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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Dec 1934, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR TNE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 STARTJNG FROIN WHERE ~ Oakley Carley thanked the Institute strumental; Norma Hooey, readi WE ARE for a beautiful silver wedding spoon a poem -Wanted. A Boy"'; Art] ___BLACKSTOCK J which was presented to lier by the Stapleton singing a solo; Mrs. (Froin Christian Science Monitor) 'ý' branch. Appreciation was also sent McLaughlin with a reading "Wl Frequent.ly, many hestate ta take Mi'. Charles Clarke sailed îast from the sick for fruit. Mrs. John Are You Worth ta God?"; Mrs. some promising step farward in the week for England. Wright, who has been the active Marlow playing an instrument normal course of developinent and Miss Vera Farder visitcd with Mrs. convener for the last few ycars an Dorothy Brown who sang 'The F progress, because of a mistaken be- JJ Dobson. Uxbridge. the committee for fruit sent to the Nowell"; Sara Marlaw and Ji lief that same special point of vant-1 Mr. Clarence Marlow feUl and sev- Sick Childrens Hospital. reportcd Marlaw playing a musical selecti( tage is needed from which to make erely strained the muscles in his îeg. that a barrel had been forwarded and Mrs. M. Mountjay who gave a start. Ta some this may appear Young Ladies' Class will meet at again this year. Donations wcre al- instrumental. Lunch was served as a need for a more adequate sup- Miss Gertie Henrys on Friday nught. 50 made for two needy families; and Mrs. Marlow and her graup. ply of funds; ta others as the ad- Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin the roll caîl which was answered by ______________ vantage of a higher educatian or were Sunday guests at Mr. Ira Ar- articles for the bale, was responded perhaps some specialized training; gue's. ta so splendidly that the large liv- CADMUS ta still others as a different lacality. Mr. and Mrs. Letchain and fain- ing room table was heaped with allk Thus, an individual may drif t aim- ily, Taronta, were guests of Mrs. J. manner of warmn clothes, shoes, gro- lessly alang and become last under Carter. ceries, etc. Two or three members Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hyland sp( a covering barrage, so ta speak, of Mr. and Mrs. R. Willan and fain- made a substantial suin for the pay- Sunday at Mr. Chas. Graham's. negative thinking--self-depreciation, ily. Port Ferry, spent Sunday at Mr. ment of express charges on the bale. Mr. and Mrs. Lean Braley, T self -justification, self -pity, pride. Wmn. Steeles. A donation was alsa voted for the anto, spent Sunday at Mrs. J fear. and the lUke. And this mental Miss Marion Stinson. Oshawa, blind in Durham County; and a Nesbitt's. candition, needless ta say, can neyer spçnt Sunday with her parents, Mr. committce appointed ta again visit' Mrs. Cecil Ferguson and Mrs. be made negotiable in teris of cur- and Mrs. R. Stinson.' the council regarding a skating rin Fowler were guests of Mrs. D. F( rcncy with which ta purchase suc- Messrs. Roy and Earl Bradburn for the young people. twafet guson, Oshawa. cess and happiness. and Murray Bycrs were Sunday that saine arrangement should be Miss Leona Weatherilt, Mr. Per The truc means for going forward gucsts of Frank Wright. made for this recreation. Mrs. N. Hamilton and Mr. Eldon Eckel spe rcsts on the truc sense, not af fut- Women's Auxiliary of St John's Mountjay was appointed to write for Sunday with Miss Helen Fowler. ure but of present opportunity and Church will meet at Mrs. R Ma- full particulars regarding a course Mr. and Mrs. Clem Thampson e the possibilities it brings ta light. haod's on Thursday night. in waal which the Departinent of tertained a number of friends tc The eternal naw waits on na sup- Miss Eleanor Taylor, Miss Alydia Agriculture has been offering dur- dance on Friday niglit. A very bois positiael future for the release Of Taylor and Mr. Fred Taylor spent ing recent years. Mrs. Oaklcy Car- tiful lunch was servcd. spiritual good. As Mary Baker Eddy, Sunday at Mrs. Baldwin's, Oshawa. ley. convener for the December On Thursday evening the Yeu: the Discoverer antd Founder of Miss Emma Rutledge and Mr. meeting, prcsided for the prograin: People of the United Church pr Christian Science, points out in Wallace Holmes. Oshawa. wcre Sun- Mrs. A. E. McGill read "Peace" and sented their three-act camedy "M "Science and Health with Key ta the day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe For- Mrs. R. Archer gave a inost illumin- the Judge." Mr. Earl Gray play Scriptures" fp.vIIL, To those Ican- der. gestions she notcd will be put in ac- the part of the judge. Those assis ing on the sustaining infinite, to- Mr. and Mrs. F. Toms, Shirley. tive use in the local branch immcd- ing with solos between acts wer day is big with blessings.' What is spent Monday at Miss E. Taylor's. gestion she noted will be put in ac- Miss Gladys Cobbledick, Mr. Geai this "sustaining infinite"? Ev'cn God ïMrs. A. Taylor returncd home with tive use in the local brand immcd- Sadler and Mr. Leonard Joblin.. and the infinity of His spiritual id- thein. îately. One of the most up-and- the close of the presentation t] cas. These ideas God is ever in Miss Evelyn Tulley, Miss Mable coming branches. she rcported, was ladies sold home-made candy: ai parting ta man, and there is flo Hicks. Mr. Stanley Burgess, and Mr. P.Ickering where the maembers had the proceetis 0f the play wcre $20.2 power opposed ta omnipotent divine Bradley, Toronto, spent Sunday at gîven meals and lodging ta over one L. O. L. 43 helti the annual mnee Lave ta interfere with or vitiate the Rectory. hundrcd transients during the year. ing for election of off icers on Wc( ones spiritual ability to m anifestj Miss Pauline Ferguson. Whitby, and had sent twenty quilts ta the nesday night which resulted as fo truc consciousnees, in spiritual-con- 'spent Sunday with lier parents. Mr. areas in need. West Durham came Ilows: orme Hylanti - Worshipf structive thinking. and Mrs. Foster Fergiison, who have next with six. Carrying out the idea Master; Ted Gibson-Deputy Ma Instead, theref are, Of accepting moved ta, Blackstock. of Historical Research, the Victarian ter: Herb Hooey-Chaplain: Edgi sQme seemingly untoward situation Miss E. Lathangue and Mr. Ed. Branch members will answer the McKee-Recording Secy.; Jas. M or circumstance as irretrievable, and'Lathangue, Lifford, Mr. and Mrs. J. January roll caîl by giving a history Kee-Financial Secy.: Oscar M( adopting toward it an attitude Of Henderson. Bethany, were Sunday of their farms and previaus owners Quade-Treas.; lst Lecturer- Vi( patient resignation or self-imposed guests at Mr. Robt. Bell's. to as early a date as possible. Lunch tar Cutting: 2nd Lecturer-Hari martyrdom-mueh as if wc had been Master Murray Larmer, son of Mr. was served by Mrs. Carlcy's group; McKec; Jas Brown-Dircctor( placed in a point of space, as it and Mrs. Austin Larmer, had his and the Individual on leaving was Ceremonies Committee men: lst- were, autside the range 0f any pas- thigli scalded when lie accidentally struck by the rcmarkable chord 0f Leonard Milis: 2nd-Lorne McKe( sibility of ever again puxsuing a nor- feîî into a pail of hot water. fellowship made in the gathcring of 3rd-Harry Bailey; 4th-Norma mal life and activity-let us take the Miss Jean Cain, Miss Ferga John- a\'er forty womcn. ail dcvoted to the Lathangue; 5th-Thos. Ashton. spiritual point of vicw of reflecting stan, Mr. Leonard Gîlbank, and Mr. ideal of making the community a the dominion of good, and set out Alin Mitchell werc guests of Mr. better place i n which ta live. One wth courage andi confidence ta and Mrs. M. Lathangue, Ballyduff. was forceti to ask "What would we laim aur Gad-given heritage of Mi'. andi Mrs. T. Smnith, Mr. J. do wlithout aur Women's Institute'?" freedom. hammony, and fruition. Smith and Mr. Cecil Hyde were guests at a goose supper given by Mr. and Mrs. Ira Argue an Friday 1 NESTLETONh r night. ..... Miss Kate MLaughlin, Peterboro, 'w Qe and Miss Florence IVcLaughlin, To- Mr. R. Suggitt is with friends in A I4EALTH SERVIuCEor ronto, spent the weekcnd with 'their Toronto this week. T E CANADIAN MEOICA parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mc- Mrs. Oscar Edwards. Part Ferry, ASSOCIATION %NO LIPW( Laughlin. visiteti friends here. INUA0C OPNE A meeting was held on Thursday I Mr. andi Mms. Robt. Dickey spent night in the Communiity Hall when Sunday at Mr. Jas. McLaughlin's. BILIOUSNESS a badminton club was organized. Mrs. W. J. Peel, Janetville, was a Badminton games will be played in gucst of Mr. and Mrs. John Dickey. Biliousness is a word which hold the Armouries this season. Mrs. Peter Wright is visiting her its place in cvery-day language t, Mrs. H. Trick, Manvers Station, sseMs nrwMGlJnt describastt fmnldprsi Mi'. D. Adamns, Cobourg, Mr. and ville. and physical discomfort, whicl i -'..- ... Mrs. J. Feddilock and daughters, Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy marked by headache, dizzincss. Jacqueline and Beatrice, Lindsay, ~etStra tM ihr ap mouth which tastes badly, a feelini awcre guests at Mr. George Bawers,. er's, Utica. of nausea. weakness and depression Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Windsar, is Mrs. J. Brooks has returned froin together with constipation. Zvisîting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. visiting her daugliter. Mrs. Neilsan, The papular idea is that this un ) A. Bailcy. and will remain for the in Toronto. happy state is due ta what is callec Christmnas holidays. She rcturned Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Malcolm a 'sluggish liver." This idea appar FOR with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bailey weme Sunday guests at Mr. Sid. Tre- ently comes froin the fact that wrhei who were her guests in Windsor. win's, Exiniskillen. the sa-cailed biliaus person vomits- C H R ISTM AS Rev. Fleming, missianary f ram Mr. Chas. Samelîs, a son of Mr. and he generally daes-thc contract China, addressed the congregation Walter Samclls, and an aid Cart- ing walls of the stamach draw Upi Let M iIk H el p af the United Church on Sunday Wýright boy, headed the paUls as sinaîl amount of bile. This sa nih.His talk was of great inter- Councîlmnan for Scugag Island. His amount of bile Ls sufficient by il Make every dish a holiday est; and special music was given by miany friends congratulate lin1. yellow clour and bitter taste to, con preparation by using plenty Nestieton United chair whcn they Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin vince the patient that al l is trouib of milk. But be sure that sang a group of threc anthems. entertained Mr. and Mrs. F. Mal- le arase from his liver which prc you re getting the best of Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Graham colin, Mr. andi Mrs. Roy McGiUl, Miss duces the bile. this all-aroand food by spec- entertaincd a number oif gucsts ta a Marie Prautt and Miss Ruth Proutt The liver is a very reliable orgai lfying Bowmanville D airy~ goose and turkey dinner on Sunday. ta dinner and cuchre Friday evening. and it does its best, but soinetime when you order. The high- Amang those present wcre: Mr. and Special warship service was ob- the cxcess of food and drink, c. er solids content, the Icare- Mrs. F. Toms, Ruby and Jean, Mrs. 1 served at League, when it was intro- f ailure to eliminate wastes frain thi fui selection and saritary A. Traylor, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur duccd by Miss Marion Taylor who. body, may give rise ta a canditiai preparation are ail your Toms,oHelen and Eileen, Mr. and aiso led in the singing. Seripture witli which the liver cannot capi guarantee of quallty. Mrs. Jb Grahain and Miss Frances reading was taken by Neil Malcolmn. andi 50 it rebels. It is not the live: Bo ma vile Grahamn. Bible Study 'Daily Bread" was givcn alone which pratests, but athei Bowm nvile r. nd rs. tanordVanampby Mrs. W. Jackson; and Leona parts of the digestive tract will joir - ntertained e.adMsH.JBl, Williams took the topic "An Ideal with it, prociucing that f orin of dis- D)a ir y Mr. and Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, Mr. Friendship." Miss Norma Arn- order whicli the public, if not th( and Mrm. Percy VanCamp, Mr. and jstrang played an instrumental, and doctor. know as "biliousness." W~. H. BETTLES Mrs. G Proutt, and Mr. and Mrs. Miss Flarence Fallis read "A Bay's * The relationship of mental cffic- Proprietor Harry VanCamp ta a goose supper I ssay on Ants." iency ta bodily hcalth is scen In tlE Phon 44 Bomanlll on~ Friday niglit. During the even-! The play "Sound Your Horn" pre- sad look and gloomy spirits of thf Phone___446_________________ ng a baptismal service was helti senteti by the young people of the victims of digestive upsets. The waý when Doreen. daughter of Mm. and Prcsbytcrian Churdli was well re- to a man's heart may be tîraugi _______________________Mrs. Stanford VanCamp, Glen, son ceiveti at Ballyduff on Tuesday lis stamadli; certainly, the way te of Mr. and Mms. Hary VanCamp, night. Members of the play taak lis goad or iM humour is by way af _______________________andi Keith, son of Mr. and Mrs. tîcîr parts well, and wcmc servcd lits digestive tract. Percy VanCamp were baptized by lunch by the ladies of the Presby- The treatment is flot by "liver HIH-LASRev. Mr. Bell. ' terian Churel, Ballyduff. Between piuIs" or purgatives, but through the _____________ The various parts of the League acts Leonard Milîs and Arthur Sta- correction of faulty habits; thl.s jPragrain on Wednesday night were pleton sang, accompan.ied by Mrs. M. means simple food, autdoor exercise, based on the theme of "Fricndship"I Mou ntjoy; and Norma Haoey played pienty of slcep, and a freer use ai Miss Eva Brown was in charge. and violin selections accompanled by Ev- water between ineals. Regular elm- R N T N I she told the stamy tof "The Angelus";' elyn Sanderson. ination can be securcd by habit, de P R IN IN G Miss Ferga Jolinston also gave a Mrs. David Davidson's group was andi exercise. story about the "Angelus"',; and Eric !un charge an Wednesday aftcmnoon Biliousncss tioes not trouble those Cutting sang 'I Found a Fricnd." when the Nestieton Women's Insti- wlo leati a fairly simple life, who We can give you prompt Misses L'va Brown, Hazel and Aileen tute met in the C. O. F. Hall. A avoid excesses of anc knd and an- MountJoy took different parts froin feature of the afternoon's prograin other. who pay reasonabie attention and satisfactory service at the book entitled "The Transform- was an exdhange of CîriStrnas gifts ta the equirements af their bodies, a moderate price in the ing Fiendship," and Miss Olive Van conducted by Mrs. George Proutt. and who pay attention to their food Pn. Camp led ini a discussion of ît at Members helti an intercstlng discus- and their elimination instead of tak- following lines of prit the close. Miss Murmel Mountjoy sion on "The Spirit of Christmnas," ing medicines. played an instrumental. andi Mrs. P. Philp In hem report of Some people think that they arc ta a te the Women's Institute convention barn biliaus, but in doing so tley ing Those elccted t office te an- told of the wamk whidh is being car- arc only blaming their ancestars for nual meeting of the Orange Lodgc, ieti on not anly In the different what. is really their own camelcssness -LtebaaNo. 133. helcl on Monday niglit, De- sections ofOnai but also in other xith regard ta their eating and -Envelopes Worshipful' Master-Leonard Joblin; serveti at the close. Lucwsotehai. C..eTPulty atrCegtnDvt; Ldis i ftePeb ra prompt Service. ~ veti at the close. \V hen her Cilildren werc recoverlng from But wiist have we bulît today? rrm L .erlA very interesting meeting af Vic- an iIInss amoIher amused lhemnby making 'Tîs swect ln idle dream.s ta bask,j I TIIE STATIESMAN taî'ian Wamen's Institute was îieîd variou coIrd geIains and pourin ihcnt But lei'e and now do we do our task? on Wcdnesday aitemnoon, when Mrs. ii her iclesi refrîgerator Iruys. ,iveral Ycs, this Is the thing aur souls must IPhont 53 Percy VanCamp openeti ler hame difîernt colord cuxcmade acolorlul and ask, f for the event. Reports of the var_ hîeathlul desscrt. Wlat lave we clone today? i0ils cammittees were given. Mrs. -Nixon Waterman. . S News "' Ailey bat THE .J. --________ ____TAU tal: The Senior League finisheci up the'T Airst schedule this week with F. Moore's A W Y !ack teami on top with a total of 30 ion; points. Badminton Club came strong ÀP R CA E >an at the finish to t.ake four points ition. Infantine fmnished thirci after Sbeing well up in the race ail sea- 1 Crazy W ater son. In the Intermediate League the C y tl SKnitters started on top and were C ytl ntnever headed by the rest of the field.~L w rc place closely followed by Allin's ror- Grocery in third. Jas. AI Osborne finisheci the Seniorý 12 k e Gscheduie with an average of 231 forTaeaanae fthe :er- 30 games. Frank Williams ended Up -Proa"Gfst hea- with224 or 4 gaes.tractive prices. Vou will have rcy P. Beckett of B. T. S. won the In- best selection by buying your )nt termediate High Average with 206 gfsnw for 27 games._______________________________ en- Freddie Cryderman finished up Roils Razors S6.95 and $8.95 Rubberset Shave Brushes 69e oa this week with a 740 to send his Wilkinson Razors S3.00 Playing Cards 75c and $1.50 un- average up to 205 to, win second Williams' Men's Sets 98e monogram Stationery, place. Roîls Shaving Bowl S1.00 75c to $1.25 ung Bowling in the Christmas doubles Yardley Sets for Men. EliabthA 0enGito$.6 re- opens this week with about 25 teams SI.0o to $6.50 S.0 te3.6 relentered. Rivalry is very keen in this Yardley Sets for Ladies, Kodaks - Fountain Pn Yed Tournarnent with the best bowlers 85c to SIO-00 Xmas Cards. Seals, Tags, st- in town entered. Perfumes 25e to S3.O00 Tinsel. Ribbon and Twine. ýe: Fowl will be given away frpie rge to the five leading fsor phrizs At mas Eve. id A new schedule will be drawn upJU Y & L VL 25. immediately after the New Year. When we test eYes it is done properly et- League Standing - FinalA ed- Senior .0- Team Won Lost Score Pts. >il. Moore F. 22 8 30431 30 as Badminton 20 10 29972 28 gar Infantine J. 15 15 30068 21 ___________________________________ c- 1 Dudley W. J. 12 18 29482 l5 c - Hately W. 12 18 28U89 15 c- Foundry Co. 9 21 27213 Il Kniter Intermediate IT WON'T BE LONG NOW e; KnT.e 23oo 7 i 285802 ee; ATln. Grhocery 19 1l 2653 20 No si. oily il more das and Christmas wiIl be here. Make B.n DAlin' rry il 15 25314 sure it will be a happy one, by using these Corbett Christ- Bankers 9 18 23045 13 m. rdcs Olympia Cafe 13 14 22845 13 AjMOND ICING, lb. . 30e CHRISTMAS CAKE. iced or plain, lb. 35e Final AVerages CHRISTMAS CRACKERS. dozen 25c ta $1.00 16 Best Bowlers CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES. box 25e to $3.50. i Name Gaines Ave. CHRISTMAS MIXTURES, lb. ..15C ta 50c Osborne A. 30 231 CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS 5c eta $1.00 Williams F. 24 224 ISPECIAL CHOCOLATES, by the Chocolate Guild, Martyn J. 30 222 eua50IV-ChitaSpclb._9 Large S. 27 217reurSclb.-CrsmsScal.2c Colwell B. 25 215 Roenigk L. 27 214 Cancilla P. 26 214 o b t sBak r Luxtan K. 27 212 Beckett P. 27 206 PHONE 3 BOWMA&NVILLE Cryderman F. 18 205 _________________________________ dIs Halîman H. 30 204 to Osborne H. C. 27 203 The person who can't bear to be 1 What is admirable about "hitting nr Moore F. 26 202 alone i generally even worse coin- the nail on the head" if it Is being is Breslin M. 21 202 pany ta others. driven in the wron-g place? g Richards W. J. 28 200 'After crosses and lassews," said 'Taking the bull by the horns" la rg Brough J. 26 200 Ben Franklin, 'men grow humbler spectacular, but one should neyer >n, ~ _____ and wiser." overlook the advantages of a tail- n-1 ------------qPeople can talk about the weath- htld. ed Skeletons are now admitted duty er, but thank goadness. they can't j'Times are getting better when r-free. Here's your chance to stock Up vote in a lot of politicians who might1 men beigin to worry about the holes en the family claset. makeé it worse. 1 in their pockets. a n- Let Harry Allun Give You a ân ,es or er ýrloiayVle le daDy ig R e msa pedoli2dz. intsues f C~heriedmaslmonds, prl.............................35c Ppcjn Naists, per lb...................................3c )f SMexed Nuts ndtesh e lbper.l............................94c California Oranges, per dozen................. ». ..25c to 50c Ch.lstmas Wrapped Cigarettes and Cigaî's and Tobacco Boxcd Chocolates, per box ....................... 25c to 75C WeLkih's Grape Juice, bottle ............................ 25c Christmas Cakes and Puddings Mrdium Canadian Cheese..........................b. L18c r ~Old Cheese, per' lb .................................... 23c Roquefort Cheese, per lb ............................... 70c Jelly Powders, Pure Gold.....!.................... 5 f or 25c Fil-A Rp Eg A Lh -w 100NIba. $2.50r SPhone 186 or 121 Bowmanviile PAGE POUR TnE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934

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