TECIRCULATION 0F Section One ISSUE 350 lai es4L&bI4n1a ,Pages 1 -8 With Which Is Incorporated The Bownanville News VOLlJtNIE 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28th, 1935 NUMBER BOWMA&NVI LLE MERCHANTS SEVEN "OPPORTUNITY DAYS"r A&NNOUNCE m MA&RCH 1-8 Many Valuable Prizes WiII Be Given Away By T/te Bowman ville Retail Merchants Association During Tihis Mammoth Event MRS. W. P. HALL WAS Drys in Newcastle Lacked Ten Votes HONORED BY FRIENDS TRoornsw an ON SILVER WEDDING To Hait Operation of Beer om Companions of the Forest Present B g S o p n Address and Gif t on Occasion StraightM jrt f5 of Twenty-Fifth Welding HAMPTON Registered by Temper- More Than$ Anniversary ance Forces - 94% of A vry leaantandjoly evening Miss Eleanor Sykes visited in Osh- Etr oe"sPle was enjoyed by the Companions of, awa. the Forest in the Sons of England' Miss Jessie Knox spent the week-- Last TbursdayL sto P ies a hall on Thursday evening when the enld at home.Lito rz sa members after the close of the reg-' Mr. Sid Kersey and Mr. G. Ad- The question submitted to the el- ular meeting presented one of tijeir cock are busy harvesting ice. ectors o! Newcastle on Feb. 2lst. on ON DISPLAY ALL WEEK members, Mrs. W. Hall, with a Mrs. L. Cryderman is visting hier which they were asked to vote YES slight token of their goodwill on the mother, Mrs. Clark, Toronto. or NO was, "Are you in favor of PRIZES occasion o! hier weclcing anniver- authorities being issued for stand- Grcrsalef830 sary. The following address was Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowling 'visited ard hotels and other premises Grocres, Vaueof$.00 ra ik read by Mrs. Chris Robinson and Mr. an ChMrsy L.Ms on. Oshaa wherein beer or wine may be soldThe Mrs. Delmage made the presentation Se InCryTie"cmdunder the Uàquor Control Act?" It S3. Merchandise or S5. on a Seni-i of a silver cake basket on behal! of Mar. 5th, Tyrone Hall, 25C and 15c.! was frequently spoken o! as a re- Merchandise, Value of $3.00 the members: Mr. and Mrs .Alan McKessock and fcrendum. By official count of!Re Box of Stationery, Value S4.00 Bowmanville, February 20th Elma visited Mr. and Mrs. Joe turning Officer H. C. Bonathan 228 Ladies' Dress, Value $10.00. Dear Companion Hall: Chapman.1 Persons voted NO and 170 YES. in- Chief Owen D. FriendChnKtce okVau335 On hearing o! your 25th wedding Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cole spent dicating a straight majority agant 0 saawoadrse h CciasicnalCir, Value 3.75 anniversary that has just passed, we Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cleve the operation of beverage rooms of 'fOhw h drse h cainlCar au 87 the Companions o! the Forest, and Clemence, Oshawa. I158. that Is in the parlance of the Rotar~y Club on Friday. Two Prizes, of $2.00 Book Tickets t« your friends felt we could not let it Mr. and Mrs. W. Burnett, Stouff-I street 228 persons voted dry and 170Th r, s.oBeaTi pass altogether without showlng YOU ville, and Mr. and Mrs. F. Tamblyn I wet. However, the temperance for- Three Prizes, eaeh $1.00raTiBc] in some small way the love and re- Ooo iie M.adMs .Wil- e failed to wln the day against the T -'izs ac 100RatsBe spect we hold for you in our lodge. OuronviledM. n Ms We fif ths handicap. lackig x- iflity S undav n oe 2o. asAsr a As a Chief Companion you were a bur.1.8ve o three-ffh a aithful one and always stood ready Mr. Arthur Westlake, Solina, Mr. i vts0 atrefît a .1 £f Two Prime, each $2.00, 1 year's sut to help and do a kindness for any- and Mrs. A. Northcutt and f amily,! c oJority.Te ttemn ..... one whcn ever asked. And we hoPe Bowmanville, visited Misses Mari orle' In the two wards a total of 401 A lkBdped au 49 o as you and your husband Journey adEihPace oes Werard s77 108 An ua Banquet Sl esraVle$.5,Cu andEdth asoe.vEsrcast as fllo77 108ua One "Six-16" Brownie Camera Jr.,1 along life's highway towards yor Messrs. Chil. and Frank Hastings West Ward 93 120 - Smyrna Reversible Rug, Value $3.9 50th anniversary that you will have and Mr. Geo. Barron attended the, e.Jh rfih fTr andeTie eVle$.0 liealth and prosperity. We ask you1 session of the Ontario Legslature on. 7 228 398 Rv onGrfih fTr amn oltSt au 30 Hlall to ac- usa n1ensa.Sold n eetdblos 3 ot Kenwood Beversible Satin Bound I at this time Companior I -TedyadW 'dy piedadrjce alt noChallenged Sunday Value $9.00 cept this little token of our love and !riendship. and as you use it may Young People's meeting on Friday - Sho it lwysrein yu f hehapynight opened with a hymn, a! ter 401 I oo Woricers to Fc Box of Chocolates, Value $3.50 hours we have snent together in our which Rev. W. Rackham led in'1 The deputy returning officers jih1 CatcCniin ih1 Wtra eVle$.0o e meig.We all wsh you and Mr. prayer. Mfter the busins Jackson their cerks were: West Ward-. 3.00 in FHowers or Merchandise Halgo uk and Godspeed Wray took charge of the following W. Dudley and Douglas Wright; the Gospel $3.00 Any Merchandise in Store through the years to come. and may program: Vocal duet by Ruth Johns East Ward Pred Fligg and Geo. Foes lns rMrhnie your if e be spared to spend many and Lottie Horn; Bible lesson by Crowther.. The annual banquet of Trmnity Shoes lan oytorChld sending i more happy hours with us all. Bloyd Wilcox: devotional by Mrs.! There were a total of about 493 United Church Sunday School off ic- ShtadPn oCi sdngn Signed on behaif of Maple Leaf Greenaway; Toplc presented by p. j. namnes on the lists but by a careful ers and teachers was held on Friday Coupons Circle No. 143, Companions o! the Groat; piano duet by Ruby Clat- ,scflItifly some 430 of these <'flId at night with an attendance o! approx- Merchaiidise Value of 33.00 Forest-Companion Wakelin. worthy and Nora Horn. The meet- all be called possible voters; some imately one hundred. A sumptuous Service or Merchandise, Value of $: After the address and presenta- ing closed with the League bene- were away and others incapacitated isupper was servcd by the ladies of, Any Merchandise in Store, Value3 tion. the planist, Mrs. Smith. led in diction, after which a short time was through illness. old age. etc.. It will the Providence Group o! the o sining"Sh'sa JllyGoo Fllo." pet In recreation. 1 be seen therefore that citizens of en's Association.MrhnieVleo 30 Dainty refreshments were then ser- A very enjoyable tîme w& spent Ncwstlwe to hirfacis e- Dr% J. C. Devwhrts- 8uperl1itendent, - 100 lb. Bag St. Lawrence Grannlated vedanda hpx~ tie ws pen li onTuedayevein whn WtS ousY wenabout 94% o! a pos- acted as chairmian. at whlch Rev.1 Merchandise Value of 33.00 or 35.0i social pastime which marked an- Bible Class held its annual t He.u sbettlwn ote ol n John Grlffiths o! Toronto was guest1 Merchandise Value of $3.00 other happy event in the life o! one The President, Mrs. G. A. Barron, _______irbellts speaker. Mrs. Grif fiths accompan-1 o! their members. occupied the chair in her usual ied her husband. A lively sing-song 4> _pleasing manner and presented the An enjoyable evening is assuredi was staged with Mayor Ross Strike HO Y RII YY. P. flowing program, opening with those who attend the Canadian r g- Ieading, and this was !ollowed by HOL T INIY There shaîl be Showers o Blesa- ion Band Concert in aid o! the local vocal numbers by Miss Helen Argue 0F OSHAW GUESTS ing.' and the 23rd Psalm repeated' Salvation ArmTy on Thursday night, and MissEle n e n ugh. :n unison; Chorus, the Class: the1 Feb. 28th, in the Town Hall. The Mr. Francis Sutton was accompan- TOIGE E T AT LOCAL CHURCH t1eacher, Mr. F. J. Groat, spoke a chie! items on the programn will be: ist. _1 ____________________ fewv words in his humorous way; pi- An Overture "William Tell" - "The Rev. John Griffiths spoke on the Local A.Y.P.A. Branch Also Enter- ano duet, Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and National Emblemn March"; '"Atlan- challenge o! present world condi- Home and School Club Euchre at tain Boy Fro TheTraiing Mi's Vera; readlngs, Mrs. A. B. Cry- tis" (The Lost Continent); a select- tions to the church today. These the Public School on Thursday. Pueb. tan os rmTe riig derman: accordian solo, Mr. John lion "Sullivans Operatic Gems";- a chaotic conditions must be faced by 28th. Lucky number prize. Re - School - Splendid Program Muls; read.ngs. Mr. E. C. Flory; march "Rocked in'the Cradle o! the the church and by the Sunday f reshments. Admission 25c. Was Featured vocal' Itt ess .SleLDep:acre oob r o cho.Tetahn ftegse Cryderman, C. Johns and D. Rack-J Gunten: Mr. Melville Dale and Mr. must face the changing conditions Music Study Club will meet in St. The A. Y. P. A. of Hrly Trinity ham: monologue. Miss Ruth Johns: Orville Osborne will give vocal solos; in which we live, and the speaker' Paul's Church on Wednesday, March Church, Oshawa, 50 strong. paid a vocal solos, Mr. Bert Stevens; vocal, a violin solo wlll be given by Mr. expressed the thought that on1lY the 6th. at 8 p. m. Subject o! programn, visit on Monday night to St. John's duet, Messrs. W. Wilbur and D. Norman Fiiedl. There will also be Gospel teachlng could overcome the "-Handel's Messiah," under direction A.Y.P.A. when the comb.ned grotùv.s' 'Rackham. Music contest was don-1 other items o! interest. A good chaos o! the times. The application 1 o! Mrs. C. H. D:udley. Public cord- numbers were augmented by twenty ducted by Miss Mary Katerson. a! -' crowd is expected. You wîll do well o! the principles o! Christ into ev- ially invited. Admission 25e to non- Anglican boys f romn the Ontario ter whlch lunch was served and a to be early. Concert starts eharp at ery day life, by their teachlng in the members. Training School who were also social time was enjoyed. The even- 8 p. m. Admission: Adults 25c: Sunday school, was the power by guests. About 130 were present in'lng closed by aIl singlng "Blest bc chlldren 10c. Chairman: Mr. R. M. which the troubles o! the day could al to enjoy a splendid programa. 1 the tie that blnds." Cotton. find tllwir solution. The meeting was opened with the _________________________ Rev. E. F. Armstrong expressed ringer Prints was E new A.Y.P.A. hymn, composcd by a 1 the appreciation o! the gathering to Nova Scotia member and sung to 'P o eC ag s~ Mr. Grlffiths for his splendid ad- A.1iLRo the tune o! "The dhurch's One Jucticiai r b into C a g sAgalflst dress. of iAUuress at o Foundation." Rev. C. R. Spencer, Albert Culley took the Bible reading. Ro8 adCmi8AAA@nWA8s."A ommenced ~IINE WTON VILLE Chief of Police Owen D.1 President Eriecdolwell extended a_____________ cordial welcome to the vlsting Mr. Melville Joncs is driving a Informative Illustratedj groupe. An amusing sing-song kept Six Charges Involving George Greer and Former Com- new car.ifcaon the gathering in a jolly mood for Mrs. A. Gilroy, Kendal, visited fcain !ifteen minutes, with Mrs. J. A. mîssioners Aired Before Judge O'Connor in Co-1 Mrs. Langsta!!. Gunn at the piano. This period was bor Tuesday Mrs. George Ovens is ou agaîn Owen D. Friend, Chie! o! Police o! followed by the followlng numbers: 1o' after hier recent illness. Oshawa, was the guest speaker on Piano solo, Miss Florence Shotter; Mrs. Wiley and daughter Mariy Friday at the meeting o! the Rotary Black!ace skit, Charlie Cartwright, Six charges, includlng allegation.s erials to determine if the charge ms ae iitn hler cousin, Mrs. decil Club, when hie gave a most interest- Harry Connors, Raymond Welsh; o! payroll "padding' and falsificat- correct that inferior materils were Rbnson. ing and informative address on The Dionne Quintuplets Tell their in usiuino neirmtr sdadArl9ad1 aeben M r. and Mrs. Frank Ovens and -Finger Prints." Chie! Frlend was Own Story. an amuslng skit by HolyIo;sbttto o!ierrmar-udanApi9ad10hv ials for those specified in road con- allotted for the purpose o! further Mrs. Cecil Robinson were recent introduced by Provincial Constable Trinity branch; two splendid violin tracts and purchases from a !irm in Investigation by Judge O'Connor. visitors to Toronto. W. E. Smith who outlined the splen- solos by Al. Matthews; guitar tio by which the Counties Road Superin- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Osborine, did record in police administration Dlck Wright, Violet Nichoîs and tendent, George Greer, was a part- i orrIsh, were Sunday guests of! Mr. to the credit o! Mr. Friend. Nora Haywood; recitations by little nr ee~ a h pnn A L and Mrs. J. T. Pearce. i ine pE. A.te hefsatd 5 year old Wynne Matthews. daugh- judiciai Probe Tuesday, conducted b RO E r1 JwTaPare ndM in ertingofthepdCi stte ter o! Mr. and Mrs. Al. Matthews; Judge L. V. O'Connor at ourgU., , Thompson are bath 111, the latter waamehdoreoucgte anohernumer y te backaceint chrge mde galst he isa dorina Sams, shaaunder the doctor's care. rldges on the inside o! the finger or and an Intmerpr tebkatino!te contiesharoad adem insttion Miso! spetS na thMis, s hawnam Mr. ard Mrs. Harold Barrow- thumtb. These rldges were easlly group;ad a inerpeta.on f.teclough. oadWesiiseyvinlOlle.t were wihSussdaye im printableeyill.becauseda po!talthe oilyo th natureur song "No. No, a husn Timnes hc Ex-Warden G.eorge Oreer is' blett. oft !M. n r.Wlfe c > the skin. No" by members o! Holy Trinity. get fM.adMs ife c Th rfrshnet omîteeInthe road superintendent. Mr. Howard Foley and Miss Lou-j Kay. Finger prlntlng is not new, hc chreo! Jean Brough served a cuTecres rd anragin a n heise Foley visited relatives in Oshawa1 Mrs. Silas Hallowell and Mr.addbuwausdmetan10 chnylucad h arg ou onti1928oad aminist rationdatx on Sunday., Richard Hallowell. Starkville, spent years ago by the Chinese as an of!- dhaeint unhan the rmoainc o! rom 1928 anndetheh cMusat-e Mr. and Mrs. Ivison Mund.ay and a !ew days with Mrs. Chas. Reid, ficlal seal. It was not until 1858 ing. Willis Jackson, President() o s ra eint enldent he i art- chlldren visited with hier parents, recently. however that it was used In con- Holy Trinity Branch. expressed the ions are o eeldathmi at Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lancaster, Port A number o! our young people at- nection with the solution o! crime. appreclation o! that group for the 'ruesday's hearing was a preîîm- Granby, on Sunday. tended the Institute dance at Morr- Sir Willîam Herschell, Governor O! hospitallty extended to them. mnary held for the purpose of de- _Mrs. Ray Snowden and the sFidyeeig and report a 1 enga, f maenrsenttono daugflters, eorontoercloed mec par-sInf UNION, DARLINGTON1 Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ferguson spent Sunday at Hampton. Mr. Russel McLaughlin là, sport- ing a new Chevrolet car. Miss Gladys Wotten and Mr. dyril Avery vlslted at the home o! Mr. William Wotten on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffin and Cella spent the weekend wth Mr.1 and Mrs. William Peters, Oshawa. Some from this community at- tended a Young oeople's gathering at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Hoskin, Burketon, on Frlday even- lng. On Wednesday Mr. Walter Rahm had a successful wood bee. followed by a datice at night. The music, much apnDreciated by the dancers. was provlded by the Stainton orch- estra. ciding aiong wa ines the evidence was to be produced. Archie Coch- rane. K. C., is acting for Northum- berland and Durham dounties; A. R. Wilmott appeaced on behal! o! dol. F. B. Boggs, K. C., counties solici- tor, who was absent through illnes and Fred Richardson la counsel for Mr. Greer. When -the enquîry was first launched last year. Judge O'Connor declined to deal wth it until the charges had been made more specif- Jc. Tuesday saw the charges not only in more concrete f orm, but wth several additions, lncludlng the allegation that the work in building the Trenton-Wooler highway had not been conducted properly. The books o! the counties. road superin- tendent wil be available for Inspec- tion and the Trenton-Wooler Hlgh- way contracta are also In the road superintendent's office. An englacer will make tests o! the hîghway mat- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. Mc. Ray Snowden visited here on Sunday. Mc. and Mcs. J. D. Stevens, Mrs. Mark Munday. Jr., Mrs. James Woods, Miss Ida Stevens, vlslted their aunt, Misa Melissa Stevens, at Mc. Frank Worden's, Ebenezer, on Tuesday. Mc. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Miss Jean Stevens, Mc. and Mrs. Mark Munday. Miss Greta Munday, Miss Ida Stevens, visited wth Mc. and Mrs. Archie Mcflonald and Mc. and Mrs. Charlie >White, Oshawa. on Sunday, and attended the church service Sunday mornlng. a Salvatien Armny's Flfty-F'irst An- nivcrsary Is acheduled for March 17 and 18, with Anniversary cc-union supper and lantern lecture on March 18th. At the hockey game ln Orono on Thursday. the score was Newcastle 5. Newtonville 4. Ken. Milîs njured his knee in the game. Colonel Clarke o! St. John's Amn- bulanc'e Corps insoected our Flrst Aid Post and commended the con- dition ln whicll it ta kept. A couple o! car loads o! close friends o! Mcs. Jas. Pollard Journey- cd up te Newcastle and gave her a surprise on her birthday. Fcb. 22nd. On Frlday evenlnq at the Tuxis Square there were 18 membera pres- ent. Bey. Thos. Wallace gave a talk on the Lîfe of Rodney Smith, a gipsy boy who 'became a great evangellat. Group games followcd. On Tuesday evenlng at U. C. Lea- gue. after Mca. Savery onened the meeting, Mr. Urry took charge. Readinge, Mrs. Savery; solo. Miss Mary Lane: Lecture, "ARa11w a y Camps of the North," by Mr. J. J. Mellor. ,ille Merchants Co-Operate in Event Which Starts on Friday 100.00 is Offered in Prize List More Than 40 Prizes WilI id Their Donors Be Given Away at Con- clusion of Big Seven Day AT ELLIOTT'S STORE Campaign - Draw o n DONOR Saturdav. March 9th Harry Allun, Grocer ets ... Watson's Bakery Feady Suit Mac's Clothes Shop Cawker's Butcher Shop .....ý.J. W. .Jewell, Big 20 ...The Evlyn Shop James Marr, Jeweler F. F. Morris Co. Furniture to Royal Theatre Royal Theatre kets.. .... Corbett's Bakery ef. Edmondstone's Meat Market ts, $3.85 W. C. Caverly, Grocer peecription to, ...The Canadian Statesman ich, Jolunston & Cryderman Ltd. Value $3. Alex McGregor, Drugs 95 .. .... Nelson's Store S . Jury & Loveli, Drugs Blanket, Walker Stores Limlted Olympia Cafe rchandise Kerslake's Drug Store .....1 ýW. J. Bagneil S Naborhood Shoe Stores Value $3.00 .. W. E. Groves 1100 Crearn of Barley John Mackay Co. Ltd. .....Knox Shoe Store $3.00- W. Len. Elliott, Pluniber S3.00- Mason & Dale Hardware .. ..Dustan's Cash Hardware M sugar, $5.30 .ý:..Nelles'Store 00 on Radio.... W. J. Chalai .......S. G. Chartran PRIZES ON DISPLAY Thirty-one Bowrmanville m e r- chants, have comttned their efforts this week to stage "Opportunity Days" which wilU surpass in both vol- ume and enthusiasm anythlng ei'er before attempted in a Bowmanvllle merchandising event. Some idea o! the wholehearted manner in whlch the merchanta entered this event, la illustrated by the !act that today's Statesman contains no less than 18 pages, the largeast edition ever pub- lished by this newspaper. Nearly $150.00 is being ofcered In prizes, as shown in the list o! prises in the next column. "'Opportunity Days" get under way Friday morninig, March lst and extend until Friday night, March 8th, seven days o! excited shopping. with 31 stores vieing with each other in presenting tempting values. Thei rules o! the event are simple. Each co-operating merchant may be iden- tif ied. by the "Opportunity Days" streamers on his store window. In these stores only Coupons will bc given with every 25c cash purchase and with every $1.00 paid on ac- count. Coupons must be signed by the purchaser. AUl coupons wMl be coliected and placed in a sultable receptacle for the draw whlch willl be made by Mayor W. Rosa Strike. The prize items will also be placcd In a receptacle. and the flrst name drawn will receive the !lrst prise drawn. As several merchants are offerlng more than one prise. there will be close te forty prizes drawn Coming- The Black Diamond 1ior on Msarchil h Minstrels o! 1935. Under auspices, Additloiial Pizes o! danadian Legion Band, March Several additlonal prises are be- 28th and 29th. ing o!fered by individual merchants Reserve April llth - l2th for the ian o!tewnng tickes acf "Bowmanville Boys' Review" in Op- marked with their stamnp.To!n era House under leadership o! Ed. these merchants read care!ully every Devitt. and sponsored by Boys' Work advertlsement. for the speclal an- Board. Note change in dates. 8-3 nouncements are made mn them. The Grand Draw Tuesday, March 5th, Tyrone dom- As details for the Grand Draw munity Hall, Mr. F. Dudiey's church have not yet been completed. as to group presenta the comedy "In exact time and place. the full par- Cherry Time." Admission 25e and tîculars will be given mn next week's 15c. Come and enJoy a hearty Statesman. Present plans cail for laugh and aid a good cause. the draw Saturday afternoon, March 9th. Rules o! the campaign. together ~ wmth the names o! every co-operat- nlighenin AI!these stores will carry "Oppor- :ary Club on Fridayl tunity Day Streamers". Watch for Prizes on Dlsplay Friend of Oshawa Delivered The prises wlll be placed. on dia- Addrss Disussd Clss-playin Len Elliott's large window la Addrss Dicussd Cass thewes en of he usiesssection. This store was considered the most sultable one available for the pur- pose. collections at Ottawa and Washing- This Issue o! The Statesinan goea ton an inthat way are able to teul Into 3500 homes this week. The jhte a prisoner has ever been in merchants advertising ask -you~ to the toils o! the law before, and to candidly compare their prices wlth what extent. any elsewhere. and they are confimd- Thç speaker gave specific cases o! ent that you wlll agree that nowherc instances In his career where finger will you find greater values. Get prints had played an important role, behind this big drive and share la even to the arrest o! murderers the hundreds o! money savlng val- whose whereabouts had been un- ues. There are only seven daya o! knownfor yars.these super values, so make the knownfor yars.most o! them. dome to, Bowman- Chie! F'rlend explalned the fylîng ville. come often, and come to take system. at Ottawa and Washington. 1 away your share o! this great feast Each print was classl!led accordlng Io! bargaîns. te, the arches, deltas, and otec ec werc !yled together, and then sub- divîded into other groups. In this manner a police officer searchlng for records at Washington may enter the building in which between 4 and 5 million prints are fyled, and withîn ten or fi! teen minutes fimd the printi for whîch he la searching.1 The remarkable effciency o! the1 natives on official documents.- The system did much to aid the police in system at present in use ta that de- their work, Chie! Frlend stated. vlsed by Sic E. R. Henry, head o! Continuing the speaker threw a Scotland Yard. who gave names to number o! sldes on the screen show- the varlous patterns o! prints. and lng the various types o! prints and classl!ied them. Not yet bas It been the manner In whlch they are class- found that any two finger prints arc ified. The whole addresa was ex- identical, and scientists state that tcemely educational and thoroughly the chances are about one In a bill- enjoyed by the club. ion. Even n the cases o! twins, A. M. Hardy and President Fred triplets and such cases. whîle the Cryderman conveyed the thanks o! printa resemble one another they are the club to Chie! Frlend. Among neyer alike. the guests at the club were Chie! o! Many people seem ta belleve that Police Sydney Venton; R. M. Cotton Bertillon was the founder of the -1. P., o! Bowmanvllle. Sherwood J. finger printing systcm. Chie! Frlend Collacott and W. M. Gilbert o! Osh- added. Bertillon's system was one of awa Rotary Club and Detective Sgt. physical measurements and had no- Norman McGee o! Oshawa and Mr. thing whatcver ta do wlth f inger Bickell o! Toronto. prints. Rotaclans W. A. Shane, Alan Free- Finger prints play an Important man and Everett Smith ech took part In the determination o! sent- a minute ta tell their life histories, ences n our courts. Police Depart- an¶d received as a blrthday gi! t a ments, at very short notice, are able box o! !lowers on behalf of the club to check Up on government print and presented by Ueo. W. James. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE SPEAKS ON FIRST Afl) WORK AT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEETING Bowmanvillc Women's Institute met ln the Parlsh Hall on Frlday, Feb. 22nd wlth Mrs. Fred Baker, President, presidlng. Meeting open- cd with conununity singing and the Institute Ode with Mca. J. Thick- son as pianist. Af ter reading the minutes there was a short business meeting. The coll caîl was respond- ed to with answers to "An emnecgency and how to meet it." Mca. Geo. E. Pritchard, convener o! the group la charge. prcsidcd during the progcam when Mrs. D. J. Chambers accom- panled by Mca. H. D. Clemens sang, "In the Gardon o!fxny Heart and graciously cesponded with an erleore. Mrs. B. M. Warnlca gave a reading; Ileen Halîman and Hielen Pritchard played a piano duet and Mc. Howard Wight sang two numbers "The Ras- acy" and III love you truly" playlng his own guitar accompaninent. The speaker, Miss E. R. Graham,. Public Health Nurse. was lntcoduced bY Mrs. Pritchard and ahe gave a splen- did talk on "Firat Aid" whlch was much apprecîated. Meeting closed wlth slnging "Gad Save the King."