THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 PAGE BLEVE 'qieved/ youg hildren eaily athcold. 8a M. .,Russel CWard, 0f Hilton Beach,' ont., wisly ayes: If i notice that there ie any ign of a cold I iveBab's Own TabIes and ind tey e a great help." Thousands cf moýthLersgdo the same not only for colds but for fret fuI. nsindigestion, constipation, tetigtroubles, colic, upset etornact and so on. Baby's Own Tablets are sale and sme in reliev- ing chldbood 's cornmon ailments. Price 25c. Dr.WiIuams' 13G SLEEPLESSNESS INDIGESTION msoondapuw Ithsus of r.C H A SE'S ROI*1% Y mw TESTING "WORTHY" CAUS (Renfrew Mencun3') In many parts o! the Ui States and Canada, requests to chants for semi-public donaý bave assumed tic proportions "racket." The smalî-tawn tro man, !anced ta danate $10 "to buy cutains for the women'si bouse." hands out the mone: cheerfully as Passible. To rE would be ta senct many regulan amers ta same competitor wha "contributed." But business men in Edmor, Alta.. finding theniselves pnessed cessantly for gi!ts ta many cai only a tew of which wene w Iwhile. have fonmed a, "donat committee" in their Board of Tr IDeserving causes will be assi sponsorship, but thase demani money for trivial public wants get no storekeepcr's bard-ca: dollars. Merchants in other tawns cities nced not look Iangingly tavý Edmonton. They have their( boards o! trade. And there is copyright or patent on the Edn- ton experiment. Take Husky if You Don't Feel WeIl This Wonderful Tonie and Blood Purifier, Distributed by Jury & Loveli, Druggists, Relieves Stomach, Liver and Rowel I)isorders. The effect from HUSKY is astonishing ! People who také it su: prise their friends by their look of health, steel-like nerves and vigor. Their appetite is back. Food no longer disagrees with ther They rest we!l ail night and get up in the morning looking fit - no moi constipation or that draggy, tired-out feeling. What a glortous reli( from aches and pains. Our actrice - and the advîce of thousands of people - man right here in Bovýmanville - is take HUSKY if you are flot feeling we and experience the joy of real health and vigor once more. Don't dela: Corne in now and get your supply. We can honestly say that HUSKYj one of the best remedies we selI. JURY & LOVELL, Druggists, BOW MANVILLE. FOR CHEAP FUEL We Have Dernice Anthracite $12095 a ton FEED NUTRI-MIN A aupplement in the f eeding of Cattie, Horses, Swine, Sheep and Poultry. A chemical derivative of bone, in whîch calcium and phosphorus are nutritional- ly balanced and rendered 100% avail- able-that's C-I-L NUTRI-MIN. Sheppard & CiiiLumber Co. Ltd. PHONE 15 BOVWMAPNVIU, Buy Th"s Get Th Thousands already given away. Thousands of kiddies now hav- ing hours of fun "ploying store". Mode of mtlff card- board, decorated in orange, blu. and white. Centains play tel@- phone, cash register, 38 play packages, 28 places play rnoney. Buy à tin ef HAWES' Wax ,iow 'I -gmt the playtl.e store Frt --and et the smre time provo for yourself how much @saler and qulcker "HAWES" wiII D eoRproduce à beautiful satlny F aI to lustre whlch waarm longe'- ' ~Ag~~~ LI'?0mark@ les--nd dot& mot ro- quire polishlng » offen. Ami your dealer. THE QUANTITY 15 LIMITED DONT DE LAY-GET YURS TO-DAY q BEE HIVE GOLDEN CORN SYRUP A GREAT ENERGY FOOD I "My b~ usiness JÎs camîng alang ea a carnet solo. A beanty vote a!o fie"wrltes9 a friend. "It was of- Uianks was tendered the musical feed at Public auctin lest Satur- artists, speakers and the prprietres __ __ __day, but thee was ne bdders. so a! the otel for their services. the ahenif! let me kecpit. Thet Before leavlng forhomle everal makes the best montli since the up- vlslted John Tamblyn's Cedardale tur.00Stock F'arm and Ieoked aven has fine - I News forthie 1j ANVIL -ANDFORGE LJurfam rlolstein 1 IBusy Farmer 3.J3.Corbett Ras Been in the Same Breeders Meetl Poultry Grades J. J. Corbett, born in the village <Continued tram page 1) Most of the poultry being offered, of Lotus, Township of Manvers, 78 itOxodCuyansesm f an the market this year is being years ago, still labours at the forge vis i Oxford aunty and see aomno graded in accordance with gavern- and anvil, plying his trade of black- whies. in he r Jf B.acReynd ment standards, with the class and Smith. As a Young man of twenty, A . Finalyandr. J. B. R eynls, grade marked by tags Etffixed to the lie apprenticed with Mr. Miers at w Rnnals and te A. Sumes breast of the bird. There are twoI Lotus. Two years later Miers maved weenmdacmite1oivsi classes of poultry, 'Mik-fed," dis- to Bethany, where Mr. Corbett fol- gate the passibilities of a trip and if txnuised hît fa, ad "eleted" ilowd ad gaduted attheendofPracticable arrange with the execu- tingishd witefat an "seectd,"i lwedandgradate, a th en oftive for one preperably in June. distinguished by yellow fat. Withln! a four-year appreniceship, as a full-I- ol perta ilro these classes are the grades. Milk-; fiedged "smithy." Mr. Carbett then has wou l appeIn the a Mbrok f cd A," "Milkfed B,". ..Selected A, moved ta, the village of Arkwright,pre "Selected B," and ' Selected Cc."cunty 0f Bruce, whlch is half-way mie momnies won at its f all fair and enables the hauseholder ta choose between Southampton and Port El- AgiriculuiAsocia tion gt ofithel Grading of the birds in this manner gin, where lie worked in a shop for forso long thessocayion toa! mols good dressed paultry with great ease. three years. At the end of which donated from outside sources for EStime he bouglit the business. shop special prizes. A omtewaap Mea! Mixtures for Pigs in Wlnter and tools from the owner. At that cone neriwmmittee w aiap nie foFor pigs newly weaned and up ta time there were three shops in the pofiid a Itrie ilrokFi ntdfur months of age and following village, but the other two have long ofcas mer- meal mixture is recommended: since ceased ta operate, owng to John Tamblyn advocatei the pur- tions Middlings, 3 parts; oats, 2 parts; lack of business due largely ta the c!iase of bulîs by syndicate for ser- Of ashots, pat; ban,ý'2vice in the pure bred Holstein herds of sors. prt brn,'2part.Three advent of the motor Car. However. of the countfy and Pointed out how ades- pounds of skim-milk or buttermilk the horse-shoeing requirements andthswudenuaî grtyi- help Per pound of meal mixture should odd machinery nepairs of the dis- ans oud brin about re ui- club- be fed at this stage. trict are still attended ta by Mr. forovty in the Hltiso h ýY as The following meal mixture is re- Carbett in the saine building lieoriHsens fte ifuecommended when the pigs are lie-j started in 54 years ago. It Is a mat- ecun ffd r di vida ireed cust- tween four and five months aId:1 ter of speculation as to, wlether theercatebyarvn had shorts. 2 parts; oats, 2 parts; banley, 1 Id building 0ilotathssrnt f thecastt a syndicate could 1ý parts; bran i2' part. With onei and determination ta continue his easily maniage. Mn. Tamblyn, his taPound of this mixture feed two trade. He is an ardent Onangeman. brathers Mlton an D.Frd,a vei d ini- pounds of skim-milk or butter nùlk. Mr. Corbett lis the father of a tam-brtrinîw J.D Bonhv tuses. From the time the pigs are five ily of four girls and three boys, auI .rayptti idea into practice orth months oId and weigh about 150' of whom are living, as is also his in~f their own local neighborhood. the ians pounds, up ta market weight, tlicy Igaod wife. He is bnother-in-law offorf hrhangnites n rade. may be fed the following finishingj William Brock. and brother of Mrs.'and using the samne herd sire. R. ;ued ration: shorts, 1 part; oats, 2 parts, J. T. Colwill. King Street. both of M. h1oltby, Port Perry. was namned, iding barley. 2 parts. With one pound o Bowmanville. wýih Mr. Sumrners. to act in an ad- oilti itrfe n n n-af visory capacity, ta select a commit- XiIl thins mxurfeed ane andr onte-hî ___________________ tee to investigate the matter o! pur- rne ponds0f kimmil orbutermlk XI<IDIy~jchasing a syndicatedi herd sire ori an Prcain Fe SusY'OURJ R L isires. Purhasng ee Stf f ISome interesting discussion devel- 1 ward The advantage of co-operativel vA .IM ped from Fred Tamblyn's sugges- own punchase of feed stuffs is sometimesi 1 and Mi IE tion that membens 0f the Associa- no lost through the of thasel By tion who had developed cows witli ion- feeds which can be purcliased in1 JOHN C. ]KIRKWOOD a record of 20.000 lbs. of milk or carlot quantities withaut regard tai (Copyright) mare annuaUly sliould lie honared in - balance or suitability of rations.1 samte way or given some special re- Canlot purchase of feeding stuffs, (Continued framr page 2) cognition. There are a number in should be undert.aken from thel1 the caunty. 0tnpon f both ecanomy anu ci- 1 tent and whcn it makes himhl It xsas decided an motion of Fred ficiency. Dollars per ton is not the: certain kinds of work in disdalnithat I Fallis, seconded by Neil Mutton, ta al-important angle The cost Per it reveals itsclf to have been a mis- 'lold next yean's meeting in MilI- Pound 0f food nutrients is more im- I ake. brook. The secretary-treasurer was portant and, better stili, the price J C K voted $10.00 for bis services. ir- per unit of feeding value and the Temmeso h soito suitability for balancing liame-grown In My awn case I have not had a Temmes0 h soito M. o oter eed ar theimprtat fc- nivesit edcaton.were pleased to have a number of n. r oherfees re he mpotat fac-unierityeduatin.I began a uni- ladies .ioin them at the noan ban- )re tors to consider. There are sevenal versity cancer, but illness and fam- qeas eea etee h l if steps ta fallow in the purchase ofj ily circumstances interrupted Myqhut, alsof evaltemnwho lte- supplernentary feeds. They are: (1) 1University course. Yet my friends- hibit a lively lnterest in alI breed- ny Know what is on hand in the form1 many of them-havc been and are ers' and dairynxen's prablcms. Seat- eîl of home grown feeds. (2) Knaw wliat university graduates, and my love o! cd around the head table were Pres- Ly. best balances the feeds on hand, books and learning bas neyer dim- ident J. D. Brown, J. A. McFeeters, is taking inta cansideration bath qual- lnislicd. For 'seven 3'ears I bad aChimnoteOtaoMikon V- ity and cost. 13) Purchase supple- rti uiesI onr on trol Board; J. E. Hauck, Niagara mentary feeds in quantity sufficient and during these seven years I had Falls, Of the Milk Control Board; to take advantage o! the best pnices vcry close contact with farmers. I Harold Muir, R. M. Holtby, F. W. and lowest freiglit rates. (4) Know' believe that these seven ycars wene Bowen, M.P., W. F. Rickard, Dr. J. Sthe production records of the lîve- the most wholcsome Years of anyi B. Reynolds and E. A. Summens. stock fed. measgurable periad of my life. Bt Mr. McFceters was introduced by I had an itch to write. I wanted toDrRenlsaanoduhmby CareMean Cas onget into the publishing business. So wDr. Reyn o as an old uhanbo the Farm These ays I gave up the retail business, and Whowahoonore if cutta bscountadnd One f te vry racica lies fano 35 years 1 have hadasoitn assumed should have aur confidec instruction given toalaî regular stu- anubîishtiing.M nestir- and undivided support. The Ml dents at the O. A. C. is in thc adjust- tandadringo Mynues tercst ian ne- Contrai Act represented a new type ment, repair and care o! farnm ma- had lag xrsong,1 and rias o! social legisîation, neyer before ciey a ther f arm equipment ha ag epeso. aew itned in this province. chieryandten much for retailers and I bave In opening bis address Mn. Mc- such as tools. harnnss, nopes, belts, addressed scores a! meetings of re- Feeters sald lie had always cansider- et.tailers. Also. my interest in fanniensedDra ataiavnagi Sa great is the need fan care and eDra tadsvnaginnre- ecoomyon he ansjus no tiatand farming continues ta be keen. gard ta markets for its farm pro- ecoom o teidcd ut f en oursea My uncles wene f armers, and my ducts The Hostein breeders for it lias been ede oofracus cousins are fat-mens, and whatfe an zg in instruction and praollce along hlildays I have arc spent on a farm.nehad been too late in organing these lines ta any Young men wbo ar. Thcy ouglitta have gotten tagether attend' the ten-day short course at J~ C X 25 years ago. J. H. Jase is author- the College, January 2 ta 11, and Tlie point which I amn trYlng ta ity for the information that the As- wlio wlsh ta spend their time on this maire Is: ane does flot need ta have sociation lias been functioning for 17 kind o! work. a unlversity edaication in orden ta yeans. These men wlll participate in the get out a! 111e the lioney tliat is in If askcd liow business is in the2 saine evening program o! games and ItL The saine books are open te, me city, as lie 0ften is, Mn. McFeeters entertainiment as those taking other as are open ta the universlty man, would say that it Is impnovlng, .lust lines of wark in the daylight hours. and books arc great teachers. Books turnlng the corner tai better tîmes. can and do take us into ail worlds. There arc haweven four f actors to Bit "0"y Brand Lacklng Wc can sec Arica througb books, be soîved before we can get back ta Writlng from London, Andrew and China, and Russia, and the normal. Flnst. exeliange whicb is Fulton, overseas fruit representa- western and the eastern and the al 50 muddlcd up; second, trade tive declares: "One of the grcatest southenn and the northcrn regions banniera with which excbange is sa tragedies this scasonr, as fan as On- Of aur own country. Biographies closely linked; the question o! freer tario is concernied. is the lack of the can make us acquainted witli the trade is a vital onc: third, confid- Big "O" brand apples on the United forceful and remnankable nmen and ence, there is great need for a ne- Kingdani markets. After f Ive ycar'l oen a! the wonld. We can know turn of confidence In matters o!f fin- wark in building up this brand toa lit is going on in the wolds o! ance, industry and c ommernce; the stage where the trade bave come science, art, education, adventure, faurth. the Eurapean situation, bus-j ta recagnize the quaity o! this pack, Palitics, civics. econamics, religion iness needs a Peasonable assurance It is a great dîsappointmcnt ta lie un- and agriculture through the medium of peace in Europe. able te meet the demand and ta con- o! books and Peiodicals. Moving Mn. McFeetens introduced bis col- Ontario apples. I fully apprec iate pictures can make us sec the people league on the Board, J. E. Hauck, tinue building up a reputation for and siglits of cvcry country. RadioI who lic said brougbt ta tbe inter- that this disappolntment is equally can givc US the volces o! the world's ' Prcting and admlnistening of the as great for tic Ontario grawcrs wbo SuPreme singers and the music of Milk Contra! Act the samne qualities have liad their trees damagcd and the finest s3?mpliony orchestras, o!flicant and intellect wblcb Impelj- bave no appies tosblp. At the samne One can have the wold's riches In cd hi ta milk a herd o! cows an trne if Ontario is golng ta remain One's tawn or on one's farm. Thxe test four times a day for tbree years, in the export business, there should dwellers in big cities bave littIe that which lias madle hlm an interna- have been a special effort made bY othens wlio live elsewliere cannat tionally known, succcssfad breeden o! sliippers to continue sbIpplng unden have almost cqually. Holstein-F'niesian cattlc and mana- the Big "O" brand if only a few cars J cK ger o! a 1000 acre farm and the from ecd packing house, In order It is no liardship ta have ta do head.of a baskctbalî team whicb liad ta keep Uic naine bef arc the trade." wîtlxout mnany tbings. Our fathens won a provincial ciarnpionsbip. Due Mn. Fulton recamniends that the before us had ta do wittîout many ta Mn. Hauck's powers a! persuasion- packing bouses and growcrs organise thlngs hungcred for by tiens. Thcy tic Board to date bad nat liad ta heni entircly separate fnm any othen or- cauîd not go abrad. They caîld n resont ta anythlng drastlc. pr ganization, 50 that the welfare o! ot eteGrn ayounfo he Without any regard ta the pr-Rc this phase o! the lndustry can be gok outnctheand Ctanyon or the sonel o! the Board, the Mîîk Control Rc Iooked after. South Seas. Mostcftm ner Act, Mn. Hauck bellcved, liad brouglit - -'5--travcllecj fanther than 50 on 100 ta inc miIk pW ruers a! theypro- - The f aster you live, the sooner you miles from their home. They cauîdvic$50000mrUanten- move ta slow music. flot sec great cathedrals and the ceived the year befone. Ini its fune- A lot a! investors anc hopaing that catls o th R -ne .An.t.oe- tinng 50 cfan it %-Ad a-1-jsti Ew, d o Toasters Percolators $2.50 to $12.00 $6.00 to $18-00 Electrie Clocks.............. $1.95 to $11 Portable Lamps.............. $2.50 to $1 Electrie Irons ................ $3.75 to $1 Mx Masters, Grills $27.75 $2.95 to $10.00 SEgg Cookers........................ $ SBaby's Bottie Warmer ................ $ PTie Presser ........................ $ PToaster Stoves................. 75c to $5 SBuy your electrical gifts at an electric shoi pwhere you are assured of quality and service The Hlydro Shop r BOWMANVILLE 10.00 ý9.00 ý9.00 3,50 2.50 ý1.35. 5.00 >p -- ----r f rd of Hoîsteins and his flocks o I owmanvile nercliants can aup- rebred, blood tested Ba!rred I l Y Your every Christmas need. Give ks.1 them a fair tria. Ice- Snow-M mFog You May be the best car driver in toun, but you are liable to get Into a serous acident trough ether t these weather hazards. ca Your beat Plan la to take nio chance. Your car masy be ho'Peleuuly wrecked, but youPIl tee! a hoe lot better If you know YOu have adequateb, lnsured Il against these ri"k. We apeclalme ln ail forum of Auto Insuran ce. We are agents for the beet oompaaie. We can give YOU the servIceyou need andi You want. Whe thlnking Insurance - thlnk J7. J. Blamne & sou. WE INSURE EVEJLYTIMG j. J. M4ASO N C&SON INSURaNCE' - ",AIL ESTATER - STEAMSIIIP AGENTS PIHONE 50 BOIVMANVfLLE V They Add Convenience to Every Room in the House There's a gift opportunity wherever you have a fiiend or relative whose work could be lessened or whose comfort could be increased by an electrical appliance. IN THE KITCHEN An electrie range, a kitchen mixer, or a refrgerator. All et these make foods casier te prepare tor the wo- * an who sets a temptig table and constantly tries te Improve lt. IN THE LAUNDRy Only proper equipment eau make laundering werth while. Inquire about a Ceffleld washing machine, ( an electie mangle or an automatie iron. 1 FOR HOUSE WORKf Vacuum cleaners have proven ln- -f valuable aIds lu keping rugs tho-- oughly dlean and yet preserving __ their texture and colon. An electric waxer dees wonders for floors, too. ON THE TABLE Coffee urus, toasters, waftle irons, grills. A whole tam- iiy of little electrical applianees that make the break- fast or the midnfght snack a deligbt to prepare. See These Suggestions Today They Will PIease, Any Housewife Heating Pads................ $3.50 to $7.00 Curling Irons................ $125 to $4.00 Waffle Irons................ $6.75 to $12.00 BUT BE SURE IT'S «Cblue coal» The dependable coal that gives the max- imumn of heat and the minimum of cost. When you use BLUE COAL you drive away enemies to heating satisfaction and enjoy the supreme comfort of even, economical heat tbroughout the house. N ~1. VETERAN OF THE