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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Oct 1934, p. 7

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PAGE 8EVEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1 lth, 1934 miss Vera Power spent the week- end with Mrs. Robinson, Eldorado. Mr. and Mrs. MacEacheru, Water- loo, Mrs. Rundle, Ebenezer. were holiday visitors with Mrs. T. Power. FLOWERS.... Charming Autumnn Blooms BL&LBS .. .. ... Exceptional Values See aur BuIb display - Finest quality bulbs we have ever imported. Special 0f fer 100 Mixed Darwin Tulips delivered free - $3.00 In 5 separate colors-S3.50 W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOF King St. - Neit Royal Theatre BOWMANVILLE P. O. Box 163 Phone 72 Congratulations Bowman ville Dairy Extends hearty congratulations to W. J. CHALLIS AND WATSON'S BAKERY ln the formai opening of their renovated plaees of business this week-end. We trust that they wil be accorded a large measure of success in their undertakings. Bowmanville Dairy Phone 408 Bowmanville For 3 2 for:1 OUR SEMI-ANNUAL 2 for mnay buy a Nyal article at itsi you another article of sa ABSOLUTE THURS. - FRI. - SAT. - Satisfactory ( Kerslalke's P. R. COWLI We Test Eyes and (i If You Want BUY ALWAYS AT HA Quality Go Col I Chase & Sanl SpecialS Lux Toilet Soap ..... Free-lOc pkg. Rini Ovaltine, Tonic Food B, Mincerneat ......... Red Rose Tea, per lb. ici F4erfoi-ia1 Nexvsc; PHONE 5 3 Mr. W. Ingram, Toronto, spent Mrs. F. O. McIlveen spent Thanks- Sunday here. giving with relatives at Auburn. Mr. Kenneth Mitchell, Aylmer, was Mrs. Froome, Peterboro, has been hox*e over the weekend. visiting Mrs. F. H. Morris, Elgin St. Mr. Bradley Honeyman, Toronto, Miss Ethel Webber is visiting her spent Sunday at home. brothers in Manitoba and Saskat- Mr. and Mrs. Herb Moyse spent chewan. the weekend with relatives in Peter- Mrs. Milton J. Werry, Oshawa, boro. visited Mrs. C. G. Curtis and other Mrs. M. Fissette, Brantford, is friends here. visiting her sister, Mrs. P. C. Trebil- iss arion G. B. Warder, Un- cock. i ver siyof Toronto, spent the week- col. and Mrs. L. T. McLaugblin end at home. spent Tbanksgiving with !riends ini Mr. and Mrs. A. Haddy and Don- Toronto. ald, Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Miss H. BaIl, Toronto, was guest J. W. Knigbt. of Rev. and Mrs. Geo. Mason over Miss Mildlad Ln-wrie, Toronto, the weekend. spent. Thanksgiving with her mother, Miss Idla Stephens left last week to MJîrs. J. N. Lawrie. spend the winter with her niece. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt and Jas. Stephens, Balcarres, Sask. son Donald, spent the weekend wth Mrs. John Darcb attended the relatives at Wroxeter. funeral o! her nephew. Walter John Mrs. Phemia Wright, Toronto, Darch, at Hamilton, on Monday. spent the weekend with ber brother, Miss Marion and Mr. David Ran- Mr. Donald McDonald. kmn Kingston, spent the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Duncan, with Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wigtman, Toronto, recently visited Misses B. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher StaplesJ. and F. M. Galbraith. Elizabeth and Joan. Toronto, spent Mr. Oswald Anderson, Bobcaygeon, the weekend with Mrs. W. H. Spar- spent the weekend witb his parents, go. Mr. and Mrs. L. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Ingham. Mac Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Colwill, Tor- and George, spent the weekend with onto. spent Thanksgiving with bis his mother, Mrs. Geo. Ingham, Pet- mother, Mrs. J. T. Colwill. erboro. Dr. and Mrs. W. T. Willard, Tor- Mr. Clemens Percy, Banik of Com- onto. called on Mrs. C. G. Curtis merce, Smithbs Falls, spent the and other f riends Monday. week-end with bis mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hughson and John Percy. son Glenn, Toronto, sPent the week- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ward and end with Mrs. Alex Taylor. Peggy, Owen Sound, werehoia Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Millen have guests with ber brothers, MessFe been visiting thir parents, Mr. and and Harry Grigg. Mrs W. A. Millen, Peterboro. Miss Velma Bick, Bobcaygeon hbas 1s. Norman Taylor and daughter been enjoying a pleasant visit with Evelyn, and sons Harry and Ernie, ber uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. L. recently visited ber mother in Ham- Anderson, and ber cousin. Mrs. R. ilton. J. Dilling.1 Miss Edythe Clemens, Toronto, 1Mr. Walter Lanktree, Ingersol, spent Thanksgiving holiday with ber , and bride Ince Olive Bragg, St. brother, Mr. Harold Clemens, Queen Marys) were here on Sunday calling Street. " on ber numerous relatives in this Mr. and Mrs. L. W Dippell spent vicinity. the weekend with relatives at Cli- Mrs. D. McDonald, Mr. Archie Mc- ton and other points in Western !Donald and Mr. E. Haggith were in Ontario Toronto on Saturday attending the Mr. and Mrs. Norman Creeper and funeral of the former's nephew, Mr. Mrs. Israel, Hamilton, were guests Walter Cook. of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Creeper for Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason, Mrs. Thanksgiving. N. S. James, Mr. J. J. Mason were Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Pickard and in Toronto lasi week attendiing the Miss Marion Pickard attended the funeral of the latter's brother-mn- Ferguson-Clemence wedding at Stay- law, Clarence Wright. ner on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. K. Farr, Aurora, Dr. Dorotby M. James and Miss Mr. and Mrs. Chas. H. Haddy and Mary Northway, Toronto, spent the Jack, and Miss Agnes Haddy, Tor- weekend.with the former's mother, onto. visited Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Mrs. N. S. B. James. Haddy, over the weekend. Mr. W. Oscar LaBelle bas sold his His many old Bowmnanville friends business in Edmonton, Alta., and is were pleased to see and greet Mr. visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Foley and son David, of St. Jos. LaBelle, Beech Ave. Catherines. in bis former accustom- Mrs. J. Patterson, Sarnia, spent ed place at the morning service in the weekend with ber son and Trinity United Cburch. daugbter-în-law, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowmanville friends were pleased L. Patterson, Queen St. to sec and welcome home !rom the Miss Pauline Wagar and Miss West, Mr. H. W. Pointen of Neville, Marion Nicholson, A. T. C. M., Un- Sask., who assisted Rev. E P. Arm- iversity o! Toronto, spent the week- strong at tbe Sunday morning ser- end with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar. vice in Trinity United Church. He Mr. Norman Taylor, Port Col- spoke brie! ly o! the need o! the West borne, spent the weekend witb bus and o! the spirit o! hope!ulness and family, and was very pleased Vo f mci tbe bond o! unity as the result o! that bis mother is steadlly improv- tbe East responding so generously mng. .to the needs o! the West. Mr. and Mrs. George MacTaggart, _____________________________Mr. and Mrs. A. E. MacTaggart andi son, Toronto, spent the holiday wtl Mr. Bar on MacTaggart, Montreal, Que. D ays Mrs W. H. Argue, Librarlan, is commnencing on Saturday, October l3th, at 10.30 a. m. a Stpry Hour for children f rom five to six years ai age. iL S ale MT. H Harper oo, Mr. anc rs r. Hug Harper oo, Mr. andr Mrs. R. H. Allen, Orono, were Sun- )r 1 SALE - WHEN YOU day guests o! Mr. and Mrs. I. R. regular price and we wHI give Bragg. saeklnd or same prie Miss Patreca Soper, Queen's Uni- MflCversity, Kingston, vlsited ber sister, ELY FREE Miss Elizabeth Saper, over thei weekend as guests o! Mrs. H. W 'OCTOBER Il - 12 - 13 at Poster. )ptlcal Service Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kerr anÉ son Wesley, ToronVo, Mr. and Mns Harold Alun and daugbter Ruthi C Newcastle, spent Sunday with Mr Dru S o re and Mrs. Roy ebr ING, Phm. B. . G. A. Ross and Miss Gertrudi luarnteeSatsfacionR. Paul Kennedy and son Rose Guelph, were Tbanksgiving guests o the former's sister, Mrs. H. B. Fas ter. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Tor onto, spent Thanksgiving with he parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Trewir Mrs. Bain also attended the Recog 'Satisfaction nition Service for S. S. Teachers a Trinity Churcb Sunday week. ARRYALLI'S SOREMr. H. W. Pointon wo for th ~hJRR ALLN'5 TOREpast three years bas served the Un ited cburcb at Neville, Sask., sper iFor Friday odlst Churcb in Bawmanvllle. kH passed away suddenly on August1 - at bis home in Fart William, in h 85th year. He was mayor af thi City for 1902 and 1903. His wif who was a clever elouctionist, pas- M a , G ocered away suddenly a little ever fii Bowmaville years ago.1 BowmavilleKeep In touch wth local ha;bper Ings by readlng The Statesman reg ularly. WATS( BAKE LUNCH ROC SODA FOUNTý Ice CreamnParl SATURDI OCT. 12 An Invitati We take this opportu cordially inviting every visit our store Friday ai urday. Please corne anc yourself at home. Tai time in leisurely inspeci new f ixtures and equi You will not be asked tc Phone 97 COMING EVENTS WEDDING Announcements of Meetings, Cook-Yellowlees Concerts or Other Events, under this headlng, are charged, 10 A very quiet weddlng was cele- cents per Ue, with a minimum brtd i S.Jues Agca char0e fr ner ouneets Cburch, Toronto, on Saturday, Oc- of 0c er nsetin. hes raes tober 6th, when Miss Helen Beat- wlll be strictly observed. Per- rice Yellowlees, only daughter a! sons sending lu notices must Mr. and Mrs. Neil Yellowlees, Bow- specify ta, whom account Es to b mariville, became the bride o! Mr. charged. Clinton Clifford Cook, Brantford, Tbe Wamen's Auxiliary O! St. son o! Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cook, Andrew's Cburcb are serving a Bean Sarnia. Rev. R. J. Sbires. rector o! Supper, Friday, Oct. l9th, at 6 p. m. the church, o!!iciated. The bride Price 25c. wore a travelling costume o! green Trinity Young People's Play "Civil with beaver trimming and becom- Service" will be given in Trin.ity ing hat and accessories to match. school raom, Monday, Oct. lSth, and Ater a short honcymoon trip Mr. Wednesday, Oct. 17th. and Mrs. Cook will reside at 173 Plan ta attend sale of Home William St., Brantford. Cooking, Afttncoan Tea 15c, and Previous ta the wedding a num- Rummage Sale at St. Jobn's Parnsb ber o! !riends o! the bride-to-be en- Hall, Saturday a!ternoon, 3.30 p.m. tertained in ber honor, including Musical program. Auspices A.Y.P.A. Mrs. A. C. Hunter, Indian Trail, To- The Women's Canadian Club bave ronto, on Monday afternoOn; Miss secured Miss Hamilton, Interior De- Marion Felt, Oshawa, gave a show- corator o! the T. Eaton Company, er on Thursday a!ternoon; Mrs. C. Toronto, to address them ai an open W. E. Meatb. Bowmanville, on meeting on Monday, Oct. 15tb, at Thursday evening; and Mrs. John 4 o'clock in St. John's Parisb Hall. Hyde, Bowmanville, a shower on Harvest Home Services ai Eldad Friday evening. on Oct. 14th, Rev. Dr. Edwin-Smith, Columbus, at 2 p. m. and 7 p m' Roast Chicken Supper Wednesday, , W.iJ. hallis Moves- Oct. 17th at 4. 30 p. m. Mrs. Nellie Garbuit, pianist, Mr Norman Freid- lie violinist, Mr. Geo. Davidge, solo- (Continued !rom page 1) ist, Bowmanville Miss Dorotby Hain-1 er, elacutionist, Oshawa. Balson qu- big event of the opening a Grand artette, Mion, will assist in the pro- Dance will be staged in the building gram. Admission 50e Cildren' 10 wbich all are cordially invited' 35C. jwitbout cbarge. At 8 o'clock Jim _____Coyle and bis Rocky Ramblers will strike up the first dance, and will Trinity Women's Association continue ta entertain the crowd un- Trinity Women's Association met t il the midnight bell warns o! the in the schoolraom on Tuesday, Oct.I approacb o! Sunday. M.r. Challis ex- 9th. Mrs. W. J. Dudley, whose 'crcle tends a very bearty welcome toa ah bad charge o! the special Thanks- ta attend this big opening event, g.ivng pragram, Presided for the and Vo every visitor he assures a worship service. The two hynins, the real good time. scrpture lesson read by Mrs. Russell We congratulate Mr. Challis on bis Bragg, the prayer !ollowed by Mrs. enerprise. In taking over the Cities J. E. Elliott, and a reading by Mrs. Service Building, in the heart o! tbe Kenneth Cox ail carried out the tawn, he bas sbawn that he bas rThanksgiving theme. Mrs. Garbutt eyery !aitb in the f act that the ser- presided at the piano. vice and satisfaction whicb bas Mrs. T. W. Cawker, the president, brougbt bis business ta the present tthen oak the chair. The business favor with the public, will cause il .part a! the meeting followed, during also Vo expand in the future. You iwbicb Most encouraging reports are cordially invited ta be Mr. were given by the circle secretaries Challis' guest in this monster cele- 1The program whicb came next con'- bration on Priday and Saturday. s sted o! a piano solo by Miss Evelyn- rOke, a reading by Mrs. Elmer Cox, Thanksgiving visitors at Mrs. E. a vocal solo by Mr. Henry J. Knight. Rickard's, Centre Street: Mrs. Fish- 1a readIng by Mrs. Percy Brown O! er, Sr., Mrs. Alywn Fisher and >Newcastle, a piano Solo by Miss daughter Marion, Belleville; Mrs. 1Helen Williams, and a vocal duet by Gea. Rickard and Mrs. W. D. Bragg, -Misses Jean and Aileesi Wight. Ail Mr. and Mrs. Archie Glenny. Mrs. these numbers were verY much en- IT. C. Clemence and daughter Mar- sjayed. The president expresseci the jorie, Newcastle-, Rev. and Mrs. R. thanks o! the Association toalal these H. Rickard, Oakwood. taking part and ta Mrs. D1 ly n ber circle for procuring ucfie When shopping tell the merchants àprogram. The meeting closed. witb you read their advt. in The States- sthe Mizpah beneciction., man. THE FORMAL OPENING 0F D) N S :w R Y Lunch Room - Soda Fout. Crx vqy M T~~~70 the Citizen8e~Palw 'AIN AdSU.rrOundiag 'Wi lo r EAR RIENOS g CountryVide: Rotain and puli. ce crea , ,aronrne s, e8 a r L 1Dan iii tearjaiod ' "OrMas, Unch have fl thfPrioj fne vOPeij iLs dooî.s ~wehave mlat SPreciative O h lsionrj io aeedt a e f tise "i e several erv, ki t, n kthis stoe hn ores O ekw Wrds hareone cf't thf nco..~~ We a 8 3'e hVe d en, ach to , Iet fiLs gzet me ae o as 15e havf ever il. Uorea . Yei san 'b iiesnm eoe Us a desire te la t s Vou are interes auville. We g ei llz e reeep ioîn ur. 1 3 W eh ave l w e aa re ri n tereste in th hopeful Ofdit LwentyW'tà Our experi have received 5Uch a coril Our Ï 0 IV a m th C o U~ 'lv h se ve g a t O v r a P eri o n I 3O h v ' ca kes, p j r e c oentd 0f h v er La.ted . fa c y a unu rPO1;eth nity of Sau fay Ire have the Pl w »a e1sWlth the e ~one to dY, of extendin ~t e,"Utise Lnd 'Sat- 'lardvn VilgYou - U that our,, acordial YOIptin O d kd m a e o r gU ar e st. ervice th t fo rt O th e rute 0151, ' stri ore m~e nd0f as r s and vrd, aotie u Se e ntsto k e y o u r a p r e l a t I n d t h a t W u k ting ýthe 'OUrM le7 rly , ipment. rileo, D buy. Bowmanville L e ANNOUNCING -à A BEAVTIFUL BIRTHDAY CAKE - Durlng aur openlng days, lday and Sat- F R E Eurday, we wilU give ta every aduit persan visltlng aur store a Free Coupon on this beautlfully lced cake, on dlsPlay ln our wlndow. At 10.30 p. m. Mayor Ross Strike FRwill draw the wlnnlnz coupon Thse naine on the flrst ticket drawn wlll be awarded thse cake. Ail you have ta do ls write your name and address on the coupon and de- posit it lu thse box in the store. While ln the store bc sure ta sec thse many speelal unes we are featurlng for openlng days. WATSON'S DAKERY In the Heart of the Town LTHE SHOPPER SA YS:j Smart and Inexpensive Clothes at the EVLYN SHOP "This is certamnly a clelightful place to shop" we beard an enthusiastic woman remark the other day : : :as she admnired herseif in a stunning new coat of black Tree Bark::: with a luxurious and flattermng collar of Grey Wolf::: This coat by the way was a special order of The Evlyn and our lady of the story was tbrilled with the helpfu], prompt and courteous service she received::: And so are they aU :: the many smart shoppers who go Vo, The Evlyn bécause they appreciate the very nice combination of smart, good looking clothes at moderate prices. Slim Young things like the gay and youtbful styles and most of them are choosing the fashionable wool dresses just now ::thet are so practical for business or sports. Two that we especially likd are a vivid scarlet combined with black satin slip with white wool trim, and a clever little two piece frock witb skirt in green, beige and brown plaid. Both these dresses boasted price tags that said only $12.95. For more foi-mai occasions there is a marvelous collection of vel- vets::: most of tbem -two-time" dresses that have attractive littie jackets or capes that corne off Vo reveal charming evening gowns. 'Me velvet dresses are priced f rom $19.95. There are smart daytime clothes, designed on clever slenderizing lines - lovely velvets, chiffons and laces for gala occasions :::and coats, so well cui, and beautifully finished that thdy might have been specially tailored for your figure. 'Me prices in this department are moderate too Dresses from $10.95, and Coats from $19.75. We Congratulate Watson's Balkery On its fine new store, and we wish thse new praprietor every succeas. WATSON'S BREAD is made with Vanstouels 'Cyrus'l Flour That's why Watson's Bread is so well liked. Use Vanstone's Flour for your persoas cooldng. It is of highest quality and is recommended by aU good cooks. On sale at aIl Bowmanvllle grocery stores Try a Bag of Eclipse Pastry Flour To-day. F. C. VANSTONE Phone 77 MILLER Bowmanville

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