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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Oct 1934, p. 8

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PA<W ~r<~wr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1934 INDIGESTION? Then Try KRUSCHEN at NO EXPENSE If you sufer fromn loss of appetite, indigestion, sour stomach or a miserable feeling after meals there's nothing like Kruschen for relief. The littie daily dose of Kruschen first stimulates the flow of gastric juices to aid digestion, and then ensures a complete, regular and unfail- ing elimination of ail iaste inatter every day. If you sufer, youil welcomne the opportunty to try Kruschen Sats now positively free of charge Ask your drug- gist for the Kruschen Giant Package. This is the Regular bottie, together with a separate FREE TRIAL bottle. Use the Trial bottie first. Then if you are flot entirely convinced that Kruschen will do everything claimed for it, return the Regular package unopened to your druggist and hie will redeemn it at fu value. But act quickly or vour Fe Trial Bottle will lie gone. Your dris bas only a limnited supply. No better protection against worms can be got than Mle' Worm Powders. They consume worms and render the stomnachead intestines untenable o themr. Tey heal the surfaces that have become lnflarnedi by the attacks of the par- asites and serve to restore the strength of the child that bas been undermnined by the draughts that the worms have made upon it, and that their operation is altogether health-giving. FRETTED AND FUMED AT SLUGGISH D INS It dissolves clogging grease - neyer harms the plumbing W HY be annoyed bystopped- Up drains? It's s0 easy Vo keep them cleaý and free-running. Simply sprinkle Gillett's Pure Flake Lye dovin each week. Use it full strength-iV will not in any way harm the enarnel or plurnb- ing. It cuts right through ail clogging mratter . . . kills germs and destroys odors. It's easytobeyourownplumber this workless way, and you've no unwelcorre bis Vo pay after- wards!1 GeVta in of Gillett's Lye front your grocer today. IV will save you hours of unnecessary scrubbing and rubbing ail over the bouse. Never dissolve Iye In hot wmeter. The ac- tion of tia Ira Itaelf honte the water. FREE BOOKLET-The new edi ion of the Giet'a Lye Bookiet gives doz- eus of practical hints for saving time and work with this powerful cleanser and disinfectant; also contains full di- rections for soap nîaking, thorough eceansing and other uses on the farmn. Address Standard Brande Limited, FrascrAvenue&LibertyStreet, Toronto, Otario. G ILLETT'S LYE LATS DIRT HYDRO CANVASSING FOR NEW FARMER CUSTOMERS IN BOWMANVILLE DISTRICT A canvass is being made of the Bowmanville Rural Power District, which embraces most of Darlington Township and the south end 0fi Cartwright Townlship, with a view, to finding out how many fariners in that area are prepared o use hydro power under the new arrangements. commencing November lst, 1934. and for a perioci of three years thereafter current will be provided f ree of charge to operate Electric Washjng Machines, Radios and El- ectric Pumps to provide water un- der pressure for Household Sanitary l Systeinis in all of the 30,000 f arm homes and the 32,000 homes in the hamlets (noV including summer cot- tages) now supplied from ail Hydro rural power district Uines in Ontario. This applies also o ail new f armn and hamiet homes which may be addecl o these lunes. Allowance for fret current used in the operation of ail of the above appliances, or any one of them, will be shown on the bis rendered o Hydro rural consumers from time to timne and wil libe calculated on a basis of an estimated average use to which the Second Meter Rate wQýill applY. Hydro hopes in provding power for these appliances free of charge, to secure considerable additions to the pay load of rural power d3ýs- tricts and o extend Vo many coun- try homes the benefits of cheap el- ectrical energy now enjoyed in prac- tically al urban centres throughout the Province. Represettatives o! Hydro who wait on prospective consumers will be provided With information on the cost of appliances and the cost Of viring various classes of farmi and hamlet homes for Hydro service. On incauiry the consumer may learn the names of f irmis through which approved appliances can be purchased. Everythiflg possible çoll be done Vo assist the consumer Vo instail HY- dro service of a suitable sort at the lowest possible cost. your ovin white coal la the cheap- est form of energy for use on the farm, is the way the Hydro-Electric Power Commission o! Ontario Places this matter before these prospective f armer customers. A MEALTN SERVIC£ OF TH4E CANADIAN MEDICAL ASSURIATINCECANIES &NASSOCITO AN IK* Io# CANADA MALADJUSTED According o Herbert Spencer 'Life s a continuous adjustment o! internai relation,- o external con- dtons." it is obvious, then, that if we are o succeed in life, vie must Ibe adaptable, or, in other viords, we must acquire a capacity Vo fit into Ilufes situations vihether at home, at schooî, or at work. The new-bomn baby is dependent upon others for al bis needs. He is endowed with the equipment which makes it possible for him Vo make adjustments, but he must learn hovi o use biis natural capacities. Ed- ucation la a growtb-process which finally brings into being an aduit viho bas become independent and viho is capable o! making a satis- factory adjustment Vo the world in which he bas o live. Just as vie vary in degrees o! phy- sical strength and as our physical bodies differ one f rom the other. £0 do vie di!! er in our intellectual ca- pacity. What becomes o! us de- pends noV so much upon our intelli- gence, but raiber upon boy success- fui vie are in the best use o! our intelligence. We ail possees certain instincts. The instincts maY be considered un- der thrcee eadings, the stimulus or situation wich gives rise Vo certain feelings or emnotions wich. in terma, are expressed in outward action. Al have experienced the emnotion o! fear called forth by some object or sudden noise, which emotion finds expression in a quickening o! the beart, pallor and, perbaps, light. It is not desirabie o suppress the instincts because Vey are the driv- ing forces Vo buman activities. Wbat vie shoald seek is as o boy vie may idirect the expression o! our emnotions in a socially desirable manner. For example, vie must learn o endure a temporary discomifort if by so doing we may gain a permnanent satisfac- tion in the future. The child entering school bas a difficuit time unless during bis pre- school years be bas learned o be one of a group, and o secure satis- faction in c:emradesbip and in doing things vieil. The immature cbild vibo is stili emotionally a baby wl viant to retain, in school, the centre of the stage vihich he holds ai home. He wlviant bis mother because be bas noV become independent of ber emotionally. He mnay be "smart", or may maisbebave o gain attention if te is starved of affection ai home. The worst type, because bis condi- tion is potentially the most serious, Is the quiet, so-called -,good"' ch.ld, viho is a solitary individuai living within himsel!. Parents cunt elp their cbildren o a healthy mental maturity by giving them und2rstanding and leadership toviards independence. Questions concerning Health, ad- dre- zsed o the Canadian Medical As.ociation, 184 CoUege Street, Tor- onto, w-ill be answe%-red personally by h. V er. Itchy Toe and Smeily Foot have disappeared since Cress Corn Salve is sold by Jury & LovelI. Be stI,l and knuw that I am God: I .vili be exated among the heathen, I will be exaited in the earth.'-Bible. Dread c,! Ashma makes countless thou.oands mniserable. Night a! er nigbt the attack% return and even when brie! respite is given the mmnd is stih in torment !rom continuai anticipation. Dr. J. D. Kelloggs Asthma RemnedY changes aIl this. Relief cornes, and at once, while f ut- ure attacks are warded off, ieaving the afflicted one in a state o! peace and happiness he once beiieved he could itever enjoy. Inexpensive and sold aimost everyvibere. News for the Busy Farmer In the production of viheat in 1933, Canada was in 'the eighth position with 269,729,000 bushels, being exceeded by Russia, China, the United States, British India, France. Italy and the Argentine. In the export o!fviheat in 1933, the Dominion led the world. Qualty in dressed poultry depends almost entirely upon the manner in which a bird has been fed or finished in preparation for market. Milkfed is a terni applieci Vo birds wich have been finished through feeding in crates or pens on a ration of finely ground grains anid milk., This process increases the proport- ion and flavor of edible material. Soybeans More Popular The soybean gives every indi- cation of becoming a valuable ad- dition Vo the f ield crops of Ontario. Its possibilities are being actively investigated in other provinces too, but production at present is limited almost entirely o this province. The acreage has grown from 1,000 in 1929 o 15,000 at present. which indicates the increasing interest in the scybean as a field crop. Present production is chiefly for seed. which being extremnely rich in protein and oul, has a high commercial value. The industrial uses for which the soybean can be utilized are numer- ous. The seed also has considerable value on the farmn for livestock feed- ing, and snce the soybean plant it- self possesses a higbly nutritive value for fodder. IV is quite poss- ible that as production increases the crop may find ius greatest use on the f arm rather than in industry. Putting Bees Away for Winter Bees that are Vo be wintered in cellar or dug-out should be carried in immediately af er the last good cleansing flight they are likel.y Vo get. At the Central Experimental Farmn this is usually during the f irst week in November. The last two weeks in October is the best time to dlean up the garden Vo reduce insect infestation. Trhe Departmen.t advises burnîng al leaves, refuse, vieeds. fallen fruit and other material after being raked up, and then ploughing or digging the soil deeply. Pences, arbours and trellises should be brushed witb a corn broom. Proper Ration Needed A hen may lay a fevi eggs early in te spring vithout receiving much feed or attention or she may lay at the end of the season when feed May be picked up in the f ields, but the hen bas not yet been devel- oped that yull lay without the proper ration during the faîl and winter months. A good mash is important if the liens are Vo lay, and it sbould be before the birds ail the time. if anyone of the necessary elements re- cluired for the making of eggs is ab- sent, Production is impaired. Pullets require a little different mash than the old bens and it is a mistake Vo house tem together and have thent feed f rom the same hopper. Home- grown feeds with the addition of some purcha.sed concentrates may be bie purchased that viii supply the necessary ingredients to the bird. mixed. or a commercial mash may Chickens will pay dividends if pro- perly housed and given the right rations. Royal W inter Fair The Royal Winter Fair is being held Noveber 21st o 29th, at the buildings. Toronto. Its objects are the promotion o! Canada's basic in- dustry, o lhnk the nine provinces in common interests. and to set higb national standards for farm Pro- ducts. The Royal Show for horses, catile. sheep, swine, dogs. cats, poul- trY and pet stock, fruit, floviers, seed and grains are large and sPecialized shows for each. The assembly of 50 much excellence under one roof gives the Royal a distinctiveness not mat- ched anywhere else in the world. TOWNSHIP COUNCIL CLARKE COUNCIL 1Municipal Council of Clarke met on Ocober 2nd, Members all pres- ent, with Reeve Lovekin presiding. Jobli H. Pethic on bis return to bis hxne at Newtonville f rom Musk- oka HOSPital for Consumptives gave expression by letter to bis many friends vho assisted hlm towards restoration and recovery. George Pope had shot two dogs caigbt in the act of killing sbeep Tp. of Clarke v. Macdonald. Council adWourned Vo Tuesday, Novemnber 6tb, ai 10 a. m. A. J. Staples. P. B. Lovekin, Clerk. Reeve. A saf e and sure medicine for a child troubled wlV.h worms is Moth- er Graves' Worm Extermninator. STARK VILLE Mrs. Mike Shutka viho bas been visiting at her mother's, in Oshawia, bas returned home. Mrs. W. Savery has returned from the hospital in Toronto, Vo her daughter's, Mrs. Yule in Oshawa, and is expected home in a short tume. Our school was again honored by the privilege of singing several se- lections at the Teachers' Convent- ion at Bovimanville with Dr. J.T. Simpson. Minister o! Education in attendance. Sunday visitors vibo took in our Anniversary: Mr. and Mrs. ErWin Colwull. Newcastle, at Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Mellor's. Rev. S. MacLean, at Mr. A. Dunn's. Mr. and Mrs. Hart- weil Lowery and family, Kirby, at S. G. Hallowell's. Mr. and Mrs. 50w- dten and family, Elizabethville, at Mr. Gilmer's. Miss Ada Falls, Boy- manville, at Mr. Thos. Falls. Mrs., Wm. Todd, Newtonvilie, at Mr. L.- Todd's. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Savery and family at Mr. Wm. Savery's. A goodly number attended our An- niversary services Sunday, and were well repaid by two excellent address- es given by Rev. S. McLean o! New- castle. We must not fail Vo men- tion the excellent service in song rendered in the a! ernoon by our Junior choir. Their anthems were vieIl chosen and viere rendered in fine voice, vie are proud or our Jun- ior choir. In the evening the service o! song vias in charge o! the Newi onville Quartette whicb rendered some beautiful selections in fine style. WHAT BECOMES 0F A LIE Pirst, somebody told it, Then the room wouldn't hold it, So the busy ongues rolled it, Till they got it outside; When the crowd came across it, And neyer once lost it, They tossed it and ossed it, Till it grew long and wide. Prom a very small lie, sir, IV grew deep and high, sir, TillitI reached Vo the sky, sir, And frigbtened the moon; For she hid ber sweet face, sir, In the veil of cloud-lace, sir, At the dreadful disgrace. sir, That bapper.ed at noozn. This lie brought forth others, Dark sisters and brothers. And fathers and mothers- A terrible crevi. And vihile beadlong they burried, The people they flurried. And troubled and worried, As lies always do. And so. evil-boded, This. monstrous lie goaded, Till at Iast it explode-d. In smoke and in shame; Wbile from mud and from mire, The pieces flew higber, And bit the sad liar And killed bis good name. -Newi York Evening Post. Cuts and Bruises Dsappear.- When suffering from cuts, scratch- es, bruises, sprains, sore throat or chest and any similar ailment, use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul. Its heal- ing power is viell-known in every section o! the community. A bottie o! Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oul should be in every medicine chest ready for the emergencies that may always be anticipated. and SAVEade4azMe,, ýv xfll 1--- .-.4-- - -.. -, - - t- A4ýpit.nvp famiiar routes you travel every day. You will learn that Chevrolet's Knee-Actiof provides a really new kind of ride. Thaï. Chevrolet is a big, luxurious automobile, easy to control, a pleasure to drive. Yes, te drive a Chevrolet is te know that this car bas gone a long way ahead with its five f amous nevi features. And when you ti- vestigate furtber, you'll find that you can enjoy tbem al-arid SAVE MONEY when Recd-, for Immediafe Deliv.ry Master £à f,%m Standard Six from $844 $710 DeliveTqJ, fully *quipped, ai factory, Oshawa, Ont. Frejaht and Govcrnment liJene extra. New. b. itme.prices on the G MA C plan. iw ROY NICHOLS BOWMAN4VILLE COURTID YOUNG MEN! A thorough course in Practical Agriculture November 6th, 1934 t. April 13th, 1935 K EM PT VI1LL E AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL FREE TU! TION BOA RD REDUCED to $3.50 per WEEK Can you spend the. wanter to better advantage? For further information consult vour Agricultural Representative or write to THE PRINCIPAL KEMPTVILLE AGRICULTURAL SCHOOL KEMPTVILLE, ONTARIO Aiso à two montlis course in Household Science for Girls -practical instructions in cooking, sewing, millinery, home nursing, etc. February 4th, t. March 3th, 1935 ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HON. DUNCAN MARSHALL J. 8. FAIRBAIRN MisijaiDeputy Minister h À s advancements, 7ou know that Chevrolet oilers you five of the mou-talked-about features of 1934. And, naturally, you'II realize that the car with Erîclosed Knee- Action - Cable-Controlled Brakes- Body by Fisber - Blue-Flame Cylinder Head - and Shock-Proof Steering, is a car well worth considering. But, after ail, you do flot buv a car to look at, or talk about-you buy it :.e drive it and enjoy it! Tbat's why TFR CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25th, 1934 PAGE EIGHT i 1

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