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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Nov 1934, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STAT&SMAN, BOWMANVTLLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1934PAGE THREE SCOTCHMAN TELLS 0F HARDSHIPS IN WEST R. R. 1, Carievale, Sask. Mrs. E. C. Ashton: Dear Madam: Your letter receiv- ed in a bag af potataes and wisb ta thank the people who so kindly sent themn and I eametimes think if we would do as much for tbem if they were in the sarne straits as we are in ~at the present lime. The reason I bave flot answered soaner is that I dumped the pota- tees in the cellar and bad quite a few meals before noticing the en- clased note. Since I have started ta write I might as well give you a lit- tle of my experiexice in the wrest. I came out fromn Scotland just be- fore the war broke out. then enlist- ed wiîb the 43rd Cameron High- lands. Winnipeg. I put in 3 years in the trenches, was bit on three different occasions, and came back invalided in 1919. and started ta farmi under the S.S.B. where I now am. I did exceptionally well up ta 1928. 1 awned a car. a truck, tbresb- ing machine, 30 bead of catîle, 15 horses. and a full line af brand new f armi implements. and a section af land with PaYments up to date at that lime. wiîh a liItle money in the bank ta take a trip ta Scotland in '29. But '29 proved a failure, as also the years since then. We bave had no crop since 1928 ta speak af. but always maxiaged ta grow some gar- den stuff and potataes until tbis year. This year we bad no vegeta- tian whatever. f ields as bare as they were plowed in the spring. I had te get rid af practically aIl my cattle and borses and the necessary equip- ment ta keep gaing. If I bad sold out in 1928 I could have realized $8000. As it is I arn as far back as when I started in 1920. but with a Jlot more experience and badly broke. I may say I arn a bachelor. 38 years o! age, and wvanted ta go back and get that Scotch lassie o' mine in 1929, but my bopes for thal now are entirely gone and so is she. but nev- erthelescs I arn going ta stay right here until the weather man changes conditions and until I get 3 or 4 more good crops. 1 generally keep 2 hired men anid TIR Chriastmt,, and PUg Must Contain t] AIl the new Dried Fruits j our store. OnIy the choice ed, sound raisins, curranti the niaking of the mosi Cakes and Puddings. Prices are Lov If you cannot corne to the 121 and your order will be Christmas Than Five W Do Your Ba a housekeeper. but of late I arn alone as I could not a! ford to keep them. My housekeeper stayed 5 years and 1- 1. (L I -C the last six rnonths worked for no- I i elilo '..il.ren - thing. so You see it is pretty tough gaing, but as long as I get a few po-1 tatces and sortie aatmeal I think I: Last year scores of kiddies will survive the depression as I am Claus know in advance what theyl blessed with very good health so fair. him to bring them for Christmas t I also may say the people in this a letter ta him. in care of The S district are Englisb. Scotch or Irish These letters were published in Th descent who camne from Ontario and man and a copy sent on to Sant settled here in 1884. My neighbours quarters at the North Pole. And are from Peterboro. Lindsay, Mount that rnost of the kiddies gaI just i Forest, if you know where those. asked for. With Christmas flot mi places are. than a month away, Santa again Just a word about the car. I got know what you want him to b~ 1 bag potatoes. 1 can tomatoes. hita.Thite a h can o! pork and beans. 1 pail of ap- Crsms h te a h ns Itelegram was received frarn Santa pIes, 2 cabbages, 10 lb. onilorS AiI the North Pale: the stuff was dealt out gaod. I think To the Editor. everybody got sorne. and I can as- Th ttsaBwnnil sure you it was very much apprec- Dear Mr. Editor.- iated by ail. They trieci to save the mnchlr votmes sealed fruit for the bachelors but Ij Somncidrn rtees happened ta be a little late. The paper, and I was better able ta olo cattie and barses here are going ta' tell the kildies of Bonwmanville and be worse off. 1 put up 20 loads of again ta the Statesman. Tell the Russian Thistle but I hope the relief cause there are lots af poor little commission will supply us with some Address your letters ta Santa Cla hay or straw to'keep life in them. manville. After they have appeare Wishing you lots of luck down there me. I waflt ta hear f rom scores ol and thanks for donations. A letter and surrounding counitryside. frorn Enniskillen will always be wel- Until Cbristmas Eve. with Io corne. Yours faithfullY. D. McDonald. Yau've read what Santa bas - [letter ta Santa. Better let mather TORONTO MAX INJURED 1 can suggest. what would be best fcý IN BOWMANVILLE CRASH 1 cause BUSY WORKERS 0F Four persons were injured in an1 automobile accident, cue by a MAPLE GROVE HONOR skid on the wet pavement at Kurv MRS.A L NC RK Inn af the highway, three miles east .A L NC A K of Bowmanville. an Saturday. A car - driven by George Strachan, of 80. On Thursday evening. November Rogers road, Toronto, skidded on the: l6th about twenty-five members and curve and crasbed head-an with a ex-members af the Busy Workers of car driven by O. H. Dunn, af Ponty- Maple Grave Sunday Scbool Class pool. Strachan had bis left le., hurt' assembledi at the home of Mrs. Allan and foot dislacated. William Greaves. Clarke (nee Etelka Trimble) as a of 397 Oakwood Ave.. -Toronto. suf - reminder ai ber years spent in the fered a lacerated sbouldcr, and Har- class. Shortly after tbe crawd arriv- ry McKinney. 67 Markharn Street, ed Miss Greta Munday called the Toronto, suffered scalp laceratians. company ta order and Miss Ellen They are in the Western Hospital, Gimlblett read the follawing nicely- Toronto, and their condition is not warded add.ress: serious. Mrs. Dunn, wife of the' Maple Grave, Nov. 15th, 1934 driver af the Poxtypoal cgr, suffered Dear Etelka, head injuries.' You are fair ta see and sweet, ________________________- Damity frarn your head ta feet, Modest, as your blushing shows, Happy. as Yaur smiles disclose. And the young man at your side, Nervausly attempts ta bide Underneath a visage grlm 1 IE That the fuss is botbering hlm. à Pause a moment, happy pair! This is not the station wbere as C ak e Romance ends. anid wooîng stops, And the charri fram court.ship draps; d d in gsThis is but the outward gate Where the souls af martals mate, But the border af the land h e Best Fruits Yau must travel hand in hand. You wha came ta marriage. bring Ail your Ienderxiess and dling are now on display ini Steadfastly to alI the ways est qualities, ail reclean- That have marked your waaing peels etc, tht indays. 8, electa go i You are anly starting out ýt succesaful Christmas On lii e's roadways. bedged about Thick with rases and with tares, Swe delights and bitter cares. Heretofare yau've only played vfer this Year At love's game. young mianan maid; store, telephone 186 or Only own il at its best,itte. e delivered free at once. You must prove your love wortb wbile, Something time cannat defile. Something neither care noir pain Day essCaxi destroy or mar or stain. Day LessYou are naw about ta show leeks Aw ay Whether love is real or no; Yander down the lane ai lufe v~u Yu will find, as man and wife, Sorraws. disappoinîrnents. doubt, Lkinny EarIv Hoüe ,,ill oimnrt flicker out. -----m ~ £ Recleaned Currants .2 lbs. 25c Glace Cherries ....45e lb. Australian Suitanas, 2 Ibs. 23e English Citron Peel. 40e lb. Fancy Seeded Raisins, 15c pkg. Valencia Aftmonds .. 40e lb. Turklsh Figs ... ý.ý.10e lb. Frnh W lus lb. ...50 Fancy Quality MixedFrchaltslb 50 Engllsh Peel, lb- . 25c Spanlsh Valencia Raisins, 23e TAKE NO CHANCES-BUY THE BEST FRUIT WE HAVE IT. SEE SPECIAL HEINZ SOUP DEMONSTRATION AT HARRY ALLIN'S ON SATURDAY I-e înz 15 Varicties of Soupa Family Size (16 oz.) - 2 for 27c $1.50 per dozen (13 to a dozen) FRE E Egg Prices Are High Hawes' Playshop for Increase your yield the Kiddie8 with w! e KddiesFUL-O-PEP with Hawes' Wax at ECG MASH 4U IL._ 100 lba.--$2.50 Harry Alliai, Grocer Phone 186 or 121 Bowmanville Buy This But if rightly yau are wed Lave will linger where you tread. There are jays that you wlll share, Joys bo balance every care; Arm in arm rernain. and you Will not fear the storms Ihat brew; If when yau are sorest tried You face your triais, side by side, Now rour waaing days are doxie, And yaur loving rears begun. -Edgar Guest. We carne bere tonight ta wish pu and your lii e pal Bon Voyage and Godspeed an Ibis road afi lue wh.lch you must traveî together. May bap-l piness and lave reign supreme i your home, and rnay you use well your opportunlty af building Up a camner stane for God's cburcb. A poel once Ibis sentence penned, "The man is rlch who has a friend" I read il and I thaught, haw true, He must have had a f rlend like yau. SureIr eacb one oi us bas been made richer by knowing you and be- ing able ta work together in loving service to Qed and maxi, partlcularly during your year as president ai our class. Now as a taken ai aur ap- preciatiaaxd frendship for you, and the bigb esteem n whlch you are held, we ask YOU to accept this small git, and as you use it, may you bave many pleasant memorles af your friexds- «The Busy Workers" At the proper imme Miss Marian Snawden presented the bride wth a haîf-dozen crystal Sherbet glasoes. The bride replied wtb a few fitting remarks aiter wbich the carnpany enjoyed games ai varlous kinds. - Get This FREE ;anta Claus Calling 1 let Santa would like by writing Statesman. le States- ia's head- we believe what they g, Lucli more iwants to bring this mhhlI following fLI.P*P* aClaus at ucti nice letters last year thraugb your cafter them, that I an wiring you ta Durham County ta, send their letters kiddies nat ta ask for Ioo rnucb, be- cbildren who need things this year. tus, c o The Statesrnan Office, Baw- ,d in print. tbey will be forwarded to flittle boys and girls in Bawmanvlllc ets of lave. gqanta Claus. ta say. naw sit dovwn and write your see it bef ore you mail il. Maybe she ýr you to ask. _SCHOOL REPORTSf PROVIDENCE Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, for Navember. Honaurs 75 ý; Pass 6017, Sr. IV-Ewart Bragg 80. Jr. IV-Catharixie Wight 88.' Grace Hall 86.5, Helen Luxtan 86.4, Pearl Shernllt 81, Glenn Brooks 70. Sr. III-Esther Barnett 89, Violet Craiga, 78. Viola Ruiter 75. Jr. III-Madeline Crago 80, Hel- en Wight 78, Helen Ruiter 68, Ross Bragg 59, Mary Wight 56. Sr. II-Eleanar Wight 82, Murray damn 79, Irene Wight 76. Jr. 1-Brian Barnett 88, Gwendo- lynt Brooks 87. Calvin Crago 86, William Bragg 77, Beatrice Quinney 60. Jr. Pr.-QCeorge Wight, Dorothy Ruiter. Figures indic aIe . Helen J. Lewis, teacher. BASE UNE Chrlstmnas Examination Report Sr. IV-*Vera Gibsan 77. Jr. IV-*Jean Metcalf 88. *Billy. Henry 83, *Normna Sexsmith 75, Peg-1 gy Finnigan 70, j1 Harry Feather 56.1 t4 Jae Wojnakoskî 46. Sr. III-Eveline Gibsan 67, Mad- eline Metcalf 66, Gardon Truil 61. Gardon Metcalf 60. Glenn Melcaîf 60, tJahn Noble 59. Sr. II-*Kennetb Powrer 78, Don- ald Metcalf 74, Alvin Metcaif 73, Mike Bank 66, t4 Sam Bonk 44. *-Honours; jt-Failure on total; tI, 2, 4-Failure on 1 or mare sub- jects. Ruby M. Bragg, teacher. BAKER'S SCHOOL REPORT V-:Verna MiTLlsn 89 (H1), Isobel Yellawlees 82 (H), Velma Gilbert i 81 (H). Jr. IV-Ella Milîson 80 (H), Bar- vey Yellowlees 74. Sr. flI-Matthew Mills 67. Ber- nice Maarey 49. Jr. I1-Jerry Milîson 77 (11), James Milîs 64, Jlrn Barris 61. Jr. fl-Margaret Hilîs 70. Sr. II-Muriel Smith 79 (H), Dor- othy Moarey 61. Sr. Pr.--Joyce Hilîs (absent)i. Jr. Pr-Bruce Taylor 73, Stanley Milîson 70. Ada J. Alhn, teacher. NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL Primary Boom First Book-June Gray 89, Aima Gibson 88, Elroy Gibson 88, Eileen Aldread 86, Yvonne Aldread 86, Har- old Rogerson 85, Ted Hoar 85, Lamaa Harris 84, Glenn Allin 83, Paul Wise 76, Yvonne Megit 66, Wallace Bar- rabali 66, Rosa Henning 61. Jacque- line Smith 58. John Aldread 56, Ar- thur Clark 46. Irene Painter 39. Sr. Pr-Mary Purdy, Billy Kirk- patrick, Francis Jose. Edna Kirk- patrick, Bill Aldread, Buddy'Whiti- car, Harold Smith, Barbara Bona- than, Marie Wise. Viola Cotter, Vonnie VanDusen. Norma Aldread, Evelyn McManus, Jack Perrin. Jr. Pr.-DonaId Burley. Kathleen Wise, Gordlon Connor. June Van- Dusen. Velma Rogerson, Reggie Hennlng. To Asthma Sufferers. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remnedy cornes like a helplng hand to a slnking swim- mer. It gives new 1f e and hope- sornething he bas corne to belleve impossible. Its benefit is too evi- dent to be questioned-it is its own best argument-lts own best adver- tisement. If you suffer from asthma get this tlme-tried remedy and find help like thousands of others. INFLUENCE 0F THE CLOTH Sorne fellows have a par- ticularly choice v o c a b u - lary of profane w o r d s, and one such Young man was recently bowling down at Casey's Alleys. Each bad bowl would bring a mild volume of profanlty f rom his lips, but after one particularly bad exhibition of bowling his mouth opened in preparation for a real choice string. Just as he was about ta utter the first he spled bowling in the next alley none other than Rev. E. F. Armstrong, bowling wlth his Rotary tearn. Im- agine the consternation of the swearing bowlera fr1-j ends when he hesitated and f inally said. "er - - er - - er- - Oh Nuts", which appar- ently let off the stearn just as well. ~-~ t - il I~ l~ .~ .~ su )k Df 01 [ing Nws9 The Senior League bas developed nto a tbree carnered battle royal between Infantine. Badminton Club and Moore, and looks like a iight 1.0 the finish. The Intermediate League is a run- away for the Knitters witb Abîmas Gracery in second position and the rest ai the f ield battling il out close an their heels. At a meeting of the bowlers held tbi.s week it was decided ta place the management of the leagues under a camrnltttee composed ai -F. Moore, C. Searle, Wrn. Crossey, P. Cancilla, W. J. Martyn axid H. W. Babbs. Alderman Martyn bas been giv- ing away bags of coal for prizes ta high scores. cansecutîve strikes and head-pins. "Goozey" Osborne bas regained first place mn the averages being clasely pres-ced by F. Williams and Jack Martyn. Standing o! teama6 for week end- ing November 17tb: Team Infantine Badminton F. Moore Faundxy Cc W. J. Dudl W. Hately Senior League Won LastE 14 72 iClb. 13 82 13 82 o. 8 131 .ey 8 132 7 141 Score 21617 21108 21046 19454 20977 19325 Intermediate League Knitters 17 4 19853 Alin's Grazery il 10 18831 T. Sehool il 10 18065 'Bankers 9 12 18011 Olympia Caf e 8 13 17792 B. Dairy 7 14 17403 Average Scores Name Osborne, A. Williams, F. Martyn, J. Spicer, A. Large, S. Colwell, B. Cancilla, P. Luxton, K. Beckett, P. Moore, F. Brough, J. Brealin, M. Oke, M. Tomlinsan, E. Bell. A. H-aîlman, H. James, S. Games 21 15 21 12 18 16 18 20 18 17 20 15 21 18 18 21 12 BUT BE SURE IT'S «bitte coal» Tbhe dependable coal that gives the max- imum of heat and the minimum of coat. When you use ELUE COAL you drive away enemies to heating satisfaction and enjoy the supreme comfort of even, economical heat throughout the bouse. FOR CHEAP FUEL We Have Bombie Anthracite $12,095 a ton FEED NUTRI-MIN A supplement in the f eeding of Cattie, Horses, Swine, Sheep and Poultry. A chemical derivative of bon., in which calcium and phosphorus are nutritional- ly balanced and rendered 100%v avail-. able that's C-I-L NUTRI-MIN. Sheppard & (liiLumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 15 DO WMA.1 ILLE 4- s Thousandsa lroady given sway. Thousands of klddlos nOw hav. ing houa, of fun "playlng e store". Made of stiff card- board, decorèted in orange, blue and white. Contains play tel*- phone, cash register, 38 play packtages, 28 paces play money. luy à fin of HAWIS' Wax now S--A - get the playtlme store Fra ,--and et the urne time provo for y«rs.lf how much maie - ~and quicker "HAWS' wWl ~ w(è. ~ ~O#I lustre whlch wears longer- HAW s INJIIDmarks Ieu--and does not r.- quire pollshlng se otn. Ask your dealer. THE QUANTITY 15 LIMITED DON'T DELAY-OET YOURS TO-DAY THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOMIANVMLE, TRURSDAY, NOVZMBER 22, 1934 PAGE THBEE ro BIG CHRISTMAS Look oier this Iist and re- member it's only a fraction of the gifts we've assembled for the ladies e lr on your list. Any one of them wll *W~ e er add to their chic. and to ygur good- standing. A marvelous selec- tion of Costume Jewelry - Neckiaces > ~Bracelets, Claspe', Bf ags Brooches, e tc. - SA grand collection for NightZ5Ct$10 and Day - S2.95. G loves Fne kid. and sudes, to Hosiery make fine gif ts - $1.95. Beautlfuiiy sheer hose in tbree price ranges. Most j4 acceptable for glfts. In Ser- vice, Chiffon, and Crepe. Novelties Priced 79t, 89c and $1 pair. M SPyjama Bags, Sat- chel Bags, PerfumeM Bottles, Ribbon No-M veliles - AU mod- HandicercliieFs M Hand made of exqulslte inen. In boxes or single. Boxes of 3 at 25c t. $1.00; Single, 5c to 35c.M àM I Walker Stores, Ltd.i SPHONE 164 BOWMANVILLE

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