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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Feb 1935, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1935 Not a -Rheumatic Pain For 4 Years 70-Year-Old Man Praises Kruschen A man who once suffered severely from rheumatismn writes:- -For a long time I suffered witb rheumatisrn; and at one time was laid up for about nine weeks. About five years ago I was advised. to try Kruschen. 1 did so, and have con- tinued uslng tbem ever since.. Kru- schen did the trick, as I have flot hati a rheumatic pain for over f our years. I arn nearly 70 years of age, and feeling fine, and always able for my day's work-thanks to Kruscb- en."-A. S. Kruscben dissolves away those needle-pointed crystals of uric acid which are the cause of al ibeumat- ic troubles. It wil also flush tbese dissolved crystals dlean out of the system. Then if you keep Up "the littIe daily dose," excess uric aciti wlll neyer foîm again. IlConsciousne.ss of rigbt - di o i n g brings its own reward; but not amiti the smoke of battle is merit seen and appreciateci by lookers-on.- Mary Baker Eddy. HIGH-CLASS PR-1 NTING We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at i a moderate price in the following lines of print- ing: -Letterheads I -Envelopes -Statementsc -Bill-heads -Private Cheques .-Circulars -Tage -Cards -Tickets -Sale Bis I -Dodgers -Menus -Factory Forms -Society Stationery -Blotters -Bookiets -Business Cards -Visiting Cards -Wedding Stationery -Invitations The Statesman has an Up -to,- date commercial printing plant and we are equîpped to turn out al J classes of job work.S Prompt. Service. 0 THE STATESMAN Phone 53 ATTACIK the couse of 0 ~RHEUMATISM LUM BAGO t SCIATICA A le RUMACAPS gîve imrnediate relief from pain d and et the mare turne they wlI tart cleansing the blood of unec acid and other impuntiea whlcb poson the syter. and cause rheuma- tien, ciatica, lumbago, baickache. A regular treatment Of ]RUMACAPS wilC ive you e prmanent relief.p Dos 01 50 Cejdueç, $1.006f RUMACÂPS SI RHEUMATIC CAPSULES n ALE'X McGREGOR, DRUGS u Phone 92 We Delver fs iOBITUARY Mr. John T. Fee, Bowmanville On Wednesday, January 30, 1935 despite the extremely colci weatbe: a riumber of friends and relative assembled to pay their last respec to a much esteemed and1 beloveci oni in the person of John T. Fee whi passed. away on Sunday, Januar. 27tb, at the age of 70 years. He wa boin in Emily Township on Januar, Ist, 1865, and lived on the Feq homestead until bis marriage witJ Matilda Somers, sister of Mis. Thos Jackson, Bowmanville. The happi couple began their farming life jusi jthree miles forth of BowmanviIll and lived there for thirteen years then tbey moved to a faim neai omemee where they resided foi twenty-eight years. One year aftei the death of his wif e on March 5tii 1927, be sold bis faim and spenl three years vislting among bis rela- tives. On October 29th, 1930, he be- came united in marriage with AI- berta Brown of Bowmanville, and the following winter was spent iri Florida. Not long after returning tc his home on Division Street, Bow- manville, lie was seized with ar heart attack and bas suffered more or less from same until bis final ill- ness of about two weeks. Mi. Fee. on account of bis Illness, was forced to, live a quiet life, but those who knew bim best learned tc admire bis sterling character and his adherence to the principles of truth and justice. He was a Con- servative In politics anda membex of the Anglican Church. He Is sur- vived by his wife, Alberta Brown, and one sister, Mis. Calvin Mitchell, of Omemee. Rev. A. S. Kerr, M. A., Minister of St. Paul's United Church. offic- iated at the house and grave. The floral tributes were veîy many and very beautiful. The pall beaiers were Mi. Wilbert Fee, Omemee, Mr. Haroldi Mitchell, Omemee, Dr. J. R. Hancock, Coîborne, Mi. Peter Laing, Orono, Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P., Bowmanville, and Capt. C. W. E. Meatb, Bowmanville. Those from a distance who at- tended were: Mis. J. Wiley, Miss Muriel Fee and Mi. Victor Fee, Toi- onto; Dr. and Mis. J .R. Hancock, Eolborne; Mi. and Mis. W. J. Han- cock. Mi. Loine Wilson, Peterboro; Mi. and Mis. G. T. Hancock, Mi. and Mrs. J. Greenaway, Mi. Wm. Rockin. Mi. Beverley Hancock, Port Hlope; Mi. and Mis. Peter Laing and Mi. Geo. Laing, Orono; Mr. and Mis. Clarence Allin. Mi. and Mis. Chas. Hancock, Mr. Herbert Han- cock. Newcastle; Mis. Hubert Cot- tingham. Oshawa; Mi. Oco. New- man, Mi. and Mis. Harold Mitchell. Mis. Calvin Mitchell, Mi. and Mis. Wilbert Fee. Mis. Samuel Fee. Miss Preda Moncrieff, Mr. Vincent Fee. Omemee. Miss May R. James, Toronto The funeral of the late Miss Mary Rebecca (May) James took place on rhuisd-ay afteinoon from the C.N.R. station for interment in Bowman- ville Cemeteîy. Deceased was the only daughter of the laVe Reuben W. and Rebecca Hatch James, and was boin and had lived in Bowmanville in the earlieî years of ber life where she attended public andi high school and was a member of the Methodist Chuich and Sunday Sebool andi was well known and highly respected. It is about twenty yeaîs since she moved to Toronto wheîe she has since iesided. Last summer she spent a couple of weeks here guest of Mis. Warnlica, andi îenewed ac- quaintance witb old frientis. She has been iII since last November and passed away in Grace Hospital on ['uesday from heait trouble. The service at the grave was con- iucted by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, pastor of Trinity Cburcb. The pal beaieîs weîe Messrs. O. S. James and Arthur Hatch. Toronto, cous- ns. and Rev. J. W. Bunner, F. C. ,anstone. Geo. W. James and C. H. Maon. Beautiful offerings f rom a number of frientis expiessed the re- spect and love of a number of rela- ives and fîiends. She is suivived by one brotheî. Albert, in California. "True menit, like a river. the eeper it is, the less noise it makes." -Lord Halifax. There is nothing repulsive in MiÜll- er's Worm Powders, andi they are as leasant to take as sugar. 50 that few childien will refuse them. In some cases they cause vomiting hrougb their action in an unsound tomacb, but this is only a mani- festation of their cleansrng power, no indication that tbey are h urtful.1 E'hey can be thoîoughly depended upon to clear ail woims from the system. *Tribute to we have lost a gooti friend andi the UNITED entire neigbboihood will miss hlmn 1 F. W. O. WERRY, B. A. greatly, but he bas gone where there APPL are many mansions and one prepar- 'Gladly did I live, and glatiiy die, ed for hlmn." Anti I laid me clown with a will.'" Even in bis last illness he would not bave bis loved ones calleti. be- Meetings Hel 5, These woids of Robert Louis Stev- cause he tid not want to untiuly Hall, port r, enson weîe often on the lips of Mr. worry. Ici SFW.OWey.attbugothe He was laid to rest in Bethestia tpast thirty years, in bis brave f iglit1 Ceretey on Thursday, Jan. 24tb, le for if e, tbe patience, courage, antid Rev. Wm. Parker of Enniskiilen of- The annual 1cheerfulness of Stevenson, alongt ficiating. The psul bearers were: thumberlanti * with the influence of "bis own dear Mi. M. J. Werry, Frank Weîîy, J. A. Growers' .Assc sweet beloveti mother" as be often Werry, S. T. Hoar, Lloyd Ashton day anti Wec tendenly spoke of ber, kept hlm up and Russell Oniiston. Owlng to 3th, ini St.J .amiti the many handicaps that were ilîness. Mr. Gordon T. Weriy anti Hope, witb a bh is. Mr. Walter Murray, nephews, cou]d Hanry Crm ýY He was second son of the late Mn. not be present. duceti AlexC st anti Mis. Peter Werry anti was boin Mi. Werry is predeceaseti by two tural Depaitil le on a faim near Kendal in the town- biothers, Tennyson Thomas, anti expoit mark, Sship of Clarke. At tbe age of elght Henry John, anti one sister, Cora out the nece r be moveti witb tbe f amily near Ty- Minnetta. He leaves to mouin, Mil- varieties thal ,r rone, Darlington township. His pub- ton J. of Oshawa, anti Emma M. of gooti quality. ,r lic achool days weie spent at Hay- 156 Mavety St., Toronto. foi culinaîy 1,dnanti during the asat year there plieti witb in Ltwas gieatly inspiieti by bis teacher. Foundi on the leaflet of one of bis English growE -Miss Lytixa Broati, now Mrs. (Dr.) J. books: PiofessorI -H. Allin, Fisher, Indiana, to futher Success Guelph, addr -improve himself. Thus lie entereti It's doing your job tbe best you can, length, ant ic ci Bowmanville Higb Scisool, later to Anti being just to your fellow nman; pioblenis off * Port Hope Model, anti taugbt school It's making money, but holding'was laid upon *at Enterprise anti Base Line at Ma- friencis, 'ities foi re-pl pIe Grove. Ambition futher led hlm Anti staylng true to your aims anti bardiness anc to Toronto University wbere be ne- endis: on also ticaît eceiveti bis Bachelor of Arts ini 1897. It's figuring bow anti learning wby, for injurious Upon completing this be accepteti Anti looking foîward andti tinking Short ati a position in Ottawa In the Domin- bigli. Russell Osboi ion Bureau anti later became Dom- Anti dreamlng a little andi doing Morley Webstt tinion Landi Surveyor. He was one much; witb practica [)0f the two men wbo playedthte is keeplng always in closest touch to apple pioi jmain paît in tbe laying of the Paci- Witb wbat is finest in word anti The first si f fic Cable Line in 1903, with stations deeti; day moining -at Samoa, Honolulu, Fannlng Is- It's being tboîougb, yet making E. F. Palmer rlanti, Norfolk Islandi anti Australia, speeti; The Professor ietunning to Ottawa by way of Suez It's daring blithely the fielti of tical phases c: Canal anti visting Romne, Venice, chance pruning and < Paris anti the British Isies. While making labor a brave ro- was followed k At an early age be developeti scar- mance; At the Banc let fever whicb lef t serlous aftei ef- It's going onward despite defeat. Churcli Suni fects in throat anti chest whlcb laid Ant i fgbting staunchly, but keep- guest speaker hlm aside at various intervals. ing sweet; anan of Gueli Aftei bis trip arounti the world he It's being dlean anti it's playing f air, much apprecii became seriousiy 111 anti in 1905 the It's laugbing lightly at Dame Des- sang a solo an Government sent hlm among the pair; fifty weie pieý liealth-giving mountains of Saianac It's loolclng up at the stars above, Imperti Lake. N. Y., wbere he liveti for the Anti drlnlcing tieeply of life anti The final sE next sixteen years, anti when health love;, was cevoteti peintittet idt the work of Comput- It's strugging on with the will te' number 0f ri ing for the Canadian Government. wln, pracsm During the latter part of bis stay at Anti taklng loss with a cheerful grin; potanes ornth Saîanac be was able ta take a more It's sbarlng soîrow. anti woîk, anti înerest to tl active part in community 1f e, act- rnlrth, requt ofAgti ing as superintendent of the Sun- Anti making better this gooti oldcomntio of Ag] day school, anti treasurei of the earth *,condito f1t chuîch, besities carrying to a suc- is striving, striving thîough strain thel cof 1!so cessful issue, as its president, the, anti stress. tbee compulso3 Chautauqua. It's doing oui noblest - that's suc- tree wtin3o In 1921 lie returneti to the office cess. appolngfort in Ottawa, but tise change in clim- Aremopeor ate. the everytiay off ice work provetiApooa too mucb foi hlm anti in 1924 he CARD 0F THANI<S Sales Committ was superannuateti. Since tben be 0f mmbters o bas resideti in Toronto wbere he Tbe immediate relat'ves of the Cmitet bas put up a brave figbt for lîfe, late Mn. F. W. O. Werry wisb to ex- House anti Wc filling in time witb a diverslty of press tiseir gratitude Vo the officiaisI A requestt hobbies. He loveti the out of doors of Bethestia Church andi aIl those Boardi of the anti the beauties of nature anti wbo facedth ie bitter elements Vo culture that v leaves bebint im many phiotos of attend the funeral of their loved infestation of the varlous places wbere he lias one. orchanti inspe( been. consîidereti fi: During tise summer be spent most War Dyshouledpakti bea of the tume in a garden wichbhe Dfs ecld acking tu cliaejust for the love of see- In Port H p Guide 0f equl imt 1igtigs gîow. andi many a sick iccauat (room bhas beenmaebihe yhs ItePotHp Guide last week a "Test Orci flowers. there appeareci an extîact from thse lanti or Dunli But reading was bis passion, anti newspaper of 20 yeaîs ago whicb eîmining suit during bis life he bati a great de- would prove interesting to veterans andi best systi sire to put on paper the tisouglits of Bowmanville. Names of West Dur- agement fort >that welled witbin bis soul. The bam residents only liave been se- A resolutior morning be took sick tbe Uniteti lecteti from the lisV inclutiet in tbe1 loss to the fri Cbuncb Publisbing office receiveti article which reatis, "The Volunteers sociation in an article f nom bim, "Flowers in the for the third contingent at the Drill William M .0 Crannieti Wall." which bas been ac- Hall nurnbeî over one bundreti. They1 mosi, apple g: cepteti anti will be printeti in the were given a tramp of ten miles a one wbose kini Onwaîd at a later date. day anti walking in iseavy 5150w wa5 est in fruit gr "A garden is a lovesome tbing, by no means easy. The following membereti. Goti wot! was thie lisV of volunteers: Lt. Col. AV the annt Rose plot, R. W. Smart, Port Hope; Major L.1 thumberlanti Fningeti pool T. McLaughlin. Darllngton; Capt. Growers' Asse Ferneti grot-- C. R. Spencer, Millbrook; Pte. Henry day afteînoon The veriest scbool of peace; anti Bartlett, Newcastle; Pte. Henry Bain, A. Fulton, Ont yet the f 001 Bowmanville; Pte. Chas. Clarke, ive in Great Contends that Goti is not - - Bowmanville: Pte. Stanley Collins, Mr. Fulton1 Not Goti! in gardiens ? when Clarke Tp; Pte. James Gillon, Bow- ing ressumne oi the even is cool? manville; Pte. W. Johnston, Bow- marketing of Nay, but 1 have a sign, manville; Pte. Geo. E. Jones, Bow- Great Britain. 'Tis very sure Goti walks in manville; Pte. Fred Pearson, Clarke Ontario bati1 mine." Tp.; Pte. Arthur Powell; Pte. James ual amount, 0f late he hati apparently been Stacey; Pte. Wm .Swanson, anti Pte. pievaileci it1 in particulaîly gooti bealtb, but on Wm. Spencer, Bowmanvllle. profitable for the night of Jan. l9tb, after spenti-M in Vthe Canadi ing a veny happy tme witb bis sis- "elmrto n idcno ter, Miss E. M. Werry, be took a Relm t0fay inicnt chill wich tievelopeti a fever anti long be concealeti; It will be tilscov- "Real worttl bis chest trouble of long standing ered. anti nothing can depreciate er; is evex became active. On the afternoon of it."-Cliesterfielti. blazonry."-CI Jan. 22nd be went quietly to asleep. as a f ienti expresseci it. Vo "the f landi of sunsbine anti flowers he . loveti 50 well." Many tibutes have been receivet by bis sister, among them one f nom 4, -- a 1f e long filent. "Fned's Intiomin- able courage in bis long fight for ~ bealtb, anti bis love of life in spite - From a frienti as fan back as bis teaching tiays, "How bravely he . fought discouragement anti handi-- caps, only those who knew hlm best can ever undeistanti." B .E rvs omnil Fiom lis Doctor in Saianac B .E rvs omnil Lake, N. Y.: "Your biother Fred POPULAR ANNUALS cut flower, th( bat many warm frientis in Sar- yeîîow, maiool anac Lake. He really was one of Sweet Pes. To be successful witb Vo twenty-foui the institutions of aur snsali town sweet peas in the gzanten, a nicis well1 average helgli hl-m fit and weIl" I ccetillflg îa a iiiOst useful for -ut flo wers. -They about te n i-neh reatîcas fevcih ime for babies rwtot he fe lheg ayIi ps but the littie ane can always b. rwtotObe eti egtwyI Vps .oothod andt he lever reduceti by anti shoulti be aliowed about one sturdy plants. *gwing swcet, Wae Baby'. Owii foot of space ta tievelop. The soli betv Tablete. Very easy to ake, Do Canîiopos. This la thse naine us- shouti be& kepi ater effecta. Pria. 26o everywhemo ually given to tise annual varietles untîl tise plan o>.wiiliam"f th~e~ gersus Coreopass, o dis- Ti can eaoil3 MVIVAML leties. Calliopsis la paet1ic u 1 a r I y Iet. Practical 20 graceful eltiser as a border plant or square foot Ofi COUNTIES -E GROWERS IN CONVENTION Ild At St. John's Parish -Hope-Many Prob- ns Dlscussed Li convention of the Non- Santi DurhamiFruit soclation was helti Tues- ýdnestiay, Jan. 29tb anti John's Parlsb Hall, Port igooti attentiance. ews, Presitient, intro- Goldie of tise Horticul- nenV, wbo îeviewedth ie ket situation, pointing 'sslty of shipping only bt at gooti colour anti The English market apples was being sup- neceasing quantities by Mis. L. Caesar of O. A. C., tresset the meeting at liscusseti many pressing fruit production. Stress ,n selecting suitable var- .antîng, having in mind Id quality. The pîofess- Lwitb control measures Sinsects. :resçses were given by )re, Bowmanville, anti er, the speakers dealing al questions pertaining ductian. speaker at tise Wetizes- rsession was Professon of thie O. A. C., Guelph. rdealt witb many prac- of orcharding. lncluding cultivation. His atitiess by a lengthy discussion. guet belti in the Unitedi day Scbool rooms, the ýwas Piofessor Buch- lph, whose addness was iated. chas. Stephenson id about a huntiret anti esent. tant Resolutlons Dssion in the afteinoon te' consideration of a esolutions 0f vital m- e of wbich are Of great e entire communlty. A rie Provincial Depart- iculture ta enfonce tise the Apple Maggot Con- 133. This act cails for 'y spnaying of aIl fruit 00 yards of an oncli $rd certif ication on their e lst July. ,to form a Centnal ttee for the convenience )f this Asscoiation. This :0 act as a Clearing niuld facilitate sales. ta tise Insect ContraI Federal DePV. 0f Agri- risere tliere is a slight fApple Maggot in the ction hIls shahl noV be inal; anti that thene anatîer inspection at Sby tise local inspecton rirtance anti effect. ta Vthe Provincial De- Agriculture ta, establiss sait" in Nortisumber- aarn Counties, f on de- table varieties 0f apples tem's of oncisard man- this section. i expresslng Vise great ruit growers to Vhis as- tise passing away of Iibson, one of Vise fore- ,rowers in Ontario anti tiliness anti deep Inter- rrowing wili long be re- ual convention of Nor- anti Durham Fruit ;ciatlon iseîe Wednes- rthe final speaker was itania Sales Representà- Bn Vain. gave a hlghly interest- f tise present season's )f Ontario apples in iWbule sisipments f nom been less than the us- from conditions that bat been founti maie rlocal shippers ta sell lan markets. --4-a - ih requires no interpre- ýytay cleetis faim lts 'haif art. ie principal colons being n anti bnown. Eighteen r incises is about Viseir Vt. For early blooming be raiseti Indoons andi clone wben frost dan- If seed isl sown outtoîs to, do il until the endi Lnts from this sowing am August until frost. )f space shoulti be al- lant. w annual plants are ýrw f nom seeti or give rn of colon anti bloom Irummonti. Gooti soîl, anti in a dry season ,r will ensure a plenti- 'flowers. Phlox will ite ieaiiy so that an can be matie indoons. se frost is out of Vhe ber sowing shoulti be open, anti a still later essary. Mldew is like- lhe plants if they are rxlckly. Twelve Inches :ulti be allowed each This plant shoulti In eveny gantien. It narkabiy wlde range oif itable for cutting. Any sil wili gnow salpiglos- :may be sown In the wben danger of frost lhe plants thinnedti e Les apant. Only In thîs sible to secune strong :ween ail annual plants ýt cultivatet at least nts toucb each otiser. ly be done If thlnnlng Vo tise extent Indicat- ly ail annuais neeti a space to develop. Royal Theaitre Inaugurating a Season of Greater Entertainment at the Same Low Prices Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. - February 7 - 8 - 9 "The Line Ghost" - -- News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Mon day - Tuesday - February 11 - 12 Comedy - - News Matinee Monday at 4 p. mi. Wednesday - Thursday - February 13 - 14 Movie Sldeshow - - - - News Matinee Wednesday at 4 p. mi. COMING EVENTS : "«PURSUIT 0F HAPPINESS" Lau rel and Hardy in "BABES IN TOYLAND" Warner Raxter and Myrna Loy iD "BROADWAY BILL" Joan Crawford and Clark Gable in "FORSAKJNG ALL OTHORS"* Eddie Cantor in "KIDILLIONS" 1WillI Rogers in "TUE COUNTY CHAIRMAN" WHAT A DIFFERENCE! tones, the cbeapest jazz bas been written. What a difference there often is There are 1440 minutes in every in the outcome, though the mater- dy omr n ols.Tebs ils useti may be the sarne! There day. nomoreImoantmeaninThe s are only 26 letters in the alphabet. woîîd cannot add a second to a daY. yet with these 26 letters the Englisis The laziest, moat useless person liv- Bible was wrltten. With the same ing cannot lessen the day in any alphabet, William Shakespeare wrote way. The difference in the results great tirama and finest literature, they secure is in the way they make which wlll endure longer than theusofteim ltedoth . English language ltself. And withus ftetm alteitohen the same 26 letters. the latest plece "Pa orwkan wr yu of trashy composition, worse than 'lnyu okat okyu useless. bas been turned out Plan" la a gooti slogan for all, and hundretis of years of expenlence has There are 12 tones and balf tones lroved the worth of this olti maxlm. in an octave of music. With these You can arrange your minutes so as 12 tones, Kreisler, Mozart, Chopin, to, make somethlng out of them, or Brahms andi other great composers they can be left Bo that nothlng pro- andi musîcians have wntten sonatas, fîtable is accomplisheti. Thse tiras marches, operatic selections, classi- and the facilîties are universal. The cal numbers. masterpieces of musi- arranging andi planning andi doing cal composition. Andi wlth the same ls up to pou 1 * . , . y I For One Week only.. LINE COMPANY HiARD COAL Equal if flot better thian any coal sold in Bowmanville $13.5o per ton COKE .................. $11.25 Ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE ..... $12-95 Good Hard body HARDWOOD, Cord $3.50 je- W. KNIGHRT - Taxi Service - LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING Phone 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant PAGE BIGIrr THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWULU;VUM, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7th, 1935

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