THE CANADIAN STATE.SMAN. BOWMANVILE. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1934 MINISTERS REQUEST FINAL REPORT 0F1 CHURCH ACTIVITIESI PUBLIC SUPPORT IN POPPY TAG DAY POE~Christmas Shopping Centr WEEK 0F PRAYER SHOWS BIG SUCCESS SPHONE Msson9a2 I ~~Monday afternoofl the SparlingI %f) ~~on Har Cif dJsmetMission Band held its meeting inI QUALITY M PIIES Speclal Srie nJnay-Bible 1Luoffler - Plansto Enutet nit nited Church school roomr,l e r g r s P IE Sudy eces In Ja-ury -.R. fce lnst ntra the Program opening wth quiet SERVICE Spncer , -Dec. t - Bsey.C.R.Ladies and Workers music, Holy, Hioly, Holy. Murray Spencer ~~The expectations of the POPPY which was responded to by the Band r GIFTS FOR LADIESC RST A C RDGFT FO ME At the request of the Ministerlal Fund Commttee of the local Can- followed by prayer by Mrs. Smale. SPECIAL ASSORTMENTS ROLLS RAZOR - 69 Association at St. Paul's Manse on adian Leglon were fair exceeded Mfter a hymn was sung, George Ro- YARDLEY 10 cards 25e - 12 cards 39e Monday afternoofl, Rev. C. R. Spen- when complete returns of the Tagbet read Psalm 100; after the of- 1 ad 0 cer, president, was requested to make Day were completed on Monday. fering and offertory hymn, Mrs. LVNE known through the pres, the desire President W. F. Ward released the Smale told the story of a Lesson EF? of the association, that the citizens followlng figures: that Jesus taught, and Mrs. B. E. INDIVIUAL CARDS of Bowmanville arrange their social Receipts Ingham gave the story of Sugandi1 40e - 75e - $1.10 engagements for the week of Jan- Bowinanville .$15370 the Herd Boy. Hymn and the bene- W,, e Hole a 2 for 5c - 5c - 10e C hristm as uary 7th to lith, 1935, so that the Newcastle.........21.35 diction closed the meeting. son 16 Ssupport o the whole community in Klrby, Kendal & Starkville .2.72 St. Paul's Evenlng Auxiliary Xmas Stationery F low ers its eeko!f rayer services. The Sale of Wreaths .... ...63.88 F .V / r hedule of servces are: Private Donations il -..1100 Regular -meeting of the Evenlng YARDLEY We bave a complete lne of Chisnis lwe Geeina Monday, January 7th, at St. Paul's Donation f rom Women's Auxiliary of St. Paul's United church GIFT SETS boxed Stationery ever bro't Chita lwrGetns Church, Rev. C. R. Speýncer, speak- Auxiliary o! Leglon . 25.00 was held al the home of the Misses 85e $ 1.65 $ 3.25 - $5.00 tei BowmDU.fllI. N'ovelty cnb eiee nwee e.Percy, Silver St., on Monday even-$60-100 boxes Include music bores, Tuesday, Jawany basketst. Ae-ar.50h$10.00COLGATE MEN'SSE in North America, Great Tedy aur ta t Total Receipts $ 308.50) ing with a splendid attendance. The eitbst, dachts drew's Church, Adjutant McCulloch, meigoee ihteuulD-Pnsad 13 au Britain and European cout- speaker. IDsbursexnents meting peneod lTh ct euaDe- pe 2send te30$ale.00 tries. Orders for~ G r e a t Wednesday, January 9th, at St. For Poppies ......$48.85 vin a en ro the crltre rad- FRENCto $5,00 Britain recelved here before John's Church, Rev. E. F. Arm- Local Expense . . 4.00 ter of îsalah, also a most lnteresting C't-$.0yARDLYE N'R S ST Deceber10t ca li mal- trog, peaer.Total Dlsbursements. $52,85 readlng taken f rom the book en- SpecilUy foxci-50$1.35 -56.00-$26 ed ad cale ost ave. tiledaOurHereage2rea55ymiss - - . -PEARLTONE SETS edadcbecs ae.Thursday, January lOth "Or Hrat theea byBrUsh, Comb and Mirror salvation Army Hall, Rev. W. G. Net Receipts.$.56 Hutchinson. Interesitng minutes FINAUD COMPACTS $4.99 - $16.20 An ueal Glft for By Blake, speaker. This report was presented in de- were read by the secretary Miss E ige$.0-Dul 30 Friday, January i lth, at Trinity tafi at the meeting o! the Canadian welandth raue' report HMBI C rs m sChurch, Rev. A. S. Kerr, speaker. Leglon in st. John's Parish Hall on by Miss Helen Carruthers. It was un- Triple $4.00 RONSON LIGHTERS MODEL KiT iLArrangements were also completed Friday night, when Capt. A. A. Rob- animously decided that two gentie- fo he annual Suflday School RallY inson, Chie! Adjustmnent Off icer 0f en f rom the Board o! Managers Other Compacts-OC te 53.00 $3.50 - $4.00 - $5.00 - $7.50 Aeroplanes, OceanLnf, W e t s service in the Opera House on Jan- Toronto was the guest speaker. CaPt. sould take the responslbility re- ___________- UNITED CIGAR STORE-15e - 25e 50e - 51.0 A ag sotetmi n uary st, when the Bey. C. R. Spn- Robinson revlewed the work o! the garding the worthy cause o! the15-2e-Sc cerrg will gi mdeInve the address. Bureau and approved o! the changes Bible Socety. Miss Allen gave a very CUTEX SETS AGENCYHoro!cstuie our wn s op n w on dis-35e 53e00 1.54 $.7 o ac i s ne fX Cigart s , o r f c n t playat awid ~geof F coiction wth the Bible Soc- made in pensions legisiatioli and ad1- lnterestlng synopsis of the first 35T 5 12 17 oplete nd fX Cigars, enJoyment. Plyl ierneo ety o! Bowmanville a Bible Sunday ministration made by the Gover- chapter o! the new Study Bok. De--__$3.00_____4.50__ pce.will eobsre nSnaDc ment li 1933, whlch ellmlnated pen- lîclous refreshments were served and____________ ebeth when speclal reference sions tribunals and made the whole the usual haîf hour noe.Seil TI OPNWRH5.7 Cuo wll be made ta the work o! this business less formai, thus doing a-' DERNY'S 3 SECRETS $.5PNadPN I E W .E Grov s wordwide organiation. Following wa ithte embarssment tht ap-j Hampton>1 Circuit therhood i t&- Ssote $PA00E $2.25BE NT andI <j'T EN dronSbT the town wll be made in the soc- Robinson discussed a number o! Io- Board o! Hamptoni United Church a VacumPeh$.7 Couponnurni KINGSWAY iety's behaîf, when it is hoped cit- cal applications. Brotherhoad organization for the PAGE & SHAW CANDIES Pencil te match-SOc Fly Guaraflteed FLOWER SHOP izens wîfl make a generous resPanse Arrangements were made for the circuit was organized ta functiorinV to aid in the great work of the program for the annual Ladies Nlght for the winter months, there ta be 25e te 55.00 Toa .....$.5 It BOWMA4NVILL Socety. when the wives or sweethearts O! two meetings at each appointmfent _ P. O. BOX 163 phone 72 The election o! o! ficers was held the members. together with members and the first to be at Eldad on Wed- al hismeeingandRev C.R. Spen- o! the Legion Auxillary, and those nesclay nlght, Dec. l2th, at 8 o'clock cer was re-elected President o! the whoa aded in the Poppy Fund Tag when Dr. R. Lorne McTavish o! ' ?SEILP IE Mi istra Association and Rev. E. Day will be guests. A f ine musical King St. Unted Church, Oshawa, -rhere leno need for people ta _________- F. nisteran~ ~ ayte51'r treat is in store for that meeting wlll address the men. Ail Young cal you sknny or flt.ChestOd. THURS. - FR!. - SAT. Bowanile erhatsca sP Amtreonclusion o! the meeting. and refreshments will be served. men and oIder men are lnvlted. A Give horaxum a trial ad prove S. Kerr e ch n s ca up t h c n l so tervd etiong Il will be o! general interest to good m usical programn will be pro- rof Antifree e Alcohol, ply your every Christmas need. Give Mrs. A. S ersre feno those who supported the Poppy Fund vided and lunch Wnl be served. thus yo garmelfur... 9egl.F them afi ril e.ta know the members o! the commit- Newly elected off icers are: President ThoralUmla a uarSatep ur ......72r9 c gaI. tee who wlll control the fund this -Tracy Glaspeîl; Vice Presidents- flOmea t LurenhSa........ 2 fr 9 year are L. A. Parker, Rev. C. R. B. G. Stevens, Gea. Barron and A. wo'ks w h 110 7 cakes 25e Spencer__ _andA.__J._____ ___T .___ ________ __H ampton_______ ______ Iyou are lop- Sc Pinex ................ 34e Canadian Leglon Band is planning Harold Salter Wmn. White and Hil- ng. Thoraxlum FOR........... 7 two concerts in the nieur future. The ton Peters; Eldad-C. A. Blanchard, wili give you Ztx ......... 7 first wilU be on Sunday nlght next Alan McKessock and H. E. Tik;ttoae c ur vOe Hospital Cotton, 1 lb. 9e after Church services, when Band- Zion-l. Ayre, Garnet Beckel ,J. wh10h ae2eKenx... ... 5 master R. Fountain is to provide a W. Balson, Sec.-Treas.-A. L. Pas- { wnte toare 2CdLer nex ...........19e cornet solo. This concert Win com- coe; Executlve-Presldernt, Vice Pres- *'hrxu can W.IRRLL R Tmence al 8.15 p. m. Another concert Idents and Secretary-Treasurer. be ued Onan 50e Tooth Brush.... 29e ~ W ORLOtca I M .i I t he draw o! the Christmas Bene- Trlnity Y. P. Spartody. yor $1 Hot arter oe 9eMn at 10a. tor -- ---- ** ~ vole ceo! the Legion will be staged, There was a good attendance atl lody.Fohol urate neya onas10a .- .m ____ys chickens and ducks. lTiiyY .S nMna vnn can ek wheii Miss Dorothy Hoar's group eh0eat, arma IN UEFUL XMlAS GIFT ASPIRATrION a charge. Afrer the business per- and loe. Re- L X M G E O . r g I AUSicd, Miss Alice Purdy took the chair B uta guara. L X M G E O 1 <From Christian Science Monitor) for the followlng program. the topic teed Or .money PHN 92PE RI N A8 CIL W ~~~~1' ~~~~~~~~At many aviation filelds through- o! which was H-yflhls and Hymn - iack.HOE9PESRTI SA PCLY WEDU E out the country one may sec large Wrilers: Hymn, "Where Cross the )0 0 G iale dslgns on whlch appear the words, Crawded Ways o! Life"; prayer by 0 c"Learn to Fly." The fact that ma- Miss olive Broaklng; Scripture_______ chines have been lnvented, and are readlnig, Miss Florence Ives; salo, S H O E Sin dally operatian, which overcome Miss Helen Argue, ,Dear Lord and the Influence o! gravitation sut! ic- FSther o! Manklnd"; reading, Miss In less than a year 300,000 men, wOlnlCl nd ently to enable them ta soa.r above AilePurdy; piann, olordAdes U T E ETR chi progress. Such overcoming o! mat- Ballet", Miss EvlYn Oke. The foliFAP-ITONH A T E D M O E YC A C United States changed ta the... criai limitation is symbolle o! a iowing taak part in the tapic "The COME FROM WEST OPR NS VE TH T hlgher state o! thlnkiln, by which H-ynins af Social Religion": Histor- ~ ml u~ PL ~ e ~ .manklnd is lftcd, abave mortalitY, ical Backgrounid-Mss Marlon Wa- F'urtlier wards o! appreclation o! Good health cannot be taken for granted may moretaa ir ~J 7 ~ abve matter In>tere l , f !Joy- gar, B. A.; Dr. North-Miss Lorraine th ars of prod uc sent ta the iucome eau. Ba for persons over thirty it la bat as smatad Mankind seenis earth bound, mor- er; Kingsley-MissMrgrt i ln et adressted In U . ic lolgnasUetipaptiejygodhat sitl dnteejyago Unquestionably there tally and physlcaliy. But the Bible strong. Miss Marlon Wagar s lettes' addrlessechtaMrs.OP Richad, r a Lt~ smc atro omnsne was a eedfor a bette" is filed wth eamples o! the God.- the hymn "When Wilt Thou Bave Bowniboia. Sask., Nov. 15, 1934 in heaitli, 70ur eborteomip are, at UtIkeIl e etba neprd hs togte oson __o Atra igamioying, not-exaetly-well feelings. At sueh timu, if yu lc extet, ad rsenabov maeriahis sag and ;verSa ae& hu plydDear Ms.Rckrd-were tested, t would mont likely b. fouud 'low luint". M. W. Loceke shoc, the mtanto, arnd a ov are av thi th meti gas bght toaYoed Your namle bas been handed ta means a shortage of red corpuseles sud the. corpuscleseuse mitation, and hadsoared above thethe Meigwsbogtt ls.tewrlter ta reply ta ini connection short of haemoglobin. Make OP this double shortage, dyul ONLY one designed and bandage o! the !lesh inta the realm Several new members were added ta wth the carload a! vegetables and corne un ta normai bealth again. Negleet it sud serlosiut aproved by Dr. Locke, o! Spirit. Joseph, Maoes, the proph- the roll. futrcnl nodda hspit "fe aiets, anid, above ail, Christ Jesus turn- - These goods were dilstrlbuted to Observing, la his praetice. the Importance of Ieplng hi îai je the resut of his experience with thousande of seTiuts cd their own thoughts and those o!fT h ur unfort.unate people, by aur local Of the biood up te normai, a Canadian autbority originedabo- of oottrobl. Wo culabebeter uaifid t oter awy fommaterlal thlnk- S itCase T a he voluntary Relief committee, whlch building preparation whieh bas beop helplng run-downpoiebc Cam8 afaou phsiia we ngan povd hatmaikndgansconsista o! men and wamen from the ta beaitb for nearly bal! a century. Th preparation,nokow dsg he h ti r dominion over matter un proportion rural districts, and aur local town tue world over as D. Willilams' Pink Pilla,.definitelyinr L s u kin o fotwar a maeralthnkig s limnaed bStdyicn n he maritf e, therei tnin ruptueoles bssathe resuits of the wrougkidofoteasmtratln.ngxeimntd (Amherstburg Echo) fokwba bave lista a!f the numbel?) Jus a ac wa esre talernta Are there to many suit-case tea- o! people I ahfmiadu 5te. So te pron over thlrty who find god bealth sipnl sto Mfl5Pbe an aviatar must take many les- chers un the rural district? That is divided according ta their fleeds. well advlsed to take at ieast a 80À-day treatment of tuaeceo sostad rivni a lft bis ogh abo the question that bas arisen in rmanY And needîies ta state, that they p- remedy. The element of chance bas been prctlcallY elimntdi * * material o i ft hibas many lessons rural comniunitlcs since the advcnt preclate these donations very higlY, scb a treatment, because testa reently made by an autrtyua 1 lealitycas mfor dermnatno!o the motr car era. Teachers in the as there was nothing grown lu clinle o!f40 pie, proved corclualveiy by individuel biod"cut We-SelI Rubbers to FitsscouM.gW.tLofakenSho01 son as the Cdock strikes f Our on klnd. between the grasshappers and ercui h io.Pl iebx5e We-SIl ubbrs t Fi M.W. ocktihllaprplesndlatcuraigeol utacdas Friday atternoofi, and they are neyer the dry and bot weather, nothing G masere, he ndvidua usredy orseen a gain until MondaY marning. could mature. ast e next ep. Griduali ay or A nd there are some W o have their We understand tram reports that 4~ 13 R I- ()h( attractio ecomes less andtouht own cars wba do not even stayIn there bas been several hundired car- tracion m ore atraly abve andterlaite cho section over night but, laads o! fruit and vegetables shipPed Persla.n faim Is unrivaUed for cvcry dainty won.Coadre LJ bandage meInt rtal daomaiio like the fontks in the sang, came a! ter west this fanl* and we otten Wonder prormoting teminine lovelines. Tones frcshlng. Deiicatel rgan.Mg -~Tis highcr, bolier think.lng brings to breakfast, bring aiang their lunch al the kndnees o! the people dowIi andi rejuvenates the skUn. Makies it ical lu result. Nyr ebe SH E S OR E mankind bettr hath mr ad- and leave for suppertime. e ha ast ta be able ta do work a! this exuisteîy sofb-textured. M akecs ige of sticklncss.Prun aml N KING STREW i ~~~~~~a greater Tetahr a otn ha aue sw nwt rops of ds f lawlessiy white. Especlally the ane tollet reste oh o doA BOKegraec a! haf ppesaan(rsciy they are only pald for the school thîs nature are what the maJorltY recommended ta soathe and relieve Man wha caris frcbr1ndce degre o hapinss nd roseriY.boure and the rest o! the tîmne us o! the eastern folis depcnd on for rougiiness or cbaftng caused by wea- gance. ____________ their own; that there is no reason their livcllhood, and this being their ther conditions. Indispensable t sectioný . 1Eenpret po nfdes urtththa ere othedam- FORTHEKIDIESWEEK-END SPECIAL Speelamaice hwyar i ie wnolc Ituruo s çubtu- FO~dRocHEks, coIES Nes, 36 dos.Cate osTournvr' ran rcswouid otten be taken up with dis- ple wha bave shared in the distribu- iatnC".s Bruicksh Idu iua ro ie i a ion a! the carload reccntly recelved,- nlard 1't, %Itovulr Sc ate ue m20Cram God Uteachers wthin bis Inspectorate. we wlsh ta express our thanks and (J g, d S'&.tnettS. M Nowathe3teachoresometime eau hum appreclatia r rght tram the battam W ed iesd y - Thurday - Decemb r5 n crotan i ms" n hephnetrough the wecke bto! aur hearts, ad as zmanya!te for the mioet part tb.y are Just suit-haeaiWehptatomda caeteachers, content ta put ln their w csan do somathiig for the folk& h faiso M Baker>? regular hurs'tacWg but shaklng downcat, that reniembered us liT eAfarnf eln LUNH BOM HON 97SOD the dust a! the achool section o!ft our present plight." Comeê - Cartoon - Noma LUNCHROM PONE 9 0 SOA FOU LINchool l let ut and not tinking inerl,Mu"wz" s4Pm again. Manager - Bec'y.-Tr1S