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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR FREE!I FREE! FREE!O FOR OPPORTUNITY DAYS ONLY Don't miss this OPFORTUNI TY. Wlth every Doller Pur- chase in our store on Oppor tunity Days we wHIl give ABSOLUTELY FREE - ONE 5 by 7 EbLARGEMENT of your favorite snapshot. OnIy one to a customer. OTHER BIG OPPORTUNITIES KLEENEX......... i5c PINEX............ 29c 'î 400 KOTEX, 4 doz ...... 69c NOXZEMA, 27e size, 15C 1 and COLGATE'S Giant Size Toothpaste ....... 33c __ 750 MODESS, 15 to a pkg. 2 pkgs. 45c 50 Capsules $1.00O Relief o Yffon wear Ask us about the great adventeges of usingTILLYER LENSES. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 'J For Scores of I v' OTHER I OPPORTUNITY -. DAY BARGAINS MEOIUM See Our NEW - 29c Bills JURY & LOVELL PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE Mothers Value this Oil.-Mothers of Dr. Thomas' Eclectnie Ou. be who know how suddenly croup may cause expenience bas taught ther seiz ther chldre andhow ec-that this is an excellent preparatio: seiz thir hilren nd aw ec-for the treatment. of this eilmeni essery prompt action is in applying And they are wise, for its variou relief, elways keep et hend a supply uses nender it a '.aluable medicine. SHORTHQRN SALIE DURHAM COUNTY SHORTHORN ASSOCIATION wiil hoid its 14th Auunual Sale AT THE LOVEKIN FARM OCCUPIED BY ALEX PROUT 3 Miles East of Boismanviile on No. 2 Highv.ay and South of Kurv Inn Thursdlay, Mardi '7, 1935 at 1.30 p. m. 26 - CHOICE SHORTHORNS - 26 (17 Males and 9 Fernales) CONTRIBUTORS : E. F. R. Osborne, Newcastle Earl Osborne, Bowmanville W. F. Rickard, Newcastle L. Richardson & Son, Ashburn Chas. Fothergilt, Whiby j. E. Leask, Seagrave T. Baker & Son, H-ampton John Baker, Hampton R. Duff & Son, Myrtie Fred Parker, Cobourg S. Chas. Allun. Bowmanville A. J. Howden, Columbus Jas. Hadden & Son, Blackwater Duncan Br'own, Auctioneeî'. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE TO I* S. CHAS. ALUIN, Secretary, Boumanville - Phone 136rl2. IValues in Seeds,Flowe DELPHINIUM ilmlted qunntity t'f'. r', cioit tlo er DelphWnum Seed 5,nown ',p< t lii' for un flom exhibition lr i'._____ Packets 1containing s'dt st ',îîii 200 nom@ ................15' Spxing l'lowe-s Ini vai- BULflS~-Tu.beroiiS hlegi)t«s î.. 1t3'. -Afres stppiv SAingle, Double, Crestt'î, Seplni. <ly. l'nices modenete. ate colors. 10e each, 3 for 25C W_____________ W. E. GROVES KniGSWAy FLOWER SHOP PHONE 72 we i<. l give v. lii eier.y pur-. rluise to the . aille of 5)in, O over 1Ii'ack4't <f IDelphinium, seed or I Begonfil iIulb. 11 I HAYDON M r. Elmer Slemon is not enjo very good health. Miss Lorna Thompson, Bown ville, Sundayed at horne. Miss Gladys Wotten, Oshi Sundayed at Mr. C. Avery's. Mrs. A. Read and son Clay i Blackstock, visited et Mr. H.1 ton's. iA number of ladies att-ended quilting at Mrs. H. Ashton's Th day afternoon. Miss Mabel Beech spent sev days la.st week at ber sister's,1 A. Larmer, Burketon. Mrs. Elgin Mountjoy visited mother. Mrs. A. Sharp, lest Frf who remains cjuite iii in Toronto Mrs. Stanley Woollings and Norman, Mr. Louis Ashton.1 onto, spent the weekend et Mr. Ashton's. Good attendance at S. S. church on Sunday afternoon.1 A. M. Wootton taking as his sub, f or his discourse. "Horses and Mt Mr. and Mrs. H. Ashton eri tained a few intimate friends relatives to tea Saturday evening being their thirtieth wedding ar versary. I I SALEM Mr. R. H. Collacott is able to up and around again. Mr. and Mrs. L. Squair and N F. L. Squair visited in Toronto. See "In Cherry Time" come Mar. 5th, Tyrone Hall. 25c and1 Mr. and Mrs. A. Welsh and1 and Mrs. G. Cornish visited friec in Oshawa. rMr. and Mrs. Davis and fam have moved into Mr. G. Cornis house on the Manvers Road. Mr. Jas. Hodgson returned to home in Tyrone af ter a week's vi with Mr. and Mrs. E. Doidge. JMr. and Mrs. Pitze and Mr.a Mrs Wilson. Janetville, were Fni visitors with Mr. and Mrs. G. C( nish. The meaning of the home" ý the subject of a splendid sermonè livered by Rev. A. S. Kerr here Sunday. Several from this vicinity ha been attending some of the Y. P. Presbyterial meetings and banqu being held at Oshawa. jY. P. L. met Wednesday eveni Feb. 2th. President F. Blackbu opened the meeting with a hyr followed by prayer by Mr. F. Cal( Citizenship Vice took charge of tl program: Bible readlngs. Mr. Welsh: comments on samne by t] leader: Topic was very ably deE with by Mr. F. Blackburn: readin were given by Miss L. Welsh. Mess L. Scl'air and K. Rundie: recitetioi by Ruth Pollard and Ronald Ha] violin selections given by Mr.N Taylor. A contest waq conduci for the social hour. Attendarice2 SOLINA Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Debarr ar baby, Kedron, at Mr. Tho.s. Baker jMr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink ar e- family, Ebenezer, vislted at Mr.1 nM EMr.and Mrs. Jim Reynolds, Toi Re no sen the weekend at Mr. Jac Mr. and Mrs. Alan McKessock a: baby Elma visited Mr. and Mrs. Jc -Chapman, Hampton. Our visit ta Maple Grove Leagu has been postponed until next Wed nesday evening, March 6th. Misses Irene and Ada Pascoe, Toi onto, spent the weekend et the brother's, Mr. Luther Pascoe. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howsam an family, Epsom, Mrs. George How sam, Port Perry, spent Sundaya Mr. Chas. Howsam's. Messrs. W. R. Westlake and E.E Taylor were In Toronto last weei attending the convention of the On tario Temperance Federation. Mr. anid Mrs. Chas. Howsam ari Mary, Mrs. Walter Perrander, Mi and Mrs. Jack Reynolds, and Mr Isaac Hardy were in Toronto ci jSaturday. There was a good attendancea Sunday School on Sunday ai ternoci jwhen the primary class took chargi of the opening. Miss Muriel Smitl read the bible lesson; Miss Fannr Smales told a very interesting stox3 to the children; Miss Betty SmaIe sang a solo; and the primary clasi sang two hymns. At the church ser. vice our pastor, Rev. Rackham, gav( an excellent sermon, and Miss Mur- iel Baker and Mrs. Harry Tayloi favored with a vocal duet. The annual meeting of the Solini Public Library was held recently al the home of Miss Rilda Hockaday, with the president. Mr. E. R. Tay- Ion, in the chair. Varlous report, were received and plans were madE oying man. awa Lytor Ash. 1th( hurs. vers: Mrs hei -day ;o. sol Tor- and Rev. bject en.' iter- anc Lg, il o be Mfrs. iedy, 15c. Mr. nds nily ish's his visit and ýday or- was de- on ýave .L. luet ing, urn mln, tor. this L. the ýait ngs srsi Mr. and Mrs. Everton White, Misses Marie end Edythe. Mrs. W. G. Rundle, were Sunday visitors et Mr. Esli Oke's. C.G.I.T. were enterteined et the home of Mrs. Harold Muir on Set- urday aftennoon, and opened with a hymn followed by the Lords prayer. Mrs Smith and Mns. Found gave tal onl'Temperence': vocal solo by Elsie Oke; hymn 19: and business peniod: reading was given by Doris Wilkins; piano solo. Rosena Edgar; Study book was taken by Florence iCaurtice; 'Follow the Gleamn" and C.G.I.T. verse closed the meeting. Present 18. Services on Sundey were canduct- ed by the pastor. with a good et- tendance. His text et the morning service wes "Jesus as a Teacher." Miss Ada Annis told the story ta the Juniors. S. S. was attended byý 122, the men's class taking charge, of the lesson periad. Music was given by a quartette camposed of rMessrs. A. E., Frank and Walter Rund!e and G. F. Annis.' Rev. Smith spoke on "Temperance eat the evening service ENNISKILLEN Temperance hall and a committee was appointed of Messrs. B. G. Stevens, A. L. Pascoe andi Misses Evelyn Tink and Margaret Scott to gsee about it. An invitation was ne- celved from one of the Toronto div- isions to present a play there on May 2nd. Misses Helen Baker and Ruth McKessock were appointed as a cOmmittee to make plans for IL. Miss Gladys Yellowlees gave a nead- ing; Miss Ileen Belson favored with e piano solo; Mr. B. G. Stevens gave ea reading; and Mr. A. L. Pascoe gave a short report of the Grand Division held in Oshawa recently. Next meeting will be held in the S. S. room on Thursdey evening, Merch 14th. r Quite a number of the men from here attended the Brothenhood ban- quet in King St. Church, Oshawa, last Thursday evening and report a splendid time. i EBENEZER Misses Velma Pearce and June Marshall were visitors in Toronto on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Oke and fam- ily, Toronto, were Sunday guests with Mrs. A. J. Oke. Misses Eileen and Eleanor Wight, Providence, were Sunday guests with Miss Florence Courtice. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Osborne and Gardon were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Arnott, Maxwells, on Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Frenk Malcolm were guests et Mn. Ray McGilîS. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Pen& ist ed et Mn. Levi McGil's. Mn. and Mns. Ted Gibson and family visited at Mn. Cecil Fengu- son's. Mn. and Mrs. E. Sanderson and feamuly wene guests of Mn. and Mrs. AE.MeGilI. nr. and Mns. George Fow-ler, Miss IHelen Fowlen were guests et Mn. iHerman Wilson's. Jenetville. Mn. and Mrs. Walton Larmeren- tentained the cast of the play "Tel the Judge" on Wednesday night. Rev. H. J. Bell geve the Bible std tLeegue on Thunsday nigbt ,n Miss Beth McQuade took the tapie. A solo was rendered by Mn. Roland Thompson. Those who motoned ta Sonder- land on Thursdey to attend the fun- enal of Mrs. Wm. Brown wene: Mn. and Mrs. Russel Brow-n, Mns. Levi McGil, Mn. and Mrs. George Fowl- en, Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Toron to. Mrs. Ed. Batten and Mn. ons Mrs. A. Wearn is visiting friends "r wothhil metig0f tic alI: in Toronto. .W .S a edi h hrho W. 1Miss Gertie Oke visited friends in WTueSyas ernoon theasurrs ne- ted Toronto recently. Tedyatron raue' e 24. r. ad Mr. E J. arrion Pen oprt was well received. showing a 24 etMrday n TrontE. arsnsetsubstantiel balance. Donation of$51 ~ Mn A. run is n Toont vistin was given Crippled Children's Foun- Mr. Adrs. F. Minlornt. stigdation Fund. Mrs. Chas. Gibson's IMiss Muriel Moore visited red reading wes one of interest. It was in orotoove te weknd.fnend "A Challenge to take e stand for in Tront ovr th weeendwhat we know to be Right." We tnd Mrs. Levi Brunt is visiting Mrs. mey nat be able to do much but we r's. Wm. Halfacre, Bowmanville. cnd ontigfrtecueo md Ms. . C Aston s vsitng ith'Rigbt.' Mrs. Cecil Fergusan rend H. Mr. and Mrs. S,Mýay, Toronto. Jack Miners article "Why 1 believe Mrs. R. Ashton, Toronto ,is visit- there is a God," in which he based1 or- ing with Mn. and Mns. L. Ashton. his faitb on nature. A poem 'Profit ck Mr. end Mrs. George Bradley areorLs w eabyM .H.JBl. visiting et Mr. W. Rahm's, Union. orL1 e edbyMs .J el nd See "In Cherry Time" comedy. 'nue oe Mer. Stb. Tyrone Hall. 25c and l5c. 1 r i.Taylor, Blackstock. is KENDAL ýue> viiin sisten, Mrs. Sydney Tre- - ýd- win. Miss Aima Bell is visiting Mrs. R.1 Mrs. H. Stevens visited ber daugh- Best, Orono. r- ter, Mrs. R. Walton, in Oshawa Hos- Miss Mabel Seems visited et Mn. issReeMl.l.Tnot, 1iit-Wesley Elliatt's. MissRev Mcill Tornto viit- Mrs. Milton Robinson visited ber nd ed ber parents, Mn. and Mns. Thos. sîster in Toronto. W-MoGilI. Mn. and Mrs. C. A. Cooper visited atI Mrs. 'Rev.) Parker bas returned et Mr. G. Quantrill's. home f rom the General Hospital, Ms .Drigo iie n R.s Toronto.n iste M. TkrMntno r. .Gifn n i. and Mrs. John White. ek r. nd rs.D.GrifinandCela. Mn. Norman Thertell spent the n- Union, visited with Mn. and Mns. D. ekn ihhsfml ee udgMstE.Bae ndM.E iot Mrs. M. Saper, Mns. S. Patton and ri st .una gestanfMn. endictMrs G. Thompson visited wth Mrs. Ir pn udygeto r nd MsG.Quantrill. r. E. J. Harrison. Mn. and Mrs. Wes. Elliott and Mnr. :n Mn. and Mrs. Frank MoGill, Ton- and Mrs. George Elliott vîsited Mrs. onto, visited the latten's mother, Fowler, Orono, who is veny ill. atMrs. Levi Brunt. A few16 young people were enter- )n Mn. and Mns. Stainton and Don- tained et the home of Mn. and Mrs. tothy. Mr. Wm. Oke were necent vis- Wesley Elliott Setundey evening. e itors et Mr. John Dorland's. h Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson andI A few fiends gathered et Mrs. Y Eunice. Nestleton. Mn. Donald Lamb' Chas. Thompson's to celebrate Mn. iysetSnaya r m Lamb's. Arthur Thompson's bithday on esMn. i-ville Ashton and Miss Mar- 1 Friday evening.j Sganet Dalton ýpent Suinday withMn Thene was a fair attendance et r-and Mrs. Stewart Rodman. Po0rtý church and Sunday schoal on Sun- veiPenny. day when Rev. Thos. Wallace - Mis. Bert Bentham is visiting preeched a splendid sermon. r Miss Jean Bentbam and Mrs. Rich-, Young Peoples Leegue visited Kir- ard Bentbem. Toronto, over the by League Tuesday evening and bad .a weekend. a very enjoyable time. The presi- t Rev. Wm. Parker's text on Sunday dent, Miss Menien Bannon, opened Y, evenlng wa-s 'Why go to Church?' the meeting and then Miss Donothy - Mrs. H. Stevens and Miss Annie Oke McMullen took charge. Bible read- ts senq e duet. ing wes teken by Miss J. Wright; e Mrs. Bvron Nesbitt is with ber Mn. Wm. Darlington took the topic. Y.- Parents. Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Parr. Mn. Program consisted of neadings by ýy Penn is somewbat impnoved aften bis Misses Kate Stewart, Annie Tbomp- ýh ne<'ent Illneqs . son, Wllme Carson and Mn. Arthur r- Mnrand Mrq. Fr-ancis Werry. Jean, Thompson; solos by Messrs. Stanley V. Blle, Roy, Mn. T. Slemon and Mn. Welker and George McKenna: duets ta Ceeul Slemon were rpeent guests of by Misses Bernice Langsteff and re Mn. and Mrs. J. A. Werry. Wilme Carson, end Messrs. Arthur 1. Mn. and Mr,. Wm. Marks. Shirley, 1 Bell and Colin Taylor. Community t;Mis B. Sheil anîd Mn. Alton Mark. singing wes led by Miss Manian )- Sc'îîgoe Island. Mn. and Mrs. F. Mc- Banner. with Miss Doris Petterson b. GilI. Toronito: Mrs. Levi Brunt and et the piano. Two contests were Mn. Allen Stainton, were recent vis- canducted by Miss Bannon. A ýn itons eat Mn. A. Brunt's. splendid lunch was served. ýy Miss May lTemh. Miss Anrie Olce. )r Mn. Edeear Wright and Mn. Rer )f We.avinr, etfended the banoîjet antd As a vermifuge an effective pre- beard the Moderator Rt. Rev. Ri- peretion is Mother Graves' Worm chard Rohents. D. D.. spieak in St. Exterminetor, and it cen be given Andnew"- Church .Oshawa, on Mon- to tbe moat delicete child without day nizht. feer of injury to the constitution. Mn. Walter Rahm hod e verv suc-__________ ______ ressfiil wood ht'e, on Feb. 2th. In the evenine their nelghhons of Un- ion met et their home for e dentre,Bc rr n rty. The Stainton orchestre o k c e sSg furnishd the usikacheheis Sign satisfectony mannen. The gatheringl of Kidnev Trouble braigup et 2 ar..1 League meeting on Wednesdey night w-es in cherge of the 2nd Vice- Backache is N.iture's warning tlia- Prezident, ReLz. Weaving. Rev. W. chere is somthing wrong w.mh Rec'kham of Hemnton led In prayer. your Kidneys. Neyer neglect it. a nd Mrs. W.* J. Stainton gave tbe Backache, if floh corrected, is often dcivotionel: J. Mill' of Hempton followed by more serious forins of pleyed t wo selpctions on bis accord- Kidney trouble such as Rheuma- Jan which were veny mucb enfloyed: iSm, Dropsy or even Bright's rpedings given by N. Carington Disease. At the first sign of Kidney and F. Beckett. Rev. Reckbam gave trouble, such as Baclcnche, humn a veny Interesting eddress on "Rellg- unhesitatingly ho Docld's Kidney ion and Life." P;ls-which for over chree gen- rahions has been the favorite Young Lady flust aften an opera- r.. dney tonic and Remedy. 35 tion for eppendicitis): "Oh, Doctor, wlll the scan show?" Dodd'sKidneyPils Doctor: "Not If you are careful.1 Announcement!i i ENFIELD Miss Maggie Stinson hes had a bad att.ack of erysipelas. Miss Elsie Bowman, Oshawe. vis- ited et her father's, Mn. Thos. Bow- jman. The farmers that buy stockers for grass are buying their cattle eerly this spring. Several from bere attended the oyster supper et Mr. D. Berton's lest Wednesdey night. Mrs. Bowman is giving ber music pupils a holiday until the roeds get more dependeble for cars. Mr. and Mrs. David Hall and f ar- ily, Haydon, have moved onto the ferm of Mrs. Addie Hobbs. Parmers in the milk business have been getting their ice stored for the summer, procuring it et Forbes' Lake. Mr. A. F. Abernethy and family have moved to Mr. C. Woodley's, Haydon. whene he bas been engaged for a year. Mrs. G. Bowmian and Mary, Helen. Oshawa. visited et Mrs. J. McCul- lochs Mr. T. Bowman's and Mr. L. C.Pscoe's. Mrs. Russell Ormiston visîted her brother. Mr. Gordon Werry, in Ton- onto where he has had a successful operation et the General Hospital. Merch 8th et 8 p. m. there will be a debete "Resolved that influence of woman has contributed more to civ- ilization than thet of man." Local, talent will Dovide severel numbers. Admission 25ceand 15c. I CADMUS hppointed Dealer FOR CHRYSLERS AND PLYMOUTHS These well known autos are leading the procession along the bighways for Attractiveness - Comfort Style - Economny and Value There's a model to suit every desire and f it every purse as to price. In fairness to yourself don't buy a new car or trade in your used one until you r have seen these modela and f ind out the very attractive deal we can of fer you. Harold D. Clemens GARAGE AND SERVICE STATION Phone 188 or 705 King & Scugog Sts. - Bowmanville Your opportunity to meet and consuit the Tip Top Tailors' STYLIST Mr. Chas. A. Rafelman Who wilI be at our store Mouid ay, Mlarch 4th M /fENI This la important i Mr Chas. A.Rafelman, theTipTop Talloril StYiist, wlii visit our store,where he may be consuited without obligation by men of this town on any questions of style, fabric or color pertaining to a weii-dressed eppearance. The benefit of Mr. Rafeimnan's experi- enlce 18 of course given without obliga- tion and is oflered as j ust one more reason why you sbouidl corne to our store, at least to compare, before you <rder Spring and Stimier clothes anywhere. More wooIiL.ns t1an ever make up the rip Top Spring and Sumrnier range- v ~--- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN-VThLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1935 We take pleasure in inforniing the citizens of Bowmanville and Durham County that we have again been WMANVILLE ý,ll ai - BOV

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