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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 6

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PAGE SIX TH~ CANADIAIq STATESMAN, BOWMANVTLLE. THURSDAY, F'~RUARY 21, 1935 George Werry, who gave a splex devotional talk along tempera I ENNISKILENi 'nes.a Mrs. Isaac Hardy fayou Miss Annie Oke spent Sunday wit maid gave a short surnmary of c Miss Mae Lamb. rent events. Mr. Jim Smalesg Miss Ella Tamblyn visited wit a reading; Deputy Reeve A. L. F M.R. Ormiston. coe introduced the speaker, col Mrs.Wm.Grifinis vsitng ri-cillor C. M. Carruthers, Salem,N Mrds.i BWm rifnis istig gave a vry interesting and instrt Miss Marion Griffin, Maple Grove, iw alitchnapurecialed. r w spent Sunday at home. amuhpreitd Mr. H. Stevens visited bis mother,. One of the Most delightful ev Mrs. E. Stevens, Hamipton. ings of the sea.son was the Coni Miss M. E. Mite orno . vis drum Tea under the auspices iting Mrs. Phylina onoy group 5 of the Women's Instit Mr. Floyd Pethick visited bis par- held i the S. S. room on tbe evE ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. Pethick. St. Valentine's Day. Rev. Wal Mrs. (Dr.) Ferguson is visiting ber Rchmatda himni parents, Mr. and Mrs. Newton, Tavi- usual happy rnanner. An excell stock.program was given 0f vocal nu Mr. Orville Ashton, Miss Margaret br y the Balson male quartel Dalton visited at Mr. Ira Trevail's, violin and piano music by Mr. A Oshawa. and Miss Annie McMaster; readi: Mr. and Mrs. w. j. Stainton en- by Miss Pearl Leacb and Mr. B. tertained a number of friends on Stevens. A short dialogue by pul Tuesday night. of Baker's Sehool; vocal solos Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Harris and Miss Ada Allin accompanied by 1V Jim isitd wih Mr andMrs. B. Ileen Balson: piano duets. Miss M Lunney. Bowmanville. 1 e aer and Mr. George WerryE Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamb. Donald,, a vocal solo by little Miss Be RalPh and Stuart. visited Mr. and Smales accompanied by Mr. Gea Mrs. C. Stainton, Oshawa. Werry. The guests were seated Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. small tables with red covers and V R. Walton <nec Luella Stevens) on iente as cauiosd i reri uim .arrivai of a fine baby boy. ietwscué nodrn u Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry Allan front the menu cards. A delici( and Clark -visited the latter's bro- and abundant tea was served by M ther. Mr. Douglas Cole, Bethesda. Jas. Smales and ber members Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bradley. Mr., group 5. Proceeds $14.00. and Mrs. E. Harrison visited the W. I. meeting in the S S. room former's brother. Mr. F. Bradley, Thursday afternoon was well Brooklin. tended with the Pres.. Mrs. A. Young People's League visited McKessock presiding. Thanks Wý Blackstock Young People on Wed- given and letters of thanks recein nesday night. Ahl report a very en- f rom sick and shut-ins for gift.s Joyable time. flowers and fruit sent theai It vý W. M. S. met on Wednesday in decided that our March meeting thse basement of the church When held in the evening and that wei through the illness of our President,j vite the busbands and zent!eman f: Mrs. Parker. the chair was taken by ends.to be present. Program to Mrs. R. Gilbert. A.!ter singing "More given by the gentlemen andi love to Thee, Oh Christ" prayer by freshments by the ladies. Miss E. Souch, the roll cail was an- A committee of Mrs. N. C. M swered by a verse on "Love", R was lowlees. Mrs. Cecil Pascoe and M decided to hold a quilting on Feb. Roy Langmaid was appointed 27th. The Circle of Friendship was make inquiries regarding a clir given by Mrs. S. Trewln. A solo was for scarlet fever toxoid is our scho, rendered by Mrs. Wm. Stainton. Anyone Wishing to take toxoid plea "The World knew flot Jesus". Re- let the Com. knew. Ports Of the Presbyterial held at The Program was in charge Hampton were given by Mrs. J. A. Mrs. Everett Cryderinan and h~ Werry. Miss E. Souch. Miss Mabel group. The roll caîl was well i Beech favored With a piano solo sPonded to with Valentine verso which was en.ioyed. Mrs. R. Mc- Mrs. Everett Cryderman f avouri GilI took the tbird chapter on India with a piano solo: Mrs. Will Asht( making it qui te interesting. Mrs. (told the story of Saint Valentii F. Mls gave a temperance readingI and gave a short reading; a vo< Mrs. H. Werry acting as pianlst.1 duet was given by Mrs. E. Cryde Meeting closed with the Mizpah. man and Miss Oladys Yellowlees ai Scomouanied by Miss Ileen Balsoi i readings by Mrs. Walter Parrand, ISOLINA and Mrs. S. E. Werry: Ms vr rhyme exDressinz regret at the dý Miss Pearl Leach, Taunton, visit- rarture of our Presîdent, Mrs. A. ed Miss Mae Westlake. McK4esock. wh')> wth ber hushar Mr. Wallace Pascoe, Enfield, vis- and little daughter are soon leaviî Ited at Miss Mary Hogarth's. to make their home in Western O Miss Ruth McKessock visited ber tario. Mrs. MeKessock was uresený sister, Mrs. Everett Elliott, Oshawa. ed with a glass bon-bon dish seti Mrs. L. C Snowden and Miss Betty brass. and thoueh taken comnlete: Of Maple Grove, visited at Mr. Thos. hv surprise reoilied very feeling] Baker's. Commiinitv sinzinz was enjoye Rev. W. Rackham and Mr. A. L. and Miss Ruby Parker had charge( Pascoe attended the Presbytery q miusical romance with Mies Ilee meeting in Oshawa. Baison at the pi;ino. A dlainty lune Mr. and Mrs. John Challis and mas served by Mrs. Cryderman ar Miss Mabel, Bowmanville, visited ait her group. Mr. Sid. Hockaday's._______ Mrs. H. E .Tink and M.ruc Tink spent the weekend vwithBMrs. NO C L ALNTI Will Warner. Hastings. UNON _____DRLNGO Mr. and Mrs. A. Williams and Miss1 Miss Pearl Taylor spent the week Dorothy, Port Perry. spent Sunday end at home. atMr. as. oA'. Carl Ferguson visited Lloyd Fer Mr ad r. . .Pascoe and uo nSunday. Misses Helen Baker and Evelyn Tink Mse Jamie Stark spent thi visited at Mr. W. J. McMaster's, weekend at home. Zio. rodwilhl Roy and Ted McLaughin visite( Broterhod illhol a upper in Enfield on Sunday. meeting at Eldad on Thursday ev- Ms ee tr a eun enig, FB. 2. whe, ndr. L.from visiting friends at Brooklin. Wagr,oB.OsaBwavill e.thand Dr. Schooî bas re-opened with oui speer. fOh aWibthgus new teacher, Miss McLean, as tea. sekr.Smith Bros., Burketon,. cher. 'vocalists and other program. Every- MissVr, era ndCa one elce Griffin and Mr. Fred Griffin at. Temeraceprogram at Sunday tended the dance at Enniskillen or, School on Sunday afternoon was in Friday night. charge of Mrs. E. R. Taylor who gave Clarence Avery, Norman Avery, a very interesting talk. Master Har- Leslie Wotten, Effie Avery, Pearl vey Yellowlees gave a reading and Taylor and Miss McLean attended Messrs S. E.. George and Wesley the dance at Enniskillen on Friday Werry and Fred Wright favoured night. with a vocal quartette. At the church Mr' and Mrs. Cecil Rahm anc ser'ice Helen Baker and Ileen Bal- fmlM.adMs rdFruo son anga det.and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. Griffir League meeting on Monday even- and family, Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor ing was xeli attended and was in and family attended an oyster sup- charge of the 3rd Vîce-Pres. Mr. per at Mr. Alymer Beechs recently. READ THIS ADVT. CLOSELY PORK Breakfast Bacon, sliced, lb ....... 25c Pork Sausage,,reg. 18c, 2 lbs. 25c Home Made Sausage per lb..........loc Pickled Picnic Hams, per ]lb ..........15C Cottage Rolis, IL...18c IEIEF Shoulder Roast, lb. 9c Boiling Beef, lb. - . .8c Thick Rib Roast, lb. 12c Blade Roast, IL. 10 lc Sirloin Roast, IL...17c GROCERIES Oxyclol, pkg ...... 19c Maple Leaf Soap) Flakes. .5 lb. box 55c Cî'own Tea, lb. ... 49c Canned Pumpkin, tin............ 10c Coî'n Flakes, pkg. . .8c Cro'sse & Blackwell Catsup ... 2 bot. 25c. Crosse & Black-well Tomato Soup 4 tins 25c Waxed Beans, can 10c Shî'edded Wheat 2 pkgs. 23c Ediondstone's Meat Market "o.21.fr 42Bowmanville ndiet ndcomPOsed by some 0fth lsme ured MAPLE GROVE H s yAct one, wetheneboin mnenjoy a social time goss!ii ing- Y u1 Feel Husky abut Nancy Ferguson, andh cu- Miss Vera Trimble, Ottonabee,- young mais wbom she is soon aves- n MrshLeC weowden rhoe.tyvst- LclCtzesW oBymarry ,while their fingers and neel uns-, Mr.L .Snde eenl -- oa iizn h les fly un baste to get the qui bu-e er parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. HUSKY at Jury & LoveII'S dore for the bride-to-be. The nE wbo Baker, Solina. ap wih ctlybun 0 Ict- Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Store Praise It Highly. lamp wbich actuy ridasl aburn hich Winnacutt on the arrival of a young For a tonle that gives you a neW ing present, is duly admired, bi 'e-son. power punch. that puts new iron thougbt by Mrs. McCleoud to1 un- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sisowden cel- and vigor into your system and puts rather dangerous, and not so sa ofn ebani hirtweityninth Wedding you on th road of radiant health as the tallow candies whicb flicli ouf Feb versary on Thursday evenang, and bappiness, there is nothing like and flutter, and sbed their ll tut ofe er 1 4tb, by entertaining the form- HUSKY,.about the room of a quaint old fasl elofer' brothers and their wves when TosadatasNnc ariefrmt bis a very enjoyable time was enjoyed As araiNaecy rrined home.t letby ail.met Many local citizens, as Weil assco-hse ccmaidboU let The nulcnrgtoame- sufferers is ahl parts o Canada, colhueaom ridbyt, tte; ing was beld on Friday evening, Feb. highhy praise HUSKY for the relief young folk Who dance the minuet, lSth, in the hall. Satisfactory re- it bas given themisfgtn ace colored crepe paper costumes, t inex ports Were given by members of the and pains, headaches, backacbes, dn the baeojuscte e aug . .dif!ferent' organizations; a quartet indigestion, Intestinal troubles, andtDuringltce isecond Atte WeddiC ipls composed of Mr. A Laird Sr., two certain disordr fehvr andtkspaeMis.Cakrs bsons, Wm. and Af., and Mr. Reg. kidneys. bride, and Miss M. Pascoe, groor eis Coombes, sang two selections, ac- HUSKY Is not a cure-aîî or an Vr esae rosa:a :ur- companied on the piano by Miss Ed- ordinary "physie" medicine-it is a Editb Pascoe, the bridesmaid; Wit adna Swallow; piano duet was beau- scientlfic compounid of Mother Nat- Miss Ruth Johns as Parson Browi etty tifully rendered by Mrs. W. C. Smith ure's owfl ingredients for suffering and Mrs. Rackham as Mrs. Browr )rand Miss Edna SwaIlow. After bus- mankind. L. Horn, as Mrs. McCleoud. sa] arg mness a social time was enjoyed. Why suffer any longer. Caîl at "Let me Cal you Sweetheart," dui ________________________Jury & Lovell's Drug Store and have ing the signing o! the register. raIl ' HUSKY explained te you. Then or- During the thîrd Act a social tini rr- iL~r7 der your supply. TAKE HUSKY and singing old fashioned songs and e: ych EB N Z RFeel Husky and Healthy. changing jokes was enjoyed. Mi. LOUS ~Jr Rubiy Clatwort.hy accompanied t]i o! Tuxis Boys met on Friday eveningLoeDrgit snsontepa. at the home of Harry Worden, wheis BOWMANVILLE Mr. Ferguson-Florence Burn on a Peasanttim____________to and bis wife Jeannie-Mrs. H. Sa] a easnttmews jyd o ter .are sorry te sec their daughtE at-gter leave. while the remainder o! tli P.TMission Circle held its meeting on ,pn ietenahat e Tee uesday evening, Feb. l2th, at the j H M T NjMsSaly ved home of Mrs. Carl Short, wth Aura HAMPTrsoffw. h te, .Mrs. SNelson yM o!Osborne and group in charge. . W. renWayte Mrs. Nelonn vas W. M S. hehd its meeting on Mon- Mr. S. Jacks is under the doctor's Ethel Stephens; Mrs. Bowan. Mac be day afternoon, Feb llth. in the S. care. eline TrulI; and Aunt Bella. Grac in S. room with Group No. 1 in charge Miss Nora Kerslake, Toronto, was Hastings; were other character n- opeing With "A better day is Comn- home. who attended the cquilting be( be ing"; Mrs. Frank Worden gave a Remember Bible Class, At Home, Other numbers on the prograr re- reading on "Sharing", fromn the Feb. 26. were, vocal duet, E Sykes and E Mizsionary Monthly; Devotional top- Reserve March l8tb for Institute Knsox; Monologue, Ruth Johns cI- ic, "Hopeful Friends" w~as taken by Concert. G n rk vocal solos. Lilian Jebson: Valer frs. Mrs. A. J. Gay With Mrs. R. E. Os- Mr.F.G esa flanbrk tine drill. eight girls: Tableau. Rut] to borne, Mrs. A. F. Rundle, Mrs. Flint- bis wrist. Naomi and Orpha. Mrs. GreenawaY nie off, Mrs Ross Pearce reading pass- Mr A.t Avery is suffering from L. Horn and Mrs. Racklîam; Tab aetopic. Prayer was offered by Mrs. Several of our citizens are ill With Johns. F. Burns, G. Hastings aný R. E. Osborne, hymis closed the de- la grippe. E. Pascoe. Ofvotional. Business pcriod followed. Miss Hazel Woods, Orono, is guest The "Gleaners" wisb to than] o!r As the men are having a wood bee o! Miss R. Johns. those who made their concert a su< irat the church the samne day as the Mr. J. Evely, Coîborne, bas moved cess by their attendance, and fo re ladies hold their sewing bee it was to Mr. Frank Cowling's f armn. terpes omnsfloi e.decided te entertain the gentlemen Misses Marjorie and Edith Pascoe the evening's entertairiment. Pro ed te, a bot dinner. At the Executive sPent Tuesday With O'-hawa friends. ceeds amountcd to $22-00. ,on meeting which was beld at Mrs. Miss Rosina Edger visitcd ber_______________ ne Blake Courtlce's home, Jais. 31st, it aunt, Mrs. H. Wilcox, over the week- le al was arranged to hohd next meeting end. r- March 8th. the World Day of Pray- Miss Laura Virtue, Toronto, spent SALEM c- er. and to entertain the Mission Sunday with ber sister. Mrs. A. E. )n: Circle and C. G. I. T. at April meet- Billett. Mr. Kyle Squair attended a Fruil lering Pogrinwasas follows: Mrs. Messrs Lorne and Morley Hastings, Growers' Convention at Hamiltor etW. C. Smith. piano solo; Study Book Toronto, spent the weekend with îs ek inwas taken by Mrs. A. F. Rundle; their parents. laOp en ors a tesbjc P.vocal duet, Mrs. Cecil Worden and Mr. Sam Wright, Belleville. and Pastor A. M. Wootton's fine sermai ndMrs. R.oss Pearce "Have Thine OWfl Mr. Will Wright, Oshawa, visited at bere on Sunday. * way Lord"; Reading. Mrs. G. F. Mr. R. Bottrell's.j Mrs. F. Cator spent the weekend ng Annis taken from the noble life Master Donald White had bis i oot ihbrsn r t werk e! Carolyn MacDonald. Hymn tonsils remioved at Bowmanvilhc Cator, Wbo celebrated a birtbday on inand Lord's Prayer closcd. Present 22. Hospital on Saturday. ad~ Monday.'hai htM.R .Cî ly * Ralph. Penetang, vlsited their cou- acott is conf!ined to the bouse. su!- edHAYDON jsins. Mr. and Mrs. A. Peters. fering fromn Erysipelas. Hope fora e!of~ Miss Edna Reynolds is un Toronto specdy recovery. oas delegate te Horticultural Cen- Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh and family en Mr. Egbert Wrigbt and Mr. John vention held in King Edward Hotel. and Mr. L. Castle, attended a basket Cd Wright called on frîends recently. Mrs. Brunt, who bas been in Ton- social at Newtonville, Friday even- nd Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ashton, Mrs. ente General Hospital for some time, ing. Mr. Castle giving guitar anc E. Bradley and Miss Viola Bradley bad bier eye operated on for cat- vocal numbers on the program. visited at Mr. A. Mrgan's, Oshawa, rct. r n r.LodRcad n li on unday.Mrs. Barrett. Bowmanville, bas babe spent Sunday wlth ber parents, The W. A. hcld its monthly meet-bencnidtebd itpluiy Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lane. Providence. ing at the home of Mrs. Addie Tre- atee omied o ber niec e rsT.aIse visit.ing bier sister, Miss Ruby Win hast Thursday, Feb. 12th. Mrs.a. Lane. whe we are sorry te learn, is ir Trewîn as Pres. opened the meeting Bowmanville Hospital. witb bymis and prayer. Thosep- Mrs. E. Wilbur, Gordon and Mr. Y .L etn ensa vn e r-AHils ttn .P.L etigWdesatvn sent answered the Roll Caîl with a A.Hliatned the funeral o! Mn. ing, Feb 13th was opened by Presi- le verse it the word "Heart" in. it. Isaac Chapman. Kirby. Mrs. Wil- dent, with a hymis and prayer by Aften the business Mrs. W. Thomp- bur remained for a few days. Mr. F. Cator. Miss M. Cellacott. ýd Son took charge o! the program: Yeung Peoples meeting was beld Missionary Vice, presided over the Býible reading, Miss Freda Bradley: Fiday night when Helen Knox con- program whicb was e! a Valentine ýd piano solo, Miss Mabel Bcech; read- ducted this program: Reading. Dor- nature. Bible reading was given by ing, Mrs. H. Ashton; vocal solo. Mrs. een Perrett; devotienal. Ted Johns: Mrs. L. Squair followcd by a splendid ir Lloyd Ashton; Miss Verna Trewin Bible lesson. Austin Barron; the talk by Mr. F. L. Squair on the or- -led several contests wbich created Topic was given by Mr. B. G. Stev- igin of St. Valentine Day and the much menriment. Meeting closed> ens of Solina: vocal solo, Douglas composing o! poctry. Mr. F. Black- ,a with Mizpah. A dainty lunch was Rackbam. Meeting closed wth a burn gave the missionary topic. -served. hymn and League beniediction. Valentine readings were given by ~i A goodly number attended the Tempenance Sunday was observed Mrs. F. Cator, Nina Darch and Mar- concert Menday cvening under the un aur Sunday schoel hast Sunday. garet Irwin: several hymns were auspices o! the W. A. Our paster Af ter the lesson Miss Katerson, the sung and Miss M. Honey favoured iRev. A. M. Wotton acted as chair- Temperance Supt. had change o! a with a piano selectien. Missionany A bmni is usual capable m anner. program consisting of a rcading by collection was taken. A Valentine YAmiscellaneous pregram Was given Miss B. Simpson re The Influence centest for the social hour brought consisting o! sevenal orchestra num- Io! Cigarettes on the Youth"; a vo- the program to an end. Meeting d bers; vocal duets by Miss Alice Ash- cal selection was niccly rendered by closed with League beniediction. At- rton and Mr. John Slemon. Enniskill- Douglas Rackhamn: a neading by tendance 31. i en; and Rev. and Mrs. Wootton. Miss L. Horn re Preventing Youth rAn exencise by twelve young boys. from taking hi, second glass o! A humonou.s reading by Mrs. C. Ger- beer. Prizes and honon certificates TYRONE rard and a dialogue "Mind Your !rom Reigieus Education Counicil Own Business". Cast e! characters and Hampton W.C.T.U. werc awand- Mrs. David Heoper, Orono, visitcd as follows, Mrs. Elvera Higgins, Miss ed the schelars who made bighest Mrs. James Storie. Freda Bradley, Mrs. Jemina Whit- marks in the 7tb Temperance Study Mr. James Hodgson is spcnding a ney, Miss Mabel Bcech. Mns. Lyme, Course. taken un iun our Sunday fcw days at Mn. Ed. Doidge's, Salem. Miss Gladys Martin. Miss Slimkins, School. as follows: J u n i o r-lst. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Vintuie have Mrs. C. Crossman, Mns. Annie Bar-. Pearl Gilbert: 2nd. Marion Johns: moved ente Mn. W. S. Staples' !arm. ker, Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy, Harry 1 iln t e r mn e d i a t (, Senior-lst. Eva Mrs. Theodore Down spent Mon- Woods, (a gentleman fromn New Johns: 2nd, Matthew Mills. day with Miss Florence Down, Osh- Orleans) Mn. Earl Th.ompson. JohnI Hampton W. C. T. U. beld Its .aa Bron.Mn.Bet Ahtn, avd Lke jmontbly meeting at the home e!f Cottage Prayen meeting was held Mr. Silas Trewin. Before lunch, Mrs. Ueo. Barron, an Tuesday, with at Mn. L. Warren's, Wedncsday es'- which was scrved te everyene, Mns. Miss Katenson presid.lng. It was ening. Lloyd Ashton led in Cemmunity veted te send $10,00 te the Budget Mn. and Mrs. Walter Joncs and snging. Fund. A nesolution was passcd pro- fmily have movcd into Mn. A. H. testing against the amendmnent.te Brent's corner bouse. Presentation to Mr.. and Mrs. Hall the Liquon Control Act penmitting Postponed Basket Social and De- About eig-ty1f-i1nd2 - d neig.-the sale o! beer anld wlne by the bate-iii i-held-n1comunit1hal xi- 'o- ing hen ta ult lew >il, but be af e ker bht bh- the her , n the iht. ing the ith wn, mg r-I Le, 'c- ss se rs. al- ter id .s. Lee rs' ce. km ýt or of )n id É a d d S, e. 'y n y t. e thakin evryoc. he oun g an wadrbes, wblch durlng the A. M. Wootton, Mns. Wootton, Ma-' people then enJayed dancing and the rehearsals and the presentation o! jor A. H-. Bounsaîl, F. Dudley, Miss eIder oses in social chit-chat aften the play caused much inerniment, Mac Brent, Mn. Gondyn Brent, Mns. wbich a bountiful lunch was served. togethen with the masculine attire Wlcke, Miss Lorna Hoopen, Miss Su- 4 of Parson Brown, and other male sie VanCamp. Mn. R. Scott, Miss Watch for big special editian o! characters wblch appeared dunlng Ivie Tabb and Mr. Lorne Annis, met The Statesman next week. when the second and third actis o! the at the Parsonage and spent a couple Bowmanville merchants wlll stage play. of strenuous hours puttlng into seven '«Opportunity Days." It wlll The Playlet wblch was taken from shape their new play "lIn Cherry be the blggest shopping event is "The Canadian Countryman" wltb 'rime," a dellghtful tbree act com- years. . an additlonal second and third act edy.' LET US DISPENSE YOUR le Prescription In compounding your prescription only the best and purest ingredients are used and each one is caret ,lIy and aecurately dispensed and checked. The finished produet Is exactly what your doctor wanted you to use. Remember this Is our specl.ty. SPECIAL Log Cabin Chocolates Limiited quantity I Buy Now-per lb. 200 SBuckley 's ~'Mixture Acts Like a Flash S400&75C Throat Aids 10e To Avoid Infection 'USE HANFODRD'S Balsam of Myrrh AlI dealers are authorized to refund your money for the first bottie if flot suited. DR. WEST'S Economy DEAL DR. WEST'S Economy TOOTH BRUSH and a Tube of DR. WESTS DOUBLE QUICI< TOOTH PASTE The TWO for 43c For a L;mited Time OnIy WRRALL, Opticilan IMondaysl10a. stre p. m. SPECIAL PRICES THURS. - FR1. - SAT. February 21 - 22 - 23 PINEX...........29c WINCARNIS - - 87c DODD'S PILLS - 28c 27c NOXZEMA - 15c Lyons Tooth Powd. 22c CASTORIA...... 25c REGULAR PRICES Bromo-Seltzer - 23c, 44e, 87c Seidlitz Powders. 2 boxes 25c Agarol..... 69e, 93c, $1.29 Ovaltine-. 38c, 58c, 98e Gillette Blades.. 5 for 25c UNITED CIGAR STORE AGENCY Cigarettes and Tobaccos Always Fresh. C.C.B. Tonic Tablets For Rieti, Red Blood, 50e - $1 Colgate's Rapid-Shave Cream 3 Large Size23 ALEX McGREGOR PHONE 92 DRUGS WE DELIVEE PRESCRIPTONS A SPECIALTY ONE WEEK ONLY COMFORTERS DRY CLEANED 50e each O-shawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cali and Deliver Watcb for big special edîtian o! Durham Caunty Shonthorn ssoc- The Statesman next weck.' wbcn iatian Iîl hold ts fourteenth an- Bowmanville merchants will stage ul ale o! hnhna tBws seven 'Oppartunity Days.' It will a s Sotrna Bw n be the biggest shopping eventin ville an Thursday, Marcis 7. Watch years. fan partidulars. N 0w is time to Start Thinking About MILLINERYI The Parisian designers of fashionable bats have been pondering tbe question of "What wiIl it be this spring"? You wiIi find their answer in our bat depart- ment. Here you wiil discover ail of the lateat importa and copies for spring. Your heart wîll flutter wben you see them. They're knockouts ! $1059 L65 $2095 Walker Stores Phone 164 LIMITED Bowmanville 'I.. j' PAGE SIX TIM CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMR, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935

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