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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 10

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PAON TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FKBRUARY 'Tth, 1935 IGirls' Unity Class Diversif ied Program Given I The Newcastle Independent j The Girls' Unit.Jenie Clau1,I t1Ti... YUP.S011t jI jafluary 18 ,in thrd Ble i cpae r.' e ne r ha ,Newtonvilie. Trinity Young peopl& s meeting On DRIK hs raiedmor blod i as'ngan sypat~ or îsf an-Election of ofiesrsle as fol- Deatli came with startling sudden- Young People's Pledge: "t1 u Hun moe cepe 1W lws:preidet-Dr~f Lke; Vice ness on Friday, Feb. lst ta Mrs. alm and ideal, as members of this Newcasmoeeis a eet 1,illage-but Pres ent-argre Tos;LEc Jnie Grahamn, who for the past Young people's Society, to be loyal Sold more homes,Necsl saIwtvilg MraeTo;Sc'. five years has been nurse and bouse- ta each other, and ta Jesus Christ, Plunged more people into bank- there is only sa mucb money cir- Gladys Pollard: Press See'y.-Althea keeper in the home of Mr. M. A. our Saviour, and to, do ail in our culating and what goes into bever- Jms SnoIEio o Watae-poentedeHs rnipe ffc-4 ruptcy, age roins does not particularly ben-' Henniflg: Treasurer-Marjorie Ad- JaeSnorEio f h tts-pwrt mk i ricpe ffc- 4 - msa. oDceaedhad beetn iii er Ive in aur lsies adine orid." IRTHS IWA'rEu-ONE W'HO CAN MA&I Are oevlanefit the grocer, the butcher, the amns; Pirgram ÇomVelma Wat usa.godeealtdh isîtein beraivPogin or w and in c hare oMrlonI' natcmecildainsfr Siain more children, clothier, nor provide conf arts for son. Nora Colwill. Violet Henning, fred- r.Satn at the R.eid Pickard's group. Quiet music was '-tcmerildawnsfO Snapped more wedding rings, beverage room on Feb. 21st. reath Walton; Refreshmelt Com h oe hnvt gis h eaFitfMre olrDn- home on Thursdny eveniflg and a laeo aln Hme.SrpUes ALGER - In Oshawa, on Monday. _______________ Defiled more innocence,A ieavsn Mrs. W.H. B. Marie H-enniflg. Marg. Harris, Dr Friday took breakfast as usual. did were read by Miss Mary Jewell and Jaar th195toM.ndMDL AGDW ANWSE Blinedmoreeye, Ahy irekngadvisingates .u-Aud- wokber cmeor Th atdescame Irta GaTh;epStates-Mr- aMiss 2tIrene, tGra.anamIDDEprayerMANWby Chaplin of the death of her mother, tyBokfg ifi e, mani office for the f amily mail a.s ion Pickard and a story was told by BunneStewartR lgson.Hln Psiina cmain osk Dethroned more reason, Mrs. Grant, in Chester, Penn., on rey Boflathan. Maron Rinch. is-w as her customn every mornng. Miss Novea Berry.Alrpae Beý o. raw cper orwlanviAll 6-1 Wrecked more manhood, Feb. 4th, came as a severe shock ta ing Com.-Ruby Shaw, Mary Clem- Shortly after il a. m. she reached John 3: 16; double duet was Sung -- D aNTeD.., ..oR RAWiL EIG her. as she had flot anticipated any ence, Dorothy Bonathafi, Ruth* Cob-hm n ei bu e oshl yMse lrneIeMro su h s d n w , M s h p i e t b e i k o i e B t y u y N ich ai-D A T SM u T o 80 fa i i s W r t t - Brsonore moe wmnod uhsdnw.Mr.Calnwn cLrife atY, Ruby rdduties when she was strickefl. Med- Pickard. Clara Belîman and Marion 1 EAT Ay. awleigD ept. MAL4-S, Boemoeeatto Toronto on Tuesday ta take the as; Loakotit Com.-Mrs. Rca ical help was secured and everyth.ing Hamley. Topic was "Love, The Prin- Rot f80faiis rt Blasted more lives. train for Chester ta join her sister, Rosa Osbourfie, Mrs. Witticar, Katie doe a rliveherbu se snkino cpl ofChisiar Lvig,"le b Driven more ta suicide, Mrs. Mebourne, and other relatives Clarke. MryChaplin. Myrtle Clarke, dn o eiv e u h akit il fCrsinLvn, e yLWN-nBwinilo u- MnraCnd.5 theobsqijes.Th lae Ms. aze Wan;pait-aydm unconsciousfless. It was thought Marion Pickard. A very interesting LWN-nBwavle nSn otel aaa An u oegae hnayat tbest ta reThernoves. aze wberPiatatMathelm-day. February 3rd, 1935, Robert An u oegae hn~ Grant had many friends inNw ne sitn-oaClil ett eoehrt h Hospital paper answeriflg the question "If JaeLoesagd7yar.T Lt other poisoned scourge that ever castle. having spent er sunmers The program consisted of: Read- w itbin e a horase h a asedbuta Lven by Miss M wuild Henersn waand Q~ m Lo es , in B76rarT-Le swept its death-dealiflg waves across here for many years. Nw ne sitatNr avl. wihr se an sheadeomorable bto veruledMisat Muld hapen." ads AA-Sdeli omn the world.-Evangelifle Booth, Cam- Rev. Mr. Smith of Markharn ad- gave a recitation; a piano solo by the Great Byond. wo sh r tor es were ea byMis vie, on Friall, ebruaryf1,1935. HOU eEtOrEal lL Con V sEN- mander Salvation Army. dressed a public meeting in the in- Glaclys Pollard: Mrs. McLean gave Since coming ta Bowmanville she VvaBunrGaeseepayed Jn i alwlwdwo omnil.4t - tress f tmprane n te ounila few ors 0 apreiaior. loe-has made mnany friends, and ber and meeting closed by singing William Grahami, Newtonville, in Nov. 15th. Sheppard & 111Ltd. chamber on Thursday evening, when ly lunch was served at the close. cheywrankidysiewlbe'SepoeMyou"ndeet- er2dyar Mr. urySr, f esic vsi - - > -greatly rnissed by thoc-e she assoc- ing Mizpah Benediction. MARLOW-Ifl Cartwright, on Sat- TO LET - 1 OR 2 UNFURNISHE -Mrs.poinsan rprinso urday, February 2nd, Elizabeth A. thMn air. r m n ' ev r g o e 's A s c a i n n u d yW ilia ri5, beloved w if e of G eorge room s for quiet couple; use o hrtHtlmon eepeeti osdrable DchuglaAsspendidlousekeper, j M. Marlow. in ber 63rd year. In- bathroorn and celiar, Apply Mrs Nated and M rs W.e Pu d in- thmersOntarlowigoverhe pli eerae DmlReunion Women'Associatid on ndsunday New s for the terment at Nestleton Cemetery. ________________Street, Playrs ae hldin nubers Falowiig he pbli mee- -very7 methodical and efficient, sheI their second annual banquet at the ing the temperance forces remained M.adMs hs .Dulso ilb isdiitehm n C'I-In East Whitby, on Satur- T E- OMDHUE QensHotel on Tbursday eveniflg, ta plan their carnpaigfl against the Indian Head, Sask., whio have been arnon b nth oead u y Frer friends. n,195 amsP. cnenee fcn Tw Feb. l4th. sale of wine and beer in the vilaev tng her people at Dundas and amShe wsr rai sed---- cttannd lived inte o osesinFerar st United Churcb - Rev. S. Mac- and ta organize for the contest. Mr. St. George, and Mr. Douglas' mother the wshilorand ed nie dtrict. RA.iRifScotitgeB.ApePembrville Lean, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Feb.. Smith, f resh from a campaigfl whicb adthntMrsJno Doula and of hoil d arit formerly of B.H.S. staff, Bowman- Ph'on 16R. R4-tfowa ltb: il a. m.-Marning Worship; he headed Up in Markliam where in Mrs. Ed. Brittain, in Newcastle, re- daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. drflrpirgo ilge mc-ÇEPR-tdel.a e ei O ET-7ROE OS 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School; 7 p. rn. a recent vote there was a substant- turned home Sat.urday after enjoy Slese aloelad ic teielr epa ineror eilal pin eem5achvREE-Sdenlock treet, Tor- FOR En ec- ve.7rOOM d floos ia.lGmorge'sYCagainSChthe aeverages.ingstherBrownpsuHomedandfcrOO eath of ber husband, Wm. Grahaml, with replacemient of doubtful or onto, Thursday night, January 31. wired for an electric stave. Vc Sodit. ere's CurscialuCi are roois wastve r heifnand off edClub dance in the commuuiity hall aver tbirty years ago, she bas made, warn parts bas been praven in ex- 1935. Maria Jane Patter, wife of ant Jan. 31. Apply Mrs. Qui tholFdig their a ennua oi fun cto taassit ihe r in an waymore on Friday evening. The week-end ber home in Newtonville, when lot prmns ncsDf operating f arm the late Thomas Creeper, Tyrole. Phone 226, Bowmanville. 3t thi Fida eenigbegnnflgwih oul. her ae jsttV. mrepreviaus they had been present at a eint on duty. asleigh ride and concluding with weeks ta voting day, Feb. 21st. famiîy re-union at Mrs. Douglas' o uy macli.nery to pay large divideflds by Interment in Bethesda Cenietery.HARIS the Pa ish H al. of he Un ted Ch rch wa held n dau hter fom wid ly sep rat d t he n o er w h o nday a- Tpr e itif l mjo ncstly reailyr.1 M s eo g .H ll e viceGebrge'sconducted by RevH..theos.S.ceive oessb.care.awd1more hard knocks IN MEMORIA.M tive. Phone 333 for appoinîrnens MStn . ..,Geoge'cCb r -ReFH. S thpesident, Mr e . h ith the centres met together under the par- vic_____________________________ 6-1' careand Maso. MA. BD., ectr. Sndayprsidet Ms. S. MacLean.I, n the entaI roof for the first Urne in many W a il a c e. pastor of Newtonville than any other class of f arm mach -________________ Feb lthSt Suda ater Epiph- chair. Meetingopndwtprereas Walter R.. holding a respon- United Church. assisted by Rev. J. IileryY. any: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il by the president. Variaus secrets-r- sible position with the United States W. Bunner, Bowmanville. a former The value of any implement can LYMER-Iri lovlng mernory of Ida Carpentry Work a. m.-Morniflg Prayer; 2 p. .-i.es gave reports. "World Day of Rubber do., was here f rom New pastor. The ps-h bearers were six only be rneasured by its usefulness Ms-y McSorley, beloved wif e of I an prepared ta do alI kindso ands-Soo .I.Eesfg ryr s ab ed on March 8th. York; Thos. B.. garage proprietor nephews. Many lovely floral trib- in acres covered. quslity of work Thos. Lymer. wha departed this carpentry work, smal repairjos Mrs Iwi Ali 0 IaMrs. Walter Ricks-rd read a paper and automobile dealer, f rom Indian utes from relatives and friends ex- done a-nd f reedoni froin the neces- life Feb. 7tb, 1933. M r.-nd e ro . Iw n Aln o d ,st f csl e ar n ea s r c n r c ok ln r Mr. and ~~on Tempex-afce. Mrs. J. C. Han- Head, Sask.; Roy H. of the Cana- pressed sympathy for the beres-ved. iyo otyrpissn sy. A loving memory. true s-nd kind, estirnates given. W. M. Allin,Bo annoulicethenaeeto hi enPwrCroto, Delays due ta breakdowfls during No fxiend on eartb like ber we'll 453. or Phone 575, Bowrnsnville. theenageen 0fthircock's group was in charge of the dian NorthrPoe-Cprain She leaves 10 mourn ber sudden the rush tillage ses-son of spring and find; IletduheSdeMrae.t program Mrs. Archie Glenney of- Limited. froni Haile:YburY; and AI- passing, One son. Mr. Aif. W. Grs- umraecslan aiype o i fu h i e et eM d. s a u g h t e r, a di e M gae t . o t ao r . J a g n i e t u m r a e c s t y a d e s l r - F r a l f u h i e e t - Mr.Hary cBaneldstson0ffered prayer and Mrs. Cunnîighs-m ma, ,l fMx.H . aeDietain, Barrister, Mount Forest, and vented if the farmer, with a few And God gave her eternal res. reaT W cndoad the laeE edtescriptux-e lessan; Mrs. W. or of Heintzmari & do.. froni Tor- tbree brothers, John ,Richard and tosadaIîi ue iîcek -aî isdb ub-d li UI M . M c B a in of Id a . th e w e d d n g la D B ra g g sa n g s wý e e tly ' G iv e af Y 0tr o n to . S u a s H sa ndow ell a n d o n e sisterc heov er c aref ully e v ery w o r kin g or a n dmAla n placeac th scod.eekinFe- *s-s.--Siaa als-.landonRANCIS rs oerSUTTONevry orMn o an Aan FANCSFUTOC.Mu-Bc.F. tak th seon wek i Fe- esItat the Ms-ter"- with Mrs. E. Chas Reid,. l of Clrke; besides wearing part long befare he is go- A .C .dpoa nPao ruary. Rincb -ccorpanyilg:Reports froin une fneenpew n n ouetemcie.A .C .dpoa nPa Mr. La Trobe of the Ontario Safe- the Pxesbyterial meeting held in nut.r o nices nehew andingta se he s-cine CLAYTON - In loving mnemory of Singing, Violin a-nd Organ. St. PauIav'anslustaEvening1Hamto Aue blliary y rcousins.- Check over every machine care- aur des-r son, Thomas Richard Private or class lessons. t , L esu ae nillutrathedule ad- Hrapto indweres-bl ioa:MisHn bneesig ed f ully for base, worn or stripped Clayton, wha passed away Febru- Pupils prepared for ail examinatas high schools on Jan. 29tb. The lect- S. Blsckburnl gave a very interest- Abetn edMna r. oI .Hrsoe aiîon. and elche s-ll b s r slack ahrs. Oeyabspaedsnett ure on safety and first aid m eas ires ing ta k on the M ission s-y A e tiMonth.ly.s o t A a d to e am lo .ar r , 19 4 h ne 4 , B wm n il was given in the community hall. Wheel and power lift bearings, disk sad day,4-t th uisbigaccompanied by Regul5. meeting 0f Y.P.L ain Rglrmengoth Evening I A former resident of Bowmanvlle, boxings and ail moving parts should When one we l ivdwscled BENEDICK CLARKE, NOTED TR their tes-chers, Principal Tiios. A. charge of W. Rickard. Devational Auxilis-ry of St. Ps-ul's United churchKingst obret As.,Hamitone on warkin a rjts f od easCean ail it Gdt l oe, lwas cHis titio anite Viol iadSxo .Radger, Miss Mason. Mi ssOrchard. period by Jack Hare. George Buck- was sheld at the home of Mrs. D. S ona. e. t aKheineraStandteel partcHesilionkersenend wiîî.pan;lsistuesfosl. Pricial . . H Wrd ndMis ly.Winnie Rickard, Mrs. I. Colville, McGregor, Scugog SI., o ndy ospia. sfer ta ihes0fteerpl opace t pf lenl reshlui onethmNanedeyrwa i. Fo apon thien a.nox88io Switzer. Mrs. MacLeat ad Mrs. E. Bragg. evening. Consideriig the cl e csiaatra lns ftrerpaewt lnyo fehlbi ogthm o envrwl. Frapitet .0 o NewcastleYon People's Les-gue An inspiring address was given by ther there ws-s a fair attendance.imonths' durs-lion. Mrs. Hardstone cants. wasseprsesedboxte-nhala KenA.L.tchEngls-ndill: a5issy.eamu hiSadlyrsidmtsed asbyrnMother.EnlanFatberas -Mrs. mssOeo.MotReidathr.MsBowmanville.wmnvi repesntd t heOsaw s. b a.rNiciteî, owarv es isM HtnoPeident. pre- s-go, ancd had resided la Hamilton Plougbshares, cullivatar shovels ndFmiy Presbytery young people's rally s-l olo by aguit ee Hais mothr siding. Mms. George Webster wbo for the ps-st year. She ws-s a mem- disk bIs-des sad alI cutting edges Pofrt e rry ard ayr i ssAlin e aî- gn li sm nd guard selecto by Chr- hws-s i c h rof th e Devotin o lhf ber of Caroline Stx-eet Mission. Left should be shsrpened well in sdvance HEARL-In loving memory of ur e a r Cnî!eicr, M s-nonite ari, Jan li; eporemence snthoratan lAnde--our, reate sriptue resding ta mournber des-lb, besides ber bus- of spring. Have ail spare sets des-r father, Mr. Samutel HesrI, R.P AW S ON Clernence. MarguerieeHirres s-nd.son; eprof ine choand oedb, vr irsigarticle bs-nd are two sons, Donald E. and shsrpened as well. Check the align- who died Feb. 7tb, 1927. Boot and Shoe Repalrini Norma Orchard, Edwin Hs-ncock, Beilevilleki by W.CemeCe s-ds written by Miss Marjorie McOowanr Robert, sad one daughter. Miss Ms-r- ment of brace s-ms, beains, hitches, Sweet memories wil linger farever, Sales sewn on by Goodyear Stitcln Pearce. Hà E. H sncock sand Ken - Hare, A. rsaam . G. Buckley. C. During the business period the min- J es, ilMrs. hFr e ,Griff th Ham i -lan row eeth and mc ulva ar s .Hs- ks ge- t re ; Ko c a g t e i itsM i ne.g Stree E st - owmanv neth Werry mtored the Newcastle Alldresdad C. Gilkes. Meeting utes were resd followed by the Trea- M P s dMrs rdGiftdHmlo; Ytet n utvto hnsgn e;Ktng ms-yeorneEcanaI-seer --- gru t Segg' or.closed witb s- hymn sad thie bene- surer's repart. Mrs. F. Willias-m res-d rs. P. oo.*. s-nd xs. Te Green, ex-slly need slrsightening after ev- Myea loving re cmebrano eveo. ORFR EVC dirtup. ta LSctigag'sccpteport.r in Eagland. The funiers-I took place ex-y season's run. Meyeflvnb e brterof yather FORSERIC Over s- score a! aur local apple dcin h egeb- cetdiavr worthwhile address. ThefrnthfurahoefDosrh sad and Durham Apple Growers' People on Feb. 11h, ad put on s-Ma ennsradprin !teMarislt & Brown, on Wednesdey Make a list of al new parts need- Il is sweet ta bre-the the ns-e' NICE YORKSHIRE BOAR BOUGH s-t Pot H pe las w ek miSsionary prgran. W ill all those M .d c pe r of the Stupo ytBon k "Bull- afernoox. Inter mnent was m sde in ed.secure these during the winter In life we loved you des-y, forisi n tmptown ze hm , A d convention atPotwHpelaWoodls-nd caper f emetuy ery. ul-and replace the aid parts before In desth we do the saine. ihn o arnz ir wben Mr. ICyle Squair of Bowmnn h can supply transportation ders of India" which m-as vex-y i ola-dCmeey v ille w a s e lec ted p resid en t . T h e p e sse h sn d th i a n e a M r t estin g . M sn y th a k s t a M iss- - - - - - -- - -- - - a n d S o ns-M p e Gr ave. Phone 203r3. 5t meeting psssed a resolution *of ap- Clemence, Ja-ck HaInes or Garnet Jennings. Miss Hutchinson closedi precis-tion foar the long yeax-s of ser-i Ricks-rd. the meeting with prs-yer. Deliciaus Have you anything you want ta Mx-. and Mx-s. Clels-nd Lane, New- vic o th lteW. . ibsnto OterNewaslenews on inside refresbmeats were served a-nd the selI? Why not tx-y the classified tonville, spent Sunday with ber par-Fo Sale u vie o her lt Ww.Gisn, -ther reretwfor-stlpaes useItscia Har eipto. dvt . ePhone.and376r34. Iurkl __________________ Calle pups. Apply ta Gsrth Per- 6-1 LEGAL Why You Should ~~~FOR SALE,-A BEATTY ELECTRICM.GV.OLDBAM W hy You Should ~ ~~~Wasber, new gusrantee for bal- M .V OLB. LB ance o! payment. Apply Mason & Barrister, Solicitar, Nota-r Dale, Bowmauiville. 6-1 Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, BowmnvU FOR SALE - CUTTER, BU GG Y V ot to A b ll'sh the Be ers nd bs-mess, sl in good condition. W. R. STRIKE Mrs. J. H. Gibson, Newcastle. Barrister, Solicitor, Noaxy Phone Clax-ke 1140. Solicitor for Bank of Montrl FOR SALE-NUMBER 0F CEDAR BowmaIIville, Onts-rio IN NEXAqJCAsTLE __eyt La. h posîs, also 2 brooder bouses, 'xlO'_______ and 10'x12'. Ais-n McKessock, L. C. MASON, B. A.. Salins-. Phone 238r14. 6-V* Barrister - Solicitor FOR SALE-GOOD DURHAM COW Noaxy Public - Etc. 1.1. eaerom aLaw salihdpulc rnin .Beeaa omshen h Ileseo ane olfbranches. olti hies;Lw nal t race v. wlll renew soon. Aiso buckwheat Office immediately es-st ofRoa as effectually as the old bar roomns. on the ilgiways. Driving after drinking any liquor and Victor oa-s. John Metcalf, Theatre. is frequently a menace to safety of yourself and your Bowiniville. Phne 183r5. 6- hns fie 68 oe 53 2. Beverage rooms bring back private profit for the children. DENTAL______ beeî' barons with the selfish interest to increase sales. SHAW SCHOOL GRADS DR.ls J. CD. DEVITT 3. î'eag ooms have bî-ought back the treating sys- S. Beverage î-ooms are already injuring other business offares fond i oas lafds and bs Tor-ustOie:! ry Dentl cole temn - one of the worst and most seductive features in Newcastle, not only by absorbing money which employers. This resuit is found Bawanfville. Office boum 9a.in seekpos to rn. Head Offies 1130 one 9 . dHousexcpoe 83 oth lba omdy.should be spent for food and clothing, but by impair- elposi ton.reetaduffies 1130 onep.9i. Hds-lyhexeSudy of the od bai' om days Ba-y Street, Toronto. X-Ray Equiprnenl in Offie ing utur purhasilg pwer.____ -'FUNERAL DIRECTO AND ALL THAT MAKES A CLEAN AND CAPABLE l o52JàGaMnBsnl i care COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY.of Eac VOTE TO BOLSH HE EIER ROO S F Bo istweek from 9 a. m. to 9 P. m. Gordon E Garnett in charge. This advertisement sponsored by Newcastle Temperance Forces. NOTE-Where at ail poisible kindly make appointiaent

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