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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Nov 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOVRTHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1934 Christmas Is Almost Here. Are You Ready ? Select Your Gifts Now When the Assortment Is Large Pyralin Toilet Sets - 3 Shades 1 lVoodbury's Men's Set, Milady Pattern-3, 7, 10 or 12 4 pieces 98e piece.-__ __ Flahlihts ditan orf~Gillette Razor, 1 piece new auar t dsanteeor60e to 53.0 type with 10 blue blades-$4.00 Therniat Magic Heat Pad, Hot Water Bottles, new stock, Just add cold water. 97ec fully guaranteed, 59c, 98c, $1.49 Wahl 1Wýaterman1 Cutex Sets 4 Piece Pen and Pencil Pen adPencilb Palmolive Set Set nicely boxed Set $2.50 $3.75 135c to $4.501 89C We have a !iew supply of Eaton., Crane and Pike Stationery, modern design, high quality, low price 50e to $1.75 Rolis Razor -5.ý. 6.*95 Baby Set, 4 pieces , 5 1.50 Valet Autostrop Razor -$55.00 Ebony or Ivory Hair Brushes S 1.00 up Reduction in Rapid Flo Filter Disks 55e per 100 M ilk Strainer-Superlor Grid Extra Heavy Tin $2.90 Radiator Alcohol-tuUl strength, so that when dluted with an equal quantity of water wW stand 30' below zero-79c gal. Kerslake's Drug Store P. R. COWLING, Phm. B. Let Us Fit Your Eyes at Our New Lower Prime. J ONE WEEK ONLY LADIES' DRESSES DRY CLEANED - PRESSED - REFINISHED 75e Each IOshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning W. J. Bagneli, Agent. Phone 152 r V ~ If you want value, if yOU want choie, and if you want right price, you'll be interested in Couch, Johnston & Cryderman's fine stock of Christmas gift merchandise. Gifts for Mother, Sister, Wif e, Sweetheart Dressing Gowns.. . $2.98 Up Brassiere and Pantie Sets ..........$1.59 Up Silk Hosiery....... 49c Up Nighties......... $1.95 up Pyjamas, silk. .$1.95 up Gloves ............49c Up Kid Gloves....... $1.98 Up Purses............ 69c up Christmas Gifts Sweater Sets. .$1.59 up Wool or' Silk Bonnets. .45c Carriage Robes.. .$1.003 up Mitts................49c Blankets............. 8 Linens of aIl kinds. Blankets, Kenwood make ......... $5.5w3 up Table Runners, at various prices. Pillow Cases, pair ... Soc up Scores of other useful and novel gifts to choose from. ~,for Little People Silk Dresses, various prices. Bootees, silk.......... 39c French Lawn Bibs....25c Kimonas ..........98c Up S leepers .......... 95c up Hey! Fellows - t..i1ts to Please You Ties....... 5Oc, 75c, $1.00' Gloves, Socks, 39c, 50c, 75c, $1.00O $1, $1.95, $2.50, $2.75 $1.59 and $1.95 1 Scarfs ....... 98c to $2.75 Trouser Suspenders, Shirts....... $1.00 to $2.50 50Sc to 95c Blanket Cloth Wind- i Sweaters ........ $1.95 up breakers ...... $4.503 up Leather Coats . ..$10.50 up Bathrobes ....... $3.95 up S Pyjamas .... $1.59 to $2.95 Smoking Jackets. .$9.50 up Spats. ...$1 .00 and $1.95i1 Badminton Toggery. Couclu, Jolunston & Cryderman phone 104 LIMITED Bowmanville OBITUARYI Mrs. Lewis Lybe, Bowmnanvle. Mrs. Ellen Preston, widow of thse late Lewis Lyle of Bowmanville passeti away in Ross Memorial Hos- pital, Làndsay. on Thursday, Nov- ember 22nti after an illness of over thirteen months. Since the death of Mr. Lyle she bas made her homne with lier brother, Mr. R. J. Preston in Midianti spending parts of the summer with aId frientis here until she fell andi broke her arm. This with other ailments bas been thse cause of ber long confinement in the bospital. The remains were brougbt bere for burial the service beîng held in Morris Co. Parlors on Saturday af- ternoon. Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor o! Trinity United Church, giving a very comforting message f romi the words "No n'gbt there." Mrs. LYle was very highly respecteti here where she liveti for many years and where she was loved for her kindly disposition. The bearers were six nephews, Messrs. Roy, Bob, and Fred Preston. Geo. and John Lyle. anti W. J. Dudiley. Many beautiful flowers expresseti the sympathy of a number of relatives and frientis. Frientis fromn a distance were: Mr. R. J. Preston and son Roy, Midi- land; Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Hamilton; Misses Etith andi Bessie Scott, Osh- awa, and Mr. John Lyle, Mimico, ai- s0 many friends from Enniskillen andi town. Mrs. Fred Moore, Bowmanvilbe. On Thurstiay, Nov. 22nd there passed to rest at Bowmanville Hos- pital Gertrude Skinner, beloved wife of Mr. Fred Moore in her 47th year. Mrs. Moore was born in Darlington, being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Skinner. After her marriage ta Mr. Moore in 1921 se liveti near Bowmanvllle. The funeral service was beld f romn her late residence Lot 5, Concession, 2, Darlington, on Saturday, Nov. 24 and was condu.cted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of Trinity United United Cburch, Bowmanville, where deceaseti attentied. Rev. Mr. Armn- strong based his remarks, "Our life is like a vapor wbich appeareth for a littie wbile and passes away Il Thse two bymns used being favourites of deceased "Safe in the arms of Jesus- 1 and "Will your Anchor hold.11 jThe remains were laid to reat in Bethestia Cenietery. Thse bearers were Messs Fred Hoar, Fred Allin, Orville and Earl Osborne, Wrght- son and Melbourne Wight. She leaves to mourn her lossaa loving busband, her father andi mother, Mr. and Mrs. Skinner, one1 brother, Mr. Harold Skinner. Ty'- 1 rone, andi four sisters. Mrs. Georgel Scott. Oshawa; Miss Ethel Skinner, Toronto; Mrs. Normnan Woodley, Tyrone; Mrs. Lorne McCoy, Brook- 1 lin. Beautiful floral tributes brought their messages of love and sympathy and included wreath from busband: pillow from family; wreatbs f rom Mr. Sberwood Collacutt andi Mrs. Lorne Brunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Web- ber: Sprays f rom Myrtle, Margaret and Leon Moore, Mrs. Jabez Moore andi Arthur, Mr. and Mrs Wilbur Moore, Mr. anti Mrs. W. R. Williams and Mildred. Mr Fred andi Miss Florence Hoar, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Will- iams, Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Knox, Mrs. Jos. Wight, Mr. and Mrs. Tisos. Jackson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Osborne anti Mr. and Mrs. Or- ville Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Slemon, Trinity Young Ladies Bible class, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moore and a basket from Concession St. Group of Trinity W. A. Among the frientis present f rom a distance were: Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moore. Mrs. Lorne Brunt. Mr. and Mrs. Shermnan Osborne. Mr. and Mrs. Tbompson, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Skin- ner, Toronto; Mr. andi Mrs. Leo. Webber, Whitby: Mr. anti Mrs. Sher- wooti Collacutt, Mrs. Fred Thomp- son. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. T. R. James. Lindisay; Mr Charlie Osborne, Mr. Dan McPherson. Mariposa; Mr. Richard Osborne, Peterboro, and a large number of f rientis from sur- rounding district. CARD 0F THANKS Mr. Fred Moore and Mr. anti Mrs. Levi Skinner anti family wish to thank the Superintentient and staff of Bowmanville Hospitab and neigh- bors and frientis for the sympathy and kindness extended to themn dur- ing the illness and death of the wife, tiaugb-ter and sister, andi for the beautiful floral tributes. W. H. (Frank) Thomas, Bowmanville jA resitient of BowmanviUle for Inearly quartier of a century, William IHenry (Frank) Thomas passed away lin Bowmanvilîe Hospital late Sat- urtiay nigbt, afiter a lingering iii- ness. Mr. Thomas, wbo was well known here, was born in Oshawa 48 Years ago. anti was a son of Mr. anti Mrs. William Thsomas. He came to Bowmanviîle about 24 years ago anti bas resideti bere ever since. He was marrieti to Miss Eva Stacey who survives hlm, together with one daughter, Mrs. Archie Hubbell of WOshawa, anti one son, Edward at Ihome. The funeral service. wbich was largely attendeti, was helti from the home of bis sister-in-Iaw, Mrs. Wm. Cowle, Cburcb Street, on Tuesday, anti was conducted, by Rev. A. S. Kerr of St. Pauls Uniteti Church. The paîl bearers were Wm. Carswell, Harvey Corden. Frank Calver, Leo Mutton, Robt. Nich2bson anti Rich- ard Patterson, Many beautiful flor- al pieces expresseti sincere sYrnpatby rto the f anuly in their bereavement. They included those f rom Mr. anti Mrs. Aubrey Smith. Mr. anti Mrs. W. E. Groves. Mr. anti Mrs. Win. Hub- ell anti Si. Oshawa. Mr. anti Mrs. Oco. Barton anti family, Mr. anti Mrs. Orville Hooper, Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Lewis. Mr. anti Mrs. G. A. Eti- montistone, Mr. anti Mrs. Carl Gim- blett, Re-Echo Latige. Oshawa, Mr. anti Mrs. W. Cowle, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Stacey anti family, Mr. anti îMrs. Richard Patterson, Mr. anti Mrs. Robert Nicholson, and Mr. anti Mrs. E. Chesney o! Hamilton. In- terment was matie ln Bowmanville Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS The family of the Jate Mr. Frankt Thomas wish to tbank their mnany frientis, also the staff of tbe Bow- manville Hospital. for their kinti- ness during Mr. Thomas' ilîness anti deatis. Buy This SOME HINTS FOR jCORRESPONDENTS IN jWRITING NEWS ITEMS SToo Many Superfbuous Words lin- cbuded in Storles - Don't Write Expected Facta (erom Fergus News-Record) A great many reports of meetings appear in eacb issue of The States- man, anti as we looketi over tisose submitteti lest week, we thought it R% migbt be well to say something a- 4wscUIS bout tbem. The reports are usually serrn in by saine member of t.he society, institute ar club, or whatever THE QUANTII tbe organization may be, anti that person tioes a great deal of work anti often receives very little thaniks DO N 'T D ELAY - 61 fom tbe other members, wbo do nlot realise wbat a task 1V is. Yet tis work keeps the arganizatian in tise eye of the public, helps te encourage able only to peaple o! that denom-1 Iithose wbo have taken part in the Ination, not to readmers generalîy.1 iIprograms, and keepa up tise lnterest Even those who bave tbem are noV anti the attentiance. From our vîew- going to bunt out their books to point, these contributors also do a finti out whether the young people gooti work, for it would be physically sang, "Now the Day is Endeti.," or impossible to get reports o! al j "Onwarti, Christian Soltiler." Tbe meetings, witbout alici aid from remedy is obvious. If the bynin was some faithful member. Io! no particular aignificance, it may There's no tioubt some o! these bie le! t out o! the accounit, or ment- reports are more interestîng tisan loneti merely as "a hymn.' If it hati others. IV coulti hardby be otherwise, an important bearing on the rest since some people bave a natural gi!t o! the program. tiough that is pro- for knowlng what's interesting and bably rare), it aboulti be mentioneti some have hati more training inbnan.RfrceteBleexs eatishtnote k' ews, we Vougtas anti partlcularly the Psalms, are dif- readtheweeks nwswe tougt aferent. The chapter anti verse may few bints mlght be passeti on. A !ew be mentioneti. Some very well reati o! them are taken from the rulea persons may recognize tbem. anti which every reporter on a large daily others interesteti probably bave ac- paper muet learn wben be begins bIS cess to, a Bible. work; the otisers are gathereti !rom PInall-and thîs la probably more our awn experlence, We give only a important-there are some littIe few o! the more obvious bints; there words which are erribly overworked are many others which the profess- In this neigbborhood, anti probably lonal reporter must know. but tise eîsewhere as well. Tisose wbich stand professional, wba goes by rule alone, out partîcuîarîy are "tIien" anti tioes not always turn out the moat "very." The number of tben's anti interesting reatiing matter. very'a which are droppeti out o! re- Flrst of alb, to pick tbe' moat in ports in a montb would reacb from teresting feature o! a meeting-often here to the post office, if placeti enti an atitres-anti give it some prom- teV endi. Nearly very writer seenis to inence. Don't bother saying that be more or les a adictedte t them. It "Tise President iireaitieti. That's !s not necessary Vo say before each what Presitients are for, ant iIt zay item of a programn that "then" Mrs. be taken for granted. Besides, two Wlnterspoon sang,and then Mr. and similar words like that coming Vo- Mrs. Upsetiaw playeti a duet. AnYone gether tend to clash, as, "the singer knows that these thinga came one sang" "the speaker spoke" anti se on. after the other, flot at the same tîme. There's no objection, o! course, to "Very" slips in for a different mentionlng the naine of the preal- reason. Some person singe very weIl. dent or chairmars, but there are anti then, for fear anotber performer other ways o! doing ItL 1 feels sllgbteti. it is saiti that she It's rather a waste o! space te pleaseti the audience "very" mucis. write that the minutes o! tbe prev-I anti so on, till everpnbody ls given a joua meewrlte that the minutes of tisvr" fjmekn. e eehwi lous meeting were reati anti adopteti. "vers"!Tse enti ons rsecellent, That may be taken for gran-Ved. Slm- gos.tthe Inys"tenostaebecent ilalyseie pper alaYseutoutbit manotonous. We have even reati the uine. "the meeting then adJourn- of somebody inglng a "very excell- eti." Of course iV adjourneti' IV would ent"' solo. whlch must have entitleti be a long meeting, indeeti, If IVt the singer Vo a place on tise Mendel- badn't. aaohn choir, at least, for "excellent", In meetings o! a religlous or semi- by îtseîf, te a pretty strong word. religlous nature, we atten fibti some- tblng like this "Hysonn 347 was sung.e IV seldom slips past thse editor. Tise reason lg obvlous anti a littIe tVu ht Shop early, but be sure and sisop wlll prove 1V. Hysnn bookes are aval]-1liBw nvl. -Get This FREE Thousands alveady given Auray. Thousands of kiddiua now hav- ing heurs of fun *playing0. store". Made of stiff card- board. decorated in orange, blue and white. Contains play tels- phone, cash register, 38 play Packages. 28 pieces play money.- BMy a tin of HAWUS' Wax now E -get tho playtime store Free -and at the urne time prove for yourself how much easier and quicker "HAWES" wllSLC produce a beautiful satiny lustre which mears longer'- . marks lesa-a.nd does flot r.- r quire polishlng se often. Ask your dealer. rY 13 LIMITED ET YOURS TO-DAY HE, Q/pure, wholesome, ad economical table Syrup. Children love its delicious flavor. ICANADA STARCH CO. LIMMrD. MONTREAL Speclal For Saturday 1 Only 1. Or'ange Square, regular .. 1 Raisin and Cher'ry Loaf, reg.. Regulaî' Value .............. Saturday Only 28c Another Saturday Special - Fresh Roasted Salted Peanuts - Only 15c IL Order Your Christmas Cake Now. Only Finest Ingredients Used-Plain or lced and Decorated, lb. 35c. Ail kincis of Boxed and Bulk Candy for Chistmas CorettlsBalkery 20e 12e 32e We are ready, as neyer before, to give you a modern and efficient Christmas service. Everything we seil is guaranteed quahity. Our prices are not beat- en by any store, and in many cases are lower. Bef ore vou buy, examine two things: First, quality, and then price. Then you'11 comýe to Harry Allin's. Make Your Cake and Pudding Early- Here's Very Best Ingredients for Theni S Flora Valencia Raisins..... 23e lb. Englisb Cut Mixed Peels, f inest Australian Seediess Raisins 2 Ibis. 23c quality 20c lb Austrabian Choice Currants 2.. zib. 25c English Lemon and Orange Cups. 27e lb. Lexias Seeded Raisins 2. ý 25 English Citron Peel 35c lb 2 b.2eGlace Cherries 45ecIL Candied Pineapple Rings, red, green French Bordeau Wabnuts 50e lb and bight ......lb. 18e Spanish 3 Crown Almonds 40c lb We wfll have a complete stock of Christmas Fruits, Oranges, Lemons, SBananas, Grapes, Raisins, also Nuts-, Cabbages, Turnips, Parsnips, Carrots, and other vegetables. Charistmnas Poultry Geese - Turkeys - Chickens - Ducks Order early for best choice. Beautiful birds. Right Prices. Week-wEnd Specials ~F Baker's Cocoa, 1 ,-lb. tin .. . 14c Feather Strip Coconut.. . 17c IL Oysters, pint jar'......... 30c Cream of Barley-Special. . 25c Quaker XXX Flour, Ful-O-Pep Egg Mash, 98 IL bag............ $2.75 100 lb. bag......... $2.25 Give a poor family a basket of groceries. Ask us for suggestions. We will pack and deliver free. Fresh Fisb for Friday HARRY ALLAN, Ci;rocer SPhone 186 or 121 Bowmanville PAGE FOUR

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