4 T TI-E CANADIAN STATESMAN, lowM4ANVILLE, TIIURSDAY, FEBR11ART 28, 1988 present located for language study, itnd to an accouit of "'Ir flrýt Christmas ln Afrira, hc Ca Tw gh Bo in A rc lias made a decp impression upon us as ineweomers t. the county lanud the mission. Describes Mission Christinmae fv n oý iitpesn Misso d Chasama, ardng ieprseins c tl ~oat-wii, ae nov ~00w comfortaly Nitovae hSitr , a.ngn. Ir, cf thépesoleofndhe fcthlocated. Ve were toid by other Nov Sitra Anol. ty ftepope n ofith. ik onarics both in Canada ari Janar 1Fiend1.-but as yet our observations and on tilo trip îniand thiat we wouid Dear Fiends-opinions of fe ie hrf art, likely lll iie Chsamba. and wa ere no! A request haq reached us for a to bie too superficial to lie worthy i iisappointed when we arrived. ht lctLer from Africa. ta which more of passing on to others. It takes al Is a place of considerable beauy rersons than thosje in our Immed- long time ta become reaaiy ac- the rentre cf a lsrîe work, and ito familles migbt bave 1 ae quainted wlth theIlife of a new the borne cf soe very fine worl'- Fo this letter la written ln reï- people. For that réason thls let- rs, both native and misslonary. ;îonse ta the request. Tlîere la lter wll ha Iltted f o a brief de- eost of the mission buildings are on con!d write regarding limpres- iscription of the Chissamba INIls- Igrouped not far apart on lpira nuch that one could write re- clon Station, where we are at I.round that rises on one of tiLe b'- là! WeII Sir!. Look Here i3argains Galore AT CORBETT'S Look o'vr ths specials, good for cash only at Carbett's. SHere's real savings for Oppartunity Days. These prices good throughout the seven day sale. Raisin Loaf, reg. 12c Sale............... loc Nut Loaf, reg. 12c. Sale................ 10c Large Raisin, reg. 25c Sale............. 20c Cashew Nuts, reg. 65c Sale............ 57c Fresh Roasted Peanuts................ lb. 15c H-ome Made Hurnbugs, reg. 30c. Sale .... lb. 26c Fresh Assorteci Chocolates, reg. 30c. Sale lb. 21c =SAssorted Toffee, reg. 30c. Sale......... lb. 13c JelIy ROUiS1 Reg. 15Sc. Sale .............13 Cocoaraut Macaroons 3 Reg. 16c. Dozen ...........13 Layer Cakes16 Reg. 18c. Sale ..........eachl6 Pies, Apple and Raisin. 2 Reg. 25c. S l ..-........2 Tarts, Raspberry or Butter. Regz. 15c. Dczen .......... Werner and Parkerhouse Rails. Reg. 15c. Dozen ........... 13C 13C SPECIAL OFFER For the duration of the sale only we $ . Brea Ticets r a regular $1.35 sheet of Bread CASH. Tik tfor enly ................... CORBETT'S BAKERY HOSIERY SPECIALS 15 Dozen Womnen's Lisle Hose, reg. 25c.......... Pair 15C 10 Dozen Silva Silk Hicae.37 Reg. 59ec..........Pi 7 20 Dozen Full Fashioned Hose, lat quality. Regular 79c and $100......... Pair67C f.. tu' n( iii BOWMANVILLE anj HOUSE FURNISHINGS Table Oilcloi.b Squares ... 97c 45" Table Oilcloth.. . yd. 45c 54" Table Oi'clotb ... yd. 65c $2.98 Axminster Rugs. 27 x54 .......$2.19 Congoleum Ruga 27 x 54 .. 98c 2,000 Yards, anteed fasticc 1,000 Yards. Reg. 25c Voiles, Gini Fancy Seersu Crepes .... 4000 Reg. 15e 5 SimpIicity Patterns MEN'S WEAR COMFORTERS Men's Overal 15 Dozen Men'a Fancy So. 1 6ony reg. $3.98 Silk $1.98l Pants. Reg Values to 39e. . ....P air A UC pa naIs and centres .... Mien's Shirts, for wcrk or C 72" Heavy Sbeeting 7 en's Work dreas, reg. 79c and $1.0 . C.6 Reg. 49c yd ........... Yard37dc Reg. $1.79 fi SCORES 0F OTHER BARGAINS THROUGHOUT THE STORE NELSON'S LOWER PRICED OPPOSITE ROYAL THEATRE CROCERY EI Ill HAND PICIKED TOMATrOES 3 cans 23c doz. 90c IANNED CORN 3 cans 2.3c doz. 90c PEAS .... 3 for 29c doZ. $1.10 CREAM 0F BARLEY pkg. 25c CLAYi l3FN10- CORNED BEEF 2-14 oz. tins 2.3c I.1'IITAX'T PEA SOUP large size 2 for 19c m m lb. 23c rib re. lb. tin 23c ietios 2 for 2.7c 3 3 bs. 23c 40 oz. 25c 6 for 25c -6 bars 23c ~1 j M - E- 9 rails 235c 2 lb. tin lic S2 Ibs'. 23c m m m ~I COCOA - Eqele alor, sta Of il]( BAKINO POWDER tunt 'or an ciperanie 2arcr ,i'ir the I'I\IZ lote f l rictli. SOU PS 1 5 vari ott siiii \ c v Yonet,'of. ilivr one 0f lierions.DATES - - Ides ol a river Tarn' MA RMALADE resgrow 210oit:(. in i mh' c"D rcurCs Pmd p rJDAin.~1- LTO)N in' fr tr ile ' nj h ,-r' n JELLY POWDER he rhrh lv"-"i ' wi ' e!(] I'!'.'1I1ET hatched 7-.ý,: rirf- hIt r nt (e hem hav e n~'i <"i '-' 'r d SOIA P - - hý. mro- m ni 1' . i i i hlil' - g. F!nr r '1'îi' !ý)"-ý7 .'i I I TER tavl TC ILET PAPER ;ow 111;o w 1-1 '. '.aid Ci! neï 12ve ]I " 'tiil i' Iu l i 1 l"; i- Ti!, rd - 1t' 0,' A D LACH'WELL rg blt wJTOMATO JUICI ý ti y a di r'; î iler z' M q i i S L1-ý.zý1' i l'vcFIVE ROSES FLOUR id thp.ita'i' ' We hund 0:11V t .*c ýi- 24 lhs. 79c ght d,!Ys' Wv' I i lv arr:'i.' ;i'- ýs wa, n'"i 'r r"' C 1! On in t ' w*' at îni r P .iritig t'inci ' as ac iii"ifli 01'. R id th,.tiiu H N 186 OR 121 On oc i?ý-«.ihn "Ccîl'r. 't . If,1 g chlcîi:' 'e alf n'i n. T1i .îî. p "r'"' ' reatcr part of the time. lu the id n of r \' diii ru i îî,lc mtîeiiic v. , found a universal lan- ta i tt mi. ,1 no 'or1. I-iiitt il iraL î twever. We cou!d flot uni- ,s al [-' ' -i t c-t_ -s'andti he oords, It la true, but fthe 'e! ' 'id . n f or Z. t' vitCn t;e hord the tunes of faiii- :iian Clînistinas hym: s we knew 'liit Ili n'o-zt cases the words wenc rd, ' r.a r iltts ef those that ire had rît g nir,)often et home. aud ire c ' 'h t o jmin in spirit lr th.o t ,1e.o f Nworship. Ciii 1, t roc',,day' itself wa,-, otu rr ni meinontihe. It began fer ) À&'il thrt'o o'clnck in the, niernin.- t lui vi\,,-c- we-awiikenela by the iiîg:li;z.p f ilh in. "0 came ail iif:î iit il". rirtside oui' bed- Oit idow. Twenty-two of the -;nJoir s oere mnting tl'eir FIis ctegilîg Chrlst'mls carols. L U Oun first wakefi:l moments on o. i-e:îiig wùrepcnt lis- 'litt o ~iilunes that we liai .-ird nt tiiet season froîn our * îIdtnid.Aficr thcy had Sung 'ru yiiyttîmertiofletia'-ove. and! "0 littte to'wn n'fBethlehemn". ",v novei -ou te thé other miq- on intscs. but wA roult! stitl ':in their sinEing for noariy hialf 'hour. At oue of thé mi%!sIoti 'u'-sthey rcceived well-deserv- I refncoihnents and then we et. eleft ln quiet until daybreak. ÇVhen we went ta sleep It was PRINTS .-!th th.at deep Jey ln aur béants Iilt is xrNl(-rencedoetly when thé sreg. 17c. Guar- i-Aal niraîîtng cf Christmas lins calors . .....Yar d i'-,n prcsenîed bcautifully 10the I "7Ounr Christmais day festivities ............. Yrd 1ev' r i c dlî t tDr. Tucker's bouse. .Yar '~ itimaY bho wellte explain aI Ibis nghans ad Sirtigs. point titat Dn. Tucker ls thé evai- gbams nd Shrti-sg. îtic oî:esiunary 0f thé station suckeî' 1 D, tpvs:. Aliof thé local mis- ..........Yarldu slonarics and thnee othens who weea iiting hère gathened théri: - - - -- - bout nine o'cleck lu thé mornIng for the distribution af Chîristmas prosents. Thene was a cedar Christmias Inca. laden with gifta lunenneronrner of thé living roon,. h ' an! Sauta Clauis camé lnl its rai suit to di-3tributé thé présents. Ali F I were thé alcigh bélîs an! thé siîow, but the beautîfual flowere, particularly the roises. abenedt ON 0 A AON O 0%At half past ten wé attendéd t he Cliînstmas day cburch service aud cuJoyeti soe more of thé fa;'eurite, hymus cf thé season. Dr. T'îcler preachai! thé sermon, but the prcceuce of ane cf out b ailssiDnarica in the pulpit did!nnI atke the sermen aur moeé ntpl- s ' hie.for ha preechied IlUnli-i undu too. Thera lu another feit- e e -", of thé services bheéthat :rirbitl'e nîcutiened wbilé upealc. ilg of langîzagos. Thené Ili élways it c eas3t one hymu. and Borne- lalls and Rivet imes a. lesgon Ilu Porttigiésé, as i. $l39 . ~IC rî atiosp Ii iUnibundu. Mal $1.3 ......... j c 1th, nativEs do net unde-stani! - - 1ýý ý,l1ot ail those Nvio !have heen kPants. q i i i <ilha.ve, becuîtaughit Pertu- for .......... 1 i9 h iz cver.t of Christmas iras STOMACII UPSIDE DOWN Smillng eouragéôusly despite thé péril to ber Ilfe troas a rare physicél aliment, Alyce Jane Ne- Henry', 10. 01 Omah~a, Neb., lu ,shown here as she rested an ber way ta Fail River, blasti., for au operation. Reptus. cf tise dia. phragm bas turned ber stomacb nearly up*lde down and se la living aimait entireiy on les Cream. 98 Ibs. $2.89 7 7lbs. 27c rALLIN )CER ]BOWMANVILLE good thinga should be saved as long as possible we ats our Chrlstmas dinner ln tho évésîlng. It ls rather lnteresting te note that we&would be eating cOr din- uer at the same tîme as those at home who had theirs at norin. Our time lu six heursaead cf Ea6tern Standard time ln Canada. The dinner was as much Ilke the enes that wé have at hom'e as It was possible te have here. ln- cluding turkey. plum pudding. nets, and candies. Even the. table decorations were ln true Cana- dian style; littlé trees suit artfl- cial snow weré ameng the orna- nietits. A quiet evenlng of vlsitirug with thé guéaIs followéd the dînuer. and thus aur ifirst Christmas ln Africa drew te a close. There was little about It tbat was unuemual. Perhaps the tact that lt was en' sîmilar te a Christmas at homne was what lmpressed nus most. We, Éhall flot forlet its lesson hoir- éver. that It la the spirit of t1us day that courits for most an!1 gives it Ils true meaning. If that ls present, lt Is Christmas wher- ever yeu are. Yeu realise tht blesang tbat wais prôuôuncAd np- on thé eartb at the birth of our Lord.-«'Peace on earth, good wl! toward men." With évery good wish to aur fnieudsataIhome, Sincere!y, VERONA & MERRILL FERGUSON. iTHE GRIEATEST SALE 0F Men's and Young Men's CLOTHING EVER STAGED IN THIS TOWN 3W0 MeWs and Young Men'& Suit& and Overcoats, aul new goods, at price. far below the market price. Don't (ail to visit this store for the big Gala Week lu Clothing for, Men. 50 SUITS' MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S 15 different patteras to chose from. ON SALE $1350 I XTRA PANT .. $1.5G '75 SUITS MutentSAYOdUfrNG at tin 5c il E NSYU tom. ON SALE $16530 EXTRA PAIITS .. $3.95 150 Men's and Young Men's sUITS In 35 different patteins. Fashion Craft Make. R- duced to lowest pdinluou history. On Sale 19 Extra Trousers $ 5.00 25 ONLY Msn's and YOUNG MEN'S O'Coats AUl styles and colorn. FASHION CRAET MAKE ON SALE Don 't Fail to Look at Our Windows And see the many other specials for this big shopping evenL Scores of other items on sale at drastically reduced prices. Don't miss this big opportunity. ht will Le a long time before it occurs again. S. G. Chartran Clothing -Furnishings PHIONE 36 BOWMANV ILLE jJl PHONE 3 7 7 OPPORTU NITY FEATURING A&LL STAÀR VÀ PHONE 595 p -- -- 7----7- m Ls 1 - 1 ý ý À&I $14@11