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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TEECANDIA STTESANBOW.AJJP.~~ hITSTAV INUSEt 2ns.i193 Ïin Navember. Miss Mitchell, field I reentMare in fact than aur lad- secretary a! W. m. S., will be guest Ier d'prvddfr and we hope HAMPTON speaker for Navember 21st meeting. EBENEZER teos zke Pep~o etya.B A K T C ....hen the Thank-Offering will be t The tables were laden with good Miss G, Knox, Fenella, visited at taken. Mrs. R. McGilI conducted the Mr. Norman Reynolds, Toronto, things and the ladies were kept busy M .Alnw R. Knx'.fallowing program. The devotional visiteci an Satudya .H ih from four thirty until concert trne M.R Alnws a Sunday guest< Mr. T e ootvlle pro. "ThdCi-cieof .ieOsh '. looking after the many guests. At of Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston. Mr.E. dasons.was well given by Mrs. W. Parker. Ms aeObin n isAr ih 'lc ihcaap-g-r Miss E. Thornbury, Lindsay, has Mr. and Mrs. Spracklin, Toronto, The lst chapter of the new study visited withbMr.n endFMinssfAu a given. Bey. ach Cam in his us-been vlsiting Mrs. S. Sanderson. visited Mrs. J. Colwill.bk "Bier o!te nda ron. ual wittY mne atra cara Miss Olive Van Camp spent the Mrs. Beit Wickett. and daughter, Church', was inti-oduced by Mrs. W. Mr. and Mrs. AI!. Pennmngton and Those assisting an the pi-agi-ar weekend with friends in Toronto. Toi-onto, visted Miss Laura Wick- Stainton, a Thanksgiving reaclngMs.ornMicelTi-towre e-e isDrth Hae-,ecu Miss Ruth Marlow, Toronto, was ett Laere Cemns y i-s Mcil. Ate- te losngrecent guests with Mi-. and Mrs. H. tionist, Oshawa; Mrs. Nellie Garbutt, with her mather, Mrs. Jas. Marlaw, M.LvreCeeswas kicked hymn the Mizpah beniediction was P. Osborne. Pianist, Mi-. Norman Friedli, violin- for the weekend. I by a horse and is under the doctoi's repeated. We learn by study of the Little Wilma Mai-shall was hastess ist. and Mi-. G. Davidge. soîoist, Mrs. M. Webbei-, Bowmanvillec care. Ei needs a! oui- fellow-Christians in t ue-u itefinso au- omnil;adteBlo ui-spent last week with hei- sister, Mrs. and anedy M rjoWr iasoeinda hnenhsai frms-day, when al helped to celebrate tette, Zion. Each number was weîîlwlB-dbin accmpaie byMr. E Wlbu- iosns, which results in prayer. woi-k her biithday. given and highly appreciated. Re Mr. and Mrs. Percy Jabb, Oshawa, ed Toi-onto friends. and giving. We invite oui- ladies of! Mi- Walter Snidmei, having pui-- ceipts about $320.00. Daviâ Gnalbraith M.adMs Miss Jean Hors! ield, Peterboro, the congregaton ta corne and hear chased a lot from the Courtice es-aMiss Janbriy nsklen ism and nephew, Mi-. H. Carveth, visited 1 Miss Mitchell. taejs eta atr aSa- ' tc e iadaetM- n r atth isesHi- rcnty.~tian, Courtice, will build a new home CADMUS1 W. A. VanCamp. fi Several fi-cm here attended spec- i at once. Tetahx nippl !Bak ial services at Tiinity Church, Bow- SALEM Ladies' Bei-ean class will holci their TetahradPPl fBak nsanville, on Sunday and visited ~meigo hisa feno, M- hs cewohsbe stock Public school enjayeci a paperb frens.metngonThrsa atenon, M. ho. cKe wo asbenchase on Saturday. frincs.October 25th, at the home of Mrs. visiting his sister at Port Perry. has About thirty o! aur Women's In- Glad ta report Mi-. Bob Collacott A. E. Runcile. Mrs. Marshall's gi-oup returneld home. Mi-. andi Mrs. Rud. Heaslip, Tai--C stitute members enjoyed a visit with miuch improved in health. 1ilb ncag.Ms ee olrwswt e onta, wei-e Sunday guests af Mr. and' the Newtanville Bi-anch on Tbursday Mi-. andi Mrs. A. Welsh and f am- Services on Sunday were well at- sister, Miss Geargina Fowler, Os h- Bs.Dc ssenigtewne afgtei-no na nc ee e t rai e l ee Su d y g et ! r. C d. S. S. session as usual, witb awa, on Satu day. 1 with his daughter, M rs. <ev.) H. j. rih oal.Curtis, town.' and attended Thank- an attendance o! 119. Next Sunday M.and Mrs. Robt. Bruce spent J. Bl at the parsonage. A Annivei-ary Serviceswllbe o~ffering services in Tiinity Church.1 evening ser-vice will be withdrawn as th ekencl with Mi-. and Mrs. Ross Vitararnco!te oe'l follaws: Sunday, Nav. 4thBev W Mris. Alvin Davis, Peterboro, has the choir will attend Harvest ser- Caurtice, Cobour-g. Insite i be guesto the ow- vs n R. Tanton, Simcae Street Church, been guest a! Mrs. Leonas-d Rich- vices at Janetville. Mrs. A. J. Southern, wha has been manvilue bi-anch on Friday. Osbawa, will speak at 2 p. m.; Bey. ards for the past week. Mrs. Davis' Messrs. Linci and Close, Napanee, abue ta leave the haspital. is stilu in Mis rhr ec nisohv J. H. Osterhout. Orona. will speak also called on ather f riends in this were 'Fri*day visitors with Mr. and Toronto, andi is improving. beensi thng her pant s, h.anve m at 7 p. m. Wednesday, Nov. 7th, 'locality. i-s. sF. Worden. Mrs. Close and Mi-. andi Mrs. Walt Lai-mer and Mr. enry Asighton.paenM. a C Gaoe Sppe. By. . S Kers ostexcllet httl sn Leon, wha have been guests Miss Helen Fowler spent Sunday 1 Mi-. and Mrs. Han-y Vincent, Toi-- G ______________________sermon an Sunday afternoan was an at the Worden home, returned ta with Mi-. and Mi-5. Gardon Strocng. a n ta. have been spending the week- a tthe subject "What. Christ May Mean Napanee with them. Mrs. Isaac Whit!ield and Mr-.1 end with Mrs. Rabt. Mahood. aIý _______________________ ith s, taken fi-cm the text lst Cor- Wbile doing same repaii- wark in Gos-don Brown were with Mi-. and Ms.an rs. N. S. McNally and _______________________ ians 30. connection with the telephone line Mrs. J. W. Mibson, Congatuatins o M. ad Ms. it he emetry urig te wek-Sunay. GibonCobourg, onl Miss Verna McNally spent the week- JO Congratulationrto Mi-.handnMs.vatithe Semeerytduring theeeek-iSunday.end with friends at Bancroft. P Mi- Es-lPai-atAshuin, istec s Butey o te a-rvalo!a fine end, Mr-. Frank Williams. Bowman- Mi-. and Mrs. W. D. Ferguson and Mr-. Leslie Gibson and Miss JasP- Di Mrs.A. ear's.son. Mrs. Buttery and babe arrived ville, feul fi-rn a tree injuring him- daughter and Mi-. W. B. Ferguson phine King. Toranto, spent Sunday MrS. Wm. Herring is visiting hoe f rom Bowmarwille Hospital self, which necessitated the attend- wei-e Sunday guests o! Mr-. and Mi-s. with Mi-. and Mrs. Wm.Talr friends in Oshawa and Whitby. an Saturday. ance a! a dactor who ru5hed him to Chas. Venfling. Mi.A1F aema n rMi.Ia Mi-. and Mrs. George Bradley 1 cm !teSlmlde h r h optl but latest reports he is At the Young People's League onHaema.Peerao.w r an i- spent Sunday with friends in Toi-- members a! the Hampton branch a! out around again. Thursday nigbt. Bey. H.J.BladMr.raAgesnStuda. I anto.Wamens Insitut enjoed a isit The Young People's meeting wvas teck the Bible study. and Miss Buir i- ndMs.J1J lei AndE Mi.aniMr.A.MKinnon, Toi- with them ta, Newtanville on Thurs- helci on Manday evening and was die Gibson the tapic. Mrs. Sadler daughtes- Betty, Bawmanville visited wl onto, visiteci their daugtr Mrs I day last, where they wei-e enter- Citizenship night with Art Founci and Miss Vivian Sadles- sang a duet, Mi-. and Mrs. E. Harris an Sunday. u Gardon Werry. I i-e right i-ayally. and group in charge. Meeting op- andi Miss Annie Fallis gave a read- Mr. and Mrs. Mes-win Graham and ag Mi-. and Mrs. Walter Latt and Squair vis.eL.with Mi-.and Mr. . K Aua sbrnenBbleleso byAlna____________and_____prandrs Js. . let. owavile f Mrs. George Denny, Oshawa, visited Moffarvted faily M. adMW ua Osoreronlea on MyAln hidre eeSna so r u at Wesley Okes. MfS tan fmlynd roo nDawn; and a bymn closed the de- 7 n r.a Ms. Narman GBomi-ce an fi- Miss Verna Ormiston, Oshawa,. imav morning and attended an- votional period. Mrs. (Rev.) SmithMran s.N mnGenadrh vi-itd erbrohe, r.j. . rm inîversary service there where B.ey. !avored witb a piano solo; Misses NESTLETON son Jac-k, wei-e guests a! Mi-. and i, isited er roterMi- J.R. r J. E. Bekel. a former Tyrne min- Sadie Mut- and Florence Wilkins Mrs. Norman Edgerton on Sunday. 1 iso , o Sun ay.M . and M rs. Gosdon Avery, Little Ca Miss Elsie Moore, Taronto, is ister. was the speaker. After the gave a piano duet: readingS wei-e Mr-. Percy Edgestan sPent the Britain, were recent guests o! Mr-.in speniding a week with ber brother. 'service they motored ta Part Hope given by Helen Wilkins and Harry week at Cobourg. and Mrs. Harold Lai-mer, and othes- w Mi-. W.H. Maore. ta visit their cousin. Mrs. Randal Wci-den; hymn and the tapic. Bible MisLn ckMavsSt-fedsb-.I Mi-. Stanley Turner ad nis'uhhsbe ut lbti w aealgrefloe.loigmt MsLeaDceMne S-findhr. the anda be uieiI bti nwbsbaMgmeisoes lsigwt tian. is visiting Mi-. and Mrs. John Mr-. and Mrs. Fastes- Ferguson.jG Phyllis, Oshawa, and Mi ss Winnie mc impraved.th Mizpah beniedictsan. Present 25. Dsckey. M.adMs emnHoywr Oke spent Sunday in Toronto. Oiur- Y. P. L. entertaineci Tysone -_____________ _ Ms-s. H. Tinney, Cavanville. and Sunday guests o! Mi-. andi Mns. Mrs. C. Usher, wha bas spent ten Y. P. L. on Wednesday evening, Oct. ALR V Mns. G. Wilson, Dranoel. visited the, George Hooey. TyoM- days bei-e with relatives, retus-neci ta l7tb, when a goodly number fs-om f ormer's father, M,-. Jas. Forder. Mi.ad i-.Nrn harhme in Toronto on Sunday. Tyrane arrived ai the appainted __________________ Ms. n M-s J hopsnan adM-. ed-b TayNoraweyreSunra M r bous-. M eoon opr E e t ing. w'B a s apen eda by moui-daughte s- Aba . C annington . visited guests a! M -. and M rs. Sidney T re- Mi- A MQudeToonavlsited at rsdnM- .Baku- yn Miss Susie Laird, Prince Albert, Mn. and Mrs. Grant Tbampson on 'win. Enniskillen. Mi-. J. R. Os-miston's an Tuesday.- was sung, and prayer was led by speni the weekend at home. Saturday. Thie play "The Ths-ee Pegs- given Ms-s. Taylaor and daughter Fi-an-Mr.P. Cator. The guests were wel- Miss Melissa Stevens, Town, spent Mi-. and Ms-s. Mrwin Mountjoy by members o! the W. A. a! the Un- ces, Toronto, Mi-. Harvey Davis, Osh- cameci and the meeting given aven Tuesday week with Mi-s. J~. B. Wor- were Sunday guests ait Mn. Hei-b. ited Cburch was pi-esented iat Jan- awvisited Ms-. andi Mrs. H. Stevens. ta oui- visting f iencis wha rendered den. Neal*s, andl aitendeci Bthany anni- etville on Wednesday evening. aMr-. andiMs-s. M. J. Wei-ry, Osh- the !ollowing splendid prcgram un- Miss Mary Alds-ead, Oshawa, spent 'versai-y services. jMi-. Carl Wright. Misses Kath- awa ar spndig awee ai Mr J.der the leadership o! their presi- Sunday with ber causin, Miss Ellen Ms-. and Ms-s. Rusçcel McLaughlin leen and Pearl, Ms-s. John Wrigbt, R. Ormistons andi Mrs . dL.tR. Asb.T.. -n: Opening bymn; cimbîett. and daughters. Ruby andi Audrey, pent Sunda in Toranto whes-e Mrs. ton's. B .Ah ible solo. sacs-ed. Miss M. Brent; Miss Jean Stevens spent the week- xere guests a! Ms-. and Ms-s. Hai-ry Carl Wrigh'tyis impraving from ber Mr adMr. ibet mthan ibereading and camments by Mi-. end with hes- sister. Ms-s. Chai-lie McLaughlin on Sunday. 1llness.f f M s-. O aand Ms s ile t Sth and- L. Annis; prayer, e. A. M. W aa- W hite, Oshawa. M s. anti M ss. Grant Thompson T e Y u g P al s L a u r !amlyOshwaspei te wek-'ontopc, issS. anCmp:vocl jMi-. Elgin Munday, Toronto, speni anti daughiens. Miss Florence Fair, extending an open invitation for a endmit i mte, r.F.W uet. Mi-s. Waotton and Ms-s. F. Sunday wiih his parents. Mi-. and visiteti !riends at Pe!!erlaw on Sun- iaîly Hallawe'en Party aiMi-. A. Ms-. and Mrs. Win. Whittaker, Dudley; recitation. Miss Cameron: Ms-s. M. Munday. day and att.ended anniverNary ser-- Jahnstons on Wetinesday. Inquine Ms-. and Mns. A. ekaanAI piano solo. Mrs. Wicke: reading. Mi-. and Ms-s. G. Dunord. Mr-. vices. frpriuas RednapandAI-Miss Bradley: vocal solo. Mr-. G. and Mrs. Russell Davis, Lake!ield, Mr-. and Mrs. M. White, Torontor a-iuas fRed, e wt anvlîe. vstd a i. ~ B e t e dn, M. R o piano visited w th Miss Annie Laid on Miss Grace W hite. Mrs. . W hite 1 The busial took place n M n r. antdicks. duetgMss M. rent ad Mns.H. Sunday. and M. Ernest White, Manchester' day atUnion Cemetey o! an alà Dr. nti Mns Feguso, Alan andBrert. A talk relative ta the Y.PL. Mi. andi Mrs. J. W. Lancaste, M. were Sunday guess o! Mi. and Ms-s' Cartwright resident, Ms. Wm. Ga- Donald spent Thursday andFia ovnti onF5 dn held inNecsl Sidney Lancaster, Newtonville, vis- Haroldi Beacock. bat.H a rte fMsr sa ovnin en ecstejbai.Hewsab-thro es- wihMrs. Fes-guson's parents. Mi-. Oct. 27th andi 28th. was given by itedthie former's daughtes-, Ms-s. Iv- Mr. and Ms-s. Jas. MooreaniE and D.Gbaih &b.i Mrs. Newton, Tavistock. '.Miss Glbaih %s-. and Ms-s. J. Ferguson, Ux- Ms VanCamp which braught the ison Munday, on Sunday. childi-en, John anti June, Bawman- Mi-. and Mrs. E. Startup ànd !am- urige.Mr an Mr. . Frguonpi-ga-m ta a Iclose. Oui- president The synlpathy o! this community ville, Mi-. and Mrs. Morley Greaves, ily, Tos-anto; Miss Winnifreti Bar- andicige i-yntiMs . e-u then cnducted a contesi while is exended ta the elatives a! the Lindsay, and Mrs. E. M. Wilson, nard, Mrs. Watson and M. Bentley, an EelnMiss Elsie Ferguson, lunch was being Prepareti. A social laie Mi-. Fenton Stevens who passed Lindsay, were Sunday guests o! Mi-. Bii-cbclif!e wes-e secent guesis a! Mn. Tront. Frsp n apyent Tuesdayos with Da. n bcouu-poloee rngn ti away sutitenly on Sunday. and Mrs. Perey Ecigerton. Ms-s. WiI- and Ms-s. John Carter. Ms-.r. a Fe rgs. JapysevnA.a a lose witwa cup The sympathy o! this community son is -emaining for the week. M . and Mrs. John Henterson anti Ms- ati rs Js. . eiry erf verses o! bymn anti beniediction is exiended to Mrs. Chai-les Hone in The Young People's League in the son Kenneth, Bethany; Mn. E. Lath- guests o! Dr. antiMs-s. C. w. Se- by Bey. A. M. Wootton. the sutiten passing o! ber sister, United Church was openeti by a angue, Miss E. Laihangue, Ms-. anti mon, Bowsnanville, on Sunclay ev- --- .Mi-s. Albert Allin, also ta the aihers hysnn, andti rayer w'as tS.ken by Bey Mrs. Will Lathangue and son Eas-l, ening anti attended Tbank-offerîng Miss Mae Noon, Toronto, is visit- bereaved. H. J. Bell lasi week. Ms-s. Malcolm Li!ford, were Sunday guesis o! Mi-. service in Tyrn!ty Chus-ch. ing Miss Chiissie Freeman. Ms-s. Alvin Davis, Peterboro, Mrs. Emerson gave the Bible Study anti antiMs-s. Babt. Bell. Mrs. Psrichas-d Minden Ms-s. Min- Bowmanville mers-hants ai-e affer- Alex Wilkins. Mns. Nelson Wilkins. Miss Mai-ion Taylor- gave the tapis-, Mr-. anti Mrs. E. Rawe, Fini, nie Rylie, Mrs. Maggie MÀcGill and sng same exceptioas tempting val- and Mrs. Leonard Richards, Salem, Misse.s Doroihy anti Nos-a Parteous Michigan; Mi-. Jack Dy'ei, Vancouv- daugbtes- Mae, Bethany, Ms- H. W. ues in their adtvs ibis week. Be visiteii wiîh Ms-. antiMs-s. R. L. sang a duet. anti Miss Norma Arm- er, B. C.; Dr. Davidi Archer, Oshawa; Pointan anti Miss Beva McGijl, Tai-- sure to readth ie adtvs before Yau do Wos-den an F'riday. strong played an instrumental. Ms .A-hrat i.Js rhr oni, vsitti t M-. hos Mc ihls. s-u- s oppng.M rs. L. C. Snowden, Misses Betty Harvesi Home seivices were elti Port Perry, were Suntay guests of Or'WedesaYOc. 1th th W anti Miltiseti Snowden, Miss Florence in thePreýsbytesian Churcb on Sun- .Mi-. and Mrs. Jas. Archer. Ment. mOuigpres lintent r.R ibe- U CFaley, Mss.Ewas-t Evessn. Oshawa, ayevn.ingwhen Rev. V. Walker M- n r.Js taiat me. OS. m eetiwa eti tRheGibae-tmu i speni tbe weekend with the foi-mer s preacheti an inspii-ing ses-mon. Two chiltiren Betty and Donald, Miss openeti the meeting, aIl singing FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus-Bac. F.C.C.o. cousins, Dr. antiMs-s. L. H. Castes anthems wes-p sung bv the cburchPerHusbsnatMi.WHuc- "Blest be the Tie th-ai Bintis". Pray- 4 A.T.C.M. Diplomas antiMs-s. D. H. Coaies, BPantlori. chairantiaMisME..TW.rbury a! er as edby rs.j. Yle Miute Brntfrd. chor ad Mss . Tornuryofson, Peterboro: Mi-. antiMi-s. Cecil Private_________or_________in______ Lintiýay sang a lovely solo. -The ___________________________i Wilson; Mi-. antiMs-s. H. Samelîs were reati anti a business discussian 1Pupils prepareti for al examinatiana . Gen o a sa er fOnu superas en- wrSudygetofM.ad r followed when it was desideci ta bave 1 Phone 42. Bowmanvîlle SOLINA a ra! olspe a n sewing-bees untier the gsoup leaders 40tf.L____________________ . anti Bev. Dr. Palmer o! Port John Hacey. 40-tfHope presenteti an inténsely in- The Young Peoples' League in the _____________________________________________ Ms-s. S. Thompsan, Toronto, i tesesing lecture on Northern Ire- UJnited Cburs-h was helti an Wcdnes- O* visiting aiMr. S. E. Werry's. landi. Dr. Palmes- sang two Irish day evening anti was opened by a CEN A ILEFARS NV.8 Fom OWM NVILEMaster Danald Quick, Bowman- Fangs. ascaompanleti by bis tiaugh- hymnn. Miss Leana Weathes-iui gave CEN A ILEFARS NV. Fo, BWMAVILE- ville. spent the weekend ai Mi-. S. ter. the Bible study, and pi-ayci-s were Tro C.N.R. Stations in the maritime Provinces E.___________________ taken by Bey. H. J. Bell. I w as E. We-ry~- Citizenship nighi. antiMi-. Eltion j Province af Quebes-, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia Miss Evelyn Tink spent the week- 1Eklgv h oi.Svrlhm No enti with Ms-. anti Mrs. Alan Mc- My Sister Tried Husky Eckel gavrentheetps-. eeveandum NV. 9 to OTTAWA $4.10 Return Glashan, Oshawa. s auscsrenc events were giveat NOV. 9-10 to MONTREAL $5.85, to QUEBEC CIT$910Ms-. antiMs-s. Chas. Howsam antid And Recommended Mi-ts.Caiec Ma-o p-paeta to Site. Anne de Beaupre $9.70 Mary spent Sunday aiMi-. Earl1 RON RPFRS -Howsam's. Stouffville. rt It To Me The Women's Auxiiiary o! St Mr._and________ ____o John's Chus-ch met at Ms-s. Howard Tickets and information from Agents. Has-many% visitpti Miss MaryHo Toronto lady stalles, "For two Bailey's on Thurstiay nighi. Ms-s. L. garth anti Mrs. R. Pascoe. years my sister suffered terrtbly IGraham. Pi-esitient, welcamed Mi-. C NA 0A N A.k for C A N A D IA N Ms-. antiMs-s. Frank Dewell anti from indigestion and headaches R-ev.) C.lHai-court. Those who as N A TI O A L Handbil PA Fic amiîy, Whitby, visiteti his brothers. but thanks to HUSKY she « Sisteti on the program wes-eMs ________0__NA__ L__P__A__C_____F__1__ C_____ 3__ Messs-s. Samn anti Perecy Deweîl now able t a normally with- Robi. Hamilton wha reat "Thel .0 rs.Pen.founti bas retus-nea toi out feas- of pains or ai 1er-cf- Faithful Few"; Ms-s. Robi. Pari- wb - _______________ Oshawa a! 1er spending the summer, feets." ra Msl" n isEhl with Ms-. anti Mrs. W. T. Baker. BOWMANVILLE Citizens Also De- Cartes- singing a solo. A lavely lunch ýva ser-eti ai the close a! the even- jNo ss-bool bei-e lasi Thursday antij clare HUSKY is a Splendid Tonie ing. Priday as aur teaches-, Miss Muriel At r ol'sDif ;Àr 1 1 r. Pere-y Hamilton was resciveti in- it s d.e accepea standard o/iot uidn man; piano solo, Ms-. George Werry; Mil mernbershlp o! the Royal Blac-k __________________________________________ vocal solo, Mi-. Douglas Ras-kham; - ePreceptoi-y 398. The aldesi member Ipiano duet, Misses Giadys anti Jessie E R O ' present was Ms-. John Henry Dev- Yelaowlees; i-eadlng, Miss Mai-gai-et EN NEiii, a member for sixty years. Vis- g Ss-ott. A cantest was then enjoyeti tars includeti Messrs. John E. Walk- R I E & C *anti meeting closeti wiih the League CG iNe.John Thompson, Wesley Bnson, Beniediction. * ' ~ iB jOur roasi fowl supper on Wed- ANIETCDSNETN Clarence Spoones-, Toronto, Robi. nesday lasi was a declded success Bits-hie, Geo. Porter. Arthur Holden, jihaotegthnrdpol J. Waldde, Ms-. Holden, Petes-baro; P wltbabou eigt hntird pepleJas, Paul, Willilasnson, Mîîlbs-aok; - L ~4AWL AL1IN'1S Phones 12 rGROCERy 121 Though you pay less for grocerles at Prompt Aliin's, pris-e is flot the real basis of cm Delivery pasison. Just compare our service a.nd Servicequality with other stores. That's the way Service to shop ! SALADA Tea, peu' lb ....................6c RED ROSE Tea, per 1 /1 lb ................ 25c Pure Gold JELLY POWDERS......5 pkgs. 25c Fry's COCOA, 1 ' lb. tin ................. 21c FANCY Ol'd Canadian Cheese, per' lb ....... 23c Cooking BEANS.............. 6 Ibs. for 25c Swan Down CAKE FLOUR............. 35c COCOANUT, per- lb .................... 25c1 Bulk COCQA, peu' lb.. ........1 New CURRANTS ...... o 5 Cakes PALMOLIVE .-...2 Ib. for 25c Jnfant's Strained Soup.........lc TAPIOCA, peu'lb ....................... SAGO, per'lb ..........................'O Get more fou' youu' eggs by feeding plenty o)f Oyster Shel and Cnit Fish for ThursidayV and Friday Barry Alliai, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville Figure StylitCmg "One Of the mosti Import-ant requisites Of t smartly dresseti woman is good figure lines. So choose Your foundation wîth utlmosï care andi always have it fitted,"$ Is the sage advice of - Mrs. E. Bysshe FIGURE STYLISTr who wlll be inl 0w- Corset Depas-iment Tuesday, Octobeir 3Oth Do take this opportuntty to consul! with an authorlty about your own fig-ure prob cm. Mrs. JE.Bysshe, a New York trained corsetiere, ls fully infor'med about the latest fashion trendis and how best the current silhouette may be achieveti with the proper founda- tion, Properly fltted. The Evlyn LAES' C hop sone 594 Klnt Street Bway~ -~ p THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY. OC'rORP.P 9-%fh IGQA Rev. Bick, H. Lowery, Pontypool; Hone, Saina, to mourn her passing. M. Bateman, Moore, McQuade, Osh- The funeral tok place frOm the aw a. family residence on Monday after. noon, condiicted by Roev. E. F. Arm ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ _*~ strong, pastor of 1Trinity Unlited OBITUARYChurch, who gave a very comforting OBITUARYmessage ta the bereaved ones. The _____________ -~ pall-bearers were six neighbors, Asa Spinks, Nesteton. Messrs Elmer Cox, Fred. Alln, Ceph- as Rundie, Wrightson Wight, j. p. The death occurred at Nestletn Osborne. Jas. T. Brown. ManY very on Wednesday, oct. 14th of Asa beautiful forai tributes expressed Spiks, in his 68th year. Bain in the sympathy of relatives and fr- Cartwright Township, Feb. 2nd, 18- ends and included the folowing 67, he was the youngest child of the. fr: husband and son, the Alln late Robert B. Spinks and Elizabeth family, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Alln, SPinks. For several years a member Mr. and Mrs. Fred Alln, Mrs. W. of Nesteton Presbyterian Church. he W. Down, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. HO- will be missed bth in the church, well, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wood and and by a large number of friends Mi-, and Mrs. C. Runde, Shaw's ho knew his quiet personality. The Home and Schol Club, Mr. and Mrs. funeral service was taken by his G. F. Annis. The interment tok inister, Rev. V. Walker, assisted place in Bowmafville Cemetery. by Rev. H. J. Bell. and interment as made in the Union Cemetery, 1 Cadmus. HAYDONI He is survived by his widow. Jane Burns, one daughter, Mrs. Albert Mr. A. Grant and friend, Toronto, Spinks, Blackstock; two sisters, Mrs. spent Monday at Mi. A. McNeills. JD. Carscadden. Bowmanvill?, and Miss Lorna Thompson spent ast fis. Elizabeth Pye. Toronto. Tvo ieek %vith Miss A. Hanna, Cadmus. ePhews, Chailes and Walter Spinks, Messrs. Lloyd and Roland Thomp- Vancouver, and five nieces, Mrs. P. son, Cadnus, visited at Mr. W. Fainstock. iShaunavon. Sask., Mrs. Thompson's. lelvile Jackson. Toronto: Miss Ce- Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy, Nestleton, elia Spinks, Trosnto: Miss Hazel spent a few days at her father's, Mr. rscadden, Toronto; and Mrs. T. Slemons. 3arnet Mahood. Bawmanville. and Mr. Pery Chase, Mr. Eversan and grand-daughter, Miss Jean Wright, son Clarence, Lindsay, visited at Mi. lso survive him. D. Graham's. The pal-bearers were R. W. Philp. Commencing Nov. 4th, Sunday s. Frder, John Marlow, John School will be at 2 P. m. and >routt. Wm. Beacock and John Church at 3 p. m. for the winter ickey. months. -- I Mr. and Mrs. Austin Larmer and rrs. Albert H. Aluin, Bowmanville. family. Burketon, Mr. and Mrs. Aly- mer Beech and famlly. Enniskillen, Sorrow came to the home of' Mr. viited at Mi. A. Beech's. lbert H. Alln, Kingston RodM. John Slemon, Mrs. Hugh An- st, on Saturday, October __th nis, Enniskillen, Mrs. Clarence Av- ren Mrs. Allun passedi away most! ery, Mrs. Sias Trewin, visited at nexpectedly from heart failure. Mr .T. Slemon's on Tuesday. ged 34 years. Though poorly all Mr. *and Mrs. E. Bradley, Mrs. M. mmer as a result of heart trouble Greenwoo0<d,' Mrs. Fred Astn visit- llo ing an tta k f s iatca nd ed at M r. W . M cLean's, and M rs. eumnatism. some years ago no ser- M. Edgerton, Pontypool, on Sunday. us results were expected. Mrs. Alun's maiden name xas When shopping tell the merchants therine Sawyer and she was bain ou read their advt. In The States- 1England and came to, Canada man. hen quite Young. Besidles her hus-, For job, printing to suit particu- and she leaves one son, Richard lar people came ta The Statesman ®rdon, and one sister. Mrs. Ch as. O)ff ico

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