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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Feb 1935, p. 1

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Ir - ý UMM rni1ibn With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLUIVIE 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1935 NUMBER 7 r w u * U Council at Special Session Re-appoints Ail Civic Employees at Same Salaries Three Members of Council Form 1935 Board of Health - Fred Knox Re- appointed to High School Board Eitiser tise depressien le over and prosperity bas et lest turued tise corner around which it bas been hidting, or tise 1935 Town Council le composed cf a sympatisctic group of citizens, for when Ceuncil met lu speciel session on Menday te maire its annuel appeiutmcnts, not anc civic employee received a eut lu sel- arY. Tise Town Fathers were net hcwever over cptimistic, for neither d11d any emnpîcyce receive an increase lu salery. Four bylaws werc passed meking these appoinments e! officiels: Chie! e! Police, Sydney Ventan $1500; Night Constable, Walter Hall, $1100; Clerk andi Treesurer, Alex J. Lyle, $1400; Cemetery caretaker. J. H. Highfield, $960; Tex Collecter and Asser, F. Pattinscu, $700; Part Turne Town Hall Caretaker. Rager Bird. $420; Wecd andi Fruit Trce Inspecter, S. Ventan, ne salery: Special constables S. Glauville, Fred Dewney, A. Metisews; Fenceviewers, Harry Allin. Jehn Ellieti; Pound- keeper, A. E. Belîman; Board e! Healtis. W. H. Bettles, L. C. Mason. C. G. Morris; Fred Knex member cf Higis Scisool Board; and A. H. Bick- ell as Roed and Streets Superinien- dent and Sewerege superintendent et $550. Mr. Bicircîl is alse an cm- pleyee a! tise Public Utilities Com- mission. Other business cenducted wes thse endorsatian by tise Ceuncil o! a re- solutien forwarded by D. H. Chie- holin K. C., o! Part Hope. protesting egainet tise legilation being ferced ibrougi tise Legisleture lu tise Northumberland-Durhaem Bridge dis- pute. Insurence en Cisurcis sheds o! $500 was rencwed et a premilui e! $8.75. Pire Comrittce was autisar- Ized ta purcisase 1000 feet e! Ne. 14 wirc fer tise Pire Mlarin systcm ai $15.76. and 200 feet cf 11/4lacis Iiran pipe et 6c per faot. Two uew tires and tubes fer tise tewn car will be purcisased net te exceedi $25.00. Final business was e matian te nat- if y tise Public Utilitles Commission ihat a charge e! $1.00 per hour would be made for use e! tise town truck by tisai body. RE-ELECTED CHAIRMAN Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie Whio was re-elected Cheirman cf tise Higis Scisool Board for hie ing o! tise Board on Tuesday nigisi. MR. AND MES. W. P. HALL CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING Friends Present Many Beautiful Gi! ts o! Silverware A very happy evenitaok place en Fridey. February let, wisea Mr. and Mrs. Wm. P. Hall celcbrated thseir Silver Wedding et their home on Brown Street. Arrangements had been made by Mrs. R. M. Cale te isld a surprise pariy with relatives and friende on tisis occasien, but. owing te tise serieus illucss o! theirl deugister, Miss Kathleen Hall. R.N.,' Oshaewa, ibis had ta be postpoued. Hewever, e few e! their more ltim- ae frieudel ind neigisbers spent a vry pleasâht cvcuing with thein and enjeyed e social urne witis mu- sic and cards. Lettere o! congrat- ulation and gaed wishes were re- ceived frein relatives in Australie, S. Mfrice. Great Britain, and U.S.A. Severai beaULLful.:efts o! silverware were prcsented by tiseir Bewmanville !ricnds. Wc extend beet wishes te Mr. and Mrs. Hell and trust thcy will be spared ta celebrate rny more annlversaries. IiFteen OddFellow Lodge Memb6ers Have Total of 808 Years of Service MINISTERIAL ASSN. Remarkable Record in PLANNED SERVICES Membership of Florence FOR GOOD FRIDAy Nightingale Lodge, I. O. comuntySeric T BeHed n O. F. - 15 Have More St. Paul's Church -Sc T a 0 eredevc Cantata WIII Be Giv e y Fifteen Bowmanville Oddfellows, Trlnlty Choir have a total of 808 years cf mem- bersisip lu Florence Nightingale Arrangements for future activit-I Lodge, 1. O. O. F., No. 66, it was re- les ef thse Ministerial Association; vealed last Wednesday when Thsom- were made on Monuy when that as H. Lockhart was presented with body metlutrise Board Roomn cf iis fi! ty year jewel and candicites TrinitY Churcis with the Presicent, from Orone received degrees at tise Rev. c. R. Spencer presidlng. hands of the local degree team. Thse Assocation arranged for thse Ech one cf these members is a annual Good Friday commuflitY hoîder of 50 year Jewel and while service to be held on 000<1 Frlday several other members are neariug 'morning in St. Paul's Unted Churcis, the bal! century mark, it is these witis Bey. Dr. A. Barner, who 15 te fi! teen Oddlellews who coustit.ute conduct the Passion Week services at this wouderful record cf service in Trinity United Church will be gueSt membershîp. The f ifteen men, and speaker. tise years they Joined Florence Tise Sacred Cantata, wiU be pr- Nightingale Lodge, follow: T. C. sentedi on Goodi Frlday eveulng by Jeweîî, 1875; J. H. Cryderman, 1876; tise choir cf Trinlty Churchinlutise M. A. James, 1878; T. H. Lockisart, auditorium of that Chiircis. St. An- l85; W. J. Jeffrey, 1883; Johsn Mc- drew's Church, who were entitled î ntyre, 1884; J. J. Mason, 1881; J. presenit tise cantate this year found B. Mitchell, 1880;* J. H. H. Jury, it inopportune to do so and will 1880; George Maynard, 1884; Harry llkely present it I'ixt yeer. Bakerville, 1884; J. W. Arciibald, As a result Of tise Week o!f rayer 1884; F. A. Heddy, 1880;- J. Roenigk, services held durlng Jenuary tie se - 1883; W. H. Pearn 1880. Another socation was able to turn over from *ifty year member, Iu tise ver- its funds $25.00 towerds tise Public son of Markus Mayer, <ied quite Welfare Relief Fund. recently. Ail but three ef these Tise Association also ised under men are still residents lu Bowman- consideretiori a Day of Frayer and ville. George Maynard and Harry Humiliation in tise neer future, to Baskerviîle reside in Toronto, but asIc divine aid ln guldlng tise coin- tise latter was present on Wednesday munitY througis difficult times e!ngtad .W rhbadlvSi lthew esnto tefiWomde s aycfBattle Crcek, Micis. It la particular- Frayierwisflthecorne ffssortlyTise lnteresting te find tisese three Praer hic. ome of sorty. hemen, who have lef t Bowrmanvllle mnatter wll be broached before tise many years. reteînîng membershîp Town Ceuncil. ____ in tiseir motiser lodge. -. ~ Many cf tise yeunger members At a meeting cf tise directors of were most lnterested te leern tise tise new de!unct Men's Forum, it was orîgin cf tise name cf thse lodge en declded ta instruct Secretary Chas. Wednesday nlgist. it was stated Searle te turu over to tise Women's by one cf tise speakers tisat oeeOf Hospital Auxiliary tise $36.5() re- tise original members of tise ledge maining te tise credit of tise organ- was Mr. Jesepis Bryant. He wes Ization iu tise benk . Tise directors asslsted ln tise formation of tise cousldered tise money well spent lu lodge by an Oshawa Oddfellow nain- donatlng It te tisis ceuse. eci Brown. Wseu tise naine wes discussed. Brown who was a veteran Men's Club ef St. John's Churcis of tise Crimeen War. and wiso iad iseld tiseir f irst annual corporate come in contact wltis Flerence service on Suuday mornlng wisen Nighitngale, suggested tisat tise they were seated lu a body lu tise lodge be named after bier. end It was. cisurcis. J. A. Living and Robert Tise presentation of tise 50 year Crowtiser read tise lessons, wile jewel te Mr. Leckisart was imade by Norman Taylor and Bert Parker Ex-Mayor J. J. Mason. Tise Flor- acted as sidesmen. Tise rector ence Nigitingale Lodge conferred preacised a sermon appropriate for degrees on Candidates Cornlsh and tise occesien. Hill o! Orono, wile 50 yeer men iseld tise chairs o! tise eveulng Tise Canadien Glrls-ln-Tralnlug At tise conclusion o! tise ledge attended tise evening service lu irin- session, tables were laid and refresis- lty Unted Cisurcis on Sunday even- meuts served. Noble Gjrand Jack lug wisen Bey. E. F. Armstrong. tise Emmerson presided as Toastmaster pastor. preacisedi a very helpful ser- and welcomed tise vlsltlng lodge and mou on tise werd "L-i-!-e" under tise other visitera. A fine musical pro- headlngs. Lifting, Initiative, Finish- gram !caturlug vocal numnbers byi cd and Enduring Life. Miss Mar- Allan Knigist, and Samn Glanville, garet Allin sang a solo .and the choir sang a sultable autisein. ontinued on page 7) 1 . Magistrate Jones Many ake erry FORMER MAYORL PASSES At Higli Scliool Annual At Home Amusing and Varied Pro- gram Presented by Stu, dents - Dancing and Re- freshments FoIIow Higis Sciseel students played hostI on Friday night te their parents and friends, at tise annual At Home. Tise auditorium was gaily decorated in tise Valentine motif, of red and white, and huge red isearts placed in stretegic Positions around tise hall. Tie evening's entertalument openedj 1witis a prograin by tise studeuts. Principal L. W. Dippell was chair man and introduced tise numbers. Tise Gîce Club, under Francis Sutton. Mus. Bas., provided two numbers, tise f irst Home on tise Thomas Sidmer Holgate Range, with Miss Lillien Neylor at Fv ie ao fts ouo tise piano, and tise second, Grand- Fv ie ao fteTino fatiser's Clock, unaccompauied. Miss Bowmanville and preminent lu Lorna Clark, providcd an interest- many walks cf life ln this commun- ing and appreciatcd piano solo ity who dicd followlug a brie! illness wihlike ell tise numbers followiug et bis home isere ou Tuesday ulght. itwicis red Funeral service will be iseld isere on Oue cf tise titbits of the evening Friday. was tise siit 'Ne. Ne. a Thousand Times No," with Bcyd Slemon as tise _____________ Young lady, Frank Mcflvccu as tise -______________ vlanadHryDepew as tise honest blacksrnith. After losing Youth of District pestponed fer a number, but whcn i did get under way it breught fort no sF l wa i plenty cf lauglitr and applause.IAif . Tise principals e! tise skit were as- A'iflfla Concl~ave sisted by a chorus compose-d o! Morse Goodman, Walter Goode Harry Jackman. Audrey Elliott, Bob Nearly 100 Boys Attended Clark, Heltn Pritchard and Helen IsiigSsinSot Rickard. IsiigSsinSot Helen Knox. accompanîed by iserj and Banquet at St. John's vocal nubers. notisener ! tiso ' Ch sister nuBey Kno. eer- ftfe - C rch, Saturday tures o! tise evening was tise dance "Winter Wonderland" put on by 1Doris Wrigist. Mary Birks and Louise Neerly cne isundreci West Durhsam Colc. Dressed ln Most original cas- beys joned on Saturdey et a most turnes, tisese Young ladies enacted a successful conclave. sponsored by tise Bewmeanville Boys' Work Board, and (Contluued on page 6) held lu St. John's Porisis Hall. - -- W. L. Paterson, vice-chairmen o! thse Board, acted e cliairmanlan tise Music by Franz Schubert yýnavoidàbIe absence o! Cisirman Aicx McGregor. Tise devetional ser- Featured at Meeting of vice was opened wivtiste singing o! Musi Clu, Wenesdyeahymu with Denald Cemeron et tise Musi Clb, W dnedayPiano and prayer by Ed. H. Devitt. Althouh Fra Schbert Bd. Haucock. mem4eaio Older Beys' AnltiogsFezSbyr lived, Parliameut for .thsé' Countyý gave onythirty-oue yeers, be lef ta a very fine outlue cf tise sessions o! wealtb of music whicis will live for- tise Parliament held lu tise Legis- ever lu tise hearts e! music levers. lative Chsambers et Quens Park, Pessibly one o! bis best loved mel-brnugt tie tttiuobs odies le tise beautiful "Ave Maria", bieerers tiseanyti on so ffect- which was sung by Mrs. C. H. Dut- ing boys, work. ley et thse Music Study Club mcat-1 Foflowing e snappy sing sang. led ing ou Wedncsdey evcuing, Feb. 6.1 by Ed. Devitt, Earl Laugisteulager, Tise program was in charge O! brilliaut yDuug candidate foi tise Mrs. Fisiser, Newcastle, who ira- United Churcis xinistry, and secre- duced Schubert to tise members by tary of Vise Ontario Beys' Work pictures threwu ou tise screeu. Miss Board, geve a splendid address la Wiunifred Rickard gave a short whleh ise dcscribed tise trials and synopsis e! bis life. alsc e descrip- peiAls e!ftise early missionarles ta tien cf eacb number befere it was tisis Dominion. presented. on tise arrival e! Mr. Spencer, ise Anotiser o! Schubert's well knawn delivered a brief talk te tise beys. melociles is tise "Serenade." This Tisis coucluded tise devotional sess- wes played on tise vielin by Mr. ion of tise conclave. The junior b>oys Ncrman Friedl, wise also gave a then adjourued te tise Higis Scisool portion af tise "Unfinished Sympis- gymnasiuin, and tise older boys to a ony." Tise "Marche Milteire" was discussion group ln tise cisurcis, cen- given as a piano duet by George ducted by Mr. Laughtensleger. Morris and Ewert Bragg. Otiser During tise afteruoou botis Juniors sangs wcre "Tise Erl-King" by Mr. and seniors took part la a splendid James Heucock. Ceurtice: "Tise prograin o! sporting events la tise Trout" by Mrs. W. Roberts: "Mer- gymnauni, wiich resulted la tise geret et tise Spinuiug Wiseel" and senior champlensil be'ng aunexcd "Deetis and tise Maiden" by Mrs. by St. Audrew's Churcis, eud tise Dudley. Accompanists were Mrs. Junior championsisip by St. John's Gerbutt aud Mrs. Dudley, Misses Churcis. HenArg ue and Marlon Pickrd.Tse conclave supper was served Mr.H. D. Clemens presided and la tise Perlis Hall, and tise A. Y.P. elso gave a short istcry o! Kueller A. cf St. John's Churcis catered. Mdr. Hall and its famous baud. Every Paterson agein preslded lu bis gen- member of tisis band is e gold mcd- lai meuner. elist.- After tise boys isad eniayed e sup- Tise beginulng o! stringed instru- er cf cold meat, scallooed potatops. ments, a p3aver by Mrs. E. Smlth salade. pie and coffee, Ed. Devltt didi Ferguson ,incIuded eaiistory cf tise, mucis te weer off tise sleepy feeling Lyre. Lute and Harp. <Cotlnued on Page 4) FIVE FIFTY-YEAR ODDFELLOWS AT PRESENTATION Plctured above are f ive menibers tise presentation of a 50-year jewel Intyre, Harry Baskervîlle (Toronto), of Forece ighingle odg, 1 0.to ro.T. . Lckhr.AhI are 5o- seeted, J. J. blason, T. H. Lookisari o! larnceNigstigal LcgeI. . t Br. T H.Lochait. -and W. J. Je!! ery. Tea other mcii- O. F. teken lu tise locige reom lest yea.r Jcwel isolders. Prom le! t t bers o! tisis lodge are lu possession Wcdncsday nlght on tise occasion o! 1rlgbt tisey are: Standing. John Me- of 50-year jewels. là, À aI.G 1 %-i £ elcJILnL Ldà le i nn 1 i LU ska Five Times Mayor of Bowmanville MANAGER HONORED oF Toronto Speales at Canadian Club Delivers Enlightening Ad- dreas on Modern Methods of Dealing with Juvenile Delinquents A ful ettendence e! members greeted e very popular speaker at tise monthly meeting o! tise Men's Canadhi Club on Monday eveuiug et tise Bowman House. Fresideut L. W. Dippeil was lu thse chair. Tise Club was fortunate lu hevlng as guest speaker Magistrate J. Edmund Joncs o! Toronto. wisose activities ln many branches of Cenadian if e are well kuevu. Mr. A. R. Virgin, Superintendent o! tise Boys Train- ing Scisool, introduced Mr. Joues, directing attention to tise f act tisai ise was net anly a wise and sym- pathetie magistrate. but was alsc au auther, photographer, botenist, mu- sic critic, music composer, and lead- er e! a splendid bay's bible class. Mr. Virgin specially stressed tise fine attitude cf tise magistrete tewerds tisose wise iad'toaeppear before hlm in tise court and for tise friendly la- ierest I1w tok luthein. Mr. Jones ised a wonderful story te tel of what he wes irying te do te help tise unfertunates who were so near ta becoming reelly criminel. Leading up to bis subject ise paint- ed a picture of criminel codes and criminel law tisre eor four centuries ago and of tise attitude shown ta- werds tisas who were lu tise criminal class. Tise communities used te be teugist to hate all criminels, he said,' ratiser tisan ta try and reforin them.1 Tise prison colonies suris as Botany1 Bay were demcribed as well as tise1 cruelties attending tise transporta-' tion cf prisoners ta these places. And coming ta tise turne o! John Howard thse speaker isad e gcad dea.l te say cf the report on Britishs pris- ons prepared by that greet reformer. Mr. Joncs deflnitelv laid dowu tise Drinciple thpt we were on tise vroug track if wc tisought ail criminels la- (Continued on nage 10) Story of St. Valentine la Told at February Meeting 0f Trinity Women's Assoc. February meeting o! Trinity Unit-j e d Churcis Women's Association was held Tuesdiay aftcrneon with tise Presideut, Mrs. Cerwker, lu tise chair. Mrs. Chas. BagucU., treesurer, and Mrs. J .Thickson, secretery, wbo arc botis very f aitisful efficers, were ab- sent on eccount o! sickness. Miss F. Jewel actcd as secretary pro tem. President readi e letter frem Cisurcis Board expressing appreclat-1 ieu o! tise co-operetion, f altisful and1 efficient work cf tisa W. A. threugis y ear 1934. Severel letters were reed f rom members thanlciug thse society fer tisir kindiy lnterest in sending flowcrs. fruit, or letters o! condel- ence. Tise devotional exercises and pro-1 gram were lu charge cf Mrs. J. E., Ellott and ber group. Scripture lesson. 13 Chsap. Corinthiens or love chepter, was red and explained by Mrs. G. L. Wagar. Miss F. Rickard led lu prayer. Mrs. W. A. Shane lu ber pleasing and iuterestiig menner tald tise story of St. Valentine, tise gaod old man whc was eiways dolng someone a kludness. Mrs. N. S. B. James alçc read a Valentine starY and Mrs. W. C. Ives compered eur lives ta a patois wcrk quilt ilana article on "Fire side tee and patois work quilt." Solos by Miss Lilliani Jebsen and Mr. Allen Kulght were vcry mucis enjcyed.1 Tiiere were 851 present e nd 3651 calîs reported. Collections fer th mentis. $87.68. Mercis meeting willl in chreo Mrs. W. O. Soucis Congregation oF Trinity Unitedi Ckurch Hears Reports of Activities in 1934 Largely Attended Meeting HIGH SCHOOL BOARD on Thursday Night Hemr ASKED) TO CONSIDER That Debt la Slightly Re- RENTING BUILDINGS duced - Missionary Al- Myr19as nBhl fHm Iotmente Met and Sohool Club - Suggests With the largest attendance in n ra e-acdtonGtPbi many years, the congregation of Trinuty United Churcis beld its an- nual meeting in thse churcis audi- Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie was re- torium on Thurdlay night. peprts elected Chairman of the Hlgh School of every organization in thse church Bo<ard at its inaugurai 1935 session were presented and on thse whole thse held on Tuesdlay night. Trustee Fred dliurch sio'wed an advanoemeflt jinKnlox was the oflly absefltee. Its worlc durlng thse year. Societies SeCretarY C. H. Mason read thse within thse cisurcis had made a de- new aupontments for 1935: Harry termlned effort during the year te Rice, Public School Board; F. C. asslst thse finances, both local and Vanstone as Counties Council; and 1missionary, and wth thse great lm- Fred Knox as Town Couneil appoin- provement in general conditions thse tee. Messrs Vansbone and xnox are congregiation looks f orward te 1935 appolnted for three year tennis and with optlmism. Mr. R.lce for one year. The meeting opened with a hymn Mr. blason wau unanlmously re- followed by prayer by Rev. E. F.1 elected Secretarit-Tressurer et the, Armstrong, pastor, wiso aise acted as Board, and M~r. H. Moyse wus "_ chairman. In thse course of thse appe.lntedl as caretaker cf thse po*iqpl, meeting thse ieports were lntermlxed at thse same aalary. with musical numbers, a vocal solo Committees appolnted are: pro- by Allan Knlgist with Francis Sut- perty-F. Knox, M. G. V. Gould, N. ton at thse organ; a violin solo by Rice; Finance-F. C. Vanstone, Dr. Mr. Sutten accornpanled bY Helen 1j.C eiiadJ .H uy 0. Morris; and a vocal quartette Mayor Roas Strike aPPeared before comiposed of Mrs. T. W. Cawker, jthse Board on behalf of thse Home Mrs. J. E. Anderson, Dr. C. W. SI- ani Sehool Club aslclng for use o! mon and W. B. *Pollard. teSc1Iool auditorium, and suggest- The minutes of thse last congre- ing a reco"oaiertàn>nof the regu- gational meeting were read by the labions governIngi th& ufflof achool Recording Steward, H. D. Wlgitmau. buildings. MyS~o Striha sup eted Mrs. Frankc Crydermun presented that it mlght b. Wise teotr oui the very excellent reports for thse various plan of rentlng it for.publl o e, for mlsslonary societies as folle ws, a perlod ta see if it w&â tq»e. Baby Band under thse leadershilp of Thse Mayor aise asked ftçr thoi ai'. * Miss Florence Werry bas a memnber- mission of estimates ai mau éeiy ship of 40 and gave $6.25 te miss- date. ions. Boy's Mission Baud wlth Mrs. Followlng the passing o!fS&coouXLts Smale andi Mrs. Ingisa.m as leaders and ether routine business tIn MàM donated $16.00. Alice Jackson Band ter of thse University Extenlmon X 4 isas 70 members under Misses Mar- tures was dlscussed andi thse Eoid ion Belîman, Lorraine Plokard, Mar- declded, in vlew o! the attendanS tisa Serrels and Mrs. Ernest PurdY. of 120 at the f irst lecture that a sec- Tisey ralsed $35.00. An lucrease cf end lecture be held. At this lecture 7 members was noted in the Mission a silver collection will be taken te Circle, and $5000 was raised witis def ray expenses. It te te be hupedi Mrs. P. Cowllug as leader. Mrs. W. that the public will avail tisernselves A. Shane as president o! thse Evenlng o! the OPPortuultY o!fisearlng tises. Auxillary announced tisat several glfted unlverslty speakers. quilts were forwarded to needy sec- - tions of thse West. A! ternoon Aux- Mlary wlth Mrs. G. L. 'Wagar as CENTRE STRLEET GROIJp HOLDS president reported an average at- EXHIITON (0F QUTING tendance cf 61 memlbers who ralsed $600.96. Thse ener«etlc memnbers aiso Centre Street group o! Trlnlty sent a bale vahuedi at $165.21 and United Churcis W. A. iseld a very ralsed $919,44 for thse Presbyterial. succesaful exhibition o! qulltlng, Mrs. J. Tilckson who presented quilts, and ether pleces o! needie- the report cf thse Women's Associa- work lu the scisool room on Frlday tien stated 10 meetings were iseld afternoou wheu a very happy com- during 1934 wlth, an average attend- P9anY assemlbled aud vlewed the ance cf 80. J180.30 was recelved lu pretty things. Musical numbers collections at three social evenings. were furnlshed bv Miss Helen Will- Many articles o! cloting and *250. lains and Miss Mle Allin, A. T. C. ln cash were oontributedi te local M. The social cup o! tea andtise welf are work. Funds were ralsed by daluty refresismeuts servedl by wifl- 1two minstrel concerts, the picture ing walters !rem amail tables prett- "Littie 'Womeru" anid by.varieus sec- llY decorated wth pluýk sweet peas, adided te tise pleasure cf the after- <Contlnued on page 7) nccu. George E. Chase Manager o! Bowmanvlle Public Utilities Systemn, who was heo ored by tise Associatien o! Municipal El- ectric Utilities receutl.y wisen be wa appointcd e member o! tise execu- tive. He alse, is ciseirman cf that crganizeiiou's rnost important coin- mlttee, tise Rate Cemmittee. anl honar eccorded et tise saine meeting. Mrs. H-. E. Cauffield, Dayton, Ohio, and Mr. W. C. Pcrcy, Bank cf Commerce. Smitis's Falls, are visit- ing iheir motiser, Mrs. John Percy. Retail Mercisants Association will meet ln Bewmean Hause, Meuday, Pcb. 1th. ai 8 p. m. sharp. Sorne very important metters o! vital lu- teret te this cemmunity are te be censidercd. Tise opinion of evcry local mercisaut is desired-aud you, ca't express your views unless ycu are there. Note chaenge of meeting place and be tisere ou turne. Tisere was ouly' e fair attendance but iisey isadi a lot e! fun et Tay- lare ArceaTuesday night wheu au old time get-togetiser skating periy was feeturcd. .z winners are: Oldeet couple, .M.,Ihtd-IMrs. E. Roacis; Lucky Draws, J. Meercrafi and Oscar Jamnieson; Consolation Prize, Miss Aura Rundle. Tisere's anotiser big pow-wow tonigisi et tise rlulc. --~-~ ~>. i Municipality Mourns Pass- ing of Prominent Citizen Many Organizations In tise deatis a! Thomas Sidmier Holgete. five times Mayor of Bow- menville, and prominent lu churois, political, municipal and business ac- tivities la this towu for mauy years, Bowmanville mourus eue o! its most populer citizeus. Mr. Holgate pass- ed away ou Tuesday eveuing, Feis. l2th, la his 53rd year, following a short illness. He ised bowever not been lu good isealtis for seme turne. As a tribute te hie long years cf faitisful service te tise town tise Flag on the Municipal Building is belng flown et 1Hall Mast. Mr. Halgate, wisose great iseart and jovial disposition attracted ta- wards hlm e wide cirole o! frieudas, was born et Foxboro, lu Hastings County, ou Mercis l3tis, 1882, and wes a son o! tise late Mr. and Mrs. John A. Helgate. Mr. Halgate came wlth bis fatiser ta Bowmanville lu 1912 whcn they bought tise J. R. Fluide evaperator and later con- ducted tise coal and building suvPPly business of John A. Holgate & Sou. Mr John Holgete died on Novenuber 5tis, 1925, and since tisat time Mr. Holgate isas carried on tise business. Hie motiser died about 16 years agio and isis only brother. Bidewcll A. Halgate, dled lu Edmonton, Nov. 27,1 1928. Mr. H-olgate was extremely active lu tise affairs o! tise communiiy. He served for saine years as a menuier o! tise Town Ceuncil and tise Count- les Council and in 1924 beoume Mayor o! tise Town, servlng lu tisai capacity fer five years. Since thet turne Mr. Helgate bas servedi on tise Public Utilities Com- mission, belug its first Cisairnuan efter tise organisation of tisat bod5' and retircd et tise end o! lest ycar as a commissioner. He was an active andi f altisful member o! Trinlty United Churcis serving on tise Board o! Stewards and as e member of tise Choeir. His ricis voice was beard on numeraus occasions et otiser functions in the town. At tise turne a! bis deatis Mr. Helgate was Vice-Chelrmn o«ftise Bownmenvilll Hospital Board, an or- ganization ta wich he devotcd mucis time. He isas alsc been Presi- (Continued -an page 7)

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