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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Apr 1935, p. 5

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THE CARADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. APRIL l8th, 1935 PAGE FIVE Christ promised to be with His peo- S na colple always a pomsetatHei be impossible for Him to fulf il un- Lessonless as the living Christ He could Lessonhave fellowship with His followers. Surprise and Doubt, 8-12 J THE FUTURE LIFE It is a chilling experience to have (Easter Lesson> good news to tell which is flot be- lieved by those who hear it. The Sunday, April 21 disciples were incredulous when the women brought news of the resur- Golden Text: "I arn the resurrec- rection of Jesus. It was contrary Wo tion. and the life: he that believeth their hopes. and it appeared con- in me, though hie were dead, yet trary to commonsense. The words shal1 he live."-John il1:25. were as idle tales. and the disciples Lesson Passage: Luke 24: 1-12; frankly disbelieved them. Let us John 14: 1-6. think of the eleven disciples as a jury. Usually a jury is chosen hav- Does flot beaven begmn that day ing no0 preconceived opinions upon When the eager heart can say. the matter inl question. but the dis- SUrely God is in1 this place, ciples instead of being predisposed I have seen Him face to face Wo believe in the resurrection. were In the loveliness of flowers, predisposed to lose heart and yield In the service of the showers, I to despair because they tbougbt And His voice bas talked to me that the crucifixion had forever In the sunlit apple tree? ended the ministry of Christ. These -Bliss Carman. disciples were plain. practical, bard- The ornig Hor, iheaded men f rom whom we might The ornig Hor, i expect to get a commonsense ans- It was early in the morning when wer as to matters of fact. They the women viitors Wo the sepulchre soon became evangeliSts Droclaiming received the f irst hint of the resur- the resurrection. They felt the spir- rection. It is difficuit not Wo be- itual presence of Christ which we al lieve in immortality early in the may feel. The Easter faith is flot a morning. When one views a glor- matter of ideas s0 much as of ex- ious sunrise. nothing seems to be perience. too good to be true. In the marn- ing there is the sense of beginning The Many Homes, 14:-1-3 a new day - each day is a little life. We form our opinion about what and it seems quite natural to think people mean almost as much by that a new life may begin after what they do not say as by what death as well as a new days after they say. Silence gives more than nigbt. It is in the morning also consent. it main lyring conviction. that our spirits are most responsive Christ said that if God did not have to suggestion f rom the Spirit of a place prepared for His people. He God. Frequently our clearest in- would have told His disciples frank- tuitions are received shortly after lb'. He was too truthful to deceive awaking. There is sound psychol- themn about a matter of such major ogy in the practice of having quiet importance. He might have wond- times early in the morning. listen- ered whetber it would be worth1 ing to G3od. In such hours there is while Wo work for people as He did a quality of spiritual lif that gives to give themn a spiritual life only for one a foretaste of what is meant by thirty or forty years. He was f asb- eternail ife. The soul is vibrant ioning personalities destined to live through fellowship with God. and on and on. He was beginning ai man feels that he has a body but process of education that could be is a soul. begun in life. and that could not be Something Had Happened 2-7 I completed or perfected in the brief Belef n te rsurecton f Jsu'suan of himan years. This faith in1 Belef n he esrretio o JeusGod and in humanity f rees us frorn bas not been engineered or manu- worry and fear. If we can really factured. The disciples did flot ex- get Chri-t.'s point of view, and think pect it, and the wornen who came of ourselves as starting bere. and to embalrn the body of Jesus had develoninz to a bigher quality of no tbought of it. The fact of the eternal life. the process of discipline empty tomb bad to be explained. bAcornes verv reasonable indeed. The only explanation that satisfied When we find Christ right about so was that the spirit of Christ had rnany things. we are the more ready been tao strong to be holden of to trust Hlm when He affirms a death. We. in like manner, have to confident belief in a future life. get some explanation adequate for the facts. Instead of the crucifix- The Living Way, 4-6 ion of Christ putting an end to His Faith in a future lufe depends up- work. His fullest spiritual power was on our faith in God. If we believe neyer released until after Calvary. that the power back of the universe That power bas endured and spread is a heartless. blind force, then we in a way that is not to be explained may say farewell to a hope of exist- by the mere rnemory of a dead Gal- ence after death. If. however, we lean preacher. Hymns express the can believe with Christ that this basic Christian faith-"Up f rom the power working in the universe is grave be arose." "Christ the Lord is friendly. wlse< and benevolent as a risen. to-day." "Blessing and honor, father. then we may dare ta hope and glory and praise." "Look ye confidently that our spirits are prec- saints the sight is glorious". "Light icus in Hiý sight. that we wihl bea- of the world! forever, ever shining."- lowed to finish the development up- RECENT PORTRAITS 0F NEW GOVERNOR-GENERAL AND LADY B owma nile Hosp. Receives Bequest ln WiII of Late Miss Jennie McNeiI Bowrnanville Hospital Board bas received noti.fication of the bequest of the late Miss Jennie McNeil of Clarke Township, who in ber last wihl and testament bequested pro- perty interests to the value 0f about $3500 to Bowxnanville Hospital for endowment purposes. The bequest consists of a mortgage ,an agreement of sale and other residue of the es- tate. None of this, bowever, is act- ual cash. The Hospital Board, wblch is most appreciative of the tbougbtfulnes of Miss McNeil as demonstrated by ber will. plans to use the endovrnent for the upkeep of the Wornen's Ward at the hospita]. This ward *Ill in future be known as the Jennie Mc- Neil Ward. In bringing this bequest totha- TRINITY W. A. HELD ,-m I SUCCESSFUL MEETING Rev. W. G. Blake Gave Large Gathering an Appropriate Easter Message Trinity Women's Association met - ~ ~ ---in the Scbool room Tuesday after- Here are most recent portraits of f ayette Ltd. 0f London. En gland. governor - general - elect and Mrs. no0011with an attendance of 67. Canada's new governor - g e n e r a 1,M n&Ms uca1iî ae 1I 1~nhv tre~n n Mrs. C. J. Smalt led in devotional John Buchan. and Mrs. Buchan, re- eiec at Rideau Hall this aut- daughter. exercises wlth Mrs. Colt at the produced tbrough courtesty of La-! m. red n10,th e piano. Mrs. F. Jackman read tht umn. Maried ri 907.thenewEaster story after which Mrs. Smale led in prayer. Tht President. Mrs. on whch ths onl give us a op-Sparfng Mision and sxophne dT.. W.AlCarwanr . t.ookkcharge ch anedabusi-i pornit hihthistoar iet s no-SalngMsinBn.sxpoe de. yAbr n ness was disposed of. Mrs. R. R. Ri- prutytstr.How may we Leslie Darcb; Happy Easter chorus. hrsndlgtdalwt w oa know Gad in sucb a way that this Presented Fine Concert by the Band; vialin duet, Paul and rsoHndeighted ail wihtw vca immortal hope will become a f irm Kelvin Symons; piano duet, George Rv .G lkriitro t f aith? There l5 1no btter way than - Morris and Ewart Bragg; Exercises Re.WG.BaemistrfS. just to try to reahize the consciaus Tht splendid concert by the Sparl- of the Bulbs, tht Band; vocal solo, Andrew's Church, gave a very ap- presence af God as Jesus did. He ing Mission Band of Trinity Churcb, Ewart Bragg; guitar chorus, boys of Ipropriate Easter message in wbich lived every moment seeking the in the School Roorn an Friday nigbt the Band; and a closing orchestra he pictured three scenes in the life Fatber's vi!1&nd êfljoying the Fath- trce areadnewic a ubr f Peter: (1) Early in morning in er's presence. He bas taught us how thoroughly delighted with the pro- The members of the Boys' Orches- Palace 0f High Priest; Peter among- to live in this way whereby we ma y gram presented under the direction tra under the direction of Mr. Sut- s h nm ihla n rml have a first-hand experience 0f God. 0f Mrs. A. L. Smale and Mrs. B. E. top were. vioins-Kelvin Symons, ing, denies that hie even knew the Nature, science. literature, aIl tell us! Inglham. Oeo. Underhil. Bill Green, Howard Lord. (2.) On the Shore of Gal- somEthing about the working of the 1 The program apened with an or- Condon, Paul Syrnons. Ernest Ward, blee with the disciples, Jesus asking laws of God, but Christ had the chestra number by the Boys' Or- Owen Fagan, Dennis Fagan. Conrne In a"on n ie.<. secret of trust in God as a father chestra trained and conducted by Fagan. Walter Hall, Alfred Allin,j Court Room in Palace of High Priest and of unreserved surrender 0f aur Mr Francis Sutton. George Ingharn Leslie Pbilips, Leslie Darch. Gorgean inte renc0faddin human lives to do His divine will. gave the recitation of Welcorne and Belîman, and Donald Anderson. cor-IHere Peter betrays no trace of fear This is the secret which, when wt Rev. A W. Bunner who acted as nets-Bert Johnston, George Mvorris, but declares be must obty God ra- discover and live it, enables us tri chairman made a few remarks laud- saxapbone-Albert Darch, piano>- ther than mani. say from experlence. that Christ is ing the fine work that was being Donald Carneron. Meeting closedi witb an instrumnen-, tht way, tht truth and the life. accarnplisbed by this Mission Band. Tht chairman expressed apprec- tai solo phayed wth beautiful ex- We corne ta God through Christ iation te ah who bad taken part on pression by Miss Evlyn Oke. and when we know God we have .The following prograrn was then the programi and to tht audience, spiritual life within us that is too gven:- vocal solo, Irvine Brown; wbich bad turned out to show its strong to be overcome by death. violin dueL, George Underhill and interest and help in tht work of Internally and Externally it is Donald Anderson; chorus by the the Mission Band. Good.-The crowning proptrty of Questions For Discussion Boys Band: Exercise af Lillies, Ger- 1 r hms ceti ui hti 1. Do you really wish to live alod Wolfraim. Bobby Rogers, Keith' D.Toa'ElcrcOli hti after death? Wýood. Carl Bot and Jack Sarnis: Wise mothers who know the vir- can be used internally for many piano solo, Bobby Purdy: violin dueL. tues of Mother Graves' Worm Ex- complaints as well as externally. 2. At which period of life are George Belîrnan and Ernest Ward; erminator alw-ays have it at band, For sort throat. croup, whooping we most aive?1 Exercise of tht Bunnies, Alan Strike. because it proves its valut. cough, pains in tht chest, colic and 3. How is Christ "tht resurrect- Mac Ingham, George Roberts: piano Douglas' Egyptian Liniment is mýany kindred ailments it bas quai- ion and tht life"? solo. Henry Wightrnan; vocal trio, without a rival. Stops bheedig n ities that are unsurpassed. A bat- 4. Some great scientists have Murray Woods, Gerald Purdy and stanthy. Cauterizes wounds andp- tht of it costs littît and there 15 1no bteen spiritualists. WhY? 1G eo r ge Roberts, v i a i n and vents blood roisoning.! loss in always having it at hand. tention of the public, the Board is hopeful that others will set fit to remember tht institution in their wills. Unfortunately tht hospital operates at an annual deficit, but witb the acquisition of many more beciuests of this nature, the hospital could become self supporting on the hospital fees cbarged. The Board is busy planning for the nurses' graduation exercises which will be held about the middle of May. Elsewhere an appeal is madle on bebaif of tht Hospital Dollar Days Campaign. This proved quit success- fui last year. Hospital Day is May 12th. and it is boped by that time that every citizen wbo ta able willl contribute one dollar to this fund. Your Eyes By C. H. Tuck, Opt. Eyeslght Speclallst EYESTRAIN AT DIFFERENT AGES Part (8) I have frequently heard iL said that after 50 years of age tht factor 0f accommodation Is trnimportant. This is untrue. but was based upon an oId theory se old as te be to-day rehegated te tht dîscard. When we consider every tyeteW be a law unto itself we find by exarn- in.atlan that people 0f tht age of 90 have in saint cases tyts with an accommodative value and certainlY rnany at tht ages f rom 60 years and over. If this was entirely dis- regarded and certain tyts ta perý sist under strain because of a mis- taken or rnisspoken tbeory tht re- sults cauld De crirninal in the results 0f progressive cataract that mlght have been beld in check had tht strain been relieved. When accommodation becomes lowered through advancing age it la aise possible for distant vision otberwisçe good ta become a cause of trouble because tht accommodation otberwise in re-cerve bting used Up to look after this error in distance. Se age plays a part ini life and in visual 11f e ta rernind us to conserve energy Wt 110W find slawhy fading away. TrRA V£wELF ÀA BitlION ( imm- THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVI=, THURSDAY. APRIL 18th, 1935 PAGE prvn

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