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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 11

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TT{~ CANADIAN 5TAT~S~AN, DOWMANVTLLE, THVRSDAY, 1'F~Rt'ABT 28. 1911 PAGE ELEVE?4 Over ThlOr ty Me rchan ts Welcome You Ma rch 1-8 ~mruwrg~yaThe recve and clcrk wer îzed b sgn and subinit ti CL,&RK CITIZ NS OPP SEI trio Ic(iitpcraiice Fedcrat suluton as i 11i tc d iii TC PROPOSED CLOSING 0F ~~RcccF uei1 ORONO DIVISION 0F C.N.R. Ascaino ua Clarïke Township Council Requested to Talce Necessary 1 Bv-a * 903 ip Steps ta Oppose Closing - To Joiri in Durham Op- pnioPOundI(kecpcrsa position ta Repeal of Bridge Agreement of 1905 A coiCxsfFtlc il-)Çle lie ncctiig ilu t)roil , cc- Tixe Municipal C uniicil of Ci, rkc lu fitor t liectc nitîtte tltrouli jolin F. Aî~rnlr met February 5, the ienthe(rs bing tlicir organization v. itît a grant iii ville, ( . F. A.î de and R. ail present, and Reeve F. 13. Love- support (.f an attenupt lu eradical dcfli addru.'îýcd couili kin prcsiding. thu wiarblc fis ins Dirhanx Unuit.vtshir obîctions in a strcq Communiratil ,Nvesrc recci\ cd this scar. 'Thils suemc Nvas explaixi- t li tc Y nd (11rernov; front the Canadian National and cd ani supported in a icter frum F. brandi lice frontl Rolnue Canadian Pa c i c Railwa3 shbotit A. Stimiers. agricultural repre. hum iou Ciie Or!i Dvis gave nl tice rcquircd in coxupiance scitative for 1)urliauîu cot! . N o C.N.R. and rcqueistrd crl witlt the provisions of Secti on 50 action svas taken at presenit tiniu.e. vcrýtliiîg in tlueur pusv of the Ontario Assesîmecnt Act and James Larkin was admitcd to po)se tli. applicati.ii. at amecdmcnts thereto. N oticcs baud- hc a resident of te Township and ime assuring cunucil of ed to assessnr. information tn titis efficet os for- eration and siixpp' rt oftic: E. F. R. Osborne, Carenre Alin warded to the deputy iînistcr of of tiiis district. and Charles Glenny asked Connecil i,ýspit:l1s. Res. 102j3: Laint;--Rci __________________________________________________________much as notice, lias heex h7t tise C.N.Ric~ : apîl% Board of Raiil%%a v Coni for Canada for 1cave toc irancis hue front i<onxac 1» um whichlxcrosses xlîîs / joiniix nkr Les, U i 0thiat Ciue clerlzimeiudatci I rotcst on bcliîli of tii w itthe fBoard of Railv I Caverley's Prices are nsixrfoCnaaa lcin i)v te CN.. a ÂIways Lower-Stock ctnilr cac)iit Icouncli1 to a- wlte r Up.. a d*av ! t e er!tid visalie to pi if closing of titis brancit hr " t's a special time and gel in touch.wii prices go as 10w for ceai econ. ~a'~sis.~ Vle.-cas the United Co .gît en xto c c i applicali, act ol IJU!' an îc n rpai ter 62 (i l1 tii. ai o SUPREME SHORTENING ...... 2 lbs. for 23c Ldw;id N'II, l9LU5, bciîg ; PURE LARD, 1 lb. Carton...... *.........15e 'ti~îeîu and Dur CORN BEEÈ ................. 2 tins for 25c te îîîaiitritcc i coutin GLACIER SARDINES ý...... 2 tins 25c ior tliîL inaitenaiieeu urdg sn the said Ulilte. GOLD MEDAL COFFEE............ 1/ lb. 22C e hie Iltavii SALADA TEA............... 1/2 lb. 28C- 32c At and auicniet tici LYONS TEA ................1/ lb. 28c- 32C an dpui îc- c te FRY'S COCQA ..... . . per tin 23e Durlanixntiled t,)sit on KOLONA COFFEE..... . .per pkg.29c 'of Northumnberland and was iteld ai tlii town of SUICED PINEAPPLE . . .........2 tins 19c on thte 24tit dat' of Janu AUNT DINAH MOLASSES ........ per tin 1lic atwlc' n algt s:d SHELLED WALNUTS............. per lb. 45C for a privaite art sltould i, WESTON'S SODAS............ 2 ib. box 25c itsberesenttvcs o fi PEARL SOAP .. .. .... .. .. .. . .5 bars for 1 9c poeG ece Hou xi, Cci CARBOLIC SOAP............. 2 bars for 9lc and Reg. O. joncs svas ai GILLETT'S LYE ................per tin 12c and raters tli oi;tyAc Li.r4'MON QIL, nmedium size........ 23c asait tiie said nccting of CHOICE TOMATOES........... 3 tins for 25C and rtso\ cd that thecai DICED BEETS ................. . per tin 10e Durliani shotld be askcxd DICED CARROTS............... per tin 10c their couincils ti appr,\e( SPLI PES .. ... ...2lbs forlic tir' taken ai thc said m SPLIT PES 2 lis.for Ilcththe said represenitati% WHITE BEANS .................. per lb. 5c be ampv itiiorzed to o ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS .....per tin 18C "idrapplicit sohe council of the Tuwnsitp 3UGAR 10 lbs. 55C do itcreby approve of an ,VAPORATED APRICOTS ........ per lb. 27c ro te Cditoftc rpr COOKING FIGS .................. per lb. SC and had at the said nireti SULTANA RAISINS . .. 2 îbs. for 23c )LD HOME ROSES BREAD, sliced, per loaf 10c CRACKED WHEAT BREAD, sliced ...... 10c GOLDEN GLOW ............8c ORANGES, FRUITS, VEGETABLES, HADDIE THE FIRST CUSTOMER DRAWING A PRIZE ON ACOUPON FROM CAVERLEY'S STORE WILL RECEIVE EXTRA A 20 LB. BAG GRANULATED W. C. CAVERLEY RED & WHITE STORE "Quality, Value, Service & Courtesy" BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE 62 Stationery SaleIS FOR OPPORTUNITY DAYS m 1 _______________________________ __________il- -- autixorize and empowcr lte said crniuiittec la take such proccecdings as llicv mav deciit advisabie 10o, p-j l'ose te passing of the sa id pro- poscd private aeî.-Carried. Res. 1023: Pattont-ilaxans :Tht the rcc uiand clcrk bc auîhorize lu sigit ansd stinit t10helite nister' o f Public Iigliways of Ontario thei petitinof te Corporation of the Toivnxsiip of Clarke siow itg tat durîîîg the prriod Jaxitiars I1 toDe- cem!uer 15, 1934, tîxerc lias bren cx- pencid u ipoiite townshxip roads the stiiit i $673493, asYd reqîcslixtg tlite st7(iitfrv grant ointat amnotîxît as pros îded by the Ontarjo) High- %vatt Act aîîd axîcadmexîrts tluec- to.-Carricd. Rcs. 1026: Reid-Laing: Tiat te coilector of rates anîd taxes, C. F. .todc. bc and lie is bcrcby author- izeîl to conttinuxe te collection of ai i un paid taxs c in the nuni leipal i. lv ii txp 10 arcit St ixxext in te utainer snd by the powcr prescrit- cd bvs' aw for te generai ievv axîd collection aifte sane-Carried. Res. 1027: lHaxî-x-Pattoxî: Titat i coxformity wiitite Dog and Sitceî-b Protctioni Art, titis couinril liere appoints Clarextce Allun t alliî.,r for the ltjvs siip oi Clarkte for thie vear 1935 the fec for ecdi trip taubc $2.50.-Carried. Foilowing bis werc ordereul pa id: Peler Laîing, suicep daxmages $1400 Nojrxuaiî Ailixi, slxccp ixspetor 2.50j R. 1-. Wood, rarctaker ...12.50 Mxunxicipali Warld, dog tags axnd tsvo subscrxptions... 1.35 Mrs. IE. J. Raxidall, înonîhîly j1713 Bout R. v F'. .......... 40.09 \.J. _Stapiýes, division registrar 22.50 E. L. LacNaclttaii, Treasurer: 50 p.c. mIre. L. B3aldwin in .Musk. Hosp. 31 Jan. 1935 23.25 cirh, b1. Cornisi, relief order Mrs. J. Attfxid ............ 4.00 J. R. Cooper, reli order 'Mrs. J. Shtacklerton..... ........ 10.50 Arxmstrong Sx., relief order C. J. Moods'............... .4.-o Cawker. relitef order Mrs. C. J. Moody.................. 2.00 Mrs. Jno. Clysdaie, relief cr6. er Noahi Foslcr............ 12.00 Jodut lic îrv, roa d suicritteii- dentl : StlxpI. 22.00; postage 2' 8:roîd initre. 08.90 ...93.48 Oiitiri, .Associatiountof Ruiral 1935 ..................... 5.00 Hoivard Lixîtoxi, order Polixce Trustecs .................. 1.25 Tlios5. Sxmithî. agenît, order Police 'Frustecs ...........20.00 Rcs. 1028: Laiutg--Reid : ThaIttis cotîncil nowv adjouril ta lacet agaixi n te rouxîcili ramber, Orono, Ont., ext iixesciay-, arch 5tît, at tihe tour of tlx o'riork arm. for the transac- tion of gencral btsinc.se. A. J. STAPLES, F. B. I OVFKIN, CIcrk. Reeve. Extremniats Not Wanted (Lethbridge IHeraid) Thse average person cannot Bee why we cannot eut through tise web which Is blnding down the great mass of tise peoPle to a stanidard of living asucli below; nom ron they see why this.,can- not te <loue witiiout setting up n new axnd experlmentuil order cf thlngs elîher by way of Fascisai or Soclalisin. A Scot was cashlng a £20 cheq- xe. Wisen he reeeived the notes, hp touxted tiieni cPrefully. stop- îslng when lie reachied the nîne- t9enth. "Wtly don't yotx courit tho lwentieth?" Inqtired the accourit- ant. "Alia, tîsero niglit ho two tlsere.'" OFFER. YOU THE FOLLOWING O UTS TANDING VAL UES' For Thursday to Wednesday, Fe b. 28th, ta March 6th, Inclusive1 SLICED PINEAPPLE GOLD MEDAL COFFEE, '/2'& .... per tin 42c CROWN TEA, 's........... per pkg. 25c WHEEN'S CARBOLIC SOAP ...... 2 bars 9c PEARL WHITE SOAP......5 bars 19c LILY WHITE SYRUP, 2's........ per tin 19c PITTED CHERRIES ............ per tinl17c FRY'S COCOA, 1/2's.........per tin 23c GLACIER SARDINES.. .. 2 tins for 15c ci GILLETT'S LYE (cash and carry), per lin 12c SCOTCH MINTS ...............per lb. 19c KOLONA COFFEE, 1's ........ per pkg. 29c HAWE'S LEMON OIL, medium botule . ... 23c HEREFORD CORNED BEEF ...... 2 tins 25c AUNT DINAH MOLASSES ...... per tin 10C SNAP POWDER................ 2 tins 25e BALMORAL CREAM BISCUITS .. per lb. 15e ISU PREME lb h SHORTENINC A2. 23 F, W. NELLES Bruce Sbauld Fight (Port Rowan News) Sorne of tise strong mati ortise Conservative party are question- Ing tise wisdom o! thse Lieutenant- Govenor's meek suhmaission to tise insulta wisici tihe preseut Governnent is iseaplng upon him at Toroxnto. Quarreling mlist suit a *politiclan better titan turn. ing the otter ciseek but aur Gov. emnor Is ai quiet gentleman wisose duty for a lifetixîtu las beexi: SHELLEDY WALNUTS, Halvea ..1/4lb. 12c TOMATOES, Gold Medal Choice . 3 tins 25c SPLIT PEAS................. 2 bà. lic WESTON'S SODAS ........ 2 lb. box 25c CHOICE ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS, tin 18c ORANGES ........... per doz. 29c - 39c STRAWBERRY JAM, Crosse & Blackwell's per jar...................... 35c HABITANT PEA SOUP ...... per tin 10c FALCON KEIFFER PEARS .... 2 tins 25c Phon.e 599 "How cati I best serve my fellow meu,' and whose life lias becîx at every stage a pure axsd whole- some ainswer to tisait question. If ise iad been a mati of battling ilood like nsost o! our politir- Lins, lie eould have done sorne- tising long ago, and our Prime Minister mlght ha away back on hie farma gettlng bis sap trougise ready for tise eomiîsg sugar-znak- log season. Tisere are plenty osf good Reformers te laRe bis place. Chase & Sanborn 's Colffee Is per lb. 39C Bowmanville His Golden Argosy (Edmonton Bulletin) No line or steamships and no line of railway cati ever take thse place of an International highway as ai tourist attraction. Tise automobile owner le captain of hi. own sip and condUctor Of hits own train. Any klid of a velele having fouir wheels. ai brake ancka gas engine becomes to its owner a Goldeni Argosy intb *wsich ho cat I lad hlm fam- Ily and atart for the Land et Dreams. Dieting doesn't seem as popsi- lac as It used to be, now thit It's a necesaity Instead, o! a lux- ury.-Toronto Saturday night. Russian planes have been seen ov'er H1ilaosutfen, Tocyoi and linotype operators are ag- hast.-Kingèton Whig-Standard., ELN S HOP OPPORTUNITIES% Hosiery pr.69c Hosiory pr.89c House Dresses 89e Two Piece Pyjamas Crepe, Chiffon and Service Weight. AU wool and silk and wo>ol Ladies' [Isar tls n i ur nted silk and wool, regularly- sold for Every pair first quality. Clear, sheer Hase. Guninetal and B.escoyne fast colons. A new dresa free ik $2.50 a suit. Only a limited num- and beautiful. shades only. Reg. $1.00 89C it fades. 16 to 44 ih lt. '89r shades. GT THESE (1f 81/2 to 101/2 .............. Pair U9c and $1.25. On Sale .... Pair Mafly styles. Special .... each AT .............Pair $1.79F Misses' Crepe Dresses at$3.e5each Sand Crepe Dresses for Misses in newest Spring aliades. Dresses that the young Miss will be proud ta, wear. 14 te 20 in the size range. le1û1 Fifteen in thse group so act quickly ....................Each W#>3f95 New Spring Merchandise is Here You'Ul be delighted with thse magnificent display of new Spring Dresses, Coats, Millinery and accessories that we will have con view during tbis big sale. Here's a great oppcrtunity to select your Soring apparel while talc- ing advantage of thse big values of aur Sale. If you se. scmetbing that particularly appeals to, you, w. wilU be glad to put it away until you need it, and only a amall deposit i. required. PULLO VERS $1 .79 Long and short sleeve Fullovers lni lifglit and dack coldrs. Regularly prlccd at $2.95 eacb, and rcds especlaliy for ti .ah 17 Fabric G loves 79cpr. A nice assortnsent of 'fabric Glaties ln the pull ons styles. In Saind, Broiu, JBlaick and %Vhste. A regular D&9 C value. On Sale, pairt a I N Winter Coats SACRIFICE PIRICES OnIy 100 Conas eft, andi every one goes on sale at EXACTLY HALF PRICE. Shzen 10ata 42. Reg. $15.00 to $85.00. The EVLYN SHOP OFFERS As our Pnize li the Opportun. lIty Days Camnpaign, ire offer VREE a $10.00 Dress. SHOP AT THE EVLYN FOR REAL VALVE. t' The Evlyn Ladies Spocilalty Shop:n Phono 594 L TICER BRAND Salmon No. 1/2,3 lTins 2 tins 25c First Six Customers . « Friday Morning Noise Dresses Given Free To get r sale off to a big start an Friday mcrnmgr we have arranged that the. first six lady purchasers in aur store will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE, an up-to-the.mmnute House Dress. Be among thse first six at the. Evelyn Shop Friday. Kait Suits at Less Than Wholesale Here's a group of exceptiomafly fine knit suits ini Spning and summner shades. Only a dozen itise lot, but they are really.unusual. Tiae. piece suits, well worth $12.50. On Sae .......... $7 95 ý,ýi TFIE CANADrAM STATMIÇIAN, BOWMANMME, Tnrn-m.-.7, rznRitART 2e, i9es PAGE BLEVEN

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