THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THUR.SDAY. MARCH 2lst, 19i5- - PAGE TWELVE prayer in unison for Miss S-o'tt, a mlmisonary in India. Th s ad b e Th N wc sle n ep ie t1prevlously prepared by Ms ad I Supt. and was written on a black- board. The ýprogram cinsisted of a playette. A Canadian Girl in India, Miss Evelyn Rickard. Queef's Un- present. The ev'efiflg wa se given by Dolly Purdy. Ruby Gibson, iversity. Kingston, was home over pleasantly in garnes and carcis and1 Shirley Couch and Reita Cooke. the weekend. concluded. with refreshoients. Then f ollowed a piano solo by Dolly Mr. Ross Jones is convalescing in Miss Marie Henniflg visted Missi Purdy, a story by Margaret Pearce, the Western Hospital, Toronto, as Hazel Woodl in Orono..; recitation by Jean Gray. solo by ___________ the resuit of an appendicitis oper- Mr. Bert Quantrill, Cobourg, vis- Dolly Purdy, recitation by Ted Hoar. Wanted ation.î ited Mr. Hubert Anderson. and a reading by Betty VanDusefl.BIT SANE ANE ERENCED Miss ClaraHegsTrotiitI Mrs. Earl Walton was' taken to The offering was receivedbyJa - 1 girl wants workAN ply to BN." I ed br aut. Ms Lonoui HvstBowmanville Hospital Thursday for Gray and Ted Hoar. DraerJeaBn anill. 1- wbo bas not been well, havjng been a major operation. _________ LYNCH-In Orono. on Friday, Mar.- rw BBomnil. 11* taken home ii f rom church on.Mi'. Merkley Clark surprised bis 8th, 1935. to Mr. and Mrs. W. C. MARRIED COUPLE. EXPERIENC-i March 10th. f riends Saturday by taking a walk 1R. S. Rowland Honored Lynch. a son. ed, need work on farm. Apply tO Mr. W. N. Buckley and son George Up town, and solo at that, the f irstIliavle and Mr. Cecil Cowan went to Guelph sn e i ltho i os ialls1935.of R tie en RE N I tOoo , M. ndayM r Fred 12-1e BBo Saturday for certain equipment to summer.1 t,93.oMranMs Fe121 manfatueof their We regret to report the deatb of FrmWnigFeePe) Green, a daugbter (stilîborni. iMNWNTD-O1RWEG beakfst certeanufctreMrs. Wade. mother of Mrs. H. E. R S oWanipeghoForPrssany WANi .-O -RWLIG breakfseiteel .4.Rwlnwh o mnRou1te of 800 families. Write to-1 Major H. W. Dudley witb his bigi Hancock. on Tuesday at Mr. andler has sen'ed as the boan mani- rTH day. Rawleigh, Dept. ML-140-SA, 1 mi books under his arm is a f amiliar Mrs. Hancack's home in Newcastle'a 1 fr te Sn if Asuracenada._____5______ figui'e around the streets these days where she has been residîng for ag or theinSMn itobA ssnubran TEcNelCrtrgt o e-WATD- ARLALEEPR aszessing property. business. in- some time.CopninMntbadwoo RWNICrwigon e-AREAB XP - andA umbr f armrsfra tîsaccounit of continued ill-health. is nesday, March 20th, 1935, Char- 1iîenced farmi hand. Apply to A. E. ,coms ad dos. nuber f frmes frm. h'snow retiring, was honored March 12, lotte Jane Peacock. widow of the! Belînian. King St. West, Bow- Mr. Fred Caw'an. Toronto, spent section have been calling at the In addition to his duties as an late John P. Trewin, in her 79tb inanville. Phone 526. 12-1 the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ross canning factory. Bowmanville, since insurance executive Mr. Rowland has yer Do' ickensOn Miss Dicrk i ce f-ortrly acs rwcornand signing con-been in toucb wlith. varjous phases Funeral Saturday at 2.30 p. m. WANTED-RELIABLE WOMAN TO 1 sTonsesister.M s DiceinSon o P ort tracs tasgon.onan es hso!Winnipeg hf e. An Ontario boy, Interment Cadmus Cemetery. do oswork in f arm home. wsaMr. Geo. Graham. y'nest snwbîcbh shol n yeelo a be NTOY In atWhitby, Sat- Drater B, Bowmarnile. 12-1.J. weedth ofM.adMs rdGaahsf rom 1897 to 1901.,n teging refereudaMrc 6h,135 on _rae , mnciles Vo"PJ. Mr. Geo. Waltan. following teo r n r.Fe rhm a joined the Federal Life company o!f raMrhît,13 on-___ ___________ removai in Bowmanville last Sunday gone to Sudbury where he has tak- Haiton. He continued wit te ountjoy. in bis Bîst year. In- WANTED-FRESH WHITE EGGS of panfl cstbehnd isear' as n apoitin itha nckl idutry'Fedeîal until 1915 when that com- terment Union Cemetery, Oshawa. f rom hlens fed on laying masb. been feeling very much better and Since leaving school George bas paywsrasrdb h u u.BNHAM-In Millbrook. on Tues- Called for weekly. Norman Clem- early in the week was out in the been employed with the J. Andero For the Sun Lt! e he acted as boan day. March 12th, 1935, William ens. R. R. 6. Bomanville. Phone orchard prP.uM.nglpear Ctrees. Smitb Co.h manager for twenty years here, ex- Hugh Binghant, in his 69th year. 237r3. 1- Mrs. W. D. Bragg, Mr.Go . M.Aoz oa aigsl is cept for a period when he wa mari Interment Union Cemetery Osh-______1- Rickard and Miss Minnie Pearce, land holdings. except the propertylae !te nuac epartment awa. SMALL HOUSE WANTED - FOR 3 accompanied by Mrs. J. G. Rickard he occupies on North St.. beld anafor eastensanb.FRO-ceak.o eds autcrflteat.rn ue and Miss Florence, BOmnilacion sale of his agricultural 'm- During bis long years o! service day. March 20tb. 1935. Bennett South Ward preferred. Particu- visited Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Staples plements and surplus equiPment on h e gained ian enviable reputation Farrow. in bis 81st year. lars including rent. etc., to C. and Mrs. Elford at Welcome Satiir- March 15tb. Mr. Robt. Hendry Jr.. as a boan manager. Hl. P. Thorrn- Funeral Friday at 2 p. m. Inter- Kiing, Bowmanville. 12-1* day. Who is starting f armiflg on the for- bibI and others paid bigh tribute toý red at Zion Cemetery. Don't miss "A Noble Outcast," a mer Andrew Thomas f armn. Lake tFoor rSaladhe co- nLAM n atrib.o thrilling 4 act play by the YPLinISoescuethbuk!teve- pished. r. Rowland replied. mak- Tuesday. Marcb l2th, 1935, Emma FOR SALE - SEED OATS AND the Commuflty Hall on Friday ev- idles. implements. etc. Last f aIl Mr. in g specia reference to the baPPY Jane -Samells. widow o! Charles Barley. Apply Clarence Woodley, enig o tis eek M rc2nu-C andsodo!bspetby associations he bad enjoyed during Williams. in ber 69tb year. In- Tyrone. Pflone 320r5. 12-tf der direction o! Mrs. ,e yhare. the C.N.R. ta Mr. and Mrs. Matt. bis business life and expressed bis t.erment Nestleton Cemetery. Orchestra in attendnce. AdmisSion Brown, and that at the north end appreciation o! the retirement a-WD-tNwate nTedy FOR SALE-ON ADWSI T5 n 5.o he villageloota Mst.ç and Mrs. Cyrilnd lowance granted bim under tbe com- Mai'ch 19th, 1935. Esther Emma Machine, one water power washer Th srîg lod ls wekwah-Rulad.. pany's plan.Smh.eoedwfo!tele Cheap. Mason & Da-le, Bowman- ed out the founidatians o! the bridge, Housebreakers smashed four wîn- MrRah Rowlanld is a brotber Sadthi be r 84wie ftbhe ar. vil. 2 to the park at the harbaur and' daw panes in Mr. Wm. Neils new M. a___nd_______onthToms_____i________er. vile 1-1 otberwise damaged it, but Council- b ouse, south o! the C.N.R. bef are of Howell Rowhanlwh .f Ruson he nThomeas Welcante Cemetery. iol-WE-ED -GAN6 O - lor Walton had a gang of men at i entering througb a window. Wbe e n aid b otadin aewcstore ad b INDTermen at BR LEy EED Ry AtN, .RO. H it early thîs week puttîng it in re- Mr.Neil %;as notîfied by phone he aspente ou theinNewcastle andis WINA'rr-In Bro1935,Pitero emunday enaeytt, îory Oatsl. F.h. paradbtrsigi.caýi o,ýno usa n apprais- Sho.Wnat beloved busband o! Eliz- 1 lîrl5. 12-2 Mr. J. H Jose went ta Kingston!I ed the damage and boss. The bouse abe_______ " > tn.LBothnerr o! Mvrs.T o,FO SAECW AN HEER. on Tuesday as a delegate o! the I ad been well ransacked and many t own. vioher f r. Je.,F R sAeys. oîstensANdDuFrbam Durham County Holstein-Friesian tbiitgs pulled out o! drawers and Bomavll. eses.Hlseisan DWJhm ion rsan tew ron.Some __________________________________ 12- Association ta attend a convention 4d n tew rud I~VII'MIHA-nBomnil o- rnw soon. J. L. Metcalf. h0n o! Eastern Ontario breeders. He wa . vewre and other articles were ptlo rdy ac s.13. 8r.1- accompaflied by Mr. R. M. Hotby, miSn. Constable Garrod investi- Inspector Snider visited our school pitaoreTiy, Marchlsfthe95 135 Port Perry, and Mr. John Tamblyn. gatean died Mr. Neil ta report on Monday. late Josiab Muirbead. aged 73 yrs. OppSAEtuBEoo AdT on; am- Messrs. Herman & Weinstem. who the a!! air ta Provincial Constable Remlemoer Ministrel Show Onl Sister o! Mr. Gea. Tbompson. iy opeinbg awa. P.o.iox304. ' bave taken a long term lease o! bis Smith, Bowmanville. Mr. Neih found Frîday îgbt. owmanVllP. Bo.anvoxe.302- apple orchards fromn Mr. F. B. Love- in the house a pink necktie le!t by Messrs £,orne and Morley Hastings BARRIE-In Hope Township. Tues- km o! Atlas Fruit Farms. bave been the intruders as a possible chue. spent Sunday at bomne. day, March 19th. 1935. Elizabeth FOR SALE - REGISTERED JER- employiitg a number o! bo)tb local 1Mc. and Mcs. Neil have been spend- Glad to know Mr. Bîllett was able Alice, daughter o! tbe late John' sey cow.v due ta freshen now. Ap- and outside men in mulcbing. prun- ing the winter in Toronto. o motor to the village. and Mary Ann McBurnIey Barrie, ply W. *H. B. Chapl.n. Newcastle. ing, trimming and piling brusb and United Church choir behd a social Mr. and Mrs. C. Clemence, Osh- nbr1?dyer ntret at Phone Clarke 1120. 12-P J generally getting the orchards in evening at the Alun farm on Tues wvsie tM.i.Cl'.n etonleaemeterm FOSL PUEM LE YUP shape for the coming season. day evening in consîderation a! the Misses Jessie Knox and Miss JeaniFRSL-UEMP YU, United Cburch - RSv S. -Mac-' regrettable !act that Mr. Mark Abin, Iç. Hogarth spent Sunday at their home.I made by R. Mcdamus & Sons. Lean. B. A., Pastor. Sunday. Ma rcb for many years a f aithf ul *and en- ¶Mr. and Mrs. McKinley. Oshaa' IN MEMORIAM Ida P. O., Ont. Price $2,50 per 24tb: il a. m.-4th o! a series o!f tbusiastic member o! the choir. bas spent Sunday w.ith Mrs. J. Curtis ________________ Imp. Gai. deliveced. Special price sermnons on Christ's words from the been an invalid for nearly a Year'M.adMs .Whiiî teddo uniy 2 cross; 2.30 P. m.-Sunday Scbooi i and incapacitated f rom attending tefnclo i ise-r-a.Ma raYnce a! our mer, izbethm 7 .m.-Eveniiig Service. Y. P.L chair practice or church or taking C.e Willîahs sNstletoin-aMs rac f.rmohr l FOR SALE-REGISTERED SHORT- meetings on Monday evenings; De- part in any social funictions otherC.Wlima eteo -JnHgrhRyodsw W hr BlofheLvdrfml, votional services on Wdndas than at his home. Outaide o! a eaeralattnsend Mthe F.- crtn called home March 26tb. 1927. elleven months old, color dark ced. and choir practice on TIusas partial paralyses be ia enjayilg bis adbatE.t nakllsen Mc. F.Grt -Ellis and May. Apply Ruszell Osborne, Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jose and sans iisuab healh. Mr. John Alin, alco Mcan Mc.EDocte, c.WLIMS-- Phone Clarke 3831. 12-1P and Mc. and Mrs. J. L. Cryderman; an invalid. and Misses Ada and Eliz- M and Mrs. icrPEaDonckande, r.WILMeo -o In fond and loving - and daugbter Anne. attended the i abetb Allin joineci witb Mark in ane . Osbaw visiedat ca.dDe W.ryo my dear mother, Mrs. FOR SALE-APPLE TREE WOOD, M.iE.,WOshaaa, vsiho passed awa. cut in stove wood lengtbs, deliv- diamond wedding anniversacy o!f warmly welcoming the members o! W.Horn's. sudEn lamTrento. arch2d cdinBwanwlay5a od Mr. and Mca. John Lord. Sbaws.a.itecor ndprnr.Ery0 Congratulations to littie Miss An- 1929: lyalsoTyreaton,!abc. M2.E. cs.WG.eryR..6.B - the home o! their son-in-haw. Mr.' thoroughly enjoyed the even ing o ahsonfini19te2ya: fl Wils. wbo assated away at anvilW.e. Phoe6r3 R. 6 12o-1 FraankryCryderma lve St..SilvermeStmu.i Bnd -fgesames. namusic nandnirefreshml contWillams,________________________Phone______12- manvilhe, on Saturday evening. Regular meeting o! Y. P. L. was test watcb and thanksalal who wece Newcastle, Febi'uary 2&h. 1934. FRSL-UNIY0 E Marcb l6th. Four I eain ftehl ona vnn.Meigo-kind enough Vo belp hr Lvnl eebrdb lr O AE-UNIYO E gaiywrepeet eetas !t e hiMndea evenn.Meengo- Mrs.E. Wood and hbe. o -Loicliamh ere edb.Caa claver seed. Grade No. 2; a quant- !amiGeyree prent. enedH. inm th peusua ne r Te pro- manville. Mc. and Mchi ldn ilBo- WUa Hr.i ty o! buckwbeat: also one young iams, Solina, spent Sunday witb AK-I oîg eoy1!Wl sow. due in May. ADpyGre S.soGeMArge's Chutrch - Rev.,F. H.gcam was preseted oby a CharliJAK -I vn emoGiof- l, Ba...R 3 wavll e.hne Maon MA. .D.Reto.Sudake, hibcositd ! ebte their parents, Mc. and Mca. S. Will- liam Jacks who passed away on l 3c1.R..3,BwavlePhn Mrh2t,3dSunday in Lent: "Resolved that it would be ta the iams.arh2n 1.13l. 12-1 8 a. m.-Hohy Communion: il a. m. advantage o! the United Chucch ta Mr. and Mca. H. Wihcax. Madlyn, Sotadsde .a h al EDFRSL-EVTBR -Sermon subject. "The Gospels"; ordain women as ministers." TheMis ub ltoty r.Ca- Srtndsdewsthcl, ài-DFR AL VE ETB - 2 p. mn.-Sunday School: 7 p. m.- affirmative was upbeld by Bill Row- Missrby catwdoCh.a. Cad O! ane sol deacly lavpd by aIl: ley. 80c Pr bu.; Early Alaska and "TheChuch nd Hr Tachng lan an GanetRickard, the nega- swortbytoreed Vo Cameconand 's And only those wbo laved can tell O.A.C. 144 Oats. 50c; Cobblec po- "hde buccs anvHc h aTeachýi& ing. lad ad Grs.Net spentn Af du te.M .Weekend iheatte. The pain o! nat saying a last face- i tatoes. early. 75e bag, grawn f rom on Wednesdaya at 4.30 p. m. and' Graham; readingas by Charlie Glen-dagtrMc.WCuinhm webi. certified seed. Apply Eacl Dorrell, Devotians and addcess on Friday ev- necy and Reta Flintof!, and a piano Mr. and Mca. Albert Cale and son, -Sadly missed bv Brothers. Sis- Nestleton.- - - 12-2* eninga at &. o'clock. solo by Mary Clemence. Devotionah Bowmanville. visîted ber father. Mr. ers. Nieces and Nepbews. i Mca. P. ONeil and grandlon Jim- perioel conaîsted of the sciptuce C. W. Souch. Mca. C. W. Souch ce-1HOS FRSAE- IXY R mie Keecb came up f!rom Belleville reading by Jack Holmes. the ex- tucned home a! ter visiting ber COLWIL-In laving memocy a! ouc aid black Percheron, weigbing Thursday and remained with friends 1planation o! sucb by Sid. Barcabai. daughtec, Mrs. K. Caverly in Toc-j dear motbei' Mary Cohwill. belov-' 1500, sound and goad in ah bharn- over tbe weekend. Mca. O'Neil comn-1 and prayer by Marjarie Adams. Thealita. ed wife o! John Colwill. wbo pasa- ess.' Apply N. C. Yellowiees. En- pleted a ceaI estate deal by buving1 meeting chosed with beniediction. Young Peoples meeting on Friday ed away on March 2th, 1933. niakillen R. R. 1. Phae:Bow Mc. decil Cowan's bouse an Mili St.1 Brown's Home and Sehool Club nigbt was in charge o! Helen Knox. Gane !romn us ber smiling face, manville 211r6. 1- nexi. ta Mr. C. A. Cowan's on the held the monthly meeting on Tues- Pragram as !ollows: Guitar solo by Those happy checrie ways. O AE IMTDQATT carner o! Mill and Emily Sts. She day night. Meeting was in charge Norma Cawling: recitatiait by Mad- The heart that won 50 many F O! GovE-nmIent tanadNa. 1 will take poss inti pig Mr. of the lat Vice President, Mca. eine Wilcax; topic, Mca. AI!. Peters; !riends o rvrietSadr o Cawan is going ta Trenton , Wbile Tkatch. The program cansisteti o! devotianal by Lavecene Clemens. In the happy bygane days.Banrseot.Bu'bcrif bece Mca. O'Neil was a guest a! Mc. a solo by Annie Tkatch, cecitation Farmers. do yau knaw that Dr Thinking, always thinking, icate. Pricerl reasanably. Apply Oea. Trenwith and Miss L. Tren- by Tolly Tkatch, duet by Annie and Hess Stock Tanica. bag speciaba, dip Longing. dear mother. fac yau; ta W. J. Rowland. Newcastle. with. bi Mse imiltae ae Tkatch. musical selectian by and disinfectants. pouîtry. paniamins. Wishing the skies would open, - Phone Clarke 1902. 12-1 with Mc. and Mca. Frank O'Neii. Bessie Law anti June Brown, recita- etc. are ah sald an a positive money Juat for a glimpse o! you.MAKTGREESAD TH Mca W.H. eare nd ons Ho- tanby Jane Tkatch, musical sehec- back guarantee as Va resuIts. Whyl -Sadly missed by Husbacid and eAKETurglargeNE quAND titeso ard and Ernesýt. and Mca. Jas. Coul- tion by John Resnick. and a dia- patronize higb pressure peddlecs Family., garden or field seeds, can save son. were guests o! Mca*. Win. At- logue by Annie and Jane Tkatcb selling !requently inferiar stu!!? money by bringing their list o!f ltinon nd aueter Mc. RW. and Wylma Farrow. The guest Harn's store is the local agent for Lost or Foundsed wntd aJ.B Mayn i- Gibson. at a bithday party for Mca. speaker a! the evening wa.s A. D. Hess Products. 12-2w- LOST - COLLIE DOG. SHORT Iwbere higbest qualities and beat Atkin.son on St. Patrîck's eve. Sat- Kean. Bowmianvilhe. Mc. Kean. as Congratulations ta Mc. and Mca. tail, brown yellaw'. white strip on values are guaranteed. 12-2* urday, March l6th. Mca. Atkinson no doubt most o! us know. is one Of Arnbld Damant <nee Miss Lillian face; disappeared March 14: ans- O AEPTTE.1 was the cecipient o! a gi!t o! beau- th hr tr rtr o h tar Jebson) an their recent mari'iage. wers ta Pu W. W. Hender -1 EDFRSL POA EI- tif ui flowers and beat wishes f i'omj Weekby. He spoke on the West and Tbe cecemony was performed at the son. Phone 474r3. 1- seeti. pre65 g: Iarownfo etied friends and relative3, foc many bap- bis speech was mare realistic as Mr. Hampton Parsonage by Rev. W. - barhey f cee 65am as;acly aatswe py returns of the dayý. Theining Kean was oncte a coneoynhil.Rcba nFia, pplel2tb atFor Sale or RentI with smabl peccentage .o! barbey roaîn and the taîble. wbece ail par-Hesoeate"Aan"adbi 8 a. in. Our active young poh e' took o! a delectable birthday din- cowbay life. His speech was welh ce- not to be outdone by theerybu FOR SALE OR RENT-150 ACRE* andi wbeat. Harvey McGilh. En- a!tebppvvn adaot -. facm. 70 acres plowed. balanceI niskillen. Phone 239c31. 12-2 nec wee mch dmret fo thir eied.I e a!tbe gtberedi in seccecv and hay. Gooti hue and buildings.- tians ad foc hich Ma. Giban ce-GoldenRule Mssion aud du-ng.thececem-y mati-tOe-i-SALE--sion-t once ApPlÀClar- AFOR S I ~~~~~~N. Hor. Next meeting at ivu.. ~_________ i COBOURG Office is open SATURDAY of each Curtis' in Aprîl. FARM TO RENT 100 ACRES I CRETYWR weekfron 9 . M to P.M. Grdo E. -----Con. 4, Dalngton (Just nortb o! I AM PREPARED TO DO ALL Garettin hare.If you woult i bke ta hear the Leg- Tyrane Station), gooti grain f an, klnds o! carpen'try work, smalb ce- Fri NOEWeCat ail possible klidly makte appoitineilts ion Band in the goati aid Surmre- gooti brick bouse, good b bar ). pair Jobs, or contract worhc. plans lin fo eainton.time. came anti back them ln tbe Possession April lst. Apply L. J. drawn anti estimates given. W. M. 12.3 for xamnatins.Spring at the Black Diamondts Show Gauti, R. R. 1, Bowmanvlhle. Alin. Box 453, or phonle 575, les lerels Dollars Saved New' Dresses for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Selling 2 dozen smart Spring Dresses. MANUFACTURERS' SAMNPLES, in plain and figured patterns, in sizes 14 to 44. Be sure and see these as every one i5 an unusual bargain. each S3.95 The Evlyn LADIES' Shop iss T. Murphy Phone 594 Mrs. F. Oke MIaybe if's Eye-s train that tires you out hv degrv te cetofcae.Itmay be e@.train that makes you fatguyed. An examinatiofi will telil you whether you need glasses or flot. .If you do, et un fit your glaIses witx the very latent development of ophthalmie science-Tillyer Lensea. Tillver Lenses are in every way the best lenses available. They are accurate to the very edge, whetber vou look up or down, in or "out. Wc are licensed io fit and guarantee Tillyer Lense. JURY & LOVELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly PHONE 78 BOWMANVILLE Bowmanville Liberal - Conservative Association "AT HOME" at the BADMINTON CLUB Bowmanville FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd Dancing at 8.30 p. m. (round and square) SPEAKERS: HON. ROBT. WEIR, Minister of Agriculture, Federal Government. MR. DENTON MASSEY, Leader York Bible Class, Provincial Conserva- tive Organizer. The Public are cordially invited to attend. Subseription of 25 cents per person to assist in defraying expenses. T. A. Dustan, President. SPECIAL NEXT WEEK CURTAINS Washed and Stretched to Size. Stretched to Hang Straight with Event Edges. No Pin Holes. No Long Corners. 40c Per Pair - 2 Pair for 60c. ontIF Concessio. Townsbp o! Dan ,gton, on Friday, March 29th, at .30 p. m. 20 tons o! bay. more or as. Ternis cash. R. M. Jamiesoti, ~laliff. 12-2 Disney Bldg. Opp. P. 0. Oshawa, Ont. A