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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Mar 1935, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. TMURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1935 IBusiness Directory LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.B. Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Phone 351 Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville W. R. STRIKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan. Phone 91. Bowmanville, Ont ario L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solicitor Notary Public - Etc. Law in aIl its branches. office immediately east of Royal Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home 553. DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant: Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. Bowmanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daiiy except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office. FUNERL DIECTO FUNERAL DIRECTOR Service, any hour. any day. F. F. MORRIS GO. Modem Motor Equipment Ambulance and Invalid Car Cail Phone 10 or 34, Assistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SMITH Complete Funeral Service Modem Ecuipment- Ambulance A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrey Smith Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holldays Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON, Mus.Bac. F.C.C.O, A. T. C. M. diplomas i Piano, Singing, Violin and Organ. Private or class lessons. Pupils pepamed for alI examinations. Phone 42, Bownianvile 40-tf Rep airs R. PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repairing Soles sewn on by Goodyear Stltchlng1 Machine. Prices reasonable. King Street East - Bowanvlle SPRING TERM now open in - - - - - - - - -A - - - - - - - BUSINESS SOHO OLS clears the way for Graduation In the Autumn and a position through our Employment Bureau. Enter any day. No forced vaca- tions. FuUl particulars supplied. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, Dept. -x-2, Bay & Charles Streets Toronto. 10-4 If you wear FALSE -TEETrH Try this New ImprovedPowder FREET n -' n1 Ic t i ei,,r jwder ATr OUR EXPE'vfF,. - ii eds f- . - o,. AS- e h. , où, &,,,] hr..aîh 35 .. t. ' oi.gan ttil mlis. ser.îrely nohoAy IL KR s .1duik.- y<.u wr, A iee.'.Triali .1,. nspply i i. iited. S- .'. na dreeggii.r I'EDAY. IF Nom PLEASED YORD U (;(i'ris LTAor'rOEZI T WHENEYUR D)AYUGTR lator.leve you heohwt garlsid;i heir heahh a thi hathy if e admobr h wl ltorank vyou Lindha ' E. inhar tabe Cotblepoundn mnh. TeCh.4-W. I. Sunday School Lesson LESSONS FROM THE LIFE AND LETTERS 0F PETER Sunday, March 3lst Golden Text: "Grow in grace. and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ." 2 Peter 3: 18. Lesson Passage: 1 Peter 5: 6-11: 2 Peter 3: 14-18. O live in me to-day! O clothe Thyseif Thy purpose yet again In human day. Work through my feebleness, Thy strength: Work through my meanness. Thy nobility: Work through my helpless poverts' of soul Thy grace. Thy glory and Thy love. Humility, 6-9 For three months we have been studying the Lif e and Letters of Peter. This wveek the lesson is in- tended to be a review of the career of this likeable though faulty apos- tle. Peter learned humility through humiliations. He was an impet- uous. impulsive man who somet:mes spoke before he thought. At times he was praised by bis leader above the other disciples and then he would do something meriting strong rebuke. He had good reason for self -satisf act.'on. Christ bad said. "Thou art Peter and on this rock I will found my church. -but Peter had also heard the %%ordý. "Get thee behind me. Satan.' and 'Before the cock crow thou shaît denv me thrice."* It is out of his own ex- perience that he wrote in later life to Christian converts bidding them to humble themselves und erth mighty hand of God. to cast aIl their care upon God. to be sober and vite- ilant because evil like- a roaring lion is abroad. Peter was a man of abounding energy capable of doing very noble and very foolish things. Born to be a leader. he had to learn through painful experiences to have a leaders sense of responsibility. Confidence, 10. il Having lost confidence in himself. Peter learned confidence in God. He had experienced repeated forgive- ness and he trusted the God of al grace. Though he had made mis- takes he neyer doubted the validity of his initial cail on the shore of the Lake of Galilee. Unstable tbougb be had been. he had discovered that God could strengthen and establish him. Instead of seeking glory for himiself he was now ready tO ascî'ibe aIl glory ta God. AIl of which means that it takes time to make a Christ- ian. When Peter resnonded to the invitation, 'Follow Me." he was only a beginner. When he preached his great sermon on the Day of Pent.e-cost. he demonsti'ated that he had been trained to be a fisher of men. Impatient at delas' as a dis- ciple, as an apostle he could write calmly. "after that ye have suffered aihile." Peters confidence was hased upon bis f aith in God whicb had come to him througb his per- sonal experience of Jesus Christ. The man who had been afraid of the taunts of a .eerving maid at the end f aced death by crucifixion head dow,,nwvards. Such courage he had learned f rom Christ. Discipline, 14 jFewv people take kîndiy ta discu- -pline. Especialiy is t caifficîult for 5ýtrang-minded, energetie peuple to leain ri'estrun. Peteî"s vutory was matie possible becau.se he cea_,ed ta sce himselt as tnie centrai fugure un the pcture and became an enthus- ia.st Ior the Kiîîgtim 0f Gad. For this great ideal be became willung ta undenga nîgarous dsciplune. Me wanted ta be blamelesa in arder that he mugbt be an efticuent ser'vant 0f Christ. Nat wilîngly dud Christ e- buke Petei'. but auly for his gooti. Peter was anc of trie innen ciîcle. that graup especialiy tnusted and cansultcd, a4d yet wben he spake or acteti rashi.y. Christ dud nat hes- itate ta show hlm where he 'sas, 'srong. It was nat all rebuke. bow'- ever, as Cbrist told Peter "I have prayed for thee, that thy faith fail not." The rsen Christ also sent a mesýsage to "The disciples and Peter." Eveii after bis deniai. Christ ap- peau cd ta bim asking him the ques- tion, "Lavest thou me." and cam- missioning him ta be a leader and teacher. Oniy the î'esuits of dis- cipline can recancile us to it. Peter caugbt the vision of what Christ had for him ta do and fitted bim- self for the task. Comradeshlp, 15-1l Peter had known camradeship as a fisherman on Galilee. but a new experience of it awaited bim after he became a disciple. There was in- timate camradeship witb Christ. bath indîvidually and as anc of the inner circie 0f three. Thene 'sas close fellowship witb the eleven dis- ciples as they weut tbroughaut Ju- dca and Galilce. After Pentecost theî'e was team work with John and fellowship with tbe other apostles. John Mark ister became bis fellow'- belpei'. Wben Peter went ta Autioch bis comradeship witb Paul became 1 ntumaî.e. Tbaugh their point-s of vuew weî'e different at first, they became truc friends. Peter referred appneciatively ta the writings 0f "aour beloved brother Paul" sd drew great apostlc ta the Gentiles. This (ontunualiy wideniug fellow ahi p belped Peter ta overcame bis youtb- fuI faults anti become the man he ivas in later life. The Christian Cbîîi'ch is abave aIl a fellowship. In a downitown cougregatian lu a Can- adian cit.v two uuemployed men aie f iving feliowsbip to men beggiug for shelter andà foodi. The group 15 grow ing and men ar'e being redeem- et! by comradeship and brotherhood in the name of Christ. Crowth, 18 We expect te grow pbysicsily aud wve spend aur youth developiug aur bodies. We need ta, grow mentslly anti we spend many years seekiug education. Few 0f us are so con- crnnes! about growing in grace thout'h what we are alive for Is Irealiy ta grow sauls. Peter grew in grace. From being a rough. crude fisherman, a man of oaths and equally resdy sword. he became a great leader in the Christian Chumch, 1 the preacher of the Day of Pentecost HELD IN U. S. the choi'. A duet. "Love Divine" by and felow-orkr wih Jhn ad jMrs. A. A. Drummond and Mr. Reg Paul. Peter grew in capacity and ~. Sto.adacuret yMsr character because he grew in the Smith, Bell, Reid and M. J. Tamb- kno;vledge of bis Lord and Saviour, lyn, "Rock of Ages," aIl added to the Jesuis Christ. We may perhaps get services. more hope and encouragement fom ____________ the life of Peter than from any other i', of the twelve disciples. He was notl EIA a perfect man but he was a growing IK N A mani. Often he required te be for- itngwh given but throughout it aIl he w8.s Mrs. J. Thomne isvitig ih likeable and sincere. He shows Mr. lkeAlxndr whatcanbe dne or amar ofMr. and Mrs. Roy Mercer visited robust personality by the transfomm- with friends iii Toronto. ing friendsbip of Christ. Peter. Mi'. Percy Burley is busy again however. would be the last man te0 with his sawing machine. ask credit for himiself. Ail that he' Mr. Nornian Thertell. Toronto, becamie and did he attributed ta the spent the weekend with bis family. love of Christ. "To him be glorY Mrs. Milton Robinson visited her both now and foever." fat hem who is in Toronto hospital. Questions For Discussion Mrs. H. Thonîpson. Newt.onv.ilie. is 1. Wb is umilty hrderfoi'vîsit ing with lier parents. Mi'. and s ome than for others? Mi.,eog Mrcr 2. What kept Peter true at last? IoneMit jCa.. Brchand M iesreO- 3. Mow may we get discipline?boi'adJa.Qatrl av - 4. Through which organizations til: nohefropnts ie Wcstand aretisit- have you made friends? uic t lienlurexît s. Mr.1 id Mrr.11eo 5. How late in lufe can spirituial MvlnJh Srce :- Kîî;t:as growth continue? Evelyn John JS:_ Lk' S*1'as MýUatýW1Leey.Kîb.wa :h1on off t liet'tis\hlebîl _______________________________British author an~io"".C: a i - :nZos ýli ,aa :îff iested by tUnited S '-ae; 111111'1g:ýà'.11i:b.1'e:'.111111sN . Candaxi Bell ' ORONO jauthorities at C... ::o J~:' oa~a c itc i î'iniîd -~ing a %Peak:ni,,-, :rof AilUr.1c..l . From he Nws, Mîch hti He ;vas charged u: en aCn-. ,rmTeNwMrh21O munist and tweya:::':g ~ Ms E:.b'bcoopeî.. o110 . ov*erthros'Ui 'nd :theg'.e:: i3Sold<Ž't r0sîdVllnts. w'i:0 wa'. Miss West is visitîng her biother. m nent contrary'. : o a: cn:g er:cbr î:it:ty0ar. pa"'od Mi. Alber't West. sucb activity. D'Yr.i o:of :îe aY as a br dugites.Mrs D' Maei eiss eHow r. Cbug a ell'-to-do Br:t:-ýh ra d l was Hanco'k. at Coîborne. Bofore iea- taken upresidene hee.threatenied by An:.e: cat::ntngr-iz cfor Cobo:îîlie "he residec! here Mr. George Mitchell who bas been ti ' cas1vîhbrdaib'r.Ms nî op laid up with an infected toce is re- ______ ________er.Ti-ere is &so coie soi. Mr .Chs coi ering. A. Cooper. MrS. Frank Peste is ill. Mer sis- Brownî and son Geo)rge. .nd jack Fo vrl udy Rv hs ter. Miss Frances Rusk of Port Hope. Stapeton. For c sev a endfoas ex. "But. is aitng n br.Dr. and r John, Chestez. ac-:;e 'Ilwith open face bebolding as Miss Fi'eda Wilson is spending a companied by :!ht:r n.ece. Mis.s E. 1 -te iryo beLrd1r week witb ber sister. Mrs. Athur McKenzie. nooeddo:froin Tor;cbanged into the samne image front FaEs. Bowmanville. onto on Sunviay ând spent a few,; 'on ta glory e'ven as bv the Spinit MissEvaFareilbasretrne he paen;. M. a:ciM iof the Lord. II Cor. 3:18). and on after spending the winter w th> berT.Sih ina moig lsgtesie patents in Newm.foundlaiid. 1 Ira Thompson. t: :s repo)rted. vis-!te, lsv m -ornfcingtchanean Rev. and Mrs. G. R. McQuade ar.d 1i:îng the city olle dny asî ek. met transformation of Christian lives in- son Donald. were Suinday' cuest'. of w\itii a couple of affabe sirangcrs.' ta the likeiJess of our ae"s Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Brou-n. huking. and ga;e :beni a 'ift. On: Mr. Matthewv Gibson i; borne from bhis arrivai at O5bau a. report says 1Tblirzd35 night Eli7.ab e t hviI Oshawa where be spent the ivinier b:s wallett couta:ning about $10(Lacevstd u on pol n with bis son. Mr. Delbert Gibson. icas missing. 1 entertinied with a spiendidpora. Mr,. Margaret Cooper. who bas At the annu.al neet:'ng of the The meeting was orened bv Ket d'il been a visitai' with ber suterl'. Ms. Gicat War Veterar.. Bwinan\v:Ee1President. Miss Dorothy MieMilllen. J. Sean., Elizabethville. bas return- 'andi district.,Ftiday at Bowxnanvule, Praver 'sas offered bs' Rev. Thos. ed home. 1M.,r. A. Manning of tbîs town a. Wal'ace. Meeting was then taken Col. E. E. Snider. inspecton of i re-elected a memben of the executive over by' lizabethville President. Mir. public school for Durham paid b's boardi. and Mr. Robert Cornforth was Lionel Hughes. wben this pogram semni-annual visit to Orono sch'ocl ir namiet a member of the Poppy' Day was gi;'en: Bible reading. Lionel Thursday.i coiindittee. Hughes: DevotionFal tontec. "How'do Mrs. H-. C. Aluîî and dauzhter Mr. Robert Poster and son Ren w'e know Jesus reallv lives.- bv Miss Ruth of Newcastle are spending a and daughter. Mrs. MoýLelland mot- Allanl: piano solo. Miss Lila Powell: feu' days with ber sister-un-law. Miss ord down fromn Toronto on Monday readinz. Jack Beatty: duet. Mi-ses Lauî'a Allin. and spent a feix boums here. Mr. Pearl Mercer and Bemnire Whit-: Mn. John Cowan bas purcbased Fosten is looking almost himself p, ding. Vivian Mercer: oianio dunt. the Mrs. Wmn. Hooey faim. 6th Line. again havir.g about rý covered from M"~s I.eta Powell and! B"rnic, snd with lÉs famnily is moving there the rEcent shake-up he recieved by White: diet Misses Hazal Potts and fnom Oshawa. falhîîg on the ice. Mrs. Foster. wbo Berrip White,: rmin tenie. "Lifp of Mn. eore Cnr f B'nri sunt uffered a fractured bip bone ta fDavid -' b;' Mrs. Elliritt. Mr. Wal- th . Geeorwith bis dafghtr. rs. t-resting comrfortsbly at the baspita& 11*cel'~d in commlinitv sirLinq. fol- Chas. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw in Toronte. ln-ved hv rprrpation ard lun"h. accompsnied him ta bis home Sun- Pair congregalions. splendid ser- Thipre w'ere about one hundî'ed pres- day by motor mors and good singing aIl added to ent. Mn.Chali Glnvil~ant brdethe anniverary services of Park Mr.ChalieGlanvllý an brdeStreet Chunch last Sundaý. Rev. nee Miss Challus) andt Mr. Mat C R. McQuade of 0-bswa, president Persian Bam-the orie toilet re- Harrison and bride (nec Mis Mary a the Bay of Quinte Conference. quisite for the dainty woman. De- Glanville ar'e occupyir.g the -Mrs. was guest speakei' and delivered two ligbtful te use. Leaves no stickiness. Har'ris î'esidence.' stut rinig sermions tc attentive nid- Swiftly sbsorbed by the tissues. Mrs. Isaac E. Chapman .nd ou ences. The chair in full force render- Delicately fragrant. Imparts a vel- Orley of Kirby. and Mr. Jolhn ed excellent music under the dirýc't- 1 vety lovelineos to the complexion. Thonîpson. attended the funenal af ion of Mrs. O. Sandercock. In tbe Tones up the skin Soothes and the late John McMillen. form',rly -r.orning. Mrs. A. A. Drummond and banishes aIl unuleasant roughness or of Kendal. at Port Perrs' Surnday Mrs. G. M. Linton sang the duet in chafing caused by wird and othAr week. the anitheno. and a oxarette con- weatber conditions. Makes bands Members of Oî'ono L. O. L. No 409. Posý_d of Mrs. Chas. Wood, Miss L. sft ad %hi'te. Creates an elusive. attending Grand Lotige at Trrenton Allin and Messrs Smith and Reid eý0sentially feminine charm. Persian are: R. R. Waddell, George Mar- also sanie,. In the evening. the an- Balm is indispensablé to woînen of ton. Neul Portor. W. E. Davey. Chas. them "-I will ,ing" was weli suug bY li refinernent. Skim over the his in high . . . eap fromn * the lights and away from traffic.. travel sixty, seventy ... eigh t miles an hour with 7 % ~ i7 eun~effortless ease . .. and power ini reserve for even greater speeds. -- FO AS L W AS On the streets of every city, on the road FO A OWA to evcrywheme De Soto leads the style prade with dashing beauty, flashing style, tat catches the eye and captures the DELIVERED TO YOU IN BOWMANVILLE Dodge-De Soto Dealer Enjoy the comfort of this great big roomy car . .. glide over the rough roads We J. CHALLIS *b You'II IiI<e the rich, fl Flavour oF Salada Orange PeIcoe Blend. Try a package. 'SALADA'TEA AreYou :ýJ- VF Planning Insurance? Before you do, consuit us. Years of exper- ience have taught us the minute details that must be consideî'ed. We wilI gladly aid you in rnaking your plans. Stop in to-day and discuss youi' 1elsonal and business insurance 1 requirements. There is no obligation on your part. We sha11 be glad to help you. J. J. M4ASON (& SON Ail Kinds of Insurance Phone 50. Bowmanville ~ For RHEUMATIC PAIN! 0 RHEUMATISM 0 LUMBAGO 0 SCIATICA S BACKACHE Try a box of Rumacaps. The fluai day of treat.ment %vill give you decided relief from pain. Aîfcack the Cause-Permanent relief can oniy ho eftected by removing the unec acid and other mpurities from the blood. Runiacaps relieve the pain whiie definitely removing the cause. They wilI aiso give you new health and vigor through their cieansing and genu-kcillilu action. Start your treatment today. USE BOX 0F 50 CAPSULES -$1.00 DIILIA~A.CRHEUMATIC0 ftUIYIP PSIJ CAPSULES Phone 92 ALEX MCGREGOR, DRUGS We Deliver CAN'TSMLEEP l > A CKA 4c/i M IT'S YOUR NERVESLveadKiny Relief cornes s> gr, ie ec in with use of art aroustd 6v 1)r CHASE'SDuCI4AS ['S as smoothly as the boulevards. Speed in safety with DeSoto hydraulic brakes to bring you to a swift, sure, straight-line stop, and an ali-steel body for real protection. Get the greatest thrill of ail ... DeSoto style and comfort . .. De Soto speed and stmina ... ail the thousands of miles of carefree De Soto Airstream ownership. are pricedi within your reach. Sce your De Soto dealer today . a a get the facts about Airstrearn economy .. . Dis- caver De Soto for yourself . . . TODAY. King St., Bowmanville - t PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 28th, 1935

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