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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR N' BWMAN ILE'TII.LJSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935 NESAPR AEFORMER RESIDENT 0F NEW COIN FOR JUBILEE YEAR NEWSPAPERS HARERJ SOUGHT IN HOM1E CDU OO ON 94th BIRTHDAY Did you ever stop to think that peperaNesaes IEfrs. John L. Power Receives Con- because they want tbem? The grattilations From Wide Circle newspaper is flot forced on of Friends anyone. People pay for it and read it reguiarly. Whole fam- Congratulations of lier friends and ilies await it eagerly and con- neighbors are being extended, on test good-naturedly over their February l8th. to Mrs. John L. individual turns to read it. j Power, of Mount Horeb, on the cel- Each praises and criticizes it bration of her 94th birthday. The as one is prone to criticize the celebration will be a quiet one with other members of the f arily. iber children, grandchildren and The good newspaper is a de- great-grandcidren. finite part of the farnily. That Mrs. Power was born in Devon- is why its sales force is im- shirEgadonFrur lth measurabie. Door to door sal- 1841 and at the age of sixteen moved . esmen use ail kinds of ingen- with ber family ta Canada. Iume- ious devices ta get inside the diately af 1er hier marriage she took home. But the newspaper is up residence in Cartwright township a welcome guest. One type of where she lived until fine years ago. seling is forced, the ather type when ber husband died. Mr. Power 15 received cordiaily. Door ta was ninety years of age when hie ~~ doar handbills are most times pasdaay. Mrs. Power is in f airly . an intrusion upon the privacy good hea th and is able ta get_ of the horne, but the news- around ever3- day doing bier light ..>.,. paper is invited in. Its mes- tasks. She bas tbree children, Mrs. ~ sages are read avidly and its C. H. Fallis. of Cartwright; A. J. advertisenients are consid ered Power, of Lindsay, and Mrs. W R. a part of these messages. The Jackson. at Mount Horeb. "" newspaper is sa definitely a 1 This fine aid lady was. until the part of the people, sa much an p xt e years, a praminent church accepted member of the fam- worýkr. Her cannection with the ily. that its pages canstitute United Church at Cadmnus where sbe the finest and least expensive spent sa many years was of benef it Here is the reverse of the nes- Canadian silver dollar, str advertising mediumn yet devis- bath ta the church and hier fellaw- commemorate the silver jubilee of King George, which will be pia ed. members of the congregation. In c;.reulation Ibis spring. It dhsplays Canadian Indians an a backi ------ ______________ previaus years, before time dimmed ()f narthern ligbts. Tbe abverse carnies a profile of the King. TJ ________________________ lier eyes, reading was hier greatest sign was executeci by Emmnanuel Hahn, Canadian scuiptor. and -hobby. Her cbief interest in life at rin ted from ali-Canaclian silver. Immediateiy af 1er the new Bank the present lime is bier grandcliid -_________________________ of Canada starts to functian, abaut ren, af whom there are lweive, and Marcb 1, tbe Daminian af Canada hier great-grandchildren, wbo num- as long as it remains in th paper currency $1 and $2 bis will ber 21. lu < N )it van be remaved. ti1 be withdraw-n and replaced by the Many cangralulalory messages aie reaonIl ay oeswis Centrai Bank currency. bg received througb the mail and h _easoand tatay sares hican ______________ ~ by tlegrani from lber wide circie ha n tyhae.o of f riends who wish ber many hap- or swelling in any part of t py_________ofthe______________Postshotiid be investigated withl * i y rlurs o tbday-Lidsa Pat ~lay. 0f course, many of thb ditions are quite barnies. X 4A TCH "Getting On With People A MEALTMSRCO il prompt attention to THA WLLLAT ASef cosciuses a iv uualyASSOCIATION AND LilaPE found, treatment is givena LAS A elf-cnscousessaswe 5Ua13IASURANCE COMPANIES Patient is cured. thIi~ IM enedof i mea otengmpe opie duCANADA Any unusual discharge r À L I E T I E c e n e d a b o u w h a o t e r p o p l e m a yb o d y o p e n i n g d e m a n c is t tbink of us. Il is something that CANCER It Is easy ta say. for exampl makes one inarticulate and uncom- forta.ble. as aIl know wha haie uf- Of ail the questions which nùgih lo iitesolsisdet fered f rom this particular kind of be asked about cancer, te one orrhoids, but is it? An exam. will furnlsh the answer. It i ,luxub misery."0f How to getaway which IogicaIly should be an.swered cuit for Most People ta believ and invest onesel if hte ih many diseases. whlch are ufknownualcuspin Teyid kind is the problem of mn aiepbi tlre noua~ credit tbat a sore, lump,-. young person in social or school 1f e. ly, cancer is only too weiî kno'wn chremtb sroo n For Ihere is another kind of self- and feared. casI n ra an consciousness. and it is greatly to bef Iisnurlfrstoeacn- ase yelpi. desied.it s te cntro ofmini I isnatral or s t f ar an- Questions concerning heait staningf ~ orn un er. ur %will not help, however, if dressd to the Canadian N and ody basd o soe uner-ourfearleas u to hutourears Association. 184 College St. mtakdins ofyou eel at bornelfywhre 1,0 arnings on1 tbe subject. Fear onto, will be answered personi Quke wyu in whihm t h ere. can be madle useful if il brings us letter. aOaned ayisnsîmpîyt relaxie aî tj learn what is known about this ain eery contactoureaxmenath for as. sa that we may aci wisely ontherypeoe nct is is accamp- forour o15-n protection. Barley Crop Important lih pped. gAins iin acotb- The speclflc, or direct cause "0f Barley bas competed strongs L& U LO Y R ers. The thing is ta adapl yaurself cancer is not known. Ali over thewbtasarvnerdur ta others and their interests, .iust as wald, men and women are devoting taria farms. This grain hol This handsome Bulova may be a stream adapts itself easily, gladly. their lives in the endeavour to wrest important place, for several rE purchased on easy termns. Oniy here or tbere. 10 the contours of the thIis secret from nature. In the It is a comparatively bigb $1.00 per week. Drop in and icauntry througb wbicbh i wanders. course of time. tbey will succeed in i xPer~iments show that mixed jmaving flot in straight. compelling oing sa. The specific cause of can- early oats, returns from the asIc for particulars. 1ns u ngaiu.ye'igue e utb on.bcuewe b bination exceed highest yield af fitness and beauty. cause is known, it is iikely that pre- tainable fram eitber grain sep Jae Mr earn ta relax 10 everything that v.ention and cure wili be possible. ly. Also in analysis it sshw Ja m es M arr eemslike an oda.Bea pte1In temeantime, wehave %or ey abnyrte n rt haiJ ftninthtmksyu1knaosledge wih 0fpatcleycompares very favorably Jeweler babilacicaofietdnsion arthais makesh ew lrappear awkward and shy.1 value. It is knoawn that long-con- fientry corn. Ba nssortheco When you are with a graup. think tinued irritation of any tissue leads . II lyfrst rnrterntce Next Kersiake's Drug Store about the other people who are 10 changes in the tissue which may wbere early o sot rndr the r Phone 463 - Bowmanvile Ipresent. Note their appearance and deveiop mbt cancer. As an example ion of large crops of corn, bar __________________ hat their f aces express. Hear what of this. there is the cancer of the fudt er'xeln us aJthey are saying and add ta it la mouth whicb develops at tbhe point' ftod tapibe andxcellesh thought of 3our own. even if you 1wbere the cbeeek was lrrilated for a gstrows rofapll and Is eals neyer gel a t,hance ta say it aloud. I long lime by a broken tbath. fcueo hs w ons neciagan B payig attntionla oters i this Chronic irritation is not alwaYs does bes falcrasa Ba Ade t odf ailt cerealsng Speci l Ba gain simple way, you wiil forget yourself. due to a mechanical irritant sucb as whicb is insufficlently drainec Adyou wiIl finci thal ibis atti- a broken toolb. Sucb f ormns of ir- hence is coid and backwar tude brings a response. for people ritation may. follow uPon the pres- spring. in recent experimeri EX CUR ION S are interesled in you in just the de- ence of bacteria or germs whicb. for the Deparîment of Cbemistry, TO ALL STATIONS IN 'gree that yoi are interesteci in tbem. example, may set up a chroflic in- jC.,it is nated Ibat the bighest WET R A A A Wbaleer you radiale of good sense. flamimation in the lower portion o f fIlloweda root crop. The de WESTERN CANADA cheer, or service. will somelime be the uterus wbich bas been torn in menî's expeiments with fertiliz rendered to you in like measure. childbirth. Il does flot seem ta barley, showlng a big increw Going Dates: For the Golden Rule bas a Practice make any difference what is the yield were fertilîzers were used Daily Marcb 1 la 14. 1 of working botb ways. nature of the irritant-if _tc_ tn important -in view of the faci Relurn Limit: 30 days. After a season of Ibus giving ues, il mnay lead to, cancer. Ib us tis province last year sowed 50 yourself 10 others, you will find thal Cancer begins at one spot. u aoes of baniey. ONE CENT PER MILE 'getting on witb people" is the eas -____________ Goed in Coaches only iesl thing in the wald-simply, a ---'w gentle yielding of yourself to each Sleeping Car Privileges encouniter, an interested listening. Passage Tickets also on salea good in :- The death occurreci at Orillia on c lu n P ryM n si (a) tourist sleeping cars at approx- Sufidas-, Feb. l7tb, 0f James îIfrolu Iwary M e u inxateiy 11/4e per mile, plus reg- Hart, fathen of Mrs. Kenneth HillIf ular berth fane. Trenton, nee Laura Hart, formerl (b) parlor and standard sleeping, Of BowniManville. Other surviving r I by cars at approximately n1 ,per i members of the f amily are the wi- BRAA1.BOK mile, plus regular seat or et dow, formerly Miss Plorence Carter; IBA ALB.ROK ftare. Mrs. E. Silvertborn. a daughte,' Manitoba; Mrs. Cecil Lilster, a Stopovers granted i Port Arthur. daugbler, Oshawa: Miss Hilda M. Ont. and ail stations wesl thereof. Hart, a daughter, aI home; and one Ful ariclas ro ay get son, James C. Hart, Oillia. Whelher we are consciaus of it or ers, candies, clotb or dishes.F Fui patî ulas rom an ag nt Sofi corrs and warts are ugy, fot. we al respond ta the influence should be chosen ta set off the 1 C na in a ifc paiiul and'irritating. Remove thern of colorn Psychologists have %Titien accessories. Yellows and aran Ca a i n P cfc quick.lyan surely witb Douglas' learned bok aou bte effect of green or louches of red -worked 8-3 Egyptian Liniment, colon on personality and bebavior the menu will give a charming _______________ andi upon the inlerpretation of our colorful effect. --reans t o nar ...,.ir e .. ,k ta d in c de- ilbe mspot, r tbis Io not lump body it de- ,con- ut by 11 of are Il the iany rition that aem- ation liffi- that. tus- bard dis- ual ad- tlical Tor- [yby wlith On- san ions. Iden. with ob- 7ate- that bar- artb Lies. '0w- ýy is bute. 0oW- Be- rley ýunci and in by A. elds on in are ,hat 000 ~e11 Food blue inges, 1 nt and -4&in to .. ricla cuiua. wnatever aur picture is ta be, OThene is no doubt that the colon ther ust be a background for bai- ffoocLs in menus bas much ta do ance. The golden bnowns of hot witb aur enjayment of meals. Good breacLs, toasted crackers, cakes andi use Of colon mnakes even ordinary pastry are not to be iooked upon as food pleasýing and a riol of uncan- flaws in an otherwise perfect trolled colon can rnake eating a hon- scheme. non. These foods are the balancers andi 0f course, colon is always import- background of the picture just as ant because we sec aur foodi before tbey are of the meal. They give the we eat it. In party menus colon very contrast necessary fan enjaying oflen makes the festiveness of the icher colons and flavors. occasion. We f eel that such occas- The foiiawing menus have been ions are worth the extra ibaught planned la give both colon andi bal- andt ime il takes ta match and con- ance: trast foods tb make a meal attract- GREEN ive ta the eye and still bave it pro- lî'.ýa<pio Mnt Cocktail perly balanced andi good ta ent. Veal Chops Civilization seerus ta bave been a B~'rdiak ed Potiato.,e procesof loning down the brighl ir 11,i0i11andia i' Sauce colons we loved as savages andi as I'ýýrfertion Sýalai young cbiidren. When we consciaus- Fi'î.î tROUS Butter ly tny to put color n m a menu. Our 7'istachlo Ire; Creamn rirst precaution 15 ta check the o oconut Catkes primitive urge to go too far n Anmak- j iaîtee iag <oft&'5 ing up a colar scheme. Afler aIl,i RED (PINK) MENU we want the food we eat ta look j 'r-am *ofiBeet Soup natural. Emenald green potatoes onr('routons pink bread I ay be inleresling as a Cuheil Steak spectacle, but we are not sa enthus- r.rowne<d Potatoe.q iastic about eating tbem. Such ex- <rîiied Tomatoes tremes are unnecessany any'way. If ('itikna otiApple Salai witlî we wani a green menu for St. Pat- Cream Cheesé rick's Day, there are ail the green Rwiîl fButter vegetables to belp us out. If aur Cherry 'larts theme is pink on red, ther-e are rnany Kaffeé Ihaz Coites, foods la choose. Watch the neds GOLDEN MENU though for clashing shades. The Bouillon reds of tomatoes and beets sbould Toasted Crackers not appean in fuît strength on the itnast Pork table aI the same lime. Yelloyw i15Mati S%%,ot Potaines in Oranjire heii1. one of our best foodi colons. Il is Peas and Canrots eaFy 10 put mb bbch menu and niast Discil its oney Butter yellows blend well. On the other Peacli and Banana Salari hand. blue is difficult and is best Forn F'iace Pudding supplied in table decorations--flow~- Kaftee Hag Coffee RECIPE SCHEDULE February 26th - 27th DINNER MENU - FEB. 26 Cream of Tomate Soup Broiied Lamb Chopa Buttered Carrots - Mashed Potatoes Jeiiied Fruit Saiad Giorifred Rice Pudding Cakes, Icings. Cookies, and Individual Noveity Cakes wiii aise be demonstrated. DîNNER MENU - FEB. 27 Tomato Cocktail Roast Beef Candied Sweet Potatoes Buttered Beets Saiad Graham Wafler Pie Pie, Pastry, Biscuits and Muffins wiii aise be demonstrated. I c; SPECIAL OFFER To everyone purchasing a Moffat Eiectrlc Range dur- ing the demonstrations we will present, Free, a beau- tiful f lling cabinet tor ne- cipes. This smart looking filing cabinet la tlnished ln lustrous porcelain enamel te match the finish of the range, and Is fltted with a stainless steel allding tep. You'll find It a most use- fui kîtchen accessery for keeping your recîpes well arranged and ready for Ina- stant reference. lVould lou like to sejs htatetA st coek on aMdmeti an ge? T, henvisit St. Paul's United Church, and attend the Moffat Cooking Demonstrations that wilI be held there from 2.30 to 4.30 on the afterneons of Tuesday, February 26th, and Wed- nesday, February 27th. Note particularly the ease and convenience ot Cooking on a Moffat Electric RaMe. with its automatlc oven heat control, the famous lhermm..O..tlc Whlch enables you to measure oven heat as carefuljy as you do the other ingredients of Your recipes - the Cook-Qulk Speed Element, extremely fast, unusualîy durable -a rooiny warmlng oven - a spacious Utilty Drawer for your most used kitchen utensils. The demonstrations wiil be conducteij by Mms E. MeLean, welI known Lecturer-Demonstrate,. and Home Science Expert. She has a most interesting programme ready for You, Which 15 outlined la the panel on the ieft. OPEN DISCUSSION PERIOD .. During each demnonstration an open discussion wiil be held when you can asIc Mrs. MeLean about your own coeking probîems. This feature will be of genuine interest to everyone. FREE RECIPES. All the recipes demonstrated ea.ch day wlll be supplled te you ln a standard f orm for tlllng and ready reference. This selection wilI make a valuable addition to your cookery library. Dowmanvglle Pub1ige Utilities Co miso BOWMANVIUE ONTAUYn M I I KNIGHT'S COAL is Good Coal LINE COMPANY HARD ANTHERACITE Equal if flot better than any coal soîd in Bownianville only $.13.50 per ton VULCAN ANTHRACITE .....$12.95 COKE.................. $11.25 Ton Good Hard body HARDWOOD, Cord $3.75 J. W. KNIGHT m Taxi Service- LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING Phone 173 or 98 Fuel Merchant PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN &rATP-qm,&lv urxuxffamcrTi-Tu, 1 DOWMANVILLE ONTAIUO iCOURTICE FNACJÂlTS Miss Nana Adams is visiing Mrs. EN AG M G. Johnson in Oshawa. Courtîce Sunday School beld a Vaentne Social on Feb. 15h. F YOUR FAVORITE SNAPSHOT Mrs. M. ADSOLUTELadYMrsREM Everson are again under the docion's A S L T L R J cane. Mn. Gardon Brock bas recovered Jury & Loveil are happy te announce the installation thîs f nom his accident and is at wark week of the most modern developing and prlating equlp- again. ment avallable in Canada. This expensive equipment bas Mn. George H. Robinson, Thorn- now been installed and we are prepared to demonstrate ton's Corners, visited at Mn. George the fine type of wonk it will carry out. Reynolds'. Miss Margaret Pierson, Thorn- For the balance of this moath, for every roil of film ton's Corners. vislted her cousin, brought here for developing and prlating we wlll gAve Catherine Lowe. absolutely Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Mills have WTOTCAG moved into the bouse owned by WTOTCAG Miss Minnie Cornisb, Oshawa. Ms. J. Geaing as receivecl word ONE 5" by 7" ENLARGEMENT of your favorite snapshot. that ber father. Mn. Wm .F. Curtis, Not akti seriously ilI wiltFIh ~ 4 Pheumnia.Haveyour Recent wet weathen with resultant mud andc day on the chiîdrens' boots make the parents anc teachers wish s ot there was a sidewalk alongside the n b lg b w a y . I A ~ u U Mn. Sidney Brooks collided ilb haE car as he turned on t0 the pavement ELARGEDLi~L from the narth at the village corner. 1Mn Brooks was unhunt and bis truck TU Btruhyu only slgtly damaged. T U Btruhyu Attendance at Caurlice Sundasy Scolon Feb. 7tb. broke ail prev- stiapshot album and select your tous records with 86 present. Sing- favorite prints for enlarging. lng was under the leadership of Mn. Luther Beckett. The work of Mns. Then bring the negatives to us. Cecil Adams, President of the Cradle Enlanging is our specialty-. For Roll. anc Mrs. Jack Wiggans show- ed resuits. Several familles whose Kodak Film, quality developing babies were entered on the Cradle and prnraing, and photo sup. Rll were present for the first turne. u m ethstoe . The f irst Cammunity Progressive -lies, aetisor Stop 1 LosI Heir parts- was held Feb. 14. The challenger. Caurtice, scored DONT MISS THIS GREAT OPPORTIJNITY 6145 Points against Zion's 5463. H-ighest individual score wenl 10, Zion's teamn witb 474 points won by Anson Balson. Prize winners were: JURY & LOVELL Courtice-Carl Short, Sidney Nich- aIls, Talbot Geaning. Harold Muir: Phone 78 Druggists & Optlcians flewmanele Zion-Anson Balson. Harvey Balson. ____________________________ L. Pascoe. J. Hogarth: lucky draw pnize. C. Brabbin, Zion. The Junior Rcd Cross Society op- ened its Febnuary meeting by the atian, Joyce Sait; harmonica selec- nde by twelve Juniors repnesenting secretary Mary Riznek neading the tion. Allazt Trevail; speech. Kath- the healitb-giving appie, cabbage, minutes. Misses Prudence Young, leen Pidduck ;stories by Annie Hus- carrot. etc., cnded an intenestiug Manie Salt. Nellie Husband and Mas- band and Marie SaIt; readings by anc heipful concert. ten Thornas Barber wene added ta Ruth Penfound anc by Doneena the Prograrn Comm'ittee for Marcb. Phaîr. Music was suppiied by tbe Mn. J. H. Green. and Miss Alm.a Lawrence Courtice, Trensuren, andi Principal, Mn. C. H. Robinson. A Greer, Bawranville, wcne guests of Marie Sait ,Health and Cieafflincss speech by George Pidduck was fol- the former's daughten, Mns. Henrny Officer. gave thein reports. Pro- lawed by recitatians by Misses Ruth Bakes, and Mn. Bakes.--.-Campbell- gram was given as foliows: Recit-1 Snudden anc Greta Wilkins. A par- fard Herald m m m m

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