PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAIq'VILLE, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1934 FLOWER ARRANGEMENT W. E. Groves, Bowmanville Wby do we not have flowers mucb more frequently with our meals? A mere handful in tbe centre o! the table makes it a different table. There is no need to be elaborate. Home grown flowers if tbey are available, flowers f rom the florist if necessary, and a container sucb as is found in eveîy borne, witb a little taste, make up the needed equip- ment. We propose to let the pictures largely convey what migbt be said on tbe subject. One o! them shows a very simple decoration with .iust one vase o! flowers. Even thougli they are a little high the arrangement is s0 light and dalnty that there is no obstruction and a friendly table is the resuit. The other pictures-sornewhat more elaborate- show the use o! candles with !lowt'rs. In view o! the approaching Christmnas season these arrangements might be o! interest. Any flowers can be use-d and it will be. noted that the arrangrnents are quite 10w. Thus the entire table and its occupants are open ta view f rom any point. A concluding word of advlce may be worth while. Keep the flow- ers f resh by standing in deep cool water until they are required for the actual table decoration. If low bowls are used avoid large or very long stemmed flowers. Daintiness should be the thought in mind. The stems of small flowers can be shortened without making them appear unnat- ural, but this is not so easy with large flowers that naturally have long stems. IIEA flfllhIIg ir £ I Shop early, but be sure and shop )l5V1PJMn17v1u'J in Bowmanvllle. S OÀR "PILE S" are promptly and thrughly Barbers Itch and Ringworm are reieved by the useiof relieved by the use of Douglas' DV.CmA['S j Eg>ptian LUniment; quick, certain Dir.:IUA IEsresults. Relieves the most obstinate 911 cas9,Àa gmees. Why Pay Regular Prices For Your Coal WHEN YOU CAN BUY Vulcan Anthracite AT $12.95 PER TON 'WKE $11.50 Ton - PEA COAL $11.25 Ton SMaple Hard Wood PER CORD Phw~. vice n Teamung - Trucking ND LONG DISTANCE HAULING Phone 173 or 98 .KNIH TAXI SERVICE Fuel Merchant iging "For tbey are jolly good f el- ' SlPis )ws." the rst o! the evenlng was Speclallzlng excluslvely ln ent in gares and dancing; a ter muscle anomalies, eyesgt * Phone for appolntmnent 1516 Dlsney BIdg. Opp. P. 0. All some people learn f rom Exer Oshawa, Ont. mce la that they have made an- her mistake.I TOWNSHIP COUNCIL, Su nday School CLAKETONSIPCOUNCIL besson Council met Dec. lst, with mem -__________________ bers aIl present except Mr. Coucb who took his seat at the afternoon THE CHRISTIAN AND THE session. Reeve F. B. Lovekin pre- LORD'S SUPPER sided.___ Notice of equalized assessment 0f Sunday, December 16th Unio ,ho Sections by the Ass- essors was presented by Lyle Lowery. GoldenText: "For as often as ye assessor for Clarke. eat this bread. and drink this cup, The Deputy Minister of Hospitals ye do shew the Lord's death tilI lie submitted annual statement show- come."-l Corinthians il1:26. ing Ramlway tax distribution for Lesson Passage: 1 Corinthians il: maintenance of patients in the On- 23-34. tario Hospitals to October 31, 1933. Council will investigate the coin- Bread 0f the world, in mercy broken, plaint as set out in a letter from Wine of the soul, in mercy shed, W. F. Robinson, Toronto. By whomn the words of life were A communication from J. A. Ells. spoken, Secretary Unemployment Relief De- And in whose death our sins are partment, was received. Clerk will dead: forward desired information. Look on the beart by sorrow broken, Communications were received Look on the tears by sinners shed; f rom Deputy Minister of Municipal And be Thy feast to us the token Af! airs in recognition of a letter re- That by Thy grace our souls are ceived on Nov. lSth re Municipal fed budget. from J. D. Millar, District ed Engineer of municipal roads. An Aid to Reinexbrance, 23, 24 Treasurer acknowledged the re- Paul's account of the institution ceipt of $4.00 from Rotary Club of of the Lord's Supper was written to Bowmanville for rent of hall; and the Corinthians about 55 A. D., over from. Councilior Patton $5.00 as re- twenty years after the event. Paul fund on funeral charges of late A. was not an eye-witness of the Last Wright. Supper. but hie has given us an ac- W. W. Cornish. A. N. Robbins and counit that sets forth its essential E. T. Syer, fence viewers in sub- meanings.. There has been much division No. 6, brought ta attention theological controversy regarding of Council the unsettled award in this sacrament, but perhaps the the case of O. Knapp vs. Lockwood. most helpful approach is to ask Council will gîve attention at next what Jesus intended it ta be. He meeting. knew how easy it is to forget even Following bills were paid: important things and deep exper-f J. R. Fisher, relief Lewnhis $ 3.22 lences. He also knew what an aid f O. W. Rolpb, wax._ .50 a visible sign could be to recaîl ant J. W. Bradley, attendance historic fact. He used a very simple s self and bailîff, 3 court a bject - that of broken bread - to r sessions each ..- 24.00 commemorate bis crucifixion. He s C. F. Awde, collector. 2.97? bad previously described himself to c Bank of Commerce, box rent 2.00 his followers as the Bread of Life. S. Cuttell. tax papers 6.00 At the Last Supper hie took the E. L. MacNachtan, Treas., bread and broke it as a witness to b 5V',~ Louise Baldlwin 23.25 the fact that bis body would be bro- R. H. Wood, meal. etc. .80 ken for others. The purpose of P R. H. Wood, caretaker 15.00 Jesus in instituting the sacramenit t] C. F. Awde, Attend. Officer 2.06 has been abundantly fulfilled, as J. Lyal Lowery. services Christians around the world obey L etqualizing Union Scbool, this dying request and break the five at $3.00 each 15.00 bread and eat it in remembrance of tl J. C. Gamey, Auditor 10.00 Him. M. H. Staples. Auditor 10.00 A Memorial of Sacrifice, 25, 26 ti mr.EtJ.R. ndF.l40.00 -To the Hebrews the blood symbol- JonmenR. vRoadSupt. ized the life. Jesus used the sacra- Suprneny dance60. mental wine as a symbol of bis out- SPstendn2 6.40 poured blood and sacrificial death. Postag 2.40In mùitary mernorial services re-G Mainenane 37.70ference is often made ta fallen sold- Agar & Thompson, law costs îers who have paid the supreme T ai n T p. n f C vs.eM503.25 sacrifice, but a Canadian off icer of R.d Radello Caie 506.31 high ranks has said that tbis phrase R. R Wadell," 52-31should be reserved for the sacrifice B Council will meet Saturday, Dec. of Christ alone. Several factors l5th. 10 a. m. make the death of Christ unique. B A. J. Staples, F. B. Lovekin. He gave Up life just when i was Clerk. Reeve. most full of promise. He died as a y Scriminal. tbougbh le was innocent. 1 He was put to, death by the religious pl ORONO leaders of bis nation fromn whom lie 4, ~,might rightfully have expected pro- tection. The sacrament is ta corn-S <Frorn The News, Dec. 6> memorate is deatb. and increasing Mrs. Sisson is visiting friends and numbers do recaîllbis sacrifice asI relatives in Toronto. tbey partake o! this sacramental Mss. E. J. Dyce and little son feast. Rolph, o! Guelph, visited bier sister, Self -Examination, 27-29 Mss. A. A. Drunimond. Mr. Walter S. Stinson, who ba& Ini any congregation, large Or re, been confined to his home the past-.small, the motives and moods of Ec month or more. is up and around those partaking the sacrament may tei again. be f ar different. To one it is a high ca Mrs. Fred Cowan le! t Tuesday for and holy hour, and to another it ar Toronto where she will spend a may be only routine ritual. Paul l ac month or two at bier daughter's, Mr. had difficulty in explaining the' pr and Mrs. Chas. Crease, and with hier meaning o! the sacrament to the t: husband wbo is undergoing treat- Corinthians who had been influenc- Oi mient at hospital. ed by the feasts of the mystery re- Women's Institute are sending a ligions. Very often these were riot-- parcel to Kincaid. Sask., in sesponse ous banquets and some o! the ta an appeal by Miss Mitcbell, mis- Christians looked upon the mernorial sionary travelling secretary. Bring meal as sometbing similar. Paul or send somet.hing for a baby or mo- had to sbow themr that this was a bher to the Institute meeting, Dec. sacred memorial, secalling the sac- 14tb. rificial death o! Christ. Many min- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Martin o! Or-1 isters hold a communicants' class mno announce the engagement o! annually in order that those becom- bheir third d-aughter, Hazel marg- ing members of the cbusch may uerite, ta Mr. Nelson L. G. Couvier, have an adequate understanding o! eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. the sacrarnent of tbe Lord's Supper. Couvier of Sydenham, Ont. The Mucli of the helpfulness of tbe sac- wecfding will take place in January. rament depends upon our tbinking Visitors on Sunday with Mrs. Hal- while partaking o! it. If we try to iday were: Mr. and Mrs. H. Davy, lift our hearts and m-inds Up Lto the Toronto; Mr. and Mss. K. Fralick level of Christ's love and truth, we and daughter Ruby. o! Port Persy; shahl find grace coming f rom him to M1r. and Mrs. Walter Oke, Peter- us. it is not necessary to be per- boro; Mr. and Mrs. John Slernon, fect in order ta pastake o! tbe sac- Horce - Mr. and Mss. R. K. Bragg, rament - the first disciples were BOwmanville. themselves faulty men. But if we Mr. T. Ross 0f Bowmanville en- desire to honrio Christ and ta receive tertained the members of the Bow- power f rom hirn to live in bis spirit. manville intermediate basebaîl club we are welcome at is table. t a tbeatre party and home enter-1 Spiritual Help, 30-32 ainient on Tuesday evening. Mr.1 The sacrament may be a means' >rrne Gamnsby of this town was i0f attaining spiritual help. Great umbered with the guests. and f av- moral and spiritual forces are re- :red the gatbering witb a coupeo leased by intelligent observance of is popular songs. it. Self -exam.ination helps us to Followlng an accident in May purge evils from our lives. and the bhen lie was tbrown f rom a buggy visible sign and symbols make is his horse became frigbtened, Cbrist's presence very real ta us. John A. Wbite. Pickering, was tak- Christians are intended to grow pro- m to Toronto wbere bis le! t leg was gressively, and tbe sacrament is one imputated at the knee. Mr.Witwa0furein Crsingoth -. farm _ at Clarke Unionn Chrinoan ten-h 250 Lb. Man Loses 20 Lbs. Looks 10 Years Younger "About three rnonths ago," writes a correspondent, 1I weighed 250 Ibs. I started taking Krusc-en Saîts. and I lost 20 lbs. in a little over two monilis. I arn feeling better than I have in years. My friends tell me I look ten years younger. and my step bas an elasticity whicb is amazing. I shall boost Kruschen Salis where- ever 1 go."-J. McC. Kruscben contains just the six salis, blended in Jusi the right pro- portion, that are essential to keep you In continuaI good health. Krus- cben Saîts keeps the system free from encunibening waste matter. Unless this wastage is expelled reg- ularly. il wlll give rise to rbeurnatic and other body poisons. And Nature is hiable to take the defensive meas- ure o! storing this poison-breeding materlal out o! the way In the form o! fatty tissue. observed not as a duty or merely as a rite, but as an opportunity 0f spir- itual fellowsbip with Christ. It also a!! ords us an experience o! feUlow- ship witb other Christians. We do not have to live the Christian life alone-others are making the same pilgrimage. Tbe Cburcb is the body of Christ and in the sacrameni vis ibility is given to the fellowship. It s an occasion o! renewing our vows, confessing our failpires, and in hum- ble trust going forward in tbe con- fidence that Christ's grace is su!- ficient for us. Reverence lies not in the sacrament itsel!, but in tbe wor- shipper. Great souls see in the sac- rament o! the Lord's Supper tbe acrificial love o! the crucified Christ. Questions for Discussion 1. What do bread and wine sym- olize to Cbristians? 2. Whicb should receive greater rominence in church architecture. bhe organ pipes or the altar? 3. How frequently sbould the ord's Supper be observed? 4. How does the sacrament so!- ,n class distinctions? 5. What is tbe truth in the doc- rine o! tbe real presence? A PRAYER FOR THE DAY :d, give me strength to face the day- God teacli me bow bo wear rhe scarlet band of courage Like a banner in my hais! e neyer mine the weakling's plea From strife to, be denied- lestow but faith ta see Tby Hand In ahl thai may betide. rea, break my heari. if it be thus Thy wisdorn enters in; lermit but that, at journey's end, Some wortb-while goal I win. 1 ;o that, wben purple even-shades About my life shaîl close go like one who seeks at dusk A well earned, sweet repose. For Catarrh. It la one o! the chief ýcommendations o! Dr. Thomas' :lectric Oul that it can be used In- ýrnaU]y with as mucli success as it in outwardly. Sufferers from cat- rbh wifl find that the Oil when used ýcording to directions will give rompt relief. Many sufferers from is ailment have found relief in the il and have sent testirnonlals, III" Return Fare from Bowmanville to Vancouver Victoria Seattle $112. 55 Canad Low Rail Fares to VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, B.C., and SEATTLE, WASH. Corne out to Canada's Evesgreen Playgsound enmoy balmy days o! glorious outdoor sports. Golf, riding, yachting. rnotoring, hiking- all in the land o! year-round sum- mer sports! Low rail fares and special winter rates at botels. Tickets good going Dec. 15 ta Feb. 28. Return lirait April 30, 1935. Stop-oves allowed ai ahl interrnediate points. OUTSTANDING EVENTS Week-end sports programmes on Grouse Mountain, Vancouver. Mid-Winter Golf Tournarnent, Vic- toria, Feb. 18 ta 23, 1935. Full information from any ticket agent. ian Pacific THE FINEST GIFT 0F ALL A 1935 Ail Wave Equipped with the famous SPRAY-SHIELD Guaranteed Tubes for improved reception Popular Selective Wave Console A4 strlklng model tuning ln al domnestic and forelga broa.dcastlng stations wth reguiarlty and clarlty. A 6-tube set with 8-tube perform- ance. Aeroplane dial with tunlng control reg- ulated to two speeds--visual volume and tone control and tuning llght on the dial-1O" audi- torium speaker--superheterodyne clrcut-fam.. oua Spray-Shield guaranteed tubes-cabinet de- sitn in butt walnut wlth maple buri overlay-.. wmng panels wlth pin stripe waInut-walnut lower part-top and gables striped walnut. Prie $114 .95 Prices of Rogers Radios Model List 960 - - - $129.50m a 965 - - - 225.00 4421 - - - 54.95 4422 - - - 74.95 443- 7A.95.AGreat Perlormer 4512 - - - 69.95 Model 4511-Moderne 5-tube Mantel wlth 4613- 72.95 saine Standard Wave Chassis as Model 4621 - - - 8.954512 above. 6" dynamnie speaker, full vis- 4621 - 86-11.95 ion dial-front ln butt walnut with zebra 4623 - - - 116.95 wood base top and gables in sliced walnut. 48213wlb ok - 119.95 Inlay borders around front and sides. 4822 (wthout Clock)- 149.00 Size: Iaelght 9", wldth $ Prices subJeet to lncrease JanuarY 1, 1935 121/2", depth 911. Price . 49 9 PO 152 ROR M AXRS OWMJqVEn v b Despite efforts on the part of the - ý police. the peddler nuisance has be- W core more pronounced in recent .ei weeks than ever before. This news- paper has run numerous campaigns against the peddler while the mer- chants have also done much to dis- courage him. N ~ For a while there was a luil in ~ .~,. Ypeddler activity, but hoards of these door to door saiesmen have invaded atic canvass o! every street. House- -~ wives are annoyed because o! the constant ringing of the door bell. The anwerone rn and are Just M thebell ingsagain. This Is annoy- you cndethe polem setere is a rtedy. tliesinteperen o!wth bousehoife t s.totheysetpedaes- Sertop buyinga e dor. efusent spend one cent at your door and you soon will stop the peddIer. When he calîs to sell you any merchandise just say we deal with the local mer- chants direct, and will not buy from you. This wiîî soon turn the peddler from this district. Such a PolicY will also help your local condition. You will soon realize that you can secure better values and better service by buying from your local merchant. Look over these pages and there are values offered here that will mean a direct saving to your owfl purse. Then when you buy aIl your merchandise locally you will find that your local merchant will help you. Your own people will have the opportunity o! securing positions. Your own ocal merchant will be in a position to assist in carrying on t.he responsibilities at your churcb, your club. your organization. It ail means success to you personally if you will tell the next peddler that rings your door bell. -No thank you, I amn supporting my local merchant." Keep on telling this and you will rid yourself of the peddler. one cf the great pests on the street. Do not buy one thing from the peddler. Recapture Summer in ... CANADA'S EVERGREEN 111PLAYGROUND PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, DECFMMEPL 13, 1934