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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1935, p. 10

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PAGEm~ HE ANAIANSTAESMN, OWMNVrLp~'rHRSDY ARILluth 11Ivoi At 62 -In Bed With THE DISPUT Rheumatism _ At 65 - Working Again Wby worry about flaeumatism ? This old feliow had il almost as bad as it could bc. But be .iust !ound the rigbt remedy. stuck 10 it, and now he's working again-at 65 years o! age. Let him tell you aIl about i:- "For two years and* a bal!," he writes, "I bave suffered from rheu- matismr. For eighteen montias I i' could not turn over in ted nor help , mysel! in any way. My legs and f eet were swolien, and I could not sleep or get any rest until I startedr taking Kruscben Salts. A!ter tak- ing one bottle. I went about on two canes. I kepi on taking it, as I !ound the pains were leaving me. I i- have taken six bottles, and now I ., have started work again. I arn 65 .. years o! age. and everybody that knows me says I arn a wonder to get on, after wbat I was."-J. B. German ai the lef t and Pole ai Do you realize wbat causes rheu- the riglit watch for one another matism? Nothing but sbarp-edged suspiciously an the complicated re- uric acid crystals wbich f orm as the cesses o! Poland*s corridor 10 the resuli o! sluggish eliminating og -___ ans. Kruschen Salis can always be counted upon to clear those painful a crystaî~is rrom tie sysm. NESTLETON 1 Mrs. Robi. Dickey visited ai Mr. Thos. McMullen's. TREASURER'S SALE Me. and Mes. Russel Spinks visit- ed ai Mes.R. Edgerton's. OF LAND FOR TAXES Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stinson vis- ted ai Me. M. Mountjoy's. Town f Bomanvlle, Miss Myrtlç Beacock, Toronto, Town f Bo manvlle, spent the weekend ai home. County of Durham Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thompson _______visited at Me. Harry Pbilp's. To Wit;Miss Ruth Prouti visited with To Wi:Mes. Jas. Malcolm, Port Perry. By virtue o! a warrant issued by Mr. and Mes. J. Dickey were the Mayor o! the Town o! Bowman- guests at Mes. Peel's. Janeiville. ville bearing date o! the lltb day Mr. Fred Dayes and Mr. Harry o! March, 1935, sale o! lands in r- cKe visited Mr. Win. Brown. reas o taes n te Twn f Bw aMe. and Mrs. Byron Hyiand, Jan- manville will te held in the Councal etille visited ai Me. F. Hyîand's. Chamters in the Town Hall, Bow j Mrs. Wesley Campbell visitedi manvalle, ai the houe o! two o'clock !riends in Toeonto for the weekend. in the afiernoon on the eighth day Many owning cottages ai the lake 0f July, 1935, unless the taxes and are spending the weekends in the costs are eooner paid. Notice is township. hereby given that the lisi of lands Mes. H. Tinney and Miss Mary for sale for arreaars o! taxes is be- Tinney, Cavanville. visited ai Mr. ing published in tbe Ontario Gaz- Jos. Forder's. ette on the 6th day o! April, on the Me. and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy 4th day o! May, and on the isi day and Mr. Arthur Stapieton visited ai of June, and that copies o! the said Me. C. McGill's. list may te had ai my office. Nestieton Badminton Club mern- Teeasurer'.% Office, ibis 101h day bers were enteeîained ai Blackstock o! April, 1935. on Monday nigbt ai a mosi enjoy- A. J. LYLE, able touenament. 15-13 Teeasurer. Me. and Mes. Ed. Armstrong en- tertained the membees of the Unit- Corne to Ckurck EASTER SUNDAY A Welcome Awaits You Every Sunday STABILIZERS-Most of the stable citizens of any community belong to some church. They may flot be folk who are often in the p)ublie eye but they are the backbone of good citizenship. Why flot link youi' life with such people and suplpoît the chui'ch of your choice with your time and youî' money? Tell some officeî' of that church that you desire more information as to what church mem- bership implies.I GO TO CHURCH EASTER SUNDAY IV E a. s Have you tried a package of Sal- ada Tea in the new yellow package? It's so delicious and refreshlng. Kellogg's are opening ibeir speing drive for Corn Flakes in ibis issue., Buy 'erm ai your favorite grocer. SPRING TERM 110w open inI SHAW BUSINESS SCHOOLS dlears the way for Graduation In the Autaamn and a position through our Employment Bureau. Enter any day. No forced vaca- tions. Paulparticulars supplied. Write W. R. Shaw, Registrar, DePt. -x-2, Bay & Charles Streeta Toronto. 10-4 MUGGS McGINNIS PAGE TEN ME CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. APRIL 18th. 1935 1i i i i777/1 rED CORRIDOR J BLACKSTOCK Mrs. Harry Graham, Toronto, vis- ited ber parents. Miss Olive VanCamp spent the weekend in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Les. Lansing visitedAnehlrtg oiaflsheirig at Mr. jack tahmi's. ar-teaptt wkn n al Miss Mildired Hooper was a guest for Golden fied Bacon and Eggs, the ~> of Mis.s Muriel Mountjoy. Ideal Easter Breakfast. - Mrs. Thos. Smith has returned GRADE A f rom visiting in Lindsay. Miss Eva Parr, Toronto, spent the weekend wth lier mother. Dz s Mrs. Corner, Port Bolster. bas been G G Uývisiting her son, Mr. L. Corner. IEG o S Miss Paulne Ferguson spent the R SI Eli e weekend at Miss Aileen Devt'MisMroi MalwBAEDESce spent the weekend with ber mother. h. .. Miss Mabel VanCamp was pre- sented with a charming compact byl BA CO N ' ~ tbe Boy Scout Association for ber "....*. services in their concert.lb Mrs. Chas. Venning opened ber - home on Wednesday evening, when Pg she gave a surprise Party in bonor of Miss Dorothy Stephens, the oc- The Wx-cure as the rcamo 'Baltic sea, which cuts off East Pru5 casion being ber birtbday. The ev- frta xr lvu nti sia from the main body o! the Reich. ening wa~s spent in playing euchre, fine tast>' bacon. A ten-year peace pact postpones any a! ter which lunch was served by the open discussion of this area. hostess to fitteen guests.- Marion visited at Mrs. John Ford-17)Il ed Churcb choir to a social evening. er's. CO TTA GE_____________________________________ A dainty lnhwssre yte Sevem ral sfrmColumibus I lunh asseredbyth called on Miss Laura Hambly on P A o2c Mis Margaret Hutcbison. Miss Sunday. W rdunadChoace Qualit>' TN.2 5 Pearl Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mr. and Mrs, . ___________and___DO M INIO N__________No.__3 __________________2 5 Stewart and children, Betty and, Miss Viola Bradburn visited at Mr. Donald. Peterboro. visited at Mr., O. Wright's. cî c1lb Cecil Wilson's and Mr. Herman1 Mr. and mrs. Clarence Graham ur/aAuiii1-1b. Sm l d Nebitt1asand f amnily, Oshawa. visited at. Mrs . RIC M E LO CO FFEE lin 17 lin 44 Mrs HaoldNesitt asmost pop- FP. Thompson's. ular lady. won the set of dishes of-1 Mr. and Mrs. Benson Dunn and cc fered by Paddy and Mickey Brown 1I one. Oshawa. were Sunday guestsM RN NCOFEPgathir netan nsatr.Jonodr'.AY -b 1-1b. last week. Miss Madeline Marlowi Mrs. Sandy Dawson, Windsor, is- received the next largest number of spending Easter holidays wîth her c votes. parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Bailey .k ~ A l I 19-oz. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kelusky and r IrNEA r LE SINGAPORE Sliced Z Tins family, Harmony. and Miss Emma S C DMU i Rutledge, Oshawa, spent Sunday at 16o.c Special Good Friday services will HEINZ V INEG A R Cider-Maît, White Z Botties245 Mrs. A. E. McGill visited in Bow-, te beld in St. John's Church. at 8 manville. p. m., April l9th, with Rev. C. C. Mr. Won. Brown, Sr., 's very ill at Fivour in charge. BaercsvdSU P I E f A hshmr. Earl Grayg spnntetherweekend intoPmeSEersbip--f#5 Bar bis ome yong men ofthe cburch on in . erry etth ekn Sunday evening at the United Miss Alice Hanna visited at Mrs. paraet asasod dIN E S O APLA ES-g. Jas. Nesbitt's., Mr. Stan Williams' borne wasi ______________________FLA KES____m_1___ Miss H. Hetberington visited at rudely entered one night last weeki Mr. C. Ferguson's. but as Mr. Williams awoke in time Dclîcîous, Fresh Golden-baked Miss Gladys Cobbledick spent tbe to startle the invader, nothing val- L.I. weekend in Toronto. uable was taken.1 iHO+ B N2 #511IPE H FPUYF Miss elen owle spen tbedren's Mission Band were present on 1EDEc weekend with friends in Lindsay. Saturday afternoon at Mrs. N. S. Priznrose Fruits, Candy - - Y2 lb. 1O L tt ceS Mr. and Mrs. Ceci! Fergusonan McNally's. MassMainHl told ai iL t u es Sidney visited at Mr. E. Sanderson's. story. sand Miss Ruth Bell i'layed an Esser Eggs, Chocolate - - each CRISq Mrs. Ceci! Ferguson was guest of instrumental. Mrs. McNally was in1 ber motber, Mrs. F. A. Payne, Mon- charge of the meeting.I Hellmann'a Mayonnaise 82 -oz. jar 3 Celery12 treal. Special music, a pageant "The23 CHOICE Mr. and Mrs. Walt. Larmer are KeePers of the Cross", an add.ress Neilson'a Cocos - - -lb. pkg. 2.U moving into one of Dr. R. P. Bowles' by Rev. H. J. Bell will feature the r p t u t > bouses. Good Friday service to be held iii PicniccklsS e lie 8o. tin STABRRUB Mr. Edward Batten, Oshawa, and Bliickstock United Church. April SRWER B Mfr. Wmn. Brown, Sunderland. were l9th at 7.30 p. m. for the circuit. 2 tî guests ai Mr. R. C. Brown's, The service is under the auspices of ByiePahsN.2sq. tnItR u a b I2 Mr. and Mes. Levi McGill visited the.W. M. S. his brotber. Mr. John McGill. who A Y. P. A. o! St. John's Churcb ______ has been in il! health at Pontypool. wa held on Tuesday night when Mrs. TeeSpec Mrs Wm Vicet ad dugherJohn Forder opened her home for Vales effeciv Mrs.Wm. incet an dauhterthe event. Two dollars was voted to Vle fetv 1.argaret, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon the King's Jubilee Cancer Fund and until Wedniesday Brown. Toronto, weee guest.s of Mr. Rev. H. J. Bell delivered an inter- Night, April 24th. and Mrs. Isaac Wbit!ield. esting talk o;4"The Young men and The worsbip perlod at League oni women-are4hliy safe?" St. John's 1 rbursday night was taken by Mr. Young People will entertain the A. H. Galbraith. Miss Annie Fallis1 Y. P. A. of St. Paul's Church, Tor- ave tbe scripture eeading, and Mrs. onto. on April 24th. and Miss Vivian Sadler played an~ H. Galbraith the Bible study on Miss Eva Brown was in charge of instrumental. A letter from Mr. Paul's lfre. The program. in cbarge League on Wednesday night. The adMs dudmsinre f Miss Beth McQuade. consisted o! Bible study was taken by Mr. Hector Cna, aseadmu byMissilee n R W S YBE N ropic. -Interruptions" by Miss Hel- Shortridge who spoke on uperstit- A NEW DEAL n Fowler; vocal solo, Miss Gladys ion. The topic. introduction to the MounWjoEAL obbledick: reading. Muriel Fallis; Study Book "East meets West in M.S o heUitdChrbWe guarantee paymient in cash for your erops at a price per .nd a vocal solo, hir. Lloyd Thornp- Trinidad". was given by Mrs. H. J. met on Wednesday at Mr.N use bushel flot less than the price for standard wheat. ;on.Bel. Mr Haold wai san a oloMountjoy's, who was inchref Write us for our Growers Cnrcadpriuas on. i Mr. Haold Swain sag a solo. ithe meeting. Mes. Jabez Wright Cnreadpriuas gave t.be second chapter of the Study SOYA MILLS LIMITED Book "The ways cof 0kV'. A letter 45 RLiehnond Street West - Toronto, Ontario School hil T J ~~~~~~~fromn Dr. Margaret Forrester was __ ______________________ Sc o lChdren See Toronto 1 read by Mes. Earl Dorrell._____Dr._______For-______ China, and is carrying on ber good woek. in a ver>' kindiy, sYmPatbeîic manner. Mrs. Cecil Ferguson gave a paper on "The Lasi Supper". and Mrs. H. J. Bell gave a lemperance reading. MaSS Mildred Hooper enterlained A the memnoers or t.he Young Ladies CIaa1S on Peiday evening. Trie beau- tatul story oti Easter was read from thle Bible alteenately. Arrangements were maae for two quilts which trie class Proposes sending to a needy A N S V R I IE - AM S section oi western Canada. Several other items of business were discuss- ed. and t.he peogram, in charge of E V 'N BR S MA K Miss Mildred Hooper, consisted o! a solo by Miss Olive Van Camp; and a most inteeesting story "Flowers to the Living", by Nellie McClung. and read by Miss Hazel MounitjoY. A Je W e JEMIELL tasty lunch was seîrved. Mes. F. A. Baiey entertained SOLE FLO-GLAZE AGENTS IN BOWMANVILLE e- forty-one friends and anembers o! Phone 30 ..Bit 20" Bowmanviie St. John's cburch ai a very delight -__________________________________ fui silver tea on Saturday a!teenoon 1

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