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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jan 1935, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ______________________________________________________________----m., ,.jvm~VU..NIflI1ýAYJAN ARY 31s, 135 HE ANA IADATAru aM f.X7ARY r. . -----1935- Estabilshed 1854 A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interensaofithe town of Bowmanvjil and surroundlng country, latusd at King 6r..:, Bowmanville, every Thursdsy. by M. A, James & Sons, owne,-s and pub ishers. The Canadian Statesgman la à niember of the Canadian Weekly Newpapers Assocation, &180 the Ciass "A" Weeklies of Canada. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Anywhere in Canada, $200 a year; In the Unitedl 0-50 a year, payable in advance. Sing. copie@, 5 THURSDAY, JANUA.R.Y 31st, 1935 New Uniformn Relief Allowances States, cents. Hon. David trol iast week announced, that a schedule of relieý allowances, to be observe<i in ail "municipalities, w a comning shortly. One of the fac- tors that has brc(ight about a decided menrease in radicalism in the past few years bas been the in- equality of the sybtem uncler which relief has beer distributed. The excuse has been madc that in dif- ferent municipalities the cost of living differs, but as far as food is concerned the difl'erences are so amall as to warrant no consideration. If the Pro- vince of Ontario is to represent the people 0f the province then ail must be treated alike. There is nc reason in the world why Bow-manville sbould provide a higher allowance than any other municipaity in the district, neither is there any reason why it should be lower. The unemployed in rural Inunicîpalities have a right to the same treatment as the unemploy- ed in Oshawa, Bowmanville or Toronto. Those who have macle a study of this situation will agree that unless we want to bring along a genera- tion of undernourished and underprivilegeci children, we have got to provide the unemployed and theiz families with a reasonable living allowance. It is to be hoped that the reforms now before parliament will eventually elminate unemployment, but unt£ such evils are eliminated the country must treal ecually these unfortunate people. Little children, accorded only the barest necessi- ties of Hife, and often flot enough of these, cannot grow into strong. bealthy and intelligent aduits. 'Undernourishment encourages consumption, disease and 10w mentality. The municipality that thinks il is saving by hall starving the unemployed, will pay that much extra in doctors' buils for sickness, for in- mates in provincial sanitoriums and mental institu- tions, and probably encourage, too, crime and law- lessness that so often goes hand in hand with pov- erty. The move of the Minister of Public Welf are should be carried through to a conclusion. Mr. Cro1 bas adopted the right idea, and malcontentmnunici- palities should be forced to carry his plans out ir every detail. Toronto Acts Like a Spoiled Child The Board o! Cont-rol o! Toronto recent-ly turneti clown t-be tentier o! an out-side f irm t-o provide the cit-y witb a truck, cespite t-be fact t-bat t-be tender was lower than any offered by city dealers. It t-urn- eti out aft-er t-be tecision was macle t-bat-t-be out- sider was a large city taxpayer, but t-bat- is aside f romn t-be point- we wisb t-o bring out-. Toronto as t-be larg- est- cit-y ln Ont-ario displays cbildishness la many o! lt-s aflairs. lt-s election campaigns for city council bave become an annual farce, anti readers o! city newspapers outside o! Toronto are f orceci eacb year to reati pages and pages o! tommyrot anti downright- sily pifle about- mayoralt-y, Boardi o! Cont-rol, Cit-y Council anti Board o! Eciucation candidates. This lat-est move o! parocbialîsrn, bowever. just- about- takes t-be cake. But if Toronto want-s t-o act t-bat- way we bave one suggestion t-o make t-bat- is very fair when compareti wit t-he ernancs t-bat- cit-y makes, If Toronto wants t-o act- as a spoiled chilti anti builti a wall arounti it-, by aIl means carry on. but- we suggest t-bat-t-bey builti a wall t-bat- will keep cit-y business wit-in t-be cit-y anti outside business out-. Towns like Bow;manville are forcedtito put- up witb cit-y mail order bousses and depart-ment-al store deliv- eries in t-be town, wbere lit-tle or no taxes are paid. They are forcedtto let Toronto bakeries corne in bere without paying a cent o! taxes andttake away busi- ness wbich egitimatehy belongs t-o t-be local mercb- ant.-. In fact-, t-be cit-y o! Toronto spreasis t-s greedy, grasping chutches o! big business over t-be entire pro- vince, sapping t-be ife bloot o! t-be smaller commnun- lt-les anti giving lit-tle in ret-urn. The time is not far distant- wben govermnent-s wili have t-o take action against t-is menace t-o t-be small communities. If Toronto merchants want t-o con- duct- business la BowrnanvilIe t-bey sbould psy ac- cording t-o t-be amount- o! business tbey do la t-bis t-own. Just wby local merchants sbould psy a busi- ness tax, taxes for paveti streets, f ire and police pro- tection. for upkeep o! scbools, for upkeep o! cburcb- es, and for t-be general operation o! t-be communit-y wben t-bey are apparent-ly only on t-be sarne footing as merchants la other centres wbo do business bere anti psy notbing, is beyond us. This is an abuse t-bat- neetis recti!ying.1 Save Morale and You Save Ail A popular slogan of paint manufacturers is "Save surface, save ail." It neatly expresses the f act that if the wood or metali s protected from wind and weather, decay will not start. Precisely the same principfle applies to huinan personalities in general, but witb especial force to youth. Youth always is a period of adjustment. Even the aduit of today who matured in periods o! "normalcy," s0 called, bad his troubles. But the young man and woman who bave "gone into the world' In the past live years have f aced a staggering array of problemns. A society that once was solicitious for their education and spent money f reely on it, now ignores thein. They are ready to work, but there are no jobs. Instead, they see well-trained aduits jostled out of their places, often thrown on public rel.ef. by econ- omic forces apparentiy as uncontrolIcd as an un- anchored gun on the deck o! a ro' ling ship. Add to al of this the questioning natural to a maturlng mi, and no one should wonder that an undercurrent of discouragement andi frustrated amn- bition ecdiles in the minds of imany young people throughout the world as 1935 opens. lUndenlably, in this condition lies a social danger. Youth, dsheartened today, may tornorrow react sharply against the established order. Change we Must have, if unsatlsfactory conditions of the present ane to be bettered, but It behooves ail who beileve there in good in the olci to belp temper wth wlsdom the~ transition to the new, lest ground gaineci be lost in the &hft.The Rotarlan Magazine. I e %ambi-an ebuâmn Real Need of Church Is Leaderali There is plenty of plain truth in the article lished below from the pen of Bride Broder cf Mail and Empire, who writes lier mmid on the1 she believes the church should f iii in the lfe oc country. Her comments follow: "Our clerical acquaintances-..and we have hE great many, of differing faiths, and differing ir pretations in our time-have almost invariablyn ifested a distinct edginess when we have verbaJ3 in print, showîi a tendency to blame organized ligion for much of the iii that besets the world. vain have we explained that our reason for blan the church is flot because we think the church poor thing, but because we feel, and are convin that she could be all-powerful if only her leai were alive to ber possibilities. The clerical repI this is that the church is macle up o! the laity, an( that we reply that the f inest army can be ruined made useless against the enemy by poor gener We shouid neyer have been in the place we are day had the church spoken, regardless of the ef] of such. speech on church finances at the mom( The church-and we use the termn in its widest se -has known, ail aiong, that certain evils were exi ing and growing, but she dici nothing effectuaii in a united way, to stop them. For the clergy-0 again the word is used with a wide inclusiveness- say that they knew nothing o! the growth oft happy conditions, is merely to condemn themselv City councils may confer, and parliaments; enactk isation and it will ail, when sincere, be heipful,u ioubtedly. EBut the real need is for the church 'ealize the duties of leadership, andi to bring religi into that high place in the world's hife whichs declares with her mouth it should occuPY." r di Observations and Opinions This is the open season for annual reports, banks. churches. insurance anîd trust companie And if you can believe ail you read in tbe papers these institutions show a decided improvement an signs point to even greater and better things for tt future. If a man making $40 every week found oniy $: in bis pay envelope with a notice explaining that had been beld out for taxes, he would not be longj demanding through bis public officiais, an explar ation of where the rnoney went, and why, and, adc the Indianapolis News, the people would soon ha% better and much more economical government. Th comment is timely and revealing. Communities, like persons, differ. Some are large some are smaUl, some are progressive and some dor mant. Much can be clone to improve the commur. ity life. if there is vision ofl the opportunities fo raising the standards, if there is capable leadershli andi an effective agency through which to function Patience wiil be needed, rigbt methods are necessars and a good deal of team work. We agree with the Winnipeg Free Press when it says: The spoils system, which is resorted to for the benefit of party workers, is likely to be injurious politically to the party practislng it. There was no time when it was more iikely to damage a party than tbe present. But apart from political consideration, the Liberal party, andi aIl parties, should be above thE practice, on grounds botb o! ordinary decency and of efficient public administration. Only weak and sordidi arguments can be used in its defence. When the Hon. Vincent Massey entered the billowy sea of party poiitics a number of years ago as an advocate of Libcralism, he exemplified dignity and tolerance with a keen understanding o! public affairs wbich has marked hlm as an outstanding statesman of this generation. It s to be hoped and expected that his cousin, Denton Massey, wbo bas been ap- pointed campaign director for the Conservative party in Ontario in the coming general election, will con- tribute in like measure in raising the standards of party politics. Wonder Just what West Durham couid demanci o! it-s federal member la the way of a slice of that tre- mendous public work's programn? Nearly al the barbors along tbe Lake Ontario shore got something except Bowmanvlhie. Now wouId be a good time to put that bridge across the piers at Port Darlington as a public works enterprise. Others suggest that as Bowmanville is the only urban municipality In this riding witbout an armouries that such a building be erected in the centre of the town at the Rotary Park which could be used for communlty as well as milii- tary purposes. dOwnto lw lvelsof edeaourjetHEAD OFFICE - - MONTR BAL me say t-bat-t-rne is given US t-o re-j MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE...tise Outcoe of pair our mnistaktes and t-o correct- ur 117 Years'Successfu Operacian ways. I Icnew a Young man wbo had let- go Of everYt-bung fine. He had r been genthy reareti. He bati gone to oiavleBac:F -M IV IN a Universit-y. There he went- astray. omnii rnh .O dV E ,Mariager When be was graduat-et be was in- clînedtito go stralgbt t-o t-be devil. After a year o! banse living be matie a complet-e face-about. He cut- hlm- ]Boy Scout Movement Stands for L In tbe past tbree weeks both His Excel Governor General o! Canada, and His Ho Lieutenant Governor o! Ontario have spoken radio in behaîf of the Boy Scout Movemenl month Lord Baden Powell, founder of thi youth movement. wiIl arrive in Canada, ar tribute to him the Governor General, whoj Scout for Canada, urges immediate expansior movement. The scouts of Canada are bend-4 effort to increase membership from 65,000 t< members, and a fund of $500,000 is being subscribed by those who see a great opporti character building in the Boy Scout movemer The Governor General, in the course o! hi address on January lit-b, stated "In my opiri organization wbicb lays so much stress on ho: loyaity, on neighborliness, and on 'playing the is the one that is finest and is best suited toC Naturally, lt-s emphasis on loyalty appeals toi is not life macle up of loyalties, loyalty to Ifriends. ioyalty to those tbings that are beautil good, loyalty to one's country, loyalty to our and above ail, and most important of ail, loy Goci?'. His Excellency has well summeci up t-be moi in that brie! paragraph. It is to be hoped th nation will heed bus words andi work for the sion of this great work. Because t neyer bas strong support as it deserves the Scout moyen Bowmanville bas flot made the progress iti Just recently a group of prominent ctizens agn be members o! a committee to sponsor the wc Bowmanvîlle. The Wolf Cubs, junior scout oi ation, has already been organized, and in tbe future it us boped to re-awaken unterest in a troop. These organizatuons can give a dist-nct vice t-o tbe town, andi it is to be hopeci as the are formulated and the -moral support o! the1 is required that it will be forthcoming in measure. ..oyalty se1 lf ! from evil companions and Y O R W RLD ways. He pledged imself to an P ency the rgh lf. eprepared bimfself for over the and MINE a î~a ofty profesion. In thîs prof es-J st C i ]:îGOL * onor theE sien he attained eminence. He be- f t ovr th Bycame a recognized leader among nt. Next > men. Young people found un hum a Liion C. KIRKWOOD true friend. Hle is no longer in the 1o m n iil great- (Copyright) land of the living, yet is name and B w n n i l tnd as a bis works live.p !j is Chie! Let me tell o! a Young man of I suppose t-bat aIl o! us know men 7oqf )n of tbe whom I have ÎcnoslecIge - a Young who have redeemed their ives frm Ing every man Who lived in a smnali t-own. His the slavery o! early passions and o j ftber was rich and illiterate - dissipations. The way back from ' 7 0100,000 sbrewd and ibard; a man of precise patbs of enror to roads o! bonour D LV ereaduly habits but o! coarse ways aînd ap- mnay have been bard to travel,.and D IIV RY înlty for iPetites. The mother o! this Young there may have been some falis andFo'uikhaan ime at deveyjs nt. mani was a slave in ber own bouse- bruises: but so long as there was fin- Froikha n m eit eieyjs âi r bi old. Her husband reps-essed ber. ai victory, the unpleasant exper- eall f. W. Knight's. Your home will be filled li rdi e allowed ber but a pittance for iences can well be forgotten.us ion this housekeeping. He gave ber no ser-1 The way up and on beckons t-o with greater war'mth when youus Knight nour, on vants. This woman bad te prepare1 those of vision and resohution, and coke. e game', the meals for ber exacting busband' who are nlot macle downhearted by'O D R N W C N MZ ' set-bat tbey would be t-o bis liking an occasional tumble or check. O D R N W C N M Z Canada. andi served at the very minute Set There is no caîl for one to be over- Line Company's Hard Anthracite, ton .... $13.95 me, for for tbem. She had to do ail the bastY. Life Is long enougb t-e guve oe one's bousework. Sbe had no visitors, no us ahi t-be turne required for the at- This is a real good hard coal, Chestnut or Stove iful and enjoYnments, no compensations. She taiient of our goals. Let t-bus re- Vulcan Anthracite, ton---------------..$12.95 Pampered ber son, wbo returneci ber flection sustain us when faith and Kn htsC eo---------$1 .5 Lr Kig, no affection or gratitude. purpose falter. K ih' oe o ..........$15 ralty to The fat-her neglected bis mon - The End Pea Coal, ton----------------------..$11-25 let himiru wild, only denmandung -MaeHrd od cod -------$.2 veinent that be be ln the bouse at meal Il adwocr ......... 32 ri ti me and early in the evenings. OPINIONS DIFFER ON exten- money': wbat money be received REBUI LDING HOUSE J. W . KNIGHT bad as came from his motber's purs,- - ber 0F REFUGE, COBOURG n in eagre savings from ber bousekeep- T axi Service - éhould.s alolowutain Th sonwendto Witb members o! Counties Council scbol bu aaiat iswil, nddivided on the question o! rebuilding LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING reeti te learned very littie. Ia bis late teens the House o! Refuge at Cobourg, ork in t-be father sent bim o!ff t-o a univer-temaeritmoaiyladntb Phone 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant S sity n a nearby city, andl gave hlm th a e and a spc i lmeeting o! the rai- a monthly a1lowance o! $5 over andtalndasei mtngoth ýnear above bis board money. The fatber Council 15 ikely before long t-o make______________________ Scout wanted bis son te be "eddicated" la cemtedcso.O Wensy _______________________________ t ser- when be entered bis business. But 1 hst members of the council looked plan cicuristacesledte te sns e- over the ruins and then discussed tbe public aad t o fbis homet-on wit the rn, Hamilton architect- pxesent-ed ab an d n m e h en t o bis un v e 'sit a i n i p n c u c l . W a -' large course, at the end of t-be firs er the plans drawn up at t-be request- o! J C KX s ya.t-be Board of Management. Many1C The son's tastes were low and vic- members of counicil found f ault ious Hesougt hs copanonsin wit-h the Board's spending $1300 t-o lup pool rooms and beer parlours. He have this clone wit-bout placing t-be was pie" for gamblers, to wom e matter before the Council. SO gave IOU's for bis lasses, these be- Ex-Warden W. Davey was calhed SO pu- ing taken in t-be confidence t-bat t-beupntoeht-e onclwabd )f te -ld.man wold aybis son's dbts already been clone wut-h regard t-o the place o! 'honor." Wben t-be' situation j ma$5e.0.Hexpandttth )f t-be became terrifying. the son st-oIe b 5.0.H x re -a h money and led. To the very end arcbitect wouhd work on a six per LE be was no good - a bum. Icent-. bass, and take a chance on bis ad a i C K pasbing approved. inter- I suppose that- every smaîî town Dutyeee McKeel asked if t-e F O man- produces bums - youts who are Conties w iee oigtd n spineless andi who findtitheir grat- Wy. Iy, or if ications ln places and empho3-ment-s Tbe question o! boardi-ng out- the d re- and pleasures o! t-be debasing kind.i. ~rateýs was brougbt up. Warden! These pei'ils constantly face the motorist in 1.I Tbey like t-o be where conver:sations Stinson andi Reeve Maurice Boot-hWne ots fcore o a ee Lig are gross and obscene, wbere oatbs bot-h expressed tbemselves as itrmnh.O co seyuma nvr rng are many in every sentence. wheresrnyagitt-edao be skid on ic' o so, you may not be blinded is a honest work us hehd la îow esteem, grounds t-bat- rany o! t-be aid People byset nVo a ntla o vra neced, wbere lust andi vice and dishonor were Practicalhy invahitis and needediu leadfgmyntIa o vra aders are bred. bospit-al care. Ex-Warden Davey embankment or into a ditch. But you are not I wonder if t-be yout-b o! Bow7,man- tolti of one instance o! an iinate sure. Weather is no respecter of persons. ly t-o ville wuîî permît- me t-o say some who was refuseti board after t-be id t-o tbîngs t-ot-hem on t-be subject- o! bow f ire even by bis brother, the latter The only w'ay to be sure is to play safe. andI t-o live. And wbat 1 may say s like- declaring he coulti not manage bim. "Insure to be sure" is the motto for every ýrals. wise for yout-hs wbo live on farms; The question o! a goverfiment - frte y, t o, ave their probleins grant was aso discussed. but the m t r o n r i 9 5 adtpations goverfiment would not- make any ffect J C K Promises until plans and specifica- Y ~ ~ i ~ îent. First o! ail, I bld You t-o decide, tions hati been - submit-ted and ap- J e.J eql* N S O ;ense il you can, on what- you want t-o be, Proved. it was stateti. ist-- do or bave in t-be mat-urity o! your R-eeve Boot-h said t-bat- if the work AlKnso nuac ile. Choose a goal if you possibly could be clone under t-be relief plan, AlKnso nuac nor can. Wbat do you want most t-ot-be counties could save approxim ate- Poe5 o m ni and do, be or bave when you are 40 or ly $20.000, supposing labour to cost1 -to 50 years ohd? # $30,000 andth -e goverrament grants__________________ u- You may finci it bard t-o make a t-o be t-wo thirds t-bat- amount-. u- choice, because You rnay lack a chear Reeve McColl Campbelhford. sug- Ex-Warden Davey suggest-ed t-bat- Point-s, but- nothing definite was Ives. perception o! your inclinations andi geted t-bat- sînce Cobourg migbt de- bal! a mIlI added to t-be t-axes t-o- accomplisbed. leg- 1capacities. Manyi o! Yeu, m-ben you rive t-be greatest- benefit wben t-be gether witb t-be insurance ($33.000> Reeve Wilson pointed out t-bat tire un- it- e uip wage-paid employmnent, w~ilI House o! Refuge was being re-but- would take care o! t-be cost o! re- habor woulci comne from ail over the i t-o ge into kinds o work or occupa- t-be t-own sbould make a grant -o-- building. two counties and not from Cobourg lr 'but- o! your opport-unit-y. Thus, you teony she may get into a ret-ail store; or into - ________________ ________________________ I an office; or you znay enter bank- ing; or You may become a machin- ist-, or do mome ot-ber kind 0f manual work; or you may decide t-o go li for haw or medicine or teacbing; or Iyou may become ldentilied witb t-be of mining indust-ry. The fact- is t-bat- .es. most persons do not- enter t-be oc- aUl cupation of t-heur choice but- o!t-heur nd opportunity and t-bat t-bey continue nd in their kinti o! occupat-ion and, in be many instances, make a tistingulsh- ed success in IL. Know t-bis, t-bat in 10 years o! 31 purposeful andi earnest- effort, a m an- ýl can malce bimself a master o! bis $9 business. Ten years is a very short la -space o! time. and t-bere us great en- n- couragement-ln t-be knowledge t-bat-K d.within t-is perioti it- is Possible to make quit-e remarkab]e progress, It- vemeans t-bat- always onie wihi be learn- he ing t-be bow t-o do t-be job o! a man blgber Up - th-i while one Is in bis lower job. AcJvancement cornes quickiy and surely t-o t-hse who are ,e, ripely prepared for ativancement, r-. and wbo are bent- on adivancement. ri- Jc ic or I urge you t-o bave a goal and a purpose, because t-bis is t-be way t-o Pescape many temptations toward n. evil. The youtb wbo fintsis t easy ry andi pleasant t-o consort wit-h those wbo Winl drag hlmclowrn ln morals ilancl aimrs is be who is going no- wbere - just drift-lng. TIIE CANADIM STATT6SMAN- I;nIVUAWI"T.1r.W

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