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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Feb 1935, p. 7

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Business Directory 1 ESNECATL ______________LADIES_ TO HELP or LEGALNEEDY FAMILIES The ladies of the three principal m. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.B. religlous communions in the village Barrister. Solicitor, Notary have gladLy- accepted the suggestion Phone 351 0Ot tre municipal council to co-op- Royal Bank Building, Bowmanviîîe erate with it in looking after trie needs of families requiring relief. W. B. STRIKE The lacties of the three churches, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary bt. John's R. C., st. George's Angli- Solicitor for Bank of Montreal can and the United, working inde- Money to Loan. phono 91. pendently for the present, until Bowmanvllle, Ontario some community organization can rie consumated, have obligated L. C. MASON, B. A. themselves to provide necessary Barrister - Solicitor clothing, bedding and i lnen, etc. for Notary Public - Etc. f amfles connected with their' e- Law in all Its branches. SPeCtiVe communions, who by reason office imnmediately east of Royal of thie continued financial depres- Theatre. sion cannot under the circumstances Phonos: Office 688; Home 553. Possess tflemselves, without. neigh- borlY assistance, of even many of thie bare necessities of domestie lite. DENTAL During, the rigorous wintem season whon shelter andi fuel andi food and DR. J. C. DEVITT clothing and bedding are Imperative Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson necessities andi even when trio headil Graduate of Royal Dental College, of the bouse is working steadily, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. there can be littie lot t 0f his weokly Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. mi. or monthly pay to spend in luxuries. to 6 p. mi. daily oxcept S9unday. How impossible is it thon for a f ar- phono 90. House phono 283. lY to acquire even the bare necessi- X-Ray Equlpment in Office. ties when society can finti no em- Ployment, or but very littie. for any- FUNER L DIR CTOR one inl the family, or where theme FUNE AL IRE TOR are small chiltiren and the mother plitMP-A. nmr.Tnwýq cannot leave them. Service, any hour, any day, F. F. MORRIS CO. Modern Motor Equlpment Ambulance and Invalld Car Cali Phone 10> or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complote Funerai Service Modern Equlpment -Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holidays Phono 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mu.Bac. P.C.C.O. A. T. C. M. diplomas in Piano, Singing, Violin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pueils prepared for ail exanùnatlons. Phono 42, Bowmanville 0t Repaira B. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stltchlng Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bowmianville So & Turm Ltd, NaomIIêt!ia.Tns.Eg ,n b S a m C a a abu M4M Arnlted. Tmeee& T Spectal Bargain EXCURSIONS TO AIL STATIONS IN WESTERN CANADA Going Dates: Daily March 1 to 14. Returm niut: 30 days. ONE CENT PER MILE Good in Coaches oniy Sleeping Car Privileges Passage Tickets aiso on sale good In : (a> tourlst sleeping cars at approx- imately 114c per mile, plus reg- ular berth fare. (b> parlor and standard sleeping cars at approxliately 1/c per Mlle, plus regular seat or berth f are. Stopovers granted at Port Arthum, Ont. and ail stations west thereof. Full particulers from any agent Canadian Pacifie ATTACK the cause of RHEUMATISM LUM BAGO SCIATICA a IRUMACAP8 give immediate ilief from pain mnd t the sane time they wilI start cleansing the blond of Urie acid and other impurities whlcb pois=n the system and cause rheuma- tisai. sciatica, lu bagoacac.Areua aImen.t of RUAAPS cwilI give you * peramnent relef. Box 01 50 Capoutl, $100 RUMACÂPS RHEUMATIC CAPSULES ALEX MoGREGORt, DRUGS Phono 92 We Deliver P AR 0e' C. i3E N U , Ni GOLDEN RULE MISSION BAND Golden Rule Mission Bandi holt its mgular montbly meeting on Sat- uday atternoon, Feb, 9th. in trie Uniteti Chrch S. S. hall, witb the Presitient, Margaret Pearce, in trie cnair. Miss Reita Cooke road trie minutes. Joan Bonathan presenteti trie treasurers anti Pauline Deline trio visting committees reports. A Specially interesting teature was trio Presentation of a lite membership certificate anti pin, tionated by Mrs. J. E. W. Ptîilp, to Lomna Harris by trie Superintencient, Mrs. E. M. H.l Warti. Trie tevotionai peioti was mark- eti by trie caîl to woship by Marg- aret Pearce, scripture readings by Jean Bonstrian anti Norma VanDus- on, anti reatiings by trie Peace Sec- retary, Shirley Coucri, andtihre Tempemance anti Srowarisriip Sec- retary, Frank Hoar. Norma Van- Dusen, Jean Bonathan and Pauline Deline presenteti 'Indus in Story anti Song," arrangeti by Mms. E. M. H. Warti. Atiditional numbers on the program were: Piano solo by Rutri Bonatrian; ecitations by Lor- na Harris anti Yvonne VanDusen; vocal solo by Bobby Purdy, acconi- panieti by sister Dolly; reading by Frank Hoar; anti vocal duet by Joan Bonathan anti Pauline Deline. Trie Banti was tieligbted to have present Mrs. S. MacLean who spoke brietly in hoîptul anti encoumaging wortis, also Mrs. W. E. Beman who tiemonstrateti a real incense bumnerj fmom India anti spoke intemestingly of trie use matie of It by idol wom- shippers. The Bandi heamtily entiorseti a e- solution of trianks anti approciation for tho- space allotteti to it for re- ports of its work anti activities, montri by montri, in The Newcastle Intiepentient. Trie Banti toit well repaiti for keeping up their society last year wben thoîr Superintentient, Mrs. roceiveti second hlghest standing in trio Oshawa Presbyteriai for 1934. This relected a great deal of credit 'o Mrs. Ward anti also to the var- îous committees within trie Banti who hati co-oporateti 50 well with their leader tiuring trie year. New- castle Mission Bandi have adopteti Miss Scott (a missionary in India) for their speclal subject of prayer for 1935. UNITED CHURCH W. A. Trie W. A. 0f trie Unitedi Churcb boiti a well attendeti meeting at Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard's on Thumsday af- temnoon, Fe-b. l4th, with trie presi- dent. Mrs. W. J. S. Rickarti, in trie chair. Mms. J. H. Jose gave a report of work tione on trie kitchon, trio ves- tmy andtihreIlbramy rooni, by author- ity of trie cbumch property commit- tee. Mrs. Jose anti Mrs. Fred Gra- ham are a committee specially tielo- gateti toefefect certain changes anti Mms. Jose eporteti on progress of work to date. Sinco trie fountiing of trio public library at trie coni- munity hall, practically al circula- tion of Juvenile books anti fiction. mostly of a eigious type, in trie Suntiay Sehool libmamy bas ceaseti. In consequence of which trie Sun- day School Boardi recently decidoti to discontinue it. Some ofthtre books were donatoti to Clarke Sunday School anti otriers sent to Golden Valleyv, Parry Soundi. Only trio bis- tericai, biographical ant i mlsionary books. etc. wore mtaineti. Trie for- mer library moom Is now belng con- vertoti into a vestry for tbs- pastor. while trio formir ves-trv. witb neeti- fui crianizeg, wlll be utîllizeti by trio choir for trie safe kpaping of thoîr zowns anti books. Trie romnant of trie libramy. vollumps kent for mefer- Pnre puroosos. will also be founti in tris moom. Following trie business session, Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard gave a reati- ing appropriate to St. Valenttne's Day, anti Mrs. F. B. Lovekin's group witri Mrs. W. D. Bragg at trio piano, favoreti with a chorus. Mrs. Love- kin's group also serveti mfeshmonts' which incluieti as a spoclal treat, tee cream featuming trie Valentine motif. contributeti by trie hostess, Mm. Rickamd, In grateful apprecia- tion of trie W. A.'s kintily Interest in hem mecent eightlotri bithday celebration. 'Dust Causes Astrima. Even a lit- tie speck toc, &mil ta aee will leati te agonies which no womds can do- scribe, Trie wslls of trio beathing tubes contmact andi iL seems as if the very lite must pass. Prom tris condition Dr. J. D. Kellogg&s Astri- ma Remedy bings trie user te, per- fect roat. It eleves trio passages andi normal beathing Is firmly os- tablisheti again. Hundreds of testi- nionials recelveti annually prove Its ef octivenes. THE CAAflT&M~'rATRMAM 1nWM&NTi.T.5 19;j:) PAGE1 !STADV n FATHER ND SONhati corne speclally from Ottawa for There was body to it, substance and FATH R AN SONthe purpose, anti was present in the vigor; it was infused with sociable- BANQUET HELD capacity of "Father" to Stanley Ric- 'ness anti together witb a higri intell- kard, Principal of Lockhart's School. ectual quality was a rich spiritual AT NEWCASTLE Following Mr. Bowen's speech, tone. It was a stimulant to the soul, senior andi Junior boys to lenti var- a treat for the mind, a cordial to the (Continueti from page 8) iety to their procoetilngs, stageti a hoart ana even an energizer to thie Mr. dwinHancck, hiefpro humomous skit, something of a mock physical senses. Dm. Palmer saiti Motr.ofdthn Hanctock, ch If pohe wedtiing, in whlch the flower girl, that in order to bo a popular speaker motr 0 th fuctin,.satin rieStanley Couch, carrieti a bouquet of one must be reatiy, be brief and thon central position at the head table. cabbago and ceery, etc., the groom. be seated.l or to put it a diff erent with Rev, Dr. D. K. Palmer on bis John Rickamcl, placod a curtain polo way, Stand up! Spoak up! Shut up! right anti his f ather, Mr. H. E. Han- ring on trie tbumnb of trie bride, Carl Ho baseti bis addmess on throo H's- cock. on bis lot t. Fisher, who was given away by ber Hoalth, Hopefulness, Helpfulness Probably a father andi son wbose father, Brenton Rickard. clad in blue andi upon these developed andi ela- combineti heigbts may have excooti- tenim overails. Thie parson, Garnet borateti bis thomo. Ho stmessed the od that of any other pair weme Mr. Rickamd, droned out the womds of necessity of good bealth if one Fred Graham and Reeve Alfred the ceremony in a deep triroateti. would succeod. Evemy boy shoulti Graham, or Ex-Wardon W. F. Rick- ratrior gravoyard tone of voice. strive to bave a sound body and a arti anti son John might have gîven Otriers figurlng in the bridai party cloar brain and shoulti live and them a close un for this distinct- in various convontional capacities sproad the gospel of loy and good ion. And contrasting with theso weme were- Geo. Bucley, Jack Haro, Har-; cheor. There shouiti be no glum- fathers and sons, entbusiasts ahl, 0f olc Hoar. andi Harold Hoskin.' The ness. Youtb shoulti bo bopeful un- the Zacchaeus of trie Sycamore ladies in the gallery enjoyeti this too der ail circumstances. The outlook class. The biggest group consisted as well as the datis andi lads. Mrs. may be damk and gloomy at present of Rev. S. MacLean and bis tbmee E.C. Fisher played the bridaI chorus but nover mmnd, buck up and keep boys of the evening, Wilbur Basker- anid wetiding marcb. your own and others spirits up. ville, Ralph Qibson and Bobbie Gray. 1 Other toasts whicb like trie pro- Youtb shoulti be boîptul. Trie worid who have al been -bereavoti 0f their cedting were all ably proposeti andi is f ull of mean people without adding natural f athors, Rev. Mm. MacLean, roplieti to weme: "Our Fathers" by to the number. Trie cburch nood.s having no son of his own, in a kind- Stan Rickard, responded to by Fred you. the world neotis you, ho pleati- ly, comadely way became tiaddy for Graham, father of Ait andi W. F. ed with deep oanstness, ahl that is trie tirne to those fatherless sons, anti Rickamd, father of John: "Our Sons" gooti and grand and glorlous in tris they had a good timo togother. Sov- by Mr. Percy Haro, father of Jack, world wo owo to the Churcb, oniist oral other gentlemen, as Dr. Butler, respondeti to by Reove Alfred Gra- in ber service. Messrs C. T. Batty, N. L .Rickard, ham. otbomwise "Irish" to the boys, Dr. Palmer paiti warm tribute to T. W. Jackson, J. A. Awtie, E. M. H. and Bill Rowland. Pros. of the New- thie memory 0f bis own fstrier, trie Wamd, T. A. Rociger. andi others who castle Y. P. L. etc.: "Our Scbools best and f inest f ather that ever lived. have no sons at ail or none ava -anti Churchos" by Alex Hend.ry, a Every son sbould think of bis father able in the community, wero krndiy scholarsbip graduate of the New-I in tbe samne way. Ho made one ob- fatherlng boys of- trio village, who castleemgri School, rosponded toby servation in rospect of bis f ather otherwise migrit not bave been inion Rev. S. MacLean, B. A., E. M. H. tbat was pohaps more arresting the banquet. The Sons ail wore Ward, B A.. and principal Trios. A. than any other foature of bis ad- identification badges featurlng a Rotiger of the Public School. dress. His father, ho saiti, matie it a typicai boy's smiling, good-natured A vote of thanks to the ladies mule te ront a pew for the f amilin fh ae . ih i word boyrs batdge moved by Mr. T. A. Rotiger and sec- every protestant church in the town etred ade. S.otrE.FTem'sbag onded by Cari Fisher was accordeti whore they lived, for those were the quamtomed circle crossod by an X, for etuiastic applause. days of pew renting so that mem- Christ. the Tuxis Boy's Homo. 'and At opportune periods Stan Rick- bers 0f the family migbt choose trie' over eacb quarter with its signif t- ard, witb Mms. C. A. Cowan at trie chumch tboy wlsbed to worsbip in cant design, a latin word, four in ail, piano led in rounds of song, the olti- anti aily tomsolves wlth anti feel Intiicating trie C. S. E. T. fourfolti or anti paternal voices of trie fatriers quite at homo in trie family pew.I standard of grortri-safmentia. stat- andthre more youthful tonos of the No bigomlty or namowness about tris. ura. sanchitas, sotialitas - wisdom, sons blentilng togother in happy. A vote of thanks anti appreciat- stature. boliness, comradeship. 4oncomti. ion tendemeti to Dr. Palmer was mov- Edwin Hancock introducedtihtro ot by Mr. E. C. Hoar and socondeti Tis Tostsguest speaker, Rev. Dr. D. K. Pal- by H. E. Hancock. TheToatsmer ,Port Hope, who trie instant ho Bof ore tiispersing the wbolo as- When ail had dtono full justce to1 rose attracteti the rapt attention of semblage of f athors anti sons joineti the splendid offering of trie ladies, ail present and as ho proceeded hantis arounti trio oon anti sang, Edwin Hancock. Master of Ceromon- thmilied bis hearers with bis highly Blest be trio tie that bintis. ies. proposedth re Toast te trie King interesting, entertaining, inspirlng Trie words for trio songs of the anti everyone tirank His Majesty's atidress. It was an ideal deliver-1 evening were transcribeti on the slid- rioalth: Jack Haro thon proposeti. ance for a C. S. E. T. function. Mea-1 es by Mms. A. O. Parker anti thrown "Our Country" whicb was respontiet sureti by C. S. E T standards it was . on trie scmeen by Mr. Parker with the to by Mm. F. W. Bowon, M. P., wbo four-square anti well devolopeti.1 Sunday S9chooi lantern. T oavoid bulbe that qiuickly blacken Aand give dim hight--always look for nae"EDISON MAZDA". This mark on a lamp guarantees that you will get good ight at Iow cost. SETTER LIGHT . . . SETTER SIGHT WbisOM MD LAM PS L-54 CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limited Mazda Lampe Sold in Bowmanville by RICE & CO. MASON & DALE DODGE v. No SWAY -SW1qy~,~ ~ N NICW SYNCHROMATIC" FRONT JEND CONSTRU1n... keeps the Dadge on an even keel nt &U dunes, tep* over hammpend* swmy and rmil. Improvements lnclude new, Maulte - leaf, super.flexible pring- new Dadge ride "'Levelator"- new double action sbock aboebem Now riding iterully in glidingi DEPEN DABILITY e BEAUTY COM FORT * SPEED e ECONOMY Ride in the New.-Va lue Dod ge . .. Check the facts and features for. yourself while you thrill to the Airglide Ride. ' ow ,.O big car luxury and comfort, AIbrilliant performance and riding ease - with reai economy - are brought ta the low-priced field. The New-Value Dodge is new from A to Z - and Dodge engineers have packed in dozens of features that give it extra value. Among its 95 basic advancements, you get many amazing econamy. features put there ta save flot merely pennies, but dollars, in running expense and upkeep. Startling advancements in the Dodge "Red Ram" engine give you new ranges of per- fomne... siiky smootnes... greater ruggedness and dependability than ever. And it's designed ta give yau remarkable new economy an gas and ail. Llodde ModelI*'DU" 2-door Toutid jSedan Dodge and De Soto Dealer Dadge gives yau perfected dual-cylinder hydraulic brakes, proved in service by neariy three million awners. The famous Dodge ail-steel body was introduced by Dodge over 20 years ago and perfected year by year until, today, it holds unquestioned leadership. Dodge gives you Floating Power engine mountings-patented 1 - impossible to imitatel And dazens of ather features that make Dodge stand up longer, keep coats down lower. The New-Value Dadge bas taken fatigue out af riding with the wonderful, new "Airglide Ride". "Synebra- matic Contrai" makes driving easy. DELIVERED IN BOWMANV1 LLE D G«EFOR AS LOW AS DODG -à~ We J. CRALLIS THE 2/eé?uJe £vo~n.ns me mou mue £soenh.. Phono 290J Bowmanvil 1 - THE CANADUN SrATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY. F'EBRUAP-V 2R lq-t.r% imàriw c2mwrw» Nothing to add but Ucon».

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