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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Nov 1934, p. 6

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PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8tis, 1934 *dialogues and recitations was given. i Ganies and contests were then en- ENNISKILLEN joyed and apples were served. SALEM League meeting on Monday even- Miss Alice Ashton spent. Sunday ing was in charge of the lst Vice- e.AS.Kr cuidtepl with friends at Haydon. Pres.. Miss fleen Balson. and was well Re.AS.erocuedtepl Mis M.Datonspnt a.urcayattended. Thse bible lesson was min pi here last Sunday, deliveringa with friends in Toronto. three parts and was readbyMssveyfnsrm . Mrs. C. A. Stainton and Ray, Osh- Eleanor Vivian. Kathleen Baker and iM ro no, wrSund ofayvtorsd wit awa, visited at Mr. Lorne Lamb's. Muriel Smith. Devotional was taken hlOoo eeSna iioswt Mr. and Mrs. Frank Robbins have by Miss Ruth McKessock. Miss Eve- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. gone to Rochester for the winter. lyn Tink and Mrs. Han-y Taylor f av- Squair. Mrs. F. W. Smith and Claude vis- opred with a vocal duet. The topic Ga orpr r o olct ited Mr. and Mrs. J. .mso. on thse christian home was well given sufficiently recovered in healtis to J. Ormston.by Mr. Sam Dewell. Piano solo by rtr oefo h optlo Oshawa. MissGadsYSevralfro Mr. Gordon Stevens spent. the asGay ellowlees. Contesta tra.Slm atne weekend with his sister, Mrs. C. R.1 were enjoyed and thse meeting clos- thvan- fern Semes attamptc Walton, Oshawa. ed witis a hymn and the benediction. hn-feigsrcsatHmon Mr. and Mrs. F. Orchard n la Thse Hallowe'en masquerade last on Sunday where two very excellent were Sunday visitors at Mr. and Wednesday evening was a very su- msronere delvrdan pe Mrs. J. A. Werrys. cessful affair with about eighty mscre nd Ms .u erein Miss Verna Pethick, Maple Grove, people present. Mr. B. G. Stevens Mor. e ada MrsL. jaRowereia Mr. Oswald Pethick, Nestieton, via- antd Mis ca ien Bafonrve the ng nephew of Mrs. Squair, returned ited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. aMsfolte gasn mrch. Tiste home with them and spent Sunday, R. Pethick. mscfrtegadmrh h also attending- afternoon service Mr. and Mrs. Russell Griffin and judges were Mrs. Harry Taylor. Mrs. here. Mr. Rogers is a student of! family have moved into thse property1 Roy Langmaid and Mr. W. R. West-TontUivrty formerly owr.ed by the late Mr. Jas. lake had a busy time picking out the TYrontoLn versngon y.ed Mountjoy.1 winners as there were many beauti- Y. P. L Oc.3meetgon Whednedayf Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Werry, Misses ful costumes. They awarded the prize eeig c.3sto iefom0 BericeandWila Wrry Keronfor thse best lady-Miss Ada Allun a Hallowe'en gathering. with Mr. K. spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrsý besi gent-Miss Margaret Scott, Werry. h, oilvci hre J. A Wery nd the reaties. best old lad3y-Miss Ruby Parkerst arting off with marching of those M . and rs.Dy and f amiy ba oul-Mse Verna Milîsoni in costume and thse awarding of Mr.an Mr. . Dy nd alybet cupe-isses , - - prizes to the following: Beat comnic ýi e nhpostume-Miss Kabet hlBaer.csue isBhmn'etld Daîrymple, who have been visitir thse latter's parents. Rev. and Mt W. Parker. returned to their hors on Tuesday. Dr. L. B. Williams, Toronto, wi: present his interesting picturesc Durham County in the church oi Friday, Nov. l6th. at 8 p. m. Ad mission 25e and 15c. Mr. and Mrs. Arthsur and daugis ter, Mr. and Mrs. Ratis, Miss AI berta Stainton, Ingersoîl. and Mi Arthsur Stainton, Zion. called on Mr James Stainton and Mr. E. C. Ash. ton Sunday. Miss Mitchell. Travelling Secretar3 W.M.S. will address a joint meetini of WM.S. and Young People's Lea- gue on Wednesday, Nov. l2tis, at p. m. W.M.S. thank-offering wil: be taken. Ai members attend. SOLINA Miss Jessie Yellowlees is visiting Toronto friends. Mrs. Jas. Smales has been visit- ing friends at Dunbarton. Mr. Neil Yellowlees, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. Jack YeUlowlees. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradley, En- niskillen, visited at Mr. N. C. Yel. lowlees. Mr. and Mr& N. C. Yellowlees vis- ited at Mr. Alex Hume's, Bowmai- ville, on Sunday. Misa Doris Milîson, Peterboro, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Milîson. A number from here attended the Harvest Home services gf WHampton on Sun"dayýand visited friends tisere. Mr. Tisas. Baker ,Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and Mr. Will Baker vis- itesi Mr. andi Mrs. Maurice Baker, Concord. Mr. and Mrs. Melbert Howsam and Ralpis. Ottawa, Mrs. Gea. Haw- sam, Port Persy, visited at Mr. Chas. Howsamr's. Mr. and Mrs. Cisarleton McBride and Burton, Peterboro, visitesi ies parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Oea. White on Sunday. Mr. andi Mss. Chas. Smith and f amily and Miss Ada Allin visitesi Mr. and Mrs. Eric Pearce, Clare- mont. Mr. Allan Balson in company with Mr. Alfredi Laird seturnesi Saturday night after a pleasant motorcycle trip tisrougis Montreal, New York, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and many otiser places. A very enjoyable time was hasi at tise school last Wednessday afternoon by a number of visitors wisen Miss Baker and iser pupils entertainesi at a Hallowe'en Party. Tise scisool was nicely decorated for tise occasion. A very interesting psogram of cisoruses, Posit COING OUT 0 Mr. W. J. Martyn, having to go out of retail businei being sold at cost or less, afford to miss await you. SIEE THIES] 30 Pairs WVomen's Black or Bro, combination last, cuban heels,, re $4.95 - Sale Price 100 Pairs Women's Ties and Pun cuban or spike heels, black or bro regularly at $3.95 - Sale Price st ueie alwencsue costume, Mrs. L. Squair; best gent's e Jak Smiths; beat girl-Miss Do- costume. Ms. L. Squair; beat child's ren ady ea'oymal eak costume. Hilda Darcis. Tisen follow- ofbest clov6n-Neil Yellowlees. A very ed a jolly time spent in contesta )n iinteresting psogram was given and and stunts, chosing with a suitable 1apples ansi candy wese servesi. lunciseon. Attendance about 40. MAPLE GROVE i HAMPTON 1 r. Nra Mss. C. Johsns visitesi Ms. ansi Mss. 1- Miss Ruths Ferguson. Miss Cm 1Dunford, Osisawa, spent tise weekend C. W'hh5. Toronto. -Y wth iss eanStevns.Mss. M. Shemon, Haydon, visited ýg Mr. ansi Mss. Lynchs ansi saugiter, atMss. C. Johnsa'. -Oshsawa, Mr. ansi Mss. Mark Gas- Miss Rutis Ferguson, Oshawa, 8dsiner and baby, Garsien Hill, visitesi spent Sunsiay at home. writh tise atte's cousins. Ms. ansi Rev. W. Rackhaxn preacsesi at Mss. Fred Stevens on Sunday. Stirling on Sunday evening. Misses Betty and Milsiresi Snow- Ms. ansi Mss. M. MeClellan, Tor- d sen visitesi witis Miss Jean Clemence, anto, visitesi relatives on Sunday. Sisaws, on Sunsiay. Ms ansi. Mss. A. Stainton, Zion, Ms. ansi Mss. Ray Snowden,' thsee visitesi at Ms. W. W. Horn's on Suný- ëdaugisters. Toronto, visitesi thei' Msy. as s.R .Wre.Bw parents on Sunsiay. M.adMs .H adr 9 Mss. W. J. Snowden visitesi relat- manville, visitesi at Ms. J. R. Knox's ives in Oshawa hast week. on Sunday.1 - Miss Velma Petisick spent Sunday fMs. ansi Mss. Lloyd Williams ansi witis her parents Ms. ansi Mss. family visitesi at Ms. S. Williams'r Pethick at Enniskihlen. an Sunday. Mr.Alfed air, M. AlinBal- Ms. ansi Mss. Bush, Miss Esina1 Ms. ifrei LirdMs. lun Csyderman ansi Ms. Cisampain, of. son have returnesi fsom their cycle Bleilscnl iieia .B trip ta New York isaving isasia vesCry leieren's. istd tA.B pleasant trip. CMs. ianiMs. IacHrd ni t Pastor Smith wilh give a specialchlsre ndoMstIsaansiHany, sndt Armistice service day sermon on Sunday eek wirth MdStWilliam Jol- Sunday. udywe ihM.WlimJl Little Miss Helen Snowden, Toron- if fe ansi Mss. N. Jeffrey, Lindsay. t to, is spensiing a week with hes Thse log cottage owned by Ms. A. gransiparents, Ms. ansi Mss. R. R. Clarke ansi unoccupiesi at tise time,is Stevns.burnesi tatise gsounc f rom somne b Stevns.mystericus cause on Sunday night. 4>Mss. Parker ansi daugister ansi 1Ms. Parkers fatiser accompaniesi1t SCHOOL REPORT 1 Rev. W. Parker in visiting at ansi ÎÏ, ~speaking ta ous Young People's Les- I gue on Friday nigist.M DARLINGTON Sympathy is extendes tise family i -- of Ms. Ervin Trull whose demise c- Report of S. S. 3 for October: m urs nFid iefnl, Ss, IV-Vera Gibson 70. wiicis was îasgeîy attensiesi was t Jr. IV-*Jean Metcalf 84,. BiUly ielsi on Monday afternoon froisise Henry 83, *Norma Sexsmitis77, ols f arm home, now occupiesi by is Peggy Finnigan 70, tHarry Feather son. Ms. Lorenzo Truhh.b 58. tJoe Wojnakoski 52.Mran s.CW.SuhM.n Sr. III-*Madeline Metcalf 7, ndMars.G . C. W.Sucis s.n p Glenn Metcalf 70, John Noble 65,LHoMr ansi Mss. .HBasson Misses . s Eveline Gibson 63, Gardon Trull 60,L.Hand Ms. ass . Salte .SMks. tGossion Metealf 58. ansi EIinos, ansi Miss Jessie Knox Sr. II-*Alvin Metcal.f 75, Ken- Weeaogtss is teseits netis Power 73, Donald Metcalf 72,wr mnthswoated hei fMik Bon 48,fSamBonk42. Virginia Jubihee Singera concert at tMik Bok 4, tam onk42. Trinity Unitedi Cisusci, Bowman- J.I-*Daisy Gibson 88, *Milsired vle nTedyngtwii a Metcalf 79, *Alfredi Feather 78, vll'orTtse prie of adichssion Joyce Power 66, tWinnie Power 39. Teell w as ath grofaedmisceoat Pr.-*Keith Csago. teHre at H oe srvies n un- -Honous;t-Failuse: Figurestd ay, bot Hm si eas evniSn-a indicate per cent. abt onn adevig.s Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. Splendid sermons wese pseacised by e JRev. W. R. Tanton, Oshsawa, inth tis Wisen shopping tell tise mercisants aftesncon, ansi Rev. J. H. Osteshout, I you reasi their advt. in Tise States- IOsano, in tise evening. Rev. W.W man. Rackisam, pastos, assistesi at both services. Special music was given by j tise chois. assistesi by Ms. James _______________________ - Hancock, Ebenezer, who pleasesi is heasers witis a vocal solo. Decosa- t ions of cissysanthemums ansi other d flowers ansi vegetables wese mucisd ively .Tise appreciation of tiseI ïVelyservicesoftise visiting m.inisters ansit tise scloist was evidencesi by tise re splendid attention of their listeners.d SF USI ESSTise Halhowe'en masquerade was H )F USI ESShelsi on Wesinesday nigist with a m goosi attendance. A goasi program CI waa given, including a sketch fsom 01 g thr nerstdecides - Sisakespeares "Misumxner NigitsDi othe ineretsDseam" by Misses Helen ansi Betty 'M ms. The entire stock is, Knox ansi Ms. Ted Johsns ansi Miss Grace Cawker. Tisose wiso receivesi W i.Bargains you cannot prises siuring tise Promenade, tise or jusiges being Ms. and Mss. P. Cowl- îng ansi Mss. J. A. Cale, Bowman- _______________ville, wese: Ms. Milîs, Olsi Witcis; Einor Sykes, Hallowe'en costume; Carol Csaig, Little Redi Hood, best nursery sisyme; Marion Johns, Hal- E V ALUES loween costume; Mis-ses Helen ansi Betty Knox, Mickey ansi Minnie1 wn Kid Oxfords, areh fitting, Mouse; Mss. E. Wilbur ansi Mss. W. ,gular S2 9 W. Horn, two gisosta; Misses L. Jb soM. andi E. Pascoe, R. Joisns andi i G. Hastings, as tise Dionne Qumn- tuplets. xwheeled in a large baby car- nps, in fine baby caîf leathers, niage witis pink crepe papes trimmed* )wn, sold hioosi. witis bonnets to match, wheeh- $24 9 esi by Ms. Ted Johns, witis Misa Fas- ence Burns as doctos, ansi Miss G. Cawkes as nurse-tise most original outfit. Bakesi beans ansi breasi ansi 5 Pairs Women's Pumps, Ties buttes wese servesi witis a cup of and Strap Shoes, some broken tea at thse close. Numesous other 1 fine costumes made it difficult for sizes, black caîf, kid and ,uede tise jusiges. leathers, regularly sold for Tise segular monthly meeting af $3.4 - aletise Women's Institute was iselsi on 3.45 -Sale ~ I *99Thussday, Nov. lst, In tise cisuscis Price " basement with Mss. C. Johns, presi- dent, in tise chair. Tise meeting op- enesi witi tise Institute Ode, follow- esi by tise Lords Prayer In unison. iildren's Shoes in oxford and Minutes were seasi and necessaryý bsness discuissesi. Tise program was 59e tO~.L.45 In charge of tise West group with MisNosais Horn in tise chair. Tise Inttute this montis was isonosed by tise presence af five ladies from tise Bowmanville Institute. namely Mss.1 A. Calville, Mss. J. Tickson, Mss. W. Adams, Mss. G. E. Pritchard ansi Mss W B. Pollard, ansi they favour- ed by taklng part in tise proeram as folhows: One vesse of "Tise Maphe Leaf" was sung; a solo by Mss. Col- ville, acrompanlesi by MIca Norais -funs Sricly ashHorn, was mucis enjoyesi; Mss. fund - tricly ashThickson sensi several lovely poemrs: si le 100 Pairs Misses', Girls' and Ch Sale Price per pair strap styles, Mens xfors $.9 Boys' Oxfords- $1.69à No Exchanges- No Rel Opposite Corbett's Bakery Thse National Anthem was then Hodgson Presided andlase and Mrs. sung, and a social haîf hour follow- S. Hoar took charge of the devo- ed while refresisments were served tional period, after which Mrs. H. <by the West group. Skinner gave a reading. Visiting lais rmBomnvlethen gave thefolowngprogram: well rend- aHAYDON ered vocal solo by Mrs. Alex Colville: 1- ________________ a verY interesting addresa waa given ýh by Mrs. (Rev.) G. Mason. after Mr. Louis Ashston isas accepte<l a wisicis Mrs. Colville and Mrs. C. F. Position in Toronto. Rice sang a duet which waa much tt Mr. Lloyd Thompson. Cadmus enjoyed by aIl. Meeting, closed with ýSundayed a.t Mr. W. Tisompson's. tise Mizpah benediction. Lunoch was ýn Mr. Frank Smith, Enfield. visited servec* and a social hall hour was t at Mr. Wm. Trewin*s on Sunday. enioyed. ýd Mrs. Henry Ashston spent a few On Wednesday evening the Y. P. n days witis relations in Toronto. last L. held their annual masquerade It week. Pryi h omnt alwe d Mra. Henry Asiston attended tise gpartin thse mmurnty a larhen Liberal convention in Orono on Wed go in a njydb ag *ne-sday.- number, both old and young. A short M r. landMs aodQyadprogram was given as follows: Vo- b*Ms aol a n cal solo. Mr. Gordyn Brent; recita- d BobbeOhawa, visited at Mr. C. tions. Master Ronald Hall, Salem; rGerard's. Mr. Bill Sparks favored with a vocal e Mr. and Mrs. Milton Slemon, Gor- solo and guitar music; recitation, ýfidon and Lloyd, viaited at Mr5. C. Ms ee rm;hmru kt Joisn', Hmpto. "Thse Three Pigs and the Big Bad y Mr. and Mrs. T. Brown, Ms Wolf" by Mrs. A. M. Wootton. Mrs. fDouglas, Newcastle, Mrs. Britton, F. Dud']ey, Mrs. W. Liston and Rev. Toronto. visited at Mr. A. McNeil -AM oton ferwih hs Mr. and Mrs. E. Bradley and Missn costume joined in the grand e 1Frea radeyattended the funeral march. Prises were awarded as fol- Ilt husaceMLan otyol îw Beat dressed man. isobo. Mr. last isurday.L. Warren; best dressed lady, an old s Mrs. Meeker, Mr. and Mrs. R. Van- lady, Mrs. A. W. Annis; best dressed a tone and' Ross, Wisitby, Mr. and boyý bell boy, r.FedGomn Mrs.A. . Hiks nd obbie, Har- best dressed girl, Miss Hallowe'en, mony, visited at Mr. R. McNeil's. Marie Thompson; best representa- Mr. and Mr$. Norman Hall. Cli- tive stars and stripea. Mrs. L. Hoop- ton and Beryl, Mr. and Mrs. Walter er; best dressed negro, couple. Mr. Star and, family, Mr. and Mrs. J. Fyd Dudley and friend. Af ter- Grahsam, Oshsawa; visited at Mr. D. wards a bounteous lunch was served Grahamals. o adihs aeadtrs Mrs. E. Smiths, Mr, and Mrs. Jack 0 adihs aeadtra Lawrence and Bill, Detroit, Mr. Geo.< Hollaway, Toronto, Mrs. Amelia Bradley. Orono, Miss Jean McLear-, BL C ST C PontYPool, Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan, Oshsawa, visited at Mr. E. Bradley's. Mrs. Fred Gibson was guest of SMrs. Leslie Graham. rMrs. Jas. Marlow has gone o ITYRONE Toronto for the winter. 4 Î Miss Ola De La Matter, Toronto, visited witis friends here. Miss Verna McCoy is visting fri- Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, was guest ends in Oshawa. of ier mother, Mrs. Robt. Parr. 1Mrs. Sharp spent Sunday wvith fri- % Miss Lela Mountjoy spent tise ends at Pontypool. weekend with friends in Toronto. Miss Adelaide Annis. Oshawa, Miss Ruths Marlow, Toronto, was apent the weekend at home. witis frienda isere for tise weekend.I Mrs. Clara Byam. Bowmanville, Miss Hazel Mountjoy was guest of recently visited at Mr. F. L. Byam's. Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. Miller, Newpark. See "Soutis in Sonora' in Bow- Misa Irene Graham, Maple Grove, manville Opera House, Nov. 15 or 16. viaited Mr. and Mrs. John Larmer. Mr. and Mrs. Poe, Flint, Michigan, Mrs. Norman Taylor visited in recently visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Toronto as guest of Mrs. H. De La Virtue. Matter. Mr. and Mss. F. Dudley attended Dr. and Mrs. J. Moore, Brooklln, tise Military BaIl at Newcastle onl were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mss. Friday night. John Jobb. Mr. Wm. Staples unloaded anotiser Mrs. Nasmitis, Henry, Janetville, car load of Poled- Angus cattle from was guest of iser parents, Mr. and tise West, tisis week. Mrs. F. A. Baiiley. PMiss Myrtle Brco1ý. Oshsawa, Mss. M. Brandon and Mrs. D. Hea- spent tise weekend witis her parents, slip were Sunday guesta of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Brooks. Mrs. Alex Joisnston. Miss Florence Down and Miss Ger- Men are busily working on tise trude Newman, Oshsawa, recently erection of Mr. George Crawford's visited Mrs. Theodore Down. isouse in tise village. Miss Lola Richards has returned Ms. andi Mss. Russel Larmer andi home after spending several weeks cisildren, were Sunday guests of Mr. with her sister, Mrs. H. Findley. Un- andi Mrs. Oscar Grahsam. ionville. Ms. andi Mrs. Jack Hamilton andi Messrs. Harry and Frank Hathes- cisilsiren, have moved in witis ier ly andi Ms. Bill Walker. Dixie, spent parents, Mr. andi Mrs. Harry Hall. tise weekend witi tise formers' par- Mr. and Mra. Chas .Luke, Raglan, enta. Ms. andi Mss. R. Hatiserly. andi Miss Susie Bray, Raglan, were Miss Florence Gardiner. Oýshawa, Sunday gueass f Mr. andi Mss. Jas. Mss. Bill Phillips and Patsy, Bow-' Strong. inanville, spent Friciay wlitis their Dr. and Mss. J. A. McArthur were parents, Mr. andi Mrs. B. F. Gardin- in Stratfosd attending tise funeral of er., Mr. Dempsey, Mrs. MeArtisurs, Women's Institute andi Ladies' Aid father. will holsi a sewing bee in tise S.S. Miss Mable Argue and Ms. Cecil room on Wed-nesday, Nov. l4th, at Hyde were guests of Miss Annie 10.30 a. m. Pot luck dinner. Ail Wilkins, Coustice. Sise seturnesi with ladies of tise community are asked tisem for tise week. to cme nd elp Plese otethe Mr. anui Mss. Leslie Hoskin and chng coe adhep ease note tise ciilsiren, Oshsawa, Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. ~isage o dae ani hor. oakin, Miss Marion, andi Mr. Roy On Wednesday afternoon. Oct. 31, Hoskin, wese Sunday geusts of Mr. a Hallo-we'en pasty was helsi at tise andi Mss. Wesley Hoskin. cisool when th'e teacher andi pupils Ms. andi Mra. Claude Hilîman andi .ntestained tiseir parents and also Miss Dorotisy Stephens, Toronto, the teaciser andi pupils from tise were witis Ms. andi Mrs, Tom Venn- L~ong Sault school. A short program ing for Sunday. Mss. J. Hilîman, wiso sas given by tise pupils. Lunch was has been visiting her son, returned servesi conslsting of cakes and cook- from Toronto with tisem. es. candy, popcorn and apples. A Memorial service being held at Regular meeting of tise W. M. S. tise Cenotapis at il a. m. Sunday, was helsi in tise S. S. room on Tisurs- Nov. 11. Following tise service, Sun- lay, November lst, with tise Presi- day Scisool and cisurcis are being lent. Mrs. Hodgson, in thse chais. held, as usoual. in tise Unitesi Church, In tise business ueriod it was decided ansi at St. Johsn's respectively.I o have Miss Mitchell, travelling sec- On Tuesday evening tise members retary. as our guest soeaker on Tues- of tise Women's Auxiliary Of tise iay, Nov. 2Otis, in tise S. S. room. United Churcis held tiseir October Following program was given by Mra. meeting at Ms. N. S. McNally'S. Hoar's group: Talk on "Peace" by Tise meeting, which was attendesi Mrss. R. Hodgson; reading, Mrs. A. by twenty-five people. Bible study Clemens; a review of tise study book was taken by Mrs. H. J. Bell. Mrs. on China ably dealt with by Mss. F. Percy VanCamp occupied tise chair, Dudley: vocal duet, Misses Helen and the program was in charge 0 Trimm and Susie Thompson. Mss. N. S. McNzally's group. Items on Tise autumn thank-offering of tise1tise progsam includesi one of Esiges W. M. S. was iselsi in tise S. S. room on Tisursday, Oct. 25th. MrsR (Contlnued on page 10) On Sale Friday and Saturday 5c SALE at Harry AIIin's Put Your Nickels to Work AYLMER Tomato Juice tii AYLMER Pork and Beans ilo CASTILLE Soaip 2 BARS O. K. and PURE GOLD Jelly Powder PkI O. K. Custard Powder K Split Peasil- BS Cornmeal lb IN HANDY PACKAGE sait W heat Gerin lb BABBITT'S Cleansers tiun WHOLE WHEAT Flour lb BRUNSWICK Sardines tin GUEST Ivory Soap bai COOKING Onions 3 lb Turnips SMALL SIZE 2 in 5c R. TIN 5c ýG. 5c 5c 5c 50 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c 5c Ir M 50 I I ANNOUNcING The Opening of M4ACS * Clothes Shop Carrying a complete line of Men's Haberdashery and Taîlored to Measure and Ready-to-Wear Suits and Overcoats S$«12,e75 $15,o75 $17,o75 I Store Opens Saturclay, November lOth. We cordially invite your inspection. Mlacs Clothes Shop COWAN BLOCK BOWMANVILLE 1 N~ i IHarry Allun, GrocerI Phone 186 or 121 BowmanvilleI AN OLD CAR USESI MORE OAS ililaand1 Repair COUSt Are Hi ghe r IT'S JUST THE SAME WITH VOUR FUINACE Anod unare uses uP marc coal and wiIh repair bills,%-ur operating cost IS bigher than It should ie. A Pease Econorny Furnace une-s s ore aforsur el a te [ modern labor aforyuel "Isýa g titires asure comn for, at i m-ini cost This Popular furnace keep=s our h.me Warin under al WeatheIr conditions ai an outstand- inge l0w cost loi fuel consunvstion. Aàk us for desc Ptl'e ierature-jerms mad od uit u r os pocke boof. There is nu 6 it n if tu rrteor phone for Phone 66 Bowmanville "ECONOM Y" FURNACE PAGE SlX THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 8th, 1934 'IL ff - -- t- f'lk- -0 - -A - !i ge &-i É%o

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