With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmariville News VOLUME 81 BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APRIL 4th, 1935 NUMBER 14 Black Diamonds Score Big Success in 1935 Edition of Minstrel Production Packed Houses Greet Leg- LAST 0F THE SERIES 0F ion Band Production on HIGH ISCHOOL LECTURES Thursday and Friday - The last of the series of ed- Untiring Efforts of Direc- ucational lectures will be held in the Hîgh School auditoriumi tor Mrs. J. Clark Bell End on Thursday, April llth, at In Success 8 p. m. The guest speaker wil be Dr. Victor Lang. of the Un- iversity of Toronto, who wiUl Weli on Vo a thousand people wit- speak on "Education - Amer- nessed the 1935 presentation of the ican, Engish and cerman." Black Diamond Minstrels, under The public 15 cordiaily invited Canadian Legion Band auspices in Vo attend this lecture, at which the Opera House on Thumsday and a silver colection to defray Friday niglits. Two packed houses expeuses wiil be taken. The on successive nights is quite an ac- previous lectures of hs series hievement in these times. but il can have been well attended and be accounted for in the irresistible have received very favorable appeal 0f auy production staged by comment f rom the many who Mrs. J. Clark Bell the director. have heard the outstanding The program of Vwo and a haîf s p e a k e r s presented. The hours' duration proved a diversified Schooi Board 15 liopeful that entertainment that wouid be liard o a very large crowd attend next beat. Comedy, stacks of it; music, Thursday. tunef ul and gay, and semi-classical; choruses with plenty o! popular ap- jpeal, and skits both originaUl and __________________________the finer performance on the second entertainiug. Perhaps the audience witnessed School Trustees to the fluer performance on the second night when the newcomers had over- Pareon Et imtescorne their stage fright and the reg- 0f the show. Tecrtain rose Vo the theme soug Chairman Asks F i n a n c e o f the production"ALtlBrw Com itte t Ct t Boe ot" and displayed the tastefully de- to Aid Town in Keeping thechoir of sixteen voces seated in maantthe background. Reg. Tax Rate as Low as13 Harding made a capable Master o! Ceremonies. or in nùnstrel show Rate of 48 Milîs vernacuîar "Interiocutor". The in- troduction of the six end men: Sam A determîned effort Vo do ils part Gianville as Sambo; Mickey Roach Vo keep the ax rate dovrn to il 1934 as Joe; Stuart James as Lou; C. S. level wau decided upon at Monday's Halîman) as Rastus; Cecil Dudley as meeting of the Public Schooi when Bones. and Art Edger as Sol set the arrangements were macle Vo meet audience in a happy mood as these tonight Vo consider estimates. Chair- haif dozen comics pranced oute the man Perey Corbett asked the Fin- stage Vo join in the Minstrel Over- ance Committee o pare down esti- . ea edley of popular and tune- mates as much as possible so that a fui songs. saving over last year's estimates The endmen were extremely good. might be registered. The 1934 es- WhJle each could be selected for timates were $20,673-65, from which spcial mention of the parts they iV is hoped Vo lopp off considerabie played. suffice iV Vo say that Sam this ear.Glanville. who lias been minstrelling this ear.for more than a quarter century Secretary-Treasurer C. H. Dudley m-as right there in both song and in presentmng the financial report dance numbers, dispaying the agility for the -end o! Mardi showed a bal- of a high school athIete. Speclal ance on hand of $930,69.1 mention s also meritted by Mickey Principal Johnsten's monthly re- Roach, for his courage and piuck port sliowed an increased attend- 'in taking the part o! end man less ance of 569, with an average of 537' Vian a week before the show was or 9417, Forty were reported laVe, staged in place of another wio drop- and 10 received corporal punlsh- ped out of the cast. His Work too ment. Deposits in the Penny Bank' w-as on a par with Vhe others who numbered 1026 for the monti wth a have rehearsed througiout the pro- .total deposit o! $231.80, the largest duction. montly deposit on record. Madame Aice McGregor (Alex) Several recommendations by the was heard lu two vocal solos, wie Principal were adopted by the Board. Alan Knight. Alec Colville, Sam These included a recommiendation Glauilie, Orville Osborne, Albert Viat no childi under six years of age Culley, Newton Hackney, R. E. Lo- be admitted o sciool at the Easter' gan, C. S. Halîman were lieard in holiday, se that class work will noV solo numbers, and Art Edger came lie retarded. Permission was granted across with an original poem of higli Vo instaîl a radio o hear the depart- seunding words, that neither he uer ment's broadcasts of history, geo- the audience could decipher wýitiout graphy and literature in the next Vie aid o! an unabridgeci dictionary. few weeks. Permission Was aise, Miss Betty Bettles, cliarmed and granted Vo purchase a spruce ree te deliglited Vie audience with a fine E replace one on the scliool grounids step dance, with Albert Culley slng- Viat had been %w'inter killed. The. lng her theme song. Board appointed Principal W. H. etnHcnyac lnKih Joron f Prt opeto he ntrncebrouglit tee house dawn wiVh their Board on conditions Principal John- duel number "I'd like Vo be a monkey C] sten was appolnted in a like capacîty at Vie Zoo." Bath wore black tails. by tee Port Hope Board. Newton representing the female of Mms. B. M. Warnica. School Atten- Vhe specles and AKlan Vhe male. Their dance Off icer, reported fcur cases imitation of monkeys at play and at for the menti and four investigat- work was a scream. ions. The cioruses witli the assistance A report 0f the Management Con- of Vie orchestra conducted by Mms. 11 mittee, presented by Mrs. W. A. Bell vere splendid, and in counection VI Shane, providing that Miss Margaret with bti solo andà chorus work spec- Lý McGregor be placed on regular sal- lal commendation is due Mrs. M. A. n ary until the end o! the terni was1 Neal, the apparentiy ireless and al- 0' adopted. Miss McGregor is takingj ented accompanist wlio althougi not d( the place o! Miss Moutgomery who in the lîmeliglit plays one of the Va lias been given leave o! absence un- most important parts iu a musical 'W il September lst. due to illness. production, ai The secîretary and Principal we h upsadcittroriemryV appointed a committee Vo join eih Teqisadcatro h er i Vhe anaianLegon n pepaiugendmen. most o! them takeoffs on ane aproiat eprgra oni rri oblocal great and near great celebrit- D. sance po! ite ig's Jubrite ob- les (?), went over lu a big way. d seranc o th Kng'be elardnaThe second. haîf of the program, w May 6tli, which lias endcada broadcast from radio station C. R.m a public holiday by Federal Legîs- V. B. was botli novel anid well Li laVure. carried out. Mr. R. M. otLEJ .,~ Honorary President of the Baud, in- th troduced this part of Vie program lei Miss Joyce Muirhead, daugliter of by reading a sPurious letter, which Rev. and Mrs. C. P. Muirhead, form- many believed genuine,from a broad- erly of St. Joins Churcli, ws casting company agreeing Vo put tem weekend guest of Miss Dorotliy Bon- Company on the air for hlaI an hour. th nycastle. Miss Muirhead 15 on he Iu proper studio style Mr. Cotton a teaching staff o! Earl Haig Coleg-dlsplayed Vie signs whicli Vie aud- ýn laVe, Toronto. tConVlnued on page 10) M Newcastle School to Make Entries in County Music Festival at Port Hope Newcastle Board of Education met Principal Ward advised Board that on Monday with Rev. F. H. Mason aIl higli school departmental ex- in the chair ,Miss Hattie Mason, aminations wouîd be over this year supervisor of music in the Public by June 30Vh. School, addressed the Board in re- A eystfaorrprtfth Had opeton Mi15 .16, a n ort n public school was received from Col. Hopeon My 1516,and 7th n E. E. Snlder, I. P. S., and read by the part Newcastle school nilght take the chairman. Financial report Vo in it. Provision was made for Miss date was Prescnted by Mr. C. T. Mason o make four individual en- Batty, chairman of the finance com- tries in children's solo and recitat- mittee. Board accepted recom- Ion classes. mendations of committee and willi Board took membership in the ask Municipal Council for an In- South Carke Rural Sehool Fair As- terlmn grant in April of $1000 Vo meet sociation and authorized the secre- current expenses. tary to sign the usual contract. Following accounts were ordered Principal Rodger was authorized Paid-: Vo purchase a new hand bell, the MacMillan Co., Treasury Readers one in use ziavlng been worn out.. $3.16 Principal Rodger also intimated Fred Graham, coal 29.79 that In acordance wth a previous W. H. Anderson, H. S. supplies 3.40 resolution of the Board, provision J. C. Hancock, 2 loads wood.. 12.00 would be made hs year for open- Pollowing members were present: Ing a beginner's class, for children, Rev. F. H. Mason, Messrs C. T. Batty six years of age and upward, o H. J. Toms. R. B. Le Gresiey, HIlE Monday, April 29th, following Eas- Hancock, Geo. Meadows, Percy ter holiday. Hare, Irwin Colwill, Ross Dlckinson.q NEW PORTRAIT 0F GOVERNOR-GENERAL -w- Here is a new camera study of Canada's newr governor-general, John Buchan. famous Scottish man of letters and former secret service dir- ector. Mr. Buchan thus wil become. unless he is elevated to the peer- age before lie takes office, the first commoner to hold the post of gov- ernor-general of Canada. Organize to Build Better Citizenship Toronto's Ex-Mayor Stewart Urgesý LEGION CELEBRATES VIMY ANNIVERSARY Bowmnanville Branch of the Canadian Legion will mark the anniversary of Vimy Ridge by a special service Sunday and a banquet Tuesday. The Leg- ion will attend the service at Trinity Church on Sunday morning. Ail ex-service men are invited Vo attend. and are asked Vo, neet at the Town Hall at, 10.45 a. m. to march Vo the church with the Leg- ion Band. On Tuesday n.ight, the annual Vimny Banquet will be staged in St. John's Parlsh Hall at 7.15 p. m. when Col. B. F. Ackerman of Peterboro wili be the guest speaker. President Bert Parker cordial- ly invites ail ex-service men to attend this function also. Inspiring Address by Mr. Stewart Heard by Canad- ian Club at Annual Lad- ies' Night - Urges Fight1 Against Communism Four times mayor o! Toronto, jand a recipient of honors fromn His. Majesty King <Jeorge. Ex-Mayor William J ,StdWart o! Toronto, pieased a large audience on Friday night when lie addressed the Ladies Nigit meeting of Vie Bowmauvilie Canadian Club. President L. W. Dippeli cordially welcomed the ladies and lu referring Vo the speaker o! Vie eveniug point- ed Vo hus splendid record as an al- derman and Mayor of Toronto, and also to lis recent honor, the C. B. E. in Vhe New Yéar's Honors List. Mr. Stewart, who was Intraduced by Ex-Mayor M. J. ElliotV delivered a splendid address which frorn its ~0WLRS .LECTD jcommencement Vo, its close urged the BOWLE S -EL CTED great need for Vie deveiopment of J. J. MASON PREXY a loyal and intelligent citizenship. 0F BO LINGCLUB The speaker lu brlnging unofficial OF BO LINGCLUBgreetings f rom Toronto stated Viat lu these Vumes Viere was more need Club Won Large Numbr of Prime In Vian ever for Canadian Clubs and Central Ontario District - Plan ail that they stood for, and It was a Memberslp Drive and real Joy Vo hlm Vo attend any gath- limprovements ering of people wia were Vruly loyal. Citizenship was the theme 0f the Ex-Mayer J. J. Mason, was the speaker. He condemned the general nanimous choice for President o! apathy o! voters, quoting the average te members o! the Bowmanville percentage o! voters exercising their Lawvn Bowling Club at the annual francise Vo prove bis point Iu cou- meeting lield an Mouday nigit. trast VotVis what was needed was Viher offcers elected: Vice-Presi- a people, tiinking their way througli dent-Capt. C. W. E. Meath, Secre- life. "Think, then vote" lie urged, n'ry-M. B. Rixen, Treasurer-A. J. noV "Vote tien thiuk". W"halen; Auditors-M. G. V. Gould Among Vie problems facing adult ind F. O. Mellveen. citizens was that of our youth. Hun- Reports o! the past year's activi- dreds a! tliousaudis a! these young les showed bote success and defeat. people were nov unemployed wiVli 'efeat came in Vie way o! a small littîe hope o! emPloyment. IV was ieficit on operations while success up Vo, the science o! goverument Vo xas iilustrated by the fact Viat the soîve this probiem. nembershlp of the local club, ;allest in Vie Central Ontario There are Vwo many armchair ýeague secured more Vian double critics, Mr. Stewart sald. Democracy îe number o! prizes lu Vournaments VhreaVened by democracy because ,an members o! other teams, ln the people do noV realize that tee money eague. Vo implement ai these pledges macle It was decided te make several by those lu authority-frequeutly nilor improvements at Vie green because o! insistence and criticismn- his year, and also Vo go out a! Ver lias Vo camte f rom Vie pockets 0f Vie tmucli larger membership. Pro people. The volces o! the people nisehas eenmadeby any it-must be heard, but it should be Vie zeis la ben ade bynyhecub-voice o! trained minds. And when is year. aud witi Vie strong Cam-ta volce places in power a govern- igu for members IV 15 likely that ment it is tie duty af ail parties Vo îe largest membership in Vit]~ support it. ory o! Vie club wiUl be realied Mr. Stewart strongly urged that As a sPecial inducement V o new lu very community some body, or nembers Vie f irst year's dues have committee o! men and vomen should Ien reduced Vo, $5.00. Tlie regular be established whase duty it would ees are $7.00. be Vo teaci and maintain Vie higliest cltizenship, te teaci loyalty and de- votion Vo, Vie king, Vo country and te BOWMANVILLE BOYS' God; Vo constantly urge Vie main- tenance o! British traditions, British REVIEW WORTHY 0F honar and British Justuce. PUBLIC SUPPORT AV preseut, tee speaker veut on Vo say, teere was no concerted effort Vo The Bowmanville Boy's Re- do Vis. There was Voo mucli o! Vie view sponsored by Vie Boys' feeling that we liad no inie for pub- Work Board aud featurlng in lic a!! airs but in Vis werk of change its caste scores o! local boys we Just have ta change for the bet- will open at Vie Opera House Ver. This can only be doue as we ou Tiursday uext week, and recagnize that law and order are will le repeated ou Friday. Tuis Vie Priceless heritage of Englisx ls noV merely a maney raising speakiug peoples. British colora, venture In Vie ordlnary sense he reminded hUs audience were stilI, o! teVerni, but an lnvestment red, white and blue. lu youtli, a youtli Viat learus l aculgM.Seatsrse Vo appreciate nature, 11f e, char- I ocuigM.Seatsrse acter and ail that la vorti- very strongly that Vie basis a! ail while. Orgaulzed sumrmer good goverument was a deep rooted camps carry out this work, belie! in a good cltizenshlp, and al and Vie major portion o!Vis good governient was a deep rooted mone wil goto tat oJec bellef lu an all vise Providence. In monerviiloa teand iat ig oct ese days o! comunnstic teachiug Inbotingo aud lualdlng ryS t was urgent Viat Vhis recognition luigding VompstierOctaracoer th Ve divine be realized. Take relig- builingcams l Ouari. Ilouis principies out o! goveruiment and what have You le! t, lie asked? pi Vi bt niE COUNUL------E Bowmanville's Hydro Utility Produces WIH1935 ESTIMATES Profits of $ 12,770.74 Auditors Reveal Town Council met in a coin-- mittee 0f the w hale on Monday niglit and adjourned theïir reg- Operating Profits and Large AT CANADIAN CLUB ular meeting until Monday Power Credit Gives Util----- next, Vo Provide merchants wth ample opportunity te, get ity Most Successful Year accounts in. The evening was spent in wrestling with the es- ini 1934 - Waterworks timate problers in preparation or the probable striking of the Dept. Shows $1600 Profit ax rate on Monday next. The expenditures for the en- That both electrical and wgter suing year were carefully gone utilities, under the guidance of the . over and in the course of the Public Utilities Commission had a o .., consideration about $4000 was Mnost successful year in 1934, is re- lopped off the estiniates. Des- vealed in the auditgd statements of Pite increased expenditures mn both departments presented aV Tues- certain uncontroliable sources day afternoon's monthly session of ~ the counceil 15 hopeful of keep- the CommissWn. Chairman T. H. ing the ax rate down Vo Its Knight presicied and Commissioners present 48 milI rate which was Ross Strike and Fred Nelles were a two mili reduction in 1934. present. In this issue the Commiss- ion publishes. according te Vhe act, the abstract statement of its f in- --ancial standing and position, ac- cording to the auditors. The state- I...'~ Dirt I ment for the niost part is self ex- JHospltal Butn ,a planatory, but for those who are not S conversant with the methods o! A . * charging salaries and expenses te I A ttracted Large different operations. we are_______________ ing the meaning of some of the div- iinotherwise flot easily under-! Ex-Mayor W. J. Stewart 1 IIstood. Total profits in 1934 were,l of Toronto who delivered an in.- Crowd unursaay operating profits, $5,332.61; 13th' spiring address at Canaclian Club Power Bill credit. $7438.13. making Ladies' Niglit on Friday last. MoreThan OneHundecia total of $12.770.74. M r hnO eH nrd The waterworks account is e--_ ___________ Attened Te in Nrses'tirely self expiained. In the elec- M y rP Residence - Many Giftsj pears an item for $81083 under the M y rP oclaims .of ProduceSupplies and i udssae i heoe e ntial fi- Service o f W itness truck by H. E. P. C .and other minor Money Are Made incidentals. 1Under the caption, Billing and Sunday, April 14th, Set The Womnen's Hospital Auxiliary Collecting $1815.32 is listed. This is heid a very sucoessful Birthday made up of stationery used ibl- Aside for Special Ser- Party in the beautiful Nurses' Resi- iflg, Postage, fabor, and depreciation dence on Thursday afternoon, and repairs on billing equipment. vices in Recognition of March 28Vh. The President. Mrs. J. Generai Office Salaries and Ex- teChr 'sVleote O'Neill, and Mrs. John Spencer re- Penses amount in the report Vo $4- h hrhsVlet h c eived over one hundred guests in 177.08, and this is made up of ail Community the living room which was tastefully office general Supplies .coal, rent, decorated with snapdragons. Mrs. and general salaries. W. J. Dudley and Mrs. H-. M. Cole $1,098.56 is listed as undistributed At the request of the Ministerial received the donations, and tea was expense, and as his item was drawn Association, Mayor Ross Strike on served by the ladies of Vhe Auxiliary. to public attention at a public meet- behaîf of the Municipal Counicil of Many useful gif s, which included ing some ime ago, it might be Bowmanville. in this issue formally linen, groceries, fruit. and a sub- pointed out that this includes in- proclaimis Sunday, April 14Vh, as a stantial sum 0of money, were donat- surance, plant purchase expense, "Day of Witness" in Bowmanvllle ed. water heater installations, de5recat- Churches. Foiiowing the lead of ion on tools and general office equip- other municipalities the Ministerial The guests included: Mrs. R. B. ment, payments Vo pensions fund,1 Association, Mayor Ross Strike on' Arkwright, Mrs. H. E. Ashlee, Misses and ali sundry accounts. that the People miglit make due re- jC. and M. Allen, Mrs. E. H. Brown, Another item In the Balance Sheet'cognition of what the church means Mrs. E. R. Bounsal, Mrs. J. H. BaVe- needs some explanation. The sum Vto the community, and as a witnese man, Mrs. W. H. Birks. Mrs. F. 0. of $25,412.32 is listed as an oper- Vo their interest and support of the Baker, Mrs. E. P. Bradt, Mrs. C. A. ating surplus. This~ is the combined church. Bartlett, Miss A. Bleakley, Mrs. E surpluses of every year since the In his proclamation, Mayor Strike G. Beggs, Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mrs. local commission teok over the sys- fa.sks the searchlng question "WhaV J. C. Cairns, Mms. C. A. Cawker, terri. 0f this surs $5.324. 18 was would the community do wlthout the Mms. H. M. Cole, Mms. E. W. Craw- pald off debentures in 1934 and a churches?" IV wlll flot take many ford, Mrs. W. C. Caverly, Mms. R. M. further $10,048.78 has been paid off minutes of thought on this subjeet Cotton, Mrs. W.' Cunningham, Miss this year. About $4,000 has been tÔ realize that with the golng of A. Cawker, Mms. M. S. Dale, Mrs. E. added Vo plant valuation in capital the churches would be the leavlng Diling, Mms. W. F. Dale, Mrs. R. E. expenditures since the commission of everything that is uplifting in the Dinniwell, Mrs. W. J. Dudley. Mrs. ook it over. The actual cash re- comxnunity life, The church is the G. A. Edmondstone, Mrs. H. W. Fos- serve at the present trne amounts axis upon~whlch Vhe community 111 e er, Miss B. H. Fairbairn, Mrs. A. Vo approximately $7500. IV will be revolves. More organisations are Freeman. Mms. J. T. Fee. Mms. T. E. noted that while Bowmanville pur- dlrectly or Indlrectly connected wlth Flaxman, Mrs. M. G. V. Gould, Mms. chased the plant for $71,000, the the churches than any other organ- F. Goddard, Miss E. R. Grahams, total value of the plant with Vhe ad- ization, and when the people are so Mms. Win. Green, Mms. N. Garbutt, ditions made, less depreciation now generally affected by the church's Miss F. M. Galbraith, Mrs. A. M. stands at $74,010.37. activities in our mldst it ià rlg.t Hardy, Mms. E. V. Hoar, Mrs. M. J. There should be no diffîcUlty ln that at ieast once a year they should Hutchinson, Mms. W. H. Hill. Miss understanding the other figures in attend the churches in large num- M. Hutchison, Mms. H. Ingram, Mms. the reports. AUl are straight book bers Vo witness Vo Vhe good the B. E. Ingham, Mrs. W. J. Jeweil, keeplng entries which are common church is dolng for the community, Mms. Geo. W. -James, Mms. N. S. B. knourledge Vo ail. and particularly to the gaod it is James. Mrs. J. H. Jolinston, Mrs. J. H. H. Jury, Mms. W. O. Labelle, Mis Some enquiries have been madle' oing in the building of character in Labelle, Miss C. Lathrope. Mms. F. frors time to ime about salaries 1 the young lives of Bowmanville. J. Manntndg, Mrs. C. W. E. Meath. paid by the local comission .These Rev. C. R. Spencer, president of Mrs. I. Crockett, Mms. L. T. Mc- were published in The Statesman the Ministerial Association, on be- Lauglilin, Mrs. A. E. McCready, Mrs. last f all, but are published herewlth haif of that organization appeals Vo F. O. MolElveen, Mrs. S. McAllister, to satisfy those citizens who failed, every citizen, no matter what relig- Mms. A. Matthews, Miss E. Morris, Vo see thers when they were publlshd iotis denomination they May belong Miss Hl. G. Morris, Mrs. C. H. Mason,' previously. They are as follows, Vo, te recognize this day, and attend Rev. Geo. Mason, Mms. D. R. Mor- and are for 1934:- the churcli services. The Town rison, Mr. and Mrs. F. F. Morris, Geo. E. Chase $1800.00 Council, wlll set the example by at- Miss Moore, Mrs. C. G. Morris, Mms. Miss Edwards. 900.00 ending services in a body, and ev- M. A. Neai, Mms. J. O'Neill. Mrs. V. Miss Millison 600.00 ery seat. mn every church should be Ott, Mms. A. W. Pickard. Mrs. F. J. H. Pointon 1121.78 occupied at these services. Pattinson, Mrs. E. G. Purvis, Mms. L. Groulah , 1009.00 The Day of witness will usher in W. L. Paterson, Miss M. Raynes, Geo. Brooks 991.20 tVhe Most important week in the Miss J. Ramnsay, Mms. C. E. Rehder, At Tuesdays meeting the check church year, Hoiy Week, or Passion Mms. V. H. Storey, Mrs. F. Spry, Miss was issued Vo pay for the two de- Weekwhich recalîs alI those events E. Spry, Mms. E. M. Strike. Rev. and bentures amounting Vo over $10,000wlc led up to the supreme sacri- Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Mms. John Spen- being paid off hs year. These de- fice of ail time, the crucifixion of cer, Mrs. W. R. Strike, Mrs. E. S. bentures will mean a saving of Christ upon the cross. Palm Suniday Senkler, Mms. C. W. Siemon, Mrs. E. $40487 in interest annualiy for the on whîch the Day of Witness is belng Smith, Mrs. C. D. Searle, Mrs. W. next 15 years.- held, appropriately enough was the A. Shane, Mms. R. R. Stevens, Mms. Electric accounts totalling $1407. day on which Christ was acclaimied Ross Stevens, Mrs. J. R. Stutt. Mrs. 39, which dees noV include the by the multitudes who strewed paims P. C. Trebilcock. Mms. W. E. Tilley, po;wer accounits, were passed in the in his path as he rode into Jerusa- Mms. M. J. Underhiil, Mms. A. R. electric light departmnent; while wa- lems upon the donkey. Citizens are Virgin, Mrs. F. C. Vanstone, Mms. S. terworks accounits toVailiug $214.85 asked Vo mark this day and the ad- Venten, Mrs. A. D. Wheeler, Mms. vere aiso passed. vent of Passion Week, by acclaimlng E. J. Wood, Mrs. A. E. Wrenn, Mms. A close stud.y o! Vhe Commission's the church and its spiritual head, in B. M. Warnica, Mrs. P. Wilson, Mms. audiiteci statement in this issue will a, great expression of witness and W. C. Washingtou, Mms. W. F. Ward, not only prove Informative but in- sincerity. Mrs. Geo. Weekes, Mrs. A. J. Whal- tereing readîng, and iV will be - ____ en. readily seen that despite depression The ladies of the AuxUliary wish the Commission has handled the Mr. Jack Gibbs, Tyrone, sPent the to extend their graVe! ul apprecla- utilities lu a businpssiike and profit- weekend with bis sîster, Mrs. B. H. tion Vo aIl the people o! the VowII able manner. Mortlock. and viclnity, Vo the press who s0 _______________________________ generously kept this event bef are- the public. and Vo al others who l heiped Vo make Vhe Hospital Birth- Hligh School Basketball Juniors Reach day Party such an outstanding suc- Il ' 5L. U cess. raQQAW 1 CANCER FUNI) DONATIONS RECEIVED HERE Word lias been recelved from Eari Bessborough, Governor- General of Canada. that editors of weekly newspapers are asked te receive subscriptions for the Cancer Fund to mark the Jubilee of King George, Donations r.- ceived at this office wil b. for- warded t., Lady Besaborough who wIIi return mail au acknow- ledgement cari.. Donations wil al»o b. acknowiedged through this newapaper. The time for much more serious thlnklng along tiese Unes was here aud uow. Fred W. Bowen, M. P., warmnly thanked Mr. Stewart on behua]! of the club for his very tlmely and Iu- spirlng addreas. r suais Lre meîeting ueteat all of Vhe rebounds. This appiied at boti ends o! Vie floor. On Friday nîglit agaiust Owen Sound-wio were even taller Vian Niagara Fals-the Lakesiore wln- ners served up a superb brand o! bail. Always deliberate lu their play. tiey made certain o! their Passes aud once in close Vo tie bas- ket passed lncessantly until sanie- one was clear for a shot and had it noV been f or Vie abillty of Owea. Sound, via were ou an average o! six luches taller than B.H.., Vo inare Vie rebounds Bowmanvile wauld have won golng away. Iu Vie first half o!Vhils game Neal scored f irst, Owen Sound tied IV Up, rePeated af er Slemon iad put B.H.S. Up and tien took a Vwo point lead. A! er Siemon had nufli- f led Vils advautage the Sounders veut out lu front and Ames arched a lovely basket JusV before Vie haif Vo Vie IV 8 and 8. In the third quarter Vie B. H. S. shats began Va click. Ames sank a (Conitinued on page 10) By Nelson E. Osborne Defeating Owen Sound 17-15 lu the semi-final round o! Vie Junior C.0.S.S.A. basketba.ll playoffs ou FridaY niglit, Vie Bowmanville Higi Schaol Juniors on Saturday lost Vie final Vo Niagara Falls 34-9, An advautage in heigit and a perfect defensive systeni were Vie things wiici causec Vie clown! ai 0f Vie fimVt Bowmanvllle Higi Schoal basketbal eam that ever vent f ar- Vlier Vian their owu graup. In Vie f irst quarter B.H.S. had a distinct niargin and at Vie end of Vie per- lad held a 4-2 lead and laoked Vo lie Vie better team. But a!ter Mc- Kenzie-whe was six luches taller Vian "Cy" Slemou and silI couldn'V geV tee tip-off-was changed fram centre te riglit farward, and Prost, who by is play was uilsnamed, had taken over Vie centre berth, boti thelr defense aud offense vas time Vo geV set for a shot, and Vie streugtliened. And B.H.S. neyer had gmater reach of Vie team from Vie P ails euabled tiem Vo geV practicaUly Mr 000/