TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, FE~RUARY 21, 1935 PAGE SEVEN ____ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___PHONE 5 3 NOTICE This is to advlse the public that the business of John A. Holgate & Son Local Dealers for Lehigh Valley Anthracite wiil b. contlnued by the undersigned. Your patronage willIbc ap- Vreclated - b oth old and new customers. Jessie R. Holgate Phone 153 - Bowmanville Goodbye Winter? Hello Spring! Lengthening days, dazzling sunlight, flowers in prof us- ion, miake us look f orward in anticipation te Mother Nat- ure's ever amazing transi- tion perlod of Spring. The Flowers are te be found in cholce selection at our Flower Shop. W. E. Groves KINGSWAY FLOWER SHOP P. O. Box 163 Phone 7 BOWMALNVILLE music AND MUSICAL SUPPLIES SHEET MUSIC Latest Song Bits 25e aud 35e copy. Old Favorites - Speclal 2 for 25e, Dance Folios - Song Hit Folios Community Song flooks Conservatory Exainination Books. SUPPLIES Complete new stock of violin, gitar, banjo, ukelele, and mandolin strings. Music Manuserlpt - Rtesin Harmonicas J. W.Jewel BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINTS & WALLPAPER CHINA & GLASS Phone 30 Duy Now il Miss Rens Farrell speut the week- Mrs. Geo. Richard.son, daugbter, end with ber sister in Toronto. Gloria and son, mont, Orono, were Mr. Joe Barton bas returned from recent guests o! her aunt, Mrs. R. H. a week's visit witb his sister, Mrs. Warder. R. H-. Gardiner, Norwood., Mr. H. M. S. McBsiu and bride of Mr. Allan McCoomb, sud Mr. Gre- Ida, spent the weekend witb their gor7Y Colmer sud friends o! Toronto, uncle sud aunt, Chie! and Mrs. S. were Suuday guests o! Mr. sud Mrs. Venton. PF. C. Colmer. Mrs. Arthur Clarke sud daughter Bishop J. Heber Hamilton of Mid- Phyllis o! Hampton spent the week-' Japan, wbo preacbed at St. Jobn's end with ber motber, Mrs. A. on Suuday, was a guest o! Rev. sud Brancb, Division St. Mrs. C. IR. Spencer. Mr. M. B. Rixen, accountant, Mrs. W. J. Hall sud son Barry Bank of Montreal, wbo bas been lu Mimico, are ýisiting ber parents, Dr' the hospital in Kingston having bis sud Mrs. J. C. Devîu. tousils removed, is recupersting at Mrs. M. S. Shiels came cown froin bis home lu Deseronto. Toronto on F'riday to ce]ebrate witb Bowmauville Badminton Club en- Capt. and Mrs. C. W. E. Meath their tertained on Fridsy evening at is 3th wedding snniversary. annual Valentine Dance sud enter- Wstch for big special edition of tsinimeut. The hall was gsîly dec- The tatsma nex wek, henorated witb multi-colored streamers. Bowmanville merchants will stage Mn er rsetfrom Presidetont seven *'Opportunit.y Dsys." It will Dr. G. Mmore Resman, rsdn be the biggest shopping event lu of tbe International Council for E'x- yesrs. ceptional Children, left Tuesday for Mrs. Chas. Bagnell was cailed Vo Baltimore, Md., where be will pre- Cooksville owing to the serious ill side at the annusi convention of ness o! ber sister, Mrs. Ed. Paisley, the organization.-Mail sud Empire. who had pueumouis. Glad Vo re- About 25 members o! St. John's port bier condition somewbat im- A.Y.P.A. were guests on Wednesday proved. nigbt o! St. George's A.Y.P.A., Osb- Mr. Stewart R. Alger, Oshawa, awa. wbere a splendid progrsmn in- bas been electeci Vice Presideut of cluding a one-act play was present- the ntaio edertio ofed. Refreshments and dancing were theOntrioFeeraiono!Anglers, lncluded on the programi. which sîl goes to prove Stewsrt's popularity as a kecu fisberman sud *A Port Hope resident wss tbe a good story-teîîer. wnner on Tuesday nigbt o! the 100 It ws th Quen St andKing lb.. bag of sugar o!fered as tbe grand Stst. he Qruee St. ais d prize at a very successful Eucbre St.E. rou. wth issFrankie beld under the auspices o! the Re- Jewell, couvener, wbîch won the at- beksh Lodge in the I.O.O.F. Hall. tendance contest at Trinity Churcb Newton Hackney aV the piano aud congregational meeting sud flot Roy Hooper writh the violin provided South Ward Group. music for dancing. Miss B. E. Harris, senior healtb Carolina Jubilee Singers sang s nurse o! the City o! Osbawa. for the couple of southeru hymns at tbe ev- past ifteen years, whosse resignation ening service on Sunday at Trinity took effect on Friday. wassbouored United Churcb wheu a large cou- ou Thursdsy a!teruoou, wben she gregation beard thein. The fine was presented with a travelling bsgqulteo!viepsssdb te Pubiom ath m eber!te taffofsingers were much admired. It was Public Healtb Departmetiatcuîarîy f itting that at tbe same Ou Feb. l8Vh the Ladies Auxiliary service Rev. E. F. Armstrong, tbe o! the Canadian Legion elected their pastor, should have chose for bis officers: Presidet-Mrs. H. Ashlee; 'subject "A Singiug Faitb." lst Vice-Mrs. F. Clarke; 2nid Vice- We are glad to see the Public Mrs. E. Jacobs; Secretary-Mrs. H. School Board bas put a stop Vo ad- R. King; Treasurer-Mrs. B. King; uîts using the open air rink at the Exccutive-Mrs. J. Living, Mrs. A. school grounds. This rink was or- Clapp, Mrs. L. Clspp; Social Con- iginally erecteci by the Rotary Club vener-Mrs. Clarke: Auditors-Mrs. for the convenience sud use o! pubo J. Goodaîl. Mrs. E. Bennett; Inside lic school pupils only, but tbis priv-1 Guard-Mrs. R. Dusenbury. ilege has been ceplorably abused by Mrs. H. Gailey. Beleville ou Feb. citizens Who thoughtlessly, or other- 14th celebrateci ber 93rd birtbday. wise took advantage o! the situation Youtbful lu spirit. reading witbout until it got s0 the kidcies hsrdly bad glasses, o! a serene sud optimistic a look lu. It's hardly fair that nature sud under the constant sud people should sponge on this fre affectionate care o! ber eldest sbeet of ice when a skating arena daugbter, Miss Mary Gsiley, she is bas been Rept up for yesrs aV con-1 passing througb an cxceptionally siderable expense for the use o! tbe peaceful sud eventide o! life. Mrs.. public. (Rev.) S. C. Moore, Toronto, former- Ou Friday evening, Feb. lSth, over ly o! Bowmanville. is a daugbter. sixty fricnds sud ueighbors from Alderman A. N. SharPe. of Osh- Esydon, Tyrone, Hamipton sud awa, was guest speaker ou Tuesday Bowmanville gathereci at the bome nigbt at a meeting o! Bowmanville o! Mrs. Stanley G. Preston, Cburch Ratepayers' Association. Mr. Sharpe St., to celebrate the coming birtb- spoke ou "Problems o! Ratepayers." day o! ber mother, Mrs. Sarah Jane President Oco. B. Bickle was lu the Gilders, wbo was 84 yesrs olci on chair. Owing Vo numerous other Monday, Feb. l8th. Sbe was the affairs on that eveniug tbe.attend- recipient o! many gifts sud !lowers. suce was only fair. A question per- Ail enioyed a gooci time with ber lod was a feature o! the meeting, till tbe vee small bours o! tbe with the audience takiug an active moruing, aud on Monday a! ternoon [part. many olci !riends sud neigbbors Several citizens wbo attendeci the calleci on ber o offer congratula- late T. S. Holgate's burial service aV tions sud many happy returus o! Foxboro on Friday stopped over at tbe day. Belleville ou their returu sud calleci The Evening Auxiliary o! Trinity on Mr. I. G .Hefkey wbo baci that United Church met at the home o! day taken over the local mn- Mrs. C. H. Mason, Division St., ou agement o! the Royal Bank there, Tuesday eveuiug, witb the President succeediug Mr. Parker wbo is retir- Mrs. W. A. Shane. lu the chair. The iug after 42 years valuable service meeting opened with quiet music by with the Royal. A caîl was also Mrs. H. D. Wigbtman aV the piano. macle ou Mr. ýR. M. Mitchell. former- After a bymu sud prayer the min- ly o! Bowmauville, wbo is manageri Utes were read sud the roll called by o! the Lewis Optical Co. Rod neyer tbe Secretary, Miss Greta Wickett. lookcd better sud 'reports business IV was decidcd that. the resolution excellent. agaiust the sale o! wine sud beer be The Horticultural Class o! the sent o!flclally !rom th.ls society o Traiuing School for Boys, accomP- our member o! the legisîsture for anied by Mr. E. P. Bradt sud Mr. W. presentation. Miss Florence Werry Lonsberry. atteudeci tbe meeting o! reaci the scripture, aud Mrs. Shane the Bowmauville Horticultural Soc- gave a brie! revlew o! the address lety in the Council Room Monday on Inclus given at the Presbyterial uight. wbeu s demonstration on meeting at Hampton by Rev. Dr. slipplng andi re-potting o! house MoDougaîl. Mrs. B. E. Ingham, plants sud o! fruit tree gra!tlng wss Pesce Secretary, read a very inter- put on by four o! tbe boys, uamnely. esting article on tbe question o! our Samuel Fox. George Gimple. Vernon 1 Position re war. Miss Margaret Hall sud Miles Vine. witb Instruct- Wigbtman sang a very sweet. solo, ive explanation o! the work doue. accompanied by ber mother, whlcb The programi put ou by these boys pleaseci al. Mrs. L. W. Dippeil gave proved very interesting o the enth- a very fine review o! tbe !irst two usiastic members o! the Society pre- chapters o! the Study Book, Build- sent, sud the Society exDressed a ers o! the Indian Church, for whicb hope that this casas would attend the president expressed thsnks on suother meeting lu the riear future. behal! o! al thc members. Votes o! Before the prograin. tbe chsiruian. thanks wcre also extended Vo al Mr. T. A. Dustan, asked the meeting taking part and to Mrs. Mason for o approve o! s sîate o! officers o! opeuing ber home sud for the social the Society for 1935 as submtted at time eujoyed. Meeting was lu charge a former meeting sud o! the aud-, o! Mrs. C. G. Morris sud ber group, itor's accounts for 1934. wblch was the former presidlng durlng the pro- doue. igram. t Read Why REAL PROPOSITION OFFERED NOW FOR ALL WHO WISH TO TRADE Mason & Dale are making this week special ternis and prices to purchasers. For this reason many people are buying and trading in washers for new models. The price is only $49.95 for a new guar- anteed washer. Ternis are haif regular prices. Look Below - 6 Only Trade-ins at Hall Regular Trade-in Price One ORly Hand Power; easy operation; Ai shape;, get it qulck. AMs 2 Hand Powers, 9ood shape, $4.65. M 19050 Electric Washer Complete wth wrlnger, Ai merchandise; now or neyer. Also one at $21.50, and one at $28.50. These machines coot $110.00 when new. Read This B ea t ty Copper Tub, cest $169.50; was in home of fani- ily of two, used very very lit- tic. A snap, and lu great con- dition. Cash Price.549.50. TWO ONLY' VACUUM CLEANERS,'GUARAN TEED - GIFT If you need an Electric Washer MASON & DALE Sec Mr. Chapple Unusual 2 Models only of rais. and iower basket machines, clothes raise autematically out of hot water; 8 other great features; Beatty's best machine, fineet made; reason for sacrifice price, slight damage te let la shlpplut; attractive ternis. FOR CASH. suggest an early enquiry. Phone 145 I CHURCHES ST. JOSEPH'S R. C. CHURCH Rev. Father J. F. McGuire. Pastor Mass at Newcastle at 9 a. m.; Mass at Bowmanvllle 10.30 a. m. ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Rev. C. R. Spencer, M. A., Rector Mrs. J. A. unun, Organlat Sunday, Februsry 24th, Sexages- ima Suuday: Holy Communion 8 a. m.; Morning Prayer il a. m.; Sun- day School 2.30 p. m.; Evenlng Prayer 7 p. m. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHUBCH Rev. W. G. Blake, Minister Miss Louise Osborne, Organist Sundsy, February 24th: 11 a. m.- "Assurance of Salvation"; 2.30 p. m. -u aySehool; 7 p. m.-"The New sud Living Way." THE SALVATION ARMY Captalu sud Mrs. J. Batten Suuday, February 24th: Holiness Meeting at il a. m.; Sunday School at 2 P. m.; Salvation Meeting at 7 p. m. at wblch there will be special singlng by the Y. P. Slnging Comp- any. Speaker: Capt. Batten; Sub- Jeet: Hauds". ST PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. A. S. Kerr, Minister Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Organist sud Director. Sunday, February 24th: il s. m- "~The Meanlug o! the Home"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool and' Adult Bible Clasa, teacher, Dr. Clark, 7 p. m.-*'In what conslsts true Christ- ian ebaracter."l A cordial welcome to all. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Rev. B. F. Armstrong, Pastor Francis Sutton. Mus. Bac., Organlat and Choir Leader Sunday, F'ebruary 24th: il a..- "The Romance of Power"; 2.30p.m --Sunday School, classes for every- body; 7 p. m.-The Rotary Club willl attend and the Rotary Octette wlll slnt; subjeet, "The Go-D)oers."1 You are cordially lnvlted to these ser- vices. The frienda of the Rotarlans wlll be eapecially welcomeci Sunday nlght. New Bookes at Jury&LoveII's Lending Library Ainerican FamiIy ....* ..... Faith Baldwin One Woman . ... .....Tif fany Thayer The Searlet Messenger........ Henry Boit Front Porch -.......... .Kauffmam The Stray Lamb.......... Thorne Smith New Bed.d ................ dth III Now We Set Out.. ....... Susan Ertz Trafalgar Square ......... Gavin Boit Woman in Love......... Kathleen Norris Mystery and Minette........ Herbert Adam The Spy Parainount......... Oppenhelm Mr. Underhil's Progres ....Elluabeth Vorbett Storm in Shanghai ....... Andre M1abeaux The. Peel Trali .........L..... incoin AU Men Are Enemies ..........Addlngton Murder in Wax........... Peter Baron Nlnth Avenue ............ odenhelm Penelope Finda Onît ........ Painela Wynne Guardians of the Desert .. ...... Tom 0111 Green Judgement........ Margaret PedlJer Heart Appeal . ....... .Maysie Greig Interlude for Saliy....... Beatrice Seymour New Spring Hais For Saturday Selling Just arrived for thus week-end'. selllng event, a new seleetion of smart, snappy Bats,4 and only........... $ 09 Watch for Our speclal advertlsement neit week for OPPORTUNITY DAYS Thé EvlynSPECIALTY So Miss T. NMrhy Phono 594 MM. F. oke 11 AWashing Machine 'i N iiý HUNDREDS MOUEN AT1 FUNERAL SERVICES FOR THOS. S. HOLGATE, FBIDAY (Continued !rom page 1) 1 manville will iss Mr. Holgate, be9 added. as be closed bis acldress whichs was based on the words -Thou shalt be missed." Mr. Holgate's mortal remains lay aslcep lu a beautiful oak casket amidc a profusion o! magnificeut floral tri-t butes. NoV for many years bas any funeral been marked by so many expressions o! sympatby sud respect for a Bowmanvllle citizen. Scores f ylcd slowly Past thc casketf Vo look for a last time upon the face1 o! one who had meant much o thef !aniily, to bis home sud to bis com-8 muniVy.r Members o! the Rotary Club, Gdd-V !.ellows, sud other 'rorganizationst actecl as flower bearers. Palîbearerst were Messrs T. H. KnigbV, C. W. E.8 MeaVb. George R. Mason, Fred1 Downey, F. O. Mellveen sud Geo. W.r James.a The cortege le! V aV the conclusion o! the service, shortlY a! er noon forf burial lu the famlly Plot. beside he1 parents he loveci so wellinl ther besutiful liVle cemetery at Foîdioro.S Hastings County. A number o! friends besides the palibearers sud relatives accompauied the remains Vo Foxboro, ýwbere mauy olci !rlendst sud former nelgh'bors awaited he arrivaI o! the funeral to psy their respect Vo the memory o! thc Hol- gaVe fainily wbo haci in years past exertedch 11bau influence for gooci while resideuts o! Foxhoro nearlyr 25 years ago. Amoug those attending tbe fun- eral !rom out o! town were: Dr. and Mrs. F. S. Dcmorest. Sterling; Mrg. Bidwell Holgate, son George sud daugbter. Gertrude. Belleville; Messrs A. J. Parks sud Robt. Beatty, Bu!ffalo. N. Y.; Miss Nellie Burke, Belleville: Miss Sybil Burke, Ton-1 onto; Miss H. Burke, Lindsay; Mr.9 Newby Earle, Toronto: Mr. sud Mrs. 1 Rearns . Toronto; Mr. Elmer Dixon, Oshawa; members !rom Whitby,. Oshawasaiud Port Hope Rotary Clubs sud others. As an aftcrmath o! the Church Hockey League !ifty Bowmanville boys sud men wlll attend the Maple Les!, Chicago Black Hawks hockey gaine lu Toronto ou Saturclay nigbt. The wiuning St. Paul's Team wiUl be guests o! the Boys' Work Board,j while Trinity team, the ruuners-up, sud other pla34ers arc attending at their owu expeuse or through con- tributions supplied by the dacis sud supporters of their respective teams. Frankc Williams sud' C .H. Mason arm maklng the arrangements. They will occupy a special block o! rcserved seats. DR. K. HUNTER PALMER 18 HEARD AT CANADIAN CLUB (Continued f rom page 1) Evangeline, the happy bunting- ground of tourists, nec madle tflc statement that the story in con- nection wath it is oue o! the blackest pages lu Canadian history. The voyage f romn Yarmouth to Boston can oe rivalleci by only one other- the trip f rom Bel!fast to thc Isle o! Man. The~ one sigbt which the visitor at St. John neyer misses is the Rever- srble Falls, where there is a drop o! from seventeen Vo twenty-five f cet. Wbeu the ide rises, the saît water forces its way swiftly up the river, andi when IV changes, thc water rushes back as turbulently as the wbirlpool at Niagara. Passing on by Fredericton sud St. Andrews- by-the-sea, tbe members o! the Can- adian Club vieweci historic Quebec with its old fortifications sud mag- nificent sceuery. Halifax it Can- ada's only fortified city. Montreal, a city o! hotels, bas the finest natural barbour lu tnc worldi. That it is situated on au lslaud, is flot generally realizeci, Dr. Palmer stateci. Views were sbown o! the ocean liners steaming up the St. Lawrence. In speaking o! the Par- liameut Buildings at Ottawa, lie urgeci that auy visiting the Capital City sec the Memorial Chamber. Views were shown o! toc Canadian National Exhibition, Kawsrtha Lak- es, Niagara Falls, Hanilton, sud other Ontario centres. London was mentioued, wlth its river Thames, St. Paul's Cathedral sud even Piccadilly. Remarlcably few people know that mron ore produces nickel. Slides wcre sbowu o! Cobalt where Vwotbirds o! all the nickel in the world is founci. Passing on Vo the Prairie Provinces, the audience vicwed Win- nipeg, wbich grcw from a littIe trad- ing post, Vo s city with a population o! 217,000. Medicine Hat was seen, a place noted for natural gas. Over 5o0 million cubic feet o! gas gushes forth each day. The city o! Saska- toon, centre o! the great wheat belV, Calgary, and different parts of the prairie were exblbited sud toc fas- ciuating lengeci o! Qu'Appelle was related. Dr. Palmer devoted considerable time Vo displaying: the rugged grand- eur o! toc Canadian Rockies. One could sec the trails o! railroad twist- iug precariously about the moun- tains, a miracle o! engineering skill. Sinclair Canynn, Lake Louise-the most beautiful sigbt lu Canada or in the world, at a heigbt o! 5,680 ft. above ses level was breatb-Vaklng iu magnificence, sud the most casual onlooker was overwbelmed by the greatuess o! Csnada's beauty. The "Lakes o! tbe Clouds" set like pre- clous gems among the peaks Vower- ing 10,000 ft. lu height, were ever changiug lu fieeting color. The Great Divide, boundary hune between British Columbia sud Al- berta was sbown. At a bclgbt o! 5,- 236 f t. the streams !rom the higb mounitalus here divide. one flowing eastward Vo Hudson Bay sud thence to the Atlantic, the other passing westward Vo the Pacific. Kicking Horse Pass; Nelson, com- mercial city o! British Columbia wbere $10,000,000 worth o! silver bas already becu produced sud Vancou- ver passed iprocession. Iu Uhc salmon year, the speaker stated, the fish are so thick that one would imagine one coulci walk across the Fraser River. An interesting habit was that of the salmon always re- turniug Vo the place wbere tbey were boru. Vo die. WiVh bis wealth o!. travel lore, Dr. Palmer always assures bis audience an iuteresting lecture. He bas trsv- elled cxtensively both lu Amerlca andi abrosci sud bas an intimate knowledge o! state a!! airs, baving been closely associated witb Govern- meut duties for several years. The only regret is that more people of. BowmanvilIe did not avaîl theinsel- ves o! the opportuuity o! listenlng Vo, au address wbich bad so much o! inVerestiug educational matter. "Canada the 'Uuknowu" will tbrill the besrts o! any wbo have yet the pleasure o! seelng sud listeuing Vo Dr. K. H. Palmer's Illustrateci lec- ture. The many !niends o! Rev. T. H. P. Anderson, !ormenly o! Hampton cir- cuit sud for the past nine years minister o! the United Churches of Newburgh, Stratocona, Wesley aud Cainden Elast. will regret Vo learu that be is 'qulte 111 at bis home, ln Newburgh sud wlli be unable Vo con- tinue wlth bis work for Vwo or three months if noV longer. Quality Plus Low Price THE FOLLOWING LUNES 0F GROCERIES FOR THE WEEK-END Handy Ammonia, per pkg ................ Sc Australian Sultanas ............. 2 Ibm. for 23c Choice Tomatoes, large tin .......... 2 tins 17c Crosse & Blackwell Tomato Soup..4 tin~ Red & White Pastry Flour.......... 2 4 1lb s$ P & G Soap ................... 4 bars for 17c Clover Leaf Sockeye Salmon, 1/.,'s........... 21c Country Club Sockeye Salmon, 1's ......... 35c Strawberry and Ra8pberry Jam with Apple. . 22c Apiricot and Pineapple Jani, 32 oz ......... 28c Ovaltine, medium size............... 58C Supreme Shortening...............2Ibs. 23c Oxydol, large size..................... 22c Lombard Plums ................ 2 tins for 21c Prunes ..............2 Ibm. for 25c Red & White*Vanilla.............. 2 for 17c Red & White Matches .............. 3 for 25c Peppermint Patties ................ '/z lb. 13c Red & White Sait, plain or iodized..2 for 15c. Golden Bantam Corn............... 2 tins 21c No. 4 Peas ....................'*2 tins for 21c Large Oranges, 100's .................... 49c Celery - Lettuce - Spinach - Cauliflower W. c. CAVERLY ]Redoi aniWhite Stores Phone 62 - Next to Cawker's Butcher Shop K ER qSLAK' Family Drug Sale Dr. West's Tooth Paste- - 25e 2 Tubes Colgate's Faste. 42e Dr. West's Tooth Brush. 50e 1 Colgate Brush......... 35c> BOTH FOR 43e ALL FOR 49c Face Cloths .10.. Sc - e20e 25 Tooth Brush.... 2 for 25e Jergen's Carbolie Soap, ea. 5c Plate Brushes ...35c, 50c, 75e Vinolia Castile Soap, 8 for 25e Tooth Brush and Case ...35e Flap - Jack Engllsh SeldlitzI Crazy water Compacts Health Sait Powders Crystals 59e - 69c 39e lb. 2 for 25e 75e and $1.25 Try HOLLY'S CROCOLATES! - Fresh Eaeh Week Four Assortments ..............1lb.-50c Give your favorite child a booft by registermng your votes here in the Popularity Contest. Hydrogen Peroxide, Halibut Liver 011 Caps...$10 15c, 25c, 40e Beef Iron and Wlne ...89e1 Nyal Cod Liver Extraet. . $.00 PHON 49 P. R. Cowling W EIE Ltus ftyoux eyes for real satisfaction. A very success!ul Valentine Tes sud sale o! home cookiug was helci ou Saturday afteruoon lu Uic Par- ish Hall under the auspices o! the Womcn's Guilci. The hall was Vaste- fully decorated lu Valentine colors, aud a large nuniber enJoyed a! Ver- noon tes, sud patrouized thc home cookiug booth. THE CANADLAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnZ£, THURSDAY, FTBRUARY 21, 1935 PAGE SEVM jCOMING EVENTS Sale of home made cooking and afternoon tes at St. Pauls School Room, Saturday. February 23rd. Afternoon Tea 15c. 7-2 Home and School Club Euchre at the Public Sebool on Thursday. Feb. 28tb. Lucky nustber prize. Re- fresbments. Admission 25c. Reserve April 4th and 5th for the "Bowmanville Boys' Review" in Op- era House under leadership of Ed. Devitt. and sponsored by Boys' Work Board. 8-3 On Wednesday, February 27th, at 8 P. m. the High Sehool Oratorical Contest will be bheld. Admission f rec. Let there be a good turnout to hear the students. Watch for big speclal edition of The Statesman next week, when Bowmanvllle merchants will stage seven "Opportunity Days." It will be the biggest shopping eveut in years. On Tuesday, Feb. 26th, at 8 p. m. Rev. Dr. C. E. Whttaker wlll givc his illustrsted lecture on the Eski- mos in Trinity Suuday Scbool under the auspices o! the Women's Miss- ionary Society. A collection wll be taken. Group 2 of St. Andrew's Church wll hold a Tea and Musical at the home of Mrs, Lawrie, King St., on Friday, Feb. *22nd, from 3.30 to 6 snd from 7.30 to 10. A splendid musical program is belng provided. Home made cooking for sale. The Canadian Legion Band is giv- lng a Band Concert lu aid of the local Salvation Army, lu the Town Hall on Thursday night, Feb. 28th, at 8 p. m. Vocal items will be given by some o! the town's most talented singers. The Salvation Army is very appreciative of this effort on part o! the Baud and others who are lending their talent to this effort, and is hoping for a generous re- sponse on the part of the citizeus. Admission will be 25c for adults, 10c for children. Mr. R. M. Cotton will be chairman. Tickets may be had from Mr. 0. Joues or Capt. Batten. Il