T ~RAI'SMA. UfO¶77.AM1TLLLE THURSDAY. APRIL 18th, 1935 r -e, Witb Pt The bard part is this milk - it's fying. Mothers share of ail the v~ ren need in thei plenty of it on h and sanitary con -and every pint tent. You, as w( delighted with it GLIEN à Fresh, Clean, Pure LEGAL M. G. V. GOULU, BA., LI Barrister, Solicitor, Nota Phione 351 Royal Bank Buldng, Bowmi W. R. STRIKE Barrister, Solicitor, Nota Solicitor for Bank of Mont Money to Loan. Ph<: Bowxnanville, Ontario IL C. MASON, B. A. Barrister - Solilcitor Notary Public - Etc. Law li ail Its branches Office imrnediately east of1 Theatre. Phones: Office 688; Home DENTAL DR. J. C. DEVITT Assstant: Dr. E. W. Sim Oraduate of Royal DentalC Itronto. Offce: Jury Jubilee .Bemanville. Office hours9 to 6 p. m. daily except Si Phione 90. House Phone X-Ray Equpment ln Off FUNERAL DIRECT] FUNERAL DIRLECTOU Service, any hour, anyd F. F. MORRIS CE Modem Motor Equlpme Ambulance and Invalid1 Caîl Phione 10 or 34, Asistant, 573 BOWMANVILLE NORTHCUTT & SIV Complete Fanerai Seri Moden Equlpment - Arn A. W. G. Northcutt- Aubrel Phone Days 58 Nights, Sundays or Holi Phone 523 or 276. music FRANCIS SUTTON, mue..BEc A. T. C. M. diplomnas li] Sînging, Violin and OrE Private or clams lesson Pupils prepared for ahl exami Phone 42, BownaflvZ Rep airs K PAWSON Boot and Shoe Repalrlng Soles sewn on by Goodyear StlVdh.lii Machine. Prices easonable. King Street East - BowmanlllC LOW EASTER PARES Between ail points ln Canada also to Certain United States Destinations SHORT WEEK-END FARE AND ONE QUARTER ' FOR ROUND TRIP Golng f romn noon lday, April 19, te nildnlglit, Sunday, April 21. imcl. ,jeunlimit leavlng up to nmldnlglt, Iconda, April 22. LONG WEEK-END FARIE AND ONE THIRD I FOR ROUND TIF j Oolng from Thursday, April 18, te mldnlglit, Sunday, April 21, incl. Retumn lirit leavlng up to mdinlglit, T1uesday. April 23. Minimum Specl Fate: Adulta 50e Chldren 25c. FulI information f rom any agent. - Canadian Pacific A ______________________ton. Mm. and Mrs. Nelson Bragg, Mrs. Frank Bragg. Mr. Jack Gilbert; OBITUARY from Welcome, Mr. and Mms. Stap- ci- les. Mrs. W .Shephierd, Mrs. Dick-1 inson; from Port Hope, Mr. and James E. LeBarr, Toronto Mrs. Hawkins; from Whitby. Mr. TLe deatli occurred at his resi- and Mrs. Robt. Clemence and Mr. dence. 356 Ontario Street, Toronto, Artliur Clemence; from Osliawa, on Wdneday.Aprltli, of James Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Clemence, Mr. onar Wededayri helovd Tom Sleeman, Mr. and Mrs. Ewamt EcLwmd eBar. he eloed us-Clemnence, Mr. and Mrs. Eber Snow- band of Phoebe LeBarr, in lits 67thdean MrgetMs.EW. . year. A native of Port Perry, the deu nd.MrGeoartand r. WSaW. decea.sed formerly eslded in Peter- Culn.Mr e.H tanM.Sm boro for a period of foty-one years hosewo amidflwrswr prior to going to Toronto. Besides Newte.Lw rene ad foy sliton, his widow he leaves tliree daugliters CearenceLTrne.ndHoAshtn and one son, ail at home ; also two Hlarey nce Ganrd owarr ie, herc brothers. John LeBarr. Peterboro, HCreyenGNeon Ba, ercow and William LeBarr, Hollywood, Cdeen eNethsoxr, EFred oWgit California: andi a sister, Mrs. Wil- Muenay Bare, Cb. redClemeht, liami Fisher, Bowmanville. Mra are hri lmne Funralsevics ereliltiatEdi Hoar. Garnet Rickard. Mel- Charles A. Tiemney's Funeral Home.,am ih ni tgisnWgt 259 Gerrard street east, Toronto, on CARD 0F THANKS Thursday evening at 9 o'clock. In- terment at Little Lake Cemetery.ý Mrs. Bragg, the relatives and' Peterboro, on Fritiay. - Peterboro Ifriends desire to thank the dactor. Examiner. the superintentient and nurses at ______ the. hospital andi manv others for 'ottoms Up" - -L KÀII. ure, rresn miVIIK Ii Thomnas Charles Bragg, Bowmanvilie th( mkn hmstop drinking or, manday. April 8th. there pass- aft makin themedt o bis est in Bowmanville Hos- s0 f resh and rich and satis- pital. Thomas Charles Bragg, in lits seventy-first year. He liat been iii know it contains a fuller for about seven weeks andi was mak- vitamins that growing child- ing very good progress toward re covemy wlien he was suddenly taken jr milk - and they keep quite l and soon after passeti ind. Only the most modern Mm. Bragg was the f ifth son of (ditions prevail in our dairy Twasand Axo n Alust Ba186.g ad Lis tested for butterfat con- Oono. Wlien about thirteen years il i,îof ie emoveti witl ilis parents, el as your Chiliuren, Wil ue brothers and sisters ta a home on the Lake Shore Roati between New- castie and Newtonville. About ten years later, le wth tome Of the f amily movedt t what became their RAIE D IRY 1new home, two miles east Of BOW- manville on the Kingstoni Roat. STEVEN &SONI 1892 lie was marriedti t Julia ~TEVEN & SONClemence. the second tiaugliter of Milk - Phone 408J1 To-day John and Maria Rickard Clemence. and very soon took up resitence in tlie township of Clarke. on the sixth concession just eaSt of Kimby. Mf- ter some years of successful f arm- .1~ ~, ing. he witl ilis wif e moveti to the 1Water Renwick farmm lot 2. in the I OBIT ARY isecond concession of Darlington. ____________________ Again after anme years of aggressive VJI7 famming, lie decidedt t discontinue Mrs. John Rutledge, Bowmanville hs pursuit andi moved to tlie own of Bowmanville wliere lie lived On Monday. April 8th, li the per- about ten years. Whle a esident son of Mrs. Melissa P-utietige, there in the tewn. lie served li lis usual pasaed away one of the mothers Of enemgetic manner as president andi - Salem. Deceaseti was the OIly also secretary of Lotige Wellingtonl, ,ay daugliter of te laVe Ardhibald and No. 19. S. O. E. Benevolent Society. y Hannali Stevens o! U.E.L. stock, and After leaving Bowmanville lie be- anville sheliedher entire 1fr in this 1o- camne the occupant o! the poperty calty.Shewshlglily respecteti by where lie continuedt t live until lits ail who knew lier and greatly belov- passing, living somewliat o! a retir- ed by lier f amily. Athougha for ed 111e. Being of an anbitious turn ýay years a vlctim of entire deafriess she o! mind, lie liked te, be buslly en- treal neyer complaineti. but was alwaYs gaged among lits nelglibors wlien one 91. tliank!ul she coulti seC, for she was liealtli would Permit. a great reader, aiways taking inter- Tlie funemal service on Tliursday lu est i the events of tlie day. Early was conducted by Rev. E. F. Armn-nr inlifle she marrieti the late John strong. Pastor of Trinity United ' r Rutledge who pedeceased lier 22. Churcli. assisted by Rev. S. C. w~ years ago. Moore. Toronto. a former pastor, 1t She leaves ta mourn lier las four andi vemy close frienti o! the de- c S. daugliters, Mrs. W. G. Giffler, Mrs. ceased. It was very largely attend- di ROYSI. Theron MountJoy. Mra. Wm. Cliallis, ed by relatives and acquaintances n e 5. andi Miss Eff a at home; aiea twO and burial took place in Bowman-w Ibrothers, Fred and Artliur Stevens, ville Cemetery. The bearera were c ' of Buffalo. N. Y., botli being tietain- six nepliews: Austin Turner, Bert, s ed from the funemal on account of Jeweill Alan Clemence. Ewart D illness. Clemence, Russell Bragg anti Otto0 Mrs. Rutledge liat been in bier Bragg.W aoen usual liealth for the past few Besides lis w!e tliere survives. of i. College, months when the sunimons came On lis irnmediate !amlly, one brother. ,e Bldg. Sunday. April 7h. She neyer rai- W. -S. Bragg wlio lives on tlie sec- h 9 a. m* lied and paseti peace!ully o rest on ondi famm east o! wliere tlie deceas-s unday. Montiay. April 8th, at tlie age of 82 eti lived. 1, i S283. years. Tlieme were many be au ti ful1 ffce. The f uneral oolc place f!rom lier1 wreaths ant sprays whicli voiceti laVte re'itience. Manvers Road, on silent esteem for the one tiepated. WodnpsdaY,. April lth, ta Bowmani They incluted wreatbs f rom: Bro- rOR ville Cemeterv. Rev. A. S. Kerr o! tliem Will and f amiy; Mrs. R. A. t St. Paui's Churcli officiateti. assist- Bragg and Mr. andi Mrs. R. K. c ILS eti by Mr. Wm. Pointen. The Pall-I Bragg; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilbert 1I day. beamers weme two nepliews, two Sons- anti Mr. anti Mrs. L. Woodrnan;e 0. in-iaw andt wo neiglibors, Messrs. New Toronto Goodyear Recreation Bloke Stevens. W. E. Stevensa, Wni. Club; Sons of Englanti; Basket f rom int Gif fier. Theron MountJoy. Lawrence Mm anti Mr. F. Wight. Mr. antiC Car Squair anti Arche Thonipsn. The Mis. E. Snowtien anti Mr. anti Mis.s flor"l trihiitps weme bth abundant K. Cox; Sprays from W. J. Bragg;1 anti beautiful anti bore sulent testi..Mms. Jabez Bragg anti family; Mm.S mony o! the reçrect anti symnpatliy anti Mms. W. J. Clemence; Mm. an - o! many relatives anti friends. Mms. T. H. Clemnence, Marjorle and~ CARDOF TANKSPbyllis; Mr. and Mms. J. H. Camp-I W~TH CR) FTAbSlell; Mis. M. Jewell. Bert and Ma- The f amily of the late Mrs. Rut- bel. Mr. anti Mrs. W. C. Ashton; vice letige acknowledge wth grateful ap- Gardon. John, Lawrence. Newton Lbulance preciation the many7 kini acta and anti Roy Ashiton; Mm. anti Mr. H. J. 7y Saijt expressions; of symnpathy showfl Babcock; Mr. anti Mrs. Chas. Os- therniIn their recent 10% of their borne: Mm. and Mrs. Ewart Clem- ldays mother. aIso for the many floral of- ence; Mr. anti Mm. A. Glenney; Mrs. ferings. G. Rlckarti. Mms. W. D. Bragg, Beat- rice anti Mr. anti Mm. Jas. Brown,. Mm. and Mrs. Nelson Bragg anti Mrs. Bring your Job printiag ta Tue Frank Bragg; Mr. anti Mm. H. S. statesman office. Barrie anti Gordon. Mrs. Robt. - ..CO If you have anythlng ta buy or Clemence anti family; Mr. anti Mm. Piano, seiU use a Smail Want Ativt. T. H. Kniglit; Mm. anti Mrs. Alex rgan. Members a! Florence Nightingale Etimondttne; Dm. andi Mms. Hazle- OnS. Lotige, I.O.O.F. No. 66, wlll attend woot: Sliaw's Home anti School ilnations. sriea t nrwsPebtia Club: M. W. H. Bennett anti !am- Ille Chumch on Suntay, April 28tli. Ah 1W; ,Mm. anti Mrs. F. M. Cryderman. 40-tf ocitiellaws in tlie district are lIn- Friends f ram a distance were: vitedt t this service anti meet at the froni Toronto, Mms. Robert Clem- inda ro flat 0.3 a. M. ence. Gertrude, Percy, Mms. J. As- thie prlnaary room of St. Paul's Churcli on Monday, April 8tli. A poem entitled Sprlngtlme was recit- ed bY Violet McAilister; Doris Lyle offered prayer. and the Scripture lesson was read by Jean Rice; Sally Cole and Rutli AbernetliY sang solos; Helen Pingle gave a prayer; Mrs. F. Williams told an lnterestlng story. Rev. A. S. Kerr gave a short adress. Attendance 21. BUckache is Sign of KidneyTroubil Backache is Nature'# warning that there ia aomething wrong with your Kidneys. Neyer rieglect it. Backache, if flot corrected, is often followed by more serioua forma of Kidney trouble such as Rheuma- tiam, Dropsy or even Bright'a Dises. At the firat aign of Kidney trouble, such as Backache, turn unheazradingly to Dodd's Kidney PiIs-which for over dire. gen- erations ha. been the favorite Kidniey tonic and Remedy. 35 Dodds Kidney Pis Wlien Perky, an Englisl i wre- haired terrier, lnterrupted the an- nouncer the other evening on the "Big Moments li Sport" program witli hi.sf urlous barklng, scores of isteners wrote in to learn the dog's identity. Hie was formally intro- luoed in the next broadcast and la now a weekly feature on the net- w'ork as the Canadian Conuxussion's canine conversationalist. He Is shown here with lis Pal. Frank )owsett. Advertising Manager of Gutta Percha and Rubber Limited, whlo re-constructs andi dramatizes great sporting events of the past. a radio feature whicli lias met with higli popularity among Canadian sport lovera. See a picture of Perky ini Dean Hodgson's service station window.11 IIM CNADIA 1 j Hee ad Tiec Lt.-Col. F. A. Gascoigne, re- cently retlred secretary-treasurer, Canadian Pacific Steamships, bas been elected president of the Do- minion of Canada Rifle Associa- tion at tbe annual meeting of the Association held recently, suc- ceeding Lt.-Col R. C. Crowe, of the Ministry of National Defence. D. S. Thomson, who bas been appointed assistant superinten- dent, Canadian Pacifie Railway. Smiths Falls, was, prior to bis promotion, cbief clerk in the of- fice of the vice-president and general manager of tbe railway at Montreal. On leaving t3 take Up bis new appointment be was presented with a gold standard raiiroad watch and a purse of money by his fellow-workers in the office. Just 150 years ago, the first Daly settled in Napanee and a few nlghts ago bis descendants,, Marjorie and Jobn Daly, celebrat- ed tbe momentous occasion at a supper dance at tbe Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Tbis makes the sixtb generation of the Daly fam- ily continuousiy resident in Can- ada. Sixty-two calls at European ports wili be made by the five ex- press "Beaver" class cargo steam- ers of the Canadian Pacifie fleet this summer, accordlng to the eeason's scbedule recently lssned by Canadian Pacific Steamsbips. Crosslngs wlll take nine and a half days In each direction and wlll touch at London, Antwerp, and Hamburg. An appeal to the press to mould public opinion In support of lar- ger grants for medical research, partlcularly into the cause and control of cancer, was volced by Lt.-Governor Bruce of Ontario, at tbe Royal York Hotel recently at the banquet wblch wound up the seventh annual convention of tbe Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association, Ontario-Quebec Divi- sion. Ski-lng and bear-huntlng were combinet at tbe Bates Camps. metagama, recently, when two women skiers of Toronto, accom- panleti by a photogmapher, routeti a bear out of bis den anti stoot. near wbile tbe animal was "shot" by a movie camera. The Orient with ifs mystery andti Is allure, its brilliant colore anti picfuresqlie scenes. wlll fomni the inspiration for the Beaux Arts Bail, biggest event of the spring season, to be belti the week after Easter at the Canadian Pacifie Royal York Hofel, Toronto. The historic theme for the ball is the great festival at Samarcanti helti in 1404 fa, celebrate the Emperor Tamerlane's conquest of India. Musical ant i lterary Englanti, andi the Englanti of the great cathedrals will ho visiteti this summer by a Party under the leadership of Dr. Alfredi Whlte- heati, organlst of Christ Churcb Cathedral, Montreal. Itinerary of the tour which wlll take about a month has been arranget by Guy Tombà, Lfd., in conjunctlon with the Canadian Pacific Steamn- h ip .f Hlad the same research been put Into other industries as bias been employet lxi the automobile busi- ness, you would not hear sa much to-day about the higli cost of liv- ing, saiti Col. Frank Chappell, of General Mofors, Ltti., speaking at a lunch at the Lord Nelson Hof eh, Halifax, recenfhv. HERE'S ANOTHER SIGN 0F BETTER TIMES a fleet of over 800 motorPehiclI]es. urers. The pictume above shows how aftem the dayas work. At thc le! t, hope Carrnage Company of Orilia lI This sprlng iV is eplaclng 132 cars Bell garages i Montreal anti Tom- below, Iaslihowxi the CompanY'sf lfrst 1909, for telephone work at London. by new ones - a nice littie order for111 PAGE NINU 1 .1 I. lias been drawn ta oui attention by Rev. Geo. Mason, cliairman of the Finance Comnmittee of tlie Publice School Board. tliat our item mlt ing to Public School estimatea in our iast issue was incorrect andi mislead- lng. The story stated that the Board required $19,000 the -same as lasti year. andi Mr. Mason points out that the Board did not meet its oblgat- ions by $1130 in 1934 andi that the present Board lias liad te meet these obligations. Theref are li asking for $19,000 the Boardi is really asklng for less than last year, beca&ise it plans ta keep within ifs present es- timat.es. despite the 1934 obligations it lias te, care for. The $1130 hs made up of $231 balance on hand Jan. lst 1934,, $70 overdraf t at the end of 1934: $419 left ta pay on fuel fmomn hast year. and $400 whicli the Boardi diti not pay for the Health Numse's ,salamy. Mon. - Tues. - Wed. - April 22 - 23 -24 fiew Matince Daily at 2.80 P. em. Thurs. - Fri. - Sat. April 25 - 26 - 27 WILL ROGERS lu LIFE BEGINS AT FORTY Comedy - Cartoon - News Matinee Saturday at 2.30 P. m. "1RUGGLES 0F RED GAP" "CLIVE 0F INDIA" «LA,,PDDIE» "MISSISSlPPI" "A hetic interest duming the illness and fter the deatli of Mr. Bragg. CANINE BROADCASTER -ONE MORE SPRING" 'THE LITTLE COWONEL" 'BEHOLD MY WIFE" GIRL 0F THE LIMBERLOST' AIRSTREAM DE SOTO FOUR-DOOR SEDAN-Sliawiflg grace- fully streamiined front end andi roeinded harmonious body hunes. I u KMIË4W *HAI' A"INAN WOURD «DoFOR LOVE!@' That's why ho soIved ev.ry mystery ef ingenlus crime..and romance 1 Adoiph Zuor pesens WALTER CONNOLLY ..... GERTRUDE MICHAEL Comedy-- News-- Colored Castoon matinee Go"d Friday at 2.30 P. m. - Saturday at 2.30 p. m. loyal Theatre BOWMANVI LLE Witb a Big Holiday Program of Outstanding Pictures Friday and Saturday - April 19 - 20 si1 V, GARY COOPER ÉRANCIIOT'TOME RICHARD CROMWELL SUR GUY STANDING > C. Aubmey Smith -'Monte Blue and Kathisen Burke A Par omouat PlefurO Directed by Henry Hafhawor : ý!ll I E 1 j()age rouin ut, lu.a. . .... 15-2