'11E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1934PAEH U $Igood thing fromn God. Hearxng that ______________________________ interesting talk, the Individual was > so much for granted, trees and >A U Mr.AGeorge Care Kasbe v sit ludde ng ior the thing taeen M"s Birdie Fallis, Oshawa, THiA A IAsA Mr. Ge orgeCterhso. VSV fields, friendship, homes and loved home ai present. T E C N D A Mrs Jon ordr isiedfrind ons.One fl htoesgifts, hw r.Mri onjywsrcn A nnouncemnent nnge'orry home, and perhaps bea wel 1 Misa.orlerGalbas rcnt, 0F COMER( TheJeelr bsinss no oertedby3. . oor, erparents at Pontypool. of people travelling into the forth Miss Gladys Cobbledick spent the The ewery usiess lOWoPeate by . R MoreMiss Eva Graham has obtained where more moisture fals, and land weekend with her parents at Kirby. Anuc gwbo leaves next week frPtHoe abena position in Bowmanville. 1 at present is more fertile. The even- Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Holmes were Anuc forPor Hoe, as eenMr. and Mrs. Thos. Smith visited in meeting was one f worshiP, led Sunday guests at Mr. George Fow- that they bave made an arrangemnt it taken over by ai Toronto and Newmaîket. yOieVnaPadwthDrsl'. A K I~vsiinM riends Inthe vlge. erii Marlow gîving a reading beaîing onl Mr. and Mrs. C. Larmer and Miss vistig riedsinthevilae. the spirit of giving. The program, Edna Larmer spent Sunday Tt Mr.r Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Carley were in charge of H-eîb Swain, included Walton Laîmeî's. a i u 1~guests of Mi. Andrew Poweîs'. a duet by Mrs. Clarence Marlow and Mr. Alfred Thornet and Mr. Har- T E R YL & JAE - MR Miss Marion Stinson, Oshawa, Harold Swain, accompanied ai the vey Mahaffy spent Sunday ai Mr. whowi oen orbuines n isuted Mr and Mrs. R. Stinson. 1piano by Frances Mountjoy; and an Everard 9anderEon'and spent Sunday at M. S. LoSai, ntuena'yMrsodn iog Mr. and Mis. Chas Graham 0FandA i P\kINA J aMr. and Mrs. John Rahm were childien were Sunday guests of Mr. M O D Yguests of Mrs. E. Hale. Toronto. adMrs. Larm. Hyland. DE E BE r Mis. Robi. Mahood and Mr Oliver NESTLETON M.Ormna Hyland, Miss Della Whereby that Bank will transfer ti eoi Mr. Mar iIs an exetwthaeSmith visiteci friends in Toronto. *. Lathangue, Miss Elva White and fri- eerwacu a nsd wili be Miss Dorothy McBrien, Toronto, ends visited friends in Oshawa.buieso hrBwmn leci pieased to bave you give him a trial. He wiul carry visited Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy Miss lIent Hyland, Toronto, has bsns fterBw avlecsoest a diversified stock of high class merchandse, in- Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Graham and and Mrs. Chas. McGill speni Sun- returned te, the ciiy afier visiing them on ciuding many special items for the Christmas traie. Alma visited ai Mr. Rupert Byer's. day ai Mr. Walter Neil's, Bethany. Iher parents, Mr. and Mrg. Thos. Hy- Miss Jean Wright was guesi of Mr. and Mis. Chas. McLaughlin, 1 land. WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR OPENING SPECIALJ Misses Mary and Kay Beck, Toronto. misses Pamella andi E]ltanor Mc'- Misses Sarah McLellan, Ada Fail- D C M E sM Mis. Henry Mountjoy has practic- Laughlin and Maister Frank Mc- is, Vivian Johnston. Toronto, AliceDE M B R it,1 3 aily recovered f rom her recent faîl. Laughlin, Toronto, were Sunday Johnston, and Messrs Harry John- Miss Marjorie Marlow, Toronto, guests at Mr. Harry McLaughlin's. ston, Edgar McKee and Gordon From that date The Canadian Bank fcom ec wswith her mother, Mrs. G. Mar- Rev. and Mis. H. J. Bell were Brown were guesis of Mr. and Mis. will conduct the joint business in teofc low. guests of Rev. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Walton Larmer. Jam es M arr, Jew eler rise ey nls i iM. pares, on Roda. McIlA play entitled "Tell the Judge" formerly occupied by The Roa Phn 6 Bwavll i.paetMi. and Mis. J. Armstrong People in Cadanus Church, Thuisday Bank of Canada. Mrs. Stanford Swain visiied Rev. ai Burnt River. evening. December 6th, under the and Mrs. Milton Sanderson in Toi- Mr. and Mis. Byron Hylana, Jan- auspices of the W. A. Admission:_____________ onto. etville, weîe Sunday guesis of Mi. Adulis 25c, children 10c. Mi. and Mis. Wallace Maîlow and and Mrs. F. Hyland. Woîship peîiod ai League on ________________________________________ family visited ai Mr. Rud. Heaslip's I Miss Mae Lamb, Enxuskillen, Mis. Thuisday nighi was taken by Mi. The Canadian Bank of Commerc tk Toronto. 'IJohn Hooey, Mi. and Mis. Herman Herb Galbraith. Bile Study wais Seveal rom hiscommnit ai Sameils weie Sunday guests of Mi. given by Rev. H. J. Bell and Missthso otuiy fetedn awar tended the Royal Winter Pair in and Mis. Cecil Wilson. Birdie Gibson gave a ieading. Miss Toronto. Mr. and Mis. Albert H-easlip, Mi. Gladys Cobbledick played an instiu- and cordial welcome to ail theircut - Mi. and Mrs. John Toms were and Mis. Bob Wright and son John, mental. Topic was given by Miss ers and friends and assure them ta ;.PlSunday guests of Mi. and Mis. C. IJanetville, vliied at Mr. Merwin Norma McQuade. Graham. i MountJoy"'s. W-they will do their utmost to givete Mr. and Mis. Claude Hilîman, 1Mis. j. Malcolm and Miss Eunice Toronto. were Sunday guests ai Mi. Malcolm, Port Perry, vislted ai Mr. Milleî's Worm. Powders attack Lbe best of banking service. Thos. Venning's. Leonard Joblln's. woizns in the stomach and intestines Executive of the League, Oshawa Messrs Stanley Malcolm, Lawrence ai once, and no worm, can corne in Presbyterial. met ai the Parsonage and Neil Malcolm. and John Taylor contact wiih them and live. TheyA . H LE on Tuesday evening. atiended the Hockey match ai Toi- also correct the unhealihy coni- A ..W A Mis. V. Archer attended the Wo- onto Maple Leaf Gardens on Sat- tions in the digestive organs thai in- Bowmanvill men's Institute Convention ai the urday nlghi. vite and encourage woîms, setting Mngr Royal York, Toronto. Mis. George Johnston visited Miss UP reactions that are mosi benefic- BUY IT AT "BIG 2011 Mis. Wm. Cîawford and son Hai- Jenny Gordon. ial to the growth of the child. They old. weîe guesis of Mr. and Mis. Mis. Albet. Beacock visiied re- have attested their power in hun- Grant Campbell, Toronto. latives in Toronto. dreds of cases and ai all imes are Mis. John Jackson and Mi. Chas. Mis. Percy Edgerton recently vis- thoroughly tiustwoiihy. . a e S g e tStaback, Port Peîry. weîe Sunday ited fiiends in Lindsay. w_____________ _________________________ /Ila y V ie S ggestguesis of Mi. and Mis. Grant Jack-. Mi. and Mis. George MarloW pn GREETING CARDS - that ait decidedly different, including son. , Sunday ai Mi. Ted Marlow's. Colored Canadian Views, seenes of Old England, and at- Mi. and Mis. Luther Mounijoy, Mi. Arnold Johnston was a guest tractive Animai Series. Priced from 2 for 5c te, 25e each. Miss Frances Mountjoy and Mi. ai Mi. M. Emeison's on Sunday. Wonerfl vlue i boed ssotmet.Harold Swain visited friends in Toi- Mi. and Mis. Harold Nesbiti vis- CAL ndeRu v akues pri a ad ever apented g1t. onto. ited relatives ln Toronto on Sunday. -, ,, . CALEDAR - airepraticl ad evr apreiate gits.SeMi., and Mis. Richard Hooper and Mis. E. Naylor, Miss Marlon and Our fine assortment. son Ronald, and Giace, weie Sunday Master John Taylor were SundayÈ WE INVITE YOU ALL - to visit oui store and set for yourseif guests 0f Mi. and Mis. J. W. Brad- guests ai Mi. Norman Tayloi's. - oui display of Christmas merchandise - Games, Toys, burn. Mis. Foster Ferguson was in Toi- Books, Pictures, Chin , Glass, Handkercblefs, Lintus, Mi. and Mis. Donald McArthur onto aitending the Womnen's Insti- Ntcklaces, Christmas Wrappings and Decorations. and. Mis Neil McArthur, Gieenbank, tute Convention in the Royal York. We specialize in prizes for Sunday Sebool presentations. were guesis of Dr. and Mis. J. A. Mis. Robt Dlckey, Mrs. S. Mc- McArthur. Laughlin, and Mis. H. McLaughlin Mi. and Mis. WIlI Mounijoy, Col- wtit guesis of Mis. Robi Hamilton. J. W J . 1umbus and Miss Fein Clements. fNest.leton Leagut membeis wtitR I B Je W . ew ellNorwood. were guesis ai Mi. Russel guesis of Janeivilît League on Mon- DOOS &STAIONRVMountjoy's. day nighi and of ethel Leagut on BOOK & SATIOERYMis. Jabez Wright has reiurned Wednesday night. PAINTS & WALLPAPER fîom. a visit with her sistei, Mis. Tht bale packed by the Ladies' CHINA &GLASS Wells ai Detroit, and with Rev. and Aid of tht Presbyterlan church thls "Big 20" Bowmanville Mis. F. W. Newell, ai Hasings. weelc was valued at $43.00 and has Mis. Oakley Carley's group will be 1,een sent to Regina, Sask. Sin charge of tht Womtn's, histitute Miss Jean Malcolm was the foi- J 3~j~uoeeoeeoe NoeewwawI ai tht December meeting on Wed- tunate winner of tht Silver Trophy _____________ ______________________nesday. Roll call will be answered for obiainlng the highesi number of by articles for tht bale.ponsaCrtigtShlFi. * ~~~~~~~~~M. and Mis. Mervin Graham, Mir onsa.Crwih Sho ar and Mrs. Clarence Graham, Mis. Mr. and Mis. Wllfutd Williams, ~'5L5,4ÇZI4LÇ,4L Thompson and daughiei, weîe guests Mrs. Chas. Wiliams, Miss Leona of Mr. and Mis. Oscar Graham ai Williams and Ralph Sadîti, Bow- dine n atrayevnng mnilewreSudyaiitr at P rterhouse or W Ing a.a lb17 Cros Worda Puzzleg thOebr r Wn ael Cros W or Puz le0f St. John's church choir heîd thei On Thuisday evening an accident practice st tht Reciouy, and were occurîed north of South Nesileton, ROAST li later entertained by Rev. and Mis. whtn tht car driven by Mr. Leslie SL ONor STEAK ~2 7 ~Di. and Mis. C. E. Whittaker, and Mis. Reid Dickey and their baby FRESH YOUING ROASTING r"'1 Bowmanville. visitesi fiends here on; Were rldlng north. Mis. Dlckey and Sunday. when Dr. Whittakei deliv- daughter were thuown oui and frii4eued an inteiesting sermon in St. slighily lnjuued, while the buggy was r ' 10 I 1.John's Chuuch ai tht momning ser- badly damaged. P O IR K _ ,00 vice. At Young Peoples Mi. Wllfred Congratulations to, Mr. and Mis. Williams gave the Bible reading andIb 14 16Roy Leask, Seagrave, on tht biith of Mi. Stiggiti tht Bible study. Topic HUI ER adaughter, Monday, November 19. was given by Miss Florence Faflis.S HJD ESl.2 Mis. Leask. (net Xathleen Phoenix) Progiam included: dut by Misses 16 ? 17 was a former Blackstock school Nora and Doioihy Poritous. îtading -teacher. by Mis. R. W. Maîlow, musical se- u ti ' - 1g O RMIb 20 a ~~~~Mi. Wm. Van Camp enteutained lecion by Mu. Jack Hammant, and a t sl. 1 . o n b 2 20 a number of frlends 10 a siag pariy solo by Miss Marlon Taylor. PEAMEALED on Friday nlght whtn goost was ser- On Tuesday evenlng Group 2 of 21 - - - vtd, and tuchre enjoyed. Those pie- tht Ladies' Aid tntertalned In theIb sent includtd Messrs W., A. VanCamp basemeni of tht church. Tht pro- C Hairy VanCamp, A. L. Bailey, F. F. gram lncluded a mock mariage I C TTA G IE ]ROLISlb 17 -26- - Willan, Osmond Wright and T. wich Helen Kincaid played the part FRESBLY CBOPPED OU OWN A & P 26 7,' Smith. of tht bride, Douoihy Brown, thte- M ac m a Rev. C. C. Harcourt, accompanltd groom: and Norma Hooey, tht min- fl i e u t2ibn.2 o1 i c m a 2 1 by tht chuîch waidens, and Mi. P. ister. Other Items were: an Instru- 28 31 Hamilton, attended a special meet- mental by Evelyn Sanderson, a read- FNYSLEBEH ing of tht Synod of tht Diocese of Ing "The Courtin" by Merle Thomp- FNYSLEBIB - - - -Toronto, on Nov. 201h, when Rev. son; a duet "Whtn Reuben Comes to STEAKS e, the b W E 2 ~ 34 lArchdeacon Beveuly of Barrie was 1Town" Arthuri Stapton and Hary & f« P V L. a7 -V-ec 04 il 82-state of being ailve nedynl.Basng hiUs -talk" on o!f tht -groom. Tht besi man was BLACK OR BROWN 84-A place of'low resoi summer expeiences which he had Mi. Orme Falls, brother of the bride. -YNR-RE LAE Sb-Agent (abbr.> ln tht dried-out areas of tht west- Mr. and Mus. Hallowell left for a Suiw tpOE>j Tins j C &A Raapberr or 32os 86-A Boft PîUgf eun provinces. Mi. Smyth sald ihai short motor trip, and on their Te- N ugget Stwwhery sa. _ 88--! ner he anagmen (gbr.tht west was a land o! gîet hopes, iurn wll live in Siaikvllt. AI'LMER-CHOICE QUALITY Wtabrr a 11i--nder theY maaemnt.) br and gîet dlsappointmets. Tht _____N2 CHRISTIE'S '40- floyalndvV<abr. spirit of tht people was maiveilous, Squat O~'5 .6 U 40 surrendered ad ltss complalnlg was heard dur- Has youu litile boy or girl witten WW W 5U U V B? pig 10 1-LfiSl~ (bb.>ing his summer vacation ln ihat to Santa Claus yei? Do it now. DON5jL urmdistrict ihan in Ontario ln hal! a SOUTH1 AFRICAN-VALENCIA EXTRA FANCy jEEI day. Llstenlng io tht accounit o! 1-Chaste if you have s lauge button to ïe onD whai oui fellow-Canadians are suf-LMN SO a g sAL E 2-- fuerl sng esmatnst ue asmletbution og the- fering fom. bs of food for both hu- Repairs LMN r n qwwmAP --A u nri nu (ada. àq tie to keep the mslcal fnm "~*m a nsg and anim als, caused by in- M . FA W SO N 4-Aiminu oabui arouthe butai. tense lita and dry w ather, the au- Bout nd Sho. Repasiung &- Aerser net dience wta:s: cosine-tik We Solesstwn on by Goodyear Stitching o .1 .D z.2 s 7 guliy ofsix when we complain in Ring Street East - Dowmaaville a province that Is blessed wlth every Opposite Garton's Bus Station