PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMTANVILLE, THURSDAY. MARCH 14th. 1935 i I HIGRER PRICES AT I The Newcastle independentSHTHNAUTN I Continued froni page 8> Duf Mrtle Station: A. Fitzpatriçk. Miss Mininie Pearce off the Star, quies off his people today 1.3 to do Downeyville: S75.00. Toronto. is home on sck leave. .lustly in ail matters. to love merl3 Augusta Royalist. male:. Robt. Mrs. H. J Ragen. Toronto, has and most important off ail, to w aik Duf f- A.E. Wilson. «BethalY, $90. been vîsiting her mother. Mrs. Johnl humbly before Hîm. Laý-ender Weicome. female: Robt. Douglas who has been quite il with Mr-ndMs W. H. Creeiock. t Duff; J. B. Lawrie Cole. Newcastle:___________ the flu. innipeg, r. Howard Creelock and S50.0(. IWane Mr.E. . ymos.Welcome, visit- Miss Mabel Brown. Toronto. were RoeU ad, maie: J. E. Leask. BR H ATD-DU PRNIE ed his aunt, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, guests of Rev. and Mrs. S. Maclai Seagrave: E. A. Rutherford. Castie- * Sno arclto equired Thursday and attended the Short- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Clark, Tor- ton: $80.00. Senio*.r Ma ratin er B. owman horn sale. onto. attended the funerai off her Flower Lad, male: J. E. Leask: I GRAHAM-In Bowmanville Hospi- ville. 11-1 Durham Lodge A. F. & A. M. was grandmother, Mrs. Simon Basker- T. W. Kerr. Harrowsmnith; $80.00. 1 tai, on Monday, March 4th. 1935.,a1 epce.Apl N. rW pleased to have a visit frein Geo. ville, on Friday in company with her i 'Ury's Royal Perth. maie;" Fred to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Graham. al MAID WANTED FOR FAMILY 0F - Hart, D.D.G.M., Oshawa, March 5th, mother, Mrs. Jesse Baskerville, and . Parker, Cobourg: Elmer Powell, son gHarold Winsford).1 three. State experience and sal- when he gave an interestiflg talk on brother Wiibur. Whitby: S6000. 1_______________________________ the early history off Masonry. The W. A. off the United Church Mayflower Cashier. maie; Fred i er B. Bow?%manvilie. 11-V* Mr. Robt. H-endry. who has been meets Thursda (toiaY in the S. S.Parker: E. White. Orono; $47.50. DAII A ATD~.ORWEG empioyed on a big dairy f armn neari hall at 3 p. m. Mrs. Percy Brown's Rosabeil. f emale: Fred Parker;: _______________________UàRAýVEIG Collins' Bay. is home to take charge group %will contribute the program Wmn. Tait. Castleton: $40.00.--------1 Rotof80amle.I - on bis own account and begin spring and menu. Members are asked t O Elmival e Saxon. maie: T. Bakeri FOWLER - In Orono. March 7th day. Rawleigh. Dept. ML-140-SA,' operatiofls on the Mrs. Afred Far-,as rthroicî iharveb Son. Hampton; E. R. Taylor. Ennis- 1935, Eshe Ann Elliott. widow oi Montreal, Canada. 5-10e com b f rn o h a e s o ekillen' $87W A N TED-A PPLES 0F ANY VAR-'ars f am n te akeshreeast. i Miss Helen Edmi.sof off the Tor- U nited Church - Ri v S. M ac-' onto public school teaching staff. Ei va, 887.50. RObtal :.TFoBwler, aged 84OF yearsR - Lean. B. A.. Pastor.SndyMac anbenic. isDoth Ed- ker & Son: W. R. Alun. Bowçman- day Marcb 8th, 1935. William prices paid. Apply C.G." Draw- lh:Il a. m.-Morfling WorshiP. son off the Coliege off Education. To- ville: $70.00. John McMillen. formeryoff Ken- er B. Bowmanville. 11-V* the third off a series off Lenten ser- ronto. and daughter off Rev. A. K. RoseWood Leaf, maie: J. Baker. dal Interred at Cadmus.-________ mon ontheutterances off Christ Edmison, M. A.. visited at Mr. and jHmpton; Irwin Colwill. Newca stle; M FA nee nors nFrSl from the cross- 2.30 p. m.-.Sunday Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard's n comipany $105.00. OFT -zneeItorsinorSl School: 7 p. mn.-Evening Service. with Miss Marion Rickard. B. A. I Golden Heî'o maie: Earî Osborne, Oshawa. on Wednesday. March 6, M.Wlimad r.Jack Toms. The Newcastle Young Peipe' Bo- manville .K sbre o-1 1935, David Mofffatt, beioved bus- FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-"TWO Tootoçpetth eekend with League vill present a four act drama. i là .Obre o band off Bessie Hamm, aged 74' Incubators. Phone 423. 10-21j Toront. spet theIl mtaillHume..0.Manrsers Phinnee231J.y their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herb. "A Noble Outcast," in the Com- Discount Clipper. maie: E . .HAY FOR SALE - APPLY MR. A. Toms. bringiflg their ouger bro- rnunity Hall, on Friday evenng. Osborne Newcastle: William Gra-' SOUTHEY - At the Hospita for Hme ail-id.Phn 21. thrAte l wt hi rIn acattd rs e enae i hmLendray7.0fm0 . F Mcb h. 1935,rSato. beloedy, ______ the 'city where he had been vistn rector; orchestra in ate Di- h:a. eLafdy, e$'70...R. = c th 13, Fr bloe bisgradmthe. M5.Wm. S-it- Aduits 25c. Children 15c. This 'i'"brleF L aon. Oshawa: $701 daughter off Edmund and Mary FOR SALE - SEED GRAIN. 2- Writing f rom Saugor. India. to exceptionally good play: plan to Roan 'Prince, maie; A. J. Howden I Southey. Bowrnanville. in ber llth rowed Barley and Colorado wbeat. bis mother, Mrs. J. H. Gibson. Rev. attend. 'î.Columbus: M. G. Welsh. Port Hope; year. F. L. Smith, Phone 197r24. 11-1. H J . G i b s o n s t a t e s t h a t h e a s r e -1__ _ _ _ _ _ _-_- - - - - - - --__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ci completed th rtn ofo Royal Gif t. maie: A. J. Howrdem I FOR SALE-VICTOR OATS, 40c;I certain examinations and has sec-ý OBITUARY 1 Jonah Clarke, Blackwater; $105.00. IN MEMORIAM Bu Joh et c; bone13erto. ured witb honora bis L.Th. degree.___________ Marry Broadhos female; Jas. jr. 1- AU Newca.stle f riends exteld con- IT-adden & Sons Biackwater: O. G. STAPLETON-Iil loving memory offFRSL W ES N gauain.1Mrs. Wmi. Cain Jr., Ballydul asn Harrowsmith; $62.50. our dear husband and father f. ganR. A pp y W. H. C AplND St. George's Curch - Rýev. F. H.'Wto.. - I- hmsSaltn v-opse adr ApyW .Caln MsnMA.. B.D. Sunday. March Mrs. Wmn.Cain Jr.. off Ballyduff, iCn t ompt Ie: . Cha5 i hmsSapeoi b asd Newcastle. Phone Clarke 1120. M asonli.,owmnM .l . C. Ashton i away M ai-eh 14t. 1929.1 - * i7th, 2nd Sunday in Lent: il a. m. i Ont., daugbter off Mr. Mathew All- Bon-manvilL: $100.00. ."ntegaeadsfl leig -Monin PryerandHol Coi-.drtd adbereltethe AldffloCa-ers gfeiln.tCas.AIave;rethFORoerSALEly --v;UPRIGHT UPI PIANONO muio. ecn of hesrmrons on1died as the result off burns. ~ i'HmodBon ewate isteoew oed so dearly. and Bench. wilt accept horse as' Schol;s'cop. of tesn sero ae and ody ocasinedbye- uhesof Growne, feasl e;S. L.eAndthe one e loui o ae atpymn.GoDvs .R "The Gospls" 2 p. n.Sunday, Cain wo suffered terrible burns to $65.00.Anthoe vculntsa. prtay n.Go D iR.. theme '"The Church and Rer Teach- 1ploinoff kerosene died at her ho me' us1ato-htof__u da-fthr, 6-B-mn _ _e_ 111 in.-1south off Ballydufff, March th af ter Alin L. Richardson & Sons. Ash-' Just a memiory fond and true; -- -- - - burn $5.50 And a token off affection. FOR SALE-SEED BARLEY. GOOD On March i2tb. 2r. Ernest Well- a week's intense sufffering. The ac- intnStrickland and Miss Giadys cîdent occured on Feb. 23rd wben LdvBpdok.fml;Ca.ITa u eat tl cefryu atn -eengton em T Ftergili. Whitbsv: E. A. Ruther- -.Ever remembcred and sadly Thought cook stove. in good con Marion Martin. both off Clarke, çeei. eatemted to hasten a fîire in tbeIT.Ford t eo $0 0 missei by Wîfe. Son and Daugh- dition. Apply Blake Short. Bow- united in marriage by Rev. S. Mac- 1 tove by pourifg kerosefe on the teord. CastletP onn S102 50.1- Len .A. at the parsonage. The j blaze. An explosion toik place wicb PrincesBat 2hfeml;W groom vas. supported by Mr. Keith!caught Mrs. Cama sciothing. She F. Rickard. Newcastle; F. L. Mason, , and creditors couiti benefit if the ity De SLaEaONEpai't0r0- 'B motor j Henderson and the bride attended 'vwas alone in the bouse and run out Oshawa: $75.00. entered ia cne spirit off f riendli- iy ve: One 1350-lb. Viking. lik by ber sister, Mrs. Hazel Caviet, ioff doora anti threw berseif in the Lavender Bell 3rd. was not sold: neas that wouid permit. reasonable ie:'.iOn eLa35a-b.engin. Pur- Port ope., -mo-,. Her husband wbo was worIca and Mayflower Leal was not brought agieements. ther1particLasappninetoFOre Women representing the St. Geo-: îng near by heard her screamns and, fforard on accintoff an accident., Mr. Amos, President off the United te atclr pl oOm rge's Anglican Church and the Unit- ran ta er assistance anti immned-1 The officers of the Durham Coun- Farmers Co-O'perative, was aioter. Hyland. Burketon. Phone: Port ed Cburcb açsembied together ta iately summoned medical aid. Sym- 1 tv. Sborthorn Association are: Pres- speaker. In urging f armers to pur-! Perry lîr5. il-V* observe World Day off Frayer helti pathy is extended to her sorrawing 1 iàent-W. C. Parsons: Vice Presi- <hase cooperati'.ely. Mr. Amas poinit-FO SAE-R LBARGIN - on March 8. in St. Gelrg'5Cburch. t usbada sahe.Mtesil dn~Uell Richardison; Sec'y.- ed out tha[ -aiuch goot had come Bu13ckeye Incubator. 210 egg cap- Mrs. Scott Howard presideti and dread brother. Ernest off Newcastle,1 TrealS Chas. Alun: Asst. Seclv.ta the farming commuflity through act;WieLgbrjokrl acted as leader. Frayera were given' Mary. Mrs. Farrel Toronto; Win- -John Baker; Sale Manager-E. F., the efforts off bis organisation. Atl from blood tested stock. $1 each; nIe. .H.Msers. Pontypool; IR. Osborne. one time twine manufacturera re- asooudenIisCblrp- Norman' Allin off th Unitedi Church 1 Marjorie. Mrs. J. Bud. Pontypool;j- fusei ta gise the organisation tatoel growt f rom certified seed. and Mrs. F. H. Maon and Mrs. W.i Vera. Mrs. C. Johnlson, Oshawa, is- j DIORwbolesale prîces and the company R. Sanderson. Tyrone. Phone 1 H. Gibson off St. George's Church., ters. -.ýA M R1wsfre obytiei rln. â 03 Th tem ofth metn was "Bear Her remaiîîs wer adt etMi.R A G M N C he campany later secured proper - yeoeanothers burdens.16tb in otpOlTe A concession not only in twine but inT Le ye nh i Pntyoi Cemetery.Th AR NG M TAC T Y.P.L.onMndv vein as bears were Elmer Farrell, Ca.sait and at the present time wIere in charge off the Missionary conven- Johnson, Howard Masters. Leonard (Continued frorn page 1) having concessions granted in fer- ýSTORE TO RENTI TTSA ductedby th Presdent.Devotonal1 ed off value both ta tbe f armer and tilizer. He urgeti the f armera to buy Blcfrel cuieti by H. period in charge off Marion Rinch TOW1NSHIP COUNCIL the creditoi'. Mr. Elliott pointeti out. ,through their co-oiperat.iv.e organisa- Jamieson & Son. Apply St.ates- was taken by Siti Brown. Dunreath'i fftha debt was lef t until proceedinga tion and believed that $10 per ton mani Office. cio baîlifff sale wvere undertaken could be saved on f ertilizers. Walton. Mrs. Ford and Mrs. Cowan. i CLARKE COUNCIL tefamrwut e erv f iIM ayor Rosa Strike presideti as PLAT TO RENT-SUITABLE FOR Progam.linludd apiao slo yitelihomerd, an ed e redrpofablY c hairman off the meeting andi in- living roimaor office, cover Seirite Gladys Polard: Missioflary Study Council met Marcb tb with mem- gie oiyandpor edtion o a ul _______o--- Mach at.eppsptaL.k.eMson Book by Hilda Rowland: mouth or- bers al present and Reeve . B. h l. oto fwa wsdeSoe oveine:pseso ganond guitar elt .Mie y Jne oeknpesdnIn the event off the debtor and i barrister, Bowmanville. 8-tf Bron;vocl uetbvMare enn iCommunications were received as creditor beîng unablie ta came ta AUCTION SALE FRR N-7ROE OS Inga and Gladys Pplard. Meeting f ollows: Board Railway Commis- reasonable agreement the matter N TBec- ve.7hrwOod flOos. clst ibahî orofrcet ionercnwegngarlte f is proceeded with under the act and Friday, Marcb 22 - Wal B wielorAnectstve., aVaodfc-s Marc metin ofW. M S.of heFeb. th; Jno. H. Middleton in re- the case taken beffore tbe Board off jWill SelI by auction on Lot 23. Con. ant Jan. 31. Apply Mrs. Quick, Marh eetngoffW.M. . ff hegard ta payment off fence vieer Review which makes a settlement: 9, Darlington. aIl off bis farm stoc. hn 2.Bomnil. 3t Unitedi Church was held March 4th. was refferred to the Clerk and will be raoal abt ate.jimlmns t.Sl tip .i Phne_ 26______--e. - th eii r. S . MacLeaess n i ei iha etmeig et f Mr. Eiiott pointed out that the, Terma cash. Elmer Wilbur. Auct- FARM TO RENT - 100 ACRES. th har Srpur eso.follow- Municipal Affaira re statement idl behind the legilatian was te'îo i r 10-2 known as Clemens Farm. Lot 12. edIpaye gien he pt ofacknow- the onsta ltt Con. 4, Darlingtofl (just nortb off Preit .weasurer'formportoff Highways ak -keep tef armera onthe lndandCyemn t1C 6go rc os.goibn an Preidet. reattrrs epot aa edgng ecept ff igb yfaillis give them a chance. isadofet-i Saturtiay, March 23rd. - Benson TYrone Station). gooti grain f arm, given. also variaus Presabyterial sec- completeti;F. F. Morris Ca. re burial ig poor conditions off the paat few Cye a.Lot 21,Cn. 6, Darling-I retaries reports were read. Mrs. F. off the late Jno. Attffiel E. A. Sum- years derrive them off their homes ton. will sel bis farmn stock. imple- Poodessic on pil l. AplbarL. J Lovei group hati charge off the1 mers, Agriculturl Rep. for Durham an wok menta. grain. lumber. poultry. and GaudsioR. R. IlBAwmvlyL. J deoioa prod is owadCo.: A. W. Saver. Commiasioner Mr. Hannan. Secretary off the some bousehalti furniture. Termis Phone 23R1.1, wanil-V. offereti prayer anti Mrs. T. Clemens Public Welffare. re Bogdan Kiurski United Farmers off Ontario. spoke in cash. Sale 1.30 p. m. J. D. Hogarth,. hn 3rl 11 read the acripture leason. Watchlanti family. Clerk to write for in- zlowing termisoff the act, and be- cierk: Elmer Wilbur. auctioneer.'2FrSl rRn Tower Heraltis as f oiloWa: Afrida,1 formation. lieveti that a great many f armera I2 o Sl rRn Miss Robison; Korea, Mrs. J. A. But-1 C. J. Moody atitresseti Cauncil ______________ FOR SALE OR RENT-FARM. 140 er; New Canadiana. Mrs. E. Hoar; Ing for furtber relief mneasures --IarsLo16Cn.3Drigtn Formosa, Mra. C. Cowan. Mr . CI hc eus wsntgatd.acres. o 1. on. 3î. 100a r e s Hancack gave an instructive talk on wBylaW utwapaset aontine O- ne awrkaBle. nw seei. 16 acreks Arica. followed with an interesting ver Smith. Lindsay. as engin'eer un- - rbe ot ugignoe.ce talk on the Women anti Chiidren Off der the ditches anti water courses i ,.. o immediate poeion. A China by Mrs. Norman Rickard. act. VRSNC ply ta Mrs. W. L. Law, 71 Albert Mis WinifedRicardfaore C.P. wl Colectrwasgivn TiE505 hA Sre.R.2s hitaborIva 93Law witb a vocal solo. with Mrs. E.C- an extension off time to April 2ntiBE EE NI4 Fisher as accompafit. for the collection of al unpaid taxes. B F - E . Baby C 2, h îcks for9Sal Rev. S. MacLean preacheti bis Bills were passeti anti paiti vis:l -E second Lenten sermon Suntay m rr- Hyra Power Co mn. lig t AEEAlW> S - re r mRl a C i ABLE f orU TRY ing ffrom the words off Christ ffrom, for Hall. $ 5a.5-a4 A the cross spoken ta the penitent Municipal World, assessment OCCUPED fRoM - e LBeghOLr ay thief on a cross beside Hm odyinotices 4.63 -F ChickseoLerghb o rntesetitw shaît thou be witb menPaais.Mrs. E. J. Randal. mnontbly of iclverope00 plloes mtedt ta In the evening he preacheti an el- payment R vs p 40.00i ant eya odlesas e qetanti forceful sermon f rom Mi- tT. sinith, ina. on Town Hall 51.00 ofT E TUTKlthiti lac uletin Wh te eghoi cab 6:8. And what doth the Lord Chas. Brown, repair, furnace 200 ANTI ulbohr forpnta o require off thee, but ta do justly, anti S. Cuttel, printing 11.001.. -- IIA~E'OBE h aaia g-ain ota ta love mercY andt t walk humbîy R. H. Wood. caretaker 11.85 1 a ttwa134 Eecrc ncb wihtyGoti. The dihonest pract- p adae lcoum .5 'EVERi.Y ., ..rIM ator: separate hatcher: prices ices off big buýiness and some others F. F. Morris Co. services .~.. ~ 'i - FN~"'raoai;aeaehnseg e too. as revealeti by the investigations re iste Jnio-Attfielti 40.00 *" > , k EI OLY 6oz. t: eagdA .Ce h ns. C a m m iA YiO n . ier e E ..L . M a c N A .tH . C T r e a . s . :.9- t off thL .ea S te v e n sre a s 6.1',o, m a n v ille . P h o n e 2 3 7 r3 . rifein icabs dy astbe areta- Mrs Noa Poter ntibaby______ PORT HOPE Office is open WEDNESDAY of 01u " each week f rom 9 a.M. to 9 p. M. Phone 248 I b195 a e srbutd aang he ersan-i Decder'sentltled thereto. baving regard only or 5 5 . G .Bosnell in C ar e b t bt e d am h n gre ei - -a IUI d5PEP OOK FOR LAYING ENS Dated at Bowmaflville this 22nd COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each week from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m. Gordon E. Garnett in charge. NOTE-~Wbere at ail possible klndly make appointLdefts for examlnatlofl5. FUL--PEPFROMLawrencde Courtice Mason anti BUY L 0 PE R MGen Lyle Martyn. HARRY ALLIN, Grocer yterSlco, Executors PHONS 18 OR121 OWNANVILLEL. C. Masan, Bowmnanville, Ont. PHNE 86O 11BOM n'iLL b9-erSoiitr I Il Do You Know THA TRIE GOSPEL TRIO of The Toronto Baptist Seminary ARE PREACHING IN THE TOWN HALL, BOWMANVILLE 4 COUNCIL CHAMBERS) EACH SUNDAY, 7.30 P. M. THE GOSPEL THAT WE PROCLAIM CHANGES WRECKED LIVES. AND REMAKLES RUINED HOMES. St, PatricLc1's Specials Make the St. Patrick'a Week-End Brighter with these 17th of lreland Specials DELICIOUS SHAMROCK icE cREAM BICKS 25c Each A BIG SPECIAL Log Cabin Chocolates LB. 29)0 Week-end Only. become a popular feature. We bave a real surprisefor this week-end. Sec it ln Our win- dows. TASTY HOT CROSS BUNS 20c Doz. Watsofl's Buttel'crust Bread la the best you can buy. E,#it regularly every day. Watsoys.eBakery LUNCH ROOM PHONE 9 SODA FO!YNTAIN t ONE WEEK ONLY - MARCH 18, 1935 25 per cent DISCOUNT on ail DRY CLEANING of t $2.00 Or Over Oshawa Laundry & Dry Cleaning Phone 152 - We Cal1 and Deliver Cambridge Cloties Guaraultee Sem-rp.aete ts tyle t ri e nece thssan in Men's Clothes. Mr. Chas. L. Beatty THE CAMBRIDGE CLOTHES REPRESENTATIVE , wbo la welI known to niany of our custonidis l to be in our store Friday, March 22nd with a complete shoivlng of the latest styles and cloths. We invite your Inspection. There la no obligation 10 buy. Couch, Johuston &Crydernian Phone 104 LIMITED Bowmaviile CONFIDENCE For 80 years our business bas enjoyed the confidence of physic- lana and patients alike. We are proud of Ibis record. Pre- scriptions called for and delivered promptly. NOTE THIS LIST 0F EVERYDAY VALUES ENO'S SALTS................ 47c - 79c VICK'S VAPO RUB ................ 39e OVATIE .........38c - 58c - 98c MUM Deodorant........3c-49 SAL HEPATICA .... 29c - 57c - $1.09 IRONIZED YEAST ............. 89e KOTEX I~II KEPLER Malt Extract 4 dozen 69c 95c - $1.50 COTY'S Face Powder.............. 69c KOLYNOS PASTE............ 32c - 43c POND'S CREAMS ............. 9 KRUSCHEN SALTS............... 69c 6 x 8 ENLARGEMENT79 FRAMED AND COLORED .... 79 Phono 78 Whett ln Need of Druga QuicklY DRUGGISTS and OPTICIANS JURY & LOVELL PHONE 78BOWMANVILLE Man'ýq m SatisFaction