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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 13

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THE CANÂDIAN STÂTESMÂN, EOWMÂNV!LLEq TiTURSDAY, FEE~A~Y 23, 1935 -~ 9'AGE ?mREEN Sh op-in Bowmanville Stores on "eOpportuniety Days" Sen. 2nd-Walter Rickard, Geo. Downing, Fred Cornisi>, lBella 1HXil un DIM ana DISTANTorn- THE IM a d D STAN PA T si, Normtan Colw~eh., Chas. Joness, Ada Cornish. Florie Galbraith, John Colder, wrn. Pollock, Wm. Bernail, FIFTY YEARS AGO 11ranton, Anînie OakeF. Ed. Os- Magîc Pullock-, lHalle Gray. (From the Canadian Statesman, borne, Wni. J c ,iha tGalbraith, Friday, March 6, 1885.) \Vin Coiwill, Chias. Cando, Wesley The residcnce of the officers of Shaws SchooAl Hnuse-Reporto stn Sen>. 3rd-Netîa Oakes, the Salvation Army, on Ontario S. S. No. 1, Darlington, for the rdPoeTmsî PnoudSctwre burglarously entered nrth of Fclhru-.r\,: 4th class-1 Chas. Rowc; Jun. 3rd-Adda Rick- on Saturday nighit while the offi- Esva Osborne, \Vrclc., Jewl Frasnk lard, John Sando, ,Mitchell 30110w;, cers vwerc on duty in the Barracks OPPORTUNITY DAYS SPECIALS SWEAT PADS Reg. 65c 49c ELECTRIC LIONT BULBS 30 and 60 Watt 1 1 5c EACH GALUVN IZED PAILS Reg. 2&c and 3&c 19c-27e MOP STICKS 14c' FLOOR WAX Reg. 50a 22c DAIRY PAILS Reg. 60c 49c MA&SON & DÀALE Phone 145 Hardware Sporting Coods Opportunity Days WOMEN'S f WOMEN'S MEN'S Boys' OXFORDS SHOES 'SHOES OXFORDS and BOOTS .111 H-ecis__ Black only Black only. Sizes 1 tu ù Ailyt $1f~jAil ~.9and 8 to BOS*RAINETIE i lLJ ).. WORK RURBERS ......$1.79 i,'..omen's MI15 s >1 ','Chlldren'o% RUBBERS .11 sizes. Ail heels RB RS WORK RUBBERS ... $1.49 îîîack orBrw Ail sizc'- 11 v rt- -- 49W Perpa- WORK RUBBES.. $1.39 $1 .19Y SLUHETE ROM SLIPPERS. 89c pr. WOMEN'S SHOES '.PECIL - - 8c Bîw- Wý lack or Brown l'Cr pair 9 e WOMIENIS .11 Heeis . Ail sites WO.Eý'SCLTH HOUSE SHOES....89c pr. $2.79 RVeg$,TRAPSHOED S 98c pr. WOMNS SHES Clerin ~CHILREN'S OXFORDn!; A.îli Heds A itSes S i z e 5 o 7 % S i m s 8 t o lO " iJ . S ix .. Il ta Z . $189 Pr. $1.19 . $.29 . $1.39 $1.39 YOU'LL SAVE PLENTY AT THIS GREAT MID-WINTER CLEARANCE COWAN e BO H> BLOC KNAOHD SHOE STORE ROWMAMVLLE Opportusity Day Coupons Given at This te RING STRIEET and bcîween two and thiree dollars stolen-the proceeds ui, thât day's sale of the %%*ar Cry. 'llie atnuuiit stolen was more thani made up1 by a special collection o11 Sunday. M r. James L. H-ughies is Presid- cnt of the Toronîto 'Icachers As- sociatiton. Jesse AllSert James, son u.f the Editur cf this paper, had a narrow escapc from instant death on Set- urday. lie xvas playing %,çith sonme otlier boys in the loift o! Dr. Young's Veterinary Stables, when lie fell througli a hatchway to thc floor beneath. a distance cf 8 or 10 fect. Fortunately lie siruck on bis feet and sustained only slight in- jury. Eiglit persons applied for admis- sion te Wellingtonî Lod.ge ot the sons of England on Tuesday night. The membcrship is increasing rapidly. The residence of theciverable Jesse VanCamp. King St. east, was the scene of more than usual interest during tise past week, the cause of ibis bcing thse celebratiori of bis birthday, aînd the annuai visit of some relatives who reside at a distance from the "Old Hm. Newtonville - A pain fui accident occurrcd here last Saturday te Mr. S. Jones, Sc. While in the woods sliooting witiî a voung man> by thc namne cf Wade, the gun o! the lat- ter accidently ivent off and shot Mr. Jones in the muscle o! thse arm carryîng away thse flesh. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO (From tise Bowmanvilie News, March 4, 1910) Mr. M. A. James was re-elected, on thse Executive of tise Ontario Francis of the Dominion Alliance at thse annual convention In Tor- onto and ls a nierber of tise Pub- lcation Committee. A. tV. Carter. wlso has been teller of the local brancla ef tise Standard Bank for the past four years, lbas heen tran6ferred to tîteir new branch at Midale, Sask. 7Mr. J. S. Williams, Sunder- land. la fthing thse vacancy bere. Asnong tîsose In attendance from thias ectioni at Durham Old Boya' Association Re-unton tI To- ronto, Monday evenhîsg. were: Mcas. Marvin Burk, Miss Eva Buck. Mrs. John Lyle, Mr. M. A. James. Misa Ethel L. VanNest, Miss Jean Tod, Mrs. Isaac Jeweil, John Penfound, Mrs. Bessie Haw- key. Thse 7th consecutIve annual fn- ancial statement of thse tresurer ôf Darllngton township In the haiidwrltlng of Mr. Henry Elliott, clerk and treasurer, lias been re- ceived. and we are Informed tlsat every page ln the treasurer's book 4,uring theee 7 yeara was writter. by' hlm. We congratulate Treasur- er Elliott en fis long and faltbtui public service. By the deatis of Rev. William Edward Carroll. B.A., who passed away on Saturday mornIng. Feb. 26tb;* the commuity bas lbat a mani of rare gentlefless and good- ness. Mr. Carrol was appointed Rector of St. John's cisurcis, Iow- ananvîlle, six years aga next Aprfl. .Mared-'Rldge-.-Wrigt- On Feb. 16. et the 'Methodlst l'arsen- age. Enniekîlien. by Rev. John A. Jewell, B.A., Wilbert Ridge. Pon- typool, and Miss Winnie Elfieda M., only daughter et Mr. John Wright. Haydon. Mýarrled--Connors--Moore-o,. Feb. 23, by Rev. J. F. Cermnan, of Coliege St. Methodist Chutrrit, Florence E. 'Mooreand Htîiis P. Connors, bots 0f Toronto. Died-Wright - Tin-flowman- ville, on > Mardi 2. Jane Càwkec, relict of the late Stephen Wri.-ht, aged 78 years. Dled-M,%acLean-In Darling- ton, Feb. 21, Jane M\acILeau, wld- 0w of lIse late D. E. Macbeati. aged 75 yearff. Lust week a charter was issiiel from thse office cf tise onourahie thse Secretary of State at Ottaiva Incorparating Tise Goodyear Tire and Rubbec Co., Lilted, of Can- ada, with a capital stock of $250,- 000. Createa Scene JOHN McGOVEBN Glasgow, Scotlind, M.P., wiso ce. cently created a sensation ln tte British Houa. of Commosîs by a verbal attack on the Royal 11 amur. What He Enjoys Most (Kingston Whig-Standard) To tise question ef an inter- viewer at New York tise other day ai tb what lie enJoyed most now, former Presildent Herbert Hoover replied: "I llîlnk what 1 enjOY ino5;t s tise fact that 1 can diseuise natters wxtis people rnt great lengtis and not bie cempeil- tO corne 10 any decIsion." It 's a revealing and a human remark from e mati who bas held ,te igbest office in is country. I carried tremendoualy lîeavy re- sponsibilities, been feced coinf- uousiy wit tihe tesk 0f nakinq decisions, meny of them of tisa weightlest effeet. It la suggestive of tise burden that governnient in its tremendousiy compllcated anid far-.reacising liaracter today lays lîpon tise Individual or indivi- duels at its head. ]3y the sam-' token It 6uggests. we imagine, tle nature of tise feeling of relief te whlcis those who carry govrrn- mental burdens se often give ex- pression when tisey celinquisi- teniporariy or peýrmanently--tlie reinseof office. United States Isolation (Sans Francisco Argonaut) WiiI otîr rejertion of tise Cour-, keep us otut o! Enropean wars ..If we are eerlous about Iso- lation we sisould break off diplo- matie relations witi tise rest of tise world. abrogate al Interna- tional transactione, monetary and otberwlse, niake it a crime for eny one to enter or leave thq coutntry, sinkthtie aercisant mar- ine, cul. ail oceats cablea, suppresa ali fereign xiews, ban ail short wave radios, and perbaps, as a iast resort, shoot ail the f oreign- ers wiso haven't yet taken out their final ritizenship papers. "I arn sure tisat the fertflity o! tise iumnan mind cannot, lîke pigs, be restrained from produc- tion by law or subsidiea."--Owen L. Young. Kers lake 's. Opportun"ity Salei KERSLAKE'S DRUG STORE P. R. COWLING, PHM.B. If Your Eyes Trouble You Consuit Us. We Guarantee Satisfaction FOR OPPORTUNITY DAYS IRIDAY SAUSACIS lb.J lOC 3 Ibs. 23c Round Steak lb. 15C 2 lbs. 27c MONDAY SHORTENING DRIPPING lb. lOC 5 îbs .-25c 3 lbs. 23c SATURDAY CHUCK ROAST or BOILINO BEEF lb . 10V m TUESDAY SAUSAGES 3Ils. 25c lb, lOc ~j1 j un-I. P I WEDNESDAY A.M. ROUND STEAK lb. 15e - 2 Ibs. - 27c ABOVE PRICES, CASH AND CARRY WATCH next week's Stateaman for Thursday and Friday Speciala, andl watch our widows for other spcials every day, In addition to the $3.00ii in erchandise offered in the generai draw, Cawker's offer as a special prize to any wsnner drawing a ticket stamped with Cawker's name, a 7 lb, Rosat of Beef, vahed at $1.00. Ce M. CAWKER& SON PHONE 64 PURVEYORS 0F HIGH CLASS PROVISIONS FOR 80 YEARS. mmimb 1 mmu-J le EN THE CANADTAN STATES3fAN, BOWMAMMLE, TTMRSDAT. MMRrAItT 28, 1939 ' , m il

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