tr an tarman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowrnanville News VOLUMEl 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 21st, 1935 NUMBER 12 L. A. Parker New HERE ON FRIDAY BANK 0F COMMERCE MANAGER ADMITTED Legio PresdentAS ROTARY MEMBER A. J. Whalen Initiated and WeI- E lcte onFriay'comned at Luncheon Friday - Annual Reports Show Vet-HdCareoPoga eran' Soiet in ineTheî prograîn at Friday's meeting Condition - Sold ie rsa' Rotarian Jim Devitt aud the Rotary 4 Information Committee. This com- Gravs inCemeery o bemittee bad charge of the initiation 'Marked with Wo o d en o! A. J. Wbalen, Manager o! the CrossesBank o! Commerce, into mnember- Croses - ship inte the Club. Rotarian Whal-, L. A. (Bert) Parker was elected en will represent the Savmngs De- President o! the B owm anvi lle partment o! the Banking profession. W Branch OZ Lhe Canadian Legion at The charge te the new member,w ea largely attended and enthusiastic in wblch the ideals o! Rotary are P meeting held on Friday night in the < , outlined, and the duties he is ex- s Couci BomTon HU. Mrpected te per!ormin are given, was d Parker will be supported by a strong .______.____.___ prsete.y as.reidn.Go.E list o! officers and executive. The Chase, who aise extended the Club's v ther officers elected were: lst Vice HOn. Robert Wefr official welcome. Past Pre S i d e in t C President-A. J. Lyle; 2nd Vice Tommy Ross presented the Code of! President-J. Living; Secre t a r y - Federal Minister o! Agriculture, Ethics, the Rotary butten, and the tr Reg. Harding; Asst. Secretary-T. wlho luth Denton Massey, leader O! membersh.ip card. Further welcomes ir Hamnilton; Treasurer-W. H. Hil; the York Bible Class, will deliver were extended by Chairman Devitt le Executive Committee-A. Manning, brie! addresses at tbe Bowmanville and Presideut Fred Cryderman. S Ed. Hoar, H. D. Moses, G. Crorubie, Liberal Conservative At Home at Iu replying Rotarian Whalen ex- W. Tait, A. Kilpatrick and Past the Badminton Club on Friday pressed appreciation o! the honor v Presidents W. F. Ward and R. M. night. and privilege o! membership in the e Cotton: Sgt.-at-Arms-J. Goodaîl;_______________ club and promised to endeavour te t Poppy F'und. Memorial and Relief live up te the standards o! the or- jit Committee-C. T. Ross, L. T. Mc- ir ganization. t Laughlin. Dr. V. H. Storey, J. J. Young People or nt being the meeting nearest St. f Brown, J. Cairns, J. Goodali, G. Patrick's Day, the sing-song, con- t Gaines, Newcastle, C. Corn!orth, Or- utdbMe.Dlanwih av ono, and C. Cutler; Re!reshments Trini Church Mducted by Mtepaiean wth ae-s Committee-A. C. Fewster, J. Hum- 1 f s songs. The remainder o! thev phries. J. Johnston; Sick Commit- Provide rrogam program was in charge o! Davea tee-Bey. C. R. Spencer, R. M. Cot-. Morrison who couducted a questiona ton. T. Hamilton: Padres-Rev. C. ' . period on subjects o! Rotary inter- I R. Spencer, Rev. F. H. Mason; Ad- Pay Visit to United Cnurcn est. Three tables were presenteda justment Officer-R. M. Cotton. thaqeiowenhyetrda Retiring President W. F. Ward pre- Young People at Porttih a queston wetey entered bi sided at the election, snd Dr. 0. C. Nu brtedigromsdwr uîed i BonnYcastle and J. C. Gamey of Or- Hp - Large N mbrto discuss it during thelnce, on: aced s srutnees. ecet Hpeand reply te tbe question later. 1N onr atulasrtins er exteuded toThose taking part in this discussion,, b Cogrtuaton wreexe--dt whicb proved botb serious and hum- a mltw omtonmedriity Young People's Society iorous, were C. W. Slemon. W.A.a Auditers W. Hl. Hill and Dr. V. H. JOurneyed te Port Hope on Monday Shane. Ross Strike. E. F. Ar tog Sterey preseuted the detailed re- evening aud spent a very enjoyable F. F. Morris and A. R. Virgn ports on finances of the General time ini fellowship with the Port President Fred Cryderman iex Fund. Poppy Fund and Band Fund, Hope Society. Ater receiviug cord- pressed appreciation te the Com- e sbowiug the organization in a souud ial welcome the visiting society pre- mittee for its program.D financial condition with substantial sented the prograrqi Worship ser- t 'balances in each account. vice, conducted by Miss Muriel Heu- The regular mouthly meeting o! Retiring Presideut Ward preseut- derson, opened by a hymn, followed St. Paul's W. M. S. was held in thep ed a full report, o! the activities o! by stery by Miss Grabam. Script- lecture roomg on Tuesday. March 19, the branch duriug bis terra o! offce. ure was read by Miss Mary Jewell.wt r.W das rsdn, P The followiug reselutions were Pra3'er was offered by Miss Rena siding. Devotional was well taken iinanimously adopted: No. 1, As dur- ofarell. Proge ramws LathefOnby Mrs. Percy's group. Mrs. A. L. lng the mouth of May His Majesty Goarsitd iteb Mrs. od ard resce Nichoîls was very lnteresting lu ber Xing George the Pi!tb wiil by teGdad r.Gdada the ;address. carryiug on the study o! Grace o! God celebrate the 25th grandmotber, and Mr. Clare Allîn "The Builders o! the Indian Em- year o! bis accession to the throne, as grand! ather, their married du- pire" A pleasaut social bal! -bours we as members of the Canadian Le- ghter, Miss Marlou Plckard, and the was~ spent at the close.E gion who have had the honor te, grandchildren, little Misses Marlon ;,erve in His Majesty's forces. be it and Marguerite Gibson. Evlyn Oke ,-lerefore resolved that a special played a piano solo. and Misses T committee be appointed to co-oper- ýothy Edger and Evlyu Oke a piano i o D a T o c ate with the Council, the High duet. Misses Dorothy Nichols aud w D i m n School Board, Public Scbool Board, Margaret Wightmau sang a vocal (Contlnued on page 5) duet, and Margaret Wightman - ---------played two cello instrumentais. A quartette, composed o! Misses Mar- DURHAM FARMERS ion Pickard aud Marlon Hamley sud Mr. and Mrs. John Lord, FIGHTWARBL FLY Messrs. Clare Alun and Alex Col- Shws, Married S i x t y FIGHT WARBL FLYIville, sang two numbers. Miss Gret Sh Pollard sang two solos. AIl these Years on St. Patrick's 1 Agricujtural Representative Direct- numbers were very mucb enjoyed. Da -ntr ied tMr jng Intensive Drive Through- Mrs. Goddard very ably gave a re- a EneIieda r out CuntycitaI, whicb brought a very Inter- out CuntyPýting rrogram to a close. Port Frank Cryderman's, Bow- War s beng wged u DuhamHope Young People teok chel o! Wathe recreationd npDrrham a!trgelof a anville Couîîty this spring agaiust Warble bthrceolnch wedaf sred. har Fly Grubs and it is hoped every far- butoslnhw evd fe mer wlil enlist in the army to con-1 a few words o! appreciation te Port Ou Saturday eveuing. Marcb l6th, trolthi inectwhic casessu1 Hope Young People. spoken by our about 70 relatives and frlends met sr iou sae. When cattse bea presideut, Wilfrid Hamley. and vice at tbe home o! their son-in-law, Mr. the Warble Fly their tails go up and president, Miss Vers Power, alI join- Frank M. Cryderman, Silver Street, awaytheygo. airycows go dry. ed bauds in a friendship circle and Bowmanville. te Join Mr. and Mrs. awa thy g. Dirysang "For Auld Lang Syne." John Lord o! Shaw's lu celebrating Beef cattle loose weight. Hides are On Thursday eveniug. March 21, the 6th anniversary o! their wed- spoiled. Approxmate loss lu On- Trluity Y. P, S. are presentiug a ding day o! March l7th. 1875. Their tario is $5,000,000.00 each year. Do Travelogue "A Trip te The Old only cbild, Annie, died about 23 your part by killing every grub while Laud". These pictures will be veryi years ago. but ber f ive chlldren are they are still in the backs o! the i cattle. Dead grubs mean uo files Iuterestlng. You are lnvlted to,1 aIl living within a !ew miles o! their an n flis ea tatthre would come and sege them.- grandparents. ben a-igofctlIdrng13.A!ter lunch had been served Miss Hope, Cavan and South Monagbau Proclamations will be posted ln uraClwlOhwane Trognship Councils have given a every post office lu Canada pro- played the Wèdding March, a!ter grant to place the warble fly pow- claimlng May 6th, Jubilee Day. a which the f rieuds sang 'For they der lu tbe bauds o! evei'y farmer lu public holiday. it was augnounced at are jolly good fellows" and "Put on these townships sud this wll be dis- Ottawa. your old gray bonnet." Mr. Frank tributed this week. In the four w.estM.rdemntncaedo bi townships eacb farmer will be ex- Get your tickets uow sud be sure daughter, Miss Beatrice Crydermn' pected te purchase powder to treat o! a good seat at the Black Diam- Reg. N., te read an addresswlhileE bis a! fected cattle. One pouud o! ouds Minstrel Show, Tbursday aud Misa Mary Ruth Williams o!N i powder should treat twenty-f ivej Frlday next week, 28th and 29th- ara Falls, N. Y., s graud-niece, pre- cattle, that carry grubs, three or remnember the date. sented the bride with a beautiful four times.- ___ bouquet o! carnations. Francis Jose,, 'he irst treatment should be ap- a great graudson. preseuted thet plied nithin the uext few days. the, bauds o! the farmers. If you are lu groom with an oak cane, sud Mar-t second a month later sud the third1 a township that is not furuishing Ian Lord o! Toronto, s grand-nieceE the lust of May. Fi!teeu or twety the powder, purchase euough for of the groom, preseuted them wlth minutes at each treatment will do your ueed from your druggist or s purse of money. the work. 1 hardware dealer lmmedlately sud Short speeches were Indugdl The control o! this insect is lu the apply the treatments as directed. by msny of the guests, lnterspersed wltb music. A solo "Mary of Ar- r gyle" was beautifully rendered by IMrs. Willard Caldwell, a sîster of1 Special Services ariJ Lectures Feature the groom. I Mr. sud Mrs. Albert Bradley (nece I Ethel Lord), a niece, were also mar- ried on St. Patrick's Day 22 ear j Salvation Army's 5lst Anniversary su ad were :reseflt. rnwn 1 1 The latter part o! the eveng vill celbraed Is fîftyfîrs Aui- vllewed romElorngasaTrndo. Neigr Minstrel Show to Attract Capacity Crowd Next Weeki MIrs. Clark Bell Is Directing S ec o nd Production ofi Black Diamond Minstrels -Sponsored by Canad- in 1-in %nd and Dé-- serving of Public.Sppr The Black Dlamond Minstrels which attracted two capacity bouses îwben they made their initil---i Pearance last year, will make their second bow to the public on Thurs- day sud Friday o! next week lu the opera House. The big laugb-pro- .'okiug show is sponsored by tbe Canadisu Legion Baud, and Mrs. J. Clarke Bell, wbose directing bas at- tracted some o! the largest audiences in Bowmanville sud who is assoc- sate baudmaster, will direct the show. As fuuny as the 1934 Production s'as, as tuneful. sud as thoroughly enjoyable, this year's show promises to eclipse st, year's lu its bumor, ita music aud its entertainiug fea- tures. Practically aUl the stars o! the former production will be on baud to do their stu!!. The menîts o! the show itsel! should attract two f ull bouses next week. but the show is not the only attraction. The knowledge that you are belping to support this fine pub- lic spirited musical orgauizatou is a very important factor. It is boped aud !ully expected, that there will be a complete seilout for next Thurs- day sud Friday. The show is well wortb 50e but to enable every mem- ber o! the !amily toenejoy the fun and merrimeut the price bas been set at 25c and that's for a reserved seat toa. The Legion Baud bas become au institution worthy of the support o! everyoue lu the communîty. At tbe oreseut time s bll is before the On- tario Leizisîsture providing municip- aI councils the power to provide as higb as one mili for local baud pur- poses. This bill wben Dassed will em-' power the local council to carry this out. but with continued public sui)- Port this wlll not be required lu town. If you are troubled with sore feet see the Foot Jnrû~~aist at Knox's Sboe Store, Fri à > iMarcb 22ud. it 1 Weddings of Local, Interest_ "DE LAWD" PASSES ON Richard B. Harrison Canadian boru negro, who enact- ed the Divîuity lu "Green Pastures,"l impressive religious play firat pro- duced lu New York. passes an. The 70 yesn old son o! slave parents. who was bomu lu London, Ontario, gain- ed promineuce for his euactmnent o! the mole o! 'De Lawd' in this out- standing play whicb the edîtor o! The Statesman was priviîeged to wltuess -luntwa occasions, lu New York sud lu Toronte. Mn. Harrison died last Thursday lu New York f rom the e!f ects o! a paralytic stroke wbicb be suffered when pre- parlng for the 1659th peu fom n ce of Marc Connelly's masterpiece wbicb bas been preseuted lu 203 cit- les lu the United States sud Canada ou ita 40.000 mile tour. The mag- ni! icent Cathedral o! St. John the Divine lu New York City was pack- ed wlth 7000 people for the funeral service, wbile thousauds more at- tended the services lu Chicago where luterment was; made. St. John's Cburch tasted both vic- tory sud defeat at the handa o! Co- bourg organizations this week. Ou Monday tbc Meu's Club went lu lange numbers to play a scheduled league canpetball game sud suffer- ed defeat. on Tuesday nigbt 30 membens o! the A.Y.P.A. went down te wltuess tbe second round lu tbe Deanery debatlug contest. The lo- Cal bmsucb, represented by Mary Wailace sud Bert Momtlock, wene succesaful lu uphaldlug the negative side o! the subject "Resolvedi that Il wouîd be lu the public Intereat if a .dayllgbt aaving bill wene psssed for Can-ada." Miss E. M. Stedman, B.A. o! Bowmanville Hlgh School was oue o! tbe Judges. Hemo is the cause o! al aur ovils, our not knowlug the Scriptures.- .Chrysostom. CANADIAN CLUB SPEAKER I i DURHAM COUNTY WINS MANY PRIZES QUINTE SEED FAIR Many Entries Featured Cobourg Event - Hon. Duncan Marshall Was Banquet Speaker Durham County secured a large number of prizes in the Quinte Dis- trict Seed Fair wbicb concluded on Friday, March lSth, witb the sale of ail the seed from two hundred and fi! ty entries, at Cobourg Prof. W. J. Squirreil of the Field Husbandry Department, O. A. C. Guelph and Mr. C. Palmer of the Seed Branch, Toronto, acted as jud- ges and they were higbiy pleased witb the quality of the exhibits. On Thursday afternoon about 70 farmers prof ited from addresses by Prof. W. J. Squirrell, Prof. W. J. Bell, Mr. C. Palmer and Mr. P. Stewart Who is Extension Director for the Canadian Malting Company stated that bis company had purchased ont and a bal! million bushels of Ontario malting barley the past year, and tbey expected to use at least two million bushels this season. In dis- cussing varieties be ind.icated that the 0. A. C. 21 Barley had given the best resu.lts and that Velvet Bar- ley was so unsatisfactory for malt- ing purposes that bis company will refuse te accept any o! this variety in the f uture. Thursday night one of the impor- tant features was the banquet of about 130 seed growers and Junior Parmers. Hon. D. Marshall. Minis- ter of Agriculture and Dr. E. S. Ar- chibald, Director o! Experimental Farms were speakers. The Minister corrimended the good work being done by Seed Fairs and he also gave timely advice to the Juniors who were present encouraging themn to endeavour to produce good seed and live stock on their f arrns. Warden P. Stinson spoke briefly and con- cluded by presenting the President o! the Seed Fair with a $100 cheque on behaîf of the Counties Council. A very successful Junior Farmers' Seed Judging Competition was held on Thursday with a total o!f fifty- one boys taking part from Dur- ham, Peterboro. Northumberland, Lennox and Addington, Hastings and Prince Edward Each County iwas permltted to make ten entries. IThe Warden's Trophy donated by the 1934 Wardens. for the hlgh team o f tbree boys was won by Durham 1 County. The team. members were: Robt. Dawson, South Monaghan;, Fenton Fallis, Pontypool, and Urne Bowlns. Pontypool. Each member of the teamn recelves two bushels of registered seed, grain. 1 CANADIAN CLUB SPEAKER 11 the developmeut of the country. fine spirit tnat existed oetween the Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Baker, They tell o! travelling in the early represeutatives o! the countnies of Bude Conwal, nglnddays from Wbite Horse te Dawson, the world. BudeCorn allEnglnds distance o! 370 miles by sleigb, Iu panticular be dwelt on bis trip Parents of Fred and Ar- ansd o! pioncer experiences lu the te, Honolulu, Hawaii. On bis way northeru district. down to catch the boat the speaker thur Baker, Town, Con- Amoug the acquaintances sud told o! atteuding a world premiere an frieuds whicb Mr. Aunger made of a motion pieture lu Hollywood, gratulated by Kingan during bis nine years lu the Yukon where he sud a compaulon were the Queen are Hou. George Black, for many only two lu an audience o! distin- Qyears speaker o! the dominion guished people who were not lu bouse; Mr. Robert Lowe, councillor eveniug dress. Many o! aur readers will be in- for tbe Yukon a! ter wbom the !am- It was a maguificent sigbt, be sald, terested in the account o! the Dia- ous Lowe bridge at White Horse was as tbe liuer neared tbe group o! is- moud Weddiug o! Mr. sud Mrs. J. uamed; Mr. Joseph Clarke, the P. Baker o! Bude, Cornwall,. ng- present mayor o! Edmonton, Mr. (Continued £ou page 7) land, as venerabie coupfle are Duffrin Pattullo, now premier of- the parents o! two of our well Britisb Columbia; sud Mn. RobertME VIT kuown citizeus, Fred O. Baker sud Service, the weil k.nown Canadian CLUBME I T Arthur S. Baker, Scugog Street.* In poet. Mr. Service was tben lu tbeTR NNG CH L reportiug this unique event the Cor- employ o! the Bank o! Commerce iluRANIN____O nish sud Devon Post says: Dawson sud fnequeutly accompan- Mr. sud Mss. John Pearse Baker, led Mr. Aunger on bis drayiug out- Aura Lee Club Members Conduct o! "Be-Na," Victoria Road. Bude, f its, as custodian o! the gold dust Bownaanville Service wbo celebrated their diamond wed- wbich the bank would bave hauled- ding ou Mouday, were the houored te the asaay office. Fif ty members of the Aura Lee recipleuta a!f mauy good wisbes, Miss Bernice Aunger sud Misa Club o! Toronto motened te Bow- amoug tbem being those from their Lillian Aunger are lu charge o! the mauville on Sunday to conduct the Majesties. the King sud Queeu, sud Wooddale sud Rose school. sud Miss evening service at the Boys' Train- Lord sud Lady Marks. Norrean Aungen is attending high lug Scbool. Ma.gstrate J. Edmuud The weddlug took place lu the achool at Rlmbey. Joues pesided, aud Bnisu Mor'ley year 1875 at St. Geunys Parisb ___________ was at the piano. Short speeches Church, Rey. C. Walker officiating. were made by John C. Coventry, Mr. Baker held the prominent Mr. J. Mclntyne atteuded the fun- Stewart Bnomley, William Rolph, position for over tblnty years o! erai o! bis brother, Dougsld McIn- William Manson, Theodore Block- Higbway Surveyor to the Stratton tyre, who passed away at Maple, ley. Kenneth Breubaum sud Donald Rural District Council sud the Ont., on March l2th. He was Ass- Wilson. Club meuihers sang seversi Cornwall County Council, and for a essor o! Vaughan township for 24 autbems sud the Bowmanvllle boys great number o! years was Inspector years. sang some o! their special favorites. and Supernutendent Registrar for The National Life Association Co. Albert R. Vinglu. superintendent o! the district. Both Mn. sud Mss. o! Canada announces the appoint- the scbool. was preseuted wltb an Baker have been closely counected meut o! Mr. W. J. Bnadd, well1 Aura Lee pin, which bas the sanie witb the Methodist Chunches at kuown Oshawa life Insurnce man, motte as B.T.S., "Play the game." Stratton sud Bude for aven forty as District Manager for Oshawa sud Ater service the visiters enjoyed a years. sud Mr. Baker bas been a vlclulty. swlm in the Rotary tank. populan local preacher for 54 yeans. ______________________________ Among the many preseuts recelv- cd was a silver salver f nom the members o! Bude Flexbury Metho- *Wh istling BiIly' McReynolds - Half dist Chunch, as s teken o! the es- teem lu wblcb tbey are beld. A happy re-union was held at bbc hmembeVtrsi! th d!smily red 'entury a Dairy O perator Retires 1athehmemblu VictorifamRoallered lug in Englaud were pnesent-Mr. -__________________________ G. M. Baker (sou), sud Mesdames For as long, sud longer than most As the great liuer plowed its way Gibert Seagrave, N. A. Seldon, R. P. o! us care te admit Wm. McReyuolds tbrough the mountainous billows o! Banbury. R. J. Riding sud Miss bas been delivering milk in Bow- the broad Atlantic. Blly McReynolds garlainsd a erains bad er n mauville. At the end o! Februsry, thought deeply on the advlce given greceionom thbe foras sad, bn is active connection witb the dairy hlm by bis mother sud f ather ere J.eie P. sd etBaerouBson.ass.a, business came to s close when Me- he le! t forever tbe shores o! bis sudFrd . ud nturS.Baker, Reynolds Dsiny sold out te R. R. native land. 'Fight alwaya for the and Prd 0. nd AInter- Stevens & Sou, proprietors o! Glen Union Jack" bis patrlotic old father Bowmsuville. Ontario. One itr Rae DslrY, Mr. McReyuolds has bad couuselled hlm, sud "Wbat estlug message o! congratulation ne- been almoat a local point o! luterest ever compauy you are lu, say your ceived wss f nom a niece who was for uearly bal! a century. He was prayers'" the Plous little woman be preseut at the ceremouiy slxty years boru lu Portadawn, County Armagh, called mother, advised hlm as be set It s lterstlug ta note that three Irelsnd, now a part o! Nortbei'u Ire- out on the great adventure. I sendtreess-ulwoMn land. In 1881 be decided to seek bis Canada dl<1 not prove se generous sudMrs Baer ervd l te World forýtune lu the colonies sud at fimat lu thc payment of wages, sud the a rs. Bkrsre n decided te go ta New Zealand, but $5 on the EuglIsh advertisements t the distance wss great. and Canada must bave been a mlspnlnt for Billy a offered (accordlxîg te advertise- MeReynolds, despite the f act that he r Creigbtou Devltt of Blackstock ments) $5.00 per day. And s0 it was a great wonker, only received Lwas elected a member o! the Grand was that in 1881 that he left thp 50e per day. At the age o! 18 he e Finance Commlttee o! the Royal vendatir green huis sud vales of started ta work in this new land for Black Preceptory gatherlng at Trou- Erlu sud aboard the old S. S. Pol- Jacob Gaud, f ather o! the Gaud ton this week. Herb. Hooey o! onesin, be salled ta make auew bis Brothers, Just uorth o! Bowmanvile sBlackstock was elected a member o! home lu Canada. Aud he chose an on the Scugog Rond. A year lator - the Grand Petitions Commltteo at excellent date te sail, the memorablo he became associated lu the dairy the same meeting, l7th a! March, St. Patrlck's Day. <Contlnued on page 7) F orme r Student oF Local FHigli Sclool was Speaker Here Dr. Donald McDonald, Tor- onto School Ins p e c t o r, Delivered Delightful and Entertaining Address at Women's Canadian Club on Monday A former Bowmnanville boy who bas risen high in bis profession. Dr. D. D. McDonald, Public School Inspector in Toronto, returned to the scenes of bis early studies on Mouday wheu he addressed the memers0fthe Women's Canadlan Club iu St. John's Parlsh Hall. Dr. McDonald received bis liigh school education bere in Bowmauville and be recalled several instances of bis high school life bere. Dr. McDonald is a director of the World Federat- ion of Educationists, and in that capacity bas attended the biennlal conferences of the organization iu Geneva, Dublin, Edlnburgh, and wll attend the meeting tbis year in Ox- f ord. Dr. McDouald spoke on the work of this federation, and lncluded. in bis address a delightful description of a trip to Hawaii f!or a regional conference of the organization. The Federation was reaily the outgrowtb of tbe Great War, the speaker sald, and it was conceived by tbe late Dr. Thomas of Wasb- ington, as a means of brluging about world peace by the co-operation of world educationists. The f irst and organization meeting was beld in San Francisco where the constitut- ion was drawnupu and this great movement for international goodwll and peace was started. Attalument o! sucb ideals are not easy. Dr. McDonald said, but in ed- ucation, the people of the nations bave a common ground on whlch te meet. On the youtb of today, he added, depends tbe progress of the world of tomorrow. and it was the bellef o! tbe federation that tbrough the teachers, who mould and direct the miuds of youth. and who are next in importance to, par- ents, much could be done towards securing a world wide peace. Througb tbe federation the child- ren of many nations are belng taugbt tbe ideals of international goodwfll. the work of the League of Nations, and the histories are belng changed te bring out the character of the great men of the past, rather than se mucb emphasis on the great bat- tles and wars. Dr. McDonald told of several of bis trips abroad for the conferences of the Federation and outllned the Dr. Donald D. McDonald Former student of Bowmanville1 Higb School, now Public School In- spector in Toronto. and a director of the World Federation of Educa- tional Associations. wbo was the guest speaker on Monday at the Women's Canadian Club. Alberta Couple Durham Natives Silver Wedding' Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Aunger, Rimbey, Alberta, Mar- ried 25 Years - Came From Enniskillen District Tables were gay witb tulips, daf- fodils and other spring flowers. and centred by a large wedding cake when 75 f riends gathered for the silver wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolmi Stanley Aunger. Rimbey, Alta. During the evening. Rev. G. D. Young. who acted as master of cere- mornes, made a presentation of a handsome chest of silver flatware on behaif of their guests to Mr. and Mrs. Aunger, and of a silver pyrex,, dish f rom the Rosedale U.F.W.A., of1 wbich Mrs. Aunger is the president.t Mr. and Mrs. Aunger, who came to Rimbey from Dawson City. have been residents of the district for 241 years. Mrs. Aunger was f orxnerly* Miss Florence Virtue of Enniskilleu, and Stanley Aunger was a Haydon boy. They were married on Febru- ary 9th, 1910, at Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. Aunger llved the first years of their married life in the Yukon. and had among theiri f riends many people prominent in ç