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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1935, p. 11

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL l8th. 1935PAELVN pair f white shoes each Year and PRESIDENT FULFORD give it the rating demanded b3- the Fis om rvddfMaon as the schoolboy ,and Dorothy W L U MTPA toak offL he whîeas anud be governiment. Aiter a somewhat iHarnden, bis sister, were sentenced OUR~~ ~ RL ,westo rain d ordO h F CHILDREN'S AID engthy discussion it was decided High School Program ta, an afternoon in their rom by the 0F HOUSE0 RF G and MVINE io arfo cnt trmo th detia- RESIGNS OFFICE dacmetihareeenatFÎ With the bi-week:y program in, Ibgteaed of felnpui AT JUN O N I By ITeonttdranathsw-Jthe department tram Toronto, this dthyokamgitrpte, JON . IRWOD1 careofth to .rs fr an was a new houýe. She had not I Meeting Asks for Re-consideration committce ta repart back to the di- care o! etetwoe Frs îrs aed. hey oof pa aic tnpr tanei,- JONC.prgt KIRKWOO able to start building *t but oarft Dentertainment wasar Re-ete redear ai aaais- desent dae efland. Iti x the ea ia ee bet. Pofrth laueof a lag auine here they were locie on as gods I sfo xetdta otat bably in some later book this "bar- cammendations Ar'e DisCise thn deint sho~ul be deie Ay Duhe clagbal ana nceat byhbi sixe-ul a1rur outlok n lie, most of us ter lady" ilîtilo h bidn uPon. The caxumittee is camposed of pruchcogr dance b Revl Dr.l Ofle thf babodigg of ened the pr g arn, fol w tnts. Between acts, John Graham,. at Cobourg will b le u tl afe ae prone ta think af the lot af those a neiw house. Specall Dr.m Boylena," Bif Bobaurn sang ý ei B l ", Tn Dkhe lasin sesi woecrusacsaebetter than JCKthe recammenciations af the Depant- Rosevear. Part Hope. "Hm nteRng"acmaid own ntutrs man." Wahde tînso. 00 aur awn and sa, we can easily e I recammend this book ta bath ment ai Public Welfare at Toronto, At the close af the meeting, the b"Houe x on the g itomarr A number. the f arm sang was ta thema.Wre came discontented with aur own way men and wamen. bath those living in with reterence ta the work ai tbe secnetary nead a communication Iy douequartete hahmomed "I tb tune af "On the Goad Ship Lallipop" Rfeves Armnstron.BihanVlae ai lite. But when we read ai those towils an(! those living on tarims. It Children's Aid Society in this dis- froin Mr. F'ultard. the president of double qate OldAppied Te".n thelnWlasacdascapnsFrdD eBgho T.;Fe whose advantages, Possessions, oppor is a book ta Put heart into, thase who trict. the directors met at the shel- the sociy In which he stated bis fralnm xetweeohr aemn o tuiisand cmcuinstances meealray be inclîned ta think that lite ter, Port Hope, April 4th, with Mr. desire ta resign. Af ter various Te third peniod and avertime ai wise mentioned. Joe, -omanvil;MuieBah tunities~~~~ is just One long heavy load. To read Fred Rosevear presiding in the ab- members hacd spaken 'vaicing theahokymthbtenTrno_________ we may feel like thanking Heaven how the bnave-bearted. and sunny- sence oi the president. The sup- feelings ai the directors as toi the IMaple Leats and Boston Bruins was our;M r that we are so, much better atf than faced iigbters win their battles can erintendent, Mr. Ken Hodgetts. read %plendid work Mr. F'uh.ord had done presented with Faster Crambie at A Pawer ai its Own.-Dr. Thorn- Richard Edmons oe;Aci they. uthatndspirit inta us when we the communications receivedi tramT and expressing the hape that he the microphone. The Leafs with as' Eclectric Qil has a subtie pawer McKenzie. Hal(iad .B oe Thiis reflectian came ta me as I, teel blue and like chucking Up the the minister, Hon. David Croîl, ta- might reconsider bis decisian ta re- the maSt men an top were declared ai its aci Ahi wha have used it kin. Clarke. AlexMCl. apel read a book about the dreadfi ex- struggle. gether with the repart af the in- tire. it was decided unanimausîy the victors. Previaus ta the broad- know ibis and keep it by them as faord: Norman Oen atrgt peniences ai a Russian intellectual J C K spector and subsequent recommend- that tan the present, the resignat- cast Ross Rice--Ramanelli and bis the mast valuable liniment avail- Plans. it is stteilbesmt- and ai the lives ai seime ai those in A book wbicb is very beautifully atians and entered mbtc an explan- loir be tabled, and the first vice- orchestra furnlshed the music. Fol- able. Its uses are innumerable and ed toi the Courte onilliJn bis cauntry amang wham he warked. written. but wbicb is not very sunny, ation af the requirements necessary president, Rev. D:r. Boyle. ai Co- lowlng a vocal sala "Sylvia" by Lili- for many years lb bas been prized as fr the enection a uligo h This Russian prafessar, Vladimir V. has the title. 'Naw in November". ta raise the standard ai the wark In baurg be asked ta preside in the ian Naylar, a plaY depicting a school- the leading liniment for man and odwls hc Taeravnwa ngge i teIt is written by a woman. Jasephine this district ta what is required ta absence af Mn. Fulfard. boy's dreain was presentedi. Don beast. ja considerablesang fishing indusbry in the seas nartb of Jahnston. It describes a 10-years' the Artic Circle. The coa.st where he struggle ai a Middle-West fariner labaured is exbremelY farbidding in against an endless succession ai ad- S bath it~s aspects and its teatures. versities. The taniner grows very, The cni vegebatian is that ai grass very bitter. and one does not won- and low-grawing polar willows and der. He is beaten bY enemies toc, birches, mass and rock creepers. big ior hum. ta iigbt against- Snaw is present aIl the year round. drouth. for exampie. This book bas The scanty population live in settie- made a sinaîl sensation in the lit- me ments in such locatians as are shel- erany wanld, because ai the art of Its tered tram the winds-in deep inlets. author-very polished. It can be and in saine parts the bauses--if read witb profit by most Canadian "bouses" they sbould be caIled-are tarmers and by the members ai built like birds' nest in the sides af their households, because its read- cliits. abave the level ai the tide. ing will cause them ta see that their Saine of these d1wellings can be lot is enviable by companisan. reacbed only by waoden ladiders, one J~ C K end resting an fioating boats. the .A book ton tawns-peaple ta read other reaching ta, the dcase i of s "In Tine af Peace" by Thomas the huts, which. are rain-battered Boyd-a very recent book. It tells and wind-battered. ai a man who, taund bis tirst job in J C K the machine shop of a tactory. If yau enjay reading ghoomy books Then he tound wank on a newspaper -books which. tell af the iniquities in a sinali cainmunity. He and bis af buman beings, ai degradation, of wiie went the way ai masb persans hardships which ta many are un- in their class. Tbey aiways wanted endurab'e and lead ta their death, mare than they could pay for. Theyr then Yeu may find a melanchoiy wanted ta f13' just a little higber pleasure in neading the twa books saciaily. They bought many things, -.%written by Prafessar Tcbernavin and including two bouses, an the instaîl- bis wif e, eacb book descnibing if e in ment plan. Wben the big smash af Russia and telling a! the escapes ai 1929 came. they last their homes, these twa persans and their yaung anci later hast their jobs-aor at least san. The wife's book bas as its tithe, the busband did. His wite bad ber "Escape frain the Soviets", and the saiany cut-on bis wiie had ta wark tîthe of the husband's baok is, "I ta earn tbe money which their con- speak for the Silent". Tbey are tinually growing budget required acchaimred books. but as far me, I thein ta earn. find such bocks very depressing, Ta me the value ai tbis bock is and as a rule I shun the. Yet that it exposes the flly ai younge tram sucb bocks one gets vivid pic- married people wha feel that lite tures ai baw saine people live and consists in extravagant living- bave ta live. By canbrast the lite ai cocktail parties. dressing fashion- those of us wha live in Canada-ev- ably. going places, eating at hotels en if we are amang the unemplcFed and restaurants, and always visiting and are crushed by the, burden ai and entertaining. CH IEVIROLEST offers o deb-is almosb paradise. K J C X Sound living is adjusting aneself A bock 1 taund tharaoughly en- ta, ane's circumstances-cheerfully ]Balancedl W eight lu joyable had as uts titie ",The Barber and vrltbaub bibterness and wbining. Lady". by a woman name ans This daes flot mean that ane shauld It is the autbenbic accauntr iawd nat try and plan to get out and on- lEnclose l IKNEEC-ACTN ow woman's experiences as a fariner. to rise ta higber wage or salary levels Her tarin, a lange one, is situated 1and ta bigher social standards. But an the coat ai the State oM - t does mean living sweebly and land. The main cnap eacb year is wholesomely. mn any and every lat in f rt eU t p~eurs. There are 30,000 pear trees which ane tinds himselt or berself on this tanm, and each year-so it in and keeping out ai debt. seemed ta me as I read the book- It is a tremendous mistake ta, Iidli g Com fo t. either Nature or Man bad it "i" think that thase Wba may have mare fan this woman fariner. lien bus- than we have are happy and envi- band bad died in bis very early lite, able. If we could see behind the and bis wldow was lef t wîth tîve senes. we would fimd that many little cbildren and na money-pra- wba seem ta be rich and pnaspenlng bably a beavy load ai debb-ta carry bave skeietans in their clasets and an.i r bad been genbly reaned in are deteriorating morally and in- a Ci and bad intended ta became tellectuahly at a very rapid rate. a pratessianal musican. But lave The way ta sustain oneseli and ta plays queer bricks witb ambitions keep iacing sunwards is ta bave a and ways ai lite. and sa this womnan good object-ike the barber lady's married a fari- man she laved dreain hause. on the educatian ai passianately and whase inemany was one's children, an the improvement ever present writb ber .f 'ine'sý haine or tarin. Always this waman seemed ta be In any event. we are an this planet destitute oaiey She did have Io develaa aur chanacters and aur inoney-býorrowed lt-for thbe paY- -ouls. flot to keep) up with the Jones- ment ai labour and tan bhlngs whicb t-,; or ta go a-travelling, an ta get she cauld not get by barter methads: rich in a wanlly sense. 1 saw a but her way ai paying for inost woman on the street car a f ew days tbings needed by herseli and ber aga. Soineone jasbled her, accident- f amily was by trading tanmin v. If yau had seen the ugly look p road uce tan thein - cbick- she gave the jastlen and had heard ens, pears, park and ather sorts ai the imniatient and uxipleasant ne- f tirin praduce. She even tnaded mark Qhe made ta him. yau would bospitality for saine things she -ee blinI she bad been deteated by wanted. and ber own services. sbe lite and circuinstance, and yau wauld played. the plana in exchange ton ber be giad that she was nat a member food at conventians. She reaned ai voun housebold.I sbeep, and made blankets train Thase who go thnaugb lite snanl- their waol, and these blankets she lng an ready ta snmanl advertlse ta ...... tnaded for supplies ar pald debts ail who bebold thein tiîey have been i witb theni. Sa diligent was she as a licked by life. banterer that she became lacaliy The End known as "the barber lady". At a -- turne ot very urgent need she wnate O I ST E articles wbicb were published in the Saturday Evening Post and for wbicb she gat very pretty cheques D TULAT O for goadly amuns Althaugb this waman was always I II l i len. home; an individual bouse bult tor STANDARD SERIES MODELS AS LOW AS $12 DELIVERED AT FACTR the use and material coinfont and me convenlence ai your ftanily. LL A three year aid child, whlle kaaA playlng mn a compound at the mihi- lu tary barracks at Tanjang Muar was - rendered unconscious by a cocoanut falllng on bis bead and was renîov-R O IO L ed ta a hospitial mn a cnitical con- B~1II*1rwL ditIon. Haowever, he lI& expected ta O M N ILEC U TC 6 OF RNUrecoven. We bave a lot ai gnown- ups in this country wbose skuhls are 6a bard that a tree talllng on theni wouldn't make a dent un their skulls. . a q a V B E .Ua.5E ' E F I M li Toa many people Judge their. 'L' 4 WU" T W' WrW'MMjY negbors by hearsay. #

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