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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Mar 1935, p. 1

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tanr With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News VOLU ME 81 BOW-MANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH l4th, 1935 NUMBER il Two Hundred Enjoyed Hospitality of Rotary Club at Annual Ladies Night Badminton Club Scene of B.H.S. GLEE CLUB Brilliant Social Event onl TO APPEAR BEFORE Friday -Originality Was O.E.A. CONVENTION Keynote of Splendid Pro- gram School Board to Aid in Transporta- gram - tion-Decide to Sponsor Another Membrs ! Bwmanill Roary University Extension Lecture Club playeci hast an Friday night, This Season ta Iheir ±Iolary Anns, and toabaoutt Sa well pleased are the Hligh 150 amner guests at an enjoyable At iSho npcaswt h oko Home at trie Badminton Club. The BwaveHg School Glpcos ihtee Clubf hall was gally dccorated with multi- BwavleHg colGe lb colored balloons, Chînese îanîerns that Ibis organisation bas been ex- and Rotary wheels. At the north tended an invitation ta sing before end o! the orchestra platformm vas the Ontario Educatian Association i banked wîtb palms, whîle the word atilus convention in Tarantson Ens- "Rtr"in ueltrs and a nuge ter week. To appear bof ae Ibis Roary we bue anetters, m-convention a! Ontario teachers and Ro tarheecgrondbu.adgadf r educationisîs is consîdemed a higb Dr. J. C. DevîtI. Harry Allin, and bonor, and the High Scbool Board F. F. Morris, members o! the Fellow- at ilis regular montbly meeting on ship Commttee, together wth Pres- Tuesday nigbt. ganted $10,00 ta- !dent Fred Cryderman welcomed the wards transportation o! the Gîe guests. Shortly bef are nine o'clock Club ta Toronto for thal purpose. Charlie Cawker and bis orchestra Mr. Francis Sultan. Mus. Bac.. ta, struck up the f irst dance, and the whom îlhe credit goes for the fine large dance floor was soon crowded progress made by tle Club will of with a gay company o! bandsomely course be in charge. gowned ladies and 11dmr escarîs. Members o! the Board present at, During the evening a number o!, Tuesday's meeting were Dr. G. C.î contests were laken came o! by Earl 'Bannycasîle, chairman; F. C. Van- Cunningham and George Chase. stone .M. G. V. Gould, Harry Rice, Miss Jean Morris was the winner of:'Fred Knox, Secretary Chas. H. Mas- the Spot dance prise, Mrs. Vernon 0on. and Principal L W. Dippell. Ott, the lucky number draw, Mrs. It vas decided ta have a third and Chas. Searle. the horse acing con.- closing lecture from the University lest. Miss Bernice Bagucîl, the bal- Extension. The Board received nu- loon contest, and M. Jim Pickard merous camments an the speaker on and patner, the lucky slip prise. Manday night. wben a large crowd An amusing interlude was the sud- h eard Prof. A. Brady. Monday's sil- den appearance o! Sammy Stone o!f ver collection amounted 10 $12.05, tle Boys' Training School, and a leaving the Board only $1.00 ta psy. delapitated bathtub, wben Len El-, towards the speaker's expenses. liaIt was taken ta task in true utal- Principal Dippell and the clairman ian fashion for the quaîity a! bisi were authorized ta secume a good, work on this particular balbtub. He speaker for the next meeting. was roundly berated for leaving bisi Mr. White, boiler inspectar for tbe bools behind. and the episode pro- Deparîment un Toronto, submitted vided plenty o! laughter for the bis report showing the system op- cowd and no litîle embarrassment eratîng successfuîly. for enwhobluhedfromcarto r. . G V.Gould was instruct- Lewb lubd rrner aed to re-invest the manies o! theI One o! the most pleasing portions Jolliffe and Scuair prises, the bonds o! the pmogram came just before tle for which have came or are now due. lunch recess at midnigbt, wben a These bonrds will bc reinvested in short musicale was staged. Mrs. M.I Sterling Trust bonds. bearing 41/2%7 A. Neal, cello: Mr. AI. Matbews, Intp.rest. The total ta be lnvested is i violin: and Mrs. C. H. Dudley, piano~ $425. provided tlmee instrumental1 tria Accounts totalling $525.33 weme ap- numbers wich were received with proved by the Board and ordeed.1 enthusiasmn by the large ci'owd. Mrs. paid. C. H. Dudley and Mrs. Vernon Ott The Board discussed aI some leng-1 blended their voices in two duels, tl the budget for 1935 but the es- when Mrs. Neal acted as accompan- timates were not tabled as the ist.. Board lad no de! mite information Members o! the Club acted as as ta caunty ùgants, etc. Il Is ex- waiters duing tle serving o! e- pected however that île estimates f r e s h m e n t s. Dainty wa!er-tbick will be higher Ibis yeam ta take came sandwiches, light and damk cake, o! the extra salary o! a teacher, and co!fee and ice cream fommed the at- because tle Board did not have a tractive lunch menu. surplus ta apply ta expenses this Anoîher interesting event was the year. Last year's estimates o! $3400 release o! scores a! balloons wbich were tle lawest in many years, but floated down ur)nnthe dancers dur- were not normal. Ing the evening, tle inserIs o! Principal Dippeîl reparted thal wbich provided many a! the even- the Department bas adopted the Ing'scontets. vstem a! rerommendations for tle ing' conesis Upper Sehool .so thal a pupil gain- The whole event was anc o!fthe inr 66'; in hiý year's standing can most enjoyable social events a! the enter university wiîiiauî examinaI- wînter season. Il was somewhat o! an Iniovatian. and will likely be in repeated in future years. --__ >11 -Regular meeting o! St. Paul's Wes Cawker s again supplying Young People's Guild was held Tues- Parliament Restaurant aI Ottawa day evening witb an attendance o! with real choice Durham County, 30. Scripture was ead by Jim bee! during tle present session. Some 1 Thampsan, and prayer by Mrs. A. S. o! Ibis bec! bas corne f rom well 1Kerr. Ouest speaker was Mr. G. L. known Shorthamn herds o!> Thos. Wagar who gave a very interesting Baker and John Baker, Solina. so and educational address on "My ils bound ta bo first cîass. Book Friends" Werry - Swain of the .ioys and sorrows. the tri- -- umphs and defeats including the A very interest.ing event of the many disappointments which have week at Blackstock was the cele- been our common heritage. We must. bration on Tuesday, March 5th of congratulate you fromn the fact that Mr. and Mrs. Albert Werry's <nee you have neither been ashamed or Agnes Swain> f iftieth wedding an- afraici of honest toil but have cer- niversary at their home. Those pre- tainly done your part to make the sent. for the wedding luncheon were locality a btter place to lîve in, if Mr. and Mrs. S. Swain, Rev. and ail our population had been as in- Mrs. H. J. Bell andi daughter Ruth, dustriously minded we would flot be Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Van Camp, Mr. alarmed by the unemployment sit- and Mrs. J. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. uation today. nor would it have been H. Mountjoy. necessary to place on the statutes The table was covered with the unemployment insurance. tablecloth which was used at the Because we consider you have s0 weddlng of 1885; and was very gay well earned more lelsure and rest with roses. Rev. W. C. Washington than you have enjoyed in the past, was the officlatlng clergyman of we feel it a privilege as well as a this lnteresting event of 50 yearsiduty to present you with these tok- aga. ens of our friendship and esteem and The wedding cake was decoratedi sincerely hope you wlll be spared with gold roses; and the dishes and many more years to enjoy il. flatware were gis presented at the We ask you to accept this radio early wedding. presented by your sons Harold and The a! ternoon was spent in re- Rupert, and this couch presented by minlsclng. and following a short relatives and f riends. believing themn service at seven o'clock, f ifty guests 10 be the most appropriate guifs. were entertained at dinner. The Signed by W. A. VanCamp and bride cut the cake, and speeches Stanford Swain. were enjoyed with S. Swain, brother Replies were given by the bride of the bride ,as chairman. and groom: and others speaking Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, sister of the were: H. Mountloy, J. Wright. form- bride read the address. and a radio er neighbors: Mrs. L. Swain, Mrs. A. fram the immediate f amly and a Bailey, Miss V. Dever, W. A. Van studio couch from relatives and fr1- Camp. Harold Werry, elder son fia ends were presented. the bride and groom: and many Dear Folks: others present. Readings were glv- We have been reminded that It 15 en by Mrs. W. VanCamp and Mrs. C. now f ifty years since you decided ta Marlow. Owing ta llness, the young- pull toget.her in the tug of life and er son, Rupert, and f amlly could il Is so very exceptional that twa flot be present. are spared and are still in the har- Greetings were received f rom Mr. ness when Sa many have either pass- and Mrs. H. Swain, Wlnniveg. Man..« ed on or retired ta samne cazy centre Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Swaln, Grand- ta spend the remainlng years o!f view. Man.: Mr. and Mrs. A. Paw- their lives in comparative relaxat- érs. Lindsay: Mr. and Mrs. L. Werry, ion and ease, that we decided to Grand Rapids. Mich.: Mr. and Mrs. celebrate the half century with you. J. Douglas and Mr. and Mms. W. We wish ta, congratulate you for Tinney, Cavanville. Thase present the grit and determinatian to carry from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. an with a degree of cheerfulness Harold Werry. Miss Marlam and Mr. whlch considerlng the fact that. yau Jack Werry, Toronta, and Mrs. 0. have experlenced perhaps as much Carley, Cavanville. Courtice Boys Win Ontario Curling Titde It emained for Courtice, a village consisting o! a Post office, a store. a garage, a parsonage and a rink, ta put Oshawa, home o! Qeneral Mot- ors. 20,000 people, and the probable junior hockey champions o! Can- ada, on the map in a curling way. Last Thursday these four boys, Jack' Gay, skip, Harry Gay, Doug. Court- ice and Archie Muir. curling underi the name o! Osbawa, for the f irst time in the bistary o! the sp#rt, won for that city the Ontario Junior Tankard. defeaîing f ive teams with Churchill being the last ta receive the honor o! losing ta the champ- ions. Besides the cup which goes ta the team as a whole, eacb member received sweaters and a large picture o! the team. But what they really appreciated the most was a telegram o! congratulations from the City o! Oshawa. HIGHER AVERAGE PRICES RECEIVED SHORTHORN SALE1 Average o! $86 for Males and $65 for Females - Keen Bidding Brlngs Total of $1900 for 24 Head Presaging beter prices for farm produce, the annual sale o! the Shorthorn Breeders o! Durham County, held last week at the Love- kmn Farm. 3 miles east o! Bowman- ville. not only attracted a very large crowd, but also witnessed higher average prices than mealized a yeam ago. Prof. Oea. E. Day of the Ontario ,Agricultural College at Guelph, op- ened the sale with an optimistic ad- dress in which hie outlined the me- cent upward trend un prices for beef and beef cattle. Prof. Day said that there was marked activity In thei demand for breeding stock. and he thougbt the outlook for breeders o! pure bred stock was more hopeful than for some years. Mr. Ted Jack- son o! Port Perry also commented on the future o! the cattle market, before the hammer was handed over 10 Auctioneer Duncan Brown 10 car- ry on. Twenty-six animais were off ered for sale. consistlng o! 17 maIes and 9 femnales. The total sales aniounted ta $1900, the average for maIes being $86.00, and for females $65.00. The com- plete list o! animais. consignees, purchasers and prices paid. follows: Bugler's Pride, maIe; L. Richard- son & Son, Ashburn: J. K. Parkin. Little Brittain: $140.00. Ramsden Duke, maIe: L. Richard- son & Sor: Wm. Reynolds, Ponty- pool: $97.50. Auguýta Monarch. maIe: RobI. (Continued on page 12) MANY PRESENT WHEN OPPORTUNITY DAYS PRIZE DRAW MADE Mayor Ross Strike Draws Lucky Coupons and 38 Citizens Get Prizes Donated by Merchants in Shopping Event Il was a large and enthusiastic crowd which gatbered outside Len Elliott's store on Saturday night at 8 o'clock to witness the drawing for the 38 lucky prizes donated by Bow- manville merchants in the Oppor- tunity Days Campaign. And lhirly- eight different citizens o! Bowman- ville and surrounding territomy were made happier within bal! an hour witb the acquisition o! one o! Ihese prizes. We understand Ibat one o! the principal prizes went 10 one man who had only ane coupon in, while several who had two and three hun- dred coupons to their credit f ailed ta get a prize. No prize winner re- ceived more than one prize,, ai- thougb there was no0 ruling ta this effect, Il just saved a lot o! last minute decisions, that's aIl. Mayor Ross Strike, was as usual rlght on the dot at eight o'clock. The thlrty thousand odd coupons were well mixed in a large box. and the prise coupons placed in another box. His Worsbip then drew. a cou- pon, and then a prize, the namne and prise going tageiber. Many recelved their prises that evenlng, but we belleve there are sorne wba have not yet received their awards. These should caîl immedlately aI Mm. W. 1C. Caverly's store for their order. Duming the early Part o! Ibis week we called on a number o! merchants, and also on several citizens toagel Milton J. Elliott Outlines Meaning of Act a n d W o r k Accomplished - U. F. O. and Farmers' Co-operatîve Men Speak The Council Room o! the Town1 Hall was packed on Tuesday nighî with an interested group o! West1 Durham farmers t.o hear an inter- prelation o! the Farmers Creditors Ar-rangements Act, by Milton J. El- 11011, OfficiaI Recelver under the act for Durham County. Mr. Ellilott gave a dlean cul ex- planation o! the Provisions o! the act and sbowed how debt-burdened farmers could be relieved o! some o! their anxiety through amicable ar- rangements with their creditors. The f armner heavily burdened with debt, Mm. Elliott said, cauld make application ta hlm. and presemit a report o! bis difficulties, and sug- gest a way out that would be ma- sonable. Mm. Ellott, as eceiver, would then see the creditars, and arrange a meeting wbere an open1 discussion o! the situation would be made. In the maJorlty of cases the' creditars were very wllllng ta adjust matters 50 that tbe farmer would pay, and alsa made the debt equit- able In view o! the f allen value o! farmi properties. In only one case' that bas corne ta hlm bas Mm. El-" liott been forced ta take the malter before tbe Board o! Review, for a i Judiclal adjustment. The speaker cited several cases of what bas been accompllshed for far- mers under the ternis a! this act. In one instance the martgagee was willlng ta reduce the principal of the motgage !rom $4500 to $3500, because the mortgage was contract- ed when f ai values were hlgb. This saine m.an wllllngly educedi the interest rate froin 7 ta 4% % This enabled the fariner in turn ta make egular payments ta clear away bis debt. In another Instance cited, thc cre- ditor had wlped of! $500 o! Interest arrears, glvlng the lndebted fariner a chance ta catch Up with things and make egular paymients. This prov- (Continued on page 12) Bill Bagneli Helps Oshawa To Berth In Ontario Semi-Finals Bill Bagnel, Bowmnanville High Enfield Couple are Fifty Years Wed Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bray Are Honored tbis season with Oshawa Majors, Ba rdhwsAil aur lie ourhaeeen hreu.t Bill Hancock's smart junior out! t, Alorlvsyuhv enhrt bas been makîng quite a name for On March il, 1885, at the resi-! us the hub o! the !amily. We bave himself. On Tuesday nighl he play-1 dence o! the late George Wesley itaken you for granted, loved you, ed a smart game n Tomanto ta heîp Bradshaw and Helen Biggar Brad-, but so seldom demonstrated aur love put Oshawa mbt the Provincial shaw, Burford, Ontario, the marriage as we should have donc. Today niay Semi-finals with Kitchener. was solexnnized o! Iheir daughter, we lay aI your feet that lave and Susan, and Samuel Bray, son o! the aur is a! omission. To us you George Campbell, Sports Editor late Jonathan and Sophia Cale Bray. symbolise courage. !aith and love as o! The Times, wbo bas been follOw- En! ield, Ont. The ceremnony tooh we ail hope for. To few is the bless- ing Bill's activities very cîosely this place in the presence o! about f orty lng given te came te their Golden Whr cmen Bowmanvllle d eled: guests. Rev. W. G. Brown, St. Wedding Day witb their famlly WhenBowmnvile deided Thomas o,fficiating. The bride was complete about them. Ibis reward not to compete In Junior O.U.A. attended by hem f riend, Miss Zulla we feel bas corne 1e you in return company Ibis season, that was Howell, Burford, wblle the groom for the good pioneer hospltallty and a great break for thse Oshawa was supported by bis brother, Dm. Christian influence that us the very Juniors. "Bill" Bagneil, the Jas. Bray, Toronto. Fallowing their heart o! yeux home. B o w m a n vil1 le pepper-pot, 15 boncymoon, spent at Hamilton, Nia- Sa long as we live we wlll thlnk provingt t be lest about the gara and Waterdawn, Mr. Brayo!yutehr.Sdmhaew most valuable Individual on thse brougbt his bride ta Iheir f arm near see you aparthe an alw aysesol squd.En! leld, where they established a icitous for the other-the ideal part- Extremely modest but crammed home whlch bas been a centre o!finers un life. full a! a battling spirit whicb will hospltalty and good-will ,and ex- nai be denled, he Is anc o! the bard- tensive business activities durlng the Tbmougb the depths o! sorrow ta est workems on the team. He Ibrives past fi! ty rears. the pinnacle o! Joy you bave been in the heavy going, witb lots o! on Saturday. March 91h, about uniîed, racliatlng the secret o! life- close checking and bis strong point sixty relatives o! Mr. and Mrs. Bray thai God does neot send the heart- s recoverlng baose pucks in and ar- gathemed aI the homnesiead "Bmae- aches, but rather provides the cour- ound the oppanents' net. Whenever side'" and celebrated witb them their age, grace and peace te endure theni. tbeme's a scramble. "Wlnton" usual- Golden Weddlng Anniversary. The Yeu stand today, a! 1er f lfty yeams lv emergzes witb the aId bool -heel oni occasion was a very happy one as o! llfe's severest tests, on the pin- bis stick. the family met as an unbroken cir- nacle o! love. May the next decade, Tuesday nlght, he once again cie, and nieces, nephews, and cousins and ail o! your emainlng years, be turned lu another great gane. Jolned un doing hanor te those wha a gold crown o! Joy and contented Neyer flaahy, he lsalaways aiea- have always been beld in hlgh es- peace. dy. He has been a great help Ieem by a large f amily connection Sigited by alI present. to the Majors and If he keens and by a wlde circle o!f fiends as Mr. Bray made a short speech In up the good work, la golng t. be Weil. respanse. Mm. Wm. Bray, Toronto, a valuabie leader for next sea- Durlng the aftemnoon Mr. H. P. Mr. Luther Bradley, Orillia, made Son. Wcrmy callcd the campany te order short congratulatory speeches, and He gaI a nasty cul across the chin and Dr. Bray. the groomsman o! Miss Ilora Werry rcad a pocmn coul- un the Young Rangers tilt here but !ifty yeams ago, made a happy remin- posed by R. L. Wemry, Montreal, for that dlan't slow hlm dawn-ln f act, iscent speech and extended greet- the occasion, and extended greedings be seemed ta unleot even more pe ings ta the bride and groom. Mr. which had corne by carda and lct- mbt his play, aftem that little acci- Gea. J. M. Bray' read the f ollowing ters frein Bowmanvullc, Toronto, dent. addrss:- Montreal, New York. Chicago, Oshl- To Mr'. and Mrs. Sam Bray, awa, Hagersville, and Marden, Man. Your daughter. your sons, your Rcfrsbments in keeplng wtb the nieces and nephews to the th.lrd gen- event were semved and beautiful Art Edgem as "SOL" and Stuart erallan bave came today ta cele- rases and spring f lowers added their James as "LOU", wIll make you hbId brate wlth you youm Golden Wedd- gif t o! cheer ta the festive spirit o! voum aides wlth laugbtcm at the lng Annlversary under the roof that the party. Black Diamiond Minstrela. comlngr for se long bas meant h m.Ainong those present were: D)r. 201h and 29th. We have came ta convey, Insae(Cftldonpg > 1 Lord and Lady Bessborough Sponsor Powers of British North America Act Jubilee Cancer Fund Clearly Defined by Professor Brady TOWN TAKES OVER Distinguished Toronto Pro- FOUR PROPERTIES fessor Delivered Brilliant FOR TAX ARREARS Address Before L a r g e jOrgan Factory, Durham Textiles Crw nHg Scolo Plant, and Two Lots Are Not Monday Night Redemedat Epir Dat on introduced by Dr. G. C. Bonny- March 6th castie, chairman of the High School Board, Dr. Alexander Brady, M. A., Four properties, with total taxes amontig t $908966Ph. D., graduate of Oxford and As- , . n arearssistant Prafessor af Political Science. automatically becamne the property niesiyof Toranto, gave toaian of the Town of Bowmanville on atnie uineinteHg WedesdyMarh 6hwhe thirSchool Assembly Hall on Monday owners failed to redeern them witin ighiiatcual onpeesv the one year's grace granted at the and itrsigadesBsdo tim th prperieswer pu upfor the British North America Act, Dr. The argst roprtynow, oned Brady spoke on Canada's social and Stret.Outtaningtaxes on 1h15 ;in rmany respects, geography bas proprtywer $535691.This patsltorcutyit einadi in is plmy aysemployed over 400 becoines difficuit ta convince people men, ut te pino in d u s t r y o! one region that they have inter- throghou th coutryfell on evil est.s the sanie as those a! another pumdr enece ftal:g ibentriothedrairiaePron machnesandradosthe inevitable vinces and British Columbia- in happned sezur bythe town for each and ail one f inda regional feel- The the inustialplant taken aI interests. Distinct economnic con- overby te ton isthe Durham ditions tend ta make distinct separ- Textlesplan onthenorth West1 ations. Dr. Brady stated. The Mari- cornr o Chrch and Division l ime Provinces have been drawfl :.A to thwnedtby theb since Confederation, yet there is re- -n or omeyeasand the small gional suspicion o! policies framed builingnowbecmestown property. in the central provinces. Other me- Outsandng axe onthis property lions are equally consciaus, and the wee$2,979.20. task o! national planning in Parlia- Thnteiwopoetesfo e ent at Ottawa us formidable. Que- - ,>~deemed are the Dominic Lot on On- bec is slower in adopting policies tario Street directly opposite lnta nitu thos woa- the South Ward School. which coun- tempt ta prescribe for Canada's ills cil is planning ta, use for park pur- must reckon with Ibis f act o! re- poses this summer, when thepe gionalism. trees are cul down. and the Hum- Feer Powers o 4 page lot on Duke Street. Taxes an Ihese lots outstanding are $638.96, I eto 1 lsae htFd and 11459, espctivly.eral Parliament. amoiig other powers JusIwhatthetownwil do ithshaîl have the right ta contraI niany S the two industrial p3lants is hard ta atr !cuia motnecr telI Th tetil plnt s bingusi ency. banking ,tariff, incarnes. etc. bTDuhatextileln s i*ited1 In Section 92, the Provincial Legis- Ihis concern will likely have ta pay ltrsnymk asdaigwt reti almtespertalfling ta propertY retfor the building. The Organ1 and civil rlghts. When Quebec en- f actory s hould off er opuoortunities1 tered Confederation, she did so wth for some new industry to locale here fa n rmln o erta _________________at very 10w rent. what she most cherlshed m.lght be Followiniz the council meeting on 1 abolished. The principal lesson To commemorate the silver jubi- the spread o! tuberculosis, scarceîy mittch 4fthe cocle t in cu at- eamned in the civil war was that lee o! King George V., a nation-wide any f inancial provision has been ters o! îndustry, and ut us hoped thal Cnaanust have a confederation, campaign is being launched ta raise made 10 figbt cancer. Daubtless, th- Manuf arturers Comniittee wlll be strong at the heart, and the B. N. A. with funds available to provide for betaoceoeormratrtiImplies that the Federal legislature a gea fnd~o.~gh te anerearly diagnosis and treatm.eýit. many industries ta Bawmanvllje wthln aI may deal in any criais. scourge in Canada. Lord and Lady thousands o! ie ih aebe ral paig r d e Bessborough, pictured above. are the saved. lvsmgthv enshort lime. Iclaradlyth spekong, dr. adde-o immediate sponsors o! this campaign Medical science has made rapid f.--1881 clared h i e !iudilldeion and generous co-operatian is being ladvancement in recent years and bas CHANGE 0F II - TABLE f rom1881owrn moresrovincesta In given by the press, radio and other brought under control such creasete decpsoenthe proces.B media which reach the public ear.asmlpothid diphîheria and Canadian National Rtailway province regarding property and civil The need for such a fund is shown i even tuberculosis, but cancer contin- Bowmanville Station rights was enlarged. by the slartling increase in deaths: ues 10 lake an increasing toîl o! hu-In10,teGvrmtofS. from cancer in recent years. There man lives. Certainly it would be West bound train - Formerly al n10,teGvrmn !SX were 10,646 such deaths in Canada fitting on the occasion o! the King's 4.52, now at 5.02 a. m.i Wilfred Laurier passed an act ta in 1933, as compared with only 7,- ivrjblet ieafn i- East bound train - Formerly at settle dipuies in public utilities, and 614 in 1926. Cancer is now the sec- ient ta pumsue further research jp 10.26. now aI 10.29 a. m. by u t tems unrsfa! driffemIn cns ond leading cause o! death , being Canada and ta establish an adequate West bound train - Forinerly al erue treae satisfac amo.in co- second only ta heari disease. It has number o! clinics for diagnosis andî 4.08, now at 4.01 p. m. Isecia ue i ng eno rs mnt obu taken the place o! tuberculosis in, treatment o! cancer. The movement , sct iasfring was prevenedu Ihis respect. Yet whule millions o!f should have the most generous sup- dinte2, the factha Il wasa une dollars have been expended 10 check 1-otf rom the people o! Canada. Cross f ires and gags, by JOYE- n195, ntieystathe rndTht rI wa __________________________________________________ Melville Dale, and BONES-Cecilcipal reason that laws were mne!- Dudley, at the Black Diamonds Min- fective was that too much rlvalry Â. mstrels., 28th and 29th. existed. No province wished te pass Bud nIFam r ie ' . o iin Mr. Fred J. Spry, local agent Met- a law when another provineèbad rapolitan Lufe Insurance Ca. is par- an eqtially effective law. ~' . A icularly proud of the wonderfuli Provincial Debts o am r- C e io A rn e enL C record his company has made durlng 1 The Government o! Ottawa. under the pust year. See statement on

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