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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1935, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLZ, THURSDAY. APRIL lSth, 1935 2= ý ville, were Sunday guests of Mr. and 1 Seed Grain Earlier Closing Wr. ___.___________________________ FOR SALE - WITE BLOSSOM Bowmaflville merchants who hav _ W . M . S -.. ' I S w eet C lo e r S eed . G o v e r m e n t sig n e d th e p e titio n f a o i g t Ihe~~~ ~ Newcsl at1.3f.m.Acntt the iorylo churh srvie o Su day moringGrade No. 1 f irst prize seed at osjflg o stores at 6 P. M. week day in he ardn" s bifl prpared; alo pcilmusical numbers. lr i n tera ne "ks b i n r A ls o V ic t o r y Q a t s g r o w n f r o m s e e d f o lo w s : 1 - Aply W J. Lask, auntW oC. echaerlWho a.v&e. tres M r. and M rs.F a k ON eil m otOr - on a y schem e of commfu fity ob - M r. and M rs. M ilton W erry , O sh -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __h ne 1 r 3 Os a a 43* early c osing include: cdtoNaane nTusdY enn o f the anniversary, ai- aa netild at their home 1 saa 4 Mr.Asa Broad, Rossmore , visited though a number o! suggestions Misses Adelie nCave t1e ________ at Mr. and Mrs. Merkiey Clark's. were ofiered. Reeve Afred W. Gra- Brooks, Eva Coliacutt and Verna CsonHthn a.Mr .H iln Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deline isit- ham presded. McCOY, Tyroie, Bernice Stairiton W anted FOJA E RT L G O N W. L. wîiotH.lCit store «i relatives at Napanee on Sunday. Municipal Council with Mr. John and a Oriniýston, Enniskiflefl, FRSL HT EHR .L lit er tr spitedigthe ok 1 r eoets saa BIRTHS WANTED - A SEED DRILL. AF- Baby Chicks, over 700 blood tested T. W. Cawker Hydro Shop ply.HJshen SmthnEnniskiilfl. from twoanddthreeryeatoldihenw.gA L.tNicsoUS oDminion Store ed his brother, Mr. W. E. Gilbaflk. kias cut down the overhangifglg orta an da social evening. Ail en -_______Smth__________frnt___an____________ien. . . Nchll Mr. Norton 'cowan, Toronto, lias lows around the convex curve at Mr. joyed a very pleasant time.Phn19r4151 eno l-dvop ultsT.ADs I.Mtew been visiting M r. and Mrs. Ro ss W . H. ByCaP if' lts and ro - of The MissO ar rgrm a S n i tlA on - A pr1t 0 hv a 193ea5Phle 1971mated to ful brothers of our pen; W . J. Dud ey Jack nMcDonald Dicinon ýtected the driveway witha row O day Sehool on Sunday vas as f o- HosItýal nd Prs.Rsil liam1935 toSIMONIZ - ANY CAR. SIMONIZED won third place in White Leghornls S.G. Chartran Man & Dale Mer. and ayM r s E ic if k r n tr o hn osts n str ec e d cables. M los e ad ig by Gorong Hils, rIca Wsnd)M r a R o (Will ianee $2 00 . J . G .Bunner, W ellingtof n th g la fg contest last year. . F. M orris Co. E. S. Naylor in xerhdchreofti. The LvsM 'hsIK ow ,te vre ue> y1 i-3h s et 2 -oz; pice$nng1 e . .C utr E lnS Cerl elbndyge 1o M.an irs on xprtinsn. fcehanrgexcaaths Mote eiio" a hsng vese.s KyWlo o Wlim St.,Bowmanville. Phone 5B4. Eectric incubator; average eggsiWalker Stores HarrY Allun Miss Ruth SymOns, Welcome. vis-* guard on the nort.h side o! the roadi were suflg by the school and Ber- 14-3___ WN1D setREIALEGIL oz";an$vnd$1îîîule Ei nSo ited Mr. and Mrs. Hl. E. Hancock at this point has also been repaired. nice and Alvin Warren sang the ATDGOREIB IL hude.PoelvnCnisNýsn'Str ovrthe weekend. Quite a number of rmen were cm- chorus in Chinese; Miss Lola Rich- MARRLAGE or Young woman for general omn.ie eaHmpn. Cuh hst &ryrnn Nwov lle poed in these road improvements. arsrak eyineetnGetr ________________ housework. Apply "S. W." Drawcr ____________ Miss Ruby Wallace, NeWtOfvilIea ovee, ner Ramptn. Couc, Johri-----&-Cyder-a- visited Miss Lo-na Adamrs ai Mr. Newcastle C.G.I.T. girls ith theiri which was printed n a paper in B, Bowmaflville. 16-1 and-Mrs. J. H. Joses.i leader, Mrs. A. W. Glenfley, held1 Honan, China, of Dr. McCullough's GIBSON-~FARRELL - At Trinity1 Goldeni Rule Mission Band wiii another successful sale o! home-1slni work in Honafl reading, United Church Parsonage, Bow- WORK WANTED - MAR R IEU hlis peEs thank offcring md cookiflg on Saturday a! ter- "A1 inCnda"b v Tabb. anieoStuday, April 131h, couple want job on farm, both ex- meetng tday Thursday). at 4 p.M. noon and took in $1101. They are «i I B. BAr,1John Henry Gibson and Eva Drawer B, Bowmanville. 15-1V meetin todaygI ~ 135,lbyrev. E. f Amroor. perned. -ivAin.APL L. J." corvalesCing at home since lier OP- Lake Seugog when they go camingiplfl i ertosin hospital early in winter, in the summer. Par from havifiE TNVLE i Mri Frel oho rn. WATD-ACPBEHUE attended morniflg service in the Un- any kick local grocers and pasir y NEAL-POLLARD -At Trinity Un- keeper for a f amily o! three child- ited Church on Palm Sunday. dealers are pleased to help and pat- Mr mrie Walkey has been ill ited Church parsoflage, Bowman- ren and one adult. Must be ac- Mrs. A. W. McEvoy and daughter, ronize the girls for they seli themnaaý il.o audy pi 3 95 utmdt amwr.Sae Ms ee,-ýhhaebeen sedigfiour-, sugar, y- again.sit fav by Rev. E. F. Armstrong, B. A.,' wages expected. Phone: Clarke Miss Heen. whohave senl~~ng5~ortenflg gosit,-ia Mr. D. Denauli made a businessfClreTWhP 2-2. oadAliecate the w nter in New York , returned oring a nid other things w hich goi p to W indsor. Th mA N TEDf l rk ow s ip 2 -22 G Iowr d L liO V eat e T .- - * ** ho e ogud y isB cn oh oa v rey o o dt ig o e M. n M s. Sam y Mco rl middle-angeuril Aoman forardgeneral-1 has also returnied f rom Toronito. The first Passion Week servic Mran s.Tcste Mrs. John Douglasan sier was held Monday eveflifg in charge Mr. and Mrs. Sam Smiith, Toronto, or*dl-gdwoa o eea Mr.Ed. Brittaifi, are spendinig the o! the Younig Peoples Lau.Teaea hi oehr.hueokadpancoi week in Toronto to be with their f orm o! service was arranged by Ed- Mare at th e i omeh r. op, aDEATHS us eork and peltain dcoo i- niece. Miss Mabel Brownl and her win ancock. Meeting opened ith Miss knd io aElot PortHe. a able. Apply giving f ull particulars Ne LFEES S f ather, Mr. Robi.rwwohs ue ul n teoeig Ms Wanda McKay spent the t r.G ann,2 ls e p i g S i- is inhsdptal hApnîlislscthdey1935,eriGeorge Ween have Mia Lendearrangeorpofve..Torono.h1-2 rEast U if knitthosd sui suffered much w>th eye trouble and Thought rea yBl Rowland-, foi- eed~t is eaFro B I C K E L L - In Bowmaflville, on top v. oot.1- 1, -,emoryes a e h redT usd y AIi 8t ,19 5,G oreyou'iî be tastetully dressed for atri o c o s u is in hoMritaanaving his econd eye lowd bY prayersbyvBernice Gi-aLake Shore removed- ~~~~banikGarnet Rickard and Mafson .Bfil gd75yas ) pt-hemnt nt n St eresCuc e.F .Suý,HlaRwadra tr;Funeral from his late residence. o aecohsisi h e reoiAil oe.Pierne1 Maso, M.., BD., ecto. God Waton ead POE; an inavill. ar vistinghis f aher, Mr. King Street on Sunday, April 21, FrSl lt ut ntenwpeoiaigmds rc a St. Geoge'5 hrcl1h - Rev. F. H.in- uc ;tHi Loe vtasl;JmsNesbitt. mintio at11 , m; DvotonsandWinie ickrd e etopfic' Mr. Won. Cairns lias returtied to at 3.30 p. m. Interment Bowman- FOR SALE - FEED OATS AND $ 95 miainaEla. m: eottS nday Edwin Hancodk delivered th ee Toronto atrapeatvstwt il eeey Barley. Apply Clarence Woodley, $12 .50 - $14.95 - $ 17.95-$195 Address at 8 P. m. EatrSna.Meeting for April 22nd has Mren a!1r.aJ p.lel viit wih ile Cete.onFiaArl Toe.Pne3D5 2f April 2lst: 8 and 1ilEa. m.-Holly canceliedi. Maple Grove League wilî Mr. aaMrs . J.CeclRnon. BEEL-if lareohn Frinay pil T yrn.hoe 2 .-t Communion: 2 D. in. Chbden our guess Monda, April 29h.s afl 1 re oI agi er:. " i ent tOrono Cemetery. F gOd ruEn-FORg ore .A 1p 26,t Sevc;7 p. n.-Eveflsong. he off er o! Mrs. S. Milton Lon- a!dters. thnaeotagi'y ni odrunn re.Apy o N w S rn o conratlatonsto n. ennT'alla"gottgeNewaste-oeir recefit llness. Mr. Cecil LOBB-Ifl Mariposa, on Saturday, "O. M.' Statesmani Office. 16-1* eheLek,îng dnatoa r'11t be o»' b delighted with the new showiflg OfTwe un Neal. son o! Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Neal, "h0 akt dnt apie 1ob Walkey is also lmproving. April 13t.h, 1935, William Parmen- Teda No. 9 S. S..andâ bride. formierly Miss ai h otcltualS c1 he United Church Sunday as Lobb, aged 57 years. Son o! FOR SALE-PURE MAPLE SYRUP ebon Mu. nl s br Pollard, seod Nuhe ieîy's summer !lower show, for 'y a splendid temperafice discounse by H-aydlon. P. O. Pnice $12.00 per case o! six adndsletesifyurebiganwco, ae n M imarsAie ir.neBw- bs okgre n h omfiy nLewiSToronto. M.W.READ-In Oshawa, Apnil l2th, 1935. gallons, delivered. 14-4* pay you to compare these for style, material and Pr"cs on l 13h ia b e r eve wth ethu siasm. Cirns sangi a solo. Carne Etia Moody, beîoved wife S L--l before you buy. Priced f roui Kennetli is employed at the f orestrl7o e decided ati. s Apnil meeting League Tuesday night ws i o! Mn. Barnard Read, aged 66 brR SAE p LatUBushes... of e aa georhe Mso a y o vOronor p a ts t rd us e . R .M . fam rn.to imake 1935 Rock Garden Year' ichage o! te Missinar covener, yeans. Mothen o! Mrs. Harold Jamieson, King St. W., Bowmafl- th oadBne;snpueraig aelrBwaîil.vlt hn 1.1- Lean, B. A., Pasior. Good Fiday. lmemb erhs ear will be ~PlantUntdCud e. .McanNwatl.Tesoa o Ronald Burley, duet. Florence Bur- MARRIOT - Pnonnro319ntar6o4 April 19th. 8 p. m.-Dev'otional Ser-Rck ade' Mrs. Percy Hare ley and Jean Campbell; vioinsl onSdaAil1h,93,Cr POTATOES FOR SALE - IRP.IS IH vic. ed y he asor Suda, A- resdetandMis L Tniihecon Roaldi Buley; an inieret- rie Maniott. xif e o! the laie Cobblers, good dlean stock. Price vice s. e b sier P arl. a.unda 'A- Dresident ai ond is .th e M nii ai i g ak by Rev. Thos. W allace. Thomas Marnioti, in hen 88ih year. reasonable. Apply A thur Ives, Monn orhp .3 .m-Sn 1Coni o nk ppiainÀo h Sister o! M. J. B. Matyn, Bow- Dk St. Bowmanville. Phone N e p i g D rs s BroW Ii ee i p m.- veung er-, Herelgrat.aounelwetehave. manile. evreiln à 2 13 4*Yaselectioli. Y eFItiI. F vice: Special Easierer rmnsan gan. oud l Clboted $35. an w >es chifon,_____a srn n an was i H o a o nd vc rs- 9 5 a 15 4 th A e u e t, td s to ie a d anlx t n !crepes novelty crepes, Printed crepe.chfaiS hrf e 19 music at both services._ meonTed5 pi t.Me-H MTNDR-nTusa Mrh2h,-FU PLEEEC R e v e A . W . G r a h a m i w a s s f c -1 95me t o n5 4 t h A vees d a yt t mAp r i ls . Of9o u r e , hM __________________ Vaouver, John Dark, formerly month; price reasoae;onrpifgtysan ehvapictoityupre.r01 ienY ecverd nm theeweksdent Miss Perin.Pogacosi- Miss Mary Niddery has returned 10o! Wcklo0 faiher o! Mrs. Beat- moig.ApyD. hiakr Council meeting on Monday even- cd o! a readilg byMCobainj Graelrt rice M. Goard, Vancouver Mrs. 1 Miss Boylan's house. Centre St.5 u ig, April !Bth. H-is brother. M. Stan seectiofs by Mr. A. B. 1anwnng iss Jean Hiogarh spent the week- Rose M. Russell, Montreal. and 1-*$ qÇ pU Gaa.and f ather, Mn. Fred Gra- e solos edby JCakBelM ýda oe Hector J. and T. A. Dark, Tor- ham wee aso n trn ake don tombn . Hald l; vo isecMaoneln Eit1aso onto. Interred at Port Hope. FOR SALE - GLADIOLI BULBS, sa, w r l o i u n i k n d n t ol o n eMi s ls W in n i r d iH a ro d , a c - M. n sd a r s . W . W . E d iHo r f i z r s T iupsa d B raooe by the flu and comrpelled 10 subiiit accompanied bý r.feI:vclvisiidi Oshawa. ftesTimhadBako1 10 a peiod o! inactivity . co Ma is ned b- ckBll* dt by rs.W.W. or spent Day. Price right. Also vaiegat- i lL u I v d r la No definite plans were made for co p nedb r - el d e M . S unday in Toronto. cd Canna roots (stantedi. F. Rer- J I R L I the local celebration o! the King's Mainwaing with banjo and M n. ýýand Mrs. Ellis PasCOe. Brook- IN M EM ORIAM --.i, mon, 4 Calse Ave. Bowm n- C u h h s o r e m Silven Jubilee on Monday. May 6th. lini w tomone: Miss Perguson lin, iied Mns. Amie Colwill. vle 52 ai the public meeting called by t eada iersi Jadhlfu a r.and Mrs. E. Staples visited ai SCOTT-Love's token o! nemem- FRSL-I OMDBIK Poe14LMTDB'USll Municipal Council to consider the per entitled 'God in Nature":Mn. M. .Hanniso i's Ennskillen. brance to our dean faihen andFO AE-IROMDBIPhn10LMTD» mattr OnFriday evening. Thene Charlie Alldned gave an interesting Mn. Sam Jacks Is in Bowmanîville mother, James Scott and Eliza- Rous-e on the corner o! Concess- wene very few o! the citizens in at-I account o! his recelit trp 10 Sask- Hospital receiing medical cane. ietnOrandoi.Ceone!reusai he loos, aiade cnvninies tendance, hardly enough to decide atchewan. The club members were Mn. and Mrs. R .Burns and sons, Eath r crt of 919 an 1922,A pnh fo rsil uble garagene. W ro , _ __ -----------_ _ __ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ ___ ---very glad to see Charlie againafe Janetville, visited aI Mn. S. Kensey's. dubletaande AppnilW151h.k a- month's absence. Mrs. Clatwonttiy and Miss Ruby 1tadArl8h.QenSetPoe14,B- W LL AP R-------- Catoth wrfunLite rial. manville. 13-tf. ClmDySevcsatwoig rth w e n Litil QINN-Ifl loving mrnory o! a dean ________________ Pal Sndy erice i te n-Mrs. K. Cavely and childrefl, Ton- wif e and mie,~ ile in SEED FOR SALE - IRISH COB- " l A itd ChnchWre eli ttened.In onto. are w-ith hen parents. Mn. and who passed aa pi Oh 98 InPttegonfnmPl a t r a~ V aS I A ite hrhwr elatne.The world may change f om yean erifeWsedtsonertw-nW the norning Rev. S. MacLean spoke M s. C. Souch. who are tll quite c year, ed ar e d leant e ai B.T.S ol s t r N specially to the chiliren as usual ill. t er dbrer lae tBTS;as N and gave ihem a lovely Palm Sun- There was a good attendance at But n rUcone we toeda othy ay. W. S.graiapdleo.Trone.A - D day message. aking as his texi '-And 1 the brotherhomod banquet lere. EV- Btnvrwl h n elvd oh a.W .Sals yoe PCA RCE D ewent forth cnurnand toieryonie enjoyed the splendid pro- Fùmm Hur saad hoeFamily1.1 BEA conquen," Rev. 6:2. Later he preach- grain provided. See the report on HELP YURSEL TOnHALTH BREA p ed his final pne-Easten sermon on page 1._ _ FEPY REL OHAT--ESETI tpouaiysilsrt MrseAventh I s aled toW igwam Indian Style Henb Tea is E S E T D t s tpu a iY i nc e s A the cs. - Paofihrit' o tyds oroiooiig1 h eloslesnaiure's wonderful remedy for SUNDAE by ts sedl nra5n A t hecrs.Fahr notyhnsTrnoigtthe eiu liesNtc ounsatoB ldderand iney Bi-number o! users. i commnend my spirit," St. Luke 23: o! hier son Ross who is in Toronto oseBldrEa I 4epes6ekcnic General opia-li h1mna HARDWOOD FLO O RS - B.iW Troubles, Indigestion. etc. Scnd Il çhih lie resen ed con inc- 1 HoForalGwid pFrldniy andd Eanet W ing a gun ts and adduced p o fs lad 10 report le is slow ly m prov- H aynes, floo n expert. New f0.1 s c st niP for ree samp e. ami hOwýhataltoug th boý o in. Ms Mtcaf las eenstaying laid and finishedi complete. Old son R. Johns, 229 College Street,.odFia n a N man retuns 10 dust and the lesh with her f aher. Mn. Trenouth. floors nef inished by elecie sand- TooF.Ot ESE AD oT RSSBN Fnie o.1Piday_ night. Rev. W. Rackham mechanics and guananteed. Phone TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN- HO elcTel pcedRn oO NEW SU W ORTH ANpenishes, e pin M . ad ensn rai Yohage oplte's m etig a s n hed 4er. Ailaw or d nc b e pet-3-.B atn c n ee tm y b O R S o eiaeY s ie ,i o Inth veig rTMcea eaTooEhag o hepogaAI he 41.Ohaa possible to buy cheaper seed. but BETTy BROWN ___________ the story o! Christs triiumphaft en- tabsnce o! the vice president. He Dz 0 lZe o 50 perSinge Roi Iny into Jenusalem, Mati. 21:1-16. read the scripture lessoil and gave 12cto50epe Sngl BJI The choir sang. Behold Thy King. a paper on Missions. Piano solo 'was Noast Ceio s uroes heyanfinot baydbctls- PREPARED wi n .C. Hoan. M. WilbuT given by Nora Honi and the topcNoiet rdtr oeshycan b etrCOOLTSre tSoeorfo, Saves Baskerviile, M .in.~ ad a nsne b .Wt.l the Estate of Nancy B. Wotton, ment o! f ield and garden seed in25et$.0bo lae ime, labor and money Mns. C. R Carveth each taking solo - fteTwSI fDrigo,~ soknw 52 15CeIb. - 5 lbs. 70c parts, and a trio, Messrs. Stanley o the onshipof tDurbli, ow, tokno .152 SaturdaY Special FLO-GLAZE AND Rickard and IWlbur Baskenville and "FROM VANCOUVER TO VUKON" dece lb.ForCSaleEorCRen eau freshen and beautlfy MeBreath o! Lif e. 1N C2BC (Conilnued cefroni page 1) j 1the estate o! Nancy B. WottoIi. de- under grass. Apply 10 Oliver Mc- yourhom au funisinneato! the most amazing things ccased, who dled on on about the 1 Culloch, R. R. 2, Oshawa, or on grdepant. YRNEj about West Taku Am were the flow- 24ih day o! Februai, 1935, are flot-1 the premises. Lot 33, Con. 8 Dan- I T ~u ,*lens gnowing luxuiantly, the sweet i!ied 10 send t the undersigned Ex- llngton. 16-2' J,.W .JVO ll Mn. Fred Mooe, Providence, Sun- peas. 10 feet in height, dahlias, ver- ecutor, The Trusts and Guanfiee i BOOKS & STATION ERV dayed at Mn. Russl Vîtue' '9 benas. peonies and countless othen Company Lliited, Toroto, or 10 FOR SALE OR ENT-150 ACRE V is n sB ak ery PAINTS & WALLPAPER ' Messrs. H-ary and Frank Hather- blons en,10 hetuii wn h ndrgfed MW. R. Stnike. ils fanm, 70 acres plowed. balance W t o e CHINA GLASSly. Diie, sent Suday athome. entained in a chanmiflg mariner. Solicitor. on on before the Finst day hay. Good house and buildings. o»FU xiume. spenday I M. Te tnip 10 Alaska impresses onc, i n- o! May, 1935, their names and ad- Possession ai once. Apply Clan- i'en 0 ume atdddMnl. ibîy with the achievemfefits hich dresses and full Panticulars o! their ence Woodley, Tynone. Phone LUNHRO HN i SapeS al o hoSeoldfu hae benmae i te sor lme aisand the nature o! hie sec- 320r5. 12-tf I_________________________________ on -- edne----da---- w Cboug.Mn. and Mrs. Wesley $20 Gold Plece 27.00 street i thevillge o! Tynone o tstraweries and ganeen uc. o b n . a i Rees. r llf, M 5 c el o- $0 G l ic 1.0 whlch are erected a 5- om frame inimediate possession.OURG.ofD.e Con- J n o i g e ul a m M . ME i. B ob - t~$ l o G o ld P le ce $ 6.5 0 h o u se w ith asp h a ît sh in g le s. a b a rn a n t K . C ., Oshawa. - 3 C B O U. Om .c is o p R A Y o f a c aenMn and Mns . E Brooks and Gold Sov ee$ S6.5 and garage, all i good condition; NO ICE 0F SAL G r t in ch r e S o nn M s esi ro k n Jewellry, Gold Teeth, etc. side o! Main Street in the village o! Brooks is impnovlng nlcely. PROVINCIAL REFINERIES Sale aI 1.30 p. m. Ternis cash, ex- There will be an auction sale o! N0TEWh!Oaaipoibeknlmû petfelt-- PholeS53Mn. anaMnviFlLleym ndDet 5 cept on real estate. Ross A. Pooley, household f unitune. etc., held I for eamlflatlon&s fainily accompanled by Mns. Clara 361 Vosige St. Toronto Clerk; W. J. Challis, Auctioneer. Hamptoni. We.lch for listiIn next Byam and M. Earl Byam, Bowmat- 1-*we' su.1-

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