiteca, Mca. A. B. Stepiens, Arthur and a vecy intecesting address. A reading Mrs. Nesbitt's graup.________________________________ vices here on Sunday mocning ow- Oshiawa, Mc. and Mis. Lorne Stevens BeveclY, Toronto, spent the week- was given by Miss Perga Joinston. ing to Zion Harveat Home. Samne or- and daugiter Ruth, Bowmanville, end with hec sister, Mca. Robt. Bur- Conmunity Hall was crowded on - ____vîsited Mca. J. D. Stevens. gess. Thucaday niglit for the illustcated Mr. Tios. Snowdcn, Mca. H. G. Mc. and Mca. McEachern. Docothy talk wiich Stephen Habousi, Gai-1 __ Fireeman viited Mca. D. H. Coaâtes, and Billie, Waterloo, spent the week-1 ilean Shepierd gave. Mildced Hoop- IBrantf ord. Mc. H. G. Freeman, end with Mc. and Mca. Russel er, Aileen Mountjoy, Norma Me-' THFE SHAWI Misses Tielma and Lyca Freeman, Wright. îQuade and Arnold Joinaton each E SDSPNEYU and Miss Marion Foley, motored ta Rev. A. M. Wootton and Mc. received one of the beautiful neck-;LTU DIPNE OR SAVE 31c Busirnfrdoness Sh ome hodr Dw resedigafe aesbrlanmaein Bethlehem, fo PR ES PT I ]B sies S hreturned home with tiem. days at the formec's cottage at Lake selling tickonet$1.. C O O i S B a n t f o o un f e r y a ti o r e D n a seingt ef. l a e s o nd a $ 1ro u r ,, 00nt , haaueepend n WdnedayBatise.tev.ani Ma.NaacuionTronlEach anc !carefully and accurately compounde. nlv $1.00 Hot Water Botte hae ddd uc t or atoa evening Oct. 3rd, with a faicly good Mca. 'Rev) A. M. Wootton and wi hv mviitotc etoyhie purest and best of drugs used.T i u scilv urate Asssets by training thousanda o attendance, when tic following of- John are holidayîng with hec par- wil ceceive a gracious welcome f rom d hsi u pcat.Gaate men and women during tic past ficers were elected: Hon. Pre. ents, Mr. andi Mca. W. Simmons, tic members and many frienda of St.PloieCTCRASA n er6 forty yeacs ta become leaders in Rev. W. C. Smith; Pe.W .Bleil.Join's Anglican Churci. They have - -Piilv UIUAsA~OeYa Commercial Enterprises of our Laird: Vice-Pres-Iva Foley; lst Sunday School Rally Service wasiad experience in missionacy wock SoapNePrc-19,3fr5 SLH ATC Dmno.Vice-Florence Foley: 2nd Vice- 1hleld Sunday morning. Mc. G. L. in the Arctic and foc tic past few 1! peial Scott's Ernulsian Effervescent Saline Laxative Tic wock is being continued Lavonne Trimble; 3rd Vice- Jack1 Wagar of Bowmanville delivered a years Mr. Harcourt has been curate i" 39c - 79ec9 7 10 under beat conditions for pcogcess Brown: 4th Vice-Allan Balson; very fine addcess. of St. Paul's Anglican Churcc, Toc-4Cae and cesuits, and parent~s who have 'Greta Munday; erainCn- M.ad c.J ocsn c n onto. =*-.* Prevent Colds LIK - WID any Prablem on hanti cegardingJ Sect.-Betty Snowden: Treas. - Mca. Athur Barber, Toronto, spent A. Y. P. A. of St. John's Churcci,__TkcSAP Educational plans foc their Young Iys Foley; Socal Con.-Ellcn Gim- tic wveekend at Mc.r li twc' was held at Mr. Chas. Smiti's on!i OLIVE OIL__ people are invited to write for blett; Marion Snowden, Mildred andi Mc. Ronald Scott's. Tuesday evenîng. Mca. S. McLaugi- -'arplsfohetb our curriculum. Please addresa W. Sncys ten, Wallace Munday; Pianiat Mr. and Mca. James Dudley. Mc. lin brougit in tic quilt which was . Exîracî lforous air.y R. Shaw, Registrar, Dept. i-2. -Edna Swallow; Sect. Treas. of tic and Mca. Floyd Dudley, Billie,Do-mteoricPceRvr isit. I£ £ £ * Extract Bay and Charles Streets, Toronto.j Forewacir vmed Don-ar adat Jaaen utaya c Progcam foc tic evening had as theJi N V IN'i P'Y '90, Jr. W. J. Bradd*s, Oshawa. tapic 'Newspaper Night". Wit and'~i Four types Congratulations ta Mc. and Mca. Wso a ie yMa There is no need for people to o.Ifl f _______ Codtille, ___ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Nelson Wilkins (who was befoe hec Crawford anti M c. T. Smith eaâ iýakîny Crodatchesed. nd oapes marriage, Mis.s Elizabeth Bigelow) 'Good Nature". Miss Evelyn Devit Thoraxium a trial and prove - M PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TjîURSDAY, OCTOBER llth, 1934

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