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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1935, p. 10

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PAGZ E THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUR-SDAY. FEBRUARY 14. 1935 M SAFETY that corne the playoffs. Newcast1l I Ion Friday is matched against the1 T he New astl In epen entbasement dwlers, Kirby-Leskard.1 1J Municipal Council on Monday ev- ening re-appointed the following Mr. Jack Higbee and mother, Dr. saaried officers: H. C. Bonathan, Annie Higbee, wbo is spending- the Clerk and Treasurer, $185; John Be ooed winter wtbhlm in Kingston, were Garrod, Constable, Caretaker of bail, Citizens Don'tBeFod Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil sanitary inspector, weed inspector, <An Editortal) Carveth. etc. $600; Fred Fligg, Tax Collecter, Come ta the Five Hundred. Bridge $60; Dr. J. A. Butler, M.O.H. $15. Next TbursdaY, Feb. 2 lst, the and Crokinole Pat a ha' Appoitment of an Assessor was Newaslewil vteonSchool on Thursday evening, Fe,. laid over until next meeting. It was citizens of Nwatewl oeo,2lst. under the auspices of Shaw's 3 a. m. Tuesday when Council ad- the aIl important question of aboi- Home and School Club. AdmissionI jouxrned. ishing the beverage moins from our 20c.i Rev. il. H. 'Mason, Rector of St. m.idst. The temperance forces of United Churcb - Rev. S. Mac- Lean, B. A., Pastor. Sunday, Feb. George's, preached on Sunday even- the village are putting up a strenu- l7h1la.m-onigWrh i ng on the subject of Temperance, ous fight to secure the necessary 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School: 7 p. ni.-I taking as bis text 1 Cor. 9:25, And three-lifths rnajority required to Evening Service, Temperance ser- every man that strîveth for the mas- close the nefarious beverage rooms.I mon bY the pastor. tery is temperate in ah tbhings. Cit- Mrs. A. W. Glenneys and Mrs. D. ing many passages of scripture frorn Wbile on the other hand the beer Whtiars unay schooî classe s of the OId and New Testaments and baros o Torntoand hei sef is I hitîa~ u- quoting a number of texts, Mr. Ma- baros o Toont an thir elfishgirls held a sleighing party in Cun-snpece h otieo en co-workers are temporarily in our irghamns flats Saturday afternoon son praei l th oine f mbeng midst at their od gaine of hood- adatrajlytm noe uc ation, of self restraint and self con- winkng he ullble uble. heyat Mrs. Whiticars. to.I h bs n o h s winkng he ullble ublc. heY At the regular meeting of the to. ny the abs lesadtthe us Te are making pawns or tools 0f as C.G.I.T. of the United Church ono m tinsles the isincerti manylocl iniviual as heycanTuesday evening. Feb. tb. the group'i decalogue absoltl obd eti find ta fight their battie to keep re-affiliated with the W.M.S. whose tig.mrete ,autrpr ,%ide open the flood gates of liquoripreident, Mrs& S. MacLean. assist- jury and slander, covetousnes.I ed in the ceremony. the approaching vote on the contin- in Newcastle. And for what pur- StieresCuc e.F . uance of wine and beer authorities pose? None othpr than ta miake Mason. M.A.. BD. Sunday. Feb. 17.1I being issued in Newcastle he coun- profits for the money-grabbing Septuagesima Sunday: il a. m.- selled bis bearers, those wbo had thei Mornmng Frayer and Holy Commun- franchise, to obey the dictates of brewers. ion: 2 p. m.-Sunday School; 7 p.m. their conscience and maintain their These ruthless promoters and -Evensong and Sermon, self respect at ail costs. He advisecl peddlers of beer and wine drinking Members of Newcastle Lodge S.o. the younger people flot to begin in eveageroos wil topaI otb E..S.are invited to visit Welling- drinking intoxicating liquors. in betonaLodge.msBoimastopie, nonhTuesday Whither away? On Monday ev- ingte in vitor ovr te cm-evening. Feb. l9tb. ta meet Supreme ening members of the Y. F. L. of the mon people and thus satis! y their officers and witness the presentation United Church witb chauffeurs and thirsty and bloated appetites for of veterans' jelwels ta, six of Welling- artists and with Rev. and Mrs. S. god.tons older members. MacLean accornpanying. visited El- Rev AfeoGaamdonclo dad League, Solina, and spent a Don'- E C Hoar, Dr. J. A. Butler,- 1Fmost enjoyable tirne; then on Tues- c tlbte folettd, îîes ns o NlE. .H ,Dr .A uteW'.day evening the Men's Club of Stï. casle bYth patiuds nd 0 ai- Riekard. C. T. Batty. Irwin Colwil ere's Church, witb the Rector. ed arguments these paid promnoters anti H. R. Pearce attended the Men's Oeorg.H. so, istd St.John's' and agitators are trying to pour! Canadian Club in Bowmanville on Club. BowmanvilIe, arnd engaged in down your throats to win you over1 MondaY evening and beard Magî's- a league gaine of carpet balîs. On ta their side. These feliows don't trate Jas. Edmund Jones, Toronto, Wednesday evening 0f last week a gva otaotyuot] speak. 1 goodly proportion of the population givea bot bou youor he el- At the annual Jr. Farmers' seed I ere away. some attending the lare 0f Newcastle-atl they want is judging competition beld at Bailie- meeting of the Music Club in Bow- your rnoney-your pay envelope-at bora on Jan. 28th. three local boys5 manville. son-e a fun.ction of Shaw's the expense of your family going came home each with a prize of two Home and School Club, and athers witoutfoo an cotbng nd ftbushels 0f registered O.A.C. Na. 21 a meeting of the No. 9 Home and withut oodandclotingandoftbarley. The standing in competition Schoal Club. at bath of which ev- times ruining the morals of our of fort.y contestants was: Billy RoW- ents Newcastle artists figured large- young people. land lst, Jack Holmes 2nd, Garnet' iy on the programs. On Tuesday It's a moral and economic issue- Rickard 4th. evening of this week the C.G.I.T. As the Newcastle hockey team group of the Unitedi Churcb and so by all means vote next Thursday and the Lunn Imperials of Orono manv more of Newcastle's young and mark your ballot with an X bth won again at Orono Friday ev- People tripped to Orono ta take ad- under the NO. By not voting you ening. tbey are still tied in the top vantage of skating on the indoor will be supporting the "wets.' flat with a won 4 and a 1051 1 re- rink. cord. Friday evening concludes the Other Newcastle news appears on' series of double beaders and after page 3. FIRTit 1Have Beverage Rooms made Newcastle a better place to live in? 2. Are Beverage Rooms helping our boys and girls? 3. Do Beverage Rooms keep temptation from our young men and women? 4. Have Beverage Rooms decreased motor Accidents in which you and your children might be the innocent victims? 5. DO BEVERAGE ROOMS INCREASE THE FAM- ILY PAY ENVELOPE? 6. Why are the Beer Barons and Brewers working s0 hard to keep the Beverage Rooms in Newcastle? Answer these questions as your conscience directs you and you wiIl put your X under the NO and thus close the Beverage Rooms and theii evil influence in Newcastle. HOW TO MARK YOUR BALLOT Are you in f avor of authorities being 'Y ES N O issued for standard hotels and other prenmises wherein beer or wine mayx be sold under The Liquor Control Act? Voting Thursday, Feb. 21 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. This advertisement sponsored by Newcastle Temperance Forces. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH CHOIR Holds Social ivening and Makes Presentation to Organist St. George's Cburch Choir held it-s annual social function on Friday ev- enir.g, witb members of the choir anti inviteti guests present to the number of nearly f orty. The early part af the evening was spent by th younger group in a bobsleigh ride by Howard Gibson. Rev. F. H. Ma- son andi Haroldi Gibson transported the younger group in a bobsleigh ride Trickey's Corners wbere Mr. Howard met tbern with his dasblng team. and sleighs and took thern for a merry ride westward and througb the ap- pIe orchards of F. W. Bawen, M. P., mrs. w. H. Gibsan and D. J. Gib- son. On arrivaI at the Parisb Hall they sat down ta a sumPtuous sup- per in company with the aduit members who had remained te, pre- pare the repast. Foilowing the festive perioti, Mrs. Alfred Faincomb became the centre of attention when Rev. Mason read to ber an address of good wisbes andi appreciation as follows: Dear Mrs. Farncomb: We, the members of St. George's Church Choir, are gatbered here tonight te gpend aur annual social evening. We are happy to bave you, aur be- loved organist, witb us on this pleas- ant occasion. We look forward witb keen anticipation to this annual ev- ent as we follow our duties through the changing year. Regularly as the weeks go by we have the joy of meeting you on Sunday morning. Througb ail kinds of weatber you corne and we have become assureti that you will neyer laUl us. Either by walking, by car, by aeroplane or other conveyaflce. you always arrive at your post . So tonight we want te show you our appreciation for your faithfulness ta us by asking you ta accept this little gif!t. It la Ionly small but carnies witb it a hast o f gooti wishes for your healtb anti happiness for years to corne. Please accept this token a! grati- tude and appreciation from your choir members: Mrs. J. Scott How- ard, Choir Mother; Mrs. W. F. Thomas. Mrs. T. F Branton, Mrs. M. Brown, Mrs. P. LeGresley, Doris 1Spencer.,Florence Spencer, Ethel Spencer, Frances Brereton, Audrey Brown, Dorathy Trenwith. Aresta Martin. Irene Brereton, Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Mason, Rev. J. Scott Howard, H. B3. Breretofi. Chas. Bre- reton. Archie Martin. James Love- kmn. Thos. Brereton. Kenneth Steph- enson, John VanDusen, Billie Gib- son. The choir's gif t consisteti of a full set of sltatianery and writing mater- icidabe, nts taprve ibsoetint.H assiet t that ental pintficec asre accounetal for mc wrng- doing, thus dntabl f t uh dificul dinre wa ingoperhe deahn itb ftrierwsi rprydaigwt Tffe maistr. ,sekn ot de ron is hats eU nas fom bideati, pahins hot swehis paria iy fo beltib y sted'isofrdeal- ith orths ertiseen theageof 16i anti 21 hocaetel ar the csourts an 21ewyearsagome fstecoIbis.s Aten n tespao antiedssincemad am wondteluspontributintewmards eablisngfl cnibutCanada.Heds- cestbihe ArinaadaseHeregtas-i trbe sythem wicb plgactiotbe i- fete a varing dlegrestnhepaf- aenstitutaion In masn fser ainstitutions.theIn mat.esoenjoed frstteons the on aetbeing ta bring oteaorefoton ! har acr. C aota rng mibis sysechait ater pre:ntanadtin system thr tpretit basoe ian yt cmmon.e tave btbute sepeaker was In- totenel axius thasepskerakein tanel malte thesytstem complt en Toug Mn.he Joes d omtsa muc out tr.his li el nownsa tuh abumagniiet iswknoaret bear igfritagnienr ong thedyn oferndefritare goi n agetha etter chaenc thanrer ongt beombtereu citizns. Than er s o scb tbng seu maing ns Te isbmn fit thcime as bama it tnihe i he crim oeit many tefin ttermnt"ws mate by the elin spekeawheimcncsionmadeti the aerdit oinwanctsoreforms tha cae ab otatr bisdeatbbut bis ope asout afseerthi e estabut ei now. e rg e clubemers tes tea vial ne rgestclibnthis get wok alngbys.espialy s thre woa sucbbayfinesec l sso nther mid st h ine h et e nigscooi.te W. Frainkthe crarninver rcluy vWicerathe thakardo! thýe l t Magistrate Jones for bis enlighten- ing address. AUCTION SALES 1 MWednesday. February 20th-Leslle Mountjoy will seli on the premises, tLot 10. Concession 4, Cartwright, bis f arm stock. implements and some furniture. Terms cash. Sale at 1 P. m. Ted Jackson, Auctioneer. 7-1P one Junior Town League game had ta, be postponeti on Wednesday last when the Maple Leals coulti not ice a team because a majority o! their players were borne studying for the final days aI exams. The Dukes won the gaine by default. 1 1 IN MEMORIAM HOLMES - In loving meroy f Robert W. Holmes wbo entered in- ta rest February 8tb. 1933. Two years bave passed since that sad day. The one I loveti was calleti away; Godti 0k bim borne, il was bis But in my beart be iiveth stili. -Deeply mourned by Wile. ALLIN-In loving mernory 0f my dear daughter, Mabel Allun. Gone dear Mabel, gone larever, Six years bave passeti. How we miss your smiling face, But you lef t us ta remember None on eartb can take your place. A happy home we once enjoyed, Haw sweet the memory still, But deatb bas lef t a loneliness The world can neyer 1111. --Sadly misseti by Mothen. Sis- ters and Brother. ORONO LOST IN CONCLUDING O.H.A. HOCKEY FIXTUREý DR. P. BRUCE THORNTON LECTURES ON WORLD TOUR Illustrates With Lantern Views and Motion Pictures The next best thing to taking a trip around the worlti and visiting many strange lands and peoples was the pleasure of listening te Dr. F. Bruce Thornton tell in vivid lang- uage of bis jaurneyings and see through the medium of lantern slids anti the cinema tbe scenes and inhabitants of the globe which he visited on bis round the world tour taken in a leisurely way. Dr. Thorn- ton gave bis illustrated lecture in the United Church Sunday achool hall Friday evening. and aIl those ,present realizeti, althaugh not mnany anticipated such a deligbtlul even- ing. what a rich treat they %would bave missed, hati they nemained at borne. Rev. W. J. H. Smytbe, M. A.. who motored Dr. Thornton here from Port Ferry where he is making bis home with bis niece. wife of the Principal of the Fort Ferry school. introduceti the lecturer. Dr. Thorn- ton is an Omemeeite and-became a minister 0f the Fresbyterian Church. He served 5 years in Coîborne anti 17 years at St. Faul's, Winnipeg. Dr. Thornton bas cultivateti bis gifts 0f mimicry anti bis powers oif description to a high degree anti puts 50 mucb feeling and dramatic action into bis narrative that bis listeners can almost. believe thein- selves companions in travel with him. The tour starteti across the broad Pacific. ta Japan. Korea. and China, whose inhabitants and their- habits and customs he pictureci in i inimitable manner. Then on to' Australia. New Zealand. India. up ta Europe, ta Italy. France. Flanders anti England. anti 50 home again. With many beautiful coloreti slities projecteti on the sr'reen by the ian- terri operateti by Mn. A. O. Parker a nd regls of thnilling motion pictures sbown by bimself. he illustrateti bis lecture and madie it doubly inter- esting. Telecture was given under tbe aupce0f th W. A., itb the pres- itient. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard, wel- coming the gatbering and the fect- urer and bis ecort. Rev. S. Mqe- Lpan thanked Dr. Thornton for bis- interestinz. informative and enlight- ening lecture and voiced the apprec- iation 0f aIl present. MAGISTRATE JONES 0F TORONTO SPEAKS AT CANADIAN CLUB (Cantinueti froin page 1) I arn prepared ta do ail kinds of carpentry work, small repair jobs. or contract work, plans drawn and estirnates given. W. M. Allun, Box 453, or phone 575, Bowmanville. 6-3* For Sale FOR SALE-DURHAM COW, JUST renewed. Apply Harold Skinner, Tyrone. Phone 196r12. 7-1 FOR SALE - BRONZE TURKCEYS, gobblers and hens. Price reason- able. Apply Mrs. Newton Taylor, Burketon. 7-1* FOR SALE-BLACK AND WHITE Collie pups, 1 female f ree to good home. Apply. to Gartb Perrett. Hampton, Phone 376r34. 7-1 LEAVING ONTARIO - WILL SELL Connor Oas.Engine Washing Ma- chine, used very littie, cost $200, less than hall price for cjuick sale. "B.W."' Drawer B, Bowrnanville. 7-1* FOR SALE - LARGE TYPE S. C. White Leghorn Cockerels. Roe- Tancred strain. blood lines 236 ta 312: Anril and May hatched; $2.00 each. Thos. Bottreli & Son. Box 174. Bowrnanville. Phone 2. 7-3* SHAW'S 1 The regular meeting of Shaws Home and School Club was beld in the school on Feb. 6th. We were deligbteci ta have as our guesta for the evening, forty members of Bm% rnanville Club. The meeting openiff witb O Canada. Jean Clemence read the rninutes of the last meeting. A.fter the business was transacted the following prograrn was enjoYed: a number by Providence quartette; gultar selection by Louise Cox; duet by Mrs. Jim Brown and Mrs. Edna Bragg; duet by Louise and Donald Cox accomipanied on the gultar by Louise. We were hlghly favoured in havlng as our guest speaker, Mrs. R. S. MeLaughlin of Oshawa, Pro- vincial President of the Home and School Association. Mrs. McLaUgh- lin gave a most instructive and belpful address on the work of tbe Home andi Sehool Club. This was followed by comznunity singing led by Mr. W. J. S. Rickard, a mouth organ and guitar selection by Thorn- ton Anderson. Mrs. Etina Bragg and Mrs. Charlie Cowan favoured with a piano duet. Refreshments were ser- ved under the mianagemnent of Mrs. Hanna and Mrs. George Allin. MERCHANTS OPPOSE INEW BEER PARLORS opposition to the opening of any more beverage rooms in the district was volced iIn a resolution carrled by the Riverdale Business Men's As- sociation at a meeting in Beckway hall. The resolution dealt particu- larly with an application for an authority covering prernises at the corner of Broadvlew Avenue and Dnas Street.-Toronto Globe. teb 8 1935. 2I. Mechanic Back To Work Relieved of Stomach Trouble PEOPLE IN NEWCASTLE AND DISTICT AS WELL AS IN ALL PARTS 0F CANADA PMASE HUSKY TO THE SKIES. One man writes: "Thanks te, HUSKY I arn back to work com- pletely relleved of Stomach Trouble. It's the same old story everywbere. HUSKY HELPED ME." "But, don't take our word for it but ask those wbo know f rom act- ual experlence - your own f rlends, rela4ves, or neighbors may be amn- ong the thousands who can give you the f acts." says A. E. Mellow, Druggist. HUSKY, sately and pleasantly relieves beadaches, d'lzziness, con- stipation, indigestion, skin troubles, nervousness, loss of appetite, rheu- rnatic pains, liver, kidney and bowel disorders. HUSKY put.s iron into your system and gives you a new power punch. It's a wonderful health-builder - one of the best tonics we seli. A. E. MELLOW, Druggist, NEWCASTLE. .* t. Geo. M. Bosnell G. D. Carnet t TORONTO OPTOMETRISTS TORONTO OFFICE 2143 DANFORTH AVE. - GR. 7078 PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9p.m. Phone 248 or 525J. G. M. Bosnell in charge. COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-Wbere at ail possible klndly make appointiaente for ezanmtions. i - ials and a box of lovely handker- chiefs. With deep emotion Mrs. Farncomb thanked the choir for their kindly sentiments and gifts of appreciation and assureti them that it was always a pleasure and a priv- ilege to be at divine services with them. Miss Ethel Spencer, the most reg- ular member in attendance through- out the year, made the presentation which was planned by Mrs. M. Brown who also prepared the ad- dress on behaîf of ber fellbw rnem- bers. Rev. J. Scott Howard addressed t he choir on reverent bebaviour ini church and with congratulations to the pleased recipients presented his three cash prizes for most regular attendance throughout the year- lst. $5.00 to Miss Ethel Spencer: 2nd. $3.00 to Archie Martin; 3rd. $2.00 te Miss Doris Spencer. Mrs. M. Brown was the most regular in atte.d-ance among the adult rner- bers. in appreciation of Rev. Mr. Howard's practical interest and en- couragement, the acsemblage al sang 'He's a Jollv Good Fellow." clapped their hands in appiroval and gave him three hearty cheers. In tbe cancluding O. H. ýA. In termediate "B" game forOrno playeti bere Monday, Wbltby group leaders skated ta an 8-2 victary aller Orona bad carried the play te Whit- by for two periotis. The gaine bless- ed witb fast ice was a free skating exhibition anti the best gaine Orana bas sbown at 'borne" Ibis year. Orono scareti the first goal near thb" enti 0f the f irýt period when "Dub" Piper got the puck in the cor- ner skateti behind tl-e net andi pass- ed out ta Dunlop who had It In the net before Hurst even saw ItL Andi it is ta see fast, perlect plays like Ibis one that makes people go ta hockey games. Only a minute later Randle picked up a loase puck In front of the Orono net for a sot goal. In tbe second period athougb Or- ana continuedti t take the play ta Whitby the ultimate winners scoreti the only talles RandIe getting bis second goal and Crozier counting with an Orono man In the penaLlty box. In the iast period tbings roughen- ed Up considerable and seven pen- alties, 4 ta Orono and 3 ta Wbitby were handed out. Orano went out after goals and with Hurst playlng almost perfect hockey Wbitby broke away several turnes te score 5 talles ta Orono's one. Crozier. Conlin. Brn anti Hearti aIl scored belore Dunlop tallieti Orana's Iast counter an a perfect pass lrom "Park" Os- borne and Randle scoreti bis third goal just b>elare the bell rang. Orona--Goal, Muttan; defence Hooper. Cameran: centre. G. Piper; wing. Dunlap. I. Piper: subs. Os- borne. F. Jamieson. Oke, G. Chart- ran. 1 I Wanted DEATHS WANTED - A SINGLE MAN FOR 4 i farin work. Lloyd Crago, R. R. 2, CHAPIMAN-In Kirby, on Wedmes- Bowmanville. 7-1 day, February 13th, 1935, Isaac E. MAN WANTED-FOR RAWLEIGH Chaprnan, aged 71 years. Route of 800 familles. Write to- The funeral will take place frorn a.Rweih et M-4-A bis late residence. Lot 30, Con. 7, daY. RealeiCna. pt5M-10-SA Clarke, on Friday, February l5th. MoteCad. -O Service at 2 p mr. Interment at WANTED - YOUNG MAN TO Orono Cemetery. work on farrn; must be trustwor- HOLGATE - In Bowmanville, on thy and agreeable; farmer's son Tuesday, February 12th, 1935, preferred: start lst of March. Ap- Thornas Sidmer Holgate, in bis ply Russell Osborne. Newcastle. 53rd year. Phone Clarke 3831. 7-1* Funeral froma his late residence,-- - --____ Division St., on Friday, February To Let l5th, at 11.30 a. M. Cortege leav- HOUSE TO RENT-ALL CONVEN- ing for Foxboro where interment iences. central location, possession will take place on arrivai of fun- Nov. lStb. Sheppard & Gill Ltd.. eral about 3 P. m. Bowrnanville. 44-tf THICKSON -On February 9th, at her home, 83 Wilson Ave., Toronto. TO LET-7 ROOMED HOUSE, ALL Mary Ellen Thickson. beloved1 wife conveniences. facing Town Hall. of John B. Thickson. formerly of Possession February lst. W. T. Bowmanville. in ber 59th year. Syýmons, R. R. 6, Bowrnanville. JACKSON - Entered into rest in Phone l60r5. 4-tf Oshawa. on Sunday, February 10, FOR RENT - 7 ROOMED HOUSE 1935, Annie Jackson, b e 1 o v e d on Beech Ave., hardwood floors, daugbter of the late James Henry wired for an electric stove. Vac- and Letitia Jac~kson. aged 75 years. ant Jan. 31. Apply Mrs. Quick, Sister of Mr. Thos. Jackson, Bow- Phone 226. Bowmanville. 3-tf manville.1

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