PAGE S=X Simulaktd, Imitatcd butU3A/t5 Duplicated 1 We suppose it is only natural that M. W. LOCKE Sboes should be flattered by many imitations and substitutes. Whenever anything of such outstand. ing menit is created, the imitators always make their appearancc. But remember- there is only one Dr. Locke! There is only one group of shoes designed and approved by Dr. Locke. Ours is the only store in Bow- manville that carrnes these shoes! Each pair bears the name "M. W. Locke" and is bulit to the exact specifica- tions of the world's most f ar- ous foot specialist. NABORHOOD SHOE STORES King St. - Bowmanville Cowan Block SHAW SCHOOL GRADS are found in thousands of big offices to-day as leaders and as employers. This result is found helpful to present graduates who seek position. Head Offices: 1130 Bay Street, Toronto. i TYRONE Gladt 1 see Mr. Lamne Annis out arounti again. Rev. F. M. Woottan, Peterboro, visiteti bis son, Rev. A. M. Wootton.ý Congratulations 10 Mn. anti Mrs. Haroldi Burgess on the arrivaI of a baby boy. Cottage prayen meeting vas helti aI Mn. Wiilis Stewant's on Wednes- day evening. Mr-. andi Mrs. Wm. Turner, Green River, visiteti their daugbter, Mrs. Floyd Dudley. Mr. Gussie Rosevear spent a few days aI the home of bis paxents, Mn. Edigar Rosevear, Port Hope. League Montiay evenlng openeti vitb vorship penioti. Hymn vas sung. follovet by Bible reatiing by Mn. Robt. Camenoni; prayen by Mn. Clarence Halberly anti Miss Etina Camneron. Missionary program vas in change of Miss Susie Thompson: HYnin, folloveti by a reatiing by Miss Susie VanCamp, "An Appeal"; "The Making of FYlenti6" by Miss Helen Tximm: vocal duel, Mrs. Thea Dova anti Mrs. F. Duti- leY; reading, "Success" by Mn. Rosa Pooley; reading, Mn. Jack Trimm; a splendid papen vas given by Mns. N. J. Woodley; after wbich Miss S. VanCamp sang. Meeting closeti with a contest conducteti by the leader. Womcn's Missionary Society met in the vestry on Thursday afternoon. Meeting openeti vith the Vice Pres- Itient. Mrs. Sidney Hoar, in charge. Aller the opening anti business ses- sion Mrs. A. W. Ciemens gave tbree chaptens of the stutiy book "Builti- crs of the Indian Churcb," assisteti by Mrs. S. Hoar. Mrs. L. Wanren's1 gxoup took charge of the program:1 Devotional leaflet by Mrs. Warren. vocal duel by Mns. Arthur Brent anti Mns. Howard Brent, anti reati- ing by Mrs. R. Hatheriy. THE CAN4ADIAN srATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURUSDAY, FEBRUAPLY 14, 1935 ____________ i SALEM Miss Gladlys Cann. Toronto, SI the weekend with her parents, ani Mrs. W. J. Cann. Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and iE ily, Newtonville, visited her pare Mr and Mrs. A. Welsh. Rev. A. S. Kerr oooijjpied the pu' here Sunday delivering a fine sern in his usual efficient manner. Mr. andi Mrs. Ewart Pollari,T onto. were Suntisy guests with parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. PoUard. 1Sorry to learn that Mrs. L. Butt inot improving very fast fromn Grippe that bas visited the Butt borne. Glad to report. that ot members of the family almost fi recovered. Last Suntiay the Sunday Sch hour was taken Up with a missi( ary progrsmn presideti over by1 Missionsry Superintendent, Mrs. Cator, who gave a couple of op( ing stories fol]owed by a fittingt from Mr. F. L. Squair. Short rei ings were given by the f ollowi Misses Nina Darch, Viola Franc Hilda andi Gladys Thompson, Kal leen and Margarette Cowlinga were followed by a moutl-organ& by Miss M. Irwin. Missionaryc lection was taken. Y. P. L. meeting Wednesday ening. Feb. 6th. openeti witht President. Mr. F. Blackburn int chair. After opening exercises, 1 L. Squair, Christian Fellowship Vi took charge of the followîng pi gram: bible reading by the leadc bible topic references, reaci by M Lloyd Richards, Nina Darch a Kathleen Cowling; topic. Mrs. Squsir; guitar and vocal solo,1 S. Elcombe; mouthorgan solo, Mý M. Irwln; recitation, Douglas P( lard; report of Rally at Port Per Feb. 2nti, was given by Mr. F. BIsc burn. Meeting closeci with Lesi beniecicition. On Fritiay evening under t] auspices of the church Boardi a Ba ket Social evening was rranged help replenish finances. Mr. G. Stephens occupieti the chair calli the meeting to ortier andi teliveri the chsirmsn's address. An open:i hymn was sung foUlowed by pray by Rev. A. M. Woottoon. s get-toge] er song was sung then a tieba openiet. subject "Resolved that t good-nstured untidy wif e is bett than the tidy cranky one." TheA firmative was taken by Rev. Woct on and Mr. K. Werry andi the Neg tive by Mr. K. Squair anti Mr. Blackburn. Jutiges were Mr. Westlske. Solina. Mrs. T. Down, 'T rone anti Mr. W. Taylor. who gai decision in f avor of the Negatii While they matie their decisi( the following musical numbers we rentiereti: vocal duet, Rev. ant i v Wootton: piano solo. Miss M. Hone violin selection, Mr. W. Taylor; al s recitation by Master Ronald Hall Mr. W. Challis. Bowmanville. vei kintily acteti as auctioneer, sellingo the baskets provideti by the fa ladies to the waiting young men ar then followeti a happy lunchec hour which brought the enioyab e',ening to a close. About $20. we realizeti. HAMPTON Reserve Feb. 26tb for Bible Cîs At Home. Miss Etina Reynolds visited ti aM H. Tink's, Slins. Miss Jean Hogartb spent tl weekenti St home. Miss Grace Cawken visiteti St hi home in Port Penny. Mn. Fred Billet. Toronto, wî home over the weekend. Meýssns C. E. Horn anti W. W. Ha: were in Toronto on Montiay. C. H-. Burrows, Oshawa, sper Suntiay witb bis sister. Mrs. Good man. Miss L. Horn was guest of M anti Mrs. A. Barton, wbile in Oshaxw f or a few tiays. Dr. anti Mrs. Davies anti famil: Oshawa, Mrs. Oea. Etiger. Courtic( visitet at Mr. H. Wilcox's. Miss Margaret Moore antiMI Ronnie Moore. Toronto, spent thi weekend at Mn. J. R. K.nox's. Mn. Ray Williamson accompanie by Miss McLarent Scugog IslanÈ visiteti St Mn. E. L. Williamnson's. Mrs. J. A. Graves who has bee: visiting Mrs. R. Katerson neturne, ta ber borne in Wawanesa, Man. An Olti fashioneti play "The Quili ing Party" will be given this Thurs day night. with other interestin numbens. by the "Gleanens" youn ladies Bible Clasa. Sonry to report a serious accitier whicb Mn. B. Billett suffereti. He wa tieing s cow in the stable when ah, tbrew Up ber beati anti the boni struck him in the corner of the eye We wish bim a speetiy recovery. At League meeting F'iday nigli Vena Kerslake took charge of thi -i atLbp tthe 9PaL[oe SheliI say their f layon is Divine, Of course l'Il be youn Valentine. SMJLES 'n CHUCKLES CANDY 50e lb. SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR THE WEEK-END See Handbills. CAN YOU IMAGINE ? The grattude of Billy Kane of Pansons, Penn., who after suifering 4 years ith Athlete's Foot and misslng sehool a whole year, was completely cuned with one tube of Fungi- Ier - Sold by Jury & Loveil. JURY & LOVELL pg~oe 78TM REXALL STORE Bowinanvllle ýpent Mr. ulpit mon Tor- his ttery iLa ttex-y ýther 'ully rool ;ion- the s.F. en- talk at- ;ing, ces. ath- and solo col- ev- the the Mr. ice, ro- der; V!rs. and L. M<r. !îiss ýrry ýck-t gue the as-f to1 A. ling ing1 ing1 yert ýth-1 oate theI Lter1 A- tt- F. W.t Ey- ave ive.t ;ion1 ýere Il. erye offF .aird Lnd i ýon ere1 e' ss àr. ,he ,er 'asj d ei a programn. The tievotional was given - served. The bridail table was very by Louise Salter. Lewis Trull fav- 1 r_ attractive with spring flowers in a oreti with a piano solo. Mrs. J. Ba- MAPLE GROJVE prevaiîing Pink :.andi white color ker of Solina presenteti the topic on ' scheme as decoratibns. For going "Non Anglo-Saxons." Meeting clos- iMsJ.LStar, inpg' awsy the bride donneti a blue anti ed with benediction. Mm .L twrWniei ive rp rs ihbu otwt February meeting of the Hampton' visiting hen unicle, Mr. Chas..Axfonti siler curepe res withblue oatrbin W. I washeldin he frm 0 an Mns. Frank Hanfonti. Glen Ridigege u rmig nibx uia W.At. Homelst thdevningf at New Jersey, spent a few days last also grey acceQsories. The young "Act He" commTunity ws een t wee witb bier mothen, Mrs. M. couple will reside in Oshawa. 'numbering about one hundreti anti MundaY, Sr., who is under the doc- Amof the many soctanial eventhoe tor's cane, but sornewbat improved0ftemtousadn sth thirty. Wlth Mrs. C. Johns, presid ttm fwitig Box Social sponsoreti by the Sun- ing, the meeting openeti with the sat times nd0f wnitlng.,Mrs singing of the Institute Ode. follow- Miss Susie Laird, Prince AlbertsieGrsat hi ece.Ms etiby heLor'sFraer n nisn.spent the weekend at home. ' G. F. Annis, anti helti at the church r0 Canada was sung after which a Mn. andi Mrs. Leslie Collscutt anti OSmi ay evening. irev. W.hC short business perioti followed. Ms two daughters spent Sunday w Sith actetienawiscirn. thed Etina eynolts. conener isstheier parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Westlake meigoeeiwt ign tn ENo Rth yold.tookchar of the l Solina. 1up, Stand up for Jesus; prayer, Mr. Norh Gouptoo chrgeof he ol- Mr. anti Mrs. Harvey Brooks anti Smith; vocal duet. Mrs. G. F. Anflis lowing program: "Corne to the snRnivstt e itr r niM.FakWles etog church in the Willtwood" was sung; snRnivstdhrsseMs n r rn atr;raig Instrumental, Miss Grace Cawker: Ray Snowtien, Toronto. Miss Louise Courtice; piano duet, humorous reading, Rev. W. Rack- Mr. anti Mrs. Steve Munday Misses Louise Osborne anti Hazel ham; comic vocal duet, Miss Alice Courtright, spent the weekenti with Rund.le: vocal solo. Velma Pearce. Ashton anti Mr. John Slemon: In- bis mother, Mrs. M. Munday, Sr. Nert f olloweti a tiebate "Resolveti strumental, Miss Doreen Perrett; Misses Annie anti Susie Ljaird en- that a goot-naturet i sovenly wife amusing reatiing. Miss Etina Rey- tertaineti a number of little girls on is more to be tiesireti than a tidy noiis;comc oca dutMis AlceSaturd'ay afternoon when everyone crank." Messrs Smith anti A.J. Ashton anti Mr. Jhon Slemnon; In- thoroughly enjoyeti themselves. GyuhliteNgtv niMsr tenesting paper, "The love of frienti- We welcome Mr. anti Miss Barnes, Chas Osborne anti Walter Runtie sbip Mr. A B.Crytermn; ocaiVancouver, to our community, bav- the Affirmative. This intieti causeti trio. Mesrs D . CRckha j.oWa, ng purchaseti the place f ormerîy a great measure of fun anti laughter. M. Cryderman, accompanieti by Miss oc-cupieti by Mr. A. Gower, lately by The jutiges. Mrs. Blake Courtice. N. Horrn; piano duet, Mrs. C. Kers- Mr. Disney. They have aîreatiy Mrs. H. F. Osborne anti Mrs. Blake lake anti Miss Vers; Miss Marjonie moved i n. Oke tiecideti in favor of the Affirm- Psscoe conducteti s contest on on't forget the congregational ative. At this time Rev. Smith in- "Flowers". Social time was ' tie meeting on Friday evening in the troduceti Mr. S. S. Brooks to the anti lunch served. Vote oftanks hall. company wbo. although sufferingi was tendereti the Institute by Mr. F. Mn. anti Mrs. J. D. Pickarti anti from s severe colti, disposeti of the J. Groat anti Mr. Geo. Barron. Nat- daughter Mary visiteti Mn. anti Mrs. many boxes in bis genial manner. ional anthem brought meeting to a Clarence Tink. Hampton.' very satisfactorily anti for which the close.The W. M. S. helti another inter- girls realizedth te sum of $42. Tes close.esting meeting îast Wednesday. Arn- anti a generous lunch was served to ong other Items were short reportsalal those not having boxes. ENNISKILLEN 1 from tbree members on the Presby- ----- ENNISKLLEN Iteriaî at Hampton, also a well rend- ereti solo from Miss Miltireti Snow- NESTLETON 1 Mrs. H. Stevens visiteti Mrs. E. tien. _________________ Stevens, Hampton, on Sunday. <D_ Miss Kste Deacon visiteti Mrs. J. Mrs. H. Stevens visitet iber tiaugb- 1 Noon. ter, Mrs. C. R. Walton, Oshawa. j SOLINA Mrs. M. Emerson's mother, Mrs. Miss May Lamnb is visiting ber sis- - 5 Pip, elrtnisi ter, Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestleton. MsPomahelwle ih Mrs. Artbur Hu ler Miss Gertie Oke entertaineti a Gresitetio Tontlo fniens ne- Mn.sA.Hlbert viysietiteMn. few frientis to dinner Saturtiay Grcely. Trot redsr-wt Ms rhr ubr ngba otMssNoami Virtue Miss Marjory Couch, Bethestia, Bruce Freelove's, Millbrook. Glat o e tipor Miss o f s pent the weekentivith Miss Muriel Mr. anti Mrs. Stanford VanCamp witi soewa mrvt ttm fBaker. visiteti St Mn. George Proutt's. Mr. anti Mrs. John Short, Cour- Miss Lena Taylor, R. N. is nursing issxNtieWbasortnethoms e tice. spent Suntiay with Mrs. Levi at the Boys' Training School, Bow- n. Davriti McL eaun bas hoaieti Brunt. manville. wor.DindheFod lant, eTont Mn. anti Mrs. Milton Stainton anti Mn. anti Mns. John Baker spent k iteFord Hplant, Toonto Dooh setSndywt M.adSuna t rjauie ae', Mn. ClifodHlnTrno Mrs. F. Oncharti. Concord. pnth ekdwi isart. Mn. anti Mns. Leslie Coîîacott anti Miss Myrtle Weatherilt, Orono, Mn. anti Mrs. E. C. Ashton antifmd ,MpeGoe iîeia n spent tbe weekend witb ber par- Orville visiteti Mn. anti Mns. Stewart fW. H. Westle's. ents.te tMr Roiman. Port Penny.W.. eta'sen. Miss Reva McGill, Toronto, spent Mn .and Mrs. Thos. Penfound, Mn. Miss Lois Veale entertainetia. weeeni it he pretsMnanti Mrs.Ca. er',Ohat number of f ientis to a party on bier the Mnkn it irpae ,M . S. E.Wehas. WbinthOshway.a anti Mrs. Thos. McGill. M.S .Wrys itdy Mnr.Geo. Bradley matie a business Mn. anti Mrs. Everett Elliott. Osb- Sunday Scbool in Caesarea chunch trip to Toronto this week anti visiteti awa. spent the weekend with ber was postponed on Suntiay as many bis parents, Mn. anti Mrs. Bradiley. mother. Mrs. R. J. MeKessack. are sick. Mns. Ediwin Ormiston spent Sun- Misses Evelyn Tink. Ruth McKes-l Mn. anti Mns. Grant Tbompson day witb ber sunt, Mns. Phylina sock anti Helen Baker spent the an 1uher Mai-ion visiteti fnientis Mountjoy, anti calleti on oth e r weekenti with Miss Ada Allin. Pro- at Pefferlaw. f rientis. vîience. Mr. Lew Watson bas a severe at-1 Mn. and Mr,%. H. Harris entertain- Mn. Luther anti Miss Elva Pascoe tack of the 1111 anti is untier the eti s number of fientis 10 tes on andi Mn. Bill Walken spent Suntisy tocton's cane. Fridtay night. Crokînole wa lae witb Misses Ada anti Irene Pascoe, Mn. anti Mrs. Arthur Wonnacott during thbe remaintier of the even- Toronto. entertaineti a number of fientis ta ing. Miss Ada Allin. Providence, enter- a dance on Wetinestiay night. Miss Margaret Dalton visiteti in taineti a number of the Solina A surprise oysten supper was helti Toronto Saturday anti calleti ta see voung peouile at s Valentine party by bis family on Wednestiay night Mirs. (Rev.) Win. Parker in the Gen- last Sat.unday evening wben al hati to celebrate Mn. R. W. Pbilp's birtb- ex-ai Hospital. an enJoyable tîme. tiay. Mn. Hugh Annis visiteti bis The missionary program on Sun- Mn. snti Mrs. Jack Purdy. antid day aftrnoonsws in cargesofMns. taughter. Toronto. spent the week- rnlbr r.E nniwois quite a feionWsichreo r.edwt r. .11 at the borne of ber, Mrs. Isaac Hardy Who took the next et ihbrprns n niMs G. LaskTaunon.chapter of the book on Indus; vocal Oea. Pnoutt. M. Lakauntons.Jae teMr duet. Misses Jessie anti Norma Yel- Bible studys at League was taken Mr.s Pa anti Mr. ames Pate Mrs. iowlees, neatiing. Miss Kathleen by Mrs. Malcolm Emerson anti the ECia ern nti Mn Mros PE.nnJ.Baker. topic by Miss Florence Fallis. Mn. Harrison on Suntiay. Teewr bu n ude Jack Hannant gave a reatiing anti Misses Verna anti Vers Griffîn I present at the league meeting on MsMinta.rpl n n Nfiss McLean, Mn. Fred Griffin, Mondsy evening wben the members stMeawrl rsnto uta Union, spent Sunday witb Mn. andi of Newcastle league were our guests. night fr e nniesary onsrvie Mns. D. Bungmaster. A very enjoyable pnogram was given NeshteothPe abnterary c ercbe Rf Mrs. Byron Nesbitt is wvith bier the visitons, games were playeti anti H. Weolfrim, Janvll. rch eti parents. Mn. andi Mrs. Jas. Parr Mr- lunch was serveti by the home se olrmo Jn wich wprah Par bengquie ll.Hoe h' illlegus asplendid srow hwsbothi >anrbeig qite 11.Hop he ilÏleaue.timely anti inspirational. The trouble1 ;oon be arounti again. Î, with so-calleti Chistians, Mn. Wolf- Our sympathy is extendeti to Mrs. 1 I aim stateti vas thein luke-warm (Rev.> Wm. Parker anti Mr. Gor- EBENEZER Cbistianity. If there w'ere one on Werry, wbo botb untierwent op- - million tievoteti people, burning with rations in Toronto General Hospital zeal for oui' religion. the world woulti ,ecently. We join in wishing them MeSSrs Donald Courtice, Carl be a changeti place. Special music ispeedy recovery. ta Down, Sidney Wortien anti Douglas asupitbyhecor Sorry to report t tMrs. Thos. Oke attendeti the Boys' Conclave St wMrs. RoedbtDiy enheoran. it f cOill was vex-y unfontunate when Bomnil nStriy nembers of the Ladies' Aid, Pres- e, shc feii ana oroîce ner rignt arm, on' Young Peopies meeting vas belti ber way 10 Young Peoplc's meeting on Monday evening anti was in 'r. on Wednesdsy nigbt. We vish ber. charge 0f the Missionary group witb ie1 a specdy recovery. Miss Aura Osbarne as leader. Pro- About one buntiret neigbbors anti gram openeti witb bymn anti ne- 'ti frientis gathereti St the home 0f peating 23rç1 Psaim. The tapic vas ,d, Mr. anti Mrs. Ayimer Beech on Fr1- given by Mrs. (Rev.> Smith anti day evenlng ta partake of an oyster prayer by Mrs. Annis anti Sadie n supper. After supper dancing anti Muir; readings vere given by Gien ti carda vere enjoyeti until the vee 1 Pickcll anti Ada .Annis anti piano small bours of the morning. The duet, Ann anti Florence Wilkins; 1excellent music, greatly appreciateti Miss Evelyn Gay, Oshava, gave a ;by the dancers, vas furnisheti by veny fine missionary atidress which g9 Messrs Arthur Beecb, Arthur Wilson vas much enjoyeti; bymn anti prayer 1g anti Alan Stainton. A very enjoy- by Art Founti closeti the meeting. able evcning vas bnougbt ta a close C. G. I. T. belti their meeting on it by singing "Goti Save the King." Saturtiay afternoon at the home of s League meeting on Wetinesday Elsie Oke anti openeti vith C. G. I. e nigbt vas in charge of ist Vice-Pres., T. Purpose anti byrn, f olloweti wilh *n. Miss Alice Ashton. Alter singing a prayer by Mrs. Cecil Found:; bible e. byrnn, Miss Alice Ashton leati in reading was given by Margaret Gay; prayer. Mrs. M. Stainton anti Miss rol vas calleti vith sixteen ne- t 1Elva Orcharti plapeti a piano duel. spontiing. Af 1er business perioti. le Devotional vas given by Mrs. J.A. the ollowing program vas given: *Wenry. Vocal duel, by Misses Ada rcatiings, June Marshall anti Mar- Beech anti Grace Trcwin. Mrs. Jorie D% n vocal duel, Helen anti tRev.) A. S. Kerr of Bowmanviiie; Doris Wikns: piano duel, Ethel gave the Topic on Citizcnship whlch Wilkins anti Prudence Young: Stutiy vas vcry nspinlng anti educational book was taken by ELsie Oke; clos- Meeting closeti with hymn anti the ing with Foliow the Gleam anti C. G. Mizpah. Our league s inv,îtedti ta1. T. closing verse. Blackstock on Wetinesday night. On Wcdnesday evening. Feb. 6tb, W. A. met at the borne of Mrs. L. a community gathening numbening Brunt on Wetinesday, Pcb. 6tb. one hundreti, invatiet the home of Meeting openeti with Mrs. Roy Mc- Mn. anti Mrs. Werry anti presenteti Qili presitiing. Hymn "Let the Sun- the britie-elecî. Miss Vera, with a shine in"; prayex- anti bible reatiing. miscelianous shower. Mn. Cecil Prograra was given by Miss Eva Foundi caliedth Ie Company 10 order Souch's group. Mrs. Etta Page gave anti af 1er a few remarks asketi Vers a reading "The Legenti of St. Val- 10 open the many parcels, the neati- entine: vocal solo, Miss Annie Oke; ing of the verses accompanylng samne Mrs. J. A. Werry gave a Valentine causing much merninent. Games read.lng; piano solo. Mns. M. Staint- were playeti and a real olti chit- on; Mrs. L. Ashton gave a paper on chat af tex- wbich cantiy anti fruit "Fniendship", wbicb vas very pro- were serveti in abundance. Among fitable. Arrangements were matie for the many gifta vas an antique glass the usual St. Patnick's Tea on Max-ch breati plate with the engraved yards 151h. Ail took part in a Valentine "Give us Ibis day our daily Breadi" contest. A tinty lunch vas serveti. given by Mn. John Poundi anti mucb Meeting closeti with byrmn anti Miz- .valuedi as a keep-sake by Vers. pah. A quiet but very pretty wetiting was solemnizet aIt theborne of Mn. anti Mrs. A. B. Werry on Satunday "Deecla, not words." - Beaumont Pcb. 9th, wben their tiaughter, Vers anti Fletcher. Izet, vas uniteti In marriage wltb 'Put your creeti mbo your deeti, Mr. Mebourne Tex-ny, Oshava. Rev. Non spcak vith double longue."- W. C. Smith offlciated, Mrs. (Rev.) Emerson. Smith Playing the vetdlng music. Persian Balm is magicai In creat- The bridai allan In the living roomi ing alluiing complexions. A litle was decoratet i wth evengreens anti e gentle rubbing anti your skin is In- spnlng flovers, pink carnations atit- vigonateti anti touchet i wth the true ing a soft note of colon. The bride, beauty of youth. Charmingly frag- who was given In manniage by berc rant. Dciightfui to use. Cools anti faîher. vore a gown of sheli pink1 caresses the skmn. Relie v es a Il satin, with net tnimmings: ber bridait roughness anti cbafing causeti by floyers vere roses anti lily of thee weathex- conditions. Tones anti stlm- valley. Mn. andi Mrs. Elton Werry1 ulates. Enhances anti protects the vene their attendants. Mrs. Werry i lovellest complexion. Unrivaileti as wox-e plnk silll crepe. Alter the cere-1 a perfect aid to beauty anti charm. nony a dalnty wedding dinner was a byteian cburch, on Tburstiay af- ternoon for their Flebruary meeting. It was tecitiet that quilts in a two- colon scbeme be matie. The roll caîl for Marcb will be answered by a verse fnom a favorite bymn. Tbe prognam inclutiet: comxnunity sing- ing; a reading, "What to do" by Mrs. Arthur Huibent; an instrumen- tai, Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy 'The Menry Pessant: a reading "The Weaver" Mrs. R. W. Philp; s vocal solo. Miss Aileen Janvis -Tbe Olti Ruggeti Cross"; anti a neading, "The Falthful Few" Mrs. Harry Me- Laughlin. Miss Ruth Proutt dIrecteti an apple contest; anti Miss Dorotby Brown sang "Lave Lifteti Me." Very tieligbtful lunch was serveti St the close of the profitable meeting. February meeting of the Nestie- tan Women's Institute was beiti on Wednestiay aftennoon at Mms. S. McLaugblin's. Roll cail was answer- eti by "Suggestions to improve our Institute." Il was weli answereti anti a committee was appointedti t ar- range for the quiit competitian at the District Annual. Mrs. S. Mc- Laugbhin, anti Mns. Richard Etiger- ton are the committee. Letters of appreclation were receiveti fnom the sick ta whom fruit hati been sent. Membersbhip f ce of the Librany wiil be useti for purcbasing new books. The interesting program consisteti of: a reatiing "Two different points of view" Mrs. George Proutt: a solo, Miss Aileen Jarvis: a readlng, Mrs. Leonarti Joblin anti an instrumental by Mrs. Haroldi Nesbitt. The win- ners of a tree contest were, Mrs. Philp, Mrs. Grant Thompson anti Mrs. Robent Dickey. A splendid lunch was serveti by Mns. J. Watson, Mrs. Leonarti Joblin anti Mrs. S. McLaughiin. Mrs. M. Emerson's group will be in charge of the Marcb meeting at Mrs Wmn. Beacock's. BAKER'S SCHOOL Baker's Home and Sehool Club met on Febnuary 5tb wlth Mn. Rus- seli Glbert, president, in charge. A gooti crowti assembledti ta ear the interesting pnograrn. Meeting op- encd witb The Maple Leaf anti pray- 1 er. Minutes were reati anti atopted. Mvr. Arthur Annis, Tyrone, presitient of the Trustees and Ratepayer's Asssociation gave a very lnterestlng talk along school uines anti also explined the Townshilp Scbooi Board. A piano solo was given by NZrs. C. J. Kerslace; Mise Ella ramblyn, Enfleld, gave a belpful address on "Health;" Vocal solo, foi -lowed by Miss Lena Taylor; ratiing, tMrs. Chas. Smith; Mrs. C. Kerslake again favoureti witb a piano solo; Games wene playeti anti lunch served 1anti the meeting closeti by singing the National Antbcm. NexI meet- ing at the home 0f Mr. anti Mrs. C. Smith, in the form of an oysten suppen on Marcb 5th. Ail members welcome. Febnuary Exsms: V - Venna Milîson 88 bhon), Iso- bel Yellowiees 81 (bon), Velma Gil- bert 80 (bon). Jr. IV - Ella Milison 77 (bon), IHarvey Yellowlees 76 (hon). Sr. III - Danothy Adiams 75 (b), Mattbew Milîs 66, Bernice Moorey 49. Jr. III - Jerry Milîson 81 (bon), James Milîs 74, jim Harris 70. Jr. II - Margaret Huis 70. Law- rence Adams 59. Sr. I -Muiel Smith 77 (hon), Dorotby Moorey 42. Pr, - Joyce Hilîs 81 (hon), Bruce Taylor 80 <bon). Stanley Milîson 70. Jean Adams 68. Figures indicate ~ Ada J. Allin. teachen. Many Make Merry At B.H.S. At Home Continueti from page 1) skating dance. in wbicb a snow man anti snowballs playeti an important part. This number receiveti the big- gest ovation of the evening. June Brown, provideti an or'iginal number witb harmonica anti guitar. the artist playing botb at the same l i me. Douglas Rackham, w it h Charlie Cawker at the piano pro- videdti tv song anti tap dance num- bers, wbich went over witb a bang. The fourth form akit. "The Mail- ertirammer". vas another number whicb vas accordeti pienty of ap- plause. Witb Bob Clark as narrator the skit vas carniedti trougb vith- out a word spoken by the characters. The sunrising, scanning the horizon. falling down the stairs anti baîf a dozen other situations %vere acteti out. Those taking part were Bob Clark. Helen Pritchard, Walter' Goode. Betty Tamblyn. Harry De- pewv. Morse Goodman. John Neal, Doris Dudley anti Thelma Scblievert. At the conclusion of the program. dancing wvas the order of the even- ing with Charlie Cawker anti bis or- chestra providing the music. A new feature of the At Home was an art display wbich. vas x'iewed by most of the guesîs of the evening. Aflen the finst few dances were completeti the guests repainedti the gymnas- ium where tasty refreshments were ýserveti. foiloweti again by a lengthy program. of dancing. BAig als frh rs.-FriSt. BEEF Siî'loin' Roast, lb. - .17c Poî'tei'house Roast, 18c Rump Roast of Beef, peu' lb ..........l12c Roll. Pot Roast, lb. 12c Thick Bib Roast, IL.12c Blade Roast, lb.. . . l0c Prime Bib Rolled Roast no bone, lb...20c Beef H-eaî'ts, lb...8c PORK Shouldeî Roast, lb. 15c Butt Roasts, IL... .17c Small Poî'k Sausages, lb ............. j8c Home Made Sausage per lb .......... lOc GROCERIES Blood Puddings, lb. 10c Pork & Beans, large tin............l10c Canned Peas, 2 for 23c Soda Wafers, pkg. 10e Canned Tomatoes, 2 for 19c Heinz Soups. .2 for 25c Horne's Peanut Butter, large jar ...... 23c Waxed Beans, can 10c Home Made Sauer Kraut ... 2 bs. 15c Jelly PoxVders 6 for 25c Edmondstone's Mdeat Market Phone 21 or 492 Bowmanville Special Offer For One Week More.. UNE COMPANY HARD ANTHRACITIE Equal if flot better than any coal sold in Bowmanville only $13. 50 per ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE ..... $12.95 COKE.................. $11.25 Ton Good Hard body HARDWOOD, Cord $3.50 J. W. KNIGRT LOCAL -Tx evc and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING Phone 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant r 2ý! Seventh Birthday of Order 0f Eastern Star Marked By Program on Tuesday On Tuestiay evenlng, Feb. 12t1Â Durham Chapter, Order 0f the Easv. ern Star, celebrateti its 7th bintbday anniversany in the I.O.O.F. Hall, witb about 100 guests in attendance. After the regular meeting a short pnogram followed, with Mn. W. j. Founti, Wonthy Patron, acting as chairman, anti includeti a piano duet by Mns. E. S. Fenguson anti Mns. H. D. Clemens; vocal solo by Mrs. J. E. Antierson; reading by Mns. Lawnence Goddard; vocal solo by Mn. R. E. Logan; trio by Messrs. C. Cawker, A. Damant anti A. Knight. AIl nuxnbers wene gneatly enjoyeti. After the prognam an boun was spent in progressive f ive hun- tireti, aften whicb a dainty lunch was servet i wtb the guests sitting at binthtiay tables decoratedte t repre- sent eacb month 0f the year. An unique feature of the occasion ws a beautiful binthday cake with seven ligbted cantiles which was eut by the Wonthy Matron. Mrs. J. E. An- dierson. Among the eut of town guests were several fron Sunbeam Chapten, Oshawa, inclutiing the Wonthy Matron, Mrs. L. M. Powers, anti ber busbanti; Mn. anti Mrs. H. Shelley, Mrs. A. Butchen, Mrs. W. Ayleswortb, Mn. anti Mns. Libby, Mrs. Alexander. During the evening Durham Chapten receiveti many congratulations anti best wishes for continueti success. Western Horses FOR SALE Mr. W. S. Staples will offen for sale a carloati of Alberta Horses te be solti by Public Auction on the farmn of Mr. James T. Brown ~2Mile East of Bowmanville on the Highway, on Tuesday, February 26th at 1 p. ni. These box-ses are broken anti consist chiefly of Clydestiales with a few Percherons, anti are from 3 to 7 yeans olti', especially adaptedtietofarm work. Farmers who neet box-ses this spring shoulti attend this sale. For particulars pbone 196r11. Ternis Cash. Elmer Wilbur, Auctioneer.