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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Feb 1935, p. 8

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e St w -- ~ - - S - -q. - - - PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1935 speech in thanking Mrs. Harcourt . ... for her most interesting talk. U BLACKSTOCK Messrs. Eldon Eckel, Arnold John- -- ston, Harold Swain, Eric Cutting C nm e Mrs. J. Elford is ili at her home and George Sadler served. Com- \ Master Merle Bailey is recovering munity songs were sung, with Mrs. The Bruce Family b rfrom a tonsil operation. Jabez Wright at the piano. jfIMiss Leona Devitt spent the week- At the close of the A. Y. P. A. on end with Miss Jean Wright. Wednesday evening, the following (Continued from last week) Martha, Lottie, Louisa, Robert, WAITE Mrs. J. Mahood is with her daugh- hymn was sung: Ancrew, son o! John Bruce and Samuel, William Blake, j oe r, F1a Okla ter, Mrs. Creigbton Devitt. A. Y. P. A. Hymn Mary Johnston, married Mary Stew- liam and Bruce. 0f these, Mar b- MryJas. Parr visited Mr. Arthur O Father, we beseech Thee, art. Three sons and three daugh- came Mrs. Pollie; Margaret, falow- B Cryderman, Bowmanvile. Bless aur A. Y. P. A. ters were the family; and after Ing her marriage with Robert Gib- It seems to me that the depress- The Mission Band met on Satur- That it may seek to keep us f tarming near Caesarea and port son moved to tbe west, wher shc ion has caused more of our business day at Mrs. N. S. McNally's. In h appiness eaway; u fary e moved te Blackstock and ber husband farmed rany men ta dig deeper into the admin- Mr. and Mrs. Russel Willan and Let no hars w tone o! anger were thery moedt B o ar hEi hb n re oma istration of their own particular family, Port Perry, visited at Mr. E'ri um efagr -weeAdew died. Years. Eight childiren were born to busineses. m te E'er in ur midst be heard, The eldest daughter, Louise, mar- Robert and his wife, Annie Magee, buntes sWn. Steele's. For we would strive ta serve Thee ried Mr. James Williamson. Fol- namely, Margaret, Edna, Annie, On tbe subject o newspaper ad- Mr and Mrs. Russel Lansing and In thought, in deed, in word. lowingh isdeat, b tis widow and May , Minnie wbo ded An 1914, Fos- vertislng many authorities bave be- Miss Phemie Hooey, Toronto, were Reveal ta us the beauty four cbildiren moved ta Lindsay. ter, ROY, and Bruce wbo made the has o be spent in advertising ap-gss Susie Foster andu Mss Of faithful Christian love; They moved ta Toronto, where Ruby supreme sacrifice in the Great War. tobn n dvert a p Oiss Susie VanCamp and Miss In narrow paths of duty, is working in an office In the City For several years Mr. and Mrs. Robt. prpriations n order ta educate the Olve VanCamp were weekend guests To seek a crown above. Hall. Ray married Mr. Ogliva. She Ferguson farmed east of Black- BEFORE - NOT AFTER - THE FIRE public on general business metods, o r l Carley, Cavanville. Reveal ta us Thy glory, was a nurse, and after moving to stock. and later retired in Nestleton. etBcs and expansion. CMionaulations to Rev. and Mrs. Thy wisdom and Thy truth; Western Canada, two sons were Mr. Ferguson was an energetic Expert Advice on Insurance of All Kinds Baunkers must insformatbe publicrMilton Sanderson, Toronta, on tbe Lord of our Church now hear us born. On her death her remains worker on the board of the Union all about banking, insurance men all irtr o! ason, February 13, (Miton And bless the church's youth. were brought ta Cartwright and Cemetery. It is aiso interesting If you are planning insur- made them experts in the about finance. Possessing a bank Miss Kathleen Taylor entThis be our prayer forever, buried n te Union Cemetery. Vv- that Mr. Ferguson during the later ance be sure to confer with field. Come n to-day and accoutnt , carring an insurance po Miss arlew, ale ertained And this our earnest aim- ian Williamson is n an office in years of his life, wrote a history of office before you def- consut thent There lf accun , arin anAnuracePa- Gwen Marlow, Katbleen and Pearl Tha efre benyr oranto; and Gladys s an the Tor- the Fergusan famlily. Bath be and icy or buying and selling securities Wright and Marion Hill in honor of That we forget Thee never, -Trnt;adGldsiso hiTr heFruonfmlyyohheado r ffc beoreycoucdes- onultthem. Thre p srno is only the crust of thesebig devels ritend irn AAnd glory in Thy name; onto teaching staff. Mrs. William- his wife were buried in the Union initely reach any conclus- oligation on your part, o! opns nly e ous! teig d.- er thirteentbybirthday. To seek Thee and ta find Thee son married a Mr. Harvey of Tor- Cemetery, Cadmus. Martha lived ion. Years of experience course. Fire, Theft, Liabil- opments no ur commercial life. A very enjoyable social evening In rest, in work, and play- onto. On his death in California, in Western Canada, and Lottie died and actual planning have Ity and Life Insurance. The expansion a!business through was spent last week when over thîr Thus ever more ta make it Mrs. Harvey returned ta Toronto in early girlhood. Joseph entered educatianal campaigns s one a! the ty neighbours gave a surprise party GdsC .~ .A and s living with ber daughter. thie ministry and s at present An bright spots in our trade revival and for Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mountjoy, God's own A. Y. P. A. Mr. Samuel Bruce married Miss British Columba. Louisa became will be effective n aiding all other who are moving soon ta Blackstock. The close of each meeting will be Mitchell a Manvers, and lves on a Mrs i lam Montgomery. She lines of commerce. Euchre and games were played. marked by the singing of this beau- farher Nestletan. Tbey bave a and.her husband farmed for several J . J .M A S O N & S O N SMiss Lula Wright was the winner tifulh3mn. family of sons and daughters. years in Manvers, and later in Dar- o! the set a dishes ofered l t j Mr. Jas. Bruce farmed and kept lington where her husband's death Al Kinds of Insurance comedians in the n tMi Ba, .i store in Nestleton. He married Miss occurred. Bruce Ferguson resides in inoneo50Insuranc omiansri n taie c ty ahall. CADMUS | Minnie Marlow of Cartwright, and Hampton, Ontario. Ta him and his Phone 50 Bowmanville nMiss Wright obtained the largest a family of sons and daughters was wife, a son and daughter were born. ory numberiof votes as most popular Mr Earl Gray spent the weekend born. William Blake resides niear Cadmus. - secdMp Mildred Hoper received in Peterboro. Bert Bruce entered the ministry He and his wife, Emma Beacock. second place, and Mrs. Thampson Mr. George Nesbitt, Toronto, vis- as a Methodist preacher in the Un- had two sons and a daughter, Mary. LEGAL t eird. e winnersn a draw g ited Mrs. Jas. Nesbitt. ited States, and died as a young William Dalton ,and Smith. Sam- ImsPerlJohn Werry, Ross eteMr. and Mrs. Walton Larmer vis- man, leaving a widow and children uel lives near Blackstock. Two p M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LLs, Pear Wright and Maretta ited at Mr. Oscar McQuade's. who remained in the United States. daughters. Ida and Ella, are the Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Graham. Mr. and Mrs Levi McGilr were Mabel Bruce was a music teacher children born ta him and his wife. Ph o r N51 ary s Members o! the Young Ladies among those who were entertained and later took up nursing. She did Mary Warran, who died several Phone 351 Casetrane tagyhnde-Yasao.W S E N CND Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville e erin e last week at Mr Burke McGill's, Yel- i an excellent work and became Mat- years ag. His second wife. Annie chie shower n onor o! Miss Jean verton. ron of Bowmanville Hospital. She Pool. alsa died and in the summer Cain whose engagementwas been Mr. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy alsa served as a nurse in the Great of 1934 he married Mrs. G. Cochrane U IeciflM BarW. R. STRIKE announced. Te event was held at were guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. War. She married a Mr. Evans, o! Brady. SicittrAonkofMotrea the Pars Jeonage on Monday night McGill. and she and her husband are now Written by Mrs. David Heaslip, Soiitar for Bank a! Montreal wihen Mrs. H. J. Bell, teacher o! thie MranMs.GogFweran living an a f arm near Clarkleigh, Vîewiake, Ontario. Fo i ttosi i.Ls Money ta Loan. Phone 91. class, welcomed the nineteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler and ioa r er eFrom l Stations in the East Bowanill, ntrio • iss Helen Fowler visited at'Mrs. Manitoba, where her mother died Bawmanville, Onta Several interestingganes were en- M. Hick's. after attaining a ripe old age. GOING DAILY-MARCH 1 to 14 inclusive jayed, and Miss erga Johnston rad Mrs. Franks and Mr. Harry 'Clara, the youngest daughter, AN OPPORTUNITY FOR . Return Limt: 30 ays BarAster - Salcitor a brie! address whle Miss Hazel Franks, Peterboro, and Mrs. H. Wil- married Mr. Bert Woods of Cart- CHURCHES I Natary Public - t Mountjoy presented tebride-to-beson were weekend guests at Mrs. J wright, and after living in Lindsay,CE A L A HW Law An ail is branches. with some lovely handkerchiefs. Maood's. they moved ta Western Ontario. In Public opinion s workCd up tEaIGOOD N COACHES ONLY Office immediately east o! Royal Those assisting in serving the lunch Mr. and Mrs. Roy McGi gave a few years Clara died, leaving a point where people feel that there As G Theatre.Btheir home ast week for a crkinle family o! small c ide Wh«..ssil w mp m qu o . im sl ll euree Phones: Office 688; Home 553. Brwn, Miss H azel Mountjoy, Miss party. Several members of Yelver- dtions. Werld events show that re s pa rsethoi kely hisres e Ferga Johnston and Miss Norma ton League were present. Johnston Bruce died a young man, other countries have foundw theamrs vr.0rbtr. AHemd t e o h surprise party was held by fifty and was burled in St. John's Ceme- selves faced with grave difficulties. BAGGAGE CHECKED. StopoversatPortArthurArmstrongandwest -r4 DENTAL The mid-mAnth meeting altdW e friend for Mr. and Mrs. Walton tery,,l-,kstock. Canada is now facing the situation Ticas,SlepisqCar resatios, and al informaio" fronta ny ageni. A SK POR BANDBILL. A. Y. P. A. was held on Wednesday Larmer on Friday night. The ev- and the people are looking ta the Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson marked by a splendid attendance. ing was spent in dancing and Jane married 1gr.soWm. Bro n, legislation for leadership. Is that C A n T Graduate of Royal Dental College, The Treasurer, Mrs. Wm. Crawford, Mr. Leonard Mills. Mr. Arthur Cartwright, they, with their family, Can people be legslater intaoding Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. announced that over $100.00 is on Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Waltan moved ta Blythe. Ontario, where Cameping for spl meanc else? It Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. hand. A program of interest was Larmer Mr. and Mrs. Merwin both passed away. smen and some onc eltehIte to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. given including: a reading "Oh M t. .a r.Mri has been and can be done but there ta p.m. aiy ecep Snda. gveninludng: a eadng OhMountjùy, Miss Elva Capstick and 13 a botter way that wil] bring about change An econamic conditions be- want tAie membership An thiecuc Phone 90. House phone 283. Henri" by Rev. C. C. Harcourt; a Mr.uGilbert owler visited at Mr. Margaret married Samuel Fergu- a permanent solution. That way s cause na person wouid take from ana they want te the calhur X-Ray Equipment in Office. Valentine reading, Mrs. Thos. Smith; George Fowler's. son, Cartwright. They lived on a the churches torse ta their oppar- another what d oes t belfng ta hm. Christian but thoy are natwll ta a reading "A Boy and his Stomach" A delightful St. Valentine party f arm near Blackstock for years, and, tunity and spread tie gospel ideans It wuld bring about a universa f ollow after the Master. Wiln to Mrs.EJack Hamilton iand abhistory was held at League in the United operated a sawmill. Mr. Ferguson and teaching. This Is the ane cow- peace because aIl would become n- churc is wilting te Wgve a te FUNERAL DIRECTOR of tAie A. Y. P. A. delivcred by Lav- Church on Thursday night. Bible went ta Western Canada with one mon place where ab can unite and culcated with that love for each ladership an assume tae po erne Devittn President. Rev. C. C. study was taken by Rev. H. J. Bell daughter, and died there. His wife promote a plan that wil bring about catherthat there wauld be no place sibilities laid uponmber, the and FUNERAL DIRECTORS Harcourt cnducted tAie installation and Miss Helen Powler gave the Margaret, predeceased him some a true social relationship that will for those whe would n ot abide by lnly thencanUicpeopleo f a Service, any oiur, any day. o officers. Te winners n a "Uten- Topic. Readings were given bv years. A grandson, Bruce Ferguson, cause men and women ta see that the laws loove. There s anly nccmpte change n tAe socil a F. F. MORRIS CO. sil" contst, conducted by Mrs. C. Miss Birdie Gibson and Mr. Roland was killed in the Great War. their fellw beings are gtting a fair body that can put inteffect tise conm cife n esia an Modern Motor Equipment Harcourt and Mrs. Wm. Crawford Thompson. Winners in a "Flower" share o!ith g wrd's gtds an are great principle and that body s tee d wicl give an immediate ren b Ambulance and Invalid Car were Mrs. Jack Hamilton, and Rev. contest were Miss Helen Fowler and Another f amily of Bruces who In a position ta lve. These actions church. If tis s ta bdone there for permanent giod tie ele ut Casl Phane 10 or 34 C. C. Harcourt. A lunch was served. Mr. Jim als. Lunch was served came from Irelancd and were among will follow as a result of the new love must be a general awakening of the o assume their responsibilite s Assistant, 573 Mr.LsiErba illn e at tAie -lse Cartwrigbt's early settlers, cousins that wauld be generated An tAie heurt church at large. EacAi member of church members and Ae ready ag BOWMANVILLE home for the meeting onE b. 27th (Prom Cadmus News, Feb. 8, 1906) o! tAie mentioned families, were Ro- a! a man by te teaching of tie gos- thechurch must fina out what are out into the wrd witbi ess _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A u b j c t i e " E d u c a t i o n - p'rM nwo me s r a d h t s t i r n A p e a d d n b y U c M s n tcica g e a d A e r c i e NORTHCUTT & SMITH a". Mrs. Harcourt will be An charge An acgcountu ithe fourth Cannual bert and John Bruce. p oeoe l sto o what is the pr nciplaf uddo by the Ma n the the rdithpra NOR HCU T SMTH Over seventy Young people thar- Cartwright SundaY Scheel Conven- Robert Bruce marriea MAss right for their feilows because they ter. Having !ound tAie way, Aie must message in their daily life. l oughly enjoyed the program pre- tion Association runs as follows: Jane Dean, who was also from have a true Christian fellowship and be prepared to sell all that he has wordtAe church as tife op. n omplete Funeral Service sented at League on Wednesday Convention was held in Methodist Ireland, and settled in Cartwright thus the right step is inaugurated. and give ta the poor and follow tAe ity t-day of g aing out into Uth - Moder Equipment - Ambulance night by Enniskillen League. Guests Church, Feb. 8th. It was opened by about two miles southwest of Black- This will develop a permanent soc- teaching of the Master. T s wah y ano byways and bringt e A. W. G. Northcutt - Aubrey Smith were welcomed by Eldon Eckel, Pre- the devotional, taken by Rev. J. stock. They had five sons, namely, ial fellowship that can not be easily where the difficulty lies. Few iar es o An if they will give tAi e Phone Days 58 - sident. Mr. Edgar Wright presided Creighton. President J. M. Emerson William, Stewart, Robert, James changed. It will bring about a willing ta make the sacrifice. They ship. Nigts, Sundays or Holidays for his program which he opened was in the chair and called on the and Johnston. On the death of his Phone 523 or 276. with prayer. Miss Margaret Dalton Secretary, Mr. W. C. Ferguson, for a parents, William remained on the g ave thAe devotional, and a topic, report. Reports of the various homestead. Married ta a Miss Hy- MUSIC prepared with evident thought and schools showed that amid some dis- land; two daughters and a son: | care was delivered by Mr. Earl Ste- couragement good work had been Robert James, who died in early FRANCIS SUTTON, mus.Bac. F.C.C.O. phenson. Miss Elva Orchard and done. A full paper of useful and manhood; Mary Jane, one daughter, A.NT.C. SUTT. diploa inPiao phsn. M.Staiton layed aru and spiritual thought was read by Rev. married Mr. Wesley Clemens, Ty- A. T. C. M. dipomnas n Piano, Mrst M Stai.ntn played a duet, and D. P. Oswald, Pontypool. A Round rone; and Effie married Dr. Honey- Private or class lessons t by Mrs. E. Harrison. Miss Erleen Table conference conducted by Mr. well, Prince Edward Island. She P Pip aed or casllexamnation Parke paE Harron. s i Ealnd R. Moment, Orono. An able and in- died leaving a baby boy, Bruce, who Pupils prepared for ail examinatians. Parker playeti an instrumental ,andstuiv drsonheBbead o slvngnTrno.A hs Phone 42, Bowmanville an amusing recitation, "Caleb'à structive address on thie Bible and now s living Ain Toronto. At bis 40-tf Courtship" was well given by Miss Life was given by Rev. J. P. Berry, mothers death, his aunt, Mrs. Cem- Gladys Page. Rev. W. Parker sang Hampton. Evenmg servAce was op- ens, raised hum. Dr. Honeywell ag- a solo; and the quartette number ened by Rev. R. A. Delve, and pray- ain married, and still owns the old Repairs by Messrs John Sîemon, Bruce Ash- er by Rev. L. S. Wight, Tyrone. homestead in Cartwright. Stewart tan, Edgar Wright and Gardon Ste- Officers were: President-W. C. Fer- married and had a family of sons; R. P A W s o N ens was well receivetd. A St. Val- guson; 1st Vice-J. H. Devitt, M.P.P. one of whom is Dr. Herbert A. Bruce entine Greeting contest under the 2nd Vice-Gibson Hooey; Sec'y.- of Toronto, one of the leading surg- Boot and Shoe Repairing direction of Miss Jessie Knox pro- Treas.-Peter Wright; Ex e c u t iv e eons of Canada, and at present Soleot aby GoyeRparSting directi a! grea d ealof Knus Committee-J. M. Emerson, David Lieut-Governor of the 'Province of Soles sewn on by Goodynar Stitchwng duceac great deal o! amusement Malcolm, Richard Suggitt, Robt. Ontario. He served as a surgeon in Machine. Prices reasonablewoen leters. I restie a Philp, Alex Johnston. Chas. Fallis, the Great War, and brought home King Street East Bowmanville played, and a very bountiful lunch John Sanderson, Herb. Trewin. E. with him an English bride. He owns poafe. sand ae bontcffe wa Elliott and resident ministers; Visit- Wellesley Hospital, and Is occupying o!joyedwiches k nd peopceoffe ws ing Committee-Sec'y. and Robt. Government house. Dr. and Mrs. niskillen expressed their thanks for p. Addresses were given by R. Bruce have one son, Maxwell. C H T k O t ·e ee adBlackstack mem- M. Moment and D. P. Walsh, Orono, John Bruce came ta Canada, mar- -4 C H. Tuck, 0pt ie eening anbet wises anap- and Rev. L. S. Wight, Tyrone. Good ried, and had one daughter who be- EeihSbers extendeti best wises and ap- music was supplied by Cadmus came Mrs. Robert Pallis, Blackstock. Eyesight epecia t cadip of te fistor. choir; Miss Emily Fallis sang a solo: She and her husband moved ta Cad- Spthorlo:cmradeshp of the visitors. a violin solo by Merrell Montgom- mus. One son, Rev. R. J. Pallis, Authr o: W hMS. o! WteUnited Churc ery; quartet music by R. McNally.| Toronto, has retired from the min- Optometry Pesture Service was Aeld on Wcdnesday aftcrnoon IMi-e .TyoB cal n ity areit AsBlor The hil an it atMrs Joh Lamers. reortof isesN. Taylor, B. McNally and- istry. Married to Miss Balfour, Te Chlod and its at Mrs. John Larmer's. A report a! rh Next meeting will be held Omemee, two sons and three daugh- Development tAie W. M. S. convention at Hamp- 1 at Blackstock. ters camprisetitAie famA]y. Mrs. Specializing excluskvely in ton was given by Mrs. Norman A stA .frtm tee same paper aupear- Pallis died sa he y fars ag. muscle anomalies, eyesight Mountjoy. A chapter of the Study' ed these items: Andrew Mcee As and .lasses. book was given by Mrs. Russel occupying a farm near Hartey El- Martha Jane Bruce married Mr. Phone Mountjoy and Mrs. Earl Don-ell gave gin Township . Chas. Edgertan Samuel Taylor, Cartwright; and a!- Dt or appolntment 1518 a Temperance talk. Mrs. N. Mount- who has soldi bis farm ta Herb. Tre- ter their going ta North Dakota anc Dney Dgi. Opp. P. O. joy's group was An charge. win will move ta Blackstack son was born. On tAie death o! Mrs. Oshawa, Ont. Red and white streamers suspend- Thamas T. Bruce who bas leased bis Taylor, thAe boy's grandimother rais- ed fram the lighits An tAe basement farm ta Wm. Hanna will reside An ed hum. a! tAie Uniteti Church were caught S. McLaughlin's bouse near Nestle- Mary Eleanar Fallis, a daughter o!f ______________________at tAie endis o! tAie tables; anti gay tan. Robert Fallis, marrieti Mr. Eli Pal-fTlC ' re hars er fun eerwhre--lis. Thley lived An Western Canada T1H AT rIRSTo BRANS CH BAhIJI onPriday night. The occasion was Persian Balms invests everywm for some years, anti an their death cn by s ovhareer elhyge tt ai raants btlen carni h e i n g EizaBu ce, daughter a! John AN D 500 M ORE tabes ertinhts. Folwerg ptty Dispels al roughness or chafing. Bruce, man-reed Mr. Chas. alis, tabl deoraion. Plloing theMakes skins delightfully soft-text.. Cartwright. They hati a family o!fA~buesa i iI IMnrifrl emvd'n lcwihttCnda aligsumla eeyd5 4-.% Naionald Antberwasaa toasto ti uredi. Every woman shouldi use this sons and anc daughter. One son,ThfonesothBakfMnrelfmyblivdn frwicteCndanakngysmhsrciedo Kprngounced Ctry bendctio. Bell peerless toilet requisite. Daintiness Lewis, As anc who entered tAie teach- brandh banking. Two weeks alter orent the Bank an much preise. -- Belluncet tAites bncThen tors. -- beauty -- refinement - Persian lng profession, anti livedi with thie Montrai on November 3rd, 1817, the directors appointed, to he Hom was pmsrossedbyi toast Balm achieves these n every n- nc sister Rilla who dieti some years an agent t Quebec. By the following June the agency Consistently, throughout the decades, the Bank af ta S A.e Het Mws p ivpae badlrs stance. Softens ana whitens tAe ag. T Ac parents are alsa dead. was made an "Office af Deposit and Discouit," and Montreai lhas added branches wherever business warranted, rSpondevtty isingivan Sappye hants. Promotes clear andi youthful TAc eldest daughter a! John thus the first brandh came into being. Two others ton giin to new nd growing communities the advantages ol - roe".nd The tostnin tOh Daher dveliness. Al women who care for Bruce anti is wif e, Mary Johnston, were created-at Kingston nd Yark (afterward Torontao) baning strength. ample facilities and sound managemet. Homewa propoedb toas. tAex auhn-r atitional charm unhesitatingly who married Rabert Swaln a! Val- Today over 500 branches are serving Canada. Each brandh stan, was respandedi to by Mrs Clar- choose Persian Balm. ____entia, Mariposa, hadi five daughters Those early bankers sought ta extend nd perpetuate for is the Banki af Montreal, with all the facilities and public ence Marlow. An inspirational mess- anti anc son. Mary Jane Bruce the farmets and merchansts, the benefits and stimulus af a service for which the institution is knoawn. ASH IME JUST RIGHT, ag ta tAie daughters was tielivereti marriedi Daniel Brown a! Cart- branch banking aystem the worth ol which 1,he beentlri rnhnQebct h oa eca n church. A duet "A Girl's Best Fri- dagtrioieea yaste pndtesiioteafo tliepressed--and a Mrs. Sadier anti Miss Vivian Sadiler. nMr.Bo 'sdahtefmly. toast tazte Mount.say rsed Ccci Canada MagWeteaOntar. Tay Jj,~t , 'i 1 L 1 .L Misst Hazte Mnutejand rs.d tei nahi marriced, anti with ber husband,f A w r a Hîi replied. Little Miss Beryl Lar- Mr. Emmerson, movedi ta WesternI A NIU <1 . lt T F ______________________ mer sang a pleasing solo. Mrs. Bell iona. Ma ggos i eam AnWtrn.Ty * I gave an addtress for tAie mothersP LLSs Canda M Arnne, anti aLAzze werc 5ALSID11 adMiss Mable Van Camp proposed--Canada.-Ann-e-and--L-zz-e-were-EgTABLISHED 1817- the toast ta tAe Grandnothers twins: and Annie married Mr. John HEAD OFFICE mONTRAL which was responded ta by Mrs. W. Suggitt. Mariposa. She died sev- A. Van Camp. Little Ruth Bell re- eral years ago. Lizzie became Mrs. MODERN, EFFICIENT BANKING SERVICE.... the Outcome of cited and Miss Verna MeNally sang nSutten o! Manvers, and she anti ber I7 Years' Successful Operation garnd Skiai "Wonderful Mother of Mine". Mrs. - husband, like so many of the Bruce Harl'court, guest speaker, told in a DERTRO family, moved to Western Canada. Irnfa ins fascinating manner her early life in E - - The only son. William, married: Bowmanville Branch: F. O. McILVEEN, Manager guieuMre&ved b the mission fields (Peace River Dis- and Is living at the age of eighty trict) with her parents. Mrs. Bell years in Valentia. "expressei the feelings a! everyone To Samuel Ferguson and Marg- xpresenr when she made a happy j aret Bruce were born five daughters and five sons, Mary, Margaret, __ ~ àw j ' < .-- . . .- - - - - -- . . .'ý~tC.--.-. - , - --

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